rSlash Prorevenge "I MADE HER LOSE HOME, JOB & KIDS!" - r/prorevenge Top Posts of All Time

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our slash pro revenge what is up guys mr. read it here back with another episode of pro revenge stories our slash pro revenge is one of my favorite sub reddits and I really enjoyed making this so kick back relax and enjoy the show we've got three stories we're looking at today our first story don't tell mom the dog sitters dead our second story how to train your roommate and our third jerk driver ends up paying for a lot more than a new car as always timestamps are pinned in the comments if you'd like to skip to another story before we begin Stephanie Taylor and daddy thank you for subscribing hope you enjoy the stories don't tell mom the dog sitters dead my sister moved up to South Carolina from Florida about a year ago but she still visits us periodically we're big and close family shortly after Thanksgiving she flew down with her husband and son for one such visit she has three geriatric dogs so she got someone to watch her house and dogs my sister went through the basics of how they can only be fed at certain times they get let out at certain times they need to be in their crates from X our to Z our most importantly they don't get treats she gets vitamins in place of treats but those vitamins have to be given only twice a day know people food very strict diets they're all happy and healthy but only because my sister is so strict with their regime this lady she got to watch her dogs had stellar reviews on the site she was found through she's a stay-at-home mom who does this as a side thing for extra cash I feel like I can end it here you all can guess where this is going my sister left for Florida for a week the first five days everything is going well dog sitter texts my sister regularly or video calls she shows my sister pictures and gives her regular updates of when she comes and goes to my sister's house my sister just bought that house by the way she's been working her butt off to finally be able to afford it she puts so much into making that a nice home for her family my sister has some health problems herself she's got a ton of prescription medication in her medicine cabinet she brought enough for the week but left the rest at home for epilepsy asthma and allergies but she's also got a ton of painkillers from when she had my nephew not that long ago she's paranoid about becoming addicted so she kept the pills for safety but never used them it's a full bottle on top of that she's been a collector of rare beer for about 15 years now beer that's not even sold anymore because they were only promotional for micro breweries beer she can't get anymore because she doesn't live in Florida these bottles she keeps as mostly decoration in her kitchen on the sixth day of her vacation dog-sitter stops all communication all together my sister texts calls emails nothing radio silence she's got a bad feeling but she doesn't want to kill the mood because she doesn't get to see her family very often anymore day seven she gets on a late flight back to South Carolina the plane gets there at around 2:00 in the morning they drive an hour to their rural town they get home the front door is wide open the lawn looks like someone in a truck which dog-sitter happened to drive just tried to go drifting over grass and a tree before vacating the premises super quick my sister goes to handle my nephew who is groggy and screaming it's been a rough day she's thinking the worst that someone robbed the house while this poor lady was there my sister's husband brother-in-law goes inside to survey the damages it's all clear my sister and nephew go inside too the back door is wide open the couch looks like it's exploded the rug in the living room and the couch and pretty much every square foot on the bottom floor is covered in this kind of pee and poop that can only be made from three geriatric furry buttholes the dogs are thankfully still in the backyard but they're shivering in filthy there are these broken beer bottles everywhere some have been stuffed deep in the trash to hide the evidence some have been refilled with water and put back with their tops precariously situated on top so they might look like they haven't been touched 82 bottles each growler sized roughly 64 ounces gone the medicine cabinet is like one of those western post towns with a tumbleweed bouncing through my sister is already thinking this dog sitter threw herself a party no way in heck could someone five six 170 pounds drink that much beer and take and many pills and not be dead my sister called the cops obviously the police get there to figure this must have been a break-in they take a bunch of pictures taken account of all the bottles and drugs that were missing my sister cleans what she can but gets to sleep because thankfully the upstairs hasn't been touched one day later the police find the dog sitter my sister has assumed she's dead and abducted so the police were looking for her and her car they found the truck run off the side of the highway with this lady about two miles up tweaking out of her mind walking along the side of the road screaming at nothing they take her in for whatever charges I don't know her husband bails her out and picks her up according to her husband this has happened before dog sitter has a drug and alcohol problem at first she's messaging my sister super apologetic saying she'll reimburse my sister and please don't press charges my sister quotes her the price of the rug a new couch and the vet bills because her dogs had somehow gained access to nine containers of doggie vitamins and one of them was also having a liver failure the dog is fine now but she's an old Yorkie so who knows also my sister buys in bulk from a wholesaler and snide containers the total was somewhere around $800 my sister didn't bother with the beers the meds the lawn cleaning the house she could have a heck I would have on top of that my sister demanded dog sitter never dog sit again and she had to refund my sister for her dog sitting my sister works in advertising I won't say what kind but basically if she saw or sees dogs that are advertising herself as a dog sitter ever again she has the means to