Royals Update - Hutts Streams Undermine

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[Music] let's jump in we're on the beta branch i'm assuming that i can keep my old safe do i want to do the new one though maybe we might do the new one that we started and just keep that going if you want containers explain there's a video of flavor flav explaining docker i didn't underwear what did you just say was that english a thousand looks like we are already spent all of our stuff what can you craft for me sir chance of devoting death spawn larva be at the 45 degrees i think the the the bomb upgrades is just they're just silly why would i want more than one bomb upgrade in the pool you get a bomb upgrade and you see a bomb upgrade you're like great i i got nothing out of that ghastly hands will attack the enemy i'll yeah there's a ghostly conduit [Music] what's this six what diamond got a new thing [Music] i don't remember all the new stuff slime boy is not mine can't have it bishop bombs look and rook bomb synergize if you didn't know that they synergize now because i remember before it was like death at 45 or death at at 90 and it was like you know you take one or you can have the other there was no synergy what can you brew for me starlight sip but pull the heavens down onto your foes duplicate the food that's a pretty good one discover nearby secrets that's pretty good let's do the food duplication they make queen bombs that's good then um doubles your bombs that could be really good double key probably though generally pretty starved for keys and i'm ready to go never seen this game before how is it um it's just a dungeon crawler you'll catch on real real quick we want to collect all the gold that we can i can i can throw my pickaxe i can swing my pickaxe when money hits the floor pilfers spawn these things they try to steal your money from you a bunch of money so far first room see it cheeky tango that's a new thing was that my thing [Music] was that was that an enemy jelly i don't know what that was a little bird buddy like canary helps me uh when the canary dies i know that there's not enough oxygen down in the mines no it picks up gold for me okay the hand is pretty cool let me peep dude jerk i peep for nothing did they fix the thing where i can uh sit on that and not take damage oh well i just [ __ ] it up anyway so it doesn't really matter does it someone's a doppelganger to fight alongside you that's a new posh new save it's new wish we started it before when 1.0 came out at this point in time it's been a long time that's a spooky hand on zero bombs otherwise i bomb for the key and the bomb i'm not sure how big the bombs were here i can pray away uh curses or i can get a bonus [Music] or a curse less gold on death removes the curse receive less damage lose less cold on death sorry what i said increase bomb size steal more throw damage i like to throw damage bomb size we were literally just talking about that but what's the curse that we got healing is less effective so we can purge that curse later if we want to one of those happy blobs are called pilfers they steal my money you know when chad asked a question about something i explained five seconds ago all right i didn't want to activate that guy already but i can have him run around and destroy things for me potentially open up a secret room right here okay must not be there the hands it's kind of like dad's foot and it's kind of making it difficult for me to do these things where i like get that guy to show me cigarettes bomb pilfer when a bomb goes off in a room that bomb will shake the walls and if there is a secret room it will start glowing so keep an eye out chat if you guys see a secret room and i don't yell at me ramble ramble ramble return the damage that done to me but amplified two generally speaking two secret floors per secret roams per floor my bad next to the pats the bramble ramble i think is that like spike thing would you stop hitting me jesus christ they're so accurate i'm feeling a secret from there but i only have one bomb we done with the how do i look at the map can i look at the map there we go kaboom i only have one bomb and a chat just wasted it i kind of feel like this is a secret i'm over here no wait wait we have the guide check i think he hit it pretty square this also feels secret on me i'll guess it was up there see how it's sparkling now son of a [ __ ] game is called undermined this is correct chat use your bomb the mods on to change the game name maybe they already did it you just didn't refresh i like throwing throwing's my favorite generally speaking i just throw if it's not changed then i can change it right now under mine beta branch new boss there done still society is it switching off diagonal and perpendicular it seems like it's just random or maybe it's specifically trying to hit me the jellyfish that is i've not faced this enemy before [ __ ] off really like this game yeah if you like isaac you like gungeon you're bound to like this game get that guy too to try to bomb these rocks but of course the hand said no think sure let's just maybe use it get our health back unlock this room what's the blue thing that was an altar and that was a prey altar thing off of the night after nuts see our mono i do have a jump button by the way and i can collect gold by throwing my my pickaxe that was an upgrade that i bought blue is item right is blue item lose the item run you're right increase swing damage well maybe we will go for swings instead of throws throw builds have always been my favorite though but it's been a while since i played this so they probably nerfed and buffed some things chop what do you do it temporarily reveals secret rooms secret rooms can have secret rooms i like that i like that that's all my money or we could buy popcorn kernels to duplicate all basic items in the room which would give us a a key and a bomb at this point in time for 450 fireball potion take this i like the secret rooms having secret rooms i don't think it's active on this floor [Music] secrets on secrets [Music] having a set of bombs would be the way to use that effectively you'll see like the sparkles and it'll bomb the sparkles and then you'll see more sparkles then i'll bomb the sparkles i'd have bombs to do all of this so there can be stuff randomly in any rock who is doing some stuff duo six months what's up duo appreciate the resub i need more money ryan mistake healing is less effective of course you gave me 30 