RTGame Archive: Hearthstone [PART 2]

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[Music] [Music] hey folks hey can you hear me all right hang on just one minute got notifications up yeah win the game hey folks how's it going can you hear me okay sounds good cool how are you all doing I'm actually on time I want to make sure this dream was working a minute or two in advance how's it going though folks you're very welcome this dream will just give people a chance to hop on it you're early I'm ins look I'm as surprised as you are I don't know what happens send help I saw the Godzilla trader hasn't had holy balls it is awesome I didn't know they were making another Godzilla film I thought they came out like 30 years ago okay a lot sequel must have taken a while I'm just joy that says I'm gonna snipe you hello - that person - it's lovely to have you here playing solo content today so good luck if you want this night me might be going into tricky here we'll just give people a moment or two and then we'll get going what's up this is a sponsored stream today - Blizzard is caught wind that we do with the old trading cards and we talking about that in a moment - we're playing like something new it's just been added to the game I consider it and like I've done like 60 hearthstone videos in the channel back in the day that's kind of surreal to actually be a blizzard for this glad to be here don't crash we should be a pretty ok I've got some other things on the stream tonight - it will get into once we dive on in I'm just waiting a minute or two so we can get everything in hey or is he how's it going IT is gonna miscount something what do you mean Cayden thanks 400 bits here - you're my favorite streamer thank you very much man we've got an extension yeah we do a hearthstone deck tracker I've set it up for today's stream it should make life a bit easier when we get into the game I suppose we'll get started people are people are us just still making their way over that's okay so this stream this stream is actually sponsored by Blizzard and it is for the newest thing live at the hearthstone dollar on heist this is a new solo adventure that they've added in the vein of like similar solo ventures I've done in the past but like they've just a lot more content in this one basically this is the tie-in with latest expansion set rise of Shadows it is part of like an ongoing year of expansion content I guess they're doing and new sets they have like a unified story for all of the cards that's releasing this year and this is gonna start by apparently steel in the city of Daryl Aram so oK we've got 75 unique bosses to fight 27 unique hero powers a kind of place similar to some of the other game modes that you might have seen like which would before where you build a deck and you get like buckets of carrots to choose from I believe well I understand but we'll go gonna be ripping on into it so again thanks to Blizzard for actually sponsoring this you know it's actually pretty cool because back in the day and I mean like way way back in the day I did all of these on the You Tube channel you can actually find like really old videos of them like I think starting with like Blackrock Mountain and next ramus never mean Stewart doing that like a year would have even been I wanna say like 2012 2013 or like really long ago but yes I was actually kind of cool to have them sponsoring the stream so thank you very much blizzard if you're interested in checking out for yourself exclamation point heist in the chat and you will be able to get a bit more info I got to put up this little disclaimer to whenever we talk about this each hour so there you go just so people know you can tie back to mesh point heist I believe the first chapter for the adventure is free - they're gonna be doing five wings and they'll be rolling out over the next file again thanks blizzard appreciate we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be taking your guys advice for building decks and that means it's not gonna go well because we're gonna try design bad stuff and let's just see how far we can get okay let's get on up for this Oh a little picture book reforms gone all out he's the guy trying to steal the city oh he must have worked on this and like home at class or something oh this is adorable okay break into the bank of dollar on to loot its most precious artifacts twist is coin filled coffers I don't know what that means yet anomaly mode this is currently Law Federation of a runaround with factors active on all chapters to unlock this mode okay so I think this is like we can't sue that just yet because it's still a rollin out its chapters on us enjoy let's do the bank homie is murlocs what we're gonna see what we can do I will try and do something silly as we go along courses and horribly I'm actually quite good at hearthstone I'll have you know commando Thank You 4,000 bits there as well parity thanks of you only you doing being you you brought countless hours entertainment good vibes even when massacres thank you very much I do what I can to make sure everyone dies it breaking the bank dollar and to lose most precious artifacts oh yeah earn tree packs were reaching the fifth boss in this chapter yep so for each wing you clear you get a few packs from the latest set it's pretty neat the constant franchise miscreants each added on strings okay for the moment we have to unlock chapter two to get some of the new characters so we have this fellow let's go on them it's all gonna be rolling out over the next couple of weeks and it's just I think we're just on week one that's okay let's go and we have to play it true to get this stuff to okay we have we have to work our way up for a fair bit of this summon elementals freeze minions we can change our hero power these are yeah infinitely better than what we have okay we gotta start somewhere yep uu we have to work our way up to everything here we have one deck so let's get just roll with this we'll start with this and then we'll get our buckets in we can unlock all this like defeating bosses is pretty straightforward okay okay look we just gotta make a withdrawal from the bank it's okay kill all these people roxeanne issue let's go I want to make sure as well this is work coming out okay on the stream there little deck tracker things you guys think you guys can see this bit here now yeah and you should be able to in a moment actually hover over the carrots I just want to make sure that's working this is the first time actually trying it it will just make life a little easier for working out what we've got we can see it cool but I mean like actually on the stream if you have the extension like you should be able to hover over this and it should tell you what it does like a handy little thing they have right so I just want to make sure it works yes okay it works cool so like for anyone who like is not overly familiar with hearthstone hopefully it makes your life a bit easier the objective is you just killed the other player you have a certain amount of mine on each turn you play minions you play spells it costs a certain amount of mana and then every turn you get a new mana crystal it refreshes what the future I know it's actually pretty cool give each player two coins swap the leftmost card in each player's hand with one in their tech that's a shame I actually kind of want that card but alright okay we're gonna just lose every good card we want cool our toggles freaking egging us on this entire time okay uh uh first fell across the tree or a lot I want to spell it cos one maybe I don't uh we got to buff it up with some just do our best can you move the cards in your hand no you can't so like this person's just gonna be swapping our hand out constantly yeah I mean it's kind of starting to work average we have some stuff we can actually use that isn't just it's just really unfortunate because we've had a turn to play and like then like a turn for play has also gone into our deck already the character we want to play each time keeps getting swapped oh no what do you do give all demons in your hand plus one course the banker has demons or if they do your evil the work in our bank [Music] just keep going just kill them as fast as possible I know those coins here they're just gonna keep swapping our carrots okay we've almost there let's play these before it just swaps them again ever made many well we go I would take that but it's gonna it's just gonna be swapped before I get to use it okay I think we've won we're good has a day our team a day it's pretty good thankfully the banker seems to be playing a bunch of stuff that lacks actual attack like they've played a portal they've had this chest the entire time and that's kind of it you might as well break it there we go she seems very upset that we killed her okay good start oh now we get to start adding artifacts you can use a hero power twice each turn across well unless at the start of the game or some entry one boombots enemy means cost one more I mean that just seems ridiculous this gives us more bombs let's just take that is what I mean when we get to actually pick the cards we now get to start planning my card deck from the start and base this is similar to have some of the other adventures work but you know there's a lot more going on here because you get to pick different start index different hero powers and the like of these the worst possible option is probably Lunas pocket galaxy because we can pick the callous egos but that's actually good we want to make this as difficult as possible for ourselves so I think we go big or we go home the Molly goes that yeah let's just go big we're going big who needs like a curve in your deck cards you can play in the early game we just got the last 50 turns and then we win will fatigue every opponents you shouldn't be saying what's good no one will pick that the thing is I kind of know what's good myself because I've played this game a lot so I want to make this as challenging as I can [Music] wait why are you healing six are you healing six pop you away a moment is that passive no check now well this is a great hand yeah we get the boom box all healing is doubled oh okay right that makes more sense one of your minions is attacked so I'm gonna copy of it that can give us more bumps let's go hey oh thank you for the five gift subs that's very kind thank you very much oh god that's gonna oh wait no that's that's what store hell from me that's actually gonna restore yeah ten that's an excessive amount fine to want to break this now I can do a bunch of funky stuff there we go just go face now one of the coins this turn your healing effects you'll damage and step well thank God they didn't use that on our face I could have been really bad wait they could have actually won that turn if they if they did that on face attack a boom bar and the boom BOTS killed that they would have just won Oh No okay well we got to be somewhat careful because they're already threatening lethal unturned to her character whose heel gained +2 attack so I'm seeing a bit of a trend here we're gonna get another boom ball they attack that one that's okay oh great we have a can't even use that good just hit him in the face now if the boombots go off we might just win have we won we may need me to actually answer at least oh wait if the boombots go face come buddy come up no not quite okay all right there's one more chance come on buddy no the boom BOTS are not accomplishing much today oh I should have polymorph first and I could have tried it inside I would have get me better odds yeah we're just we're just trying to make it even more difficult for ourselves I can say that's intended that's fine it's still one never punish like we may like like so many misplace doesn't even matter we're too good against okay so we have technology and a bunch of mechs burn which is literally just fire and we also have a bunch of really expensive cards this I mean this curve is gonna be very lopsided if we take this but I think I think everyone wants me to take this already all right we need to get something to balance out the curve soon though because this is starting to get ugly we need some we just need to get Lunas pocket galaxy find a way to get it out early and then just win because we were starting to get in trouble now Casta rhinos fell that was cast as game targets chosen randomly that's really bad like for us oh look we have a sindragosa at her opening han this is our early game place because we've gone so heavy like so top-heavy on this deck I I need to keep this because I just need something just a WinRT what a good strategy goodness me I didn't consider that we our early game as these boombots to like turn seven that's a whole with you have there's nothing else here you need to balance our deck a bit I could sum it I I gotta get the sheep one because I at least like makes their play not as good okay I have something I can do okay we got to turn five now we have Lunas pocket galaxy and we win surely that's the game plan [Music] mom's got all his coins too I think he's gonna use this no he's not actually he wouldn't use that cuz I'll just give him a coin what make sense we believe in you thanks guys [Music] okay let's see what the bombs go better come on bombs come on bombs there we go they're starting to get a bit worried let's just slow them down our strategy is just turn five turn five Luna please don't be counterspell because that's gonna like trow our plans in jeopardy play this first oh thank you okay I just just play that just play whatever we can to slow them down externally Lunas pocket galaxy and we hopefully win by drawing all the big carrots look we slowed it down successfully so we did something right it's called strategy raft event thanks for 300 fits they say summon exodia and wind thank you very much okay oh no oh I did not consider this alright we're playing a risky game now oh yeah just just play more spells but you don't want to use your hero power yep yep just play more spells oh thank god okay yeah he hasn't realized he can do this no we didn't even draw so we can play with Lunas that's just different helpers I can't I mean this might be a bit excessive to launch a meteor no I I medium ash good okay just please do not use your hero power yeah play more spells play we're okay we're okay he's probably