RTGame Archive: Don't Starve Together w/ CallMeKevin [PART 2]

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I'm going to okay you know I'm feeling very social today so I'll open your chat might just be handy enjoyed it the last time they just encouraged me to burn things no oh hey live how's it going folks can you hear us okay so just give it a moment to come true someone is upset that it's 7 o'clock and it's way past their bedtime it's just pretty early mate this is just fiercely upset like what are you doing starting the stream can you guys hear me okay I can hear Kevin Kevin okay hi hello there can you hear me and Kevin here himself okay I can hear myself unfortunately I can't stop the voice in my head never stops never ends her T is alive yeah I just look a bit dead so don't worry I feel like I've been sick like since Berlin I can still feel at my troche I've still kind of got something stuck there I am green Australian he spread the germs yes for freaking Remy like it's his fault I'm still call him green and refused to call that's what his parents named him oh god how is go no folks you're all very welcome to the stream I've joined by Kevin once again today we're gonna be playing so don't starve together clay has sponsored us once again did we play in the game they were quite impressed with Kevin's handiwork the last time of learning literally everything and me was trying to be like his mum and just stop him from killing himself but you got your work cut out for you dude well the thing is the thing is falling off that because we sponsor to play this game again and it's tying into a new update that they've putting out for the game that is based on the character you played last time and Willow and that what they've the changes that they have made for her and this is right up your alley I think this is honestly made for your Kevin they made her immune to fire ha ha ha ha they made her a mutable fire and they made it so that she can interact with fire a lot more which just seems like a terrible idea idea so what we're going to be doing it's like on top of that change is a good few others will go true as we play what I'm set up here is we're gonna be playing lights out game world and this is basically a dark world so so we're gonna we're gonna try play - Kevin strand here and actually play in the dark this world has no day at all so you have to light stuff on fire to not die let's make it harder and make Kevin more of a nuisance but I felt like just play to your strengths because now it's part of the strategy to actually set stuff on fire I suppose I mean I didn't really need any motivation to light stuff on fire but I'm down I'm good so do you just want to join off me there you can of course and we'll get going just welcome to the dark world egg like this is it like we need we need torches to actually venture past this point or we're like properly screwed so like if I want to even like see what's about here I have to just like light or tree on fire and then I have to like starkadder and a few resources before it all burns down so this is part of like the willow character refresh if they roll out and again thanks to clay for sponsoring this if you're interested in checking that out for yourself if you type X my point willow in the chat you can get a link to it and just the store page on steam you can check out what's new there they've done some stuff with Bernie too willows parable will see him a bit later there we go you're joining okay Kevin yeah I got a dress with like a furry again hold on - why is that Who I am why is this the consistent thing you've chosen to go for her it's my persona dude cause I can't I can't put on my furry stuff it's not letting me know how will you survive the dark know it just makes me angrier God so my fire is already going out like I'm trying to get a few basic resources here but I'm struggling the seat I I need to keep this fire a lot alive for Kevin to excite us wouldn't he spawn since the world he will just die anyway I mean you're gonna die anyway but like you might as well get your walk in like out the door before it happens are you true true okay I'm just gonna have to go without a tail sorry everyone letting everyone down upset oh there's a body here oh yeah there was like a dead guy just there at the start I've just just don't mind him okay this doesn't seem like a trap it's probably just a past incarnation of you so don't worry it's probably just burned alive earlier yeah oh God if I do in this dark world what's my am well I'm rejecting so there was a Chester that I stole all the resources out of but if you just want to come with me for now all right I okay I see you've already set everything on fire over there we actually do need to be kind of careful what we burn because if we run out of stuff to burn we will just die a good point and we still need to find food too and I'm worried that we're just gonna burn all the food before what have you done up here well I I needed to cos I helped I was trying to scout for food come on now this is ridiculous you're being [ __ ] reckless I'm just I was just looking for some berry bushes but I didn't find any or I might have found some but they burned before I reached it's like actually finding food is like our biggest difficulty because we just gotta like get it before it catches fire and burns down and we need like a constant source of wood too so like I'm just like chopping down a few of these trees so if we need to set up camp we'll be okay the plus size since it's always dark like we don't have any of those like guess don't need to like head back to a base or anything you didn't even I can't even I was doing a test cuz I'm fireproof I was thinking could I pick the bush afterwards but I can't you should be able to extinguish it they did actually oh no so it's I think it's if they're if there's like a single item that's on fire let me just test with my grass hang on okay I think you can extinguish items better now with this let's just have this catch fire come on we're just we're just testing we're just making sure this works okay it's my person so tired I don't know why are you tired hinting and [ __ ] I don't just out of energy already enough you burned a lot more than calories and I'm afraid oh God energy yeah it's a it's just obvious on the ground you can extinguish them a lot easier as willow now and again you you don't take damage when you're like extinguishing those things it's not gonna work if you set the Carol on fire before it occurred who knew carrots is such a good fuel source I got one carrot so I guess that's dinner for the next day for me or what about you we need to get more this is a worrying start to light up your life oh I found a carrot don't do it I got I got it I got it on fire get the berry bush quickly - I need to cam down because not because I don't want to burn things but I'm gonna run out of fire yeah that's true if you like overdo it here you're just gonna die in the dark like you do need to actually conserve it you can get a tortuous you can make torches whichever like fairly cheap I have one bit of gold for a lighter but we still need like some rope and some other bits okay where do you get rope weaken if you get a few grass and like craft them okay oh god I gotta be careful too this trees about to go out berries and stuff grow back they do don't they they do provide it you don't set him on fire nature's always one step ahead the condition oh yeah we're gonna have a lot of charcoal too so like that's kind of nice yeah it's this world smaller or the same kind of size because we just seem to be on a bit of an island I think it's bigger than the one we were on last time I think I made it a bit bigger so that well I figured we'd be setting stuff on fire so it means we have more places we can run to good idea we don't want to just eat reach like the end of the land and like that's it like we've burned everything that makes sense I just do my best to work true here this rabbit hole who are the insane people to keep sponsoring you guys yeah it's just like I think it just worked out this way for like playing don't starve this time but it's really just so appropriate like this update is just like made for Kevin now you just don't die in the fire thank you oh god I'm angry here you will die I'm fireproof follow me in here yeah eat some roast frog come here guys weird fish man I thought they were pig man I thought I was picking on the weak not the strong angry they're forgiving species we're gonna get a lot of ashes this playthrough as well oh come on come in come into this trees why is he not affected by fire either oh I'm pasted there's more ways to fight enemies didn't just fire name one who needs a craft weapons like we need Spears okay we can try your way now finding some more resources there's a little bit of stuff over here I'm gonna do a control don't set it on fire I'm gonna just build a campfire just look this the some actual resources here let's just just get all this layer it on oh Sh okay well I got the resources first it's okay it's a it's a bit disheartening to say the least cuz yeah that could have all grown back but you know sure maybe like let's get some more global warming going on my rice like get those fossil fuels in that can full of Kevin so you gotta be really really careful in yeah I'm gonna put away the lighter hang on fire for a solid 15 minutes and I'm just gonna use my bear okay the bear actually kicks in once you go insane and we'll start doing stuff okay does it not do anything when I'm saying not really no but when you when you become crazy it'll it can like start fighting and like distract enemies for you well you know I've made a pledge I can't I like how you say when I go insane not if you're implying that I'm definitely gonna go and say I mean it's only a matter of time I'm gonna be yeah I bet I'll starve before I go and say why does the chant keep saying to eat me I don't know I have to just a bit peckish today okay probably think I'm a tasty snack I suppose I'll take it as a compliment oh sorry so actually something with Bernie that is new if you actually hold Bernie like that it gradually restore