r/IDontWorkHereLady - Psycho Karen Wants Me JAILED For Disobeying Her! Lies to Cops!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to r/ I don't work here lady where Karens think everyone is meant to serve them employee or customer and in this episode guys Opie tells a story where Karen tries to get him jailed for not serving her by making up wild lies I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard today and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here so this all started off back when I was working retail for one of the main cell phone carriers in the US this took place around December so we were on the holiday hours meaning we were open until 8:00 p.m. we had already shut down this door and we're wrapping up before ready to leave it was about 8:30 when a car pulls into the parking lot and a lady approaches the door she gives it a few tugs and she keeps trying to look in the windows and banging on them to get our attention we were ready to leave but she stayed around the front and she kept tugging on the door eventually she made her way back to her car so we decide it was a good time to leave as I was walking to my car she rolls down her window and she starts shouting at me I just yelled back that she would have to come back in the morning since we're off duty and closed the woman begrudgingly rolled her window up and that's when I got in my car and left I had a 40m drive back home so I decide to get some fuel before hitting the road I drove the couple of miles to the gas station and a car pulled in behind me it was a busy station so I didn't think twice now at the time I always carried a gun with me because paranoia I start to pump my gas gas when I noticed the car behind me was the lady from the store at first I figured it was a coincidence that she needed gas too until she gets out of her car and she starts marching towards me that's when I move my hand to my gun and I keep it there as I see the lady walking closer to me she then screams at me saying you know why I followed you I followed you here because I need help with my phone why didn't you let me inside the store I say to her excuse me you what you followed me here the woman that says to me I saw you leaving the store and you wouldn't help me so yes I followed you here I need help with my phone now the woman starts pulling her phone out and she says okay take a look at this I tell her lady listen I'm not at work anymore and frankly I'm not concerned with your problem she then kept walking closer to me waving the phone around demanding help and telling me she won't leave until I do help her with her problem she screams and says you don't understand I need this phone to work work right now I'm a realtor and I need my phone working in case my clients need me you're going to fix this now you're costing me money I then turn to face her and I leave my hand on my gun which is now clearly visible to her I tell her I guess you didn't hear me I'm off work and you followed me here you admitted to following me here I'm not helping you with a damn thing now you need to back up now the woman is still screaming and she says no you didn't hear me I'm not going anywhere until you fix my my phone I just reply okay then you can stay there all night because I'm not helping you with anything because as of right now I'm not at work I had finished fueling by this point so I just hopped in my car and drove off in a hurry to make sure she didn't follow me again Q the next morning sure enough Karen's waiting at the door for us to open and it just so happens that I was filling in as acting manager that day another rep was helping her and I overheard the conversation the woman basically says your stupid coworker pointing at me was incredibly rude to me last night and he wouldn't help me when I approached him at a gas station for help and you know what he did instead of helping me he brandished his gun and he was waving it in my face I want to speak to your manager about him I just went about my business listening to this ridiculous story waiting for the rep to come get me as she wanted to talk to the manager that's when I approached Karen and say I was told you wanted to see a manager well that's me what can I help you with the woman just sits there with the most dumb Ed look on her face she then says to me you're a manager how did you become manager you don't help customers who need it you should really be less rude to your customers and you're lucky I don't call the cops for you waving your gun in my face yesterday I say to her oh thank goodness you're so kind I had plans today so I can't go to jail with that said has your service been up to your satisfaction today at that the woman grumbles and she leaves I asked the rep what she needed help with and her email address kept saying invalid password my rep just helped her reset her password and the issue was fixed you know what guys there is no person on Earth more daring than a Karen who needs something like that woman admitted to stalking op and thankfully she stalked him to a public gas station and not his home and seriously the fact that she didn't get the hint and she kept screaming at op while he was pumping gas while having a hand on his gun is absolutely wild like take the hint Karen because next time you aggressively approach someone who's armed it might not end like this I'm usually a friendly person and I don't like confrontation but when I'm backed into a corner I Will Stand My Ground with that said I work the graveyard shift at a store that has a similar look to another popular store I just gotten off my shift working 11 to 7 and I noticed my shoes had been worn out I should also add that I'm wearing a coat and it's winter so my name badge is covered but the blue polo I'm wearing is visible so I go to my usual place to get shoes and as I'm looking for my size with my phone in hand about to answer a text Karen walks over with the usual can I get some service and this conversation follows the rude lady says excuse me are you going to help me or not I need these shoes in another size I say to her I'm sorry ma'am I do not but before I can finish she cuts me off and raises her voice saying don't give me that excuse I know you might be getting off shift but I can see your uniform under your jacket and listen I've got enough problems this morning without your at attitude I just calmly look at her and try again but before I can say another word the woman