r/IDontWorkHereLady - Karen Attacks Me and Calls Cops to "Teach Me a Lesson!" It Backfires!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to r/ I don't work here lady the place where Karen seemed to think that everyone is born to serve them and in today's episode Karens are getting embarrassed left and right guys and a smug overconfident Karen even calls cops on op after attacking her and I'm pretty sure you can guess what happens guys I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's Dive In okay so this happened at your average Supermarket I had just gotten off a shift at a restaurant I work at I don't bring a purse or wallet into work I just take my license and debit card which I left in my car I realized this after I was rung up in the checkout line the cashier offers to hold my stuff while I run outside which is cool there were only three lanes open so when I run back I try to look for my cashier of course I come in on the side where the checkout lines are so I'm at the end of the registers looking around trying to find my cashier I can't find her and I'm confused and that's when an old lady starts yelling at me from a line she's the second person in this line out of nowhere I hear hello there's nobody helping us I see this and I realize that that was the line I was in clearly the cashier needed a moment for a price check cigarettes or whatever and I don't say anything because I don't realize the statements directed at me the staff here wears green and I'm an all black I then hear the voice again say hello I said no one is helping us I'm talking to you at this point I paused at the end of the line to wait for the cashier and that's when Karen pushes her way out of the line walks up to me and she waves a deli bag of freshly sliced meat in my effing face Karen then screams at me and says would you look at this do you believe they gave me this I say to her lady I do not work here and of course at this point we've now captivated the attention of the few people in line plus the express line next to us and that cashier just looks bewildered Karen continues screaming at me saying just look at how they sliced my turkey who the heck eats turkey like this maybe if you hired people that speak English this wouldn't happen the whole time the lady is shaking the turkey in my face so I say to her what listen lady I don't work here clearly the Karen's not even listening to me because she says I said maybe you should hire people that speak English this is terrible that we have more people who don't speak English than those who do in America the woman is screaming at me the whole time still shaking the turkey at this point I'm pissed I'm over her shaking turkey in my face and I absolutely lose it I say to her listen lady I do not work here and get that out of my face and get over the deli lady's accent we all came from somewhere else at some point point so don't be an a-hole now in retrospect perhaps I shouldn't have called the old pretentious lady that she then screams f you f all of you you're all useless she then proceeds to toss the bag of turkey on the floor and she walked off the whole encounter took less than a minute and I swear entitled Kens are the worst yeah I'd say she was definitely an a-hole guys Opie was right and as a person who was raised to never waste food and to be respectful when it comes to food when I read that Karen just tossed it on the floor like that and walked away I'm I'm not going to lie that did make me a little bit angry some people are the worst like who raised you Karen last week after work I went straight to the steakhous by my house to meet up with some friends normally I would have changed but I just finished a double shift and unbuttoning buttons just sounded way too hard now my server's uniform is identical to the steakhouses so I did put on a sweater to avoid confusion and at the end of my meal I got up to pay and that's when my arm was jerked back by who will now be referred to as crazy lady AKA Karen the woman screams at me and says excuse me I can see my food in that window it's been sitting there for 10 minutes now go bring me my food now and a manager because this is unacceptable I just tell the lady oh sorry ma'am I actually don't work the woman interrupts me and says well you stack those plates and you are wearing the uniform that's when I tell her I'm so sorry for the confusion ma'am that's why I have a sweater on pulling my zip up a bit more closed I say to her I actually work at a different restaurant now in this moment I could not only see the embarrassment on her kids faces but the pure anger on hers and I know that face all too well because as a server I've seen it countless times and I've prepared myself for the worst Karen's face went bright red and the yelling commenced she says to me you lying I just want my effing food and if you don't want to do your job you will have no job get me your manager so yeah the woman was screaming at me at this point and the whole restaurant's eyes were on us I again tried to tell her that I don't work here but before I could get another word out the crazy lady responds by throwing her milkshake glass and all at me just covering me normally I try to be calm and deescalate situations I'm a military brat and I've dealt with way too much crap to be angry over petty stuff but damn lady you do not assault anyone especially someone working for you I then tell Karen lady I've told you I am not your server and I really hope that throwing that milkshake was worth the assault charges I'll be filing that's when Karen says to me you think I'm scared I'll call the police right now not serving me my food is theft so