sanity so you might not actually want to do that because if you want Bernie to like taunt things later for you okay yo you'll exhaust this durability I believe you can recraft Bernie so it's okay I'll just eat my carrots yeah so when you're nearby and insane Bernie will the kind of grow massive and start fighting stuff for you and if you're lovely if you hold on to him he's like a comfort bear and they're kind of like restore your sanity is like the world burns around you I love the sound of him it'll take some of the pressure off you as well you don't have to like protect me all the time if I'm going insane basically yeah you actually have a bodyguard no I can just let you die this time like it's okay this protect us from the deck they're just the holding of the lighter yes it does because it gives you a little bit of a light source but you know it'll run out so you got to be really careful still okay yeah - there was a 30% already so you probably don't want to hold it and you want just like equip it gradually burn something and then move on to the next point probably the better way to do it I'm gonna start getting some over here just so we can stock up a bit get the pickaxe from a crafter that do you all yes Merry Christmas thank you so much can I use this to fight as well I mean you can but that's like using like a rusty spoon in the fight strong I could do it you just gotta go get him behind the IE yeah real strong get a good swing mind using a spoon actually okay that's just what go to the trick Jesus I need my paycheck just gonna give me anxiety as we go so yeah the one talent they had lighting stuff on fire hose this world set up I thought it suited for you is that stuff like on fire actively like thou now you've reformed your ways I've become a pacifist oh my god never thought I'd see the day yeah still seething with resentment but I'm a passive very angry you'll want to fight off your votes I think it was more coming to an understanding that most of in this world ant week they're not like Sims and just defenseless they're you know they're out to get me you gotta actually run away yeah and I don't want to fight anyone who pick up or put up a fight the more kind of guy I just hold and Bernie here and seeing if it helps at all with my sanity I think it's goes like it's just perpetually dark it's kind of like drained a little bit yeah we need to try and get like an actual base of operations up I think this is gonna be like part of it because it's nighttime you look you silently gradually drains but it should offset it at least a little bit haven't Bernie handy seems like a good plan to me oh god well you know I use me in Winston okay I'll do all those eyes like in the derrick mean I'm going insane or is that just because it's Derek know that they mean you're going insane okay oh yeah those night creatures following you the shadow things there's like two big boys here just you can't hit me that Kenya I okay okay my guys getting real hungry too so this well the chat is still saying to eat me so do you have any carrots or any source of food or do you know okay but you want it you want to cook it first I'd say gonna stock up here on hung is Kevin still not dead plot twist he's gonna live like a little while like what's going on like the Sean Bean of dual stove I know okay why yeah how do we actually cook it's not letting me you just pick up food and put it on the fire I don't know how to put it on the fire you go I'll give you some jam I think you just put it directly into my mouth I'm just gonna just keep exploring for now and just try gather some more resources okay is it the menu on the left I used to cook or do it just because all I have is berries no no so literally if I pick up the berries on your bar put them on the fire oh that's very clever this is why I'm here better yeah thank you alright how much how many more minutes I've got five more minutes here oh my god okay so just five more minutes this arrived then like work as a team the resources you need I mean we're gonna need a lot of woods just so you know we don't doll you when it gets dark we need more grass of Oh everything's fine okay let me just yeah let me just put the charcoal on I mean went be a charcoal right yeah like we'll have loads and that's the thing if we go back true to the world we'll be able to pick up more and more we do need to get out of this biome because we're running out of trees so the doors say okey doke I don't have my lighter can you see me yep oh okay you need to stand real close to me otherwise you're gonna die here pick up my lighter easier we break here a resolution a little early cuz you're gonna be in trouble all right I'm still not gonna light anything on fire but you know I can still have it I work that's fine that's fine I'm still I'm just checking the map and trying to see I can find anywhere it looks like a good face is the problem at the moment is like it's so hard to see the world because it's just perpetually dark yeah oh okay I on the turret the shadow creature is starting to come okay it's Bernie see [ __ ] get on Bernie he's gonna fight some of them off this is what he does drop your Bernie to it literally just throw him on the floor just roll on the floor yeah Eddie springs into action get on Bernie holy [ __ ] wait why is mine just dancing what is yours killing everything I mines just dance come on Kevin I'm afraid is there another tree around I got where's my Bernie gun he's in the dark somewhere oh no where it oh there's for you thanks Bernie I got okay might Regan fight it off Bernie [ __ ] you let's see oh you set up a fire nice yeah I've just send this up temporarily Bernie's in a lot of trouble I need to give him like an actor's up to that help will distract them by making my one dance go Bernie yeah I'm gonna help my good Bernie he's dancing have you ever seen a Tennessee teddy bear before can you stop you can't even dance properly do something oh my god I think I think your one's defective yeah you gotta take that back to the factory no heat suits me perfectly we're both defective together it's the bear made for you I see maybe both of them can't be active at the same time oh and we're pacifists actually how insane are you Kevin at the mall what's your sanity on at 21 oh yeah it should definitely be active the nightmares aren't going for you for some reason they're just going for my Bernie that's fine yes fine by me I'm just gonna have to do the heavy lift in a while I guess why he looks a little rough through me edges to be honest making you Bernie you need silk Beefalo wool and beard hair we can get all of that fire the beard hair cuz neither of us has a beard sure I can grow one out if needed might take a while slowly there we go Bernie's done good job your Bernie on fire work I wouldn't do that oh yeah now you can deploy us huh birdie do that dance do that fecund dance the Bernie hey follow me off the road there's gotta be something else up here dude something something you see he's like Charizard in Pokemon you know he wouldn't do anything for ash but when he really needs to meet jumps into action don't have enough gym badges ya get beard hair from rabbits well insane thanks ty forgot you could do that yep so we can get that we can get that that way the B flow was just gonna be a bit problematic then because I'll be fellow sanity is at 11 that's that's not good no this is pretty low in fact all across the board my person's not doing so good just having a terrible time in general yeah it's been a bit rough um where are you I went slightly north I have there's a tree on fire at the moment okay I'm gonna start running all guys and I wait you gotta set a new tree on fire jeez that's terrifying when it just goes out Hey yeah yep I'm on eight sanity okay well he's probably gonna be following you a while then because he stays with you until you become more sane okay what's the best way of getting up my sanity right now fighting the nightmare creatures to actually attack you and Bernie's really good for it in them look if you just find those monsters that were hitting you before Bernie will bait them and then you just take out an axe in him very good very good and he's attacking the trees at the moment oh no no not a tree guard is there I don't think so no might have been a shadow behind it or something Oh steady or no that's that Bernie on fires just get him Bernie sanity of three Jesus Christ Oh B's is my resolution over it is Oh No will Bernie fight the bees let's see yeah I'm Bernie my sanity's none zero what happens now no no you don't die from low sanity but like the creatures coming for you in the dark might kill you okay Bernie can you just walk over to the bees and see if Bernie's interested in them Bernie oh no he is Ernie come here we're like trying the teacher I like pet dog some tricks yeah kill tyranny kill the bees kill the bees okay he cares yeah I think he only does nightmare creatures outside of that he seems to be punching himself in the head more so yeah wait for me you talk to me uh he does two V's he just hates all things are you definitely my bear what a good bear I got my one too oh it was stupid I think only one can be deployed at a time yeah it makes the - that's okay the nightmare creatures are getting significantly worse - oh yes I'll just let you fight them off uh-huh okay loud you fight as a mistake yeah definitely but don't worry I'm here to haunt you and Bernie all I can make them punch himself they're just gonna follow me no I think so it's gonna piss - okay well it's just well what else is new I guess it's just me again just you in the darkness job trying to find something to light on fire I'm not even there anymore you can't load me up everyone's pressing f to pay respects for you I appreciate that a lot this is the most respect you've ever gotten in your life but don't worry Artie's gonna bring me back it's gonna be the highest of his priorities I'm sure yep see what I did now I need Spyder some okay I gotta go find spiders then I actually don't know where to go for them this time we haven't really found a biome where they are faster for me to just check the map and kind of see if there's