r/EntitledPeople - Snobby Karen Tries to Cancel My Wedding! Learns Expensive Lesson!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our SL entitled people where Karens think that the world revolves around them and they can do what they want when they want and oh boy today's episode is Juicy guys we've got Karens trying to destroy relationships taking over families couples throwing Tantrums over sharing food and Opie tells a story where a Karen destroys her wedding with a Twist you'll never expect guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here so this is not my story this was told to me by a woman that I knew from work several years ago she's a very sweet nurse the nurse graduated from nursing school and she decided with her friend to move to one of the cities that was listed as having the most eligible bachelors from some publication so she moves and she starts dating her future husband well future husband's mother is an entitled Karen and decides a nurse nurse is not good enough for her family the happy couple eventually get engaged and future mother-in-law is not having any of it she tries for several months to break them up she tries to convince nurse to go back to where she came from and tries to gently convince her precious son that a nurse might not be good enough for him to add some more context to the situation the mother-in-law is pretty nasty to nurse but she hides it well to other people always making sure that she's super sweet to her when others are around finally wedding plans are set so mother-in-law gets desperate she gets nurse alone with a generous offer to leave her fiance and never come back in exchange for $10,000 now I do want to note that this was almost 30 years ago so I guess in today's money it was a lot nurse is so sick of this woman's crap and she's incredibly insulted however she's intelligent and she maintains her composure nurse accepts the offer nurse takes the money but here's the thing she doesn't leave and she gets married anyway and no one else knows about this and the best part is mother-in-law can't say or do anything about it without exposing herself to her family as a horrible person nurse and husband are still happily married their kids are grown and husband still has no idea this went down mother-in-law has suffered silently for almost 30 years guys oh my goodness do I love this post and the best part about this is that nasty mother-in-law couldn't do a damn thing about it and guys I really am curious if mother-in-law ever got nurse into the same room alone after the wedding and what that conversation was like oh and for all who are wondering $10,000 30 years ago would roughly be $21,000 today not a bad chunk of change and this person comments mother-in-law on deathbed wife should suggest everyone to leave to let her rest once alone she leans in and says don't worry about the funeral arrangements I have everything covered you'd be surprised how little you can get for $10,000 nowadays oh man I don't know if she deserves that on her deathbed but wouldn't that be something so my mom passed away 5 years ago and I think of her every day my dad went through a really bad depression and I had to take care of myself and him basically during the Christmas holidays my dad told me that he'd been seeing someone for a while I did notice that he was happier and I guess I was happy for him I didn't want him to be lonely forever but I did feel like my mom was being erased completely now I say that because he never wanted to talk about Mom after that and he got rid of all the pictures with her in them he then said that his girlfriend will be spending Christmas with us and then moving in and I wasn't happy at all I don't even know her but I didn't say anything I met her on Christmas and usually my dad and I put the star in the tree that day we would put the star in the tree and watch the Grinch it's our tradition and we kept it even when we were grieving my mom it's the only tradition from when she was with us that we actually kept when his girlfriend came over he put the star on with her while I was in the bathroom also we didn't watch the Grinch because she out loud said that she hates it I know I sound spoiled entitled childish whatever but I was so angry we've been doing this my whole life and she just came in and destroyed it the whole night she didn't even bother getting to know me at all she was all over my dad and she pretty much ignored me I told my dad how upset I was about our tradition and he said that I should grow up and that thing change I didn't like her because she gave me a bad feeling so I never got close to her she complained to my dad for not making her feel welcomed and I did feel bad because she makes my dad really happy so I did try being more friendly with her in front of my dad she was nice to me but when we were alone she would ignore me or she spoke to me with this holier than thou attitude she even told me that I was a brat and that I make my Dad's life harder I told him but he didn't believe me and he yelled at me for trying to sabotage his relationship the conversation ended with him saying that I wanted him to die alone and be sad and that I was being self-centered I was so shocked because none of it's true my dad basically treated me like I wasn't even there at all after that and I felt like I did when my mom died all alone I stayed up really late one night because I couldn't sleep and I wanted to sneak in for a midnight snack Dad's girlfriend was in the kitchen on FaceTime so I decided to be really nosy and listen she was talking about my dad and how much she loves him and then said that he had this dumb daughter who's in the way of her perfect family and she wondered if it was too late for adoption her and her friend laughed at that she then said that I was a little and she hated me her friend then said something about boarding school or military school but I left so I didn't hear the rest I was so exhausted from all the crying I did so I actually slept I didn't tell my dad and I don't even know if I should since he probably won't believe me I just really miss my mom I kind of want to go live with my grandparents my mom's parents but I don't want my dad to think that I'm leaving him I don't even know