rSlash Entitledparents "GIVE MY SON THAT SANDWINCH!” r/entitledparents Top Posts of All Time

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mommy I'm hungry I'm on a sausage roll I know you have some you are probably hiding them so that you can eat them yourselves are slash entitled parents what is up guys mister read it here back with another episode of entitled parents stories our slash entitled parents is one of my favorite sub reddits and I really enjoyed making this now kick back relax and enjoy the show today we've got four awesome entitled parents stories that we're looking at our first story will be ma'am that's not on the menu I don't care give it to entitled kid our second story will be caring lies to the manager gets caught bombs this store with pepper spray our third story entitled mom wants to steal my birthday cake my mother terrifies her kid and her into backing off and our fourth story sometimes calm understanding and patience is the best way to destroy people before we begin welcome to our newest subscribers candy hijacker and Tommy now let's begin ma'am that's not on the menu I don't care give it to entitled kid all right this might be a bit long but I found it really funny so bear with me I'm on mobile blah blah blah I'm an elephant a bit of backstory me my wife my friend and my friend's wife me and my friend have been friends since second grade kind of collectively owned a small coffee shop in a small town in BC Canada all of the food and coffee we make is made in the kitchen by hand and there are only ever the four of us we all have our little duties so the place runs fine if a bit slow my wife and I make all of the food while my friend makes the coffee and roast the beans and my friend's wife who is the only non introvert around us works as a cashier it's a roaring good time and I can't really think of a job I would rather have anyway we are a fairly popular place and due to our ways of making food we usually sell out by 11:00 in the morning or so we will still have the occasional sandwich or sausage roll left but it's mostly gone on to the main story one Monday afternoon we were just kind of chilling my friend's wife was sick so I was Manning the front I have no people skills but I was doing okay we were just making the food in coffee telling jokes and just generally having a good time of course that was quickly stopped by a dark presence entering the shop the cast Karen is the entitled mother se B is the stupid entitled brad friend is the cool coffee dude wife generally just an amazing human and the B OD random old black dude being black had relevance and me ancient god of an old city Karen walks in with entitled bread and the following conversation ensues hi can I have two sausage rolls a Greek salad and an extra-large expresso this is a good time to mention that all of the food we have is displayed in a glass case and there were clearly no sausage rolls or Greek salads sorry ma'am we only have the expresso left would you still like one of those or or a sandwich we still have a few of those left but the menu outside says that the sausage roll is your daily special yes so they sold out quickly if you wait 5 to 10 minutes we can make you a fresh one mommy I want one now give entitled brat one the Board says you have them ma'am I've told you we are sold out of sausage rolls and Greek salads do you want a sandwich mommy I'm hungry I'm on a sausage roll I know you have some you are probably hiding them so that you can eat them yourselves you also probably spit on all your food now give entitled brat one now me totally done with her ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave also why do you want one if we spit in them Karen during the standard Karen screech I'm not leaving until my angel gets his food he has had great grades and deserves to be happy if you keep hoarding it I will report you to the police for discrimination and cooking without a license me and my friend both in total shock what now we have our cooking license thing hanging on the wall right above the counter so I have no idea what she was talking about Karen looking smug that's right give me a sausage roll ma'am our license is right here points to the license hanging right above me that looks fake you probably forged it now this is when the cool old dude comes up to her ma'am I don't know if you have dysfunctional eyes or if you're just stupid but they have a real license right there points to it with his cane Karen turning around to look at him this isn't your problem old fool and then this horrible lady just slaps him this crazy lady has the audacity to slap him me and my friend just stood there in shock while Karen was glaring daggers at us I'm really really really hungry mommy I need food now Karen tried to reach over the counter to grab a sandwich when a hand stopped her my wife walked out of the kitchen now my wife is african-american so she was greatly offended by what this woman had called the old man my wife told her get out now um I don't think so who do you think you are my wife told her the person that will report you to the police for assault attempted theft and about five other charges now get out of the store now normally my wife is easygoing and really nice this was probably the most serious I've ever seen her and I was kind of scared me and my friend were just kind of watching this wishing we had popcorn Karen turned slightly pale and simply said come on entitled brat let's go eat some way good just as they were leaving the old man who had just gotten back up after sitting down due to the slap called after them hey you wanted a sausage roll and through his half-eaten one right at Karen's head let me tell you Karen's Karen screech was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard well that's my story sorry there was no police called or anything but I still found it funny side note I never worked the counter again up next we've got Karen