anything ever seen because the map still updates like consider it everything on the screen even if you can't see it oh I just quickly like keep opening the map the hell is like giggling except Burnie I think I might be Bernie yeah I thought he'd be sad over my dad but apparently not it's a free pair no I guess just thought he would care yeah thought so there he is in a pistol but anything any look pissed when I was alive - it looks pretty badly damaged - I Stefan wasn't as broken before was it can't remember it honestly I didn't care care about me I was prep prized possession and like beloved bear yeah didn't like him that much had a lighter as well that was my favorite toy was fire I swore off it but not in my next life that was the problem I gave up fire like I was trying to make it easier for you if I pick in this world cuz again just playing To Your Strengths you thinking I had strengths is your first mistake I shouldn't know if like assume there was any kind of talent oh oh you'd know that by now oh my god I just want to find spiders I'm gonna follow the road back down and see if that leads anywhere new okay and I need I'm aware I need to get food soon - I have some berries on my person so is your map essentially useless know that like the map is like better than I can already see like I just have to keep opening it regularly to work out where I am and just see what's near me yeah can you use knit knit as well should I split off and try and find some spiders - if you want to but it might be really hard to meet up because it's dark I think you just try to stick with me honestly okay yeah it's the things I give off like no light as well so I can't even see where I'm going yeah just just stick with me and Bernie uh-oh we found some spiders I found Bernie oh he's gonna fight them isn't it glorious he's doing it in my honor you know come on birdie I just need some self there we go I can't haunt him oh there we go hit your septum all right I can get you back to life no don't go in the spiders don't go into the spiders oh you can do it right here right now stand still it's done ready furnace I'll put this in the fire bring me back then oh the pain that is life oh no no no darkness I have no items or anything we need something new to burn get Bernie get your Bernie is this Bernie that's that's the Bernie there pick up your Bernie but you're talking about the carrot no say oh I just burned I have Debbie do I have to do something we were just like in the dark are you okay on hunger at the moment I'm relatively yeah I'm doing okay okay I'm gonna eat all this food then little bit selfish but I forget look I've just been through a war okay I have to watch your teddy bear kill a bunch of arachnids yeah speaking of which my teddy bears almost gone he's at 7% oh no oh god yeah cuz its durability probably went all the way down yeah mines at about 40% we might we might have to be able to rely on Bernie as much god I have to get some oh here do you want some monster me yes thank you I I need to get some Peters stuff what is a gold and rope I have gold actually army at the moment I don't have petals which is the only thing we need to find some flowers but I'd like and I cannot have them by to heed we need one more then okay that's not too bad we probably should get you another lighter yeah yeah kind of lost without them you know oh look pedals there you go okay yeah so you have enough there so we actually need to build a science machine then that means we need to find somewhere to set up camp I can I see maybe we didn't burn all the berry bushes there let me see I hope not how about me a moment I'll just see if this is actually flowers possible place to settle just a my n2 for the stream crowd app thank you for all the bits guys very much appreciate it if I'm gonna miss so many messages today but like if you want to send me a DM or anything by all means go for it I think I'm dying I'm dead oh I'm just gonna keep plugging my socials so if you want to follow me on Twitter okay I'll burn your stuff there we go how because I died I uh I got yeah I don't know it's something in the derrick I'll pick up your Bernie oh the petals just low end up in flames so we're gonna have to find more of them yeah oh no I didn't think about that wait there's an actual berry bush it survived here my god alright see the day oh yeah you can use the lighter to the cook stuff I forgot about that that's handy very handy I am haunting Bernie I'm gonna I'm gonna try set up a camp at the little crossroads over here this my bernie or your Bernie that you dropped I think that's your Bernie okay I'm gonna set up a night's fire pit next to your body thank you use it as fuel if you need to I will stay home we go okay let's get that fire going a little bit and I'm gonna see what I can craft I need four stone oh wait no I have stone okay I mean I can build another lighter I just I just can't revive you right now oh wait no I can't I broke you I burned your grass cuz I'm I'm really dumb hey why do me grass to revive me oh I was trying to build another life or I wasn't worried about that at all you're already dead Kevin not worried about reviving me we can't get your back again I can't keep doing this okay they say each time you die and come back it takes a part of your soul away well that explains why there's nothing there anymore yeah like the trick is to not have a soul to begin with them and you're fine these are their players in this game no you cannot unfortunately I'm making a spear all my character is getting concerned because it's getting too hot I don't think you take heat damages Willa we know you do oh god it's too warm the fire's too big it'd be it's like you can't stand on this fire but yeah if I get any and fires earlier and it was fine I think if I get too close to this the heat was actually affecting me there but you're immune to fire but I can still get too hot okay yeah kill Kevin's ghost I see you okay they have it out for me Kevin suffered enough I feel okay I've died twice that's enough for any man dance on his grave yeah I'm gonna make a single chest so I can like do some inventory management which is my favorite pastime when you're dead and slowly draining my sanity I'm just happy to help dude I'm just gonna become a carpenter here just do what I can to take my mind off life a while how things have been going it's haunting stuff actually do anything I mean I can move objects slightly if that was handy the last time we played yeah and we cut some stuff up the spiders yeah okay so what so much nightmare fuel I don't think I need this no you have me dude you're gonna die here if the extra axe I don't think I can even make a bag like that I've so few materials because I've just been trying to like not die and the problem now is half the world has been burnt down absolutely nothing to show for it and we just lost a lot of resources I feel like quite quickly here I'll just burn another tree I guess yeah it may as well just keep doing what we're doing we're gonna have to just plant more trees so we can burn them later that's it I forgot about saving the environment we just running out of stuff to set on fire that's what that's why we got to do it yeah it's not a bad idea to have a stockpile of trees that we can come back and burn but we'll have to like spread them out wouldn't we because yeah we light one on fire they'd go all up in flames they were together Oh on earth but oh the game crashed explain we stopped moving I lost connection okay I don't know what happened there oh okay that's all I'll just launch it again we should be okay that was weird and I've got an error like that it seems very often anyway so yeah yeah so I think we should be okay Oh imagine if I was still alive be perfect just pop back in and you're back from the dead we live at Hope I think it's saved after I died when I remember anyway I resumed it boom viola crash the game up again and I'll join in sure we're we're at the start of day five so yeah it's actually we're not too far back I just have to make a little chest again I manage my inventory I like its crimes not too worried about that this is what happens when you don't eat Kevin it could have prevented this you could eat my ghost if you want things I would gladly offer myself up as sacrifice for the good at the team but we just can't do it doesn't work them for possible I think my characters a vegetarian too so like I don't know how they'll feel about this and there's nothing productive I can do as a ghost is there no other than your name I know there is not just quite unfortunate I'll just give a lot of moral support as we continue until I come back then I'll beat my usual self again I mean I can [ __ ] go fight the spiders again but the problem is like Bernie did all the work before I need to go insane so I got to wait for my sanity the drain and Bernie will kick into action and then we can get you back but you just need to stay close to me and keep out trying to hug me or something so I go insane faster okay sailor I can do that I'm good for the spiders are pretty close as well so that's that's not bad you know things are looking up and me I'll go chase it with a spear in a moment maybe I can get one or two okay when I come back can you air me I want weapons I don't know if I can because I have so few resources and I don't have my spear anymore I do it that seems to be gone against those fish people they're probably vascular burger damn hot smokers fat right now oh wait okay wait I do have an atmosphere there we go awesome okay so I got a should be a spider off in the woods here I got to do everything no because I got I got a like light the way to I gotta find a light source then find the spider spiders just up ahead I can hear it over here yeah there is there is a bit of a shadow monster - oh that Spears pretty good yeah I can actually fight them that don't need to wait for Bernie okay how can I revive you gandered okay awesome well I just need some grass first hang on let me just see we should do it back at the camp because I don't think I'll have a lighter oh oh oh okay I need one more bit of grass let me take a look to see there we go let's