what I can do or if I can even do anything how do I get my dad to listen to me and would I be wrong for leaving yeah so that's definitely a tough situation for op to be in especially finding out that not only is Dad neglecting her for someone new but that this someone new happens to be a selfish entitled sounding Bratz whose picture perfect life doesn't involve op op does come back with updates though and here they are guys update number one so since my last post I spoke to my grandparents and I told them everything I asked if I could stay with them and they agreed I then spoke to my dad again and I tried to tell him how I felt and what I heard I didn't want to film or record because I knew he'd be mad at this and wouldn't listen he didn't believe me and again he thought I was jealous of having to share him with someone else after so long honestly I don't even know who this man is anymore I got upset and I told him that I was leaving so he could live happily ever after without the burden of having me around he looked shocked but he didn't say anything I had already packed my bags and I'd brought some things to my grandparents house already my dad didn't speak to me for the rest of the day my grandfather picked me up and I've been there since I haven't gone home and I haven't heard from my dad my grandparents told me that they would handle my dad and that I shouldn't have to be the one doing it I am upset that my dad hasn't called or texted once to see if I'm okay but at the same time I'm feeling so much better being with my grandparents my grandmother is is probably the sweetest person ever and my grandfather is a little rough around the edges but he's really a softy so I'm doing okay update number two so my dad came to visit me at my grandparents place to talk to me he brought his girlfriend with him he then said to me girlfriend and I have been talking and we've decided that it's best you stay here my dad then said that I can come clean out my room completely and he'll help he also said that after I get my things that we should also take a break from each other and re-evaluate the things in a few months or however long it'll take his girlfriend then said that she'll take care of my dad for me in a few days I'll be going over with my grandparents to get my stuff it doesn't look like I'll be going home anytime soon I guess I have a new home now I guess to be honest I've been feeling pretty bad about the comments specifically the one saying that since I probably remind him of my mom that's why he's like that with me he got rid of everything of my mom's and I was the last piece of my mom so it does make sense he doesn't want me anymore I really wish he was still here I think he wants to start over and I wasn't part of that plan so I guess that's it thank you for all the kind comments oh boy guys that was a freaking sad ending I'm not even going to lie and I'm truly heartbroken for op that Dad basically is okay with abandoning her like that his own daughter guys like it seemed like they had such a great fatherdaughter relationship and it makes me so sad that in the end dad chooses a new girlfriend over his own daughter who seems to love him so much and wants nothing more than to be a family and honestly it might be mean to say this but I I hope dad ends up miserable with a new girlfriend and realizes one day that he made the wrong choice and guys I only say that because Dad seemed like he went from a good dad to a complete a-hole once he met this new woman like what kind of parents says to their child we should take a break like holy cow sir so here are some background my boyfriend's a 208 y old male and I'm a 25-year-old female and we've been together 5 years live together three our relationship was great truly we have a joint account that we contribute to monthly to handle joint expenses like rent groceries Etc everything else is split my boyfriend is 6'3 he's like 200 lb and he works out daily he also eats a lot to keep up his caloric intake which is fine except for this one issue we buy snacks and he always eats my half before I can even get to to it normal food and ingredients he's fine with but if it's quickly accessible I'll never get any we argue he apologizes rinse and repeat and this is the only bad thing he's done like seriously in all other aspects of the relationship he's respectful and considerate snacks are where all bets are off anyways last week I lost it after he finished an expensive cheese we had gotten that I was really looking forward to eating it was gone after an hour and I lost my lid I didn't speak with him for a day and ended up ordering a fridge lock box after our next snack run a couple of days later I divided each snack in half and I locked mine in the lock box from his reaction you'd think that I was kicking puppies he said I was being disrespectful and controlling and how dare I keep food that he paid for from him when I reminded him my money went into it too he screamed that he didn't give a dam and then left he slammed the door so hard that the picture fell off the wall and broke he didn't come back until the next day but that was to change for work and leave immediately he then came home late and went straight to the guest room 4 days of this so I broke last night and I asked him to please talk about it and he said he had nothing to say to me until I got rid of the lock box honestly I'm completely appalled at his reaction and I'm genuinely worried that he might be on drugs or having a mental breakdown or something this is the most irrationally that I've ever seen a grown man react he's ignored me only to randomly ask ask if I've gotten rid of the lock box and I'm not getting rid of the lock box we're supposed to renew our lease next week and I'm considering cutting my losses and just leaving is this relationship even worth salvaging is there anything I can do to solve this he's refusing to communicates unless I get rid of the lockbox which is not happening so am I the a-hole oh boy so honestly I don't think op's the a-hole for getting a lock boox but I just don't think a lock boox in a relationship is ever a good idea guys and honestly I can't see this going the mile especially if something like the boyfriend constantly eating her snacks is blowing