r/EntitledPeople - New Karen Neighbor Tries to POLICE My Home! Says She OWNS It!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our slash entitled people where people truly believe they can do whatever the heck they want and that the world revolves around them guys it's gonna be another crazy episode today that'll leave you shaking your heads at the entitlement of some people but the stories will leave you satisfied guys as always i hope you enjoy the stories hit subscribe if you haven't and the email is gonna be right here so you can submit your crazy encounters with wild karen's [Music] okay so this happened in 1989 in chicago i was at a grocery store and i had a handful of items so i entered the checkout line and before i could put my purchases on the conveyor belt i was hit with the stench of crap rotten eggs and fermented urine ahead of me was a homeless man purchasing a 40 ounce of beer swaying as he was counting out his coins i stepped back several feet which then gave a preppy entitled karen just enough room to shove and cut in front of me in line giving me a little smirk however karen soon realizes her mistake and before she could retreat from the wall of stink i quickly stepped forward trapping her between me and the homeless guy now i could smell him from a good ten feet away and it was enough to make me wanna gag at that point karen tried to retreat and back up to get away from him but i just kept moving forward and braced myself i wasn't moving the guy was wasted and fumbling to count out the nickels dimes and pennies for his beer karen and i locked eyes she knew exactly what i was doing it took the guy forever to check out and karen had to endure that horrible smell i'm guessing she had to wash her clothes when she got home as they were permeated with his odor i smiled all the way home guys that is some super satisfying instant karma right there and the way opie described him i think i can smell that homeless guy from here like i just freaking love how karen cut opian line and immediately regretted it and i really really love how opie just braced himself and refused to let that karen move backwards and seriously the only thing missing that would have made it so much worse at that point would have been vomit okay so speaking of vomit the next story might leave you shaking your head because the cairn is ridiculous so i worked at a certain phone company as a wireless consultant which is basically just a cashier that can change your phone plan and take your money for accessories and whatnot well we had a strict policy where if you bought a phone case or something and want to return it you have to pay a 25 restocking fee people often got annoyed at this so we would often have them sign a waiver on the receipt that says they understand that this is a rule so on this day an elderly karen looking woman who's maybe around the age of 70 comes in to return an item i don't remember what exactly so i'm thinking okay fine i ring up her return and give her 75 of the price back to her and at that point cue the mental breakdown the karen says i never knew about that policy this is stupid i've been with this company for years and years and you need to respect me blah blah blah i tell her to give me the receipt so i can look at it so on the back of the receipt it says very plainly in big words that there's a 25 restocking fee on all returned accessories directly under was her signature so of course when i pointed out this escalated it even worse and she began yelling and cussing and finally she looks me dead in the eyes and she says if you don't give me all my money back right now i'm gonna throw up all over everything so hearing that i did try to hold back my laughter but i couldn't help it i let the smallest smirk cross my face because of how ridiculous the situation was and what she said for context this item was maybe 35 us dollars new so we're talking like eight bucks she doesn't get back and normally i'd cave for such a little amount and refund the whole thing however i wasn't a manager and i didn't have the code to do this so the karen at that point storms off and she walks out the door not even two minutes later she comes steaming back and slams her finger down her throat and she sent grandma juices all over the phone cases on the wall at this point i was completely stunned i couldn't believe what was happening i then used all of my seven hour communication training to handle the situation i say to her ma'am please don't throw up on the merchandise hearing that karen then shoves her finger down her throat again and proceeds to vomit on the phone charger accessories at that point i say ma'am i'm gonna have to call the police she then proceeds to vomit on the counter i was standing behind and i was petrified she then starts to leave and on the way out she looks at me and sends it one more time on the glass door and then she says i told you you should have listened to me the cops then came and they honestly had a hard time believing what i said they told me there wasn't a whole lot they could do the manager then comes in from her day off and she tells me to clean it up and at that point i just quit that was the first and only retail job i've ever worked and thankfully my only ever encounter with an entitled karen guys out of all the crazy ridiculous wild stories i've read on the channel i never ever ever in a million years would have thought that i'd come across something so absurd like we've all heard of karen's not getting what they want calling 9-1-1 attacking people and throwing a raging tantrum destroying everything but vomiting all over the merchandise like i don't even have words to describe how crazy that is and the fact that police couldn't do anything about it like where are the cameras so i have no children by choice however i do adore my nephew and niece i