long story short I think the manager called the cops and Karen did as well the cops do come and when they do Karen was just sitting there all smug while telling cops her side of the story in the end the cops sided with me and they arrested her for assault and in the end resisting arrest it was the most satisfying night of my life holy like how someone can be that confident that they're right after attacking someone with a milkshake is beyond me guys like that Karen totally lives in her own world where she clearly thinks she can do nothing wrong and seriously guys I know I say this a lot but I wish I could see her surprised face when the cops are like yeah you got to wipe that smug look off your face ma'am you can't just go throwing milkshakes at people and if you guys think that Karen was outrageous holy the next one thinks she can do the same well not throw milkshakes at people but you know attacking [Music] them so I'm 61 years old I'm retired and I live alone by virtue of being 61 and retired the garden where I used to grow my abs has been paved over so one summer day I'm at the local mall looking for a coffee pot as I broke my old one I'm wearing a spotty Folk Festival t-shirt camo shorts and naked feet in birken stocks which is very managerial right so I'm in some shop or another looking at coffee pots when I hear a raised voice a couple of aisles over it was a woman's voice and she was screaming words like lazy how dare you you rude Bratz Etc I could also hear a quiet male voice he was trying to be heard and failing dismally so I go to the aisle as I round the corner I see a young guy in his mid teens very wellapp appointed in his summer clothes with an anorexic Gorgon Karen screaming into his face and then I watched as she raised her hand and she slaps the kid in the face the kid stands there in shock manfully not crying she then sees me and she comes charging over grabbing my arm and dragging me to the kid yelling something about you're his manager do something and other nonsense I didn't pay attention to in the midst of the ti raade I turned to the young kid winked and then I mouth play along you see I've got a response ready I've dealt with these people in retail for decades so I'm thinking oh please let her give me a queue and the woman does she goes on and on about Teen employees lying about not working there because they're lazy and I'm thinking jackpot so I say to Karen ma'am do the employ where you go often lie to you to avoid serving you and Karen responds all the time kids are so lazy today they never want to do anything they want everything but do nothing that was pretty much the gist of it but there was some more screaming and spit I say to her ma'am I don't think that's laziness I think it's because you're such an arrogant ignorant and the Devil Himself wouldn't have you in hell when you put your two feet to the floor in the morning the Devil Himself says oh God she's up hearing that she looks like she's the one who got slapped for the minute she says nothing I then turn to the kid and smile and say don't worry now we enjoy the show and as soon as I say that Karen starts buzzing around the lights she's throwing a fullblown tantrum they're screaming spit flying things getting thrown off the shelves the whole nine yards she's destroying the store me and the kid had to dodge a few fly objects coming towards us and I've got to say I didn't make the situation any better with my own comments like oh good one and she isn't much of a pitcher is she did I mention that my f garden has been paved over by this time a manager and a couple of security guards have arrived and she's worked herself into a total lather well okay I helped but she did most of the work herself there's nothing sensible coming out of her at this point just screeches and spit I just tell him what I saw and the kid confirmed it and fills in the rest how she thought he worked there wouldn't believe that he didn't and then slapped him that was a bit much so the cops were called Karen was then fitted for steel bracelets and I encouraged the kid to call his parents they decide to press charges I kept in touch with the family and I found out later that she was sent for a psych eval and she ended up in a psychiatric hospital for a couple of months and I got to feel all supportive of a younger brother guys we've got to have each other's backs ain't that right and holy moly guys why am I not surprised she had to spend a few months in a psychiatric hospital a lot of these carens are off their rockers for sure and some people do seriously need to learn to control their anger because I've read way too many stories and I've seen way too many public freakout videos where Karens decide that slapping someone in a fit of rage or when they don't get what they want is the best thing to do and it never ends well I just had a great experience at my work kind of before I get into it and just to add a little bit of background I've been a manager in my line of work for over a decade now and we deal with rude people all the time I have zero patience for rude people and I give it back exactly how it's given to me at my work I do the post office run each morning dropping off and collecting mail from our PO box it's a great chance to get out of the office and to create new long ways back to work today we had a parcel pickup slip in there nothing unusual with that as we get them all the time so I collect the parcel and take it back to work with the other mail when I get back to my desk I notice that the parcels from Amazon addressed to someone who doesn't work here but has our office PO Box details there's also a contact number for her on