rSlash Prorevenge "ENTITLED TEACHER GETS TAUGHT A LESSON!” r/prorevenge Top Posts of All Time

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she needs to be going to bed around 4:00 p.m. and your son 6:00 p.m. no wonder he is doing so bad in class you need to parent your kids better car / pro revenge what is up guys mister read it here back with another episode of pro revenge stories our slash pro revenge is one of my favorite sub reddits and I really enjoyed making this so kick back relax and enjoy the show our first story we'll be reading today unknowingly got revenge on my fifth grade teacher after that bought a prom dress and ruined her day and after that got pranked on but I got the last laugh and then we'll be heading over to our slash petty revenge for skipped my laundry turn have fun fixing the machine followed by lie about your rank to an actual higher up enjoy your new neighborhood nickname and then we'll be finishing up with enjoy your fiery trip to the bathroom welcome to our new subscribers Matthew multi-star and ADHD girl and if you're new subscribe now for new stories from reddit every single day unknowingly got revenge on my fifth grade teacher so a bit of some backstory to this when I was in 2nd grade the school counselor labeled me with Asperger's syndrome a mental illness that makes it difficult to socialize they would pull me out of class for five out of the eight hour school day to teach me social skills from a book the label was given to me by a school counselor not a medical professional the label got me constantly bullied and beaten growing up by my classmates up until high school my family was beyond supportive and loving so I at least had home for safety this story is two accounts of my fifth grade teacher I am going to call Beatty for brat teacher my mom will be am four awesome mom and I will be called ke the first innocent I am bragging to kids in my class trying to gain what respect I can get that I have an 11 o'clock bedtime brat teacher hears this and quickly rushes to me how dare you lie in my class I am not lying I go to bed at 11 I actually go to bed at 10:00 no way in heck your family lets you go to bed that late the classmates insult and beatings after that get much worse for me and I cried my way to lunch unaware brat teacher was calling my mom about this hello yes is this case mother yes it is has something happened to my son I caught your son lying in my classroom about what time he goes to bed I will have to talk to him about that what time did he say he goes to bed she told me these events when I got home and said she was laughing at this point thinking it was a silly reason to call a parent your son was telling kids he goes to bed at the insane time of 11 p.m. he does sometimes stay up an extra hour so that wasn't exactly wait an extra hour what do you mean his bedtime is 10 p.m. brat teacher with a snarky voice 10 p.m. that is way too late to be sending any kid his age to bed maybe this story is better with entitled parents amazing mom with her own snarky voice I send my daughter my sister who was five at the time to bed at the same time you send the baby at that time she needs to be going to bed around 4 p.m. and your son 6 p.m. no wonder he is doing so bad in class you need to parent your kids better I think this was the time we were coming back from lunch as we heard our teachers screaming her head off into her phone and we were told to wait outside my mother didn't tell me the details but we heard a lot of cussing I went home that day and my mom made me my favorite dinner telling me my teacher is crazy the second incident my revenge so I was failing my classes because they were pulling me out of lessons to teach me social skills that never helped from a book apparently my teacher and the school council put in a letter for me to get sent to a special-needs school for the mentally challenged for some kids going to that school makes it so that they can't graduate high school until they are at least 22 I went to high school and saw a few kids that went to a special-needs school my teachers used terrible grades as an example and apparently the school board was all on board for it my teacher I just remembered said something to my mom that was like can't you do anything to stop this brat my mom would be crying when I got home because she could do nothing to protect me from them hehehe she as well as I didn't know that I was about to get some serious revenge on my school I lived in Texas which required state mandated tests to test kids skills in certain subjects I had to take reading math and I think writing while reading and writing didn't take me too long it took me nearly the entire day to do math I focused so hard on that test I was moved to three different classrooms to take it as all the other kids needed the classrooms for their classes I was the last kid in my school to finish that test and I remember my teacher saying no surprise the slow kid took the longest asperger's once again affects social skills not problem-solving either way that comment haunted me for a few months it's a month before school ends and I remember the kids mocking me saying I will be with my own kind in a few months we got the results and it shook the entire school it was apparently 30 years since it last happened but someone got a perfect score on the state math test yeah that person was me the teacher cried the test results was wrong and demanded someone regraded the test was reviewed as was my other tests because I nearly perfected them as well but my scores were legit the school board refused to send me to the special-needs school after that and my family was super happy while my teacher was super pissed the school board sent a representative to the school to tell them to stop with the five-hour social classes shockingly my grades skyrocketed and I passed on top of my class if you're curious I am trying to join the US Navy and they saw in my school records I was labeled with Asperger's they asked me to get medically tested for it which I did to find out I had zero signs of ever having the mental disorder in the first place next up we've got bought a prom dress and ruined her day forgive me I'm not a great storyteller this happened over 15 years ago so I'm trying to remember as much detail as I can when I was 21 my cousin was in high school and