r/PettyRevenge - Psycho Karen Lies to Get My Family EVICTED! I Get Her First!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our / Petty Revenge where people get little wins on others and in today's episode guys crazy Karen neighbors are added again an OP psycho neighbor lies to the whole neighborhood to destroy his life and it backfires guys I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here so the backstory is my grandpa passed away 2 years ago and moved into his house he was pretty healthy but he let the yard go down a bit the grass was maintained but the trees were overgrown his pond and Patio was dirty Etc ever since moving in I've been trying my best to maintain the backyard well for the past few weeks the backyard's been falling a bit as stress from work has creeped in and then I got sick one day while still sick my neighbor Rings my doorbell to complain about the mess in the back and me not being in the best mood told them if it bugs you that much you're more than welcome to to do the work so following that bylaw came by and they were very understanding about my situation and they gave me more than enough time to feel better and mow my lawn well that whole situation pissed me off and I wanted to get the typical white picket fence as there wasn't a fence and we were passively looking for a dog so I decide screw it and then I built the largest fence I could and since her house was right on the property line she now looks out the window and instead of seeing my backyard she sees a wood fence guys that is such a wonderful Petty revenge and you know what they say guys good fences make good neighbors and what would have made it even better is if Opie painted the side that Karen has to look at a really ugly color and if I were in Opie shoes I'd be going with a picture of a clown to be honest and while we're on the topic of neighbors and fences listen to this post so 2 years ago my husband and I bought our first house first on the list was the backyard and removing a laurel Bush on the back property line that went 7 ft deep our yard wasn't that big to begin with so we wanted that extra space and so the plan was to remove it and put up a fence that matched the other parts of our property when I went to notify our neighbors just to be nice they were super nice about it and welcomed us into the neighborhood well 2 days later we were startled to see the neighbor knocking on our back door trespassing because he said we didn't answer the front door he said to us that he didn't agree with the fence after all and that we couldn't cut down the Laurels one of their arguments was that the previous owners didn't mind The Laurels so we should just keep them well my husband and I are both attorneys and we decided we weren't going to do the back and forth we were going to hire a surveyor to come and confirm the property line well it turns out that almost all the Laurel routs were in fact on our property so again we told the neighbors that we were moving forward with the fence and after seeing the markers they were pissed my cousin and uncle helped us put up the fence and the husband neighbor could not have been more Rude the guy was standing a foot away from them on his property just breathing down their necks while they put up the fence basically calling us horrible neighbors so fast forward a year and husband neighbor texts my husband asking to talk so they meet at the fence and it turns out they have a cedar tree about 7 ft in diameter on their property close to the fence that they want to remove but they're asking us for the removal to be done from our property neighbor tells us that they need to remove a portion of the fence and then bring a cherry picker and wood chipper down our driveway to our backyard and do the entire project on our property because they don't have access to their backyard from the street obviously my husband's dumbfounded but he's still super nice considering the fence drama and he says well that's a really big ask and the neighbor says why and then proceeds to say if we say no then they won't be able to afford the project and then says he's sorry about the fence situation and hope we can move forward and now we can be friends so my husband comes and tells me and he says he'd be willing to say yes if they pay us and sign something saying that they're liable for everything but I can't stop laughing literally no amount of money they could pay would convince me to say yes so aside from liability Factor it felt great to say sorry not happening we've received no response and their project was stopped needless to say we still don't have a relationship with them yeah so I don't think anyone in op situation would say yes to that guy did the neighbor forget how much of an a-hole he was to op and his wife when they first moved in and now he's asking them for a favor and guys I love op's wife's thinking though that no amount of money they can offer will convince her to say yes and that's the pettiness I love so this is a bit of a long one here but I think it's best to give the backstory so I finally moved into my own place around 7 months ago and I was so happy all of my weekends spent working and sleeping in my mom's d dining room had paid off the lady who owned the house before me was older and she was moving into assisted living the first night I move in there's nothing in the house but boxes me and my pup all is going well until it gets to bedtime and my dog can't settle in the new place the neighbor's dog clearly didn't take well to my pup's cries and so begins a barking War the pair of them bark and bark until 1:00 a.m. cue the crazy neighbor the woman comes knocking on my door and she lets me know that my dog's barking and in my head I'm thinking yeah so is yours but I'm new to the area so I just apologize and get back to trying to comfort my dog the morning after I knock on the next door and apologize again for the noise the night before the lady gives me nothing but grief but I brush it off that day I do nothing but play with my pup and get him comfortable in his new place now this in itself isn't crazy but man this lady is persistent a few days later I'm in my garden and she comes to ask why my mother had bought me a house in this area I explained to her that it's my place that I bought it and I chose the area she then tells me