lies to the manager gets caught bombs the store with pepper spray this took place last week at work some backstory I am a cashier at Harris Teeter and very rarely have a negative interaction with someone because it was such a tight-knit neighborhood atmosphere everyone knew and loved cashiers this was the one exception it was also the most insane public freakout I have ever experienced it was mid-morning and I had been talking to one of my customers that always comes to my register after giving her the receipt smiling I turned to today's Karen who was already glaring at me with a class decreasing mean woman face her responses to my greetings immediately gave me a sense that she was not in the best mood did you find everything okay today ma'am no but then again I never do at this place well you can always go to customer service and they can locate an item for you if we have it in stock no I don't want to waste my time just being really condescending it really mean she asks for paper bags which annoys me because that takes twice as long and it's already busy when I finally finished bagging she hands me a bunch of coupons and I start scanning them the week before there was a story vent that doubled the whole coupons and the computer would do it automatically she thought it was still going on and so when the computer didn't double them I guess she thought I was trying to short her she accuses me of this and I inform her that the special event ended two days ago and she says well can't you just do it for me stop being so cheap you ended it too early now harris-teeter is pretty chill about these things and if she was polite and I asked the manager she probably would have finessed but she wasn't so when she complained and asked for my manager and he came over and said exactly what I said I was very satisfied she wasn't after I rung her up I still kind of felt bad because she wasn't expecting to spend so much money during the event people would bring eighty dollar orders to like under ten dollars with the right coupons if that shows how good the deal was I suggested that I could give her the senior discount which is five percent and can only be used on Thursday for people over 65 this would make sure she left at least a little content also my manager would have probably thought it was a good compromise to save a customer Karen did not appreciate my act of kindness to say the least she immediately got triggered and assumed I thought she was over six um no I don't want you'll see Mia discount she said this with enough volume that the closest other cashiers turned around and looked this was the exact opposite reaction I was expecting and I was completely thrown off I tried to finish the transaction to get her out of the store ASAP but she wasn't near finished she demanded the manager come back to the register when he got there she accused me of calling her old and tried to say I was being extremely disrespectful my manager knowing how respectful I usually am to the customers immediately smelled her BS and also tried to get her away from the register and over to the customer service desk so they could deal with her easily away from the line of customers she was not having it she kept saying I was the most disrespectful cashier she had ever witnessed at this point everyone within 20 yards was gawking at us in horror she then said she was not leaving this spot until she got all of her coupons doubled and I was fired my manager came in clutch and said hold on ma'am I will take care of it for you but went and got security this is when it really hits the fan upon seeing the huge security guard following the manager over to her she realizes she's messed up and goes out with a bang she quickly rummages through her purse and I am confused for a second when she pulls out a mini pepper spray bottle I start to duck but she lets it fly right at me as she curses some more I have never seen pepper spray used before so when it didn't directly hit my skin I thought I was fine I was wrong as the smoke billows around the register the other shoppers rushed backwards to get away from the particles in the air but in seconds everyone that was touched by the smoke started hacking and running away to the bathroom I can barely breathe through what felt like bee stings lining the inside of my throat and I stumble out from my cover coughing and writhing from the way that the smoke was melting my face and arms a guy from the line next to me somehow bears the pain and jumps in and bear hugs her until a security guard catches up and slams her against the ground the last thing I hear when I'm covering my scorched face and running to the employee bath is Karen screaming at the security guard to get off of her the air all around where she sprayed felt like it caught on fire and my sensitive skin was completely inflamed even after 15 minutes of splashing cold water on it when I finally come back out the shopping center police are talking to the manager and I can see Karen being guided into a cop car through the front door windows looking into the parking lot it is still under pandemonium because several shoppers got injured by the spray as well my manager praises and apologizes to me for what happened and tells me to go home early despite the massive L I got to take some stuff from Karen's cart since she already paid for it all those were the greatest tasting double stuffed Oreos of my life also I ganked some smoothies which felt really good on my sore throat I didn't go to the doctor because my house is closed and when I called my mom she said we had some cream that helped he calls me later that day and clarifies that there's no need for me to be involved legally since there were cameras and tons of other witnesses they just asked me to give them a more accurate account for the dialogue between Karen and I fast forward a week I got off work today and before he left my manager told me she got charged with assault