r/PettyRevenge - Karen Neighbor Torments Me for "Looking" Mexican! Gets Taught a Lesson.

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our / Petty Revenge where people get little wins on others and the stories are so satisfying and in this episode guys oh boy it's all about nightmare neighbors we've got Karens calling cops on people dumping garbage in other people's houses trespassing to destroy property guys it's going to be a wild one I hope you enjoy the stories don't shake your heads too hard and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here let's Dive In okay so since it's winter I thought I'd share this story my stepdad works as a landscaper and does s removal in the winter he has many clients in our neighborhood in this one townhouse Community one time he had this Karen who was a regular client at first she always paid on time always polite Etc however over time she starts taking advantage of my stepdad the lady starts to get slow with her payments and often wasn't home when he was there eventually she fell really behind and when my stepdad went to collect the the money she had the audacity to say I've never seen you in my life now get out of here before I call the cops afterwards he asked his other clients in the neighborhood about her and they all said she was a Nightmare Neighbor the neighbors told him as far as they knew she had no mental illness she was just a major a-hole all the time so cue the Revenge my stepdad successfully recruits both of her neighbors as new clients my stepdad then comes back with his friend after a 1 and 1/2t snowstorm there are two driveways to the left and right of hers with the way the tow houses are set up so he instructs his friend to blow every inch of snow from both driveways directly onto hers and they get to work half an hour later her car on the driveway was completely buried in snow they did this on purpose when she was home and she came out livid his friend pretended to not speak English and my stepdad said with probably the biggest grin on his face I'm sorry I've never seen you in my life and then he left she called his phone after and she left an angry message after after he did it so she did recognize him I understand that this might not have been the most legal and ethical way to deal with it but Petty revenge is Revenge guys I do not disagree like people who take advantage of services and refuse to pay after definitely deserve what's coming to them and it's funny how quickly she remembered stepdad after the snow was being blown on her driveway which makes her such an a-hole right and hey at the end of the day it's a harmless Petty Revenge right stepdad's just making her basically do the work that she would have had to do in the first [Music] place so this happened between me and my dad's girlfriend years ago her name is Clara And to clarify yes she's awful and yes my dad was dumb to have her but he had his issues me and my dad lived in different houses basically across the street from each other so we had keys for each other's houses in case of emergency my dad also loves road trips and when he was given a money bonus at work he planned the trip and asked Clara to come with him to celebrate the bonus us and the trip they plan to eat a Kento which consists of boiling Seafood like shrimp clams muscles and meats like chicken and pig and some other things in white wine so they took Clara's car and went to buy the things that day I went to spend a 3-day Summer Weekend in a friend's house so I closed my house and left when I came back from my friend's house and opened the door a stench smacked my nose it came right from the kitchen now I was sure that I left no garbage there but when I looked in the can there was a lot of Seafood shells and other things stinking up everything my first thought was it was Clara they were going on vacation and they didn't want to leave those nasty shells in their house so she decided to use my garbage so I phoned my dad and asked him how was his trip he said it was awesome and that he would be returning in 4 days I asked if he'd entered my house before leaving and he said he hadn't so I took pictures of the stinking MK to be shown later I then spent a lovely evening cleaning and Des stinking my place and thought of something when I saw Clara 's car in the yard I entered dad's house and saw Clara's car keys so I went to the market and bought some of the same Seafood I found in my garbage and proceeded to spread it in Clara's car I put some clams under the seeds some muscles in the trunk I even stuck some shrimps in the vents of the air conditioner of the car everything was left in a closed car under the sun for three hot summer days a lovely four-wheeled oven when Dad and Clara came back and she opened her car I just heard the screams of Clara blaming me for that so I went straight to dad showed the pictures I'd taken of what Clara left in my house and he starts laughing Clara then looked at dad and he said to Clara you're both adults and you started this to my delight my dad told me that it was only after she cleaned the cars insides that she turned on the air conditioner of the car and she felt the wonderful smell of those hidden shrimp oh my goodness guys like just imagining raw seafood stewing in a hot car for 3 Days Like That Smell must have been abs absolutely disgusting like just thinking about the nasty smell hitting Clara in the face is making me gag and I think