r/ProRevenge - New Karen Boss Won't Stop Harassing Employees! EVERYONE Ruins Her!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys so welcome back to our slash Pro Revenge we're in today's episode op tells a tale about a power tripping Karen boss who single-handedly ruins a company guys the story is so satisfying and I hope you enjoy the other ones as well and don't forget to hit that subscribe button for future stories okay so I've worked at a certain Home Improvement store for close to a decade now about eight years roughly the first seven years was in North Carolina before I moved up further north to be with my best friend and her husband who I Learned was pregnant with my first godchild as such I transferred up to a store in the area and put my nose to the grindstone I worked Garden before and did that for some months before I started to be moved from Department to Department as this store was low on staff however this was not full time my old HR had dropped the ball and this store believed that I wanted part-time so having already moved I grabbed a part-time overnight job at the gym to make ends meet and continued to work all the while asking repeatedly for a full time at the main job and never getting a definitive word back or change several months into this my goddaughter was born now as I lived with my friends during this time and during the time of covid I spent quite a lot of time helping to raise her and we became close I would often take time off to help look after her and there was a little problem so half a year into this change I had made a good name for myself we didn't not have a good deal of friends per se but I was respected from my work ethic and my willingness to help out anyone in any Department that asked me enter a new assistant manager the woman was abrasive to staff and she was used to getting her way the first I heard of her was when she outright fired a girl working the front desk because of a Playboy tag on her jacket myself and several other employees organized the walkout in protest of this and succeeded in getting the store manager to reverse the decision made by the assistant manager this was not the first walkout we had done this in the past when another assistant manager made sexist comments about a cashier so soon after this I was given full time by the operations manager working and receiving for a horrible supervisor we often didn't get along especially as my God child got older and I took on babysitting duties while her parents worked and slept it was not something I minded as I adored the child I often talked about her with my co-workers and loved to show pictures and stories however this was not something shared by my High Reps my supervisor was upset that I could not work overtime to help him because of either my second job or babysitting and soon after the second walkout I was made aware of a rumor circulating around the store that the child was in fact my own daughter that I had fathered outside of my friend's husband's knowledge now the source of the rumor was unknown but my assistant manager made disparaging remarks to me in the past about men taking care of children so I had my theories my holiday plans were canceled without explanation both Thanksgiving and Christmas I had never missed a major holiday since I moved North and I had asked the same days off the year prior and I had gotten them off before the assistant manager arrived that was strike one soon after this my supervisor whom I worked closely with every day had a positive covet test forcing me for company rules to self-isolate until I could get a positive or negative test myself during this week as it took a full week to find a place with enough room to give tests thanks to Omicron I was harassed repeatedly by text and phone call by both management and my supervisor to track down an at-home test and get back to work as soon as possible all the while I had to info form everyone I was in contact with including my friends family and roommates that I had been exposed risking their own holiday traps and plans that was strike too thankfully my test was negative so a week after this the Northeast gets slammed by a snow and ice storm I drive a four-wheeled vehicle so I made it in but near the end of my shift I was made aware that my friend's husband had been injured and stranded in a car accident on ice so I left to get them and their car to a service station to add to it all they lost power in their home with an infant leaving me with the only person they could turn to with a vehicle and power now I will admit I had a few sick hours left but I told work that I would be out on a family emergency for that week I called out each day with an ongoing family emergency with snow and ice still coating the streets and power still down throughout the city and every day I was hounded by calls from management demanding a return to work regardless this would have not only risked my own safety but would have stranded my family at my apartment with no way to get supplies or get home once the power returned that was strike three I was done so early in the morning that following Sunday I walk into work and place my resignation letter on hr's desk this is important later I had tendered it to be immediate as I live in an at-will state now was it Petty yes I will freely admit that at this point I had given eight years of my life to this company and I asked very little in return as I was leaving I crossed paths with my supervisor who angrily asked if I was finally coming back to work I informed him of my decision to leave ignoring his provocations and left to go home to sleep several hours later I received a gift that would ignite my semi-accidental revenge a single text from my assistant manager the text said we'll see how long you can take care of your love child without us and I'm thinking well well it seems I found my probable Source my friends had been made aware of this rumor from the start and I didn't hide anything from