drag this lady until all she sees is mud for the rest of her life dogs that are insist she's gonna pay it back but that my sister has to wait until they get their taxes back okay so my sister waits late February she texts dog sitter asking where her money is dog sitter he immediately starts saying how she didn't do anything wrong my sister is a bad dog owner and her dogs are miserable none of the stuff my sister says dog sitter did was actually done my sister has all the old texts of dog sitter admitting to all of it so this goes on for a while eventually dog-sitter starts saying how as a courtesy she has a friend who owns a furniture store she will give my sister her credit of two hundred dollars for a new couch and she has an old rug she doesn't want anymore that my sister can have she paid my sister about five hundred dollars and insists she'll get the coupon to my sister soon March goes by nothing around March 20th my sister marches her happy but to the small claims court and files then she sends dog-sitter the message as a courtesy I'm letting you know that I just filed this at the small claims court then the fun starts this lady goes off on my sister she says she's going to suit for slander and undue distress and harassment and blah blah blah blah blah my sister saves all of it including the fun bits where dog-sitter threatens her family and calls her the c-word 20 dozen times today is what April 6 2 0 's the court date things move fast in a small town I don't know this lady shows up looking like she just got run through a garbage disposal she gives the judge her sob story talking about how she did nothing but give my sister and her animals the best care that my sister is making all this up yeah my sister has the og cop with her she's got the pictures of all the damages the vet bills the bottles proof that she was out of town police reports of both the break-in as well as dog sitters DWI the following day dog sitter tries to spin it with the one law about how you can't serve alcohol to a known alcoholic that obviously gets thrown right out dog sitter then tries to appeal to judge and my sister's sense of humanity she tells them how her husband just left her and is suing her for full custody good and that if she can't dog sit now how is she supposed to support herself or ever get her kids back tough cookies the judge takes my sister's side for obvious reasons I mean come on dog sitter is homeless now living with her parents she can't see her kids who by the way don't even want to see her apparently she was a drunk who ran her hubby's credit all the way up she was abusive to her kids and because of her heavy alcohol abuse one of her kids has FAS dog sitter has 60 days to pay the remainings $300 or she faces jail time I don't know how much time sorry her husband filed for divorce already oh and she lost her license thanks to that DWI as a former addict myself and someone who's been through a DWI I want to sympathize that's a lot of stuff to go through my sister gave her chance after chance but at some point you have to take responsibility for your actions it really seems like this lady has just been using her husband as a crutch while she tries to get better only to backslide hard it's rough I know I hope she gets the help she needs my sister's dogs are doing well she got a replacement couch on Amazon for like 75 bucks and a nice fluffy rug for even less dogs that are eventually coughed up that coupon it didn't even work it was for something like 20% off with a purchase of $500 or more so uh no things next up we've got how to train your roommate this is the story of how I used Pavlovian conditioning to train my formerly obnoxious roommate to behave like a responsible adult so the three of us are nurses and we all live in this company provided apartment each of us has his own room which is joined by this common area that doubles as the kitchen and dining area but the walls are paper-thin and don't provide enough soundproofing so if one were to say have a loud conversation in the commons area during the late hours of the night it would resonate through all of the rooms adjacent but if you were in your own room talking to somebody it wouldn't be heard outside basically any sound that you make on the common room could be heard on all the rooms now this is not a problem during the day but at night when everyone is asleep our one obnoxious roommate always decides to have his Facebook video calls on the common room using his phone waking everybody up with his loud conversations and since we are nurses we have to work in shifts me and the second roommate work on 12-hour day shifts 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. while the third obnoxious one works on the 12-hour night shift 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. so the third roommate tends to be awake at night we get to sleep soundly when our third roommate has worked but every time he doesn't have to go to work the two of us tend to be disturbed by his late-night blabbering on his phone we tried to handle it the adult way by talking to him about it suggesting he do his antics inside his own room since while in there we wouldn't hear his loud conversations and he wouldn't wake us up at night especially if we have to go to work in the morning this worked for a while but he eventually went back to his old habits of waking us up at nights we were getting so tired of the situation because all we wanted after a long 12-hour shift was to be able to sleep soundly especially if we still have to go to work the next day our halleluja came from an episode of the office that I had just watched where in gym trained Dwight to crave a breath mint every time he restarted his computer a light bulb suddenly switched on in my head to use our Wi-Fi to train my nosy roommate nobody else knew that I had admin privileges I just happened to be there when this guy installed it and they gave me the key I realized that I had access to our Wi-Fi network wirelessly on my phone and could turn it on and off on a whim like a god it was simple every time I got woken up by noisy roommate taking his internet calls in the common room I would turn off the Wi-Fi or the whole house and wait until he goes back to his room before turning it on