that I would never get a mortgage because look at me she says that while gesturing at my appearance not that she knows anything about me again I just brush it off that night she's banging on our joining walls at 9:00 p.m. and she's shouting that I'm being too loud this time I'm really not I'm not doing anything and my dog's asleep the day after she's at the Garden Wall telling me how I'm disrespectful for making so much noise and that I'd better stay quiet or else she tells me that there's no way that she's living next door to a loud brat this time I finally decide to say something back to her I told her that I haven't just dropped $116,000 on my own place to have her set me a 9:00 bedtime she's been pretty quiet since then but she's had the odd comment to make here and there but nothing major until last Thursday so last Thursday I'm working from home and there's a knock on my door it's the crazy neighbor the conversation goes something like this she screams at me saying move your car my mom's coming over I look outside and my car is in front of her house but I'm in a meeting and I don't care plus there's plenty of space for her mom to park I basically tell her hey I'm not moving my car the crazy neighbor says and why the hell not I tell her who do you think you are speaking to me like that I don't have to move my car you can park anywhere you want on the street lady and she replies F you it's at the point I go and try to close my door and she forces it back on me bodychecking the door and then she tries to come inside my house I shove her back out lock my door and call the police non emergency the woman spends the next 5 minutes screaming at my front door for me to come and move my car but I just go back to work a few hours later the police come and speak with me they tell me I can park where I like and if she has a problem with noise that she can make a noise complain to them and that she can no longer harass me about it they tell me not to worry and then go speak with her now I don't know what's been said but I haven't heard a peep from her since cue the petty Revenge my car has nods and will not be moved from the front of her house I can work from home 80% of the time and I live so close to work that I can walk to it and the joy I get every single time I see my car in front of her house is one I can't even explain I hope she loves seeing that little beater in front of her house every time she looks out her window or leaves her house little winds I suppose you know it's always miserable people who tend to complain about the littlest things guys and I'm not surprised that the Karen tried to tell Opie how to behave in her own home and Bully her like that kudos to op for standing up to that Karen and letting her know that she won't go down that easy so I live in an apartment in the downtown of a capital it's still fairly quiet as the bedroom side of it faces a little Courtyard that we share with our neighbors instead of the street well it was quiet until the new neighbors moved in they own a dog that barks desperately all the time and they have two annoying little girls that scream bloody murder outside in the mornings just screaming as loud as they can seemingly for fun and nobody stops them until someone shouts out the window for them to knock it off now I can't say I blame them seeing as how their parents don't seem to be able to raise them nor their dog so trying to get attention by any means seems to be the thing I honestly feel sorry for the kids the parents also love parties and they love to take the party outside when the weather's nice they would sit outside smoking scream laughing drunkenly singing and so on and it's the courtyard and it has a lot of echo so it's loud the point is they're inconsiderate a-holes but I don't feel like facing them directly as I'm not confrontational and they also seem dodgy and unstable so the new thing seems to be spreading out their little parties they've started using my side as an extension of their party they or their guest from the party would come and gossip drunkenly right underneath my window which I always kept open lest I drown in my own sweat the first time I ignored it as it was only after midnight and a weekend they stayed for like an hour though talking crap about people as I tried to shove my pillow deep into my ear canals not much later they do it again the same people so I open the window as far as I can and slam it back I almost saw their souls leave their body as they scurried away now there's peace beneath my window for some weeks if you include the screaming children a barking dog and their inside parties and then the good weather rolls around again and the garden party ensues the gossip a-holes all roll around once again and everyone's pissed drunk at 3:00 a.m. they start babbling loudly beneath my window again bitching about some people and I'm thinking oh no this is not going to happen this time I was prepared so I grabbed my phone and immediately start voice recording after a few minutes of their mean rants I fetch my Bluetooth speaker place it in the window and start playing their gossip back at them loudly enough for it to Echo within the courtyard and reach the other side of the party they shut up very quickly and I noticed the party noises and music have died down too nobody saying anything after I played all their crap talk for a bit I'm peeking behind my curtains and I see them panicking trying to see where the noise is coming from but in their drunken State and with the echo they're not entirely sure where their voices are coming from giving up and going back to the party I can hear them speak to the party guests in Desperate voices and it's clear to me now that they must have been crap talking about their friends as the voices answering back are getting angry it turns into a full-blown shouting argument but this time I don't mind the noise and I cuddle my pillow satisfied the courtyard has been blissfully free of drunken gossip for some weeks now and I suspect they won't use it for some time to come if they do I'll be ready this is the best sort of Revenge guys one where op didn't have to do any work aside from grabbing their phone pH hitting record and then letting the neighbors voices shut themselves up Opie was absolutely brilliant for doing this so since the Super Bowl just