them they were my closest friends and compatriots and have given me the greatest gift in the form of my God child whom they test I call my niece as I'm family the word love child feels like a slur against her and I'm not cool with that and neither are they however they informed me of the Monumental screw up my assistant manager made it was time for corporate HR to be made aware so I began to compile my evidence the text from my supervisor the call records and messages left and this Holy Grail of a text message if I was going to leave I was at the very least going to give some blowback on the team that had been so willing to Target me now what happened after is second hand from friends I still had at the store so I can't entirely verify all of it but the assistant manager really played herself the following day a meeting of management and the supervisors were convened where the assistant manager made it known that I had been fired not self-terminated for job abandonments and immorality and unless I'm grossly misinformed about the nature of American retail work immorality is not a fireable event to my supervisor's credit he did defend me to the assistant manager and he was fired on the spot the stores HR wrap having earlier got my print determination letter on his desk made it known that I had indeed not been fired but I left on my own the assistant manager attempted to fire him as well in front of the staff and from there it spiraled according to my Soros entire departments began to walk out or outright quit having had their own problems with the assistant manager appliances quit down to one man and garden left with their manager to work at a competitors the front desk walked out in protest as it came out that the assistant manager had threatened and blackmailed several Muslim part-timers to not wear their headscarves if they wanted ours the pro desk joined the front desk protest as one of their number a Sikh man had also been threatened both had cashiers quit and the other trained cashiers walked out the operations manager had told the district manager and quit outright before he arrived walking out with the HR wrap and my old supervisor my sources last reported the assistant manager was seeing her sprinting to her car after having heard that the District staff was inbound the store manager was forced to shut down the store for the next two days I've heard I've been in contact with the other injured parties and we're compiling all the evidence we've collected as several of the families are hiring lawyers I suspect the company will attempt to keep this quiet I just never suspected that anything like this would happen I have a full-time position at the gym coming and I've been enjoying the extra sleep and time I get with my family I'm never working 56 to 64 hour weeks ever again and I will never darken the doorstep of that store again I hope my assistant manager enjoyed the temporary Rush of power I suspect she won't get it ever again at least not in manager positions guys I've often said that employees don't quit jobs they quit Bad Bosses but this was next freaking level like the whole store walked out like some people don't deserve to be in positions of power at all and she sounded absolutely crazy with power and it also sounds like she'll be costing that Home Depot a lot of money like I'm not for sure it's a Home Depot but it does sound like something that would happen at Home Depot because I've read a lot of stories about Home Depot before and guys I'm clearly not sponsored by Home Depot okay so this story was back in the early 2000s probably 2003 or 2004 school year throughout the entire year there was a crime wave of people having things stolen out of their locked lockers not everyone but enough that everybody knew someone it happened to the school's only defense about this was that it was our fault for sharing Locker combinations with our friends they also charged us every time we had to get the combination changed on a locker because it was assumed to be our fault well I had my graphing calculator taken out of my locker I also never gave out my combination to anybody mostly because my friends were jackasses and we pulled this stuff on each other all the time so I was out 150 for the calculator and another hundred fifty dollars to change the combination this is 2003 money so it's probably a bit more now now to anyone who's ever had to buy a new TI-86 in 2003 or 2004 you'll know how much those things cost well my dad was drinking buddies with one of the County detectives I'll call him detective buddy so he went in to talk to the school about this string of thefts going on so he could get the security camera for the day my calculator went missing and got completely rushed off as a non-existent problem they said I must have given out my locker combination the principal told him that he would need a warrant to get the camera footage then when he got the warrant the school fought the warrant in court citing student privacy so cue the pro Revenge now detective buddy shows up at our house with a laptop in a laptop bag he told me hey throw this in your locker and tell everybody you know about your brand new laptop I told him sure so three days later I show up by my locker between classes and the laptop's gone the bag too nowhere to be seen also a 24 ounce bottle of coke and possibly some pens so I take my phone out and text him that the laptop got taken he texted back stand by for the show oh and you reported the theft to the police FYI I reply okay confused so I go about the rest of my day and I don't hear anything back the following morning detective buddy comes to the school with three uniformed officers and pull a student day wave out of class as well as his mom who works in the front office the principal's pissed I don't actually hear the cops but the principal is pissed to no end that he had the audacity to accuse them of theft and that he couldn't just take them out of his school etc etc well it turns out that