r/ProRevenge - Ex-Wife FRAMES Me for Theft Because I Won Custody of Our Child! [My Revenge]

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hello everyone this is your daily dose of pro revenge I'm kidding guys I'm not daily dose of Internet but I do read comments and that one was for you crimson 680 hawk guys welcome back to our slash Pro revenge and today I've got two stories and the two posts relates you'll hear about Opie's ex-wife and how she basically tries to ruin him now listen guys the episode is a pretty long one and the stories are really good so make sure you got some time because it's pretty wild I hope you stay for the story today and do hit that subscribe button for future stories this first story is titled my ex-wife learned the hard way not to ignore court summons a bit of background I was married to a woman for 15 years and ended up divorcing her because she liked to sleep with other guys while it took me six years to stumble on this fact I owe it to her being either a sociopath or a narcissist she could absolutely turn on and off the charm and could come up with lies staring you right in the eyes hindsight is 20/20 let's call her V short for Voldemort as one time when I was talking about her after the separation I referred to her as she who must not be named and the nickname stuck with all of my friends and family during the marriage my ex and I were best friends with another couple and for this post we'll call them Sam and Marie Sam was and still is my best friend Marie was v's best friend Maria had found out about these plans to cheat on me prior to me finding out and told Vee that she couldn't condone infidelity and their friendship would end if V did cheat on me and no Marie did not tell me and I don't blame her for not doing so when I finally found out that V was having a facebook affair with some dude in California it was just two weeks before Vee was flying him out and putting him up in the hotel for three days I spent those two weeks getting a lawyer a private investigator and my exit strategy together I left her the weekend after their hotel stay she would spend the days with him and come home for the afternoon and evening without a shred of guilt showing interactions the private investigator having gotten pictures and video of them leaving the hotel and eating lunch together and then heading back to the hotel I first stayed at Salmon Murray's in their in-law basement apartment eventually moving to a small apartment back in town where V lived fast forward nine months and I'm divorced from thee we had one daughter and alcala Rebecca she was 13 at the time who was still at home and we were trying shared custody and lived about a quarter mile apart there are two kids from the marriage but they were living apart from us at the time and they don't play a part in this whole story we had acquired a lake house during the marriage and had listed it to sell and we had it written into the divorce agreement to split the proceeds but paying half the mortgage on that and the rent on my apartment was really stretching me thin financially one day Marie emails me a subject line in all caps saying V just tried to get me fired long story short ve mailed Marie's boss claiming the Marie was gossiping about V on sales calls to customers but her boss knew it was BS and told V as much wisely Marie didn't mess around waiting to see what was next she went to the local courthouse that day and filed for an anti-harassment order against V it took several visits to the judge as V chose to ignore multiple court summons so that the judge could hear her side of the story eventually the judge granted the order because V never showed up to court during this time we called 911 multiple times one time claiming I put a letter bomb in her mailbox and the two other times that I had entered her apartment without her permission the letter bomb accusation was due to me posting a link to ship your enemies glitter comm on Facebook a few months before and subsequently mailing her a thick bundle of forms to sign the police were called and I had to go to V's apartment and open the letter in front of the police needless to say there was no glitter let alone a glitter bomb the two times I'd gone into her apartment had both been a drop off Rebecca's book bag when she'd forgotten it at my apartment both times I had text from thee granting me permission to open the door and to put the book back inside she would then text me Dryad done so trying to revoke permission telling me that I shouldn't have gone into her apartment and that she never gave me permission to this day I think V thinks that if she deletes messages on her end the message is deleted on my end even though kids will be kids and Rebecca did forget her book back at my place on at least one other occasion I didn't fall for V's ruse a third time all forgotten book bags were delivered by Rebecca and I meeting halfway between the apartments also included with a multiple 911 calls were multiple child wellness checks on evenings when I had Rebecca at my apartment it's so fun to explain to your child why the police are showing up at 8:00 at night to check to see if she's okay basically V was trying to rile me up boil my blood so it looks like I'm the bad guy throughout this whole mess Sam and Marie have been life savers to me in Rebecca hosting and cooking weekly family dinners for us and