was constantly bullied by one girl a little backstory my cousin who will be referring to as LC and the bully will be referring to as jerk had been best friends since fourth grade but ended up having a falling out at the end of summer around ninth grade the reason for the falling-out a boy little cousin and jerk liked to the same boy and the boy liked a little cousin and not jerk this made jerk furious jerk was mean and hateful when sophomore year began she started rumors about my cousin and wrote nasty things about her on the walls of the bathroom stalls jerk set behind my cousin in math class and during a test she put gum in my cousin's hair my cousin ended up having to cut her hair because it was such a bad mess jerk had joined the cheerleader squad and had made new friends and those winches helped the jerk spread rumors and treat my cousin like crap every chance they got before all the bullying my cousin was outgoing and usually just a happy girl being bullied by someone who used to be her best friend really changed her it broke my heart to see her this way then one day in early May I was at the mall when I spotted jerk with some of her cheerleader winches in a dress store the prom was coming up so the store was very busy I went in and just watched her I wanted to confront her and tell her off for making my cousin's life a living hell what would I say I had imagined telling her off a thousand times before I was a little giddy on the inside for a moment as I started walking towards them I was walking up behind her and was about two feet away the sales lady had walked over to her to tell her that the dress she was interested in was available in her size but it was actually at another store in another mall and that she has it held under jerks name she also told your it was the only one left in her size so she was lucky to get it on hold and that she needed to pick it up that day before 5:00 because it was prom season in the town jerk thanked her and said as soon as they got through the line the line had about seven people ahead of them to buy a dress for one of the winches they would head right over to the other mall to get it I heard her telling the winch's that it was the perfect dress and she couldn't wait to wear it I turned right around and walked out of the store and straight to my car I drove to the other mall and picked up the dress $250 jerk had expensive taste I had to use two credit cards to buy it but it was worth every penny I was feeling pretty proud of myself as I walked out of the store with the perfect dress that she couldn't wait to wear I waited and waited at a kiosk near the store for jerk in the winch's finally after about half an hour I spotted them strutting into the store I couldn't hear what was said but I saw the saleswoman looking for the dress and then speaking to the jerk jerk looks at the winch's and starts crying they are trying to comfort jerk but she cannot be consoled they walk out of the store and out of the mall I ended up strutting my stuff out to my car and over to cousin's house to give her the dress she loved it and ended up wearing it to the prom edit cousin went to prom and had a wonderful night with her boyfriend same boy that they had the falling-out over one of the winches noticed his cousin's dress and pointed it out to jerk jerk wasn't happy cousin said jerk wouldn't stop throwing eye daggers all night she looked like her night was definitely ruined cousin said as they were leaving the prom she noticed jerk in the band of winches in the parking lot one of the winches was throwing up drunk at prom and actually threw up on jerks dress and shoes so all in all I would say that it was a win-win situation next we've got got pranked on but I got the last laugh this was a while back when I was still a senior in high school I went to an all-boys boarding school as it was all boys we all got into dumb antics in trouble one of these antics is breaking people and let me tell you at an all-boys school it was like a war zone of pranks no one was safe some pranks were awesome and hilarious others were just straight-out dumb this story involves one of those dumb ones people involved in this story are me Billy and Bob Billy one day thought it would be hilarious to jump on people and smear icy hot gel icy hot is a balm for sore muscles and such all over them it's dumb I know but when boys get bored these are the things we do Billy got Bob to help him with this prank when I just happened to be strolling along minding my own business they immediately jumped on me and held me down I tried to fight back but I'm a small guy and these guys easily had a hundred pounds over me each they covered my whole neck and face an icy hot they quickly got off and ran away laughing I of course was mad I go get cleaned off and wanted revenge but I didn't know how so I just grabbed some oranges and ran to find Billy it's a small school we know where everyone's room is luckily I find Billy in his room and started chucking the oranges at him he dodges them and then tells me that he's sorry and he can make it up to me I had ran out of oranges and was still mad so I listened to him he says that he will be able to help me by double-crossing Bob I wanted revenge so I agreed all the while keeping in the back of my mind that I'm not finished with Billy yet Billy's plan was to literally just pull the same IcyHot prank on Bob I agree and so we go searching for Bob and sure enough bob was in his own room as well Billy jumps on Bob and pins him down to the ground Billy instructs me to start slathering the IcyHot on Bob I do so with glee making sure to get his chest as well bob tries to fight back but was incapable of doing much then Billy says okay on the count of three I get off of him and we both run I then in there saw my shot for revenge on Billy I go wait I want to slather one last glob on Bob and Billy goes okay what I actually did was I grabbed a handful of the gel went behind Billy pulled open the back of Billy's pants and slathered the IcyHot all into his butt Billy Hal's at the double cross I bolted out of there as fast as my little legs could carry me satisfied that I had gotten them both almost the exact same way they had gotten me what goes around comes around and now for some seriously petty revenge skip my laundry turn have fun fixing the machine in a house I lived