like to give them things for their birthdays and christmas like books or games or anything i think they might like well last year in november i get a phone call from my brother he told me he thinks i should try harder with the gifts for his kids because i don't have kids of my own and i have a very good paying job he told me he expects me to give them lots of things for christmas like better quality gifts implying that i would not be able to see them again if i didn't so of course i don't like that at all and i think what to do with my money is my business personally i think my brother and sister-in-law are jealous because i do travel a lot on vacation but that's no excuse to be picky and entitled about it so after giving it some thoughts i decided to make sure that he would never ask me for something like that again so i went to the store and told one of the clerks that i want the most annoying toy that they had so i ended up buying a drum set two trumpets a children's keyboard two guitars two xylophones a few sound toys make up stuff for the girls a bracelet making set glitter basically anything that makes noise or can be really messy to play with and annoying to clean up those are the ones i remember although there were a few more that dirty a lot the naive parents were very happy when i told them that i needed help carrying the gifts they clearly thought i was obeying them and planning to give amazing gifts to my nephews which to be fair were amazing gifts but that changed when the children began to open the presents of course my nephews were very happy with everything they received and really wanted to start playing right away but the best was the face of my brother and sister-in-law the horror growing with each and every gift they opened it was wonderful i left a few hours with a sore head from the repeated drumming and loud banging on the piano but i was amused because my nephews didn't seem to have any intention of stopping anytime soon i was reminded of this recently as my niece is going to be 10 in a few weeks and my brother has been strongly hinting to me that i don't have to spend a lot on gifts and that something small and simple is more than enough as far as i know between my visits and those of other relatives several toys have been lost or they no longer work i think i'll be nice and just buy my niece a couple of books for her birthday guys i love this post and what a way to deal with entitled parents demanding better gifts for their kids right if i were op i'd be giving my nephews the gift of drumming lessons for sure just to ensure the noise continues and you know what this is definitely something i'll have to keep in my arsenal absolutely brilliant play by op so i work at a gas station and nice days mean nice cars at the station and given the wealth of the neighborhood nice cars mean stuff the rest of us only ever see at car shows race tracks or while playing need for speed the car that this one guy drove in that day was no exception it was a gloss black 630 horsepower 6.5 liter v12 lamborghini murcielago now that was a car worth more than most people's houses also something completely unreasonable to own in a residential location with a relatively low highway speed limit now i definitely noticed the car drive in because it's impossible not to notice the throaty rumble of a lamborghini as it idles into a parking lot i then watched as one of our tenant goes over greets the driver does the usual shebang to figure out what to get him etc etc but things get a bit odd when the attendant goes to the pump and tries to use the card given to him he's obviously having difficulty with something but he's a bit too far away to see what he then goes back to the driver speaks with him for a moment and then hurriedly backs up as the driver flings open the door and starts storming towards the store i can see the guy ranting and gesticulating towards the pumps to which the attendant quickly moves and begins punching in the codes for a pay after the fact great entitlement thy name is lambo owner now that man was very easy to describe imagine mr clean same bold head same tight white t-shirt same tight white pants same musculature now replace his face with that of christopher titus you are now 99 accurate oh and have him doing this rather amazing scowl and sneer to get his mood right he then loudly states hey your guy out there can't seem to make my card work he then slams what looks like to be a credit card but doesn't sound like plastic down on the counter ah the black amex yes one of those rare and mysterious things that are semi-legend in the retail community now if you're not familiar with the black amex it's a variation of the platinum american express card that you're invited to have the minimum monthly payment is 2500 and its limit while not actually being infinity is extremely high they are very rare and only owned by people or businesses with lots of money they're also made out of metal and slightly thicker than the standard plastic credit cards which is why it wouldn't run in the pump because it physically wouldn't fit in the credit card slot a delicious bit of irony i might say i then say to him no problem sir it seems that your credit card is a bit thicker than most let me run it here and what do you know it doesn't seem to fit through this one either the guy then snatches the card out of my hand and tried it himself but it was pretty obvious that it wasn't going to fit without a crowbar being handy i then smiled apologetically and he says well then just type the damn numbers in manually to which i say sir i would like to do that but in order to do so i'd have to run a manual imprint on the card and i can't do that with your card because the numbers aren't raised and they won't allow me to just write them down i'm terribly sorry do you have another card you can