says no I don't want to hear your lazy ass excuse I'm not having this do I need a supervisor over here another thing to let you guys know is I'm a pretty fair siiz guy I'm 5'11 and I weigh over 250 lb so what made this lady think that she could even make me move an inch I'll never know the woman just grabs my wrist and she starts trying to drag me off to see a manager I presume but I wasn't happy having that I had just finished my shift but not at this store I'm also tired and I want to get my stuff and leave so the moment she grabs my wrist phone in my opposite hand I switch my camera on and I start recording I also plant my feet firmly and I pull my arm back as I did this her forward momentum caused her to go off balance and she falls the woman then gets up glaring at me and she screams how dare you push me he pushed me help she just keeps screeching and then she slaps me hard and then says to me I'm getting a manager and then calling the police now at this point I could have left but I've seen enough of these situations to know that it's too good to pass up I just stay where I am and she returns with a manager she screams that's him that's the guy who pushed me out of nowhere and she says that with the you're screwed and I win smile on her face the manager says to me sir this woman said you assaulted her that's when I calmly opened my jacket to show the name badge I have on showing the name tag of the store that I do work for the lady realizing her mistake just looks at me and she quickly says but why are you shopping here if you work there I just politely smile and respond cuz my store doesn't sell shoes at that Karen says well he's still assaulted me check the cameras he pushed me I just tell the manager no need and then turn my phone around and play the video of her grabbing me falling and then slapping me the manager looks to the woman and he says something along the lines of how she attacked me and if police were called I could press charges hearing that the lady splutters and she looks about ready to die of shock and I simply say hey I happily won't press charges if you just apologize for your mistake and the look in her face when she heard this was perfect the woman apologized and it seemed like the effort of this was about to kill her but I did thank her I then told the manager that I'm fine and no cops are needed and she was asked to leave the store the manager then apologized and he took me to the customer service desk it turns out the Brandy always buy is from a company that makes shoes for this chain specifically so they have a kind of warranty I was able to take my old ones off and walk out wearing the new ones so thanks lady I got free shoes you know guys I really hate when Karens get aggressive with people and then have the nerve to cry about it when they get hurt and really that woman needs to consider herself lucky that day that Opie chose not to call the cops because he had all the evidence needed to really teach that woman a lesson but hopefully she did learn a lesson from that and this person comments the proper response in this situation is to not show video evidence until the police arrive allow her to file a false police report and then show them the video if they ask why you didn't say anything sooner just let them know that you wanted to see how many more crimes she was going to commit and then you press charges oh the joys of children well let me correct that oh the joys of extremely spoiled children who are never reprimanded so with that said I work in it in a medium-sized town in the Southern United States the company I work for does not have a very strict uniform requirement other than a shirt with our logo on it and for us to not look like bumps this story takes place at a nice local restaurant that's known for its healthy foods that cater to the local College population from the next city over it's a great place to eat and I tend to take my lunch there often and as such I've come to be on a firstname basis with the restaurant staff the restaurant uniform is fairly simple the waiters and waitresses wear black collar shirts with the diner's logo on the front I stopped by today to eat and as luck would have it I had chosen my black collared work shirt this day also today's choice for lunch is Gourmet french fries as I was partaking of my delicious fries and answering a few loose emails from work on my phone a little boy no older than 9 years old walks up to my booth and he starts to reach for my fries I notice him and I move my plate away from his grip he then gives me a look that I can only describe as aad death glare and he says to me give me a fry I just shake my head at him and I tell him if you say please I'll share one with you the boy just repeats himself and says give me a fry he practically yelled it drawing the attention of a few others nearby who just shook their heads I just continue to eat and browse my phone the boy sticks around for a few moments before leaving soon afterwards an older lady comes up with the boy in hand and three more young children trailing behind her and she's got a look of utter fury on her face face the lady screams at me saying why won't you give my son a fry what the heck is wrong with you he's nine I just reply excuse me the woman goes off and says you heard me why won't you give him a fry he's a damn kid I just say because he didn't ask for one and because it's food I paid for you don't just take food from someone else like he was trying to do she then goes on and says to me this is reflecting poorly on your restaurant if you think not letting a little boy try one of your dishes is an acceptable thing to do and this is the point where it clicked that yes I had on the same exact shirt the staff was wearing the exception being the logo difference I point this out to the lady showing her my it business logo rather than the restaurant logo what came next was well here it is the lady just says that's no excuse to not give my son a fry I use your company all the time for my PC repairs but I bet you don't even work there you don't even look like you work with computers now as a side note I'm 24 years old and I look like I'm 18 and no I'm not very intimidating physically I just look like a nerdy kid from high school me in complete disbelief say ma'am if someone came up to your table and tried to take your food without asking would that be acceptable to you the woman just says of course not if they didn't