gonna play that spell on his hand now so the more spells he plays the more he did Lutz ish and that means he's less likely to get Lunas okay we finally got our first card we can actually play but now we probably need a spiteful summoner we need to get someone out faster God at least we know that the six cards in our deck work with Lunas look a seven minor four four is pretty good play alright everyone talked about back in the day you know four - seven seven but same thing he's diluting the pool alarm okay let's just play some minions well what have we got we're actually gonna need some more spells I think soon just get some fireballs and go face primordial glyph sure what a sick magic trick [Music] just don't get lunes we're okay I don't even know if he has any worthwhile minions in his deck II guess I imagine most of his deck is just spells to capitalize on this or no maybe not because you just playbook inspectors okay uh primordial cliff it okay all right that's fine he just had more spells to the pool we'll just take a second meet here sure and we'll just it's a bit excessive because it's just like a bunch of like one minor drops but let's just speed this up a little at this point if he gets Lunas it doesn't even matter that much because we've almost got him down he's just really trying to slow us down hey arty have you thought about just a witness I have been hearing that a lot lately and you know what I think that's what I'm gonna do another one down everyone in this Bank will die Oh God oh that's pretty good but we need some low-cost cards etern this is in your hand transform into a random treasure a tree random cards to your hand they cost zero oh god these are all pretty good which do we want do we want the muscle is actually pretty cool too we just get tree random cards they cost zero and there is like the box like what's it in the box ring is way better Krissi's oh no Frodo you can't let it control you do all we have to go and now it's a meme so now we have to take it god damn it that's unfortunate Oh No okay and Jesus I wonder which of these buckets we're gonna take this time we could have some nice low-cost carrots no no we can't you want to go where everybody knows your deck okay let's kill Bob modify your adventures like this run add or remove minions and more what the angry chicken friendly and cat was going on what is going on Jews an enemy minion add it to your adventure deck she was a friendly minion to remove it from your deck give a friendly minion plus two plus two of this trip to help me can I just steal his carrots like yolk I wanna rock the ropes I want that yeah sure let's iron out the low cost cards too we were friendly minion plus two they heard this story before does that just make that like a eight nine or ten ten from now on oh my god it does ok so there's actually like an item shop me to run where you get to change things and we took it one of his rocket neurosis Oh early game is looking real bad it's looking real bad twist the coffers okay dag cruel mice you never could come on when he's down unless you're tagged deal two damage to a damaged minion joke's on you all my minions are big I just need to get Lunas pocket galaxy and win I think I'll keep it if it's in my opening hand I have to survive to turn seven every game that's the only game plan make it the turn seven get Lunas pocket galaxy win please give me Lunas No oh this could be bad we get the boom box which gives us a bit of a chance can we get some other carrots that help us research project will actually let us get luminous faster let's take that soon isn't the last card in the deck don't save us oh no and he already took out our boom box oh we're in trouble [Music] okay what's this card Shiki ankle-biter ever seen this one obviously from the rumble actually maybe not I've never seen that card well we can't do much sure we just gotta wait for lunes lunes ah maybe we can get something that helps us not die as fast oh this is actually really good oh yeah that that really helps us not die as fast as we did the coins cool oh no do I have five cards in my hat no I'm good give space for one more is this after you play a minion deal one damage to it [Music] okay well let's just get rid of that keep the X the extra coin I don't think we need to we might need to if we want to keep something on the board yep just play what we can slow them down it's too soon to user a gross I know it's too simple well no we're gonna draw all like the legends before we get Lunas as well like that's the fear here's a water elemental I mean that kind of slows them down a little I'll have a plane externally maybe keeping the coins play one of your eights earlier was better maybe I was thinking if I get some early board game presents then I wouldn't die so fast but now we're in like eight drop city that we haven't got the luna still I have a very upset right now the one damage to a minion of surprise some of the slime okay calm down there buddy are it's already dead oh my god just annihilate at my element I have to meteor this just to stay alive a little longer okay but now we have we now we have the strategy and he played his big game hunter early it's perfect this is what we've waited for so now we play the rags we've managed to hold on sir is he oh my i think he's gonna trade why did he play that card we won't question it way to D they had enough damage you could have kept that card that lets someone the big dragon yeah I got plenty more like it but that's not a good Argos to damage to around a minute what have we got Jose Oh shadow close this is this is the new car they found it with the adventure I believe we're gonna be getting this a bit later um it's kinda nice [Music] I mean we can kill them but we got to go for style some on the cloak too because if you if you put this cloak in your deck normally like like you're gonna have a different deck that doesn't feature the cloak actually want to see what its animation is we'll get him what Riker so don't worry and we got we gotta use this those are some bold words it just makes like muffled arcane noises I guess I mean yeah I guess we don't really know what a cloak would say or sounds like so it's like I'll take it okay finish the job rag we did it we've only drawn Lunas once but somehow we've not been punished oh and the game is forcing us to take some Hurley hey the games just look at our attacks like listen listen buddy you need to play some cards sooner you can't go on like this it's taken out every expensive option I mean there's inspired inspired it's not that good we have some ice cards this one's actually good which means we're not gonna we're not gonna take it everyone's gonna want inspired the some people say to take cold snap instead okay so powered up is actually good so we can roll that one out no one wants me to take this set so as I mean we're gonna go inspired our cold snap which way are we linen cold snaps stalls it does actually stall which could help us survive longer okay more here we're saying cold snap all right yep all right we're gonna go cold snappin it's the first semi good bucket we've taken it's just not even that good because there's a better bucket there [Music] okay Gold elemental something's gone gone awry at the bottom of the wishing well made of coins whenever you take damage out of coin to your hand okay so we're getting closer to the final boss of the bank raggedy shoe oh my god we have some early game can we get a Lunas in the game just chuck me that one card I know maybe we'll actually get it by turn seven this time now we live in hope for that day the Lancers gonna keep trucking meteors at us I mean I can knows as well at this point as well pop plays a magic trick that's really dangerous because he's gonna get a bunch of coins that's also really dangerous dope I don't want to take the fries in poison but poison potion mill him let's get some burn goes we're gonna fill up his hand with coins know if I even attack him with though this is gonna give him tree coins do I even hit him I don't think I do let's get our freebie two coins here I don't think I do anything if I if I hit him then he's just gonna he's gonna have too many I can't even hear our power his face we'll get a coin for that we need to get Sylvanas down or something girl can be tired which spells a hero virus until you next time that's fine Betina guess he didn't want that coin okay all right no question oh gods okay he's gonna get a coin here no had more damage I could actually start milling him we'll try just fill his hand with coins soon and make it so that he can't do anything I'll cry give your opponent a coin good well why can someone Silvanus now okay boombots on each of the hit boombots I need you to hit him thank you okay let's start laying on the damage this guy he's gonna have like he's gonna start playing like - wings or something I think of all the money we've given him oh no instead he just opted for a single booty baby bodyguard cool this is a mistake alright let's go we're gonna mail come on fill this hand Phyllis hands oh we need it one more on that though that is oh that's a bit unfortunate well what I can do is I can still fill his hand we can get in some cheeky damage here to where he's not gonna get coins me he lost his blingtron he actually took something I hope now he's gonna summon god only knows what oh god he's pollen him oh wait why did he wait why didn't he play this first and then play the coins [Music] well I guess that's just bankers these days they've more money than sense that order he's mellowed himself like okay I guess all right sure yeah yeah that's that's a bold move let's just drop a meteor on that option here yeah well give them some more coins there we go mala man thanks for the ten could throw your cards at them it's super effective thank you very much well he wants to get whenever your punk-ass to spell out of coin to your hand this guy I think just built his jack buddy just like pushing any coin in the hearthstone and like card search and just picking every card he possibly could he doesn't even seem to want the coins though like he just keeps tossing some of them out by the coin last turn but he didn't do anything with it what's what's the game plan here oh yeah how you can have a freebie I'll have that coin shirt go on give me another coin to making it right there you go there's some more money oh yeah the old bankers have a tough these days here's some charity to make ends meet why is he okay wait he played that coin correctly i D played that second coin correctly but can he do with something with the manna yes but he's dead anyway I'll have some more money I think the money went to his head guys I just didn't understand that one that guy he he just wasted so many coins he could have drawn his entire deck or something maybe got a solution missed p.m. rich boy thanks to the tear tree what wondrous wisdom ball passive occasionally gives helpful advice what does that even mean and commence the others clearly do something but what is that mean these are both really replace your starting hero powered around them dead Knight 1 is a really good I got to see what this does we have to see what that means Oh God and which one which pile are we going for now I live in hope for cold snap as the bucket but I don't think people want me to take that and then we're gonna have to go legends again our deck is getting real top-heavy no guys I don't know how much longer we're gonna look out of this okay all right more ledges we need pocket galaxy oh thank god Bob is here to help can Bob give us a second pocket galaxy please give us something okay choosing any mini added to your venture deck augur dole master durian messenger raven biome answer durian could actually be really good cuz they're only how many rags and stuff we have who's a friendly minion it always starts in your hand look at four cells and your if we get pocket galaxy hang on oh okay that helps a lot that's really good okay that's a really good one and we can discover our letter legendary we can choose a friendly minion get it out of the deck this thing's cheap so take that out get rid of the cheapest thing we can we can discover a legendary or choose an enemy minions add it to our deck we can also choose something to always start in our hand I don't think we want any of these in our opening hat let's get a new legendary true heart is an interesting one anomalous general deal 8 damage all minions that could be handy considering we might have nothing up until turn a new deck has no forecast carrots gain a life steal and taunt I think we have a water elemental and never Lunas pocket galaxy crafted with Knights our hope it's wisdom ball is just chesh fade in thanks 400 bits I know you've got that John debt for soundtrack on your hard drive then your blood arty he gets the ohm easier and you know what to do yes you make me wake up 1 a.m. on weekends to catch your weekend streams you're killing me Artie oh thank you very much man hope you're enjoying the streams yeah we'll take Jessica here all right let's keep going see you later Bob I'm gone odd kind it were powers someone a random animal companion that is actually quite strong conjures up animals and insults and insulting animals - bob is such a nice guy III think for the Mulligan like we'd straight hope just search for Lunas pocket galaxy like nothing else matters [Music] give us Lunas pocket galaxy and we went please damnit oh we have the wisdom ball active but it's easy just gonna comment on something later he's got a secret already we'll take this down we'll get some coins so we get at least one early gameplay I assume I should summon this might be explosive Oh pop it down so we have something they lock and load but well what's going on here actually hang on as well they are the overlays acting up hang on has that always been there or that just show up this only that's supposed to be there handed my overlay mess up have you all guys always been seeing me what is this from but whose carrots are these [Music] it's wisdom I don't think it's wisdom I think it's my extension the deck tracker is tracking his deck I think uh how does that even happen [Music] it's his cards chose the possible secrets if the deck tracker is not supposed to do with that it's like basically cheating right now I I have to turn it off hey I shouldn't be