r/EntitledPeople - Idiot 'Karen' Demands I Leave My BOYFRIEND For Him! Throws a Tantrum!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends guys welcome back to our SL entitled people where people truly believe they can do what they want or have what they want because they're special and in today's episode guys Opie tells a story about the time this guy demanded a date because he's a customer and wouldn't take no for an answer you'll be shaking your heads so hard in this one guys I hope you enjoy the stories subscribe if you're not subscribed and as always you can send or link your post to this email right here [Music] so I'm a 26-year-old female and I take the bus to work almost every day I currently don't have a car and the semi- daily bus trip ensures I get my sunshine and vitamin D I got on the bus at the college like normal to take the 45-minute trip downtown to work and I pop in my earbuds blasting shine down and a few other loud bands because I don't like interacting with people if I can avoid it about 10 minutes later the bus pulls into another apartment complex and a horde of people get on adhering to social etiquette I scooch over to the window and make the outer seat available since about 15 people just crowded onto the empty bus a seemingly nice little old lady takes the seat next to me with a bunch of bags at that I relax a bit because usually older folks like to keep to themselves too I offered her a small smile and began getting back to my music a moment or two later I realized she was talking to me and my music was drowning her out thinking she was asking for direction somewhere since i' never seen her on the bus before I pop out an earbud and asked her to repeat herself the nice old lady says do you live around here I reply no ma'am but I take this bus almost daily for work are you trying to find somewhere I can probably let you know which stop to get off at so you don't get stuck on here all day that's when the lady says oh no I know where I'm going so where do you live are you single because a pretty girl like you can't possibly be single I blink a bit in surprise at her request to know my address and I give her a strain smile to show my discomfort and vaguely tell her I live by the college which has about four apartment complexes nearby her demeanor changes and she becomes a not so nice old lady the woman then says to me which one you said you were going to work right where do you work and you didn't answer if you were single you have to tell me I just reply um I work down town and no I'm not single and I'm not very comfortable telling you which apartment complex I live in Spurs on a huge rant of her insisting that I should tell her where I lived because quote she knows her grandson would be perfect for me and he must meet me and that a pretty girl like me could straighten him right out and make him stop being such a partyer thoroughly creeped out I discreetly move my favorite ring from my middle finger to my ring finger a trick I'd picked up from my time going to college to keep dudes away from me noticing me fidgeting the woman looks down she sees my ring and she cheerfully asked me hey I know you may have a husband but would you be willing to leave him for a good man that just needs a chance and just like that my social battery is gone and I'm annoyed I send a quick text to my partner to let him know about the lady trying to play matchmaker and her comment and then pop my earbud back in and put on the loudest song with the heaviest base I can find I go out of my way to ignore her despite her tapping my arm on several occasions to try to reclaim my attention I just kept my eyes glued to the window the lady got off just after the college and I got my personal space back me and another dude on the bus just exchanged what the f looks as soon as she got off because he heard everything my boyfriend and I had a good laugh about it and he suggested I share my story so other people could enjoy the cringe too you know what reading this post I'm not very surprised that Granny tried to play matchmaker because it's just what some Granny's love to do but let me get this straight basically what granny was saying to a complete stranger whom she's never met nor know knows anything about is hey so my grandson is a piece of crap can you leave your husband for him and fix him for me like how does she know op's better than the person her grandson is with currently and I only wish op replied with oh your grandson loves partying all the time me too does he also do copious amounts of drugs and not sleep for 3 days straight because I love doing that oh and I'm also married but have no problem leaving my husband and my 10 kids for your grandson I hope he's got no issues with that like sometimes you got to traumatize people to teach them a lesson I'm a 35-year-old man and the other day I did a favor for my wife who's the concierge manager at a Niagara Falls hotel her friend's brother is moving to my city and my wife helped him secure a job at the hotel where she works She also asked me to take him out to lunch and show him around the city because he's super socially awkward and he's got no friends here as it's a new place for him he's also 25 years old for the sake of the post I'll just call him Cletus so I pick up Cletus and socially awkward doesn't even begin to describe how socially inep he is the guy's a bit rude crude entitled and I don't particularly like him however I remained polite I promised to take him out so I did we embarked on a city tour visiting places like the Ripley's Museum and an arcade and then we had lunch at a small Diner while seated near the door eating the meal awkwardly conversing and conversing pushing it a bit much a woman enters the restaurant pushing a stroller she was alone it was as if a switch flipped in cletus's head because his demeanor drastically changed he went from being merely awkward to openly disgusted and angry and this is when his true