and battery and was put in jail to wait for her trial I didn't have to press charges because the store was vouching for me I'm also starting next month with it two dollars and 50 cent rays which makes my hourly $12 an hour instead of 950 which is nice they told me a bunch of other benefits I would have but it's mostly stuff I don't have to worry about right now I'm not sure if it is because I can sue the store or they just feel bad for me for the most part my face is healed but there are still some splotches on my neck moral of the story pepper spray is like a poisonous grenade and never bring up the senior discount around someone who is mentally insane next up we've got entitled mom wants to steal my birthday cake my mother terrifies her kid and her into backing off so I've recently encountered an entitled mother at Waitrose in the UK this story features me only as a partial spectator and my mom as the victim of the entitled mom or entitled mom as the victim of my mother and all Nestea happened over a week ago but only now getting the time to write it for some context all of you here in the UK know how this is a fairly pricey grocery store aimed at the upper-middle class me and my parents rarely go in in unless we have a good coupon or want cakes as their bakery is utterly delicious and not as pricey as everything else this happened about a week ago and recently I had my 21st birthday and my parents have decided to order me a whole rainbow cake as my birthday cake as a treat which only cost around 20 pounds which is 26 US dollars this cake is always at high demand as it's one of their best sellers meaning that the only way you are likely to get one full is if you order it online and come really early to the store you simply place an order and a cake is reserved for you at a date where you then pick it up and pay at the store simple enough right I know it comes off as a little childish but the cake is delicious and I love colors so heck with it so it was the day before my birthday and my parents had driven to town and I came along for the free ride and at the end of the day about 5 p.m. we headed towards the shop to pick up the cake by the time we had gotten into the shop and into the little bakery section we did not see many people around waiting to be served but we did see a lot of people who had stopped dead in their tracks to watch a lady I want to say she had thee I want to speak to your manager hair but she didn't really she looked like the most common middle-aged blonde with no identifiable taste in clothes tacky and straight-up ugly the most memorable thing was most likely her massive nails and the freaking infinite amount of rings on her fingers tacky fake rings to match her ugly accent that she waved as she yelled at the employee behind the counter with her she had a girl who didn't look over 10 or 12 I can't really tell kids ages anymore in modern times I heard an audible sigh from my own mother who then rolled her eyes it was a busy day as we got closer this is the conversation I could make out entitled mom what do you mean you don't have rainbow cakes she yelled I'm sorry ma'am we're all out for today we sold our last daily patch at 2:00 p.m. what go check again you idiot I need it for my daughter's birthday it's a special occasion she elongated the word as if she was talking to someone who was challenged I am sorry ma'am there is nothing I can do for you maybe you could well and go make one and make some good use of yourself you lazy cow she barked at her ma'am I cannot do that and even if I wanted to I couldn't do it we don't have the time or the ingredients to make it on demand right now I did not want to drop any judgment onto her child until I hear it speak she began whining and crying yelling loudly and whining about the situation this kid was absolutely chaotic mommy I want my cake I want want want want it she screeched like a banshee honestly now that I think about it I didn't even know humans could make this high-pitched shrill sound that made my back shiver this is why this country has gone down the drain because immigrants like you take up jobs and then start being lazy do your job and make yourself useful she berated her what she said was even meaner than this she kept going on and on and I didn't understand why since the woman was pale pasty white and even spoke perfect English honestly better than my own the child then had started to whine she was not old enough to be able to look over the counter and bang on it so she began to make noises on the lower half of the counter continuously making a small banging noise my mother had visibly had enough of this and made her way forward and push past the entitled mom she slightly shoved her as my stepfather then placed himself between the two of them to make some boundary what excuse me she tried to protest but my mother had ignored her like a bad fart in a big room knowing that eventually it will pass hello said my mom with a half smile as she knew the woman did nothing wrong herself my parents were also worried that our reserved cake had been sold and that they were also in trouble I overheard that you sold all the cakes but we had one reserved and I am wondering if it is still here she the employee smiled oh are you mrs. yes yes I am it's for my daughter the woman goes towards the back and opens one of the cabinets and there was a cake there that was reserved by us the entitled mom almost exploded excuse me you said that there were no more cakes available you liar ma'am no more available to sell cakes this one was reserved to be picked up at 5:00 p.m. and two days ahead entitled mom turns to my mother who is facing the employee excuse me I was here first and my daughter needs her birthday cake she has been good and I want to treat my little princess she said she turns at me and looks appalled eyeing me up and down and waving her branches in tacky jewelry you are too old for a cake it's disguising