deserve it but we are loyal customers now give him your fries she then pulls her son towards me a little as she says this and he once again reaches forward to try to snatch my fries I pull it away again and make a shoeing motion with my hand the lady leaves after letting out a frustrated groan complete with throwing her hands up in the air dramatically I continue to eat wondering what the heck even happened before she shows up again with the manager in toe the manager walks up to me and I say hey Rick what's going on Rick says listen uh this lady says you stole her food off her table I reply no her son tried to take my food without asking nicely and she thinks I work here the lady says well he does look at his uniform Rick just says to her ma'am he comes in here every week and I know for a fact he works for the IT company I've had him repair my computers here several times the lady just looks at Rick and says make him give my son some fries or you'll never see us back here again we're loyal customers you know Rick just tells her sorry to hear you say that ma'am but I'm not making a good customer of ours give up his food that he pay paid for unless he wants to now he obviously doesn't want to so if you want to try his dish we can prepare one just like it in a smaller portion and give you a discount on it the woman just ignores Rick and she turns back to me and screams you're absolutely atrocious it's absolutely disgusting that you would treat a child this way and with that final dramatic turn she storms out of the building without paying and Rick just says to me man that was special you want your meal on the house I just tell him that wasn't your fault I could use a refill on my drink though as far as I know the woman never did come back so I guess they did lose a loyal customer you know the manager's probably not even worried about that because for one you don't want a customer like that in your establishment at all and secondly I've read so many of these stories to know that when someone uses the I'm a loyal customer card to try to get what they want they are in fact not a loyal [Music] customer so I just walked out of my local gas station and I had to share this a little bit of background I was raised to treat others the way you'd like to be treated so if you're polite or ask nicely I'm more than happy to help out also before we begin BFG is an acronym for both big friendly fluffy guy and a weapon in a video game called Doom the bfg9000 aka the blast Fusion gun aka the big effing gun 9000 now I'm a big friendly guy but the shirt I was wearing with the letters BFG was referencing the video game weapon I've also worked customer service type jobs for 18 years and I know the hell most of these workers deal with on a daily basis so I try to help out when I can with little things like picking up trash or cleaning up a mess that someone else made with that said on to the story I was ordering some food for breakfast and an older gentleman a nice guy was having issues with the ordering system it's a touchscreen with a lot of options so unless you're used to it it can be confusing I just finished my order and asked if he needed a hand the nice guy says to me yes please the wife wants a breakfast sandwich and I have no idea how this thing works I say to him okay what do you want to get the guy tells me what he wants and I get him through the menu getting his breakfast burritos with the fillings he wanted and also the sandwich his wife wants so I get the order placed and I give him his tickets and tell him he needs to pay first and they'll call his number when it's ready the guy thanks me and I tell him no problem have a nice day I then go grab a drink and while I'm going to and from the coolers I pick up some trash and I clean up a spill at one coffee station that someone left as I'm coming towards the front I hear the snapping of fingers and a voice that sounds like a bird going through a wood chipper it's a Karen Karen says to me you boy snapping her fingers again she says I need your help get over here now I'm looking confused as I'm not a boy and there's no one else nearby I say to her are you talking to me Karen says yes you idiot who else would I be talking to the cooler of drinks the people they hire nowadays I swear I need help ordering some coffee and food so come help me now I didn't like this woman's Snappy attitude at all I say to her I don't work here but I'd be happy to help you if you lose the attitude Karen says attitude don't you talk to me like that I'm just asking you for some help boy I just say to her lady I don't work here and with that attitude no one would want to help you employ your not have a good day I just continue to the register and get in line followed by the screeching of Karen not far behind now at this point I should point out that I'm wearing an all black T-shirt with the letters BFG printed on the front and on the back is the picture of the bfg9000 gun I'm also wearing blue jeans with my work badge clipped to a belt loop with the name of where I work printed on it employees are wearing red or black aprons company hats and they're in black or tan khakis so I clearly look nothing thing like an employee as I'm standing in line Karen's still screeching loudly that she's going to get me fired so loud in fact that the manager comes out of the back asking what's going on manager says ma'am what seems to be the problem why are you screaming Karen says to him this employee refuses to help me are you a manager I want to make a complaint about this employee pointing at me the manager looks at me and points and says this guy Karen says yes the manager looks at me again with a very conf confused look on his face he then says to Karen ma'am he doesn't work here he's just a regular customer now I frequent this place often and I know most of the employees and who the managers are I often drop off fresh donuts from a mom and pop place when I swing by every now and then I just look at the manager and say Hey Joe rough morning already Karen says BS he works here and he just called you by name and I saw him help someone else and then clean up the back coffee machine don't you too lie to me I'll be calling corate the second I'm out of here manager tells her again ma'am I'm the manager and I promise you he's not an employee and I want you out of the store now for being rude and disruptive I'll be calling the police if you continue pressing your luck and harassing