able to see this has that always been there like the other two games I don't think it has I would have noticed that that's his deck tracker it's a secret cheat sheet nothing else okay so it's ruling out which secrets it is I I don't want that can I is it possible you take trackers gone rogue it's only secrets a good player were known at not cheating memory and handsome cheats I just I just shouldn't have this though I didn't expect to have this I I got I gotta fix this I think wait maybe we just triggered a secret no it's it's still there it's still there it's one of those secrets now card character with Artie is it the helpful advice I know it's not it's not the wisdom ball I don't think they'd have this I gotta find a way to turn yourself and I'm give me a moment search secret [Music] [Music] tooltips no secret like secrets to cry out why use that tracker in high style together turn it all off I mean it's kind of Handy from you guys I don't know how to turn that off we have to until his secret goes away it's just gonna be there if I dec tracker is gone rogue I should not have this information it didn't show up in universe the first the castrato and spell dude he cast a secret we caught Lunas hang on what was that gonna disappear now it's just this guy okay yeah it didn't show up before well we win the game now boys let's just play that FBI open up you tried to succeed with a pen and paper will be the same and I didn't show it before I guess they weren't they weren't secret weird it seems inconsistent how it's going go bomb bomb just didn't hit the thing we needed here too okay one man in you Sarah this is where he make the comeback he's gonna play a lock and load don't hit you Sarah like just say okay yeah so it's just gonna track his secrets jack trackers I have to get this guy in particular one man a water elemental it's all we can play because everyone knows this so expensive overlay sentence opponents hide secrets let me have a good look thank you thank you for pointing it out man appreciate that all right now we got to work it out ourselves is the chat still moving oh no my chat died no wait no we're good okay [Music] all right we'll carry on from here then I guess we're okay now I kind of want to get rid of this this is making the situation worse take that out okay spiteful summoner give me something good we're back to help what's this oh this is a great card to get you know cuz they're an imma make each let me let me just get all my mage weapons out it'll come in handy just just trade into this just don't mind going for my face please just thank you yep just reduce the amount of damage you have on the board it's hugely appreciated oh and - sindragosa oh no that's not even that good though because we need to play this stuff we need to get stuff down okay go rag you missed everything come on rag you got it you gotta do better than that oh no he's getting a lot of stuff on the board now - we have no board clears do we wait is that all he does what's the point can't care why oh I'm glad we took that well that's that's the best card in the game okay we got it we got to do something before we die um sindragosa someone as much stuff as we can and launch a meteor on that bear just like that bear down there we go we got the other bear down - we're doing good always got luck okay what we're alive and that's the main thing the wisdom balls already gone okay flame gazer um I can actually use nightmare here and that's that's properly quite good oh wait he does do something Oh God I what did he do when he says like Helaman makes you loose this is gonna be destroyed twice to attack with this one first as if it's freezin trap I kind of want it back that's really bad I could kill it though I get to flame elementals um I'm starting to go mad I think he's dope I think everything I play is being like cast twice now because how do I set a magic word okay well let's just pop him down oh that's bad [Music] okay so he does do stuff but we just have no control or say I wish I had a board starting to get real ugly no catcher what do I do with this many rings oh no okay boys let's just clear clear out the board a little bit and then guess what we're playing this turn and every turn for the first the game Khadgar why have you done this okay so I need to kill these things these need to die send him into it a snake will get tree copies of a letter to her opinion oh thanks Katie oh yeah he saved the flame elemental okay he's just doing his own thing oh hey a cat trick hey okay was in the clear boy we get another ring next turn oh no we're actually taking a lot of damage though I think I actually need to clear I need to clear out the board ever so slightly yeah because I I can't kill them this turn can I no I can't okay so we got to send in one of the an tinnitus we gotta send another we gotta play more of these Oh No assemblé there's no way he can win there's no way all of these are gonna start getting bigger no he's dead he's dead okay well thanks Kyra we did it easy game you just gotta have the magic ball of wisdom on your seat okay before we go any further - this is just this is just part of the sponsorship again and this is just something that request it on blizzards behalf it's just just because folks are hopping in the stream while they want me to mention on the hour that the stream is sponsored and so thank you again blizzard for sponsor in the stream and you know for endorsing whatever this is in the dollar on heist game-mode because I'm having a lot of fun you want to check out the adventure for yourself you type exclamation point heist you can get some more info there a link will take you to everything you need oh thank you very much blizzard you know you're supporting this I just have to ask though what's going on with Khadgar [Music] that's the real question [Music] yep thanks Blizz goes you know up there supporting us what's this hex Lord mile across I had a copy of your opening hand to your hand except this card okay so that's all you can't go infinite no that one's a mistake no cuz the cards are too expensive we can go big again we can go big or we can get some portals yep should we just go big again we can't zoom like that one's a terrible mistake go big go big only hat sounds that yes we're just we're just playing hair it sounds like we'll probably find true this a few times there's a experiment with different decks visio like there's definite replay value to this okay so whatever Estelle's at minion is summoned give it +1 attack okay so it's gonna be a pirate deck we still have no early game and we have to draw Lunas pocket galaxy or we lose like turn to I mean can't your might be able to do something for us to keep us alive no okay so all right we do have a messenger Raven though so this actually gives us something so this actually isn't bad we have a bit of early game the wisdom ball is active as well and look we have a curve this is properly good we can survive a lot God just as well he's playing out early I guess huh really want to play anything I'll get my coins I guess wait as well I don't want I didn't want to coin out of water on the mintage that would this guy oh he's he's totally just going to play literally every style card in the game isn't he yes yes he is okay right well this is gonna be fun get rid of that please hit this one thank you this has a chance to attack the wrong enemy so we should put play something that helps brief it I guess [Music] can't wait wait if I play that her coin does he cast it twice oh he doesn't know uh I was thinking I could I could be very cheeky I got Nexus champion Sarat it's still kind of good though let's develop the board a little faster thanks guy and he's attacking the wrong enemy which is my face I actually don't want that the random car do you hide from your opponent's class the problem is everything is still such let's go [Music] take them down bombs come on oh my god is exactly what I want it games out my side tonight what's going on dude you can't just do that that's just a strain of Jesus okay we get a second turn please we're just so just Jesus no oh my god is the best card in the game it's the best care in the game oh okay with that that's kind of worrying we need to talk as well it's perfect categories gather back and now we're gonna discount help I can't believe he's the best card in the game now he's just amazed oh my gosh I get the top wall up boys okay to deal two damage to a round of enemy and freeze it take that down this is so stupid it's amazing my board I think I've already won I've just won Khadgar just decided that we'd win the game there was just no contest there oh my god [Music] Hayden thanks for another hundred bits I'm living in a box he's my neighbor's Wi-Fi and electricity yeah the cat stop throwing you bits make it stop make it stop you're awesome keep up the good work thank you very much Peyton okay what if we got destroy all minions do it again start of your next turn twin spell twins fell twin spell deal tree damage to all enemy minions discover a quest reward so it's one of these two this is actually really working considering because we don't have any board clears it's a twin spell twin spell twins how does I actually work so I think I can cast it four times is it four times the quest reward is definitely we're considering two because that's like going to be incredibly strong like there's a quest reward that makes every card in your deck just cost in one manner but we kind of need the candles so let's go we can get a second pocket galaxy go bank oh this is the final bus okay trade for in spring prince gallywix the goblin Prince is rigged to market against you buy a copy of the first card your opponent plays each turn for a coin alright that's that's troubling he's gonna get copies of our cards so we have to pocket galaxies now we just need one and we win the problem is he's gonna buy a copy of the pocket galaxy well give us one pocket galaxy give us the cheap one please thank you oh my god it heard me okay thank you [Music] I can play this next turn okay so he's gonna start getting copies of our cards buy a copy of the first card he just made that to Manor thanks cat car so I need to play this for I can't give him the pocket galaxy I cannot give him pocket galaxy because like that does disastrous this is gonna be a really strong start okay so yeah so he's copied that so now we can play Pocket galaxy we have an extra coin this is a really good start thanks guy appreciated okay we'll keep that there for like I can I can yeah I can get that next turn yeah I don't know how we're gonna use this we don't really have mechs with death rattle I can try destroy his deck I can try to destroy his deck Oh let's burn Todd got casted again he gave us more cards this is what we need it no can wait I can [Music] keep going keep going he has tree carrots left in his deck oh my god aah I kind of want to keep the apprentice alive abide behind me and we're burnin what he's got left he's lost so many carrots there's okay wait no he has one card in his deck now and his Sorcerer's Apprentice okay that's all I guess oh that one fella reefer was a massive mistake for him okay Khadgar we need Khadgar just destroy his deck please just destroy his deck oh I know you can do it I just got to be careful with the first card I play each turn [Music] but what is it no so I have a car do you use used to have has been delete it era of this one instead what the leader from my deck know is an error okay is it possible for me to get enough mana to play the dream gogo overing I don't think it is unfortunately I should just destroy his board yeah and we just we just stockpile more coins he'll only take the first one so he doesn't get flame strike now he just gets a regular coin he can't do anything with a regular coin he does have a spiteful summoner but he has no spells like literally his jack is only full of sorceress apprentices I want him I have to give him a card well that does that trigger inspire it's a passive effect I don't know let's try it let's try it we might as well I got to be real careful not to give him the dream Grove ring too because that that is a legit fear this kind of buy one the next turn we can play something else with the coins okay so he does get that stuff dirty right that's fine we just have to get true is Dec and we win like we have got this game I do not want to give him sneeze all Treader tough often if I give him the shredder way no no I can inspire I can inspire yeah I can I'm being dumb don't give him the shredder you have a friendly menu charge it can't attack heroes this turn perfect just the terrible carrot I was looking for there you go buddy and let's gear up yes please I would like 5u service please refresh my entire hand oh this is so stupid that's illegal right oh my god we're not gonna be able to draw carrots from our deck that's too many we can just give them the terrible ones now as well then we have so many carrots so I can give a copy of a card I can have a laughing sister okay let's pop down Sneed's it is now zero matter we'll just clean up shop a little bit here let's bring them rest there we go give us some more carrot see Sarah we're not gonna be able to draw any cards from our deck anymore like our deck is literally just yes era if we don't get other carriers that I'll give your opponent two coins oh no my magic trick is gone wait I can do this too hang on if I give him you Sara awakens that doesn't affect you Sara got a voice oh my god it doesn't affect you Sara so we're just fine what do I do but all this I can I can get a new hero power why not are we gonna get yeah it's coming faster sure it wasn't speedy enough [Music] let's keep going just get some more dreams oh my god his deck is gone his jack is gone that one fell Reaver tonight you just ruined him I can't believe we did it with this deck first try intentionally by deck we did it we knocked it out of the park [Music] we got a I wanna get Khadgar again oh we get we get a new start index to know the elements feet of five bosses I think we get a reward - yeah we get our packs we did it we beat the bank so I think you can see here oh can i unlock the full adventure right now I thought it was week by week they were on the so hang on hey let me just cover the screen okay just do this now I'm gonna try it yeah the reason I'm hiding the