r/ProRevenge - My Evil Aunt Commits Disability Fraud. My Revenge.

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hello my friends welcome back to another episode of our slash pro revenge where you guys come to get your daily dose of satisfaction by listening to others get what they deserve this episode has three stories all about entitled family members specifically crazy aunts because who doesn't have a crazy aunt or is that just me I don't know guys the first story is how an entitled aunt steals from Opie's dead granddad the second story involves a manipulating aunt who treats Opie's family like dirt and will end off with the lighter story about how Opie's family deals with their aunt and her Rugrats I hope you stay for the stories today and subscribe for future videos let's get into it this first story is titled steal from my dead granddad lose your benefit money this is a family style revenge so get ready my granddad had lived down the road from us since before I could remember and he would always play with me and my sister when Mom had to go to work and I thought of him as my second father he kept a really expensive platinum necklace on as a keepsake from my grandmother as he always told me stories about her some backstory now on my aunt's family they were basically people who refused to work and were actually proud of scamming the government to pay for their lifestyle my aunt was falsely claiming disability at the time and she was getting paid as much as my mum would at her full-time job for sitting around on her lazy ass so here's where the story starts my grandad winds up in a hospital due to a heart attack my mum my sister and I show up to care for him after three days and when the doctor explains that he hasn't got much time left and to say our goodbyes evil aunt rocks up with her family they ask how much time he has left and wanted to see him he then passes away the day after and we get together to decide how he'd want his funeral since my grandma was buried 300 miles away my grandpa would probably want to be by her evil aunt and her family don't want to travel far for this funeral and they refuse to chip anything in to help of cost so they decided to stay and watch his house looking back we should have seen red flags but we were all in a state of mourning and that's the last thing we thought about when we got home after the funeral empty anything of value was gone and the only thing left behind were some paintings from my grandma we were pissed we went to evil Anse and of course she denied everything until three weeks later when we came around to see how everyone was doing my mom had noticed some new expensive things new TV new Playstation etc and she began to suspect something as well as me and my sister until the evil cousin comes in and he's wearing my granddad's platinum necklace I asked him where he got it from and he told me that he had bought it with some money that he got from selling pot we didn't say anything we get into the car and all of us are seething they are no longer family to us and we needed revenge now I mentioned before that they had been falsifying their medical records to receive disability benefits from the government every time we'd go over we'd sneakily take photos of everything they just bought as well as my evil cousin stash of pods and my uncle's collection of stolen goods we collected every message of them bragging about their many fancy holidays and them refusing to want to work and compiled a case report and anonymously sent it to the claimant investigators and let them do their jobs a month later I hear from one of my other cousins that evil aunts and their uncle got the benefits taken off of them and had criminal charges and had to pay restitution to the businesses they stole off of I think the last time I talked to them was them asking me for money updates thanks for the love a lot of you are wondering if I got the necklace back unfortunately the evil cousin decided to pawn it for money to cover his losses I didn't find that out until half a year later by then it had been sold I never talked to them again not a fan of the evil aunt in the story thieving scamming entitled lazy those are all traits of a horrendous human being way to set a good example for your children who will probably grow up to be exact same way oh and the fact that they came out of the sewers after the dad passes just to sell his stuff and make some money is absolutely disgusting this next story is titled my aunt's a jerk but yes our just desserts in the end this is gonna be a bit of a long one and while I think it's worth it or I wouldn't be posting it I'll keep this as brief as possible back in the late 1980s my mother Nancy was diagnosed with a neurological condition my father was working long hours to put a roof over our heads and keep mom seeing the best doctors and eventually my parents realized that with two small kids and a body that was slowly but surely shutting down on her she needed more help there was talk of hiring a nursing company to provide in-home care but my mom sister Linda very graciously offered my mom my sister and I to come live with their family and that she would be happy to take care of her little sister after a few months of working out the details my parents my aunt my uncle agreed to the following my dad would pay for construction of a large addition onto my aunt and uncle's home this would be a fully separate home with three bedrooms three bathrooms a living room kitchen and unfinished basement my aunt who was unemployed would be the primary caretaker for my mom for the foreseeable future my mom would have living rights to the addition until her death upon my mother's death our claim to the addition would be relinquished and my aunt and uncle would own it outright in 1990 my mom my sister and I moved three hours away to live with my aunt and her family my dad stayed behind to continue working and this separation did eventually result in a mostly friendly divorce things went well enough at first and within six or eight months the addition was built and we moved out of their spare room and into our new home it would be a lie to say that it was massive but it was more than doubled the size of their house we had our own exterior doors our own Heating and Cooling mostly every utility for the first 18 months or so my aunt mostly held up her end of the bargain but soon after crack started to form my uncle left my aunt in early 1991 Linda started getting lazy with my mom and consequently her health was suffering so my dad hired a home nursing outfit to come in everyday and take care of her Linda took this as permission to stop helping with anything at all mom soon became bedridden which was not my aunt's fault the disease took its toll and she couldn't leave the home so Linda would do my mom shopping for her but started buying more than just Christmas presents or our groceries a little at first and then a lot eventually my mom's credit card bills really caught my dad's notice all told we calculated that she had run up about twenty thousand dollars in purchases that were for her and her kids this was in the early 1990s according to the inflation calculator I just looked at that's the equivalent of 40 thousand US dollars today my dad was working 70 hour weeks for overtime so he could cover his mortgage and these massive credit card bills by late 1993 there was a confrontation my dad cancelled the credit card and said you're