up into a huge dispute with that said though I don't know all the details but Opie does say that her boyfriend works out daily so maybe he could also be taking testosterone which I know for a fact can cause hyper irritability and over aggressiveness AKA Roid Rage and I say that because op does have an update guys and it doesn't get any better her update says boyfriend kept staying out late and refusing to talk so I tried to talk to my boyfriend about the lockbox again and I mentioned that I didn't think the lockbox was the real issue but he was a brick wall he insisted that it's abusive and controlling to deny him food I just kept pushing asking if he was on drugs or cheating or something I said to him that flipping out over something so small and staying out at all hours was suspicious as hell I then said that I thought he was using the lockbox as an excuse to be out of the house to do something bad now me saying that's Unleashed an hourong screaming tantrum that ultimately resulted in him throwing my MacBook against the wall and shattering it and honestly I really thought he was going to hurt me so yeah I called my dad who called the cops I don't want to get too into the legality of it but I'm pressing charges for destruction of property it was a $2,500 laptop dad and my godfather moved me out yesterday and I'm looking for a new place I don't have a lot except for clothes and a couple of kitchen appliances I left the lock box but took my snacks with me because F him I left it lock too my ex-boyfriend has been spamming me and I'd block him but I feel I need this for evidence in case his behavior escalates I texted him the first night that we were done I took our photos down everything and he begins ranting at me and here are some gems number one he was ranting raging how I still didn't get rid of the lock box number two he asked for stuff that he gifted me back three telling me that I owe him money and rent for his new place four that I owe him a car and honestly I have no idea why he would say this I've never even driven his current car and lastly that my MacBook was old and worthless and he wouldn't pay for a new one even though I bought it last year brand new after an hour I guess he realized that we were actually broken up and he couldn't me down anymore then came the paragraphs how he was planning to marry me that he loves me he wants to be better for me that I can keep the gifts and he buy me a better MacBook etc etc he then freaked out seeing that I took our pictures down from social media and that's when he started sending me screenshots of his Google searches of engagement rings telling me to just pick one he also sent a couple of voice messages of him just sobbing and any respect I had for him as a person is completely gone I want nothing to do with this man I don't care if he's having a breakdown or if he's on something he's not my problem I screenshotted the messages and forwarded them to his mother she can deal with her son and that's the most I'll ever do for him again as for me I'll be okay I have some savings but this has been a weird week I feel like I should be sad but like I said I've lost all respect and I don't feel anything but disdain for him so yeah that update that op provided does scream Roid Rage guys I just wish both of them the best and all I can say is that loving couples should be sharing snacks with one another not get petty over who eats what right to the point where lock boxes are needed which is absolutely ridiculous but guys let me know what you think are there any happy couples out there with lock boxes in your homes so I'm sitting here in my Bridal suedes balling my eyes out right now my wedding party is doing their best to try to find me a replacement dress but I just needed to write this all out to see what random internet strangers can suggest to make things easier I'll call my future mother-in-law Karen and my fiance will be Lee Lee and I have been together for 5 years and we've been engaged for about 18 months I met him my senior year of college I met his family a year into dating and they seem great Karen was always very friendly to me and I've never had any issues with her Lee and I even lived with her and his dad during the entire summer 2 years ago when we were waiting for our house to be built there were never arguments we had our privacy and we regularly enjoyed family outings together Le and I decide to hold our wedding near the town we met I have a friend from college who's from there and her family has a large estate with an old farmhouse that's the perfect location for our wedding we've been planning for well over a year and today was supposed to be the best day of Our Lives but Karen has ruined it so on Thursday Karen Lee's dad and Le siblings and their spouses arrived in town we had booked a block of rooms at the nicest hotel in town and we were under the impression that everyone made reservations well it turns out that Karen and Lee's dad expected to stay on the estate now I don't see how this happened since when we reserved the estate and secured the block of rooms I provided hotel information to everyone Karen Lee's dad siblings and spouses at the family dinner Karen asked if she and Lee's dad would be staying at the estate and I told her that the estate only had one house and we would be using it to get ready and to stay at Thursday to Sunday anyway when they got here Thursday and they didn't have a room we scrambled and we decided to give them the house Thursday night while Le and I ended up crashing with my friend whose family owns the estate it was no big deal except Karen refused to get a hotel room because the hotel where we blocked rooms is sold out Lee gently told her that she and his dad can't stay at the house again so Karen starts crying and I told her that I would find another place for them to stay we found another room for them at the second nicest hotel in town got them a larger Corner Room and even covered the cost for last night and tonight last night my four best friends arrived and after the rehearsal dinner we piled up on the couches watched movies ate popcorn and enjoyed a few cocktails at the estate house at 8:30 this morning I was woken up by my mother who had tears in her eyes she told me that