screen is just so like payment information bond cert but I wasn't aware of this we got sale okay yeah we can just keep going yep yeah part two is available me we're gonna keep on going let's open our packs - we got sale that's just a bit of a misunderstanding from my part because it said like week 1 week 2 week tree and I thought it that's how they were going to roll it out but oh cool I can pick up the phone thing already your sponsor you can't play past chapter 2 of this week okay that makes more sense then right type of tree 2 foot ok so I was kind of right but there's like you can get the first two chapters okay we'll do the first two the first chapter is free for everyone playing the game that much I am aware of I didn't realize the chapter two was just available this week to go we'll keep going we unlocked her oak there - that's kind of nice yeah we got chapter two let's raid the violet hold we're gonna raid prison yes Oh Allie cuz some people are asking so how they tend to do it some of the adventures they have like a weekly roll out like you you buy it in advance basically and in week by week it kind of comes out and I believe that's how it's working here - and why understands the first two chapters you get opens week to see so opens week tree yeah we can actually see it beat everything here's the cut if you do everything that's actually quite nice okay that makes more sense cuz I thought the ice I knew it was the weekly role of I taught this was week two but this is week two part three is week two that's why I was a little confused that's okay we'll keep your own sure we can do the vial holds no tip it's a normal expansion of please yeah okay that's how they've always done like the hearthstone expansions like this in the past okay Kara's on way back in the day was the same way interesting thing with this is though it's like a combination of the expansions and how they do things like the rumble runs like the cobalt and catacombs a game Oh catacombs catacombs game mode as well where's like dungeon runs the dungeon runs are honestly that quite fun because I could so much replay value with them okay yeah we even get the new characters too so we have access to everything here we're gonna go shaman or hunter next we can do all of these probably tonight look at the play each one what are we going for will do umbopo that's just society which one first a lot of people are saying shaman okay can i oh no we have to pick the hero power that's right okay we'll go shaman and i imagine it's gonna be similar to what it was before well yeah you have to work your way up strong you have to work your way up yeah we started out as a very basic shaman but the more you play the more bosses you beat the you you get to unlock different start index start the run with a deck of random cards oh my god it does actually kind of make sense why they're doing it this way because the idea is you replay these game moments quite a bit I know it seems kind of a bit wonky to go in off the baton it's just like you know some of its locked but does actually kind of make sense let's go JK rowling thanks for 80 quid earlier craft him in thanks 100 bits time for the epic gamer pack opening mellow thanks for 145 bits bring back wisdom and I hopefully akkad Carrigan's I thought that last run was so stupid I didn't really check my decklist thoroughly there either it's just shuffle them in see what we got so what is this - one of four turns until Prison Break mine's a lot better than his like you gonna get in a rage later I get like an annoying aroma puffs okay we'll just wait for him to bust out you one damage combo deal two down I guess if we use it we just be closer for progress to this okay though cuz we have a wall loving this tree right to you thanks beasties don't you scream before we'll be going for a good few hours tonight oh we got the robot baby we just wind five eight no enough very close to winning already oh oh wait now that kind of tacky I can't even attack I'm being double take that that me mash good he's being very ambitious right now thinking he's gonna live to draw all those carrots yeah we just win now good game we're off to a good start there's four of us isn't purposefully easy oh yeah they're easy at the start of the run but they increase in difficulty as you go along okay so doctor brooms are rote we've had that before your carrots cost half but you can only play two cards each turn tog waggles dice at the end of your turn randomize the cost of all cards in your hand Oh God Almighty okay so we want to pick like expensive stuff that we can discount yeah we going big again I think we're going big already shudder walk [Music] okay there we go big shudder walk with completely random costs let's see how this goes which there's there's literally no point in me trying to Mulligan try to Mulligan for a curve because everything is randomized so I should just pick cards based on like which is the best card JK thank you for their 12 quid it randomizes the price that can go up oh i'm where it can go up but because it's completely random we should just you know we should just pick the best carats okay so next turn we just play those we have a violin teacher in here is cargill okay and the card we draw from the top of our deck that's actually gonna be like a the cost it's supposed to be that's good to know okay let's just sheet all of that out that's a good turn to play it was pretty strong this is one man in extra so we can actually play this despite being overloaded I want to get that cheap so I'll just discount the cup okay I went the other way I think we win next turn actually hang on here's 12 hell's oh my god we've already won no yeah we've went easy game turned to was too strong this I or I killed him [Music] okay so we need to pick more big carrots battle cries trigger a whole Oh unite the murlocs no we're not we're never gonna get the murlocs in these do have battle cries as well I'm just that D do we these also have battle cry so if you want to consider taking them no more cries all right okay we got a brand Bronzebeard the dykes are actually really bad for us at the moment because our deck is mostly on curve like unless it makes them cheaper which the odds are kind of against us for we're gonna have a hard time there's no point in me really keeping anything here cuz it's all gonna be randomized maybe we can get a turn one play let's just hope low tab is discount I guess cuz we can't really do much else why don't you draw from your hero power consuit no don't draw carrots for my hero power plus one attack for each card you discard at this game okay well they're probably not gonna be able to do that oh great all my hand cost seven now if I could use my rock fighter it will be very happy about now this is totem okay it's regular cost for next turn on a geode everybody's meaning is healed some okay I kind of need to kill this thing before it gets incredibly powerful oh this kind of works Oh the next turn his spells will cost ten more okay that's pretty good pieces are starting to fall into place well I don't think we want to play brat and we need we do we save bran for shuttle Rock because we can potentially get them together just play a regular Lopez I think that's actually better say friend say friend and then we need to get this one because it'll just get way too strong oh that's gonna draw him a carrot too I didn't think about that okay well bran was discounted but unfortunately it helpful in some heavy damage just with the wind speaker bomb clean Haggadah [Music] but can I just okay he's almost dead he's very almost dead don't even need to use shutter Walker swamp clean he's gonna he's gonna get his blood clean too and of course to play a bit of control well I can't kill him yet actually should have played Brian laughter hey well I got my Wilfred oh we win anyway once again I am never punished that's all I care about okay what if we got twins fell twins about twins felt that's candles take an extra turn your opponent takes an extra turn after evil propaganda take control of all enemy minions Oh God cuz that's gonna be randomized in its cost as well yeah give us the propaganda oh my god they're giving us a yog sir on but do we take rag or do we take a yog check y'all all Bob's here as well the hell for so okay let's customize our deck a little get another good carrot what you got for us Bob you can get rid of some of the worst get worse or cards unlock your overload of mana crystals choose a basic totem crow Magus when you draw a card put another copy into your hand yeah we can pick up him if we want what [Music] yes yes okay remove all friendly minions and play for your vet nope don't do that I think we work just recruit a veteran I don't think we want to remove all of them because like we want to keep the shuttle walk who's a friendly minion a gains plus plus plus four but like it costs two more though so that's actually not that bad no let's just discover a new one your next spell the staring cast twice mint Eve just go big thanks Bob appreciate it but this is a very top-heavy deck but it's okay because we're rolling dice okay put a random class secret is it a battlefield that's fine let's keep going pairen Jesus we don't keep shut or walking or open a hand surely because you know it's cost might change I think we do keep loot hoarder because it's draw a card hey we can play the Frog [Music] and what have we got worgen abomination at the end of your turn deal to damage to all of our damaged minions inspire games okay that's actually Lane two threatenin so you can just keep powering that up okay next term we can blood loss for two minutes that's pretty strong not that we need it but tio is just it's nice to have the option there we can shut or walk for six we'll just get every battlecry down that we can just keep letting that unlock I think we do out a copy of the loot hoarder because I just want to get more cards that's zero mana Dyson thank you for 500 bits thank you very much ok there's your huh you know I can it's just really hurt him it's a pretty good turn for play he didn't even try that smiley coulda killed a loo hoarder - I don't think we're gonna I don't think we're gonna get the place shut or Walker young all we can play is the axis turn spell damage you have evil propaganda but like he is no minions laughs we've been doing such a good job killing them it's not even not helpful he's just gonna secret up I mean I can take it if I want I have the propaganda it's not that good I know I don't have enough mana yet air elemental okay that kind of hurts [Music] um I think I do need to kill this thing [Music] we could just evil propaganda and try take it next term but it might be counter as well I think I it's gonna be painful though I'll just go face I go face let's just get them kilts can't survive everything I can use my propagandas turn oh and I finally guess my organ abomination those damage other damage minions okay well let me just take them didn't even Nita who's so far ahead we haven't got the shutter walk once like what's the point in even having him here what else have we got battlecry out a copy of each pile each of the other battlecry said we don't need that we have like you have four shutter walks neptulon that is like a Murloc package now the knees are really good what do we take do we take the barista anyway if people just get a screen battle cry at me every time battle cry comes up we could get a hex a hex might be handy will you get some more spells for yog I just think this is the excessive amount of stuff [Music] okay alright let's take the bottle Christ we don't even need it the next battle card trick is an additional time only I was for me yeah let's keep going just we're just gonna scream at them my opening hand is to shutter rocks we probably want something we could potentially play no don't you're taking a shutter walk you have no say in this what have we gotten the prison a bog creeper he's got an abomination deve oh well we'll just have to wait a bit yaagh wood no spells basically at the moment yeah it's gonna be ambitious with a knife juggle [Music] please don't kill me thank you I can kill that now I think only it's a rockbiter can I just silence yeah we'll just silence it save that for later sure yeah disk this actually isn't that good too because these swells are gonna be random cuffs but you know it might be better potentially cuz this rockbiter weapon could cost like 10 mana and get me something really good off Medivh [Music] I think I need to do this no it's not just getting the hag it up I need please discount my big cards this is my only strategy here the Bob creeper will keep us a little safe by it's a little bit of time okay we're a minute even next turn we still have no spells to play him with but sure look we'll get there is abomination just gone unlocked got about Bob creeper oh no we don't ours takes longer to unlock the news oh that sucks yes I just have to play that and now okay we can swamp Queen next turn hopefully we don't die I can kill most of them by hitting the abomination or I can cause a bit of damage to them at least not quite killed I'll give us the bog creeper desperately need us to stay alive it's swamp Queen Haggadahs so teacher - we get a 5/5 and it has two spells Oh order armed um well we'll take the healing rain we might he's just and Rayna toads I always win what's still gonna win hey don't bother with the staff she really good this lives a turn we can cast not all we can cast on this oh my god wait this is gonna affect all the frogs too okay okay this is gonna be a big turn look at this Elin rain and the toads and now it all comes back when it to my hand when it dies and we got a chicken okay your move bud because this guy's no we just get to play all that again it's so good I'm just trying to keep himself alive you just keep me alive in the process code I can play the shudder walks now and actually repeat that battle cry so I can someone more frogs okay oh wait we just win we just win well hey get rid of him get one shudder walk in that's so good we finally found a way to use the shutter offs look at all this so we just yeah so if we ever have like a long game we'll just win with that what if we got resourcefulness at the start of a game clip around and whap and give it plus one plus one minions cost one less I wonder which