there was a Tracker in the laptop bag and Uncle Buddy got a warrant to search a particular house the laptop had a value of just over a thousand dollars making it a felony the next afternoon he set up a tent with the table just outside school grounds he also had a banner across the top saying if you had something stolen from your locker come see me by the next morning Dave and his mom made the paper apparently Dave had used his mom's login information to get onto the school network and get the locker combinations for basically everybody and then he opened random lockers to look for valuables to steal when he set up the stand to get more people reporting the thefts he racked up an astounding number of charges each Locker counted as a separate misdemeanor unless the stolen object was worth more than a thousand dollars in which case it was a felony in less than week Uncle Buddy opened and broken investigation and they charged Dave and his mom with nine felonies and 35 misdemeanor charges when I finally got the story from Buddy he explained what the situation was he had me stash a brand new laptop that had a GPS tracking unit stuck in it to have it stolen deliberately and then he got a warrant to search the property it had been taken to now the fun thing to stress is that the laptop was over a thousand dollars in value pushing the theft from a misdemeanor into a felony level there were also another eight felony charges stuff like jewelry that was stolen from people's lockers and recovered so any of the locker break-ins that amounted to over a thousand dollars stolen was a felony charge and less than a thousand dollars was a misdemeanor charge now the cool thing was that because the calculator and laptop were separate days he caught a felony and a misdemeanor charge off me so the nine felony thefts ended up in the 12 000 range total and the 35 misdemeanor charges were somewhere in the range of three thousand dollars total in value now that's an awful lot of stuff stolen but I need to stress that this was only one was proven stolen they also didn't let him plead to anything it was my area's highest profile crime in years and without a doubt one of the worst crime sprays the county had seen in decades next up on the Revenge everyone who had been charged 150 to get their locker combinations changed sued the school district in a class action lawsuit the justification was that the school did nothing to investigate the 44 proven and more than likely 200 plus cases of locker theft and then charged money to get the locker combinations changed there was 218 people in the class and in total everybody got 85 dollars after attorney's fees the principal also lost his job for not bothering to attempt to deal with the massive problem that was reported to him now the fun thing I need to point out is that the school brought in a locksmith to change out the locks that's why he justified charging 150 dollars well the school already paid the hundred fifty dollars a locker but they also had to return a hundred dollars per Locker meaning they were out 21 800 plus their legal fees for that class action lawsuit so next comes the Crim criminal trial and the Fallout the prosecutor's deal was 10 years in prison for Dave and 15 for Dave's mom well they refused that deal and it went to trial Dave got one year in prison for each felony and one month probation for each misdemeanor so nine years plus 35 months of probation his mom received 18 years of jail and six years probation so having attended much of the best parts of the trial I will say this they had Dave on camera entering 20 plus lockers and they had them in possession of stolen goods for every single charge they made against them the judge was also not amused that there were likely other reported crimes they got away with because they could improve it or they weren't reported Dave's mom got it worse and that was a fun sentencing to show up for but the most important thing is I got my graphing calculator back it had my name engraved inside the battery compartment I still have it as well as a cool story to tell so guys reading the story I was a little speechless at the sentencing in the end I can't believe Dave's mom got 18 years for something he did and a lot of people are saying that there is no way this story is real at all as class action lawsuits do take a long time to settle and that the sentencing was way too harsh for a string of locker thefts but I'll leave that up to you guys a long time ago I was interning at a local Wilderness Camp as a counselor in training it's run by a local group of conservationists who aim to teach younger kids between the ages 5 to 11 about nature wildlife and conservation as a counselor in training I was basically a counselor except I wasn't paid each Camp session lasted Monday to Friday each day has a purpose as follows Monday was introductory day Tuesday was activity day Wednesday was hike day Thursday was Lake day Friday was talent show and pick up day the whole ordeal started during my third week interning so during this particular week my sister was attending the camp as a camper at the time she was 10 years old and I was 14 so she got a great price at the camp due to my internship and my mom's great relationship with the camp director more on that later so during the same week I also had the displeasure of meeting the most horrible child that I've ever met we'll call him brat my first taste of his Antics was no sooner than five minutes after arrival when he interrupted my sister's game of Frisbee and flung the Frisbee deep into the woods I had to go fetch it and I got more than a few scratches from digging through the nasty little bushes to find it my sister immediately approaches him after he threw the Frisbee and being the innocent person she is tried to tell him that what he did was mean he then spits in her face this was the beginning of the Bratz week from Hell after getting a talk down from a counselor he was seemingly unfazed except for the fact