passed I was reminded of this story that happened years ago at the time I lived in an apartment and my upstairs neighbor lived with a boyfriend who was super loud it sounded like there was a silver back above us all the time and we used to joke that she was living with a gorilla anyways one day my roommates and I realized that she was cheating on her gorilla boyfriend when one Thursday night he was telling me that he was leaving to see his parents for the weekend and we could hear another man Saturday night there being loudly intimate with her an hour later I can hear someone coming down the stairs in front of my apartment now I totally thought she was cheating and I had to check for myself so I look out the pee pole and it wasn't her boyfriend and does this make me a weirdo for looking maybe anyways I guess she made this cheating thing a regular thing as she continued to see both both the gorilla man as well as the new guy we knew which guy it was depending on who we could hear through the ceiling this goes on for a few months and I kept it to myself until she called the cops on me at the time the Green Bay Packers had just won the Super Bowl and we had a large Superbowl party as you can imagine after they won it went crazy the party was loud and In fairness it was probably the loudest party that I've ever hosted about 10 minutes after the game she comes to my door and she starts banging she's super angry and she tells me to keep it down I told her it wasn't going to happen but she was welcome to join us as she was wearing a packer Jersey at the time as she was yelling at me she responds that she's going to call the police and for us to just shut the f up and I tell her to do what she has to do she comes down again 10 minutes later and she asked us again to quiet down I just shut the door the police knock on my door 30 minutes later they tell me that they're not giving out noise complaints and that they just had to say that they came to to the apartment they then proceed to give high fives all around because again we just won the Super Bowl a few days later I hear her and gorilla man having a huge fight they were screaming stomping yelling the works and he comes flying down the stairs in front of my apartment and I sort of have an evil idea at this moment I pop my head out the door and say dude you know she's cheating on you right the guy responds for real I tell him yep and that's when he says I knew it then proceeds to run back up the stairs and they fight for another 2 hours and I never see or hear him again she never brought it up to me but after that I would always say hi to her when I saw her in the hallway and I usually had a grin on my face when I did this honestly what Opie did was pretty Petty but at the end of the day I think Opie did that gorilla man a favor guys and to think if Opie didn't host that huge party and received multiple visits from that Karen who knows the couple might still be together or something so yeah everything works out out in the end so I had a problem with a crazy neighbor in my neighborhood 9 months ago so I live in a subdivision with a variety of age groups you have everywhere from kids to the elderly it's pretty much your typical Suburban neighborhood towards the beginning of the year I was in the driveway cleaning out my car now to preface I have a luxury sports car I'm just saying that as it's relevant to the story I'm not trying to brag here anyways as I'm outside cleaning the car there's a group of teenage boys that saw me and the car they live in the neighborhood but I don't know their names or anything like that and they approach me it's the usual things like nice car how fast can it go Etc so basically I'm answering their questions and this crazy lady who's a mother of one of the kids starts yelling for her kid and then she yells at me from her car to stop talking to her son the woman starts calling me a creep saying she should call the police I kept my cool and I said said these kids approached me she then argued saying that I got the car to attract kids to my house I told her if she has a problem to call the police I told my wife about the crazy lady and she couldn't believe the lady had the nerve to start doing this to me and just to be perfectly clear I'm not a creep who prays on anyone I don't know if she was off her rocker because my wife and I don't have kids anyways my wife and I thought maybe she doesn't know us well enough so my wife and I go to the lady's house as she's only about Eight houses down from us we tried to introduce ourselves but the lady screaming saying get off my yard PTO before I called the police and that's when she told my wife that she should leave me my wife was so upset after that incident she's very sensitive and needless to say there was a lot of consoling that night well the lady never called police but I found out that this has been escalating some more about 3 months later a neighbor who knows me well is saying how the crazy lady is accusing me of being a PTO and then showed me the letter he got in his mailbox that's when I found out that she's been printing out letters and sticking them in Neighbors mailboxes telling numerous neighbors and trying to get me kicked out of the neighborhood she was complaining to the HOA but the HOA pretty much concluded she was crazy that's when I noticed that people were walking by and pointing at my house I can see through the front of my house as this is where my office is at and here's the icing of the cake so one day I get a note on my door that says get out of our effing neighborhood you creep leave our children alone well I looked at my video doorbell app that has Cloud recording it has motion detection and I could clearly see it was her and that's when I had enough I decided to get in touch with a friend who's an attorney I've done it work for him in the past and he wrote a cease and deist letter to this crazy lady included was a flash drive of the surveillance I had it was a simple MP4 showing the kids approaching me and then showing her flipping out surprisingly it picked up most of the Audio I also included the video from our doorbell now I probably should have left it at that but I needed the neighborhood to know the crap that I dealt with hence I guess the following would really be the revenge I took a PDF copy of my turn's