r/ProRevenge - Girl Torments Me and Made Me Miserable In School! How I Get Revenge.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to our slash pro revenge where in this episode you're gonna hear four stories about people getting what they deserve the first story op gets back at a girl who made his life miserable the second story opie gets a pesky neighbor to stop parking in front of his house the third management finds out the hard way that they fired the wrong employee and we'll finish up with a story where op dedicates six years of his life to screw over a company who wronged him guys i hope you stay for the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future stories so in my freshman year of high school i was a bit pudgy and ugly because of this i was the subject of a lot of people to talk about behind my back sometimes i would get bullied but not too often because of my traits and poor hygiene my only friends were the two other weirdos at my school we would all sit off in a secluded area of the school for lunch and barely talk to anybody so one day one of the popular girls in my grade approaches me and starts to chat i remember being shy at first but eventually i just talked normally i wasn't really awkward i was just kind of ugly fast forward about three weeks she admitted that she had won a bet with her friends to see who could talk to their crush the most within a month they were supposedly tallying all the time they spent with their crush so her telling me that i was her crush i was just kind of like okay not sure how to acknowledge or process that i knew there was no chance that she actually liked me but that night i kept toying with the idea i convinced myself that there's no way that somebody could actually lie to me i had to have been the luckiest guy on earth and the next day i decided to ask her out so after doing so she flat out starts laughing she told her friends and they laughed too for a while i was basically the joke of the school of course the bet was to actually talk to the ugliest kid and try to get them to like you which is a terrible thing to do eventually i got over it and moved on with my life fast forward to senior year grade 12 second semester at that point i had changed my life around grade 9 i was this shy awkward ugly kid and three years later i had evolved into a more athletic person i was on the soccer team worked out at the gym every day and took jiu jitsu three times a week i wasn't too popular but i did date a few girls and had more friends i was at a small house party one night and my buddy told me that the girl who hurt me in grade 9 had a serious thing for me she was there that night and i saw an opportunity to crush her right there and asked her out to set my plan in motion i dated the girl for a few months and this is what hurts me the most and why i feel so terrible i was the first guy she ever slept with and the first she ever confessed her love to we were the lovey-dovey high school couple and even voted the cutest new couple for a valentine's thing she even made plans to go to the same university as me then prom came i didn't even hesitate and i don't know how i managed to become so callous at such a young age she waited for me to pick her up for prom except i chose to go with another girl from another school i then called her to say sorry that was just a bet to see if i could talk to you and get you to like me and then i hung up of course i got in massive trouble and i did not regret it at the time but i feel it ruined a small part of me so i really wonder what kind of massive trouble op got into for doing that to this girl guys listen this is a good example of two wrongs not making a right i personally think for op to hold a grudge and then come back and basically making her fall in love taking her virginity and then giving her that lasting memory of him doing that to her out of spite is just really twisted guys i was scrolling through the comments and yes a lot of people say that if you're not in his shoes you wouldn't understand but i can't be the only one who thinks what he did was a little bit overkill so this happened a few years ago my neighbors started to park on the street behind my car like literally inches for no apparent reason my neighbor has a driveway which is empty and also live two houses down the street i don't have a driveway so on street parking is a must for me so after a few weeks i asked if it was necessary to park so close when there was literally no cars on the street for over a quarter mile he told me no but there's no laws against it with a big smile on his face well a few weeks passed by and my car gets hit because someone thought there was enough room to clear as his truck blocked the view of my car entirely i see this happen but unfortunately cannot get a model or a license plate number i then asked him again if he could just park further down the road closer to his house he replied nope suck on it okay i had lived there for quite some time and never had any issues with him or any other neighbors i usually kept to myself never make noise and don't have any noisy pets or parties etc so his truck has his business name on it i google it and find out it's his own business there's lots of yelp reviews bbb ratings etc all these point to his website and i go and check his website and it doesn't load up i do some research and find out his domain is expired so i snag it before i think what to do with it i google the owner's name and find out that he's been convicted of murder 20 years ago i find a handful of links that detail his story rather explicitly i copy and paste all those links into an email to him and said something like well if you want to be a jerk for no reason i just bought your business domain and here's the links i plan on posting on it i don't have to list your business name because all of your business listings across the internet have this url pointing to it keep parking like a jerk yes it's legal but you are willfully doing this just to annoy me i legally bought your domain and can legally link these articles park behind me again and i'll launch it within an hour his truck was moved onto his driveway he asked me for the domain and i told him when you either move or i move i'll hand it over until then it'll remain offline uh so guys i'm glad op got his revenge on this crappy neighbor and i'm glad his neighbor now parks on the driveway and doesn't bother him anymore but what in the world guys if i found out that i was plotting revenge on somebody who has literally taken a life and served time for it i think i'd have to rethink my revenge and that guy might be parking in front of my house for a little while longer is that just me i can't be the only one who's cautious about taking revenge on a freaking murderer so my friend's father since retired was a mechanical engineer he was around 55 when this happened and very experienced in his field in fact he had some skill sets that were close to unique to the extent that you might be able to replicate them but at extreme costs we're talking multiple people from multiple companies from multiple countries taking weeks if not months to get up to speed with specific projects to do the same things he was also a no bs kind of guy who did his job he did it well but also pointed out problems and expected others to point out problems to him he was extremely solution oriented and had no time for office politics or keeping a positive attitude at work basically your everyday grumpy older engineer who really knew his thing and always wanted to help if you asked but not very forthcoming in team building exercises and so on he also ran his own business on the side doing minor projects and so on as was required by his employer he had reported this and was sure not to cause any conflicts of interest so his employer knew and accepted this he was considered a valuable employee and by all accounts they paid him well respected his knowledge and he returned the favor by working very hard then his firm was acquired by a larger firm and a new management team installed initially everybody was promised that things would remain the same but with the new management came new office culture the new management pressured for unpaid overtime for more american corporate culture with cheering and clapping and