the parcel sticker so being the kind caring gentleman that I am I give her a call it goes to her voicemail so I leave a detailed message about the situation and how to contact me moments later I get a call back on my desk phone I pick up a and say good afternoon this is company name this is Joseph speaking the woman spoke in a very rude and snobby tone saying I had a Miss call from this number but I have no idea why you would be calling me because I'm not interested in anything you're selling I reply oh no that's okay I don't want to sell you anything Karen is it well we've had a parcel in our PO Box addressed to you do you want to come to our office to pick it up hearing me say that Karen freaks out and she says why do you have a key to my po. box I say to her well actually it's our PO Box we've had the same one for 3 years now so she then explodes and says no it's my PO box and that's illegal why do you have a key to my PO Box I want to speak to your manager don't make me call the police I politely tell Karen I'm the manager and I don't think this is a matter where police need to be involved Karen just says well why do you have access to my mail box I tell her I don't I have access to my mailbox I go every day and I've never seen your mail in my box before so you explain to me why you think you have access to mine you do realize that I'm from so and so company right now Karen in a moment of unexpected Clarity says well my po. box is she then explains her full address which is almost our address as we have two post offices nearby but hers needs the suburb name and then East added to it which is easy I realize that and I say oh I understand you now sorry well yeah it looks like Amazon or the post office hasn't added the detail to the label sticker so it's come to the main post office whoops I try to be cheerful trying to calm her a bit Karen says well when I made the order I put my details in as I always do that's how I have them saved on my Amazon profile so why did it get sent to you answer me at this point I'm getting sick of going back and forth with something I have absolutely no time to deal with I say to Karen how would I know I don't work for Amazon or the post office I literally just picked up our mail from our po. box and your package was in it and I didn't have to call you but I did I have nothing to do with your mail or your order details as I've said multiple times now I'm from this company Karen then says well this needs to be escalated and you will drop that parcel off at my house as soon as possible because it's urgent I will call the police you know I have your phone number at this point I thought my nose was bleeding from inner rage I say to her what is not being understood here Karen then says to me if you don't do that then take my parcel back to the post office and get them to fix it I say to her I have absolutely no authority to take your package back and have them fix the address that's not going to happen you need to come get it from me or I can take it back and they will return it to Amazon she then says to me this is urgent medicine I need I then ask her you buy urgent medicine from Amazon and they mark it as beauty products on the customs declaration that's a bit odd she then continues screaming at me saying that's none of your business I say to her yeah exactly none of this should be my business now come get your package and stop screaming at me Karen then says completely unacceptable Behavior who's your manager I want to Lodge a complaint I say to her you're not a customer of ours you have no grounds to complain I'm trying to help you what part of this do you not understand she then screams at me where's your office I'm coming down there right now and you'd better have some answers for me you do know that maale theft is a crime right do you want to go to jail because I will call the cops so yeah I just had enough at this point I tell her please come to our office and we'll sort it out here our address is this can't wait to talk in person see you then she then hangs up and I imagine that she has slammed down her phone and absolutely obliterated it because of how angry she was seriously imagine someone screaming into the phone and then double it she was that angry myself and the other office staff share a great laugh over it we're currently pacing the room waiting for her to get here because everyone wants to witness this pure stupidity firsthand she has until this time tomorrow we'll keep you guys up ated update okay so I'm actually shaking at what just went down so here it goes before getting into the post I also wanted to note that looking at the package again she added delivery instructions that said leave at addess in a secure place if no one's present it really gives you an idea of the Karen mindset as one this is addressed to a PO box and two they are generally very secure so did she expect a postal officer to guard the PO Box until it's picked up St anyways she just came in now and wow I did not expect it to get any worse but it did as I've said I'm still shaking at what went down because my team are quite busy and I oversee their workloads I sit closest but still hidden to the main reception area I'm the person that greets all the customers and takes a majority of the calls to our office as my team has to focus on complex Financial deals and don't need the distraction of people asking general questions who just walked in without an appointment another thing is at our office we keep an old school desk bell on the reception counter where no one sits with a sign right next to it asking to ring for assistance it's 9:30 a.m. is and I'm sitting in my office when