pick this up here yeah guys I know I know I'm hungry but like I've only got one carrot and I gotta make it last I'm feeling a bit peckish so I've earned this now there's st. to eat you as in you eat you I mean eat myself which is not a bad strategy if you think about it chop off my leg you know it's got some good meat there mmm keep us go on a few days yeah alright yeah ok ok I panicked a little okay good what oh we got the error again crashed again I do look old stance though what is going on hmm Oh game doesn't want me to come back maybe it doesn't want you to yeah I don't know what's going on there we actually are having a bit of I'm gonna just just see it doesn't have any error code or even there is yeah and there's a report an issue to like I'm just seeing what I can do at the moment we're having a bit of trouble I don't know what's going on okay hey let me just bring this up for a moment what's the game by the way I don't starve doesn't normally have these kind of issues so that's the thing this is literally the first time it's ever happened I've got like over like 60 hours in this game it's really good but I don't know what's going on like right now yeah I've not had any issues with this game either I've not played it to that extent but I still a few hours on it oh hey Kevin can you just on steam if you right-click properties don't starve together and just click the check the beta's tab and see what your on hmm I'm not on any apparently okay right I was just making sure yeah because I'm not on any either okay hmm installed or anything game through Steam if we verify the game maybe just to make sure yeah I'm just gonna do a quick bit of like troubleshooting and just if there's no mods enabled it shouldn't be that I'm just gonna do a quick verification yeah sorry about this folks I'm not sure what's going on no verify - well it won't take long anyway because it's such a small game which is that it's a tight a moment or two flat-out her strategy set stuff on fire yeah get life light stuff on fire okay my get killed yeah I just got a verifying my into and make sure everything is okay good idea yeah also files validated it there shouldn't be any issue make sure there's been nothing here - okay I don't that friend yeah just sorry about that guys cuz like it's just unfortunate hold us up hating the game in a bad light or anything can make she is genuinely good again sponsorship asada actually plays quite a bit I striking it up again and just see maybe if we try go into a different world for a moment could do well we'll go into the old days ago on there I'm sure everything is fine everything wait actually what character were you on the old because we don't have willow on that world do we I was willing the old ones newer willow okay that's fine then yep yes this is where we left things off last time oh the tree guard is still alive yeah but I'm gonna take care of them I have a plan yeah I'll just I'll give you a moment here whenever you're here with that plan cuz like he's kind of just looking at me I'm on the way I I can't get my meatballs because he's right next to them they'll I'm in right but where's my lighter you might need to craft it ago or if you have one that's been a while sewer on this world the tree actually doesn't seem that hostile at the moment like he seems friendly in hostile come here you little [ __ ] no look at him can't follow me out here into the wilderness okay I'm gonna let you deal I'm having no part in this beetle the Industrial Revolution takes over and you will be fact you trees just wiped off the earth you speck and followed me into the water I'll just let you deal with that we're just gonna go on this world for attitude is easy elegans everywhere what the [ __ ] is happening are those penguins are pelicans or what are they oh god yeah it's winter so it's probably penguins yeah oh yeah it's the problem oh yeah there there we get the Penguins to attack it but it's trying I was trying to rile them up if you hit him if you stand next to the Penguins and try and get him to hit you okay why don't you do it you have that lighter out of sight out of mind the problem is dealt with I got this okay we were going into winter last time we were on this world look who's come to rest his head by the fire yeah you ready to move a little bit ready can you get them away from my meatballs try but I may be hungry gonna take the meatballs it's very slow to be fair look at him he's all we got him that here actually wait wait stand there a moment or two I've got a plan hang on how much rock do I have can I do this in time gone hang on gonna blow him up no I'm gonna build a small wall around him but you got to give me like a few minutes yes this is perfect stay there I'm fine I'm really good at staying still got a box him in just make it it so there's like no gap for him okay can you just like run around him in like kind of a circle or something and just see oh it didn't work the way I thought it wait he's kind of jammed now yeah he's just I just made it difficult for him he can go through the woman by one gaps okay head just keep him there a moment I'm gonna see what else I have okay is there any other structure I could make to like Bach cement rope do we go give any grass on you know I've planed cones and charcoal that's all I'm carrying along with my axe okay neither of those are helpful sure you don't want a pine cone pretty sure mmm okay we'll just let this no I can't even light him on fire I don't think I can oh wait he settles to be attack him no you planting the pinecones helps ha hi Madge aeneas we just have to acknowledge that he lives in the camp now and he's just gonna be like no you can't chop him down like he's just he's just here to stay freeloading peace you better pay rent we all pull equal weight here it's not fair that we have one slacker come here come here look it's so [ __ ] smug I hate him so much you I'll let you go I'll let you get him I'm gonna try and prepare some stuff to not die it's cold out here there is a nice fire here whenever you want to come home alright if I freeze to death you've got to come help me nope okay this is actually becoming a danger I should go back for a thermal stone we had thermal stones last time I thought we made them I can't remember honestly thermal stone I just need a bunch of rock okay any rock we watch a cut rock hey there we go okay I'm gonna make you one of these too just so you don't die as much I won't die at all that's a nice soft and I only have 38 max health is there any way I can put that up um you can I mean you can get spider selves and turn into a thing that will heal you more I enjoy some foods I can heal you too which ones bacon and eggs heels a bit of help I'm gonna name the tree rocket racoon yeah everyone say David group but I think Rockets a better name I just so or fitting because you never know when he's gonna take off and just murder us yeah exactly there we go I am lots of friends I mean just the thermal stone here yes oh you wanna go I'm taking two of them at the moment keep that on you and if it when if it goes great just pop it by a lit fire and until it's orange again Balki I'll keep you warm oh okay very good very good trying to make it so you don't die as much he worries as much yeah it's still gonna be a little death yeah there might be a lot given my max help this solo now God have a bunch of meat that's about to go off to there any way we could kill Rocket Raccoon no I like he's just straight up there to stay we're gonna need to like make a new tree garden too because if we chop down the trees near us I kill just get up again and try kill us okay did we settle near him again well is he kind of settled near us if anything I think we may have even grew him in our garden I don't think he was always here yeah you might be right actually yeah he's your child if anything oh he does kind of look like me you'd see the family resemblance he's misbehaving I'm gonna start hitting them with this axe though so things like sorry again uh-oh drop Burnie do you have Bernie no I have nothing oh no oh it's okay just slowly open the survival tab have a look through the pages there look for the teddy bear now once you find the teddy bear just check you have all the ingredients you need have no ingredients I only have pine cones anymore I dropped them just just take your time the craft and Bernie and not dying okay I have charcoal I have one charcoal so unless I can make a teddy bear that comes to life out of one charcoal betting are they that's gonna cut it right I might die you know what rocket spring into life defend your Papa Oh TJ take a swing at him he he loves me which is what he's coming over me right no and now I just have two things chasing me around I'm gonna set up like a base camp but like an paces this way I think because well I just keep doing circuits then until I die what a plan here the next hour you just run it around in the circle like well I guess this is my life now I don't destroy the wall rakesh I worked hard I mean I could help fight them but I'm kind of lazy I don't think he needs fighting I you know he's pining for attention he just needs your attention dude please doesn't love me Oh God Oh oh no no no no no no no no no no like I'll have anything me neither I think I'm dead where where's the furnace wait stand next to me it's not next to me right now next what you owe me this you emit a small bit of light you emit a small bit I stand next to me you're alive I owe you this at least we just wait till morning we'll just wait till morning okay Oh God absolutely died again where's rocket you can't believe it I can believe it you see through my death others live it's kind of poetic in a way it is true actually yeah if I didn't find your ghost there I would have died poetic in one way depressing in another oh there are monsters that are gonna start attacking me soon which is the only problem don't have the materials like just Oh any light source right now this is stay close to vision like do a little bit of moving to make it fun no monster tancy does where's my son where is rocket he's out there somewhere we'll find them probably find us I don't think