nature emerged I then asked Cletus what was wrong and he answered by saying that is disgusting I inquired and said uh what's disgusting he replied her right there are you even looking at the same person I am I just looked at him puzzled and asked uh what's wrong with a mom pushing her kid he then said in the most disgusting tone ever oh she's ruined and she looks so young I didn't really understand so I respond uh what he then literally said she's ruined she's probably parted too much and opened her legs for everyone now she has to face the consequences I feel sorry for the kid I remained confused so I had to ask what do you mean because I genuinely could not comprehend his perspective at that point he then said it's because women like to open their legs left and right that most women nowadays have kids and they're single moms and that he would never ever consider dating a woman with kids because they're all used up he also claimed that single mothers raise kids to be prostitutes or criminals because he believed that kids need a proper dad in their lives to grow up as effective adults and hearing him say that I just sat there shocked and I just managed to say oh wow I then asked Cletus are you all right seriously you see a woman walking with her kid to a restaurant at 12:30 in the afternoon and you instantly think that's a single mom you know nothing about her she's in a restaurant she's busy she's hungry her husband could be at home with her kids but you see her all by herself pushing a stroller and you think the child was an accident and she's used up he then counters it with a stupid argument no logic whatsoever so I point out even in your argument you made points on why you should date a woman with kids for the kid's sake you said the kid needs a man in their life or they're going to be a criminal so why not step up to the plate why not meet a good woman and be a dad to those kids for society now here's where the story gets even more interesting the woman had been seated by this time just a short distance from us that's when a man walks into the restaurant scans the area spots her then walks over gave her a kiss on the cheek and then sat down it turned out to be her husband Cletus had nothing more to to say except that this was a one-off I was utterly disgusted with Cletus at this point I had other plans to show him the city that day but I just told him hey man I'm just going to pay for the food and we're getting out of here I'm taking you home on the drive back I told him Cletus man I got to tell you something you've got to fix your attitude you've got to change your way of thinking towards people if you keep this up you're going to be a very sad and lonely man you really need to work on that or you're never going to be happy that was it he was silent after that when we got to his apartment he just got out and went inside later that day when my wife got home I told her everything I made it clear that I would not be taking him out again and I could not be friends with this guy Elby handled that perfectly in my opinion guys and and he's right Cletus does need to change his attitude and mentality because walking through life thinking that every woman that's alone with a child is a single mom and used up is just really stupid like where's the logic and guys Opie does come back into the comments to add this he says oh it's way worse there's a few things I left out because it was way too out there when he said it he called himself a high value man during our conversation seriously he lives in a tiny basement apartment takes the bus to his job washing bed sheets all day at a job that he had to ask two people to help him get and this dude can barely take care of himself and he thinks he deserves the world and this person says single moms raise prostitutes and criminals I'll have to have a chat with my son and daughter because they've been slacking for 39 and 23 [Music] years so this is another story from the world of customer service and Burger King so the characters are myself my coworker who I'll call Barbie and the entitled idiot of this piece who we'll call deag now let me start off by saying that I'm fine with people who can break the script on customer service on either side and I'm all for looking for love wherever you want but know that when a person says no they mean it also this guy was so creepy that he'd give online incels a run for their money so I was in charge of babysitting the new hires for the day as we had just had a fresh crop of them whisk in the rate of retention was low and I was perhaps the one guy who worked on all areas at some point so I had to train everyone one newbie was Barbie she was 16 years old and she was as much of a Barbie girl as you can get complete with the shiny blonde hair bubbly personality etc etc she was on the till to my right when in comes the star of the show she's busy taking his order when all of a sudden he decides to ask for her number now Barbie is a fairly good-looking girl so I'm sure she's used to it as she brushed it off and said sorry I'm seeing someone would you like to make your meal a large that's when the guy responds nah sweetheart I give large I don't buy it the guy said that as if he could impress her with his vulgarity she then asked okay so any sides he wasn't going to break from the script purely out of discomfort I think at this point I was finished with my customer and turned my attention on the guy the guy won't quit he then says to her well that depends can I have you as my side I would love to make a meal out of you believe me the sheer cringe was so uncomfortable for all of us except for him that's when I asked her do you need me to step in and that's when the guy says is that your boyfriend she says no but you're making me feel uncomfortable you're like 20 years old older than me and you're creeping on me I'm 16 now I think that she was hoping that he would just realize what he was doing as soon as she said her age