just being absolutely rock steady in their support and tolerance of the situation around this time Vee had filed for sole custody at the strong urging of my lawyer I insisted on a guardian ad litem to be appointed to represent Rebecca's best interests her being a minor child of course the parents must pay the feeds of the guardian ad litem at this point my finances are really getting worrisome so I write an email to V saying we need to drop the price of the lake house and get that sold regardless of profit I needed that off my back so I could continue to live where I could co-parent Rebecca as well as fight the custody battle so there I am going deeper into debts can't pay the rent and mortgage long term and V is starting another court battle for full custody with no other choice I moved back in with Sam and Marie so I can continue to pay my lawyer and keep fighting about a week after I'm settled back with Sam and Marie I hear from Rebecca that v's glass patio table was smashed the previous night I was in New Hampshire that evening with witnesses so it couldn't have been me I was paying for Rebecca's cell phone and we have life 360 so we could know where each other was at anytime plus it had history so I could at least prove that my phone was in New Hampshire Rebecca says she knows I was there tells me that she'll tell her mother that it wasn't me the next day I was served with a restraining order claiming that I had vandalized v's patio furniture and that she still felt afraid due to the letter bomb incident the restraining order was for ten days and then I could show up in court and Kontest it being continued the officer who served the restraining order explained that he had to confiscate any firearms and licenses while I did have a recently acquired Class A concealed carry license I hadn't had any firearms other than a BB gun of Rebecca's the officer left with just the class a license smiling as he said he was pretty sure I wasn't going to go on a rampage with a BB gun the first thing I did the next day was go to the police station and request all incident reports that had involved me since I left her I knew of seven incidents but the desk sergeant informed me that they had 19 incident reports from V he talked to me a bit clearly trying to get a feel for what kind of person I was and just what was going on we parted company with him assuring me that the patrol officers would now know what's going on and the police department would do right by me so long as I kept my cool fair enough so two nights before the court appearance to contest the restraining order Sam Murray and I are sitting on their porch drinking some beer and brainstorming about what I'm gonna say to the judge I'm a bit discouraged because I know it's gonna be a he-said she-said situation and I'm living in Massachusetts where if your chromosomes don't match you are a second-class citizen when it comes to parental rights plus V deserves an Oscar for how well she plays the victim it wasn't looking good Murray suddenly said hey let me see that restraining order I handed it to her and she says hey this is my judge she's the judge that granted me the anti harassment order against V you're kidding Sam and I looked at each other in amazement Murray says I swear it is let me go get it Murray goes back inside and comes back a few minutes later with her court order and sure enough it's the same judge my grin felt like it was gonna split my lips now I knew exactly what to now for the meat of the story the court date to Kontest the restraining order arrived and I'm there first thing just me no lawyer because he had to appear in court elsewhere I strongly hope that V wouldn't show up but she did with someone other than her divorce lawyer and before court was in session her new lawyer approached me and offered to let the no-contact order lapse but wanted I do not abuse order left in place I politely declined the offer stating that I had done nothing to warrant either order and that I wanted the judge to hear my argument V's lawyer was taken aback by this a bit and then shrugged as if to say it's your funeral and then walked back to her v was sitting we went in front of the judge and V told her side of the story and I started telling mine introducing all the incident reports from the police department but V&R lawyer didn't have copies of all of them so the judge sent us back to the gallery to await a second call while V and her lawyer reviewed the reports when we were called back the judge started to go into the content of the police reports and I stated that the content was almost irrelevant but she insisted on going through them during that V emphasized two incidents where I briefly entered these apartments with her permission but she characterized them as me doing so without her permission I said that if necessary I would be able to provide communications where she gave me permission when going through the first police report from the night V also tried to characterize me as having a multiple personality disorder as told to her by our shared primary care physician the judge asked her his doctor told you this without his permission she replied yes your honor the judge looked at me puzzled I shrugged and said while slowly shaking my head in disbelief that I have a very close relationship with my doctor and I highly doubt that he would violate HIPAA the judge didn't look fazed