customers that's when Karen says if he doesn't work here then why the hell did he help the other guy and then clean my spilled coffee back there I just tell Karen because I've worked this type of job before and it's people like you that make this job hell to work listen to what you just said you spilled coffee by the coffee machine and you left it Karen's just a Gass that someone would even talk to her this way the woman just sputters but but and the manager interrupts her and says ma'am leave now she starts to head towards the door and she must have finally saw what was on my shirt front she then had to make a comment she says to me nice shirt that's very fitting for you what's BFG stand for big fat guy I tell her no it stands for big effing gun you want to see and I then point my thumb towards my back Karen just quickly shut up and left the store she got in her car and left manager says what the hell was that about I just turn around manager reads my shirt and Chuckles he then says so where's my donuts for making me deal with this crap today I just tell him I'll snag you a box when I come next I just paid for my stuff grabbed my food jumped in my car and started typing I guess I'm making a dut run sometime soon update so I went to drop off Donuts this morning the following week after my encounter and manager had an interesting story update for me manager says to me you're not going to believe what happened after the incident with Karen last week I just say okay he then goes on and explains he says apparently right after you left about 15 minutes later cops showed up at the store the woman called the cops and said that someone threatened her with a gun outside the store I say you've got to be kidding me tell me you're joking manager says I wish I was a cop showed up asking to the camera footage and asked if there was any incidents that happened within the last 2 hours I told them no and asked why they need to check the footage the cop said he was investigating a report that someone was threatened at gunpoint outside the store before getting robbed and he needed to see if it was caught on camera that maybe he could get plate numbers of the vehicles and a description of the suspect I was dumbfounded with a look of disbelief on my face I just say no way manager says I let him see the footage and told him about the crazy lady and your little incident he then asked about the incident inside that happened with you and Karen I just explained what happened and what you said I even got a good shot of your shirts at the register's cameras he kept watching and saw her leave anyway the cop said nothing looked wrong and no one was threatened from what the tape showed he then said he was going to do a follow-up call with the person who made the report I can only hope and pray that the cops had to call back Karen and she had to try and explain why she filed a false police report as an added bonus I hope there's a punishment or fine for that crap again anyone working in any type of customer service job I hope your day is as calm and quiet as possible guys why am I not surprised that the woman called the cops and filed a false police report like leave it to a Karen to take something as harmless as Opie telling her that BFG stands for big effing gun and her twisting it into some wild incident where she's the victim I just hope she gets in trouble for that because why lie about getting robbed at gunpoint Karen when there's cameras all around some people really do want to ruin others when they don't get what they want so I've written in the past about a couple of my I don't work here lady moments and for the most part they're kind of depressing I've been yelled at by this entitled Disney Shopper chased by a crazy patient who needed drugs and even had a manager tried to write me up for not helping a woman when I was seeing a movie but what happened last night just filled me with some hope for the human race I just finished up a long day at work slinging in drugs in the pharmacy and I was off to do some shopping at a different store I wasn't in my work shirt just wool coat and jeans I'd grabbed a chunk of beef I was going to be turning into a pot roast and I was skimming the spice aisle for some bay leaves when enter the nice lady the nice lady comes up to me and says pardon me but I'm looking for vanilla extract could you help me I turned to see an older woman she was well-dressed pushing a shopping cart looking confused her son standing nearby fidgeting a bit plucking at her arm I tell her oh sure it's just over there I then turn in the aisle I scanning the shelves until I found some Watkins vanilla extract I tell the woman right here this is the best stuff I found she says oh thank you so much wait you don't work here do you but you look so familiar I just tell her yes ma'am I work at the other store the woman tells me that's so sweet you didn't have to help me I tell her that's all right ma'am I don't mind in the back of my head I'm thinking you were nice to me so I'm more than happy to help she just thanks me again again and she and her son leave I think nothing more of it and I just find the bay Le a few minutes later I'm standing in line to check out at the front of the store when I feel a tug on my sleeve I glance down and there's her son and I say yes the boy says to me mommy said to give you this and to say thank you for helping her the boy holds up a $20 bill and I say oh I can't accept that the boy then says to me yeah Mom said you'd say that just enjoy your beef he then ran off leaving me cops smack but I know this isn't a great story or even funny but it was a wonderful little moment so now I've got the day off and the roast is happily cooking in the crockpot guys you know I love the wholesome stories as much as the crazy Karen stories out there and this story is absolutely wonderful just humans being nice to one another and that little boy is adorable isn't he much much different from Karen's fry demanding crotch Goblin a few stories back right and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r slash entitled people episode where Karens are getting arrested calling 911 on people and thinking they own the world it's such a ridiculous story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 104,068
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: GNfp32B4GsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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