one we should take okay we got a rag we'll take the rag oh it's time to say hi to Bob again - he's gonna help us out hey Bob how's it going I've got the rags on the table now as well okay well we got he's a friendly minion that always starts in your hand look at for spells reduce the cost of one reduce the cost of a random card in your adventure deck to zero using any minion add it to your deck we got out a second swamp Queen she's not bad give me that yeah can we just hurt let's just chance it we've all friendly meetings to play from your adventure deck the rag is always in our hands now and then we'll roll the dice and we'll see how soon we get rag let's try it as no passive hero power your spell to overload cast twice ok that seems scary let's see how we do so we get right yo let's be ballsy let's roll the dice this is my openness here we go Oh No [Music] what have we got in the Box a rusty recycler he's got a freaking Zilly ax bit unfair well six minor shudder walk you could discount swamp Queen hagit at first I think that's the most beneficial eater that a rag oh okay that didn't do anything some of the tone six mana this is completely iron G oh yeah okay I should probably get started on this because this is gonna be like but you know I have I have a totem I have a totem I can probably slow it down tree - shutter walk but that's not that helpful though cuz we don't have any battle cries off yet we need haggler to be discounted it more my totem went up in cost which is really unfortunate there's the second shutter hook okay I got to equip the axe and we should weaken this okay zero amount of flame tongue and in Medivh alright we're starting to get somewhere except he's you know he's cleared out our board well we get the recycler though oh no no but we have okay we can still power it up a little okay we got robbed in that turn we can get some bottles cries up oh no we started to some of the toads okay we need to we need to get something good off swamp Queen please don't tell me we're still overloaded no we're not thank God okay get nice battle cry history's choice oh I can't do it favor for letter these are terrible these these are awful they're all a card copy of you played an elemental get friendly meeting dot RAL something around a mini net cost one well I guess we have to do this without upgrade if I keep the card in my hand you don't know if it will no I won't what would convict kind of need ioe though when we have shutter walks we don't need it to upgrade because we can just repeat the effect constantly yeah this is actually okay I I don't need to hit with that axe as well so we can we can do this twice that killed some of them right I know we can rag but bear with me here Cass Big Bad Voodoo [Music] okay and now let's see we intentionally kill this guy pop them open get the Icehouse because that's why I plan for get the Milhouse my best possible to drop easy turn EEZ turn oh he's really trying to kill our malli ghost yeah even he's terrified of that oh my gosh he's going to be so overloaded he's not gonna be able to make it have a turn next turn he just spent everything he killed my entire board that was so fair play to him okay shut her off done cuz now we just keep getting this thing back the Haggadah schemes are badly telling though - I thought we could get it down they just just bought one of them we have another shudder Waldo you can't play it next turn it's the one man accosted and play okay that's unfortunate but that's okay wait this is something different now what we know is if okay what's the change why does that change Oh God well now I'm overloaded it - why did I change now my shutter walk is gonna cast volcano cuz that triggers that battle Oh No how do we win I can't play shorter walk cos it's no battle cry it kills and settled oh we're in a bad spot and I'm horribly overloaded it doesn't copy what you discover so it randomly picks from the discovered Oh God okay this is bad I need a shudder walk next turn volcano okay no works here well you know maybe you won't get it though cuz it's random shudder what caused the castle some swamp Queen which is what gave me that okay well let's go again what we gonna get past lightning storm inside know it so it's gonna get the lightning storm and volcano in here it's gonna overload me every single time I now play a shudder walk I don't know if I want to play that I want to like make a copy of it I think I think I have to make a copy of it or I'm screwed I need to get rag on the board soon or I'm just gonna lose on for more ha ha I can answer this we got to make progress on his help though like this is the main issue right now oh just get more powerful no time great a little it gave me a conjurors calling why did it give me the conjurer's calling me mister yeah I mean I have to do this or on the trouble oh great it's still oh no wait never mind we're good okay have a conjurors call yes this is why I need Jesus Christ I have lightning storm now I have a shudder walk though I place shudder walk will this be enough firepower to kill everything because I need to get true these frogs yeah yeah mr. okay well we should attack with these first shutter time here we go this cast cryostasis in lightning storm that's good math AoE strikes again oh god we need that rag to be cheap and then player Zola's I've overloaded every time I do that to panel cry freeze an enemy I can add freeze an enemy to the shutter walks I have one shot or walk left I think as this tree right here I'm trying desperately to get out of this cryostasis is bad though isn't it that's like the will no you freeze a minion and like it powers it up okay freeze one of them power up our own guy get them down play the priests cargill play that for 1 mana just to get rid of it taunt is actually really good right now roll this because you volcano to yourself yeah it's an absolute disaster it's our one saving grace that we're working through with deck most of our attack is still Scrolls have wonder so it's kind of odd okay we can get the rags out oh my god can't afford to take this board that we need rags and rag we trust and cuss lightning storm and slap this works really well Cass slap and then we hit it or in the Claire we've turned it around oh we killed our first rack okay I'm overloaded I can't I don't want to play I do not want to play you get that up okay the rags are being quite expensive right now he's using a volcano now but that means he'll just be horribly overload it's that that's not the worst thing I need to get like a conjurors Collin on something how many suppose if I cast this game I don't even know what young the deck tracker seems we keeping track of the stuff like played more denying that do I play hook wait no guys I can play bran wit yog okay let's wait for that that's what let's wait for the brand yog combo we'll just play another rag for now okay getting very low on health too [Music] oh god please don't get me killed we have a chance of getting the game back but if we play yog we're gonna discover it we're good at we're gonna ruin this I can still play conjurer's Colin I'm not that what that's it oh we only play tree spells oh now we just win oh good god okay let's summon our deck oh no he cleared he actually has enough oh my god oh it's still alive it's still alive but not by much I can't believe he cleared thought he has no mana next turn does this even help us I don't know I don't know if this is a good carrot to play here we go boys got a rock healed himself oh no we canceled itself because it was Kurt we're screwed give us something good give us something that's not gonna do it we're so close don't do it don't choke we can still win how do we still win I need a Tonto or I'm dead that Petra maybe he won't realize now even if I got the time I love the Doug listen to him having please just hurt yourself No Oh God okay what you gonna do now that was a good run that we tried the volcano messed us up that's where everything went wrong because the shudder walk copy that like we just screwed ourselves over at least we got every challenge completed we have lots of new stuff oh we still got our packs for playing as well okay just to mention it - yeah I went a bit over there just cuz we were in the middle of it again thank you to Blizzard for sponsoring the old streamer roof people are interested in playing this for themselves type exclamation point heists in the chat you can get a old link aroo over to an info page that has everything you need to know it's a it's pretty good fun we're gonna go one more because I think we have one more character unlocked yeah thanks to was a response right it is just genuinely cool because I've played this game for so long III jump it off journeys when that kind of thing that kind of comes up gamma genuinely care about ally thank you for a thousand bits thank you very much it's very kind I'm just going to work on my way through the packs as long as I've got I got like the pre-order pack thing for this game so I already have pretty much everything you just keep an eye out for Legendary's how long you playing hearthstone like since naxxramas came out like the first adventure so you know I've been here like a very long time I dipped out of it from time to time there's like certain expansions I haven't played as much but you know consistently every year I saw a few weeks in my life where I'm playing this game I know I've been playing it with the new set like in particular I'm playing bomb or you're all off I really did like it wait max is a hoot oh no I missed this like five years too late what's your favorite game then my favorite game is a Pokemon game like hard Stone's probably won a top ten I would say it's like my go-to card game and I just really enjoy it I'm sorry I don't have the time for things like world of warcraft anymore so this game is nice because you get the experience bits of warcraft just in kind of a different format I guess yeah it's good for that okay oh we still have to complete the chapter - yeah if we want to get if we want to get like the ultimate uh reward I think complete all chapters earn these rewards yeah so you have to actually win in every wingbeat the card back in the golden pack golden pack is basically a regular pack put all the cards in there have gold if you get a legendary in that pack like you you're laughing okay we're gonna try the hunter class in old bark I heard Sam is quite difficult how do you manage um it just takes a bit of practice honestly I recommend just giving it a go and just kind of going from there like you'll get a feel for like one class over the others I reckon when you start off playing and you just kind of stick with that a while takes a bit of time to learn the meta and that but it's just an incredibly satisfying game to play the only other background in card games is literally just you yo way back in the day but I do surly enjoy this game I really do and that sponsorship aside - you know like we've streamed this game many a time before difficult for like iron she well I mean this is very much RNG but that's just cuz we've been building our decks that way Alchemist Wendy Alchemist mix us up decks attempting to create golden cards off a random card in each player's hand what's the favorite class in Warcraft it was hunter in this game I quite enjoy playing priests I think I just like the control he decks in this game stop it loader Jade yeah interested in trying something new okay oh we actually have to adhere to a curve for the first time in ages I have you have to consider what I want what I want the keep here because it's not just a random costs never thought I'd see the day Blood Queen scared kill there must be some set cars are supposed to appear in the prison because we've had both of those in the prison before there must be like a rotation or something for him equivalent exchange way her name is Wendy well that's totally like a full metal alchemist reference okay I get that reference I watched the animals [Music] Leah its Winry and Full Metal Alchemist the a but like what's when do you know it's a similar name and in the equivalent exchange we get our tea watching anime on stream i'm pretty sure you get into trouble if you do that cleaver thank you for 500 bits stop it with the we preferences so that's not me making them thank you very much though [Music] it's just hello as fast as we can [Music] thank you she's dead like only goes anyway she can live here no no okay see you later Wendy it wasn't attempt her name was Winry yeah I know Ted but this is the reference is an alchemist equivalent exchange and it's Wendy it's similar to work to Winry it's not gonna be Winry cuz you're like gotta adjust it it is a knob though also how's it going Ted wow these are some of the tame as passive treasures I think we've seen you he's a hero pirate twice each turn accost one less at the start of the game draw two cards your minions that cost five or more cost five we just want the passive derogation which one has more airhead cheeky asking the real questions people just studying the scepter because I want me to build like a ridiculously big deck again take the scepter okay all right and we just got to pick the most expensive cards every single game is that how this works because you're right that's how it should work let's go let's just pick the big numbers every single time you can't go wrong that number is bigger than the other numbers that's how that's how it works at war the Warcraft like item love isn't that this this weapon has a bigger number than the other weapon that's the weapon you go for it's all about the stats wait so that's that's a five drop what keep it I I feel like this in motorcars I should go for big number means bigger with 30 how's it going man okay this guy got this count already who's in the box and a blivet Ron he's got a water elemental I don't think we have any mechs with - Charles oh good one the have in the prison it's like so specific have you cast the spell of a story healthier here oh my god I think I just wait till turn five and win we'll just pepper them a little bit till then you can play the animal companion don't even need to just wait till turn five win the game thanks for lying that up bud don't keep waiting for the prisons okay then we just go from here [Music] okay there's really not much he can do to stop us from this point