what op did was fair after the stunt she pulled like for sure Clara knew what she was doing and I know she was going on vacation but she could have easily taken the seafood garbage bagged it up and threw it away outside in a dumpster or something but no it had to be in op's house so yeah welld deserved I think so so my friend keeps a very clean yard in the fall he likes to get all the leaves before it rains and they become a to pull up his neighbor doesn't care about his yard the GU own the house for a few years and he still hasn't moved in the guy lives a few states away as my friend was finishing sucking up the leaves with his machine some of them blows into the neighbor's driveway maybe like 20 leaves total my friend finished up and went inside about 20 minutes later there was a knock on the door and a squad car outside the officer said they received a complaint about leaves being blown onto his driveway the neighbor had been watching his doorbell camera and decided that this warranted police intervention now you could tell that the officer was visibly annoyed as my friend asked the officer to look at his yard and then his neighbors now here's the petty Revenge the neighbor had an old car shift and dropped in his driveway 8 months ago where it's sat ever since and remember he lives a few states away while my friend told the officer that he would clean the leaves promptly he then asked the officer if he could do him a favor check the car for proper tags the officer saw the car in question and he gave a slight smile while my friend was cleaning the leaves out of the driveway the officers were walking around the car looking at the VIN and running information you could hear the neighbor on his doorbell asking what the problem is there's a law where I live where any car that's in the driveway must have tags and insurance on them the police gave him a call and told him that his car was in violation and he either needed to put the car in the garage which would need to be lifted and dropped in the garage or get the registration insurance and and an inspection on the car that can't be driven the officer then told him that he has 2 weeks to take care of it or they'll be back to tow the car and ticket him in the end the neighbor cost himself a 10-hour car ride to get his car lifted and stuffed in the garage all over a few Dead Leaves well guys the neighbor obviously didn't know one of the biggest rules in life which is never call the cops when you're committing an infraction or crime yourself and again the neighbor totally deserved it because who the heck calls the cop over like 10 leaves being blown onto their property I can't believe how Petty some people can [Music] be so we once had neighbors that from the day we moved in absolutely hated us we never even met them but they made our lives hell in every way they could we had moved to that area putting my grad school and our big life plans on hold to look after my mother-in-law who had stage 4 cancer so it was already a crappy reason to move and we hated the area rural California is very Yeehaw in a bad way if you know what I mean the neighbors were garbage people and just awful to us now they never did anything illegal per se but every Petty thing you could think of to make our lives crappy they did for example our water hose was on their lawn after I watered my Roses by about 2 in it was coiled mostly on our side but I wasn't done watering and just stepped into the house for a few minutes for a lunch break while inside they decide to cut what was on their property and throw it into our yard but they left the rest of the host that was on our side it was absurdly petty they had never even met us or spoken to us finally after a while of this I was talking with my neighbor across the street about it and she told me they were treating us that way because they thought we were illegals now I'm Native American and my spouse is Hispanic but they thought we were both Mexican I asked why they thought we were from Mexico and she said before we moved in some of our forwarded male accidentally ended up in the box and it had quote your Mexican address on it New Mexico we're from New Mexico these idiot racist thought we bought a home in an upscale neighborhood in coastal California with cash and we came straight from Mexico to do it so we must be part of a cartel and here illegally they had concocted this whole Narco scenario because my husband's last name is Lavado we're also darker than they deemed appropriate and they didn't know New Mexico is an effing US state it was all so absurd but don't worry the story has a happy ending when we moved out after my mother-in-law passed I wrote them a long letter telling them how embarrassingly stupid they are and how they were giant a-holes for making what was already a hard time on my husband who's dealing with a slow death of his mother an even worse time so I hope they're proud of themselves now here's the petty part we then stole their cat now before you get upset at me over this let me tell you a few things about the cat they neglected him and they left him outside covered in fleas and fending for himself day and night in the terrible Heat Of Summer without water and in the freezing cold of winter Without Shelter the cat had moved in with us because we actually cared for it and we took care of its medical needs in my book if you treat your cat like crap and you didn't microchip him he's mine