pay with so cue the long rant about how this card was supposed to be accepted everywhere and he was worth blah blah blah money he's so important the usual drill which i quickly tuned out as he was stroking his ego to near completion i was continuing to monitor what was going on outside just in case something more important could offer me an excuse to dismiss the guy such as someone dropping a piece of paper on the ground but what i saw instead was one of the local cops pulling up to the store while i did take note of it it didn't fully register in my mind since nothing illegal was happening nor did i expect anything illegal to happen so the cop walks in while the guy is in mid bluster he stops crosses his arms and leans against the counter as if to say boy i've had a boring shift but here's something entertaining i can watch for a few minutes i then draw my attention back on the guy i apologize and ask if he has another way to pay he says he doesn't want to pay another way that he doesn't have to as he's a black amex holder i explained that since i physically can't accept the car due to equipment issues i'm going to need another form of payment at this point the idiot opens his mouth and he says something that gives me one of the greatest openings in the history of things being open he says well what would you do if i just drove off right now because clearly i'm not going to pay with this hearing him say that i tried i really tried not to smile but it was way too much and the smile i had was quite broad as i replied well sir i wouldn't be able to do a lot but the guy behind you might be able to do something about it at that point the guy turns around to see the local cop standing there with a big grin on his face nodding emphatically the color on the guy's face drained away as his ego deflated down to much more tolerable levels in stony silence he produces a different credit card ran it signed for it and then storms out of the station as soon as the door closed the cops and i both started laughing like crazy when i can finally speak again i told the cop hey you should go pull him over for having a tail light out or something at which point we cracked up all over again i never did see the guy again guys the only thing that would have made it much much sweeter as if the guy actually didn't pay and just ran out not seeing the officer there guys i absolutely hate rich snobs who think they're better than everybody else like for goodness sake why cause a huge scene because your black card couldn't be swiped when the whole time you had another freaking credit card there like it reminds me of that one video of the karen who cuts everybody in line and then she shows off her platinum credit card saying that she's so rich let me find the clip for you guys right here because she's ridiculous [Music] okay she should go i think she's being polite maybe [Music] either karen i have america's friends as partner i bet that's it you have no product in there because you've given me no id aaron what's your last name i have a american express card that's platinum take that there is no product running in without an idea you want to have it do you want to give me an idea you know what give me a message i'm here every day i have to show my id every day that's a very valid card yes platinum thank you cool it's a platinum we're all in front of you i'm a 31 year old female i live in a block of six units which is apartments for non-australians a month ago the unit above mine went up for sale and sold fairly quickly and the new owner moved in less than a week ago this morning i got up and went to take rubbish out and i found a note stuck to my door now i honestly thought it was an i'm new to the building kind of note you know but i couldn't have been more wrong so the note said dear tenant i recently bought your building and i wish to introduce myself my name is blah blah blah and i think you'll find me to be a fair landlord however i do have rules number one everybody is to be in their units by 9 pm if you're gonna be out past this time i suggest you find accommodation elsewhere number two no pets are allowed if you have pets they must be relocated before i do an inspection or i will call the ranger to remove them this is the only warning number three i will conduct an investigation once a month and you will be present to answer any questions or face eviction number four failure to pay rent on time will result in your eviction if we follow these rules i'm sure we'll get along sincerely blah blah now i'm thinking what the f did i just read now a little fun fact about my building we all own our own units nobody actually owns the whole building now i won't lie i got to number two and i did have a slight panic attack because i have cats and there's no way i was giving them away before i remembered that we bought our unit just before christmas now i do want to note that we rented it from a friend prior and when she told me she was thinking about selling it we bought it i didn't even have to move so in some ways it did feel like we were still renting but we actually own our unit now i'm not great at confronting someone i tend to shake a lot but at that moment i was quite angry so i went upstairs and i knocked on her door you know that gut feeling you have it was spot on so the door opens and there stands a karen her hair blonder than my own her nails long and bright colored she didn't look happy to see me there so i introduced myself and i explained that i lived downstairs but i wanted to talk to her about the note she then starts to talk over top of me explaining her letter was basic rules and even a child could understand it and if i did not like her rules i could hand in a letter to vacate so i'm thinking wow i told her that i actually own my unit and she hadn't bought it or the rest of the building i