that he made it his goal to ruin my sister's camping experience during the course of the day he spills lasagna on her outfit during dinner and calls her an array of insults ranging from stupid cow to poor little finally he violently tackled her to the ground during a game of Ultimate Frisbee make no mistake the kid was 11 years old around 100 pounds and a head taller than my sister it was so bad that my sister comes crying to me at the end of the night and said she wanted to go home while this was not an option I promised her that I would make sure the kid stops picking on her the next day he continues to treat everybody like app and continue to single out my sister unfortunately he was not in my assigned group but he apparently tripped her twice threw her fishing rod into the nearby fishing pot and pushed her into the creek when he got back he was incredibly smug apparently the counselor in his group made no real effort to stop him only wrapping his knuckles each time then continued to let him pick on my sister that night at dinner I gave him his first taste of Revenge by forcing him to talk with me during the campfire and causing him to miss out on s'mores and desserts while it was small I was still focusing on formulating my master plan of ruining his week the next day was Wednesday or hike day I start preparations the night before by specifically requesting that he and my sister were separated and requesting to be in his group now as a counselor in training it was my job to stock the packs with lunches the night before the hike I put the sack lunches in every kid's pack making sure one pack had an especially nasty tuna sandwich I also forgot to add the fruit and cookie I marked it by buckling all the buckles together on the morning of hike day I gathered my group and distributed all the packs making sure that the Brad got the one I rigged we then March into the woods with me pointing out different kinds of trees until eventually we stopped in a meadow to eat lunch of course the kid throws a massive fit when he finds out about his lunch he suspected it was me due to our talk the previous night but I claimed no wrongdoing and due to my good relationship with a cap and his previous wrongdoings nothing was made of it anyway we arrive at Camp later that afternoon and he starts demanding I take him to the dining room because he was starving as he didn't eat his tuna sandwich I calmly explained to him that I couldn't because I didn't have a key to get into the kitchen which I did the kid then starts throwing a temper tantrum loudly screaming F this and f that in front of the other kids later that night I brought my case up to the camp director with some gentle prodding I convinced her that he was unfit to spend the time with the rest of the group tomorrow at the lake instead he would sit out and wait with me the next day was the lake and the reason most people sign up for camp we loaded up into a school bus and few Vans the next morning once again I was on pack Duty the night before and I conveniently misplaced a few items in his pack which was specifically labeled this time when we arrived at the lake the entire group settled down on a nice spot on the beach due to a staff shortage I was left alone with him I start by choosing a terrible spot away from the main group In The Heat Of The Sun it was mid-july at the time I think it was about 88 degrees he hadn't brought a hat and despite me offering he refused to use any sunblock while the rest of the camp enjoyed the lake he sits there with me overheating in the Sun for five straight hours I had brought my phone but for him he had nothing to do but play with sand by the end of the day he was bright red like a cherry tomato and fuming about the lake trip in fact it got so bad that he started saying really dark stuff like how he was gonna gut everybody at the camp I managed to record this on my phone and later that night I showed the recordings to the director obviously she was horrified and contacted his parents immediately they said they couldn't make it until the next morning which was per perfect as it meant that he had to spend a night with me in my private bunk that night I slept directly under him and I stayed up well past midnight making loud annoying noises he was also in pain from his extreme sunburn when he complained in the morning I claimed I talked in my sleep and that was that finally the icing on the cake was him being publicly shamed when his parents arrived during breakfast pulling him out in front of the entire Camp the director and I then went to his parents and I explained all the Terrible Things he'd done to my sister and the other kids over the week the parents seemed rational enough and they explained to me that he had a history of Behavioral issues I recommend therapy due to his comments about slaughtering the camp and they said they would consider it later I was informed by the director through my mother that he was in fact sent to a weekly behavioral therapy class for a few months the next two weeks on interning went without a hitch hey sometimes you gotta defend your younger brother or sister like did Opie cross the line by torturing the kid and making him miserable I'll leave that up to you guys and that brings us to another end of our slash Pro Revenge guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you missed yesterday's episode on the channel it's such a crazy wild story a Karen actually two Karen's apparently think they own a public beach and try to get Opie arrested for fishing there and it backfires so hard check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 219,736
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Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, karma revenge, instant karma, work revenge, retail stories from hell, bad boss stories, bad boss revenge, camp stories, camp revenge
Id: 6IfFduk_uMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2022
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