health can't forget about the wall gold that's a big pilf buddy whoa i have not seen that the heck pillager i'd like to [ __ ] is that anything like what pilf means pilfer i don't have two bombs for that i could use one key let's give it a shot these are pretty sacred but in those chests you find one extra item and a in gold generally speaking bomb for a secret room that i don't know i'll save the next floor where i can actually see them um you know what we actually have enough for another bomb let's do that maybe even buy that key maybe just buy the duplication potion hey hats it's avoid body and acolyte i've ended some runs with 50 plus keys it would seem like it's almost break even just to buy the potion thanks to the pats [Music] i can do this and buy this genius we want money i mean we use our money to buy permanent upgrades that's what makes this a roguelite that's what makes us able to do better and better every run it's pretty necessary to buy upgrades but you kind of have to decide if you want to spend your money on your run now to get further to potentially get more money it's a gamble or save the money for permanent upgrades does this game not have bosses there's bosses but per run you can only fight a boss once and every time that you get through an entire run meaning that you kill all the bosses you reset the entire thing on like a more difficult run it's more difficult you probably get more money i don't remember if you do or not like prestige it's like prestige mode i think we were up to like prestige like 15 or something like that in the old save file the candle is that the altar that's the altar okay so we can remove 50 health to get rid of this purse or increase gold income for another curse what do we got now decrease swing speed yuck special shop money for key i'm gonna do it bomb for fish kebab or summon your doppelganger i still haven't used that [Music] yo it's the pilfer ring it's like one of my favorite items it automatically collects the gold in the ground so we have to fight the pilfers for it but there's no way in hell i'm gonna get 2 400 gold small lord what's up i just don't think it's going to happen oh you know what our secret rooms are are being shown to us did anyone see any anyone catch secrets it's over now [Music] head pattern coming early floors in my opinion is better to stack up curses because you can remove a couple of them at once if you have leveled up curses it's mine freaking rip pilfering bro a chance for neon abyss i opened up neon abyss about a month ago i'd say and they really messed up my save file and since then i haven't been back but let's see let's temporarily increase crit chance this one was super busted when it first came out crits would be get crits would be get crits and it had headpads become a thing about the same time bombs became a thing i need more gold we're not even into a thousand yet there's no way we're getting pilfering son of a undermine has constellations there's a bunch of new items constellations being probably the oldest of the new this room feels like there's gonna be a secret i'm off of it doesn't it maybe all the way in the right maybe the north steal the ring this i can bomb that for more curse and i might get some bombs and keys out of it bomb bag and drop bomb continuously nitroglycerin what is this killing enemies destroys a relic relics are the things that i have in the bottom right of my my upgrades so after 50 enemies i kill i lose my items sounds like the worst thing that's ever existed secret i'm off the right of here off the right of the secret room two secret rooms they're a guy now that can let you restart the same run from the first floor so you don't mess up the prestige secrets have secrets oh i see [Music] wrecking those always gives a major curse right i don't know float potion probably another secret room that we don't know where it is to be here would probably not be there we're probably not there but i guess complete gas though not enough for the pilfering drop a random chest could be worth it nitroglycerin in here and see if we can get a chest or a secret room [Music] okay i just apparently got stuck and even though i was jumping up in the air it just was like you're dead i'm getting stuck on everything man lost most of my health really did a number apparently when you bum the uh machine i don't know if i've ever done that i bombed the machine and [Music] it did a re-roll and then broke the machine i'm getting stuck on everything wall corners surprise stream surprise enemies explode in arrows after a critical strike well we do have the critical strike thing that should give us more so that sounds like a decent investment or i could just buy the bombs for more secret rooms bombs i should have gone with the crit but whatever doubles your bombs [Music] just use it now probably because i'll forget about it otherwise 10 bombs all right let's find those secret rooms huh definitely was not a secret what do we got drop some useful things it's nice can't be off that room one more secret room south of the first south of the first secret room no you guys you're not you're not looking at the map of course when i do that that way you can't really see it you'll notice on the map that south of this secret room is a normal room if you look at the map the sparkles means i could open up a path but it'll lead me to the same room so that's something that we have to pay attention to snake so it's somewhere else i don't know if it can be off of this room i'm not sure i could also just not be here i don't know pick everything up bye bye bombs bye bye happiness hello loneliness feels like i could die it was their last spot of course it's bombs back not even all the bombs great great great great oh yeah good wonderful no money we're in trouble [Music] [Applause] level up that's my bird i think that just leveled up do i check the bird i don't know how to fight the bird i gotta use my mouse uh gold picked up by the canary and the peasant is increased in value level three is the canary gains speed and can steal gold from pilfers i want to see that see the canary throwdown canary gets a shiv i got totally [ __ ] there in the corner not sure what the game wanted me to do oh i didn't mean to hit the [ __ ] guy god damn it you gained a weird coin you're a weird coin [Music] gonna end up losing health yeah to try to grab it great uh we can see secret rooms for a limited amount of time so we should just blitz papo [Music] shadow like that blood