this is for a child and her special day she kept highlighting that she was here first are you deaf and stupid I asked her quite bluntly we ordered it at that moment my mother's had turned in an iron fashion you know that moment when someone's body is deathly still and unflinching and only their neck moves to look into a direction like what owls do well that is what my mother's iron turn and stare had looked like in the meanwhile the child was forming a tantrum taking things and throwing them around from the counters across the bakery picking things out of her mother's cart and then chucking them onto the floor calmly my mother asked entitled mom ignoring the child did you preorder it no but did you buy it and I'm stealing it from your hands you are but I'll take that as an uneducated no she says as entitled mom's mouth felt somewhat crooked by the looks of it you need to also teach your child some manners and how to behave in a public space are you telling me how to parent my child my mom turned to the child and bent down a little when she stopped throwing things and went back demanding with a booming and commanding voice my mother yelled at her in a solid and powerful manner shut up brat the child shut down immediately you should have seen her face no panic or tears not even a glint of sadness or fear only a deafening silence like a deer in headlights she looked at my mom in an utter and soulless manner her face paled as my mother's voice resonated into her entitled mom was also shocked and silent calmly my mother turned back to the employee and asked will that be twenty pounds with a smile and the employee simply shook her head and thanked my mother for the purchase and for ordering it online as it made it easier the woman sets the cake onto the counter and entitled mom starts reaching for it the entitled mom reaches out and tries to grab it now that I think about it mumbling something along the lines of this is insane in a defensive manner my stepfather's shoulder rose up to get in her way I stepped harshly for it as in the meantime I shuffled closer to her in my parents you could now hear the muffled sniff of the girl but she was still and silent you fat cow she yelled and stumbled back as I forcefully stomped on her foot with all the force I could manage you stepped on me she yelled at me and I just smiled oof I sure did shouldn't have gotten in my way I said in a condescending way I suppose I smiled at her in an amused manner and my mother simply picked up the cake and did not even look at the woman she turned to start walking away an entitled mom tried to follow but her limp made it hard and she simply gave up I could still hear the complaining about this behind us but her child no not another word the cake was delicious and this made it even sweeter and for our final story today sometimes calm understanding in patience is the best way to destroy people okay so a wee bit of backstory way back in the early 2000s we moved a full state over this was big for me because we moved a lot but it was always just one or two cities over I had never left my home state before but this new home was great and my family has been there ever since now I was 14 at the time and all the kids around were ten or so so there was no one my age to hang out with so in the end I just stayed with these kids and there was a surprising amount of culture shock I was raised way more conservatively and was a lot more durable yet reserved as the years passed I needed up being the neighborhood babysitter it was odd for me as I was an enormous young man I'm currently six foot seven and I was very awkward growing up but I don't have many non fond memories of my childhood and younger friends it wasn't all fun but it was decent but I left for the Navy and I had this interesting encounter when I came back after a year or so on what ended up being literally my only military leave most of my friends were all adults now or almost that but I still got asked to babysit at least their younger siblings and generally keep them out of trouble I was basically just there to make sure the little ones didn't run out in front of cars or play with matches my best friend whom I will just call mark for now was there with me he was a tall skinny black guy who I absolutely loved to match wits with still do to this day one of the only people who can challenge me intellectually but he has a bit of a rough background with his family this is important later so that fateful day I was up and about mostly catching up with my friends and talking to them about basic and my first year or so at my command which was in Japan so it was a pretty popular topic I only vaguely had to intervene with the younger kids and get them to calm down or stop something now enter the entitled kid and entitled mom I had been gone for about two years and almost the same week I had left this new family had moved in so they got to know everybody but me but I had been there for years before her and everyone else in the neighborhood trusted me explicitly as they knew me very well as I talked with my friends I noticed some new faces but mostly entitled kid I inquired mark but he just said it was some kid from a family that moved in just after I left everything seemed fine until I heard a hefty clunk and clatter I turned to see a soft ball sized Rock clattering up the cul-de-sac I look in the opposite direction where the rock is rolling and I see entitled kid pick up another and hurl it at the head of mark's younger brother then reach for another apparently it was entitled kids idea of what playing was I very quickly rushed over snatching the rock from him and very sternly told him he could hurt or even kill somebody if he tried to play like that I didn't know him or his family so I didn't bother doing or saying anything else until I turned around and started back to mark I saw him waving and a rock bounced off of my head granite I am six foot seven and 