letter and with the videos I posted it to the Facebook group that only my entire neighborhood sees I told them about the story and everyone was quite pissed at the lady people started posting nasty things that this crazy lady has said about me and giving me their condolences and one of The Neighbors in there wanted the entire neighborhood to know what she's done so on top of talking about it on the Social Media Group he also drafted a letter and made a Dropbox link to the videos and he personally paid postage to send it to everyone's house that wasn't on the neighborhood Facebook group I'm guessing a lot of people told her what they think because this lady left one week ago we saw a moving truck one day and movers were working on packing all of her stuff and it now has a for sale sign goodbye Karen we won't miss you yeah after what Opie had to go through I'd say Good Riddance guys because that woman definitely seemed off her rocker like who goes to that extreme to try to ruin someone without absolute proof and the fact that she went to those extremes to try to ruin Opie's life I'd say she deserved what happened to her guys and that Fallout was just tremendous try to ruin someone's life by making up lies get basically booted from the neighborhood absolutely love it so I recently just moved into my new apartment complex less than 60 days ago there's only four units in my complex two downstairs and two upstairs I reside downstairs in the second apartment everyone has lived here for at least 5 years while the oldest resident has resided here for eight everyone knows everyone and they've been good friends with each other for as long as each one has been a resident everyone in my building has children besides me and a majority are single mothers and I'm the only man apparently there's an unspoken agreement between the rest of the tenants that the hallway door is never to be locked no one locks the hallway door that is until I arrive from my knowledge no one in the building has a hallway key just the keys to their Apartments the cost to replace a key is $70 for each quoted from my landlord I've just finished up my place and I've officially moved in for about 3 weeks now each time I leave and come back from my complex I always lock the hallway door it's always been a habit to lock all doors behind me with that said said my neighbor that works night shifts has arrived home for the past couple of weeks to a locked hallway door which is a surprise given that the door hasn't been locked for years apparently everyone has lost their keys the first year or so living in the complex I'll hear continuous knocking and banging until someone comes to open the door the first few nights I was awakened and I got up to unlock the door after the first week I've since stopped and my neighbor will be up to unlock to let our neighbor in if my neighbor isn't home or doesn't wake up to come to the door she'll knock and bang on every window and yell until someone comes to open the door well yesterday my neighbor asked if I could please leave the door unlocked given it's always been that way and would like me to continue doing so I expressed that we live in a dangerous neighborhood it's a neighborhood rated one of the top five most dangerous in our city and that I feel more safe knowing strangers can't enter the building while she did understand my concerns she assured me that no one ever comes here but residents and invited visitors and my safety is not to worry I had to beg to differ she then asked would I mind lending her my hall key so she can make a copy and let others make their own copies I politely declined because I wasn't comfortable with that she then offered to pay me to make a copy myself which I also declined for the past week my neighbors have barely spoken to me we usually say good morning and chat a little or just say hi and bye but not even that nowadays my neighbor whom volunteers at the food bank in our community would usually come back with a box of goodies and share with everyone in the complex she's since stopped knocking on my door to deliver me a box as she usually would every Wednesday now I don't care for the food but for the change in this routine it leads me to believe that I may have upset the rest of the tenants and honestly I don't want any bad blood so am I the a-hole so in my opinion Opie is the a-hole in this one guys especially if he's the new neighbor and starts locking a door that hasn't been locked for years like I do understand that he feels unsafe with just anyone being allowed into the building but him locking out the others makes it dangerous for them especially at night and seriously the only solution here if Opie doesn't want them copying his key is to talk to the landlord and get everyone new keys to make everyone feel safe and this person says if they pay you for a copy then I don't really see your issue anymore it's $70 for the landlord to do it so it would be cheaper if you did it for everyone if you want that community and connection action you have to give a little to get a little back you are the a-hole yeah I would definitely say this is the best solution do the family's a solid op and have that building door locked to make it safer for everyone like it's a no-brainer guys let me know what you think though and that my friends brings us to another n of r/ petty Revenge guys if you enjoyed the stories do hit that like button and subscribe if you're not subscribed if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ entitled people episode where a psycho Karen mom demands op give up her wheelchair because she can walk it's such a ridiculous story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 76,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/pettyrevenge, pettyrevengestories, petty revenge stories, best petty revenge stories, petty, revenge, r/, r///, reddit petty revenge, reddit, reddit top posts, reddit funny posts, darkfluff petty revenge, darkfluff revenge, petty revenge, reddit top post, embarrassing stories reddit, r/petty, petty revenge top, funny petty revenge, road rage revenge, entitled karen, karen neighbor, karen revenge, entitled karen revenge, entitled boss, karen revenge reddit, karen boss
Id: sIl3KZgynJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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