bomb sick shadow you know what why is the statue not lit up is that a secret cute boy head pat's on me pat the dog that's the boss that door's opening i think maybe that means that we bought the boss on this one already don't blow up the dog bottom of the first get out of here get eddie i don't know if i have the upgraded bombs if it was the bottom of the first it would have told me right when i landed right here right wouldn't it i see it you're right get these rocks too they're gonna be secret things crawl spaces underneath him alter let's go ahead and pray away the curse i really want to go for increased gold income though we really need to get rid of our thing that steals our [ __ ] nope wrong hopefully there's another altar here that we can get rid of that one did we have we defeated 50 enemies yet probably not sometimes enemies drop meat good i like the cleaver we can get pocket grill now it'll always be grilled but your onions always be sauteed and your mushrooms always be grilled there's a counter i know but have we hit 50 yet for it to reset i don't think that we've hit 70 enemies so i'm gonna say no free food two keys and removes the curse use it drink it drink it drink it yes bro smart money all right i need to stop spending all my bombs it's worth it though i'm not sure how this meat is trapped in the rock but paid tribute i've never seen this before i just exploded this is just a tribute i couldn't remember the greatest song in the this world a tribute i don't have that much money we'll wait till like later runs and we have more money you guys quit booming just knock it off okay boomer it's always funny when people come in late too and then they start saying the jokes that i said like five hours ago leftovers find gross food and chests temporarily increase health get something for nothing i think that means we get like one free item in the shop 1200 is just like most of the items in the shop are like 300 how would i spay spend 1200 if i maybe if i could guarantee a really good item but [Music] like the pilfering i suppose maybe sale on bombs i want to say hi cizebodian be mods active in the chat judy judy's here got my new keys on pog looks so good wanna see him the baked bean keys freely draft i think doesn't let you get the pick you pay 1200 for me that's what i'm saying but you can just buy everything else to guarantee what uh item you want [Music] silver star membership for 800 get a discount at dibble's emporium yeah but the permanent upgrades are just going to be worth it here even if we die right now we still did something 420 blaze at health by the way [Music] bad potion could be good there's ways to wield everything did we not find another altar on this floor this is just a tribute to the greatest boss in the world all right yeah we no we didn't kill it oh no [Applause] what was this guy's name becky seth seth fight me sad dodge that for tune on your own butt seth [ __ ] whiff dude are you high seth got me spooched me spooge me baby and you'll see that i am not afraid but uh what was that problem that you made oh you're dead you're so dead though skrillex selt no it's seth they used to make it so all the gold would fall on the ground and then you had to go run around and pick it up and it was the best thing ever because there was a potion that allowed you to duplicate gold and there's also something called gold popcorn that anytime gold lands on the ground and has a chance of duplicating so it was just like gold gold gold gold i actually have a clip it's either on hotspot or huds2 of me breaking the game with 99999 gold [Music] picking it up was way better because you could break it they probably saw that that's the problem i'm like look at this fun i'm having with your game and then i like tag the game in there and there's probably some developer that's like oh i don't like that good five gold doubling potions and golden popcorn oh it's the curse it's the big curse it's the big dumb are we ready for that i like how we went from 420 health to 369 health background probably i would go for it i like getting feedback from what i'm working on so i figured i'd ask hudson chat what do you all think about an item for enter the gungeon that gives tiny stat increases for every enemy bullet on screen yeah i'm down for that maximum health when killing enemies get a free item in every shop thanks for the pads i'm gonna go max health here let's try the mushroom for three curse [Music] what were the curses increase the cost of shop items lose more gold on death and deal less throw damage so that's swing speed throw damage got it took [ __ ] from me so i'm gonna bust up your [ __ ] candles and stuff right all right nice belly button ring upside down question mark i roasted mallow by accident you're desperate server and i'm not proud of it and why are you announcing it to the world everyone should totally not go check out this hilarious thing that i totally did on accident we gotta hurry up i want to find those secret rooms oil slick boots not good with the firewalkers but i'll take him remind me not to pick up the well no wait with the firewalkers i'm immune right no i think the oil slick boots are the ones that are just bad in general because now if there is a fire the only way to redeem myself is to get the flame lockers [ __ ] i don't like the collages i have to put something down it's a trade it's a trade thing i like like the idea of not getting slow slowed down i'll be able to jump on oil and i also create oil when i jump but like i said if there's a room with fire we burn so i'll just leave it then that's fine simple uh easy uh duh did i say lucicle for 13 hello from nova scotia nice to catch a stream sorry i missed that 14 minutes ago welcome back people look out for uh secret rooms chat and by that i mean never mind this room is going to take so long we won't be able to finish it in time secret room right there though yeah and could you just kill it did you just kill it though how many times you got to smack this thing cigarettes off my secret rooms yes oh coming here in here though and getting uh already opened up chest is salty immolation potion blueprint oh it's not a secret realm we need to get the stick though it's pretty good it's all stats up hp swing damage and swing speed all stats up more curses [ __ ] it hurt me what do we think come on just go to it please doubles all costs holy [ __ ] that is horrible about four seconds left on the secret home finder show it to me stinger i'm in