in we had a simple laundry system if multiple people needed to do laundry we had rotate loads so that everyone could do laundry if they needed to seems reasonable right well one day I went to go start laundry a roommate ahead of me had a load in and I asked him if I could go after he said yes but when the time came around to do laundry he reneged on the deal and decided he could skip me because he had screwed up and did sheets first I told him that I needed to do laundry and that he shouldn't get to do multiple loads because of his own gaffe not doing clothes first he powdered and moaned until eventually it wasn't worth it for me and I went to bed late with few clean clothes for my business casual office job the next day well a few weeks later he mentioned needing to do laundry my revenge I went to the washer and turned at the water switch off when he went to do his laundry he ran a cycle to no effect he proceeded to spend the entire afternoon attempting to fix the washer eventually calling our landlord when the landlord sent a repairman he was scalded for being too dumb to turn on the water switch and it took him days to do his laundry roommate broke the unspoken laundry cue system I turned off the water and he believed the washer was broken leaving him unable to do laundry for days next up lie about your rank to an actual higher up enjoy your new neighborhood nickname ah this sweet victory story definitely a favorite of mine when my husband was in the military we lived in a small and quaint off post housing neighborhood we were moving as he was medically retiring and we had a pretty Pleasant three years in our house spirits work great all things considered until this little jerk moved in down the street this guy and his friend were car guys nothing against that at all I'm a bit of an enthusiast of heavy machinery myself but not during quiet hours when my child is asleep and not when it involves literally sawing a car in half yep sparks a fly-in and all to say the noise was concussive at 10:30 at night is putting in gently so naturally husband starts getting a bit irritated with the cacophony I must admit so am i we aren't that old yet but certainly in the adult mind frame to know when to shut up for the day I had just gotten home from work and my irritation paled in comparison to his he eventually decides to confront our dearest neighbors as tactfully and politely as possible in begins the walk to their house it's about 30 seconds into this that I can hear yelling growling continuously louder echoing throughout the usual sleepy Street I can see the two mechanic aficionados puffing out their chests and getting closer and closer to my guy he is very calmly standing their arms folded in front of his chest slowly nodding the conversation reaches an ebb a resounding what's your rank from mechanic a a calm response from my husband and audible from this distance mechanic a fires back with oh yeah I'm an e6 too guy I pay the rent here and can do whatever I want get the heck off my property buy rent he meant basic allowance for housing on the rental he was assigned to my husband now laughing returned home and said mechanic a called the military police he said he had wait outside and flagged them down before they got there and asked to go talk to the mechanics with them they arrived about two minutes later and briefly chat with my husband they go to the house and begin their assessment it didn't even last five minutes before they left and my husband came back laughing even harder apparently the guy that screamed at him was not a noncommissioned officer but an e4 in supply that had a few too many beers and decided to build a Frankenstein's monster esque contraption in his carport the military police cracked up as they walked back to their car with hubs and sighted completely with him and to sweeten the deal he was the soldier of one of my husband's friends he very easily could have gotten into far worse trouble for his eco from that point on he was referred to as Lord high speed by his coworkers peace returns to our street he never saw another car in half again and our final story of the day enjoy your fiery trip to the bathroom first post not my petty revenge but my friend he told me this story a few days ago and I just got around to type it out here see he works at a Thai restaurant in a certain city in Asia Southeast Asia to be precise one day while he was on his shift a customer came in and sat at a table my friend was a waiter so he served him and took his order all should be fine except the customer was very rude and entitled he had ordered a few dishes and one was pad thai which he wanted it spicy my friend warned him that it was already spicy but he insisted and said I ordered it so I can take the heat you stupid idiot of course my friend kept his cool and put on his customer service smile and took the order to the POS system in the description for the pad thai he put extra spicy 17 times and a little note for the kitchen which read make him regret being born a few minutes later when his food was done my friend happily served him his food in which he says to my friend it's about damn time you also slow work faster which my friend just smiled at him 10 minutes into his meal he ordered a few glasses of iced water but heat was still burning inside his mouth to which my friend held a grin when he passed his table he didn't finish his food got up paid and ran out the door while my friend said have a nice day to him as he bolted out mr. Reddy two thumbs up on this video I'm giving my children permission to come into your house and take your stuff that's all for now but don't be blue I'll be back soon with more stories for you remember to listen to mr. reddit every night so your dreams will be wonderful like you are and bright you
Channel: r/mr reddit
Views: 98,248
Rating: 4.8719873 out of 5
Keywords: rslash entitledparents, rslash entitledparents playlist, Reddit, r/, rslash, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, entitledparents, r/entitledparents, entitledparents posts, entitledparents funny, entitledparents fails, entitled parents, funny entitled parents, entitled parents fail, mr reddit, entitled, parents, r//, r\\, rslash prorevenge, fresh
Id: l1-MDMYcgCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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