r/PettyRevenge - Fake HOA Karen Keeps Calling Cops To Intimidate Me! I Teach Her a Lesson!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our SL Petty Revenge where people get little wins on others and the stories are super satisfying and in today's episode guys it's all about bad neighbors so if you've ever dealt with a bad neighbor oh boy these stories will leave you smiling I hope you enjoy them don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's dive in so I've lived in the same apartment with my boyfriend for almost 4 years now it's not the best apartment but I love the location I've never really had any problems here because I'm a quiet neighbor that stays to myself with that said my new downstairs neighbor has made several stupid complaints complaints like me running my garbage disposal but the most recent one was ridiculous so the guy went and told management that there's been issues with my balcony I got a call last week asking if I've been throwing anything over my balcony I told the manager absolutely absolutely not there's plantss down below so I had dumped a water bottle off into the plants before but that's not harming anyone because of this call I went to my balcony to investigate I noticed my flower vase had fallen over and some water may have spilled down not too big of a deal there wasn't too much water in the vase when the wind knocked it over now I think that this is the end of that silly complaint but I was wrong so the weekend passes and I get a nasty notice on my door the notice said pet violation for not picking up after my dog which was a $50 fine it also states that I'm at the risk of getting my lease terminated because of my violations the only problem is I don't even have a dog so I emailed the property manager and I said I do not have a dog therefore I'm not paying this fine she sends back a ridiculous email stating that she's received several complaints from my downstairs neighbor about P coming from my balcony so she assumed that I was letting my dog that I don't have pee on my balcony then she says since I don't have a dog that means me or my boyfriend are peeing on our balcony and that I'm still in violation of my lease now this was just comical at this point my boyfriend and I have never done this we've never had any complaints in our four years here it just so happened as soon as I got a new downstairs neighbor the complaints came rolling in so here's where the Revenge kicks in I work night shift so I don't go to bed until around 6:00 a.m. every morning around 6:00 a.m. I hear my new neighbor leaving for work that's when my boyfriend and I decide to incorporate a new 2 a.m. workout when I get home from work consisting of jumping jacks running and plays and all sorts of fun stuff just for my lovely downstairs neighbor I've informed the leasing office that I won't be renewing my lease in 3 months due to this so the next 3 months for my new neighbor is going to be hell I hope he enjoys it oh man guys I just hope op makes those 3 months really count because nightmare neighbors who report you for every little thing is absolutely absurd and need to be taught a lesson and guys the peeing thing like who just assumes that since there isn't a dog peeing off the balcony that it must be human pee I don't know though like if I were in OP shoes guys I'd be tempted to start peeing off the balcony because if you're going to accuse me of something might as well make it true right so I a 34-year-old male lived in a nice quiet neighborhood most of my neighbors are elderly and we get along pretty great that was until my new neighbors moved in a couple around my age with a baby and a dog and they never pick up after their dog and yes I've asked them to pick it up more than a few times and it got to the point where I stopped asking it's annoying having to watch my steps walking in my yard and I feel I shouldn't have to pick it up I've tracked dog crap into my house once and it was late at night and it sent me over the edge but I kept my cool because I hate blowing up on people and plus I've asked so they know it's out there their dog also barks constantly day and nights and lunched at a couple walking by and is never on a leash never on a leash I don't know what breed it is but it's a massive dog easily over 110 lb like it's a big dog the police even came to their house telling them to leash the dog or animal control will be called our HOA states that all dogs must be kept on a leash or inside an invisible fence at all times when outside I know this because I read the whole h Jo a book the book has breed restrictions but not weight restrictions so you can have a big dog but only certain breeds aren't allowed in the neighborhood with all that said I once overheard them laughing about me asking them to pick it up like it was a comical thing to ask now I didn't say anything about it because I knew how I was going to handle it from here on out and here's my Petty Revenge so my neighbors got a new roof put on their house a year ago so for the past 5 months I've been going out late at night picking up their dog crap and throwing it on top of their roof with a shovel their brand new roof is littered in dog crap you can see it if you're far enough away where we live it also rains a lot during the spring so all that poop was just turning into liquid as the spring season went by and now that it's July it's just cooking up there I've never smelted it but I know it's been cooking so today it's around 98° it's pretty hot but nice out and it's finally happened I hear the wife yelling at the husband that they whole up stairs smells like crap I can hear this because I'm sitting on my back porch right now sipping some iced tea they can't figure out why or how and the gagging is what made me laugh the most I don't want the dog hurt or killed I know it has to go somewhere and