there's two types of minions next to it oh my god the five minor Tenten that discounts everything in your hand say it we already have like a 5-8 a on the board - [Music] he did not do a good job of dealing with that did he he said that one in it's not the water elemental okay hey he's woken up unfortunately I don't know if we're gonna get much use out of the big boy because he's almost dead we're just gonna be able to play this and that's it don't know Maya blivet Ron well we'll play it just so we can say we did it how's the power and we went [Applause] doing good okay wait that way that that that was questionable yeah I don't know if we want flax boom Zuka there's a scepter of fact I know that's just it's just minions uh I mean nothing else is good though oh I didn't even check what his power is let's just keep going big beasts we don't want like this this card is really bad there's no world very wanted just get rid of that right away we still need to get some kind of early game for this deck though I think because it's not as like random as the other one like we still need to survive to turn five keep giving us flarg oh when I talk to like your man maybe I can get that out of the deck Bob might be able to help us what's in here blackguard now if your hero is he'll deal that much damage to a random enemy minion it's not great for a hunter like me as the right element ought to stare your turn game spell damage close to okay Oh what's this hero power at around a magical feet to your hand don't know what that means [Music] well we got the Emmis just want to let you know that I was recently show many videos on YouTube and I've been loving them literally laughing out loud with no one around oh thank you very much dog not even enjoying them just keep it up don't even have anything to buff with this you even play it like I mean it's still the best play we have because it's a 5 - 8 8 also double the next card you play it's surprisingly not that good well not that threatenin we ever think of another 200 bits I have not been there not sure where that is okay we went another one down this deck is just like properly good like it's not enough random elements to it in comparison to the last two what a terrible shame this deck is working minion charged wind fury divine shield lifesteal poisons taunt and stealth [Music] even want all that whenever you play a carrot overload one of your opponent's mana crystals shuffle five random let's go let's mm iris let's talk about let's talk to Bob yeah what if we go okay so we can just choose a friendly minute I had three copies of it to the deck necessarily wanted to uh choose an enemy minion and add it none of these are good I can remove a minion from my deck I can get rid of one of my cards is there anything I don't want knocked it off the iron for a quiet one of them you started help by five discover a legendary add it to your deck okay we don't want tree copies honestly of any of these guys oh I'll take one copy of him oh wait I have I have another character I can play yeah because the first one was zero do we want to add one of the is there any of these we want to take just take it helps tell us is kind of boring I could take a dog oh that's a metal I I thought that was something else we really just take the house oh as exciting as the other ones but okay thanks Bob stay here what's that what does that mean buff get out of my pub I hear a power pull around okay so this guy again it's a song lyric okay oh we have ever do we keep Emerson our star in hand is he that good we need some kind of curve still okay yeah that's just keep a verse five mana my god what we got in here cursed castaway brush - I'll draw a combo car I'm I am a hunter and evil heckler [Music] yep let's just try and play as few cards as possible to capitalize on this meemers oh that's gonna be a five - sixteen sixteen charge oh dear Lord Oh No I think we're just gonna win it's getting crush the victory if we get the other other amorous we can just win single-handedly with King crusher please give it to me deck I beg you is this Opie I think it might be so close I want to hold as many cards as they can how greedy is too greedy just play him just get some initial chip damage yeah there's the heckler oh we have to kill up right Oh lads oh my god that's a big boy five mana 2020 yeah that seems fair that seems incredibly fair I actually have to take out the armor or I can't get to get rid of that I can I can almost win already gotta play this Oh No well it's okay it's still got twelve hills and we got a lich king oh my god we've already won shuffle five random treasures you die we don't even have time to see this you see the animation maybe oh wait those are the treasures okay it's like treasures that you pick from the adventure that's a lot of nose well we would that was a fair game equal chance on both sides to win pretty sure okay what do we take the next not the quest one the quest one's kind of bad oh my god I think we actually have to take the one that's aren't kind of on curve because this is the both of these are kind of rubbish or do we have to take this because it's rubbish thinks is that how it works no I mean we're already kind of forsaken all semblance of tech design do we go all in and take the quest that this rarity isn't gonna get this sponsorship this Jack isn't terrible at all we're gonna saying take batter head but we can't even use powder head bigger numbers okay all right this is be more aggressive sure oh go who's a minion shuffle tree copies of india dekh oh is this gonna be a deck based around the Pogo hopper bunny rogue and he's just gonna shuffle as many copies as he can here we go hop and engage okay this could actually be quite scary know how fast he's gonna get this going we have a five- needs what we got in the prison as the right element Yash Raj that's that's pretty good the Energizer Bunny is hangry Duracell is out for blood Oh Mike we're gonna do it again we're gonna do it again unfortunately can't kill DUP we shuffling might Shirley that's not how he's supposed to be doing that why does he want Maya hyenas [Music] surely he's supposed to play a pogo hopper and bounce it back in like that can't be is his game plan Oh God love him he doesn't have a mech this bunny is struggling right now I don't even do too much of this I'm just gonna wait I'm gonna win with five minor twenty20 yosher hush that's the plan this is really not much you can do oh there's his Pogo hopper it's mm just because we get in trouble - we have a 5 - 16 16 talent just in case [Music] god is a fairly ambitious game plan my man I think you think you're gonna be alive long enough oh no guy he's he's going to quadruple he's gonna like multiply is hand by H it's only gonna take him tree turns and then our five turns to kick the ten matter whatever will we do your move bud thanks a sec oh I got a restore some help real quick up in trouble I mean he almost cleared the board I might not be able to okay dude dude you gotta calm down you're thinking too far ahead I know you're trying to guess like control mess of how you here but there is a 20 attack mission on the board right now the taking too far ahead too far oh my god how so stupid no my deck needs six Yasha Raj's Jays have a trouble he had he had 12 10 my my cards that he added to his take by the end what's the game plan oh my god but you draw an additional two cars each other you're immune to immune to fatigue after you play a minion shuffle two copies of into your debt make that elixir oh my god [Music] do we want a second King crush or oh we want a second crush no let's talk to Bob I just always pick legends that's that's the perfect strategy nothing else is needed who's the friendly mini Knight renew copies over to your deck juice the costs she was a friendly minion remove it from your deck get out of here hyena I can take one of his if I want them okay do it what do we add do we just add a bunch of Lich Kings I can choose one of those I don't think I want any of their minions can choose one Moger the ogre that's not that great okay we're gonna do this first and so hopefully it hits like an amorous or something okay that's pretty good let's get some more Lich Kings Oh Bob Bob broke him over there that's okay he's just speechless he doesn't know what to say anymore but you have you've really done this well means your hand plus one plus one our hand buff paladin wow that's cute I have a zero mana King crush in my deck [Music] I'd like to see you take your time and buff up your cards I even doing that plan to accept I do it quite fast I can destroy this man let's go oh we have this guy - never many takes damage double its attack that could be really powerful as the game goes on infiltrator in the prison destroy a random enemy mini it's really good Baron Geddon I actually want that to open because I'll trigger off this okay so as ever we wait till turn five and then we win the game let's go wait till turnpike and ask you he is gonna be able to inflict a fair bit of damage just in the meantime right we don't really have anything we can play and use the eaglehorn bow and like chip away at it but it's just not great does the job I guess your slows them down a little wait to turn five meta it's just like that's ramus all over again yeah well we got it might be get down it is not get down nice we might as well just play that now because sure look we have her next few turns lined up get it in whatever you say buddy okay he's hand buffed quite a bit though his Karen's actually re considerably powerful strong even she away believe this let's get going I don't think I'm winning fast enough yeah it's just selling a second old guy we actually got a really good thing out of prison destroy a random enemy mini booty chest yeah that's pretty good [Music] that's um that's pretty good but that's above average you know we'll just get a lich king down to protect them that's summon two more big guys from my deck yeah a third Yasha Raj sure like what do you what do you do what do you even do he can't even survive widely equip that weapon to it just out more to how much to himself oh he's desperate this is a broken man just get an extra lich king up a cut of Yash Raj oh my that's so strong okay but we do okay we don't want another sneeze sneeze is like one of the weak link cards I don't think we want that but these other ones are kind of terrible I don't want unleash the beast because I can just play the other ones yes I have to go Sneed's is this is way too slow like what why am I going to even bother with this card when I can just play one of my four Lich Kings for cheaper oh there is a Leroy though but guys we don't for five mana we can play Yash Raj these are just filler cards to get in our hand okay shot a spoken-- I've added two terrible cards to my deck now just to get a me man over happy red spouse of Milhouse whom you'd like to have a word with Oh malicious in mana store seven to zero for squirrel bomb let's go hope you guys are happy that we put the meme in our deck I don't think I keep any of these I want to go fly cameras or Yashiro hush like almost every time thank you take a look at this this like in what world would I play this over this I already know my turn five and turn six there's a God oh that's a scary will notice on our side okay there he goes we got Milhouse on the deck I guess cuz Milhouse is evil and she's not evil cuz you're like weird were the bad guys cuz we're trying to steal dollar on their your prana plays a character with free damage to their hero that's cute you've had a play when you draw him I will yeah he's probably got some kind of unique interaction I wish I had card car with me cuz that now she has more manner than me I don't know I know I'm gonna catch up once I get the turn five but I miss our little scrying or my first run is like the best one I've ever had like just because of cat car like that just made it it was so funny I wish I could get him back I think hey just don't play anything I've felt too slow I need to just wait a moment or two but then we're gonna amorous and then we're gonna like get our tonsil we're taking a lot of damage now that I will be safe then like there's no way he's gonna be able to get you all the tones oh god this is gonna be so strong 6:24 after it kills a minion attack again oh my god so you turn destroy as many and draw three cards okay yeah so which is gonna play batter head and we're just gonna tear true the entire board now if this card this card actually worked out really well and we can shuffle the treasures in this turn the 20 damage slip oh my god go about our heads [Music] it's so good it still got 13 out and now we can just get the tongs up give a minion charge win okay that's a bit excessive what did I add to my deck oh it's because whenever I play a card we picked the one that adds copies I get it okay I'm just gonna wait for him to hit that then and then we just add the gnomish army knife and we might be able to win grow bomb I'm sorry you turned destroys and deal to damage to all enemies we got a batter head got a batter head [Music] all right so do I do this I think I actually do with this hearse it's gonna restore a lot [Music] it's okay and then we know Michonne this and then we do this to double the attack batter head kills everything now we're doing we're looking pretty good we do need to take that out very quickly though I'm the squirrel bomb Harvey wants to keep his girl bomb alive because it hurts this all the batter heads gonna be battered down I think we win 1632 for oh my god we've wanted oh yeah cause that's winter fury - oh yeah no we've thirties no need we need to do max here we're well in the clear easy game okay hyper blaster poisonous you hero is immune while attacking that's pretty good you'll for damage to all enemy minions - ouch shuffles into your deck that's lame and in stinky toe after this minion attacks a hero steal a card from their hand hyper blaster this get our dinner to our kinda lame then here I guess we take right there I'm at the obliterator banish a minion to the void that sounds medicine we just need to get like seven Yasha Raj's though and we're in the clear oh my gosh okay well we keep the amorous and we just see what we get from there we might get better than its needs in a Lich King like so yeah this is actually really good cuz like we