r/ProRevenge - Greedy Boss REFUSES My Resignation! I Destroy the Company!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash Pro Revenge where the stories are all about people getting what they deserve and trust me guys in today's episode a power hungry greedy boss refuses to let Opie quit and Opie makes him regret it big time guys I hope you enjoy the lineup of stories today hit subscribe if you haven't and as always your crazy stories can be sent to this email right here okay so this happened around 20 years ago our family owned two apartment buildings three units each we lived in two of them rented out the other four there's nothing but these three Flats lining both sides of the road for about a mile not all have parking on the side streets our houses and very little street parking we had more land than most of these units since it was also our home so we had parking for around 16 cars everything was fine for literally decades then all of a sudden cars start appearing in our parking lot that were not our tenants I blocked one in one day went outside to see this a-hole drive through our bushes and across the yard to get out I called the cops there was nothing they could do so I called the tow company and had them put up signs we'd have to call them to get a car towed the sign seemed to work there were no more random cars until New Year's Eve one year so I arrived home in every space is filled there's even cars on the street blocking the other cars and I'm beyond pissed so I called the tow company and they can't do anything for a few hours because they're so busy we're in the Chicago suburbs it's below zero out and I have an idea so I dig out the lawn sprinklers and hoses I run one hose inside to the laundry room faucet and turn on the hot water this way the hose and sprinklers won't ice up but the cars and ground sure did three sprinklers moved every half hour or so for almost five hours every car every square inch of the parking lot the street by the cars were encased in ice I also made it a point to spray water into the locks between the window seals glass in the grills and then put away the sprinklers and hoses and went to bed so fast forward to 4 AM there's Furious pounding on the doors doorbells ringing non-stop we just smiled and called the cops we waited until they arrived and went outside the cops were holding back their laughter these people were told to park here by their friend who owned an apartment building several buildings away the same idiot who drove over our bushes I then point to the tow sign and told the people to move their cars or get towed in our town cops can take take it on private property with the owner's permission so all cars were ticketed they were also towed since nobody could get inside their vehicle I wish we had it on video guys this revenge is both evil and hilarious like imagine coming out to your car drunk after a New Year's Eve party only to have your car encased in a thick sheet of ice like oh my freaking goodness and the cherry on top was all the cars got ticketed and towed like holy crap guys so yeah the guy who told everybody to park there probably got a ton of hate after that so this happened 12 years ago and I'm still reaping My Rewards I used to work for a company that did three phase photography it was family and children photography there was no weddings or events or anything straight Studio work that was in a portable setting the settings booked for 10 minutes and we were supposed to shoot 30 to 50 a day and yes it's as wretched of a job as it sounds it was fast high energy and at times simply brutal the company consisted of three types of people so number one the pre-seller they come in two to three weeks in advance and sell a special 10 by 13 portrait and book the appointment number two the photographer that's me in this instant I come in for about a week and take the pictures three the salesperson they returned two weeks later with a special along with the six other poses I take and tries to sell you 400 worth of pictures now I was very good at what I did the company sales average was a hundred dollars per customer per 50 customers the more you shoot the lower your quality because you spend less time taking care of details and details sell pictures my average was 175-ish per 150 to 200 customers I was making this company a lot of money and they consistently treated me like crap oh the stories so their business model was to shoot as many sittings as you can as fast as you can to them shooting 50 with a 100 average was better than shooting 35 with a 150 average even though the profit margin was exactly the same now I never agreed with that and boss and I went round and round about it every week they withheld raises because I didn't have enough sittings and took my bonuses because I wasn't meeting their quotas so I figured out how to be fast efficient and damn good so that's the background now the good stuff enter the jerk now this jerk is a pre-seller who lied to the customer lied to the stores and would book appointments from 9am to 8 30 PM even though the studio hours were 10 AM to 7 PM the guy told every lie in the book and I think he even added a few of his own you want to bring your dog of course you can found me a few 15 sure bring five changes of clothes and I'll even have her do your makeup I don't even do my own makeup he would also say things like come and get your picture taken and we would throw in a free toaster and just to make it interesting he would triple and quadruple book appointments and when he ran out of those he would sell open appointments and tell people to just come in any time and my photographer will work you in now just writing that makes me mad even after all these years the biggest problem was he would wave the sitting fee or just not tell them and I was obligated to collect that eight bucks every time I didn't it would come out of my check and it was a freaking