it can't hold its crap forever I know this but Pick Up After Your Dog it's not my dog and I shouldn't have to clean up after it you're welcome neighbors signed Petty neighbor guys I love this Petty Revenge so much because people who don't pick up after their dogs are horrible people and they deserve this happening and hey Opie's just returning what's rightfully Theirs to begin with right and guys I can only imagine how many dog turds were on that roof like 5 months worth has got to look ridiculous up there and this person comments and shares their similar experience this person says years ago I had a neighbor who didn't pick up the poop so I would scoop it up walk it back to their house sometimes only 20 or 30 ft behind her I would carefully place it on the driveway just outside the back door of their car they had three kids and if they didn't pick it up the kids would step into it getting into the car when she yelled at me when she saw me do it I just said you don't care if anyone else's kids stepping it so no one cares if your kids do either she started picking it up at least while she was on our street with the dog again some people got to learn guys and Opie throwing the dog crap back onto the neighbor's roof I think is pretty brilliant so I'm housesitting at the moment for my cousin they live in a pretty Swanky neighborhood full of mcmansions nothing too fancy just your common upper middle class Suburban development anyhow over the past few weeks they've been having a new porch installed on the back of their house the crew has a trailer parked out front so they can lock up their tools at night which is no big deal right well apparently it is this evening I get a knock on the door I'm always wary of solicitors so I make it a point to look out the window before answering the door after hearing the doorbell it takes me AE to get to the window as I look outside I can see a woman walking away with two little dogs one of the dogs stops and proceeds to crap on my cousin's lawn I wait until the dog's done and I open the door by this time the woman's beginning to walk away but she sees me and she turns around the woman introduces herself as a board member of the HOA a homeowners association and she looks very annoyed without taking a breath she launches into a lecture about the trailer parked out front how she's lucky to have walked walked by and caught this horrendous violation of the HOA rules and how the trailer is an eyes sore on the neighborhood she then says she won't report me to the board and she suggested a fine if I remove it immediately I calmly inform her about the patio construction and how the crew needs to store their tools and materials at night but she's absolutely foaming at the mouth about how tacky it is to have a trailer in front of the house and again it's against HOA rules that's when I calmly inform her that I'm not the homeowner owner nor the owner of the trailer and there's not much I can do about it especially at 6:30 p.m. on a Friday night nevertheless she's adamant that I do something by this point I'm fed up with this woman who obviously has nothing better to do with her evening than bother her neighbors with bull crap so I look at her and I casually say hey just out of curiosity what's the fine for not picking up after your dog if it craps on someone else's lawn and I tell you the look on her face at that point was classic the the woman stutters a bit before telling me that she would have to look into that I told her that I'd be grateful if she did because my cousin's been suspecting a neighbor of letting their dog poop on his lawn so he set up a video camera in the window to catch the culprit upon hearing the word camera the woman gets a little flustered and told me to forget about it and just to tell the patio crew to hurry up and then she walked away with a huff it's a small victory for sure and quite satisfying nevertheless stories like this make me glad I don't live in an HOA neighborhood anymore guys because stuff like that used to drive me absolutely insane and shame on that Karen for not picking up after her dog when she's out enforcing these rules I swear people will let the smallest amounts of power go to their heads so here's the setup our tale begins about 10 to 11 years ago it was summer and my parents wanted to go on vacation me being a 16-year-old with both a gaming addiction and seeing my queue to live the free independent supervised life I offered to house and dog sit while they and my sister went on vacation the first week they were gone gaming took up 90% of my time and I developed the day and night schedule of a backend developer I still did all the chores around the house with a few exceptions since I deemed they could wait that's when I checked the mailbox and there's a handwritten letter from the HOA the letter said that the grass in front of my lawn was way too tall according to regulations so I went out took a look at the grass which was maybe 1 cm too tall the same day I cut the grass because might as well do so to keep the peace the day after a new letter came this time the roses in my front yard were going too far out through the fence by 15 cm I once again comply on the third day my parents' backyard bushes were too tall and here's where I finally get irritated since you have to enter my parents property to check the bush height with that I go and visit my next door neighbor who I knew was on the HOA board I ask her about the letters and she looks through them and laughs she tells me that these weren't sent by anyone on the board and these handwritten letters are from the mega Karen who lived a few houses down the woman had been kicked out of the HOA board after she poisoned three dogs in the neighborhood with rat poison the dogs luckily survived but she's that kind of woman so not wanting to deal with her I decide to let the