he's got any beef always right here this is Amir it could haunt him but don't haunt him you'll probably just bring him to life again Oh God okay okay it's a need rate starting to get bad oh it's daytime oh my son is he chasing me now no no he's not he wouldn't do that it's swear to God always Bernie when you need think you good it's snowing now Rockets leaving oh no we do it out of poor fella what am I actually supposed to do and my thermal stones starting to go cold ow knew he was always sick of us but I guess he's sicker more all of his son put that one down pick up that I need something just for a light source I I what am I missing for light I need grass and wood grass and wood no there's just penguins out there I love the Penguins just for a moment thank you for the 40 quid that's very generous hey it's not die she says thank you very much so that's why I'm dying because no one's financially supporting I now pay $10 to keep Kevin alive he will die without financial aid it's like what those depressing ads everything's shot in black and white I'm just like sitting in my kitchen only $40 I got it I can't get the grass yeah he has this things chasing me a guy I don't know what I'm supposed to do and I'm gonna run out of heat soon there's some bees over here Thanks Oh pigs help me okay the pace the pig spooks it thank God the hell oh god I wanted it and made it angrier sorry [Laughter] big man were like chasing them away and I just haunted it and he kept taking place are you just trying to get some food - what will the spiders help me I don't think they will oh I think they are well yeah there might be this damn turkey is here the gobblers back that's nice but this thing is still chasing me just I still have I have okay I have a torch now oh yeah well I'm coming any Heat I need heat this is bad this is heavily forested all the more to burn I need to get like a little bit of wood I need this guy to like be off my case III can't take a single hope I will die and there's other night terror is now starting to follow me I don't even know how I'm supposed to get you back alive this time cuz I'm so badly injured I think I think I might just need to accept my face you know life usually finds a way we always thrive in the end there's not much life here Kevin spiders are pretty lively spiders awesome minute penguins always going on please burn it all just burn it off burn them all maybe berries too so I don't die oh god I'm dead died what the hell okay wait I have two minutes I have two minutes yeah I was a touch there was a touch stone there have I used that touch stone before that I have if I am quick we might we might not die here why use that touch sir I need to go okay I have 90 seconds 90 seconds to get to touch stuff a lot of carnage back there so I'm kind of happy either way whatever happens we we ruined a lot of creatures homes back there which is or impose a feeling in a way Oh God we just haven't had much luck God look at the forest yeah it's beautiful it's all burned I've used that touch though okay I got a scout in you away then okay I'm going to the left I have 50 seconds to try find a touchstone do they look like it's like kind of like a black slab on the ground okay there might be one up here but I split up and look for clues let me know if you find one cuz the clock the clock is ticking okay oh pretty no I can't even see he and the map does the object while you're a ghost have 15 seconds unless we float on top of it this ain't happening I found a grave Oh at least you found something I guess the treasure the journey oh that's it there's a good attempt that's right miss my son it's dead now he's probably still wandering around there causing havoc he's out there in spirit yeah exactly Oh God and back in the world and which world just say it once before yeah you should if you just like pick your character again you connect like a new one that's alright killer walk thank you for a thousand bits there as well it'd take a lot more than ten dollars to keep Kevin alive yeah I think we could solve world hunger before we finish Kevin stashes is in your guy's hands that's how it works you didn't give me your lunch money hey guys you could run hunger and I would still somehow stare in this every time right well on the bright side on the bright side were on like a relatively safe world is it just too much to ask for my resolution is gone [Laughter] the fire I can't put out I just have to wait for that big boy to burn I do you want to put it out you can extinguish these smaller homes I just I just just don't want it all the burden Kevin I want to make a home for us one that doesn't have to be replaced every two minutes because it catches fire you wanted to not burn but I need it to burn be important here I've stopped it I stopped it I took so I took a fair bit of heat damage but no fire damage thankfully I'm gathering food for the home you're setting everything on fire aren't you oh no no I'm gathering food I have two carrots I have three carrots four are you are you actually up you know got some flowers oh my god and more flowers I just don't know what to say it's gonna be the team I never thought I'd see the day everything's on fire though isn't it just just be honest to it everything's going great that means is on fire because fire is great nope I don't know everything everything is all good though Oh God well I'm just gonna pick get some food supplies before it burns I just said I just like so resigned I like it just like acceptance now it's all going to burn everything joy he's found some bees happiness is temporary and what else should I be looking out for should I you want to get just get some wood twigs and grass okay and then if you can get some Flint too and some rock just need as many supplies as we can get right now okay oh Jesus getting sidetracked a moment but SP gunner just gave 30 subs Jesus Christ man thank you very much as incredibly generous it's straight up like straight up like 150 bucks oh thank you very much both alive thanks to those thirty if it subs Kevin won't die in the next two minutes you've given him the life juice he needs found a suit made out of grass which is great for a person he said fire all the time no you to convert yeah seriously ask me Connor thank you very much found a field full of rabbits is like any good to us oh you hear hey good evening I mean we can catch rabbits just kind of helpful I mean it means not to I am less - something that is generally considered a positive look more food better get this for the group so that we can stay alive I'm just worried because they keep your being so inconsiderate right now I don't know what's wrong Nicky thank you for the thousand bits Kevin's famous last words I found some bees and I'm ready for a burn boom God good yeah I mean it's a peaceful world it's not constantly dark but that does help to a degree I found a pig platform a touchstone a nice not sure we should just set up camp here then cuz just like a lovely little place I personally love it it's probably the best spot I've ever seen in my life and I think we should set up right here oh wait wait where'd you go are you on the road I'm lost yeah I think I don't south with it did you find the wormhole next to the road no okay hey I'm just gonna Scout this bit of road running all the time you go you'll get the turkey I'll Scout the road no he's in this book that's it it's obviously a pretty good spot like this see if everybody here in this good road access is a touchstone I see a tune in okay I don't really understand I saw the turkey going into the bushes I lit the bushes on fire and he never came out died they did they despawn when they go behind a bush it doesn't necessarily unclear behind it yeah they just completely like disappear I see that's a bit sad I wanted to kill him I know you I know you did you follow the road yeah I'm just kind of seeing it's like there's a lot of branching paths around here like I think there's a really good spot where it's just just below the rabbit field I think we should set up there oh I don't have a light source yeah oh wait no I have my lighter I have my lighter I made a torch just in case I can't find the tree just just pull out your lighter for a moment or two should I just keep my lighter out or should I suppose I should light up a tree but you couldn't make a campfire - ah I know it's crazy what even is this thanks for the thousand bits as well there no way to draw some more don't start father of rocket and Kevin's adventures oh did you send us we're the person who said that's that piece before I don't know if you saw it on Twitter before Kevin did you post it it was like there was the fine art of us in the don't starve style and you just burn and [ __ ] whoever made it tweeted at me and I'll take a look cuz I don't recall it right now and it was a really good one it was just after the last time we played Harry Styles thank you for the five gifts ups there as well because cries oh hey it's actually him yeah oh my god I mean no one could just pretend to be him right it's the internet yeah they wouldn't do that he'll be dishonest bushes oh don't burn up don't burn bushes of their berries for sustenance from me and my friend I am going to yeah I think here is like the best place for a camp like there's like a huge bunch of all sorts here and actually leads everywhere we just need to find like a rock biome and we're good okay I'm going I'm gonna go try find some stone okay a frog found the graveyard yeah there's actually a lot of food here this world is much kinder to us I feel think it's just the positive attitude we're having might be mica I just found the rock biome yeah and see everything's looking up and it's like it's like nearby it's easy to access if I'm a load of boulders down here as well yeah I just I think I'm near you at the moment actually my god I we actually have a chance there the hell is this thing suspicious Marable I'm taking you home oh my god it's so heavy just bring it home break your back oh it's gonna take a while do it anyway you know like we need that boulder week you don't need a spine Yoshi I never use it anyway you saw me running from those