so on he considered it extremely cringe and refused to participate his status as a long-standing and knowledgeable employee kept him safe for some time before the new management realized that the resistance to the new culture centered around him and started to pressure him to play along when he didn't they turned increasingly hostile realizing that he held a lot of soft power in the company having mentored a large percentage of the engineers and resistance to their leadership centering around him the workday turned more and more hostile and he knew that things would come to head sooner or later being an experienced engineer and knowing how to document things he already had his ducks in a row then it finally happened they caught him answering an email for a side business on his work laptop brought him in and fired him on the spot for theft of company resources he sat at the conference table and looked at the managers in their eyes one after the other and asked are you sure you want to do this they all said yes and he said are you really sure you want to do this he was escorted to his desk by security to leave his phone his badge and his computer at the desk and they escorted him out once out of the building he phoned his union representative who immediately canceled the firing claiming there was no just cause which meant that it would go to the labor board for arbitration you see the company had an i.t policy that said it was okay to use the company laptop for personal business including a side business as long as you were on a break and compliant with the i.t security protocols the company was also aware of and had approved his side business then he called his lawyer and asked him to send the pre-prepared seasoned assist on two patents he held patents that were not significant and nothing he can make serious money out of but he still had brought them with him to the employment and allowed the employer to use in exchange for a slightly higher pay then he went home for some vacationing and tending to a side business so his colleagues started calling the day after for advice since the project he had managed could not go on without him he was perfectly polite but denied any information and help saying he had left everything with the management and to contact them as he was no longer employed there several clients had phoned his private number and were told the same thing it took two weeks before a manager phoned him and asked things he politely declined to answer got yelled at and replied with something like i'm sorry you must have mistaken me for somebody who works for you this happened a few times and the next week hr phoned him and stated the firing had been a mistake and he was welcomed back to his job he again politely declined saying that he awaited the labor board's decision but until then he was happy to consult for them at six times his hourly pay after a few days of wrangling and trying to negotiate they had to accept and then he sprung the patent issue on them forcing them to pay for those too less than two and a half weeks after being fired he was back at his desk after three months the firing came to the labor board the employer stated that they believed they had handled the issue correctly but were still willing to offer my friend's father his position back in the interest of goodwill and reconciliation my friend's father and the union simply stated that he was now employed elsewhere his own company and no longer available the labor board ruled in my friend's father and the union's favor and he got the normal damages three months of pay damage and 24 months pay severance package including pension and of course the lawyer cost and the union paid by the employer according to my friend her father continued to work there until he retired working 20 hours or so per week and 10 to 15 hours for other companies making a pretty penny continuing to charge them three times what he charged their competitors as an [ __ ] tax the managers were not fired but they were moved to their own group apart from the rest of the department the cost of her father's consultancy fees and the cost of the labour board arbitration was budgeted there meaning they were constantly over budget and thus ineligible for bonuses for several years my friend also said her father usually met management complaints with a big grin and said what are you gonna do fire me guys this revenge is beautiful i'm not sure what my favorite part is the seasoned assist letters on the patents he owned his consulting fee that he was charging his company six times his regular pay or the 24 month severance package i also love that part where they fired him and they kept calling him for advice and he said i'm sorry you must have mistaken me for somebody who works here must be really nice to be valuable to a company a couple of decades ago mid-80s i needed bodywork done on my car and took it to a large and supposedly well-regarded body shop for repairs in hindsight i should have known it would not turn out well when they refused to give me a quote without seeing my insurance estimate first to keep this short suffice to say that they screwed it up they charged for undercoating that wasn't applied got cheap non-oem replacement parts ignored the instructions to replace the fender and instead slathered a couple of pounds of bondo on it within a week of getting the car back from them i'd returned with a long list of problems quality complaints and omissions the general manager basically blew me off with a combination of indifference and rudeness as to the quality complaints he said look this car isn't worth putting a cadillac level work into it if you want it done better you'll have to pay us more money so i then did what most pissed off customers would do i badmouthed the company to anybody who would listen anytime i saw a car in need of bodywork i'd warn the owner against this body shop making my case by showing them the poor work they'd done on my car i continued to do this for at least four years until i finally sold the car so the real revenge was that every four to six months i'd call the shop and asked to speak to the gm when i got him on the phone i'd identify myself as the pissed off former customer and tell him that i'd saved a dozen or so people from his company's shoddy work and probably cost his shop about 10 000 or so in revenue the first two calls he blew off by the fourth call he was getting worried and wanted my name and for me to come in so that we could come to an agreement and get you satisfied i told him that he had already blown his one chance to make good by insulting me i continued the calls even after i sold the car for about six years or so towards the end of that time i'd point out to him that his attitude had potentially cost his company over a hundred thousand dollars worth of work on my last call i actually got the owner and spent a good 15 minutes on the phone with him explaining why i'd made it a six year mission to cost them as much business as i possibly could and that the jerk of a gm had blown his chance of ever getting me to quit badmouthing them i later heard from friends at a wrecking yard in the same town that the body shop has a new gm guys now that is some dedication opie spent six years of his life telling people to stay away from a company who wronged him now i'm pretty sure we've all bad mouth places that have ripped us off before and tried to warn people not to go there but i never thought of calling companies and telling them about it so to me the phone calls were pretty petty but finally catching the owner and getting the gm in trouble and costing him his job makes this a worthy pro revenge well done op well done and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash pro revenge guys if you enjoyed the stories today do make sure to hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last episode of our slash pro revenge a church pastor uses church donations to do some really really shady stuff like shady naughty stuff nop ruins him check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
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Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories
Id: zcJsH6Ot_ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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