here no six keys for that holy wow talisman gets rid of a curse okay i took damage trying to get to that too i panicked like the pilfer did two keys to get that chest at that point in time i'm gonna say no to it which one did we get rid of swing speed i kind of just don't want to get that one i'm just gonna like not take more curse health cost alters i have no idea it's like ghostly hand pats and that'd be cool if i had like a special hand pat on this one that was like the ghostly hand that came out [Music] like a bomb pilfer i don't know how he dodged that it was amazing hot long time youtube viewer here just want to say thanks for making your content you've helped me out in some shitty times my friend i can help lazarus lazarus boubini i really want to get rid of that uh double cost no swing damage or throw damage rather complaining about not having enough money and then we get that doubles my costs we can buy some talismans or find some talismans please stir by lucky 33 that moment when you forget the last to sub last month with your twitch prime by the way use your twitch prime on huts let's greg fighters can rot in [ __ ] house we have very very underwhelming shots 80 damage for a swing and like 20 damage for a shot that was 50 so that wasn't so bad comes over dude shooting me the purple that's what we can use to like buy the new upgrades still argue about pineapple pizza as long as we stop talking about the uh whatever the [ __ ] things spaghettios grief's point of armor two keys for 2 000 is just oh my god when healed heal again catalyst pretty sure you heal for like 30 and then you get like one extra on top of it could be good if i got like pick up coins and he'll found one secret spaghettio pizza you shut your mouth pizza flavored spaghettios how about pizza goldfish flavor blasted yay like i'm pretty sure that i can comfortably say i don't like the taste of pizza flavored goldfish but i will eat them and i won't stop eating them like it's a weird thing like i'm pretty sure they're not good but i can't stop chance to chain lightning on hit that's pretty good look for those secret rooms oh my god i'm just getting demolished i don't know what i'm supposed to do here i was [ __ ] up dude it's double the cost even the key rooms are double the cost i probably should go in there honestly because i could pray and hopefully get rid of it but you hit those guys when they're zapping you get hurt no please get rid of it 200 health ah i've got 300 health didn't get rid of it i literally i don't have enough keys to get into another room great run ended just like that the game completely [ __ ] me right down the throat i can't even get that i'm gonna die if i try oh me oh my hmm health costs as well worst cars i've ever seen i don't think it gets worse than that stop [ __ ] shocking old [ __ ] head cook that steak so programmed to want to like dodge that the hand that comes out that is what stake behind two key thing yeah right how do you sleep at night gee what's up one bomb for three you think there's gonna be a secret mop this got a feeling i'm hooked on a feeling i'm how i'm leaving i honestly should have blown up that bomb first that would have told me that it was there but i didn't see it until after the fact 80 for that [Music] pretty good pretty good stuff yeah should we go to the shop where they're going to gouge my eyeballs out with a fork talisman please [Music] regenerate health over time control sweat [Music] to the sweat drip from my balls my balls skeet skeet my balls keep saved by myself bruh give me the goods baby oh yeah hyper stone bruh how deep is your brian how hyper is your stone luck power is serious everything i needed to get i think so looks pretty good to me back up to 359 health look at me i turn it around because how deep is your love so tell me how am i supposed to brine without you it's an acid stone i haven't seen one of those i'm afraid to break it because i don't want to poison myself alright secret room secret room secret rooms chat held one two punch brine me baby one more time briny [ __ ] bro the secrets hear me how am i supposed to blow without you give me that fish pilfer get out of my way why did i spend my points on this you guys asked for more stuff dog brindly dog engine like that aura crafted the blacksmith and a bomb i could bomb into this room without using a key oh my oh me and my item room yo bomb upgrade [Music] rook bomb thanks to the pats those things apply a poisonous effect to me they're stealing my [ __ ] where'd that [ __ ] even why was that on the floor bro what the heck where is this ghost where's it coming from ah someone broke open my thing for me oh you know what the flame did it bomb upgrades snore yeah i'm gonna go ahead and just pray away this last one i want to be in full control of my curses at this point in time so if i get one that's really bad i don't have to like 50 50 get rid of it i can just get rid of it tell me how am i supposed to brine without you straight the zubats it's straight on sun look at me with six the big boy i bounced off of him trampoline boy there's gold in the wall did i miss gold in the wall looking like a fool with the gold in the wall i mean with those bomb upgrades that was the biggest bomb explosion i've ever seen in my entire life how was i supposed to get rid of that how was i supposed to dodge it huh huh hack big boom it would have been perfect that someone had queued up a boom chat sleeping drop two potions for 900. i suppose one could be good two could be good there it is what's the delay in that sucker so tell me how am i supposed to burn without you i'm gonna try it out see what we get drop bombs continuously and temporarily increase my health we're gonna do this again let's do the one first and then drop bombs we lost most of our health last time we did this and they're not upgraded bombs thankfully just keep jumping just keep jumping this could be incredibly helpful if i was able to actually find some secrets with it one bomb per room is all it takes to oh we already bombed this room to uncover the secret room so towel has been right there baby oh we don't have a curse of course of course of course of course we find a talisman without a curse can i store it for later stuff at one of my bottles like noida you just dump the stuff out there's a five second delay that's not bad [Music] i'm gonna buy this stuff in here it's real at this point in time that's real cheap for being able to play the game [Music] did everything