don't have much early game I'll just keep us alive the elixir is gonna add more amorous as to our deck - do we want to be really careful with the minions we play strong minions summon all minions from the void banish a minions to the void oh this brings them all back out of the void okay I don't even know if we're gonna need that let's find out caps thanks 400 bits thank you very much I'm not playing that game I already talked about it man please hero power one shots and does not trigger - rattle okay you don't waste your someone from boy okay I'll make sure to keep it about we can just use this clear the board and control it it's so good what's in the prison - underbelly use and he's got a flame LaVon it's kind of a counterproductive character house [Music] keep chipping away so we'll ever is soon gonna have the 12 attack Leroy as well he's here that this thing is so good I think we're just shipping away everything he's got let's go amorous I had two copies of them to the deck so we have a mighty defense now [Music] are you gonna destroy that though if he uses that first I know he could have kept that alive Wendy okay I won't question the AI hey well I won't question them basically it could play big Leroy this turn but is it good whatever we play is gonna get banished this is the unfortunate truth right now I could just deal 16 to his face but that's not that good there's no urgency to kill that thing get him to banish all the charge minions and resell them if they're banished oh did they come back with their buff or they just come back because that's actually quite important they don't come back with buff they just come back okay yeah so we're gonna lose a fair bit I guess we can just do a lot of damage to them though over a few turns start with a guy's really take it a little bit slower I'm sure we'll get two more of them actually no I shouldn't have done that cuz that is two more of them in the deck I don't want on the deck oh he got my thing back but he banished to the void again okay let's just get that in the void then let's get started get more King crushes in the tech here we go it's flames of item he is too as well okay [Music] I think I can get through a lot of this [Music] get him oh I should have played the high master first actually no I shouldn't think of that all morhen masters get him crush [Music] [Music] did we send in Leroy I think we just send him yeah we're just gonna get all the charity possibly can we send in Leroy get rid of that thing beat him down and in the next turn if please void this please send this to the void thank you I think we're in the clear now I don't think there's any way he can stop all of this I mean we can just tease them a little bit here with the lich king maybe you might banish one of them to kill tree damage to all enemies heal five yep that's in the void we got a lich king just pocket it away oh wait no it might not be in the void cuz the void crusher activate it okay void ship what if we got get on both ways oh my god we went we did it boy strategy Leroy did something useful [Applause] two out of three ain't bad we only died the one time we got a new so this chapter is clear as well ila hold I'm curious to see how bad heroic is because heroic is like like much more brutal difficulty wondering if we'd even stand a chance oh this is anomaly mode also anomaly in a random effect for this run we needs game plus one plus one at the end of their owners turn though you can turn that on to just play like a challenge variant current anomaly is growing yeah so if you want to play true attic Endon that's actually something there arcane anomaly mode I think this is something that like forgetting like for buying it and getting all the wings I unlocked I think that was great out before so we have that let's try heroic then ever so quickly because we will have to raffle a stream soon before we get going again just cuz it's close the top of the hour will just mention again I just thanks again the blizzard for sponsoring this and you know endorsing me to play card games very badly appreciate it it's been a lot of fun and it's been kind of stupid if you're interested in trying to throw yourself again x-men Point heist it'll send you to an info page has everything you need honest tell you about the adventure I haven't I'm having a lot of fun with it myself at the moment are you gonna keep the meme in your deck yeah probably will do something silly from rock keep going or a good anomaly oh no and this is bothered or what they call by card game skills I'm not the best of this game but I have hit legend before I did hit legend last year when which wood came out I do we play it a lot but I kind of suck stuff like this is just really fun though I've been having a blast playing this I so again just thanks to blaze for sponsoring that appreciate it okay let's dabble in heroic momentarily we're gonna do the bank again and we'll even play mage in the off chance we can find Khadgar because I think I think we all miss him oh god okay I will try it anomaly 2 and what have we got so we've unlocked some stuff I haven't unlocked this one of course because we didn't even try to progress an eider of these we just picked all the big cost cards so no progress in seven elementals or freeze and minions we didn't unlock anything just hang on mate oh wait no is this cuz it's heroic actually hang on way back back a moment back a moment it might be because it's heroic I'm just gonna I'm just gonna ever so quickly check yes it is yes it is see see it actually tracks it between the modes cuz yeah because we did unlock one though I remember we got the elements okay so that it so it's actually distinguishes that that's good that's that's just good all right we'll just start over as make sense anomaly mode Jim age basic Fire Blast kindling apprentice let's go Frank back to the bank I'll give this one more shot see how far we can get I'm quite by to clear in the heroics honestly we'll try it [Music] I believe you can die to the first boss cow I drop the leftmost Karen each player's hand with one in the deck okay so that's no it's zero manner thing and just know what that was zero matter before those automatics that's that's not new that's the same I guess with the early policies they might be quite similar there wouldn't be too much difference cuz you just starting the run so we don't have too much to worry about here I'd say you will die in six turns i bet for thanks for having facing me god he's annoying appreciated [Music] as ever your support means the world to me [Music] [Music] okay calm down there buddy I don't even attack anything they overkill good luck with this well we'll see how far we can get the key thing is that we get Khadgar a lot on the way oh they're actually inflicting quite a bit of damage and magic trick oh I went easy game discounted spells coming in yeah that's one day good start yes he's back first pick okay because this is heroic we probably need to consider at that composition just a little bit more so we don't die okay inspired no multi cast and legends both of these are work consider in here Cal seacoast might be really good we do need to consider carrots that help us survive well these ones are pretty good for helping us survive people are just gonna scream legends the things we pick legends this one time that means we have to like pick other things like we have to try balance it a little bit this time if we want to win do whatever you have CAD care nothing matters Kalas egos Oh Callie goes is that isn't Callie ghost is that its name we have cat God it's all fine I think we go multicast this one time I think we have to because we need to try and play long calm yep let's go did this in particular is very strong considering the anomaly your friendly minion around America Kalecgos Kalecgos thanks that's passed like this this is just free now at the start though we have the Sorcerer's Apprentice too so it's even more fruit let's go okay come on Khadgar that's pretty good Oh +2 attack is the haircut oh no and that's a bit medicine possibly oh no it does a random effect okay well thankfully he doesn't care so much for stealth we do need to actually consider keeping ourselves alive seem to be doing much more damage like faster [Music] [Music] it's random so it's not always oh we live in hope for Khadgar he will save us half-asian okay pop an apple bomb down [Music] see whoa I'm now scared cuz there's consequence for dying and I don't want to lose like the guy so early you might not have another chance to go we're taking a lot of damage oh my god I can discover a mage minion magic trick polygon your deck is no duplicates create a custom spell I don't know if it does chance it well which ones you cast counter oh he transformed into a sheep choice okay I was very we're okay [Music] one here minions attacks I'm gonna copy volcanic potion might be good we'll just take that down Oh God okay can we cast this we gonna get like a much cheaper potion yes we can okay that's great a ten cast spell that summons an eight eight demon and yeah sure does summons tree random minions that died that seems seems pretty good oh I'm dumb I forgot he gains HP we'll get it all back we have a potion we just really need to focus on not dying cuz God Almighty's trying yeah get a spell cinder storm is really bad if we don't kill him I think we go for the magic trick trees keep him up egg sure if you lose too much health you die hey thanks Kyle car oh that was just the perfect like the line for him to say the first time we counted him - we had no idea what he does we all just thought he was like a con man or something when that kippa of a 58 damaged one I would have just one Oh [Music] Oh balls we're in trouble [Music] are we dead um we're dead Oh will soon going to be aa cADCA oh I should have picked the damage I have to get rid of this that does not leave a lot ok good he didn't get attacked if he got attacked we would have been dead you have a chance but we need a cat guards or two something he did it okay where do we go from here though he actually did it I need to draw I need to draw cards copy the lowest-cost menu in your hand oh no that though that just adds a copy though it doesn't okay okay stem the flow okay Khadgar gonna need you to help us here i only does any point in discovering two of them thank God it had a help if it hadn't attack we would have lost like that's what's so scary right now don't have a charge we're good [Music] okay we we need something to stay alive with oh we win because this cost zero can't go save this oh thank you we're alive God guy came true we needed a most okay so we do we do need to consider some control I think I think we need to take go big here we'd actually is still pretty good with the dragon caller Alana we just need some like it'll control cuz like this is like five mana feel for it all I know there's a rag I you know there's a rag but we do need this we have to change the plan of it we can't be intentionally terrible I think anymore stream is how false advertisin after meeting to summon silence that okay that's unfortunate most of our stuff is battle cry so we just can't have someone big oh here [Music] I'm a dragon dollars all your spells against Canada but we might be able to get some big spells still we need it we I want that more so just for the flame strike I think little money Larry thank you for the seventeen quid he says get them thank you very much man [Music] then we do keep the water elemental right now because we just don't have a lot in our deck for early game its dragon collar Alana hey Kai guys here okay an anomaly magic trick oh yeah got that just take a mirror entity crafted with x2 into fits I just want the YouTube of this entire Street we just using character so just be categorize a ver the day over and over I think it will be craftsmen I think when it comes to the highlights I'm just gonna focus on the cat-car games because like though those were magical get back down when a u.s. dollar used to be 1776 quid it was bloody mad ruining my jokes that's ok Larry I thanks to the 20 quid all the same so he's gonna silence everything after we play it so we just just want big things really they have battle cry effects it's really powerful like this stuff doesn't matter if it's silence play the mirror entity now and as he might play something big here yeah perfect is that silence or two it does but call Khadgar and it sucks it's just it's really expensive now that's all he did dude I appreciate the help but like so sometimes you're just going too far just apply pressure I guess he can't get all right every time this deals damage to all characters too so this is actually gonna kill the moment we just attack first oh wait now they do almost kill them I just need to play a bunch of stuff and have supplemental we're good he straight-up just encourages cheating howdy our does not follow the rules he just cast that y'all just trying to kill us there you play that twice how dare you got to be careful okay so deceive give up means new deck plus three plus three that's a spell I find a summon king mukla given immune and can't be targeted by fellow hero powers super simian sphere or fly by chef or a kaboom bought into your opponent's deck when drawn and explodes for 50 damage I think like the king mukla is actually really good that's just a 5/5 that can't die [Music] right surely we want them everyone saying flyby but surely the monkey is good okay all right let's chat sit open the way gate Oh drift King drift King is the name I recognized thank you for a thousand bits appreciate it Kasich's bells that don't start in your deck what spells do we have magic trick it's two tree four we only have four so far but we'll have the Cabal is down the primordial glyph - okay let's try it will go over open the way gate we need some middle of the range cards next though I just realized we only have tree two drops Libby Bob can help us balance the deck okay bat we need to get some middle of the range cards next oh here's an enemy minion add it to your deck we're not good I just don't know if it's I've no say I've I've no say I can remove a minion from my deck - I don't think I want to remove any of these these are all actually quite good instead we want to give a friendly minion a bit more like honestly putting on the anomaly is really good one mana