I hear the bell ringing now as you're probably all aware normally when you ring a bell you hit the top and instantly move your hand back to allow the vibration to create the noise required to get someone's attention and then you wait patiently for someone to come simple right what I heard was the initial ding of the Bell but none of that vibration SL loudness instead there was an angry powerful repeated slamming of the Bell on the counter she literally grabs the bell and she kept repeatedly slamming it I'm assuming in anger and that's when the hair on my neck stood up and I'm thinking she's here I come out of my office and I see this short woman in her 60s with glasses surprisingly not the typical Karen haircut and she's staring bring me down I run out and say hello how are you Karen without hesitation and instant screaming says you have my package I reply ah yes of course thank you for coming in my name's Joseph we talked on the phone and that's when I extend my hand out to shake hers she then says I won't shake your damn hand give me my package at this moment my mind is racing I say to her oh okay uh no problem I'll go grab the package just wait here a moment I then go to my desk and I retrieve the package from my drawer which Karen can see me do as she followed me she then screams at me saying where were you keeping the package I say to her in my drawer she says well that's not very secure is it I say to her why would it be you're in my office which you can clearly see is not a larger version of a po. box or a larger version of a post office for that matter Karen looks at me very angry in silence like she wants a better explanation I say to her look I'm actually having a lot of trouble understanding why you're being so rude about this I held the package for you in good faith I even called you to let you know I had it so you didn't have to go through the hassle of calling anyone I then get cut off and she says well it's the inconvenience of having to come here and yeah my brain snapped and I'm thinking oh my goodness this woman is an actual joke like this woman is the dumbest person that I've ever dealt with I say to her you know what take your package and get out of my office you are so rude and I'm going to tell you this right now if I ever see another one of your packages in my mail I will throw it in the garbage I'm not helping you again Karen then mumbles to herself while she grabs the package and digs for her keys from her handbag she then says absolutely disgusting to which I respond yes you are you should re-evaluate how you treat people people that have tried to help you she then says to me I will never deal with this company whatever you do at that I just laugh I tell her you don't deal with us now we don't want to deal with someone like you so get out of my office she then storms out I watched her go to her car that was parked in our maintenance driveway this actually made me laugh so hard and I'll explain why so next to our main entrance is a maintenance driveway throughout the day we have multiple contractor cars parked here to work on the many levels of the building in the time since she's come in her car has been blocked in by two company Vehicles bearing the building maintenance company name the guys are just standing at their cars having a chat and I just see Karen yelling at them rudely to move their cars they just look at her and barely budge she then proceeds to get inside her car and I watch for the next few minutes as she continuously looks back and forth to see if they're actually moving their cars for her to get out these maintenance guys just start moving at an actual snail's pace and one's even checking his phone while he's walking to his driver's side door I'm just laughing at this point the other guys in the office have all come out and they're enjoying these final moments of her insanity and I kid you not these guys took 5 minutes to move for her she honked her horn like four times drawing the attention of many people walking by and I really wish I was making this up because her exaggerated performance was comical she finally got her car out and as she was driving off I just walked outside and I spoke to the maintenance guys and asked what she said to them maintenance guy tells me yeah bro she full came out and she straight up told us to move the effing cars I then told them the story and we all had a good laugh about her thinking back now I'm pretty happy with the outcome to be honest I got to tell her some honest truths about the situation and she obviously thought that she could continue being a I must have caught her off guard and I really hope that's the last I see of her you know what they say guys no good deed goes unpunished and holy cow what a ride that was and honestly Opie was such a nice guy for even giving out their address for her to come get the package after being yelled at and if I were op guys I would have asked for her ID to prove that the package is really hers but oh boy her head would probably explode at that point guys and that my friends brings us to another end of our SL I don't work here lady guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit the thumbs up and if you're not subscribed subscribe so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ entitled people episode where Opie tells a crazy story about the time a psycho Karen goes after her for ruining her family it's such a wild story so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 108,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: t3ki8tUeUAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 04 2024
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