nightmare I refused to work behind the jerk for these and a thousand other reasons I told boss that if they ever put me behind jerk again that I would quit which is exactly what happened they knew he had been working at the store I was assigned and they lied about it so with that I immediately called my boss and told him that this was my last week and he needed to make arrangements to get photography equipment at the end of the shoot now I should have walked out but I was young and dumb it was a three-day shoot and I shot 316 customers by myself that's an insane amount of settings and nobody was happy every night the store manager had to tell my customers to leave because the store was closed people were lined up at 9am waiting for me I took so much abuse that week a customer even threw a shoe at me and another spit on my pizza and that's when store security brought a chair over and stayed with me almost the entire time I was there I honestly can't remember how many people escorted out of the store because they acted a fool in my studio it's been over a decade and I still have nightmares about that week but nobody came to get the equipment so I start making phone calls and plotting I call my boss and say hey what do you want me to do with your equipment my boss says you are gonna need it next week in Florida to which I say no because I quit hearing that my boss says you didn't give me any notice so I'm not accepting your resignation you are not quitting I am sending you to Florida next week and you will go I tell him I'm an independent contractor remember you can't make me go to Florida this is not complicated I quit now of course the boss ignored everything I said and he says just go to Florida I don't have time for this right now you can quit in three weeks if you can hire a replacement he then hangs up now I'm thinking no I'm not going to Florida I then packed up the equipment and took it home with me the camera was a brand new Canon T2i 550d and those were pretty pricey back in 2010. I didn't really want to give it back but it wasn't mine to keep but I had an idea now one thing about my boss is he was an absolute train wreck of a human if he didn't want to do something he wouldn't if he could find someone else to do it he would so I decided to use his own worst traits against him avoidance and procrastination the next thing I did was take the company credit card and go to the nearest storage unit with climate control I rented units and paid for the first month but just one I unloaded it all down to the last halogen light bulb I then took detailed pictures of everything and in inventory I then locked the door and walked away at this point there was nothing I could do but wait and hope that my boss would continue to be the worthless wreck I knew him to be next I called and reported the card stolen why because I knew if I didn't that card would remain active and rent would be paid every month on time and that just wasn't gonna work for me I cut the card in half and sent it and the combination to the storage locker to my boss via FedEx along with a hand-painted sign that said I quit I also sent an email to HR telling them that I was terminating my contract and that my boss had the information on the equipment this is probably the only sketchy thing I did the person I emailed was out on medical leave and I knew it I could have sent that email to a dozen other people who worked there but they might have paid attention to it by the time she got back to the office she had so many emails she couldn't begin to tackle them all a month goes by and the police knock on my door okay I wasn't expecting that the company had reported the equipment stolen and the police are there to investigate I really thought I was going to jail the cop that knocked on the door was fully expecting to take me away in handcuffs until I explained what was going on I ended up taking copies of the emails to the police department as well as my copy of the contract with the storage unit I also had the copy of the shipping label both my name and the company name were listed on the contract I had to make an official statement and jump through some hoops the company had placed the monetary value of twelve thousand dollars on the studio rigs so potentially I was in a lot of trouble except I covered my ass the police told me that I was in the clear because the storage unit had their name on the contract and also their credit card was used to pay for it and that I had sent the combination and all the pertinent information to the company at this point I figure the gig is up because surely they're gonna come get this rig or send someone or something but no the boss is still worthless two more months go by I get a call from the storage facility that they're about to cut the lock and auction the contents I just about peed my pants I was so excited I called my boss again he Dodges my calls and ignored the emails to please call me immediately now I never stated what I wanted to talk to him about and just like I was hoping he would he ignored me okey dokey I've done all that I can and that's when this all started coming together in the states if a storage unit goes up for sale the owner cannot purchase it at auction I didn't know that but where there's a will there's a way they sent letters and called three more times and then the date was set the unit went up for auction on my birthday my neighbor went to the sale he bought the unit for 125 dollars and I almost died and of course we were In Cahoots on this but we had to make it look like we weren't the camera mounts cost more than that not to mention the lighting props and costumes and of course the camera my neighbor then put an ad in the local newspaper for photography stuff a thousand dollar firm but didn't list anything specific and oops put the wrong number in the ad a week later he wanted it out of his garage so he sold me everything for a