so that's one good thing that came from our time there and he's napping in the window sill right now we named him Flavio after Flavio Mendes Santiago the famous Mexican cartel drug lord honestly guys like it's nice when revenge is the right thing to do and I'm glad the cat now lives with a family that cares for it and doesn't neglect it with that said though Opie did state that the neighbors thought her family was part of a drug cartel now just common sense here guys like if I suspected that I live next to a freaking drug cartel family I would try so hard to be on my best behavior all the time and I definitely wouldn't be getting Petty with them and cutting garden hoses that happen to fall onto my property clearly those neighbors lacked brains cells so from 2015 to 2016 I was searching for a dog I wanted either an Australian Cattle dog or a border collie for my farm but was not interested in paying $1,000 for a m puppy eventually I found an old Australian cattle dog that some menites were given away he was old but had some years left in him my neighbor was a local low life that people hated or feared in 2008 he shot someone while arguing over 20 in beer money he's also lost his license after too many DWIs and the guy would walk to the bar in the next town over and once he even climbed into someone's Barn Loft on the way home lit up a joint passed out and then woke up in time to escape the barn fire he caused a couple of times he was caught going into random houses in the neighborhood to raid the kitchen to just make coffee his main income was from growing and selling weed before it was state legal the guy was a drunk all he did all day was drink smoke and listen to the radio in a shack that he built on land that he was squatting on the guy used to work for a well company and he would claim that he was fired for having sciatica but when I talked to his former co-workers they all claimed that he was fired for being drunk and high on the job or not showing up at all now I tried to be neighborly and he kept claiming he couldn't work because of sciatica so I tried to get him on disability he would get frustrated filling out the forums toss them aside and then get drunk eventually I filled the forums out with him and as I had a track of the time I drove him out Three Counties over to see the review doctor who declared he didn't have sciatica that he was just a lazy drunk the worst part of it all is the guy would also let his pitball run loose all day as he was too lazy to use a chain he would pass out drunk at 10:00 a.m. most days and one day he even tried hitting me when I refused when he tried to sell me his food stamps for beer money since I had plans to get a dog chickens and cattle I was concerned over the loose pitball which I tried to get into my cabin after my cat one time the drunk dude kept refusing to use a chain claiming it was too much work after I had my dog I was still wary but I took him on what walks he could handle I would walk him around daily sometimes several times a day within a few weeks I was walking him in front of the field when the Pitbull was wandering along the road she ran up the road and latched onto my dog's neck shaking him around like a rag doll he was yelping and crapped himself I was unarmed and the Pitbull ignored my efforts drunk dude heard the commotion and he ran down the road too and to his credit he did help get the Pitbull off my dog and he held her down by laying on her well I picked up my bleeding dog and ran to my cabin I got him inside and looked over him real quick and then went to make sure my neighbor wasn't injured since his pit had bit him after letting go of my dog thankfully my dog was fine and the pitbull went back to wandering loose I again voiced my concern over the dog being loose and I reminded him that it kept coming onto my farm and going after my cat and trying to get into the chicken Coupe I again asked him to use a chain and he refused saying it's too much work I then told him that I was taking my dog to the vet and he said to me you'd better not if he needs a vet then you need to put him down if you go to the vet animal control might come and find my crops don't you dare he admitted that the law would hold him at fault for the loose pit I told him that I would lie and claim a coyote did it but that I expected him to pay the vet bill and he said said no I need all my money for vodka I then told him that if he wouldn't keep his pit on a chain and wouldn't pay for the damages then I expect him to put the pit down to prevent this thing from happening again at that he said to me no I need her to guard my crops thieves will try to steal it he was getting a sadistic grin refusing to do anything well I tried to be reasonable and then he said if you go to the vets we won't be friends anymore put your dog down if you go to a vets I'm not kidding I will get my gun and you won't like what I do with it again he had shot someone before and shot at others too I went home and I molded over eventually I decided that there was no point in trying to be reasonable with him he would just walk all over me and see me as weak if I didn't retaliate and diplomacy had failed so I took my dog to the vet it sent me back $11,000 which I eventually had to sell my truck as a result of the financial hit I then took the vet report down to the state troopers and I told them everything I knew about this guy I told them about his illegally