spending me dry I can't have surprise bills like this anymore and my aunt in turn said get out of my house since it was in addition and not technically a separate home and since my dad didn't have the money for expensive legal battles there was nothing we could do living rights be damned right at that same time the house went into foreclosure Linda had stopped paying the mortgage six or so months before the bank foreclosed and Linda didn't have the money to get current on the mortgage my dad began making plans to buy the mortgage from the bank and take ownership of the whole property things were starting to look good on this front and he told us that we'd be able to stay in the home his plan was that he would charge Linda a fair rent for her half of the house and we would continue to live in our half and the door that connected the two halves would forever be locked sort of like a duplex at this point I needed to introduce the last character to the story which I'll call Maria Maria was the first wife of my mom and Linda's older brother they had been married for a short time in the 1970s and Maria became very close with her new sister-in-law after she split from my uncle she remained very friendly with both Linda's family and mine and growing up I called her aunt Maria anyway Linda now knows that my dad's planning on in the house from the bank and she panics she calls anyone she can think of that'll give her the money to get current on the mortgage and Maria finally comes through and says yeah of course I'll help you out Linda calls my dad and gloats that she's not losing her house and reiterates that my mom my sister and I can move right on out my dad calls Maria and tries to convince her not to swoop in and save Linda's bacon he said a moves gonna be hard for the kids and extremely hard for Nancy and Linda has neglected Nancy and not held up her end of the bargain etc Maria says she's committed to her decision my dad gives one bit of advice that will wind up being very important he says well then just don't give her the money to get current on the mortgage she'll fall behind soon enough the house will still get foreclosed on and you'll be out of the money you gave her by the mortgage from the bank instead and just charge Linda rent that way you've got at least something for your money in early 1994 we move out of the addition by early 1996 Maria rings my dad up she did indeed buy the mortgage from the bank and now she owns the property outright Linda swore up and down that she would pay back the rent but lo and behold she hasn't paid any rent over the last two years Maria asked my dad if he would be interested in buying the property from her it was a bit of a stretch since he was paying for two homes the one that he lived in and the one I lived in with my mom and my sister but he put the money together and soon enough he owned the property in question at this point Linda's in touch with my dad and is no longer extremely nasty and threatening to him she's as sweet as can be promising that she'll pay him rent and be a great tenant my dad said that's fine you can rent the house but if you missed one payment I'll begin eviction proceedings immediately they drew up a contract signed it and I think she made two rent payments before calling up and asking for more time he told her I'm sorry Linda but if you don't have the money in my hands by the due date spelled out in the contract I have to evict you the date came and went the money never showed up and my dad gleefully began eviction proceedings they knew my dad meant business and moo down on their own before the sheriff did it for them we own the house as a rental property for several years using the income to fund my mom's medical care despite being separated since 1990 my parents stayed married until 2002 so my mom would have health insurance my dad then gave the house to my mom in a divorce settlement and it was sold to pay for her nursing facility where she lived from 2000 until her death in 2009 major props to your dad Opie and the fact that he stuck it out with you and your mom despite being separated to make sure you were all doing okay just shows what a great human being he is this last story is titled you can't kick out family but a story from my grandfather set in the 1948 to 1950 timeframe Uncle Joe bought some land with a cabin on Lake Ontario back in the 1920s or 30s over the years he kept adding to it another cabin a bunk house that slept 12 a boathouse a shaded outdoor dining area under some trees etc each summer Uncle Joe and invite various parts of the large family up there and it would be a grand time it was just called the camp and was well loved by the family the only one full-time resident of the camp was an older man who bred hunting dogs this was the perfect area for that sort of thing there were about 10 well behaved dogs around most of the time and the kids loved that each year there were puppies around too but one year Aunt Mabel and her passel of squalling ill-behaved children came to the camp no problem they were family and welcome except they stayed most of the summer and basically trashed the place when my grandfather got there in July to stay two weeks as he's always done Mabel and the crew had been there for a while and Uncle Joe later said that they didn't leave until September he was too polite to kick them out but he was fed up especially when they made noises about coming back next year the next year uncle Joe asked my grandfather to go with him several weeks early to set up the camp they talked to the dog breeder and they hatched the plan when Aunt Mabel and the gang arrived everyone sat down to dinner at the outdoor dining area the only change from last year was that there's metal plates nailed to the tables now this caused a couple of raised eyebrows especially when the explanation was that it was easier to clean that way but everyone ate happily then when everyone was done eating my grandfather's time to shine came he gave a loud whistle and yelled dinnertime a pack of hounds came from the other side of the camp at a run and they jumped all over the tables they started eating the leftovers and then licking the plates clean it took all less than a minute uncle Joe and my grandfather stood nearby nodding approvingly and patting the dog Uncle Joe said see it's easier to clean this way want to go fishing now my grandfather reported that it was the first time he had literally seen someone's jaw drop open and start gaping open and closed like a fish Aunt Mabel and her Rugrats somehow decided to leave the next morning before breakfast it had taken two weeks to train the dogs and Uncle Joe and my grandfather had to spend the rest of the summer breaking their habit of jumping on the dining tables everyone agreed it was worth it and Aunt Mabel never returned to the camp and that's it for this episode of our slash Pro revenge if you aren't subscribed hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications because I upload videos almost every day see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 411,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, petty revenge stories, ultimate revenge, dangerous jobs, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, evil aunt, aunt stories, entitled aunt stories, entitled aunt, bad aunt stories, thieving aunt
Id: 3fW3MJNyZwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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