but I think she got the message that V wasn't being entirely truthful as that was the last police reports ago I reminded her that my point wasn't the contents but I thought V was using the courts to harass and intimidate me to make me look bad to the Guardian litem and I brought up that this isn't out of her character for V as she has an anti harassment order in place against her put there by you your honor the judge blinked at that bit of info I gave her the details and reminded her that V declined to show up at multiple hearings as I recounted the particulars of Murray's story the judge squinted her eyes more and more and her frown got deeper and deeper she turned to V and her voice was slow cold fury and she says do you have an anti-harassment placed against you V's voice was so small and weak and she said yes your honor I so wanted to look at V's face to see her reaction but it kept my eyes locked on the judge the judge pointed at V and said why didn't you show up to the hearings a pause as V struggled to find some excuse and she said because I didn't want to but the judge waived her to silence I think that was the turning point as I think she was going to grant the request for that do not abuse but she turned to me and said sternly I think there is a bit of this going on both sides but clearly she wants you to stay out of her apartment I told her never again Your Honor the restraining order was terminated with a bang of her gavel and we were done because the restraining order was terminated legally it meant it never happened I got my class a concealed carry license back the next day and ultimately won the custody battle a large part of which was the termination of the restraining order guys that was the first story posted by Opie and his wife definitely sounds like a stand-up human being a really great person guys the second story also relates to his ex-wife and is titled ex-wife tries to frame me for theft and she fails background at this point in the saga having lost the custody battle v is moving to New Hampshire to be with her then primary lover now husband number five a detail that amuses me to this day is that he shares the same first name as the Facebook lover from California as mentioned in my first post I always refer to that as Paul number one and Paul number two when talking about them and yes I'm easily amused about a month after the custody hearing in which I got full custody of Rebecca V and I had an email exchange in which we agreed that I would go to her apartment and take Rebecca's captain's bed and some of Rebecca's belongings the day the movers arrived to pick up voldemort stuff she was moving 75 miles away to central New Hampshire having burned pretty much every Bridge in the area as Sam drives a truck he graciously agreed to come along to both help and to be a witness so we get there around 7:20 p.m. and knock at the door after a brief waits Vee opens the door her iPhone glued to her ear she sullenly mumbles something about her stuff's upstairs and then heads off to her second-floor bedroom weaving and mumbling something that made me stop and think I didn't quite get it but I recall thinking I really can't go in here without a witness so I stick my head out the door and said Sam come on you need to come in here with me so we go in and holy crap it's a junkyard it's not quite filthy but it's beyond cluttered by now Vee has disappeared into a room completely slamming the door so it takes me a bit of wandering to find Rebecca's room it's not that she's in the middle of packing but there's crap everywhere there's dust cobwebs tracked in dirt unwashed dishes empty bottles of wine dry dog food you get the idea so Sam and I start gathering up Rebecca stuff and take some stuff out to the car I realized that we need an allen wrench to take apart the bed so I go out to the car to get one and come back in in the lull in activity she had come back into the living area but went right back into her bedroom as we climb the stairs the phone still glued to her ear it takes a bit but we finally get to bed taken apart and have moved most of the stuff in Rebecca's room out to the front lawn without conferring it's clear that Sam and I decided to get the stuff to the front lawn and worry about packing the vehicles after we're completely out of the house it's at this point that it starts to get weird Sam is carrying out the second-to-last load when V pops her head out of the bedroom door looks out from the balcony and says why are you taking stuff out of my house Sam drops what he's carrying and exits the house he knew what was up instantly I come out of Rebecca's room and V clearly didn't realize that I was still there and say you agreed via email that we would take Rebecca's bed tonight she looked startled and says is that Rebecca's stuff of course it is you said her stuff was in her room I take what I'm carrying and go outside and Sam says dude that's not right I have a bad feeling about this we need to call the police I said you're absolutely right I could tell that Sam was expecting me to object and he does a double take when he realized that he wasn't gonna have to convince me I called the police and said hi my name's Jack crow and I live at three to one main street here in Roseville while I'm talking to the police on the phone I'm aware of V coming to the door and opening it and becoming quite agitated as she realizes