case rest and leave my parents bushes alone so fast forward a week into my parents vacation after being alone for 7 Days playing non-stop video games I de de to do something else as any teenager would I start to plan a gathering of some sort because I'm starting to need some social interaction since I'm a gamer instead of holding a straight up party I decide to invite friends over for a land party so we could play a video game called Counterstrike fast forward to sad land party my parents dining room smells like Teenage farts Axe Body Spray sweat and chips mixed together typical land stuff at 1:00 a.m. there's a loud knock on the door so I go out to see two cops looking at me cop number one says we have a report that there's a loud party going on and we were told that there's several miners here doing drugs I tell the officer I have no idea what you're talking about the officer tells me we've had a frantic Woman calling constantly which is why we came but it seems we're more of a disturbance than you guys are we'll leave you to it then 2 days after I get another knock on my door and there she is standing in front of me the Mega Karen the woman starts screaming that me and my drug party kept her up all night and that I'm a horrible brat who needs to tend to my bushes if my parents don't want to lose the house at this point I sto her and I remind her that one the HOA doesn't have the power to do that two that I know she was kicked out of the HOA so she has no say anymore three that I didn't even have a party and four that she needs to stay the F away from my backyard hearing me say that she got even mad and she starts screaming that she would have me and my parents arrested and then then she admits that the poison treats were meant for my dog as well I slammed the door at this point she had royally pissed me off because no one threatens my good boy no one so here's my Petty Revenge I had about 4 days before my parents returned so I made them count I went over and talked with a neighbor surrounding her house I told them that I would do all the yard work for them which involved loud equipment around her house legally we were allowed to make noise from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. with yard work so with that I began after the first day Karen came out and she screamed at me because she knew what I was doing she even threw a rock at me but I didn't care I was going to make as much legal sound as possible whenever she complained I just told her that her plants weren't up to HOA standard so Friday rolls around and it's 8:00 a.m. me and my friends are gathered bright and early in front of her house we have all the tools ready we turn on the speaker and the speaker set to the exact legal limit of how loud the music's allowed to be and with that Karen lost it she screamed constantly for an hour and even called the cops twice but there was nothing they could do about it I was just doing yard work if she wants to complain about a loud party we'll give her something to complain about we kept it up to the exact time limit all I can say is kudos to op because man that is a lot of physical work op did just despite a Caren neighbor like personally I don't think I would have spent 4 days doing yard work from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. just to annoy a neighbor like that but hey to each their own [Music] right my wife and I live in a condo in a nicer part of our town not Beverly Hills or anything but it's nice quiet and safe we have neighbors that are the exact opposite of that they're rude loud and unsafe when they first moved in I was nice to them I would say hi offer to help carry things and Corral their kids I tried to be welcoming but also wasn't super pushy with it I wasn't the neighbor that would go to your door and say welcome but if I saw you in the parking lots I would say hi and if we knew each other we'd chat anyways I've always been nothing but polite to these people and they've been nothing but rude they would flip me off when I said hi yelled at me when I stopped a ball their Sun dropped from going into the parking lot all sorts of stuff so after a while I gave up on trying to be friendly I wouldn't be rude but I wouldn't greet them or go out of my way to help them it turns out that they're rude to everyone my next door neighbor who's a kind old man once asked them to pick up trash they dropped in front of his door and they called him names for it they've also kicked my pumpkin every year and they ripped my Christmas lights off and cut my inflatable decorations that I put out that pushed me over the edge don't touch my decorations these people are pieces of garbage so with that said on to the petty Revenge 2 months ago I come out to my car and there's a glob of paint smeared over a small section of my back window I had to scrape it off and clean it making me late to work when I got home home a neighbor stopped me and said that their cameras caught the rude neighbor smearing something on my car I figured as much but now I have proof two can play at that game so I waited and planned I walked out of my complex frequently taking note of who had cameras and where they faced I waited until last night when they parked their car out of sight of any units with cameras and I went out at 1:30 a.m. to exact my revenge I went to their car and I let out the air from their tires not fully flat but enough for them to notice right away and not be safe to drive at least over half empty after the tires were flattened I put their valve caps back on but I added a special surprise I added an adhesive called Liquid Nails a super strong super glue not a ton you can't really see it when you walk by but it's enough that you'll never get those caps off without ruining the stems after work a neighbor stopped me on my way to my door and said they tried to get the Caps