fish man it just happened so quickly with the fish man I think yeah it escalated ass you burn one house down and they just go straight to violence who would have thought it even a chance to just talk things out my god yes I saw there's a lot of stone on that down there I'm gonna just I'm just gonna get the 12 I need and I'm just gonna set up the marker on the map I'll go go like this crossroads Junction like right here this is a really nice spot oh my god we got the best world ever what did you find I need to drop this suspicious Marable it's so heavy I walk so slow with it I don't understand what is your find Kevin found the the big birds with the big eyes that lay eggs that we can say oh nice okay you're gonna get your kid back again yeah it's no egg in sight at the moment though I'm gonna scope it out his nest and there's nothing there no there's only one at the moment oh maybe you just got away from the have kids and then steal them yeah look there's only one bird person over here so I'm guessing that like you can't just make it alone look here that could be the last it's kind you need to find it at a bird person so he can like repopulate his species just kill him and make the species go extinct no but then we don't get the eggs I want to have omelet I do want to eat his kids this is oh there's the marble - do you want to carry some of the way it's really a oh no you're good there I'm just gonna keep mine and this is gonna be a long-term project to get right or you're not welcome home even playing sad music what's it used for I have no idea there's like two bits this large marble pieces like that and you can put them together I've never actually done it I don't know what it does but if you find the other marble piece you're welcome to bring that home - gladly it'll probably impress that tall fella back there yes I see him now he's got a spot where the egg should spawn and currently well we live in hope for you to have a baby we can eat it oh god no it's chasing me thank you I was just trying to steal its gold ever steal a tall man's gold I've lost it is it just follow the road and I'll get to where you're building the base so I've marked it on the map if you open it you should see like the camp fire no it's not showing up for me okay let me just lose this tall bird again oh yeah yeah it's why the crossroads yeah it's like literally next to spawn as well so like it's really easy to find actually such a good base site with the marble and some statues on a new moon you can break the statues and you can summon a boss that sounds that sounds very dangerous there we go seems so much more peaceful than before does turns out we just needed money all along it's all the more well eat him raw we go guys if you think this could be jinxed nothing will go wrong it all could possibly go wrong we are considering how long it took us to get our start late in the last road it was like what day 10 like we're day two and we already know where our base is and we have actually like take more resources than we had then yeah yes which is kind of a downside but there is less fire but yo like we could burn stuff later controlled forest fires they turn over a new leaf speaking of which I might die here unless I equip this torch 5 to save you again I'm going to be very upset are you back at the base well I'm near a fire near a crossroad so I'm assuming this is the base I don't really know I'm guessing it is oh just let me just yeah hey how's it going off that down a moment there we go oh we're doing good I just need to get some like more wood in that and then I can i building some things up I get a science machine built for us there we go just realize I'm starving to death as they're stopping carrots in your mouth not realizing that I was the one that was starving oh yeah my guys not even hungry like I don't leave addy food right now you know just have to feed people now I'm gonna make you a bag there you go all my carrots go oh there there wait what's she giving me the bag it's next to the science machine you want to take that with you okeydoke thank you very much no problem yeah let's go get some water why is Kevin still alive Jesus that's harsh it's a glitch dude I don't understand what's wrong with your game he's not dead do the frogs attack on site not always they're a bit Moody just don't get too close and you should be okay I can relate to that I've it had my morning coffee yes right birdperson have you laid an egg yet oh my god there's no egg there why do you have to be so unwanted I'll just have a weeds we beg you we want to eat your children how could you be so selfish right back to carrying the Marable I think don't starve together we played in single-player I have no friends yes it can I don't worry you can play it so I think chatsters had to get you today like every time I look over it's just like they just want you dead yeah it's upsetting because I'm such a good person I've almost got them hireable back to the base so then we'll be mission accomplished oh you're still doing that okay I thought you were getting some resources or something oh no no I'm doing important things okay I'll have the marble then we've got to find the other half of that it's not really what it's about though it's just about having this piece I just like this fish I don't want the complete set it's suspicious marble I love that it's suspicious it'll fit right in with us there we go oh no I was like I think the marble allows you to craft extra stuff and then I read the science machine my god I figured it all out I'm literally just like gathering as much wood as I can right now well I guess it's been all go I think the first while playing but this is probably the most peaceful we've ever had a play in this game hmm it's nice yeah play the game my other friend the problem what a weird coincidence the piece can't last probably not but you know will and we'll enjoy the downtime not even going insane at the moment like Bernie doesn't have anything that he needs to do does Bernie still dance to come to life even no no it's just like a sad bear but not insane enough for Bernie yet he has no purpose in this world okay I can see if like yeah so you can see it now he does restore sanity oh yeah yeah so we couldn't see it before because I it was constantly dark and like I was offsetting it mmm yeah it does actually graduate through stores that's really neat it's quite handy yeah just like holes hold your teddy bear oh well that's really good you're well you're welcome to help me chop down the trees there I'm just got resources oh thank you very much he'll help good help gonna dig up the stubs even though you can yeah just get a shovel more efficient eco-friendly very nice destroy the whole tree you've none of it alive okay the only use for the suspicious Marable is to place it out of Marable structure well we need to find that man on a player's Potter wheel when we make a Potter wheel actually maybe not no they're naturally spawning that's something else okay you checking the wiki at the moment look I just want to know what's suspicious about it because he seems like an all right chap to me seems like a good gentleman gonna just plant these trees back to us a bad idea like a proper garden like it's already spaced easy-to-access I'm just so happy with our home I hope rocket comes back I don't hate rocket what I told you look Vera son dude that's your child you can't just say that you can't be branching about him behind his back I got buckled shoes what else have I got I will take them my carrot again I got a new look I hate it Thanks what do you my grass suit huh oh damn oh wait where did Kevin go Oh could you put the grass suit back on actually life was much more enjoyable more than you when I'm not here I snuck around and lit this area on fire don't do it the work in her iswho I swear to God like I'm actually really happy with this start like I might even play on this world like go outside of the stream it's like one of the best starts I think I've ever had the ice you swear to god you hidin behind that tree I'm invisible what's scaring me like that oh god they're just springing up I got a spear my sanity is really good cuz I've been inventing stuff I'm gonna be able to make like an ice chest now I'm like too so we can organize our inventory a little you know I'm delighted you're having such a good time here and the chat is telling me to burn the whole thing yeah like I would never do that to you the sad thing is like I like this is like when I'm playing the game like normally like this is just what I genuinely love doing like I love just like building a little base and actually been finding your own little place in the world trying to survive it's all it was the best part of these types of games isn't it like evenly Minecraft any time I used to play that I just build my base but then when you're kind of build your base I'm like ah that's the fun pan over here that's the best parent for me he's all the set up and now both of us have our career set up in such a way that like anything we build must also be destroyed oh yeah no matter how much time and energy we invest entropy will claim awful as long as I'm ruling over it I don't mind if I'm ruling over ashes as long as it's my kingdom even if it's the kingdom of dirt there we go lovely base I'm gonna check if that guy laid an egg and steal his children one good plan one can only dream I got the lighter I have it like a backup torch I don't I have resources I don't even need right now I would like on point I am at the moment it will take I have surplus of resources he got he got any fire no it's the one resource I don't need more of he's got an egg but he's carrying it Oh does he have an egg okay I'm coming over hang on okay this is important to me me with that vecanoi let me just bring some jam for the road like look back off how can you see mmm well if you distracted I'll steal the egg kind of distract him but he's come back now he's like Shirley he's not even a Trent he must have like no depth perception how would you actually even be able to hit me yeah Mon come here sees like a static image oh yeah better better I'm going for the egg