and he would give up but no such luck he then says to her honey I'm your customer this is a part of customer service so just give me your number and my order and I'll come by later to pick you up just make it easy for me the sheer entitled attitude towards her was starting to annoy me and her so I decide to speak up and say sir I'm going to be blunt with you I'm I'm not going to allow her to deal with you any further you will either finish your order with me take your food and leave as I will not allow you to be here any longer or you can leave right now Barbie quickly took a step back from the till and let me take her place he then says hey that's not cool we're both guys here no blocking me man what are you doing the guy was actually angry because I wouldn't let him hit on her I told Barbie to go to the kitchen grab a drink of water or something while I dealt with this dude I then say to him I honestly don't care what you think this is a Burger King and people are here to order food not hit on staff you're making my front counter team uncomfortable if you continue with this Behavior I'll simply have you leave now I hoped my Stern voice was enough to get him to focus but it wasn't the guy continued his order for a moment before redirecting his attention to Barbie who had popped her head out of the kitchen to see if she was in the clear and he clicked on immediately when he noticed her he then screams at her and says why can't you take my order and give me your number all I want to do is get your phone number this is when the manager on shift comes out after hearing the commotion I immediately signal for them to call the security staff for the shopping center before turning back to the customer I then say to him sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave now as I don't feel comfortable with you being in the same place as my coworker now please leave I'm going to cancel everything off your order and you won't be served any further by anyone in here so yeah the guy doesn't get it he screams at me and says I'm not leaving until I get her number you idiot do you get that do you even know who I am he said that as if knowing who he was would change my opinion on him I say to him no but you're harassing my colleague for her number and she said to you that she was 16 so why don't you back off you look closer to my age than hers so you should know that acting like this is not appropriate she said no so leave her alone the guy then I kid you not starts lecturing me he says to me since when when a horse says no you simply pay her more money to get what you want it's the same thing when she says no you keep asking until she says yes he replied as if this means he's in the right all of a sudden a moment later security walks in the manager then walked out to point out the customer who was still at rate and he was throwing a tantrum because he couldn't get her phone number the guy was still refusing to leave until he got her number security just walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder and said sir you'll have to come with us and he replies but she hasn't given me her phone number yet security tells him and she won't now please leave the guy finally admitted defeat and he skulked away now I don't know what made him think he was entitled to her phone number but I'm glad she was protected properly the guy was for sure 25 plus and he still hit on a girl who told him she's 16 and she actually looked even younger due to her baby face that's just creepy yeah Opia is definitely a hero for speaking up and defending that girl like what an idiot though right like of all places a Burger King where hungry people are trying to order food ads like I'm actually surprised nobody in line was like sir shut up we're trying to get some food here so you need to step aside but with that said super duper duper creepy though right like get the police involved because clearly an adult is harassing a freaking Miner oh boy do I have a story for you I hope you get a kick out of this my parents got married when they were super young my dad knocked up my mom and their parents married them off my grandfather was able to set up a business for my dad in a big city and they moved here soon after my birth my mom grew up in a conservative southern town where she was taught to be a submissive wife and even after moving to the big city she didn't spend much time socializing she had no friends and she never went out my dad was only ever there to provide for us he was always away ons business and he wasn't there as a husband for my mom or as a father to me my dad made a lot of money so we never lacked anything growing up I became my mom's best friend we would talk about everything I would push her to make friends and to go find hobbies and after years of pushing she started going to a nearby park and she made her first friend a Gym trainer encouraged by her friend and me she decides to join the gym she met a few more people there and she starts having some semblance of a social life but she still continued to tell me everything well now to my entitled piece of crap father now I think my dad's new secretary gave him the idea but he asked my mom for an open marriage almost a year ago because he was tired of her he told her that he wasn't happy in their marriage and that she wasn't providing him with everything he wanted yada yada yada my mom who's a Christian wife was mortified and she told me about the proposal in tears I suggested she get a divorce but she said she didn't believe in it and she wouldn't be the one to end their marriage my dad kept pushing and pushing saying an open relation ship would be fun I knew exactly where this would end up if my mom agreed so her friend and I convinced her my mom was hesitant at first wishing none of this was happening and she didn't want it but she did agree with the condition that they would be completely transparent with each other my dad was a 41-year-old man with