probably one more secret i have a feeling i'm not kind of feeling i'm i'm pretty high on believing you know what with two bombs i'm just gonna save it i'm hooked on your mom i'm high on your mom [Music] your mom's in love with me boom butterman prime sub what's up butterman uh one key for this very confusing because they normally have like little key slots that was like a big key slot i wonder if i could have gotten both sides with one bomb there hear me how am i supposed to live without you i'll increase attack speed i'm out of bombs may have hit both maybe but if i hit neither none of them i would have not forgiven myself secret i'm up there okay i thought maybe i could light my torch or my pickaxe on the torch and i ended up just putting it out if you feel if we if we free of fire for v5 unique new york if we see a fire stone we can get fire damage and go light that thing jesus english why mouth work speak to me words oh firestone look at that haha if we via fire phone let's go let's do it let's split split splits we got what where does it say certain amount of time i can't see how much time left we have chests have key holes it means they cost you a key to open them every single chest looks like it has a keyhole though that's the thing it's just a really big keyhole that's a really even big big one it's a big big big fig give me bombs that's a ham sir juice would you [ __ ] get back you dirty [ __ ] well zero key zero bombs the way i like to go out feeling good yup how am i supposed to brine without you it's reaching a point where sweetie wolf girl is actually concerning me that's a lot of money that you just put on the ground great i'd love to have to walk through fire flames to get to it oh perfect gotta love how uh fire towers they've seemingly existed in these rooms for the entire time that this castle's been built which it does look pretty worn-ish so let's just say like roughly a thousand years it waits until i come into the room to be like oh by the way that wall now crumbles and gold speeds out of it just now sure yeah okay what if i did increase bomb size and we just go all out if it gave me a bomb when i did that it would be more worth it [Music] i'd say curse is receive more damage i feel like there's a secret off this maybe not there might only be secret rooms off of secrets at this point there might not be three secret rooms i don't know if the whatever ursa mine i think does that but we'll be able to blow up four torches and four statues to potentially get some more keys two secret rooms from that's that one secret room you could probably bomb them both once again the left side of that secret room is not a secret room it is this room we're in now it's just saying it's a bombable wall by the way that leads into a secret room so you can't just test where the secret rooms are like in isaac but yeah i know you're right there is a secret room on the top wait no it's not a secret room once again it's a bombable wall and you can look at the map right now and it says there's a doorway that you get in there for free it's not even a key door so no yeah nanny yep yep yep yep i need some keys bro confusing game i mean it's pretty straightforward if you know you do what i just said there are very specific rules you know the rules and so do i and they'll just wait for the hand to take care of it psych ow ow ow ow ow come out telemats i'm never gonna give you up never gonna take it to a secret room never gonna turn around and give you a secret room mouse and a locked shop that's what i say to you good sir what's that you don't have any keys lock the shop nope not gonna get away around that nope can't get the idler room can't get the shop ben thai is what i was thinking of i don't even i'm not gonna ask not asking discover the secret shop i didn't even know that we got that let's get the secret shop then we can buy a key key ring please oh goblet [Applause] consume 25 health drop drops items and sometimes another blood chalice [Music] okay if you die you don't make that jump that's pretty good too thanks for the boom guys i got my key ring and then i'll see how bomb and let's use our blood chalice bruh i'm glad that i bought the 900 curse removal just to get a talisman on the floor really good oh god why can't i just keep me in my pocket for later never named working on a couple huge projects for gungeon right now some people in chat might have seen it because i post screenshots and huts discord but i'm making a gun that mimics the gun of enemies you kill and fully and making fully custom forms for enemies that don't carry guns i'm also making an item that brings bullet upgrades to life at the at little companions and individually animating and tailoring each one this sounds like very good i can't wait to try it that sounds sweet this compass count [Music] another holy water holy water is a talisman that i can keep in my pocket so overstocks the shop i don't know maybe i'm spending all my money again this is increased experience gain for the familiar he's almost max level that wouldn't make any sense i i never think that cosmic egg makes any sense because you get the thing leveled up by like halfway through the game if i had like up to level six or like if he could just continually upgrade right even if it was just for small increases even if it was just the number that made it higher i'd still be happier like bro we got level 10 [Music] work with me here bro secret shop should get more too as well two as well also words lunch box store a piece of food for later that's just trash i want to store my talisman in the lunch box can i do that retro what's up it could be nice if you get to floor it on what floor one right never really any other time i always pitched it would be a neat it would be neat if it added a level four this guy knows what he's talking about i feel like i come up with such cool ideas by the way still have the blood chalice um i come up with a lot of good ideas and they just fall on deaf ears got a gungeon modder in chat though increased damage when killing enemies also another problem here is that i come up with really good ideas and then i list them off when i think about them and that experience of like putting it out there into the world and not like down on paper like i get rid of it like i remove it from my brain and then like what were those good ideas you had and i'm like i don't [ __ ] know go watch my old videos who did a thing bacon was taken nine months but baby hell yeah