300 pounds so it's not like it was going to kill me but still I turned around and glared at the little [ __ ] jabbing my finger near violently to the end of the street very clearly in aggressively saying go home now he took off like the devil was chasing him and I figured it was over but you know how this works two minutes later this shaved gorilla looking middle-aged woman came strutting up the street with entitled kid until she came marching right up to me practically frothing at the mouth though for the past two years I have had everything from first class petty officers to master Chiefs screaming in my face so while she looked to have some weight on her and expected the world to cower when she went all mama bear I remained upright and towered over her when she came to confront me my refusal to step back appeared to mildly prompt her to not get all too close still the Rio vit all was strong entitled mom practically perforated my eardrums with her what did you do to my child I calmly responded ma'am he was throwing rocks at the other kids I told him to stop and he threw rocks at me so I told him to go home about this time I noticed mark shaking his head clearly this was a woman who had a reputation regardless Marc came to my side trying to confirm my story but the shrieking continued no you abused my child he's got red marks on his arm I looked over at the kid who seemed to not only be perfectly fine but straight-up gleeful at his mother who was flailing and frothing at me I sighed and just again calmly spoke ma'am I didn't touch him you can ask literally everyone present and again no I know these kids they are all liars and thieves especially him she threw an accusing finger at Marc and honestly despite having seen a bit of the world it took me a bit back when I heard her spew you can't trust their kind I didn't know exactly what she was meaning as it just came out sounding very bad I don't know if she was just spouting off some crazy stuff or whatever but she kept on frothing she went on about how her little angel would never hurt anyone or anything and so on talking about the imaginary red marks on his arm but then it came out and you how old are you what is someone your age doing with children you creep I'm calling the police I sighed loudly and just told her go ahead you'll find this isn't going to go your way she made a few gorilla noises which I think were supposed to be words before she turned from my unflinching face and to mark and started tearing into him and his family trying to tell him that he had some sort of darkness in him and how it's in his whole family some pseudo religious evil spirit garbage before I had finally had enough I turned about gesturing for all the kids to go into one of the houses eh let's just leave she's not thinking straight let's just let whoever comes to figure this out deal with it she growled and made more gorilla noises before turning around mark said something along the lines of we shouldn't have to leave because of her she doesn't know me if your brother came to you and said some stranger was hitting him or whatever your rage would overwhelm your trust of a complete stranger - I left out any mentions of gorilla noises and frothing at the mouth as Mark was clearly above that however entitled mom whipped about and screamed at me y'all going to say something about me say it to my face to which I turned around and repeated the exact same thing to her clarifying that despite the fact that she was acting incredibly aggressive and was in the wrong it was at least understandable she grunted more and stormed off with entitled kid in tow it wasn't until a few days later when the story had circulated around the neighborhood from both sides entitled moms seemed to change her mind on calling the police instead she went around to the other houses and tried to tell them stories about me saying I was a creepy child abuser however as I stated everyone knew me not only that but in small towns when someone goes off to join the military well to put it simply not only did all those other adults know me pretty well but my joining the military kind of put me into a state of pseudo sainthood then all the kids told their side of the story and what ended up happening is a severe alienation of the entitled mom the small town believed me and the kids and this shaved gorilla was not only calling into question my integrity but implying I was a horrible person it was almost instant the third day entitled mom came to me and made a very very thorough apology I recommended her to apologize to mark and his family - to which I think she did but it appeared as though a simple I'm sorry it wasn't enough just a month or so after I went back to my ship I got an email letting me know that entitled mom and her family moved out apparently the neighborhood was a bit extremely zealous in my defense and she became priority target for petty revenge every time entitled kid came out to play all the neighborhood kids were told to come inside as the neighborhood was very vocal about how they didn't trust their kids around entitled kid or entitled mom she tried to paint me as the villain and ended up completely obliterating her own standing in our town instead that's all for now but don't be blue I'll be back soon with more stories for you remember to listen to mr. reddit every night so your dreams will be wonderful like you are and bright it
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 206,143
Rating: 4.8249803 out of 5
Keywords: rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, Reddit, r/, rslash, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, cringe, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, entitled parents fail, mr reddit, reddit cringe, entitled, parents, r//, r\\, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: bjh6Yo7YOLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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