huh huh factor isn't he yeah I got his child we're going anyway he gave up he did not want that kid this one I'm gonna steal those gold real quick too ha ha now he won't be able to buy any more children I don't know it made it otherwise we don't really know what tall birds do with their money it's always been a mystery alright he's going to invest in his painting planned I'm sure it's never it's never too early to start thinking about it if it's true it's true it's wise advice right there see you say that I remember like like the first week of uni is like 18 years old and like I was going for freshers week and they had people just like campaigning for like pension awareness it's like I I appreciate like I kind of like imparting the wisdom but at the same time I'm 18 and like I've just started uni and no no 18 year olds gonna set up and check it in pinched in there they gotta give true the old like student - first you know I guess it takes time before you get to pension exactly where do you go I I just steal in some more gold okay we need to put that egg by the fire and hatch it yep comes out of it I want to know I gotta know I think we can get at Holabird baby like actually have it as a pet we should eat it well now if if we're trying to keep the egg heat at this time you got to keep like a careful watch on it it'll take care of it will be the mother hen are you gonna like just sit because like last time like a spider just ran up an anus that was watch I don't know I'm just it's not my child okay I'm not responsible if your baby gets Asian maybe my child but you stole it legally speaking you have at the time look I just did the kidnapping okay I want no part in this alright wait where you at I'm here I'm here okay so keep the child low destroy the child to keep the child warm so just get the fire going no don't you can you even do that oh god you just cook it like right off the bat if you have the lighter equipped we're not gonna do that hey anyone want some scrambled eggs you actually have to leave it on the ground next to the fire oh my god it's hatching already and my love for him brought him out how is that so quick they get the sphere equipped just cases a bad child put him on the ground again he didn't the first need see would be me I don't I don't want him to see you first [ __ ] off okay I'll just cut down some of the nearby trees just do something useful you keep me updated on the baby okay oh my god Kevin's gonna give birth live on stream I don't know if that's like against Terms of Service I don't know if this has happened but it'll be a world's first we're gonna need the twitch staff to confirm if this is okay I've got connections it's gonna be fine lastly why won't it hurry up come on it takes time to do hurry up dude you spent nine months in the womb yourself okay yeah but that was different that was me I'm allowed to do that well I would be a bit of a diva Oh already like pine cones to replant these trees emerge from your show what do you think we should name it like if it's a boy or if it's a girl I don't know how we even tell like which Chester it is either way it could be called The Reckoning first name the second name reckoning okay duh that's that's the name of our child perfect not gonna be able to pronounce that but like it's you drink like super condescending like anytime it says something we can be like duh yeah technically correct come over here he's gonna be faking a whole bliss oh I mean we gotta raise him so of course it is if the fire go on the reckoning is coming that's child birth for most people I imagined the reckoning baby just kind of casually destroys a family's life for like the first one bit of a nightmare on a razor just we have that tool gave him keV annual oh that's that's that's monstrous avatar did you leave down your bare next to him so he had to play with no it's a sacrifice like a ritual a satanic ritual for caring about something here is the Bernese oh i'll change a change color the hell it's squashing not too hot is it I don't know how these things work oh I'm an expert trust me it's cold it's it's overheating it's overheating we need to we need to get the fire down yeah yeah put away the torture hold put away the torture hold that's what I was doing it but we put it back near that fire but just not without the torch it was too hot no okay just okay just put it over here put it over here there we go it's just it's just a hot day it's just a hot day I wonder what it would taste like they'll heaven over clothes there you can't you can't ask these questions like so like this far ahead nothing wrong with asking the question you know as long as I don't like act on it or anything but asking the question tends to be quickly followed by the house that's a gateway isn't it control yourself just don't eat here kids this one time I'll try but it goes against everything I believe in and do you have anything that I could eat besides the child cuz otherwise like it might come I'll go get I'll go down the Tesco I need [Laughter] I fell too hot before but now I feel - I felt too cold before but now I feel too warm put the blanket off now put it back on where are you I wanna have peas for dinner I feel like peas tonight Jesus attempt to put him close to the fire again because I think he's getting cold nobody's not getting cold okay keep away from the fire keep him away from the fire I need to find food hang on now I gotta get a move on before you eat our child yeah you wanna hurry you know I eat a lot of stay LM still berries and I'm feeling a little bit better now how you should have cooked them help them how to cook them the does that help stale berries they would yeah they're better for you you should cook everything yeah you make jam and like it restores more hunger didn't know it and that's why you're gonna die of hunger I wanna be fine my child will take care of me so put just set in chat that you leave Kevin although your baby I know it sounds bad but yes keep getting twigs cuz like I've getting distracted and just like see resources there's an entrance to a forest over there - that doesn't help us Oh yep further down all the road then a childhood we got to get back up call that now nothing to eat well I have six berries I'm gonna drop him off in a moment get you got some no no Kevin where's the baby it's fine where's the baby didn't love us anymore Evan Kevin I'm serious destroy the child sad music play just after I said that that was the best start I've ever had in any world I think all rich food it's a sacrifice how is a baby gonna be born and grow up real strong if we don't sacrifice a thing or two that's what parenting is all about sacrifice it's not gonna work if you sacrifice the childhood my accident is [ __ ] oh my god he actually had it you came back with the child and then just ate of in front of me you know what happened doc that's not a thing that happens you can't accidentally eat a child you know that one dog like what my mouth was open the child was just there and one thing I led to another it was on a gentle slope and I just kidding it slid right in so clumsy I'm gonna have to steal the child from there go steal another child maybe they have oh my god I can't believe I'm so upset but happy at the same time because I think deep down I wanted to eat it but deep down I wanted that child oh he was better than me that's why you aces let me heat anyone a check I only have like a sink like two pine cones now to rebuild the farm okay arm me with an axe and I'll go out and get some pine cones oh now you're considering making yourself useful trail they was a bad influence on me he was whispering sweet nothings into my ear all evil and wonder who he gets it from the bird person the bird yeah probably the bird person that bird person is like crazy as hell he tries to just like kill us with his eye like who does that and no one that tall should be trusted and it's all leg which makes it even worse it's true oh sorry I meant to give you food I kind of just ate most of it there you go all right child filled me up I'm just sad yeah feels like a little part of me is missing too but deep down I think he'll always be inside of us in some way maybe we'll see him again someday probably tomorrow gotta poop sometime it's shame we didn't name him after me and then the chat finally would have got it Kevin to come true missed opportunity yeah what do we name the next one is just call uh like transient or temporary yeah that lasts a week oh my god we had the error again wait yeah the error just came up again I don't know what's going on it's saved since I ate my child let's see I got it let's quickly see I don't know what like baby it's just my end for like we verified the files I don't know what's going on let's give it a quick look this game doesn't normally do it as well I might just be acting up tonight I think this is the ritual that I did I burnt down that pine forest I know the game is saving or child yeah I'm just I'm just gonna open it and see where we are we'll probably wrap up in a few anyway but might be for the best if I have like issues the child's alive again oh I'm taking it into my custody I don't believe this do you the child is alive child's going to live with mom a while at least let me see him I need proof he's alive that dad's gone very far away his dad needs to get some help stop him from eating you the child is alive not gonna tell you where I've gone no don't don't try find me don't try find me Karen took the kids oh my god this episode of Jericho I'm just I'm just keeping the child with me boy oh I found I think with the marble has to go oh no I just found some more marble and you took the kids I need to find him help Oh an off-road well it's the Beehive um can I set this on fire usually I just test it out trying to see just to see if I make a big fire near it I think I need to actually make a hammer flour there we go well sure fake it we're gonna be wrapping up soon anyway it will burn this whole world down to get the reckoning back okay Kevin where are you at the moment I'm not actually sure I got something I want to show you mmm is it going to be dangerous no it won't be dangerous sweet