a fat belly and my mom was 39 years old and she was an athletic woman who worked out regularly I'm a 22-year-old woman by the way so I don't know how my dad was so blind or what he thought would happened my mom has dropped atad gorgeous and dad would be lucky to get her number in the present day so I helped create an online dating profile for my mom 6 months ago and after getting an insane amount of matches choosing from them and chatting with them for months my mom started seeing and hooking up with a few people getting all of this attention has provided a massive boost to her confidence and she seems much better my dad hooked up with his secretary almost immediately as that was a given aside from that he's had very little luck with other ladies with with their transparency my mom's been telling him everything a few weeks ago my dad comes home fuming he like screamed at my mom for some minor thing usually my mom would have apologized with her tail tucked but with her new confidence she did not back down it's been constant fights the last few weeks my dad keeps starting fights by making snide remarks about my mom's clothing or appearance he even called my mom a I think open marriage has finally sunk in so with that said my mom's told me that he's tried to have a conversation about stopping their open marriage as it's not fair to him but she immediately shot it down my dad left our home and had divorce paper served to Mom in a week my grandparents did not know about any of this but my dad told them when he served the divorce he also implied to them that my mom was cheating on him both sets of grandparents came to our home and started berading my Mom calling her all sorts of names luckily my mom had the text messages of her conversations and showed them and it only got way worse after that it's weird that my parents are splitting up but my dad was never there for either of us so I really don't have a connection to him as I've said I'm my mom's best friend and I want the world for her I'm happy for my mom guys that was quite the post right and I love how it just backfired so hard on dad to the point where he's like yeah it's not fair anymore so I'm going to have to stop this open marriage thing like the audacity of that man to say it's not fair so we have to stop like you started it sir when you wanted to sleep with your secretary and look at what it's become that man literally effed around and he found out or should I say he effed around very little and he found out quite a lot some freaking people I tell [Music] you I'm a 27-year-old female and I've been married with my husband 32 for 3 years we've been dating for a little over five now my husband has this friend who's 31 who we'll call Mary they've known each other since they were in high school and she's considered one of the boys if you may that basically means she's invited to all the fishing trips and stuff which I don't mind at all because I trust my husband well the problems with Mary started when she found out that I'm half Romanian it started kind of innocently with her asking me to say certain words teaching her insults Etc which did not necessarily bother me it then escalated to her Googling stuff about Romania and then asking me stuff like are you a vampire do you bite your Husband by the neck to are you a gypsy I bet you've got some of that blood in you which is blatantly racist so last week me and my husband organized a mini barbecue with our friends and Mary was invited by my husband despite me telling him that she makes me uncomfortable he said that he's talked to her about her remarks and she's been understanding so it's unlikely she'll say something this time well it was midnight and there was four of us left and I accidentally spilled some red wine on Mary's jeans when I tripped over the carpet and all Hell broke loose she starts saying that I'm a witch that I'm trying to ruin her life and this whole thing is a part of my ritual and that I'm just an immigrant trying to ruin my husband's life and that I've poisoned my husband against her I just start crying and profusely apologizing when she wouldn't drop it I just kicked her out and banned her from coming back to my house so am I the a-hole for doing this my husband insists that Mary was drunk and she's talking nonsense he also told me that I'm way too sensitive about my Heritage and I'm an a-hole for Banning her Mary has since given me a half-hearted apology but I'm still not okay with her so yeah that's the post guys but honestly I don't think op is the a-hole at all it's her house as well right and honestly why would you allow someone inside your house who constantly disrespects you like that and her comment about how Opie's turning her husband against her makes me feel like she's really threatened by op like could she be wanting to be the only woman in Opie's husband's life who knows guys let me know what you think and that my friends brings us to another n of our / entitled people I hope you enjoyed today's stories if you did hit that thumbs up and if you're not subscribed consider subscribing so you don't miss these crazy stories and if you missed the last episode on the channel it's an r/ entitled people another episode where a psycho Karen finds out that op super duper rich and tries to end him it's such a wild stories so go check it out if you haven't and myself and Stevie boy will see you guys in the next one we love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 75,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, rslash entitled people, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, entitled karen, entitled people reddit, reddit entitled people, entitled karen stories, entitled mom, entitled mom stories, entitled parents, nightmare karen, horrible karen stories, karen freakouts, r/, karen freaks out, crazy karen stories
Id: HqfOzUhL9Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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