somehow my wedding dress had been destroyed and there was no way to salvage it I went to take a look not even believing what I was hearing and what I saw broke me my dress was cut into strips my veil had been ripped to shreds and there was nothing salvageable I had put the dress bag in the master bedroom closet when Le and I arrived on Wednesday evening I showed it to Lee's sister sister-in-law and Karen when they arrived Thursday night and since then it's been in that bag sitting in the closet the only people that had access were Karen Lee's dad Lee my bridesmaids and my mother my bridesmaids never went in my room last night and my mother would have no reason to do such a thing so I called Lee crying and all I could manage to say was your mother ruined my dress before handing my phone to my mom to explain and Lee Was Fear ious he called his mom and she hung up on him when he asked if she cut up my dress then he called his sister and she told Lee that he was being ridiculous saying that Karen would never do such a thing but when he asked her who else could have done it his sister was at a loss for suspects my mother grandmother and two of my bridesmaids have gone into town to try to find a new dress for me fortunately my aunt's a seamstress and she should be able to make some last minute alterations if they find a dress I keep trying to stay positive but my beautiful dress the one I looked for for over a year the dress I imagined myself marrying the love of my life in is gone and Karen oh my God Karen I don't even want to look at her ever again much less have her be a part of my wedding I can't bring myself to tell Lee how I feel and he hasn't asked probably because he knows what I'm going to say he also knows that I would marry him in a bathrobe but that's not the point the point is that Karen for some reason has singlehandedly destroyed my wedding update number one so my husband and his sister decided to confront their mother together so the outcome of all this is that my husband told his mother that she wasn't allowed at the wedding and she proceeded to lose her mind apparently this was alarming for the family since this was not like her however no one forced my husband to change his mind which made me feel better with continuing with having the wedding father-in-law also said that they would pay for the ruined dress and the replacement dress purchased of course there were plenty of people asking where mother-in-law and father-in-law were but my husband and siblings handled it by saying she wasn't feeling like herself and that sufficed this morning father-in-law called congratulated us and apologized for mother-in-law's actions she's wanting to apologize but I refus to speak with her my husband and I are at the airport waiting for our flight to go on our honeymoon so I hope the next week is enough time to get myself together update number two so some of you suggested a doctor's exam for my mother-in-law it's not needed we found out this morning that she has a brain tumor she and father-in-law were keeping it from the family as to not take away from our celebration they were going to tell us and the rest of the family when we got back from our honeymoon this is why father-in-law was so quick to apologize and offered to cover cost and while he wasn't aware of what happened he knew mother-in-law was displaying some odd behavior the last week without giving too much information mother-in-law most likely cut my dress because she thought she was working on it given the way it was cut this does make sense I've still not spoken to her but she did send a lengthy email apologizing for her actions admitting that she did this despite not fully remembering and telling me that she understands if I never speak to her again I never in a million years would have thought she could have done this but the process of elimination ended with her also to better explain a few things about her and father-in-law staying Wednesday night mother-in-law seemed completely confused and thought they were staying at one of the houses on the estate now knowing about the tumor this explains her confusion that nights and her strange behavior and attitude on Thursday and Saturday mornings I feel terrible about this and seriously I hope she'll make a full recovery also for those that felt that I should be out for blood I won't lie and to be completely honest I wanted her dead at several points Saturday morning but she was absolutely wonderful to me the entire time I've known her again we've even lived with her and father-in-law for an entire summer and she never once crossed a boundary or was anything but kind and loving but I do want to make it clear that if she wasn't going through this medical issue I would never see her again nor would she ever see any children we might have and another common question why father-in-law stayed with her and missed the wedding at the time he told my husband that he felt mother-in-law needed to be watched and my husband thought that he meant mother-in-law might act out again we now know that father-in-law was worried that mother-in-law might have another episode and could get hurt or hurt someone else again thank you you all for reaching out yeah so this is one of the posts that made me angry reading it guys but then the updates came and I was like oh my goodness that poor woman like with reading so many Karen stories out there like this is one story where I wish the Mother-in-law was just a jealous entitled Karen who wanted nothing but to destroy a wedding dress despite Opie on her wedding day because to find out that she had no awareness of her actions due to a brain tumor and that she destroyed a wedding dress is just horrific I just hope she's doing much better now and that my friends brings us to another n of/ entitled people guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribe consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ I don't work here lady where a psycho Karen attacks a 12-year-old thinking she's a lazy employee and regrets it go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 99,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: feXSo3f0nHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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