hundred twenty six dollars he has a bill of sale from the auction and I have a bill of sales from him it's now mine and there's nothing the company can do about it but they tried I now have a fully functional photography studio all the contacts I need to start my own business and the skills to do it I start calling all the stores I work for for the last eight years and offered them a much better deal than what the company was giving them I did my own pre-selling my own photography and my own sales except I took it a step further I bought a monitor and computer and let people preview their pictures and order the day of the shoot they paid in full and I mailed the pictures directly to them people loved it no high pressure sales no tricks and my customers were happy and so are my stores about six months after my first independent shoots I heard from the company I got several nasty letters from them which I ignored word had gone back to them that I was using their equipment and that I was working for someone else and I just laughed at them they thought so little of me that it never occurred to them that it was my business I then got a nasty legal letter from a lawyer it started with a seasoned assist rolled into me violating the non-competitors agreement minutes and ended with the return of their stolen property they had apparently not told him all of the facts I sent him copies of everything I waited a few weeks for a response from him and heard nothing I finally called to find out what was going on but no one was available to take my call how convenient a few days later I got a certified letter in the mail saying no other legal action will be forthcoming from this office I would have been content to let it slide but this whole thing ticked me off and now I wanted blood I made a real effort to really hurt them little by little I built my business and my reputation I didn't have to do any of the nasty tricks that the jerk did within a year I had stores and schools calling me I had more work than I can handle on my own so I took on a second photographer and then a third I actually hired four people out from under their noses at the height of my business I had eight additional photographers and a full-time office assistant I could have grown much larger and in hindsight I'm so glad I didn't digital photography was a huge boom to the industry and then it backfired I got in the market just as it exploded so the Fallout I ran the company completely out of three states they lost all of their chain contracts to me including the store where it all Blew Up The Jerk lost all of his doors and ended up working at a gas station the boss ended up demoted because his district was dissolved when I sniped the contract The Jerk actually tried to convince one of my photographers to hire him to do the pre-selling for her by now my name and my business name had a really good reputation Foss left the company for good and used me as a personal reference the guy was a good photographer just a rotten manager and I took great joy in telling the people who called me that I was legally not allowed to tell them what I thought of the man the age of the cell phone camera pretty much destroyed traditional photography and I closed my doors as a business in late 2017. the company I used to work at closed for Good in 2016 and I would like to think that I had a hand in that I'm still standing and there are nothing but an empty building I still have the original rig but the camera's been replaced several times I do senior pictures and the occasional venue shoots most of my photography is for restaurant menus now now people ask me if that's boring but I've never had a meatball scream cry or kick me which is pretty much a daily occurrence when you work with kids now this might not be as epic as some on here but I beat them at their own game and that still feels pretty damn good guys I totally disagree with that that was absolutely brilliant and a super satisfying Revenge with a freaking nuclear fallout like Opie pretty much single-handedly destroyed a well-established super successful company should have just let it be quit is what I think but hey some people have to learn the lesson the hard way right so a while back my friend was selling some stuff online and amongst the items was a water heater you know those ones you see in every Community Hall and church kitchen it was in working condition he threw it online for 150 and got an email from a person who runs a landscaping business saying he'll give him a hundred dollars cash today done two weeks later he gets an email saying that it's not working we're thinking weird so my friend offered to give the full refund or cover the repair cost if it's under a hundred dollars the guy instead sent an invoice for four hundred dollars saying the repairs had been done and if my friend doesn't pay it in 48 hours he'll send a debt collector after him my friend paid it out of fear and emailed him the confirmation the Landscaping owner then emailed back saying this is the price you sometimes have to pay when selling second-hand Electronics followed by a have a great day don't let this hold you back with a smile at the end of the email a month later my friend was in a bar and he overhears a girl talking about how her boss who runs a landscaping firm screwed over some dumbass selling a water heater my friend then said oh damn I gotta hear this do you mind if I join your table the girl said sure and she told the story she said her boss had bought a busted water heater from a secondhand store for 25 bucks and a working one for a hundred dollars and then build the seller for the repair for the busted one before he sold it for 300 to some community group my friend then laughed and said who did this so I don't hire that guy to fix up my yard everybody laughs the girl says the company's name and lo and behold it's on the email of the guy my friend sold the water