appreciate that we should not be risking this before the boss just simply put i suppose i'll just buy some health [Music] and i'll keep it for later i mean a few things is happy fox i'm a terraria modder i love that game terraria is fun it was not necessarily oops i meant to go to the secret shop it's not necessarily it wasn't conducive to my backseat game series at all not even a little bit that's not how you pronounce it terraria terraria little hint no one cares how to pronounce it besides you i care as much between terraria and terraria and the people who care about that as i do the people who care about the difference between coke and pepsi about the same and if you remember my 10 minute rant earlier today it gives you some idea never named again hey hats if you do have any ideas i'm all ears all right once again like i said i i can't think of them off the top of my head but i know i've had some really dynamite ideas and it sounds like you have enough skill that you could pull them off because a lot of times i feel like i asked for things that just can't happen focus the arms or not can they change how this fight works oh my god that's fast why is that so fast sir could you chase you're a hacker it's like you can't break the arms anymore you used to be able to break the arms is that it i think that's it also if i have the ability to static shock and i create a static shock in doing so can we just please say that i'm immune to static shock get the balls hit the balls you gotta get the golem and the balls haha i said balls like i just got static shocked there it came from my it from me if i'm generating static shock you know please say that i'm like immune to it we did well though it went really well let's see how you know retro i don't know if you know retro you probably do never named plays uh blazed played fair amount of uh gungeon as well probably has some really good ideas bones going off check the map i'm pretty comfortable i know never named indeed good boy no i don't know why i mean i said it and i was like you guys know each other what am i doing retro's the cool died pretty cool died i'd say [Music] sometimes a cool dude as much as his cool died though we're actually lovers from a dangerous space time it is kind of a dangerous space time i mean we're we exist in space so i'm not sure in what case we it wouldn't be a space time i'm gonna yeah let's rook this we really we need to focus more on just blitzing the rooms i keep saying that and then i don't blitz the rooms but we have a timer here battle axe and my axe wait did that say swing damage down excuse me increase swing size but decrease swing day funny funny how trading on a pickaxe for a giant battle axe gives you less damage you know what it is it's less dps because it takes so long to swing it and instead of just like having it take longer to swing it they're like ah we'll just keep swinging the pickaxe even though it's a different weapon that you're using we'll just normalize the tip i'll come back oh there's a secret i'm over there uh if i bomb i'm not gonna kill him we know the secret room zero we'll come back for the secret room too there's also a um a thing in the corner we'll hit one more room looks like oh [ __ ] you i made it that's going to show me who the secret is anyways whatever oh jesus oh gosh i can't get home okay thank you heavens sky stake is it the sky if we're like in like the 17th basement no somebody like dropped it from like like a hole like this [Music] there's nothing sky about it and you know what it's not a secret room chug that chalice boy i'm not ready that guy teleported on top of spikes silly okay i'm really liking the uh the distance though of these swings [Music] let's go for a swing build then yeah increase the damage of this again oh [ __ ] oil i didn't see it you know we had a chance for the uh the galoshes and the galoshes are just trash seasoned popcorn it says worth it [Music] and that we have one of those already there's nothing expensive in this besides that and i'll just get it back and i'd be huge [ __ ] waste by the bombs should be blood chalice at this point probably [Music] reroll and drink [Music] [Applause] um well let's go for a curse then [Music] chug chug chug maybe we should go back and tip that boy it's like no amount that i'm to tip them though is going to do anything like that shrine that we saw earlier and i put 100 in there and it was like what do you want me to do with this what a horrible stimulus check groceries cost 600. dark salad bar darth salad bar thanks four months welcome back all right what do you say my name is tus a humble traveling bard that doesn't leave this room literally locked in the room with bombs just completely walled in how are you traveling sir would you like to hear my music i am quite the strongest also not as humble as that original claims your generosity knows no bounds okay maybe i did do something there tfm 8789 he's a kobold they seduce the dragon [Music] i'm exhausted couldn't hire somebody to actually make a song never have i ever poured myself into a performance like that they need to hire the guys from uh what's that studio the haiti studio little giant game something no music yeah about it he didn't even do anything for me [ __ ] you both times the purple fire is a cursed fire i can get items from it oh you know what yeah maybe we should do that because then we can get the curse i'll see if there's a different way to get a curse but i should not have activated that not bad goodness said that okay the little green ground guy just totally demolished him though just wrecked them [Music] let's talk to this guy first before i accidentally hit him good stuff man three keys in this one room oh we have a level three birdo too and he's just ripping it this feels like secret room to me here [Music] consume the chalice at 243 health no i don't know if it takes 25 of my current health or 25 of my max health only one way to find out i'm gonna bomb these sounds incredibly worth it got my key back for that that's amazing super worth it nothing more worth it than that 25 max cyclonic serum temporarily increases your throw size [Music] ladies [Music] as max max health can kill you seem like a better source of purse here i really want the gold but i'm going to go with the swing damage here dude [Music] you know for 50 health i think we could just reroll this well wait it doesn't give me new items [Music] so i say well i don't know we can still do it we're still in