that I'm talking to the police by the time I finished the following explanation she slammed the door and it's tromping around inside the living area heatedly talking on her phone I said I'm at my ex-wife's apartment getting some of my daughter's belongings as we'd agreed via email and while I'm getting the last of the stuff out of the house my ex-wife demanded why are you taking stuff out of my house so in order to protect all parties I'm asking that a police officer come by to verify with Miss Crow that she agreed to this and that she's fine with what we've removed from the house they told me an officer was on the way as I'm waiting for the officer to arrive leanin nonchalantly against the front of Sam's truck Sam standing right there next to me just shaking his head and says I'm gonna call Murray and let her know what's going on right about here v throws open the front door muttering something about not having gotten all of Rebecca's stuff and proceeds to deposit another laundry basket piled high with clothes and other items on the front stoop and disappears back inside I start to whistle pop goes the weasel' moe so the stuff we've moved is sitting on the front lawn and we leave it there after about five minutes the officer arrives he steps out of the patrol SUV and I slowly approach him arm extended to shake his hand good evening officer I'm Jack crow good evening mr. crow Allie Johnson we shake hands I give him a brief explanation of the situation and he comments that I was right to call him and that he'll go speak to Vee he's up there for about two minutes and then he comes back down and says you guys are good to go we briefly chat with him apologize for having to get him involved and he replies no you did the right thing I liked him a lot after that we start loading the rest of our stuff and he asked how much more is in the house I told him nothing it's all out here except that laundry basket on the stoop that mrs. crow brought out while we were waiting for you he replied oh good I can't sit here all night if you guys are good to go I'll take off and Denny says wait what's that what's what he told me he thinks he saw a phone in that basket he shines his flashlight on the laundry basket on the front stoop I walk up to the basket it's an iPhone sitting on top of it I pick it up and it looks like Rebecca's old iPhone 4 I told him that it's just my daughter's old phone and I'll take it with us I carry the basket down on my car and put it in the backseat just as I'm walking away it rings it's an incoming call from v's landline I realize it's v's phone I pick it up and answer it hello click I look at the front and there's a text from her boyfriend on the lock screen asking is he gone yet yep it's her phone I waved down the officer and said wait officer I was wrong it's miss Crowes phone can you please return it to her he takes it from me and returns it to V at the front door and walks back down to us ok you're still good to go I'm gonna go now I told them if you could please swing by again in 15 to 20 minutes if we're still here you might want to pull in and make sure we're still ok not 5 minutes after he pulls out and while we're still loading stuff via again pops out the front door phone glued to her ear and says is the officer still here I told her no and she says get him back why I want him back get him and goes back inside I'm briefly tempted to tell her if you want the cop back you call for him but that little voice in my head says you call so I read isle crows VLEs finest and request that officer Johnson return of the address again Sam and I assume are waiting positions at the front of the truck a few minutes later officer Johnson arrives he grins at me and I tell him she just came out the front door after you left asking for police to be called and he goes up to see what she wants he goes up there and V hands him her phone he talks for a few more minutes hangs up the phone continue speaking with V for 20 more seconds and then returns to us I look at him quizzical II and he says no worries guys you're still good to go but I'm gonna stay until you're done here I continue to give him the raised eyebrow and the officer told me she wanted to accuse you of trying to steal her phone but I pointed out to her that I was the one that noticed it in the baskets and you hadn't touched it yet and that you were the one to ask me to return it to her just finish up guys we all want to get home where it's warm we finished up and we all shook hands and got out of there guys what an absolutely crazy post made by Opie he's been through a lot and dodged so many shots fired at him by this lovely woman and made it out unscathed and I wonder why she's on her fifth husband because she sounds like a real stand up gal that you definitely love to have in your life and that's it for this episode of our slash Pro revenge if you didn't catch the last episode of our slash Pro revenge it's a really good tale so if you haven't heard it click the video right now I hope you guys got your revenge fix for the day and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 211,487
Rating: 4.9441419 out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, frame for theft, theft fail, ex wife, horrible wife, child custody, child custody father
Id: YtWW9i4nJAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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