like honey okay I feel like we're on the air the same track here it's kind of like a hive mind you oh no it's not following me it's not following me this is why you couldn't raise a child they don't doubt like paranoid abilities bees won't follow you please it doesn't want to leave about oh it won't leave the biome well this week appetizers if you go from spawn just up into the right a bit very I'm alt got a frog attacked me [Music] along does the child take the hatch because I'm genuinely curious how long it takes I don't know keep sweating a lot which is like the main problem shy dude I'm when you're that age everyone's a bit kind of awkward I feel I keep it near a fireboat bit away the beak the bee queen just went home as well I'm just set up camp next to our hive I got some honey out of it she's very accommodating when it comes down to it lovely it takes a few days okay whereabouts are you I know I'm like in the rough area yeah so like literally like if you go from spawn and just go northeast I could just go like I know it's like no one likes fast the wormhole a bit that direction oh yeah like I'm honestly like not that far everything's like very compact in this world okay yeah I see roughly where you where do-do-do-do-do tuned I'm going to need enough now nope that's standard for this hey look I'm all the way over here wait so do you want to see the thing hey go fish it's the beat queen you can make children just like that why do we find it so difficult go get them child they're gonna eat right they won't eat them I went over to pick it up and then I have my lighter out and it nearly cooked it that's what I'm doing okay no you are though you're always dying on me where's the child [Applause] take the child save my bag have you just opened that up hey I got the child goddammit you know I have no idea how to bring you back maybe we should just leave it here fitting ending after all your hard work you end up dying here it always ended with my - to revive you like three times yes I think this is canon I think in the end you die and me and the child live really live for long honestly oh god mine just mine stealing my stuff even gonna try there is a touch so I get go revive myself the like oh not even ready poink wait wait let's go let's go you won't get fair yeah this is incredibly slow let's go how come it's not hatching what can I just gonna try something hang on I don't think it's doing anything you you have some light yes can you can you just like oh wait no you can't light that tree I just wanted I'm just trying to test something here aunt aunt Oh No did you do now good news I think the egg hatch and our child is out in the world now what a lovely name you gave him all right here you go son oh oh I didn't mean for that to happen I was actually just trying to knock him in the river and see if he don't we both made mistakes oh that's a shame on the bright side we kept our child warm she have read it in the end we didn't let our child go cold we can say that Oh God so in the end I'm the lone survivor like this died to God I think we're gonna wrap it up I think we're gonna wrap it up there too I think it's for the best thank you so much for coming by the strait of dough today Kevin I was good food flavor yeah at all I pleasure as always thank you for having me thank you to clay for sponsoring the pair of us there'll be videos like of this stream going up on our own channels probably like within the next week or so if you're interested in playing don't staff together if you type exclamation point willow in the chat you can get a link to the steam store page I know we had a few technical difficulties with it tonight but like honestly like that very rarely happens the game is actually like very stable it's just a bit of a shame it kind of happened tonight when y'all were trying to show off the game I kind of gave it put it in the spotlight I've got about 60 hours in it myself so I can I say that with confidence if you're interested in planning for yourself link is in the chat as exclamation point willow you can set things on fire too now and play with your teddy bear that's oh it's pretty good okay I'm gonna I'll wrap up the stream then Kevin I will I'll talk to you in the future okey doke sounds good I'll talk to you then thanks again don't worry Zand boy stream everyone saying bye thank you so much anything other than eat it slightly some a different message other than the Kevin must die yeah never thought I'd see the day alright um say I'm on the browser will I just drop out the channel yeah yeah just drop out one day man almost okay I'm gonna go back to the main menu here there we go guys now I hope you enjoyed the stream today that was good fun playing this pint Kevin sweet dreams I think Anna hopped in the chat there too so how's it going on it Rick and nerd about oh okay we'll get the subs in how are you guys doing hey guys as ever like when we have someone on the channel you know it's it's kind of hard to officer the stream chat I hope you guys are doing well done you enjoyed the stream yeah I really love playing this game so play it again sometime yeah probably well honestly I really want to stream this with Rihanna at some point because I think we haven't actually played it in a while and yeah I wouldn't mind getting back into it I don't know if Rihanna is here at the moment yeah she's not some time she's lurking Kevin say by E string before he left yes that was his goal on body string [Music] well platformers is this game on I think it's on most of them honestly it's definitely on PC don't starve together a platform so we just put the check I'd even be on switch PlayStation 4 Xbox one Linux no it's not on switch okay they have together I'm trying to check [Music] it is on it's on a fair few though I just don't know if it's on switch that's the only one I'm not sure if mobile to cool makes you know huh it's some version of an on switch I think maybe the bass games on switch ps4 for life it's worth honestly really good this tree was loads of fun thanks Alice I do hope people enjoy it you do that people join and do that a hundred people in don't starve server I did that before Joss you did like some of the first variety videos I did like with my channel like started blowing up a last summer in June I did Skyrim and I did don't starve that's actually quite a few don't starve videos on the channel because of that I like don't the mass mostly I don't starve letting the multiplayer terraria which kind of led in the mass multiplayer minecraft which is the one we stuck with quite a while it's on switch okay I wasn't sure if it was two together version or was just a base game cuz there's regular don't starve any news lipstick everyone and the regular don't starve is like the single player one that hat does actually have some like exclusive stuff to it I think has things like the shipwreck shipwreck expansion and the Hamlisch as well for instance we're using mods no I wasn't using any mods that's the thing I don't know why I had some tech trouble I have to see what that's about what will be your next dream it'll probably be Thursday I was thinking of two extreme and Wednesday this week as well but I think it might be best to take a bit of a break and just try and get back to the regular stream schedule because I actually do have a lot that I need to edit this week because I still need to get truly like the plants vs. zombies footage I need to get hitman together I need to edit this now and I have like some vlogs that I do actually want to get up soon too I want to get up one for like the P o box and I want to do another one where it's like a UH a roundup of all the conventions I'm going to this year because there'll be out of quite a few so I want to give people notice so it's like hey you can come meet me at this thing I'll be at like European game summit here in Dublin and I will be at y'all con too so I just want to get that in a video so people know so we do and stuff for both of those [Music] are you gonna do another plants vs. zombies dream I honestly my Nico I I think if like we have you know how we have like Pokemon is the sort of chill game we play for background sometimes I might make plants vs. zombies like that in future I mean what we might play it again like that because I'm tempted to even get try and get to like the survival endless and just see how far we can actually go it is honestly really fun to play might just take a bit of a break though because we did play like we're literally 12 hours the past weekend oh yeah we'll get some different games in I want to do a Nintendo line this week and I think Stuart's gonna be about this weekend to fork up at so we're finally gonna be finishing that that's right boys and girls let's do this oh yeah forgot about that we ready have a look now uh he was going again key look yeah qo hasn't been going you know a little bit I haven't see caught her in a little bit in a Raider Oh everyone's screaming at weed her aide wolf we read wolf every day though like my tray yeah we do ranged qo a lot though - cup of noodles streaming sure [ __ ] it there we go cup of noodle cup o noodles lovely he's playing a game that has a name similar to L'Oreal I'm not sure what it is Lorelei maybe go say hi to cup of noodle oh she's great thanks for coming though today folks I hope you enjoyed the stream again thanks to clay for sponsoring this do check out don't starve like it's just a game I can't recommend enough I'll be back on Thursday I'll play some more games then till then enjoy your week okay guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: RTGame Stream Archive
Views: 294,429
Rating: 4.7926779 out of 5
Keywords: tchat-421700839, rtgamecrowd, Don't Starve Together, Twitch, Gaming, Me, and, CallmeKevin, have, been, sponsored, to, set, everything, on, fire, in, the, new, Willow, Character, Update., Type, !willow, for, more, info, RTGame, RT game, RT Game, rt, twitch, pc, game, funny, xd, haha, comedy, rtgame accent
Id: tBa0LWzuG3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 9sec (7269 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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