poison remove curse deal damage [Music] now all right blood chalice is gone you know what maybe i'll use this that's not what i thought was going to be free boom time is at 7 30. [Music] yikes all of my money all my health guys think my bird and my bush there's probably a secret i'm off of one of these secret rooms doppelganger potion i have not used one yet so maybe we'll just double up on the boss wait was there a secret mouth this no how are the uh channel points going guys can't be off that room i didn't see anything off this road we could get a third doppelganger potion [Music] bruh [Music] we would have seen it had it been this room good 4 000 still i knew that you guys would be suckered into it ah that's the third [ __ ] time ah i'm so mad at myself best trap that's the best trap that's ever existed in any video game ever the trap is gonna get a [ __ ] promotion i'm gonna come back there's gonna be like a golden medal around the trap it's bossing around smaller other traps trap supervisor now loving a freak 16 months 35 total welcome back [Music] trap is just a complete [ __ ] trapped wife's excited about the extra income but not how much is trained change the trap very nice if you expose that secret room for me let's let's blood splits oh gosh i forgot that happened oh bro with the ah it's poisonous oh we're fine i guess healing is more effective faster swing speed that sounds nice swing build baby that slower swing speed decrease swing speed that's just that's classic comedy [ __ ] boom dude i'm trying to get that explosion barrel got the food drops so good so good so good and i got it that's the third dog this run the best run ever [Music] and a free key but bruh that's a that's a normal it's a locked room over there i'll use a key that's fine what is this toolbox kurt stash uh if i can get like 10 curses after this or something at like yeah 10 explodes and a bunch of fanfare no it's well give me like a bunch of items if i can get 10 curses i don't like the assassin he's got ah oh you got to kill their head once it comes off [ __ ] you i'm trying to jump over here do i was that oil no shop [Music] onion suit blast suit and vulnerable to friendly bomb blasts and increased bomb damage [Music] i love that spanish pronunciation cuantes drops gold continue hey pocket grill that's probably worth it spreading all my [ __ ] but whatever like that that [Applause] i'm a money spender okay [Music] i'm the opposite in real life i save like nobody's business oh my god dark souls reference thanks didn't realize that onion knight was a thing dark souls fan base is definitely not shoved that down my throat or the praise the sun thing that too sassy for you sorry kaboom sassy hats goes boom almost worth it to blow this up give me a bomb back pretty good happy just backtracking because we were blitzing i know we left some stuff behind i think i already got it you should play it dark souls chad you want to tell him or should i so i can see you rage here i am being like salty that like nobody watched my dark souls let's play and then i see [ __ ] like this is it a marketing issue probably a marketing issue [Music] you should uh play mario party 4. you're kidding right you should really check youtube man kapow you should play under mine classic comedy funny chat is funny getting screwed over here on the bomb drops you know we did find two secret arms already i think that's probably it [Music] [Music] you should play hades you should play rescue restaurant play binding of isaac that's why i laugh when i'm like i really think it's funny ring of pain he was just napping he was down for the long nap okay remember we said we're gonna blitz every time then what do i not do do i not do chat i don't know how but i think this is your fault makes it easier for me to just blame you you should play let's dance you're kidding right i put out so many let's dance videos i think there maybe could be a secret i'm off of a locked room keyblade you nice if i had more freaking keys damage up for every key i have you know i'm a let's dance developer right you know this started as a let's dance channel right nice shot buddy never named underbeds a serious suggestion for you for a game that you might enjoy is wapo it's an amazingly adorable story-driven game with brilliant art style and world is one of the only games i've played where world genuinely felt alive around me and the city was actually bustling metropolis and not a bundle of static npcs i love that game and will recommend it to anyone who will listen it also has great music kind of art style is it a lot of stuff going on there as well as a secret room [Music] chunk of gold there um i think that our secret room thing might have ran out by the time we walked in that room so there still could be secrets out that room ram chest yes did i get more gold than i spent it's debatable i i need a curse thing now there's like one cursed potion and two talismans give it to me now there's one right through here give it to me baby faster swing speed or swing damage let's do swing speed how to describe the art style without just showing like why our style but also like is it top down is it first person is it you know is it pixelated is it you know is it like uh what's that rpg maker kind of style hand drawn scratchiness wobbliness to it but it still managed to look clean with an appealing stylization [Music] meal ticket free food right now i might buy this it's not the right time to use this but i'm oh god the bird is so good at collecting it ah one of them got away that should have bombed the cart buy this because i know i'm gonna go for kurt stash here we're gonna go hard on the uh the stuff you know the things [Music] side-scrolling platform rpg with elements of shooting and puzzle solving got it i'll check it out [Music] steam okay but just like before i do go there and check it out be honest with me never named is it a hentai game [Music] yeah it's on steam is that the first time that we saw my popcorn happen i think so it just doubled the food extremely wholesome you mean full of holes that would you mean by wholesome never named be honest with me i'm asking for your honesty here will you put this on youtube now i'm going to post it to my tumblr which is also where i keep all of my if that what it was is that how i say that word awesome or wholesome you literally increase your max hp by doing things that make you happy like taking a long relaxing bath or eating cake that's cool because i'm