off to fill their tires but they couldn't so they had to call a toe for their car and then get an Uber U to get everyone to school and work today was also our last day before we moved into our new house so I'll never see them again I've never felt happier than today knowing I'll be rid of those ass hats guys that was a perfectly executed Petty revenge and super gluing those valve caps on holy cow was that ever evil but hey crappy people should get a dose of karma shouldn't they even if you have to take matters into your own hands and help the karma along and guys people in the comments saying what they've done to crappy neighbors is wild this person says I once ran a bead of superglue along wiper blades he didn't know until he needed them and this person says I did Honey on the windshield and peanut butter under the door handles okay honey I can agree with but maybe not peanut butter because you never know when your petty Revenge will hospitalize someone and this last one oh boy this person says I once crazy glued my crackhead neighbor's door lock after a particularly nasty fight they thought they'd been evicted and they moved out of their own accord so about 4 years ago I used to live in a nice HOA in a small town in Texas and enjoyed having only one neighbor over my backyard fence the plot was about 2 acres and the other side of the backyard buted up to a hay field the stars were beautiful at night because of virtually no light pollution until the neighbor decides to install an incredibly bright security light over their back porch aimed right at my back patio and bedroom windows I tried to ignore it at first and put shade in the bedroom but out on the patio it was like having a bright LED headlight in your face all night I consulted the HOA about adding a privacy addition to my fence to increase its height and they said no because it's already at the 8ft max allowed height they said there was nothing in the bylaws or whatever about bright lights so nothing they could do so I hated for this to be the thing where we finally had a formal greeting after 3 years of back porch waves so I walk over and rang the doorbell with $20 I pull like ly explained how the light was causing the aformentioned nuisance and asked if there's any way that I could convince him to point the light down or in a different direction and even offered to buy him a case of beer the $20 out of Goodwill and even a new motion sensing light the guy seemed nice and agreed to point it down but after waiting a month nothing changed so I went back to have another polite conversation and he said he changed his mind and that he was going to leave it on every night and leave it pointed as is what an a-hole right so here's the petty Revenge needless to say I was a bit upset diplomacy failed and started to figure out how to win if the military taught me anything there's always ways to adapt and overcome so I start researching fast growing plants to create big privacy walls and reading through the HOA bylaws and citystate ordinances about what I could or couldn't plant I quickly discovered running bamboo despite being very invasive it would grow super fast to make the neighbor's house and light disappear from View and there was nothing on the HOA SL State SL City books to prevent me from planting it or cause legal recourse if it spread and grew on his side of the fence the only thing he could do is to cut anything that grew on his side of the line so I pulled the trigger and I planted a bunch of golden bamboo which grows and spreads crazy fast in Texas and grows up to 20 ft tall I didn't care if it took over the fence line because his house is 15 ft from the fence well my was 50 yard away so I planted a bunch right against the fence and only put root barrier on my side to prevent it spreading into my yard within 6 months his house and lights were gone from view replaced by a pretty bamboo jungle row at the edge of my yard within a year he complained that it was growing into his yard via mailed letters they went right into the trash with no response the guy rang my doorbell once and I just looked at him through the window but never answered the door I sold the house and I moved to 2 years after planting the bamboo for a career opportunity it's been 2 years since I sold and I just checked the property on Google Earth and his entire backyard is bamboo what a Revenge that was guys and again I can't say the guy didn't deserve it like a case of beer and a new flood light to point my light down a bit I would have taken that in a heartbeat guys actually I would have been considerate of my neighbors and not pointed it at them in the first place but that's crazy though right like I don't know how crazy bamboo grows but I can only imagine that his whole backyard is basically ruined right and that my friends brings us to another end of our SL Petty Revenge guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories I hope the revengers were satisfying and if you guys missed the last episode it's an r/ entitled people where a Karen destroys her own car and she demands op's car guys go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 89,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/pettyrevenge, pettyrevengestories, petty revenge stories, best petty revenge stories, petty, revenge, r/, r///, reddit petty revenge, reddit, reddit top posts, reddit funny posts, darkfluff petty revenge, darkfluff revenge, petty revenge, reddit top post, embarrassing stories reddit, r/petty, petty revenge top, funny petty revenge, road rage revenge, entitled karen, karen neighbor, karen revenge, entitled karen revenge, entitled boss, karen revenge reddit, karen boss
Id: mMzz05L8yWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 53sec (1313 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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