heater to he was the dumbass in the story he told me he was pretty angry about it but then covet hit so he had other stuff to worry about 18 months later he was browsing the website he originally sold the water heater on and he saw a bunch of landscaping materials shovels gardening stuff wheelbarrows lights were working at night drills nail guns some construction materials and a generator now in my friend's location apparently if you're selling a generator you have to have a warrant of Fitness for it proving that that it works that it's safe there's no frayed wires etc etc most people ignore it and he saw that this generator is being sold by the Landscaping firm the generator he said just by looking at it that there was no way in hell it would have a warrant of Fitness now word of note if a business fails to provide a warrant of Fitness upon requests for a generator after two weeks when reported to official departments and enforced by the court the punishment is a hefty fine and the court often forces the seller to refund the affected party and pay any cost that they incurred he then talked to his flatmates who agreed that they would go 50 50 on the generator but he would transfer the money now my friend had never met the Landscaping firm owner face to face when selling the water heater and when he got there it was clear that the owner this grumpy looking man who enjoyed yelling at his employees had emptied out his storage unit the owner was very much as is no refund and the flatmates showed him the transfer confirmation and they take the generator for 800 no warrants of Fitness is provided they then took it to a friend of theirs who's an electrician and he agreed to check it and give an invoice for repairs and to quote the friend it would be cheaper to buy a new generator and to be honest this generator shouldn't have been sold it should have been scrapped they also found that the main identifier number had been scratched off but not a second number that's often recorded as well on the warrants of Fitness for tracking purposes so they got in contact with the seller telling him the cost for the repair which is around five thousand dollars he probably tells them that he is not paying because he sold it as is no refund to which they then asked have you got a warrant of Fitness for the generator there was then silence for two days they Then followed up with another email asking for it no response they then ask again and get an email from him saying that he'll take it back for 800 bucks they said no they want the warrant of fitness and they get no response they emailed him every day for two weeks nothing so they printed out the original item listing that had been screenshotted and reported him to the website and then the government four months later my friends in court and the guy went up to him he tells him that he'll take back the generator for eight hundred dollars and that my friend and his flatmate will be telling the judge that the seller refunded them and they want it all dropped the guy demanded them do that and my friend said no when they go into the courtroom it's over with very quickly the inspector of the government sent out to inspect a generator said it's in poor condition should never have been sold was highly unsafe and the seller had tried to get the generator a warrant of Fitness in early 2021 but instead had been told that it was to be repaired or scrapped and that it was not to be sold the judge then ordered the Landscaping firm owner to refund the flatmate 800 pay the five thousand dollars for repairs to the generator and was ordered to pay a ten thousand dollar fine which would be given directly to my friend's flatmates as the affected party when they left the courtroom the owner was Furious and told them that under no uncertain terms was he paying them a penny more and that he couldn't understand what he had done to deserve such treatment to which my friend then said Remember the water heater he then gave him a very confused look my friend then said Remember the water heater you bought for a hundred dollars well I do because I sold it to you and I know you had a different one repaired and invoice me for it the guy's jaw was on the floor and to hit it home he said it's a isn't it when what goes around comes around especially when it accumulated interest you have 48 hours to pay or a debt collector will be contacted remember this is the price you sometimes have to pay when selling second-hand Electronics have a great day don't let this hold you back though the guy paid the fifteen thousand dollars two days later my friend and the flatmate split the ten thousand dollars 50 50 as they agreed the generator got repaired and they got a warrant of Fitness for it before selling it for a thousand dollars with a newly replaced identifier number they then went out for a wonderful dinner and a night out in town in short the old Landscaping owner rips my friend off 400 and my friend makes him incur fifteen thousand dollars in expenses guys this is such a juicy satisfying Revenge I love it when a sleazy person yes they're just desserts and I absolutely love how what the idiot said came back to bite him in the end and on my friends brings us to another end of our slash Pro Revenge guys if you enjoyed this super satisfying stories today hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode on the channel I'll link it right here a super duper entitled Karen decides that she can steal a dog and then has the nerve to ask for a finder's fee it exposes her and ruins her guys check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 171,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, karma revenge, instant karma, work revenge, retail stories from hell, family stories, neighbor revenge, bad neighbors, karen neighbor revenge
Id: m8hIGgqvq1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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