told her i know she recently moved into this place and that she couldn't enforce anything in her note and she did not like that at all she starts yelling at me saying that yes she had indeed bought the whole building and that failure to comply with her rules would mean i would be evicted now i was just starting to think that maybe i was wrong when another neighbor opened his door he came out and asked what the issue was about and asked if she could stop screaming as he worked nights and he was trying to sleep i told him i was trying to explain that she hadn't bought the building and she starts yelling again my neighbor at that point tells her to stop and then he said the best thing i heard that day he said are you stupid hearing that her jaw dropped as he explained to her how wrong she was and that he was in fact a part of the strata committee basically the hoa that oversees the building and she had no right to make rules for everybody at that point she gives us dirty looks before slamming the door i thanked him and he said the entire time he's lived there he hadn't seen someone so entitled and she was definitely entitled guys and let's hope she never ever ever comes in possession of any buildings for her own sake like i'm still laughing at the fact that she bought one unit and proceeded to act like she owned the whole damn building and then started printing out those outrageous letters to post on people's doors like i'm still trying to wrap my head around how that woman thought she was allowed to do that like did she seriously think she owned the building or do you think in her mind she was like hmm let's see how many people i can get to comply by sending out this letter i used to work in private security every property i can remember had disabled parking now if you park in these spots without a placard we write a ticket of sorts in most places it basically says if you park in handicap again we can tow you at your own expense i do want to note that police can also randomly drive by at any time and write a 300 handicap violation now we often get the wannabe disability police who see someone exit their car and have a placard but since they're not missing both of their legs they assume the person isn't disabled enough and they'll come report the handicap fraud to one of us in security essentially we tell them that qualified people have issued them a placard and we don't have the authority to second guess that most do go away saying that they're going to look into it and we warn them against harassing a fellow employee most times nothing ever comes of it well one property i had had at least 90 security cameras covering the parking lot interior and everything so one poor lady who'd been the target of the building's disability police comes to my desk highly upset she shows me an official looking card that someone left on her windshield it basically warned her of the criminal penalties of handicapped fraud it also had a link to where she could go to correct the problem i knew something was off i told her not to worry about it and we would find out who put it there so i had worked in this building for three years and at this point i was the lead security officer for the building somewhat similar to a policeman who knows his neighborhood i already had a good idea of who did it and when however since i was going to be reviewing the camera footage and gathering evidence i contact corporate security for approval as i may spend half the day investigating the matter well my instincts were almost spot on as far as when it happened i caught the time someone was over her windshield in the morning in under 30 minutes now i thought it was one particular employee in it it was an it employee but not the one i guessed the clients i did security for had problems with theft from the it in the area in the past and their areas are saturated with cameras i get him coming back inside and i then back up from before he went out i can see the bogus criminal warning he printed out sitting on his desk face up for a couple of minutes after grabbing it from the printer tray and then he walks outside with it i then checked the link he provided online and it looked like something a web developer would slap together hastily i wrote it all up packaged all the evidence together and sent it to corporate management and human resources now remember there had been a few thefts a while back at the end of the week the associate who i caught comes and tells me how ridiculous it is that i can't catch missing laptops but i can catch him as i tried to briefly tell him what updates had been made to the cctv since the last theft he cut me off with some not so nice words and he left it never happened again okay guys so for all who are wondering opie says in an update that the website had the woman's license plate and car make prominently displayed at the top of the page and essentially said her info had been reported to the secretary of state and the secretary's police agency the link also said that she would have to destroy her placard as criminal charges would be brought on if she was caught using the placard again like some people really need to mind their own damn business right but hey that's our slash entitled people guys i hope you enjoyed the stories today if you did hit that like and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r slash pro revenge where opi's dad abandons her for a new family and then opie comes back decades later and takes everything from him it's such a satisfying story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 268,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, r//, entitled family stories
Id: 1PAdHVY5cMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 35sec (1295 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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