owned guns which were shotguns and also his crops Etc with the vet paperwork they had probable cause to go to a shack and discover his crops the guy was promptly raided by a team of police and he ends up avoiding jail time by squealing on the guy who sold him the gun and a few other drug dealers his operation was shut down and he was on Parole so his main income was gone and his ability to smoke his own weed the guy used the chain from then on the following winter he passed out drunk in the snow and he lost both legs due to frostbite he then moved into a nursing home and a couple of years later he died in the nursing home holy cow guys was that over a wild ride and honestly I don't know if that's Petty though like it just seemed like the right thing to do and was justified 100% with that said though op's definitely got guts though because I would have moved because after the cops raided him and he came back I would be crap terrified of what he'd do especially since he shot randomly at people before I don't think I could live next to unhinged neighbor like that so it's been about a decade since this happened I live on a street where some houses have driveways but some of us don't we have to park in the street we had just enough room to park our two vehicles in front of our house and that's when a new neighbor moved in across the streets who I'll call Britney now Britney had a tiny Prius and she parked it in front of our house a lot because she also didn't have a driveway the space in front of her house was almost always empty when when this happened at the time I had a toddler and a newborn and getting them into the house was a pain when I had to circle the block and park on the other side of the street then hauling the car seat in one hand while juggling a diaper bag groceries and a toddler that hasn't developed a sense of self-preservation yet now the thing that got to me was that there would be plenty of space for two cars to park but Britney could not be bothered to pull forward or scoot back she usually parked right in the middle so no one else could park near her and one day I had enough I hauled the baby the stuff and the toddler up to her porch and knocked politely on her door I say to her hey I live across the street I was just wondering if you could park in front of your house instead of mine please and at that Britney says um that's like really inconvenient for me to drive around the whole block just to park I say to her I know but as you can see gesturing to the circus at my feet I have my hands full and it makes it harder when you park in front of my house can you please try to park in front of yours instead Britney says look I'll park where I want there's no assigned spaces she then slams the door in my face and I'm thinking oh it's on now I wasn't sure what my revenge would be but I knew it would be coming the opportunity came a couple of days later I came home and my spouse was already parked in front of her car but low the next door neighbor wasn't home yet I could park behind her but I'd have to scoot up to make sure there was enough room for my other neighbor they were innocent in all this so I pulled up behind them and checked the space there was 2 ft of room I went back inside my car to inch forward some more then checked again still had a good foot I kept doing this until there was literally inches between our bumpers and here's the thing I had two cars at my disposal now whereas she only had one So Into The spouse's van I go to inch backwards until they were only inches from kissing bumpers perfect now here is a point to note both of my vehicles were old scrap scratched and beat up I probably wouldn't notice another dent in them but the Prius was pristine and I knew Britney wasn't likely to risk it I expected that I would get a knock on the door sometime that evening but when I took the trash out that night Britney and her Prius were gone she must have executed a 200o turn to get out I cackled to myself and I went to bed happy and the best part was she stopped parking on my side of the street after that one incident I guess she realized it was more convenient to park on hers yeah so I'm so curious as to how Britney got out guys like there is no way in heck she could have gotten out of there especially with only inches between the bumpers like maybe she had to call some sort of tow truck that just picked up the car and slid it out of that spot but we'll never ever know and that my friends brings us to another n of/ Petty Revenge guys I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit the thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ I don't work here lady where a Karen mistakes op as her Uber driver and things only get worse from there guys go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 88,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/pettyrevenge, pettyrevengestories, petty revenge stories, best petty revenge stories, petty, revenge, r/, r///, reddit petty revenge, reddit, reddit top posts, reddit funny posts, darkfluff petty revenge, darkfluff revenge, petty revenge, reddit top post, embarrassing stories reddit, r/petty, petty revenge top, funny petty revenge, road rage revenge, entitled karen, karen neighbor, karen revenge, entitled karen revenge, entitled boss, karen revenge reddit, karen boss
Id: _VO_QtGl-d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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