again the training took months and countless late nights after getting woken up at night by said roommate I would wait for the right time usually while he is in deep loud conversations with someone to turn off the Wi-Fi then wait for him to get annoyed and curse our service provider until he finally gives up and goes to his room cue for me to turn it back on the loud late-night calls in the common room became less and less until he no longer took them in the common room at all this translated to silent nights for me and the second roommate who had to work in the mornings my method was so effective but he actually thought that there was a problem with his phone sometime later he wanted to show me a video of something on his phone but said that I had to come to his room for him to show me since there was a problem with it and it wouldn't work in the common room I was grinning like the devil the whole time our third story jerk driver ends up paying for a lot more than a new car I'm a longtime lurker this is my first post on reddit please go easy on me first a little backstory I'm a college student and cycle the campus everyday it's not a long ride at all but I have to go through a zone where it's illegal to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk so I'm forced to on the road most drivers don't care and just go around me since I stay to the edge and don't make myself a nuisance also it's not a very good bike that I use this will be important later a few weeks ago a guy in a Ford SUV I don't know exactly which kind started yelling at me as he drove by while I was in the road only zone all the usual get off the road roads are for cars you're too slow kind of stuff I get that from drivers on a weekly basis I just ignore and keep going this man was special though since he cut right in front of me and slammed on his brakes after yelling I was able to stop before I hit him and he floored it out of there yelling better be careful next time bike I was pretty mad but I hadn't got his license plate or anything and I doubt anything could be done about it anyway there was no real proof over lunch I told one of my friends who works as an EMT the story and he got seriously pissed off apparently he has seen the results of a car successfully braked checking on a cyclist and they aren't pretty two days later the same Ford SUV jerk tried to break check me again I was expecting it as soon as I heard him yelling get on the sidewalk bike from behind so I avoided a crash again I told my EMT friend over lunch again and he was even madder than before I wanted to let it go since I can't really do anything about him and my bicycle isn't going to win in a crash this guy keeps trying to break check me every few days during my morning commute whenever were on the same patch of road at the same time about a week ago my EMT friend told me that he had told my story to one of his friends on the campus police who was equally pissed off the two of them wanted to set up a trap for this jerk driver the plan was to have the policeman parked on the side of the road in hopes of catching and pulling over the jerk I agreed and the officer pulled some strings and had himself posted on speeder catching duty for that stretch of road a few days passed uneventfully with no sign of the road rager I saw the cop parked in the same spot on the side of the road every day a spot where the road has a left turn lane and a straight Lane finally I'm pedaling along and I hear the familiar voice scream get the hell off the road bike I scream back catch me if you can and took off I was spinning my scrawny little chicken legs as hard as they would go and PEG to the throttle I guess this made the driver even matter because I heard his engine roar as he pursued me he shifted into the left lane as I stayed in the right I looked to the side and saw a nasty-ass old man in the driver's seat with a passenger's window open his mouth was going like he was yelling but I couldn't hear him over the wind noise I saw the police car spot approaching and started to slow down taking the opportunity the driver swung right in front of me I don't know if it was the speed or his anger that made him swing wide but he cut across my lane and crashed straight into the back of the police car I barely applied my brakes slow down to about 15 miles per hour and crashed into the side of his car the officer got out spitting mad wouldn't be an understatement and called an ambulance and another police car everyone was unhurt since the jerk was only going like 25 miles per hour but there wasn't enough of an impact to trigger the SUV's airbags the jerk ended up getting arrested for driving drunk seriously who drinks before 9:00 a.m. for an illegal lane change and probably other stuff too I don't know all the details I imagine that causing a crash like that would entail some additional charges the guy ended up having to pay for extensive repairs on the police cruiser and for a new bike to replace the one he destroyed by cutting in front of me the frame had snapped on top of that I hear that his car was defined as totaled by his insurance company since the airbags went off so he also had to pay for a new car with any luck he'll lose his license from the drunk driving charges and won't be able to menace cyclists again bonus story vandalized my store and harassed my neighbors have fun in juvie apologies for the grammar issues I'm not the best writer I work at a Dunkin Donuts inside of the only convenience store in my neighborhood so all of the residents will go there to get their morning coffee or just to snack my neighborhood is also really big and everyone knows each other most people recognize one another instantly and know who is a friend of who who is dating who and all that gossip talk because of this everyone knows this group of middle schoolers who are the biggest pieces of garbage I have ever met and they have shown to be awful human beings I first encountered them the five weeks after I took my job when I was working with some customers this group of five kids all middle school boys wandered into the store loudly having a conversation full of swears and lewd topics they came over to the side of the store and my coworker came up to them and asked what they wanted they