for treating it's more powerful like sure Bob seems to be struggling having a bad time gold elemental again speechless okay so we want to do open the way game maybe we can just get like a chain of magic tricks just magic trick into magic trick in the magic trick this will give us the coins we can complete this in like two turns go [Music] easy Turner no save that for later I get more spells I can't cast him okay we may have read a bit overboard that's okay [Music] I wish we had like a flamewaker or something that would feel damaged every time we cast a spell that's what this deck needs now we can just change so many together well this is gonna be really good deals to damage all means overkill add a random spell like line this up yeah not really actually cast it now we get some help back oh it's still really good though no I went the plan all according to plan [Music] my secret again effigy haven't got a single minion this is a dragon collar alone no that doesn't exactly help we just transform and there was sheep so she's not leveling up we see what we actually need a way to still win the game now we may actually need to take more rags and so is that is currently a problem you simply don't have anything you want to wait to play that with effigy because they actually have stuff on the board are useful Ilana yeah we haven't a single spell above five wait we got smells of appointment all pirate of the plan hello we're building Upton where were you and we were slinging all those spells [Music] well that's unfortunate oh my god and he's starting the draw through his deck now actually don't have a lot of good cards is the problem I want to use the time Wharf yet well no matter what I do that's mean things I think I have to use the time work if I want to stay alive here I got to get rid of that cuz it always gonna draw away too much no you don't lot I guess yeah I guess we keep the one minor cards just for our mage [Music] craft in the next 5,000 bits every time you say exactly it's fine just imagine Dutch for Red Dead Redemption - haven't played red dad - yep thank you though God like this is getting problematic meteors pretty good [Music] hero power any number of times where you hear a power kills a minion draw a card [Music] Eric match was Time Warp yeah that's what I'm building up towards I think here I take the pyromaniac blow Khadgar Chuck I was worried he was gonna hit something else I thought he was gonna hit my raven or something at that teacher just got destroyed [Music] okay this keeps that for our nation [Music] there is a Sorcerer's Apprentice in my deck still so if I get that I could probably just win in one turn coming in there is a sorcerer as apprentice wait I already have leta do i oh oh I do okay well this is excessive then no the fly no Khadgar cast it Khadgar cast it twice I think I just drew six carrots oh no Khadgar what have you done no I forgot to attack okay well alright guys you know we have a time work [Music] give us some more fireballs extra turn [Music] job done apprentice first yeah sure it's too late now I mean we had the potential for like 60 damage worth of fireballs in a single turn but that's still pretty good Khadgar did almost get us killed for that second book of specters which is the only unfortunate thing absolute mad life [Music] [Applause] okay we're making progress on heroic we're halfway we do need some mid game but we also just have Morse but no we can't just do more spells but the minions are terrible we just leave it up the face do we go big baits hot face or go big this one's kind of terrible go big okay all right more meteors sure white master bill Nara after taking 50 damage bone arrow will take flight okay so you got like a second base or something all right doctor takes 15 damage phase 2 begins go how fast we gonna complete open the way gate this time oh we got the flyby hey we might be up with a one-hit ko with this one if we're saying just literally just saying we can't but there is a chance oh yeah forget this guy's big one shot one kill we can chance it charges hang on your move let's win [Applause] perfect strategy as all you do that's how my god oh craft making 5 subs thank you very much so stupid I can't believe that just happened after for any mini that's terrible w start in hell or two extra cards which we go on poor guys backpacker the potion yeah that's going in the video that that has to be preserved people are quite divided on this one backpack a potion and we should go potion actually yeah because we're gonna have a lot of spells like there's so much draw on this deck you want the Cabal this tome and like the glyph is not a lot of draws there those carrots that give other cards okay we'll go potion no people that same potion alright we just need one more carrot then our creation does have Khadgar on it but we don't have the Khadgar card unfortunately Howard up it's terrible we just go multicast there's a mana cyclone here which might be quite strong we just do go big people aside some people are saying go big go big honestly might be pretty good I'm gonna for meteors [Music] Multi multi Multi multi LK all right I think you guys are getting very greedy though because like I don't think we need the - cyclone we have so many cards but okay let's chance it we're going to talk to Bob - okay there's an arc mage and tinnitus these are some interesting cards you hear about is 8 damage this game someone Ragnaros we don't actually have anything to make that work give a friendly minion look at four spells from your adventure that could choose one to remove we do have some fluff ones that maybe we can Kindle bill the tavern with new minions I can get rid of a minion - of I want honestly all these minions are kind of good do we want to add any of these do we do we just shuffle them get alexstrasza is Alexstrasza even that important though okay we'll take Alex should we remove a spell - I think we should remove a spell oh no all of these are kind of okay that was a mistake we do actually want that because it's free I have to get rid of one of the meteors okay Oh what that was a mistake I shouldn't have done that I get to give a friend a friendly minion plus two plus two one man is six five I can I can fill the tavern with new minions do we make a one man as six five it seems excessive do you roll yeah that's we roll today rough day well we still have a chance to add that will give the apprentice let's do it let's do oh that's get rid of this yeah okay that worked out really well see you later Bob oh no I don't know why he's going call him one thing real quick Luck's making it a bit darker my aunty hey dust curve someone to to to transfer taunt let's go we're almost there bye-bye still one-shots I will never doubt that carrot again it did surprisingly well it's so easy to open the way gate too because this has given you coins [Music] it's good Khadgar double our help all spells cost to us Pat Garrett's a quest we can't cast it twice that's not how that works just keep this for now there's no reason to play okay what have we got the mage Thomas oh she's gonna summon a lot of these things like quite quickly let's discover a spell now these are all kinda bad OCAD guys doing it twice again wait cow guys doing it twice again this gonna [Music] Thanks got a garden workout twice but it gave us the card we needed it to take that a few more of them I'm gonna need more AoE he's my arcane anomaly play that play that we just keep out there for now they're just gonna summon a lot of these new minions attack something better it's actually really good I need draw right now so bit Oh Pete all right that seems really unnecessary but I'm not complaining got that in the first wave Oh oh my god we might need some help soon I know I have the coins but like I do actually have to use them somewhat here just to stem the flow have a lot of health at least oh good god the card guy I need some help bud this is this is really problematic well keep this alive I don't know that's fraud no just take it out while we can you need fly high just get over the 40 help and we win oh my god unless Khadgar has something up his sleeve this might be it even with the ad help this isn't gonna help us much we about two turns left to live oh my god I have to just play that in the hope that it takes a little bit of damage I've got okay maybe she'll destroy all our minions again no he is worth taking us her life we have a chance huh what do we got what do we got no it's not enough wait we can take an extra turn we're still an employee live my life I have to I just have to deal with every single thing on the board now I don't know how I do that do I even play this like this help I have to win next her I need to draw the pause if we draw the bomb we win God gave us a meteor I don't know if I can stay alive yet flamestrike off of him yeah Oh thing is that I'll do the best I can I need to kill as many things on the board as I possibly can take that out oh we were so close to we didn't play him we might have had a better chance I don't know if cat guy's got another trick up his sleeve I have to I sign something I can freeze one of these that's it you can't save us anymore we tried we came very close Khadgar did his best but even he couldn't save it yeah it's not khadgar's fault he really tried He healed us first and then gave us an ice block that's not it that bat games down on him I think was more so the army Oh God in the novel emo just changes the two at the end of each player's turn that player draws daily have five cards that's just constantly changing you suck ireon I love you too sweetie oh god you used up all your luck in the bomb the bomb was an amazing moment oh we just instantly one character is x400 bits earlier to give subs to celebrate the madness it just happened thanks for that 9 okay I think we're gonna wrap up the stream there I think this is a good point just once again before we do the credits and all that thank you again to Blizzard for sponsoring this I've honestly had a lot of fun playing this I thought that was great crack it's just Khadgar alone was the reason to play this if you're interested in trying to set for yourself you type of excavation point heist again it will link you to an info page and has everything you need on it it's available now first wing it's free you can try it out and if you like it you can pick up more of the Winx it'll be rolling out over the next couple of weeks to so there'll be more stuff to play oh gosh I can't believe it lasts as long as I did and some of those kicks yeah thank you again just a blizzard for sponsoring this it's pretty cool to be able to work with them again do check it out you're pure you like what you see you know we want to give hearthstone ago for now gonna be it from us get the subs going and we'll just take a moment unwind don't leave I'm sorry guys I got her off of the stream so it's getting kind of late in the day I had a lot of fun though really did [Music] please red wolf y'all right wolf that's okay all right wolf tonight my first-ever straight I just get here now oh I'm sorry man yeah I'll be back actually yeah so I should mention this now I will be streaming tomorrow night because it is the anniversary for a particular lego game we're going to actually be streaming at 7 o'clock tomorrow I'm gonna be taking Saturday off and I'm just gonna stream tomorrow night instead so I should mention that now the celebrate particular Lego game and we're gonna have some friends on - it's gonna be good fun oh it's nap seven o'clock what time zone I'm based in Ireland so just just use Google like at the moment it's 10:00 to 11:00 at night here you can work it out from that but yeah well I'll be streaming tomorrow I won't be here on Saturday - it's a friend of mine's actually gonna be visiting from the UK so I'm actually meeting up with him in Dublin so I'm just gonna be like gone all day Saturday because of that which friends it's actually some friends that have not been on the twitch channel before but they are friends we want to do stuff for ages and we're all getting together tomorrow there's a few of us tomorrow is Norway's National Day well a happy birthday Norway grats on existing you did it [Music] I'll just gear up the ride to real friends well I mean we know each other mostly from online stuff it would be dope I guess online more than in person do me up and burst from that at the time but one of them is a lovely bloke conspiracy theory surrounding him for god knows what reason yeah he's a lovely guy my real friends Khadgar helped them to exist I just love couch cares so much III didn't play Warcraft when Legion came out but I was the closest I've ever been tempted to installment again and I just know that in Legion he's a bit of a meme and he's like a superhero doesn't like the best characters in Warcraft Khadgar is a real friend the highlights from this like a no joke I'm gonna edit them so it's just mostly Katkar because like the first couple of games when he just showed up were amazing again even as much as we can but he just stayed just tried to save our lives Clara life repeatedly had garam oh we're a while off the next remote there's so many like emotes that have been suggested if we had slots we could consider so many more I want to get and I want to I know at some point the ad space with office my dad I feel some of the recent channel memes haven't been like receiving too much representation just because like we got all the emotes off so quickly last year [Music] oh my god okay go say out of Wolfe anyway thanks so much for coming by folks I will be back tomorrow evening at 7:00 Irish time thank you again the blizzard for sponsoring the stream have a lot of fun playing this until then take care guys you
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 120,993
Rating: 4.8465152 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-425669405, rtgamecrowd, Hearthstone, Twitch, Gaming, I've, been, sponsored, by, Blizzard, to, design, terrible, deck, premises, in, The, Dalaran, Heist, Type, !Heist, for, more, info, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent, tf2, west virginia, full stream, rtgame stream
Id: 6nteam8I-XQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 41sec (14081 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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