then began demanding free food because they were hungry coworker being an incredibly nice person gave them a doughnut each but then they began demanding more and more like it was a buffet coworker ended up handing them three more doughnuts each and the kids left without even saying thank you or pain keep in mind my store dumps the doughnuts right before the store closes and kids are told to come in around 6:30 to get free doughnuts because that's when it is allowed these kids came in at 10:00 in the morning thinking they could still get free stuff and I later found out that they had been taken advantage of coworkers kindness for months the bad behavior did not stop there however the kids would continue to come in and harass me and my co-workers for free food to taunt us flip us off and even threaten to call the cops on us I know they were just kids but it was all really annoying and a bit scary at times I'm 15 and I'm too young to go to jail I once even caught two of the kids shoplifting fifty dollars worth of merchandise from the convenience store and then proceeding to deny it calling me a liar and that I had no proof I later found out even more about their bad behavior when a customer came in complaining about these kids who had just walked through her yard and when she tried to stop them they flipped her off and told her go F yourself you old hag and then left however the worst was yet to come everything came to a head last month when the kids came into the store again and they followed their routine they harassed me and my coworkers until co-worker came out and gave them what they wanted and then left without even a thank-you however the person working at the convenience store shouted over to them and told them that that was so rude and that they needed to give us a thank you this caught their attention and the kids began to walk over to her and began to ask her questions like why do you care then they began insulting her and telling her that they could do whatever they wanted and she had no control over them and then did a complete 180 by insulting her race and making racist and sexist remarks about her she was Islamic they insulted her hijab and told her she should take it off because she looks ugly with it on and then called her a terrorist but was going to be the next Boston bomber she tried to hit back but it was no use and she ended up running out of the room crying giving these kids a window to take three candy bars and a soda before booking it we were stunned and a few customers tried going after them but couldn't keep up I ended up spending most of my shift comforting her and helping her with her work because she was so out of it the kids ended up returning five more times each time getting kicked out and having to wait outside where they just so happened to find pleasure in harassing customers and showing women their junk they eventually left right when I was about to leave and before I left I came up with a great plan to get back at them right as I was about to walk home I went up to my co-worker and told her to go into the security room and make a copy of all of the recordings of the kids I told her to get every single angle and then save them somewhere as evidence when I left I called a few of my neighbors and asked about the kids and asked if they had any surveillance footage of them if they did I asked if they could also save it somewhere and keep in contact with me and a lot of them knew where I was going I returned to work the next week and sure enough those kids came in and followed their routine along with harassing my co-worker a bit I had told her earlier that day that when they start to harass her she should threaten them with calling the cops and she did exactly that they laughed at her and told her to knock herself out and she did the cops arrived within 10 minutes and unfortunately the kids had left but we didn't need them we recounted what had happened in the previous weeks and we showed them the camera footage of them harassing shoplifting and exposing themselves on camera thankfully since everyone knew each other a few customers pitched in and told the cops where the kids lived and I told them about the other things happening outside of the store the cops thanked us for our work and our day went as normal until after work when I got a call from my co-worker who was ecstatic she told me that the cops went to the kids houses and found not only the things that they had stole from our store but also a handful of other things like fake IDs and even some drugs in one of the kids houses normally these kids would have just gotten off with a warning or a slap on the wrist but there was so much evidence and there were so many laws broken the police had no choice but to arrest the kids it later came to light that the parents of the kids had been allowing this activity to go on and one of them was buying drugs from some guy in the neighborhood who was later arrested and that's how the kids got their drugs in the first place their behavior also did not go unnoticed as they were charged for theft and harassment and were put in juvie I don't know how long they will stay but I'm sure they've learned their lesson and won't turn out like their parents I'm just glad that I never had to deal with them again if you stuck around for this whole video you rollick leave me a comment letting me know which story was your favorite and I'll give you a heart and don't forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications hey there mr. reddit here for more of the best stories from reddit it's a subscribe button and turn on notifications and I'll see you very soon with some more of the best stories that reddit has to offer
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 147,119
Rating: 4.8580685 out of 5
Keywords: rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, Reddit, r/, rslash, sub, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, cringe, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, mr reddit, reddit cringe, entitled, r//, r\\, rslash prorevenge, prorevenge rslash, r/prorevenge, r/prorevenge rslash, prorevenge reddit, rslash prorevenge playlist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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