increasing my max health by murder right now but taking a bath is it you know censored went from concerning to like first chest i'm in master swing speed and swing damage yeah buddy swing game oh there's another one right here look at this we got all three of our curses here oh more bombs poison potion i'm just going to go ahead and pop this quick oh you know we should look at our thing we could have gotten rid of it first before we went on swing speed would be bad chests are sometimes empty that's pretty bad too oh no it doesn't matter we're gonna get rid of both right do i listen to myself when i talk no float potion uh these are all like pretty okay great chance maybe should have been the one i kept but what's up oppo looks nice just grab it as cute [Music] not a roguelike though right my next two roguelike reviews are going to be mobile roguelikes and then adorable roguelikes pump up the cuteness genuinely mean this when i say it weapo is one of the cutest games i've ever played and while i wouldn't say it's a game for children you could easily give it to a child and not have any concerns boom [Music] juicy realm i don't think juicy realm will be on there since i've already covered it it's not gonna recover it but yeah it's pretty cute i guess i need to wait till they cook man jump in the gun here gun in the jump but it's cute i'm agreeing with you there's my golden popcorn i just i have to say i i yes and now we have a synergy caramel popcorn which of course duplicates food packs duplicated food packs a surprise does that mean i don't have gold popcorn anymore did you take that away from me and then you traded it for caramel popcorn come back for ages too i just got a bliss for the secret rooms let's blitz me baby and you'll see that i am not afraid of a [Music] bow was that promise that you made about the food both relics are still active good good good i don't know if that's gonna be secret just go blitz it was it totally was [Music] level three bird he just stole that pill for stuff dude guys so good my favorite it totally bombed into the other room and bombs are too precious i'm immune to my own bombs i gotta remember that if we could if we could bomb i'm definitely gonna keep rook bomb here uh if we could bomb the the boss do some real damage i feel like i'm gonna get something here fair enough why are we blitzing we have like 30 seconds um every floor to have secret rooms automatically shown to me probably more like a minute 30 seconds i don't know two minutes maybe it's 20 minutes i don't know i'm a dog i can't i think i can tell what minutes are look at my health man i need more blood chalices bell the potato what is up 51 total i've come i love coming in the chat and flexing my 51 months hope you're doing well huds i hope you're doing well as well well well well oh it was a mimic i wasn't even trying to hit it talismans god this is set up so nicely for my kirk's kazakh i mean my curt stash thanks for the pats the way belle you can pout my head now i just know personally that's something that you've always wanted to do oh and you can blow me up all right ages meet increased defense critical health could definitely keep me alive later and another remove curse posh let's do it expensive we're spending all of our money but i'm hoping i'm playing the long game here feels like you're playing the forgotten tiny um boss time i have never seen that before what is it oh he's a bomb he's a bomb maker bomb maker bomb maker make me a bomb find me a dynamite [Music] catch me a catch um i got nothing had potential then i ruined it dad's demonic hand is so good meat cleaver is so good and all this food okay they landed on me that time okay okay [Music] there's a fake fake dude up in the corner by the way smoked them out uh enough bombs went off on this floor that we can tell there's no secret room off of this could be a secret shop or a crawl space though under the rocks excuse me i only found we did find two secret homes but one of the secret rooms was a secret i'm off a secret room so i feel like there's still one more to be found maybe can't be there it could be here i guess i want to say there was a bomb that went off in this room though too can we just get a curse there's nowhere to get a curse i don't think [Music] to use up the talisman on the floor rip gold food was one of them gold the duplicated thing i miss it the gold stake is it gone if i leave every time you kill somebody gains one max hp well there could be one more secret that could give his curse not a secret realm it's not a secret realm of a secret room right i don't know if we ever tried bomb in this room did what i can do you do this [Music] so the bird auto collects it okay and then it did gave me the gold doubles your bombs bro great let's find that secret [Applause] there might not be more booms might not be a secret i guess we were already in this room so i feel like it would have shown me if it was in this room but i don't know maybe doesn't always get it spooky loops seven months what's up spooky loops welcome back i think it can be off this room almost missed it check it out very nice what's that fury potion fireballs and the next time you would take damage that much you gain health let's just take that now i'm assuming that lasts throughout the floor we'll go get our talisman what's that curse i don't even know what it is healing is less effective looks different [Music] cool you guys ready for boss fight pretty well we have six curses left before kurt stash pays out stroke of luck will get us both one at the same time bose fight got a yamaha fight exposed is that my hand or your hands whose hand that's gonna be confusing ten dollars from spooky loops hey hot thanks for everything thank you for being generous my friend i walked into that one we are just we got we got the damage like arby's has the meat we've got the damage right now i don't even see did you see his hand come out of his face no no one did liar there's extra range right now ah it's phenomenal oh i don't even see his curse balls but you know what we can just farm up the curt's stash right now i don't necessarily want to do it you know when we don't have the ability but we have to be able to get rid of one of them okay that those are both throw related i think which is fine we can keep those no gold on death and throw damage does that take more damage receive more damage yeah oh and then we get punched in the neck almost over though man that's tough you can't see his arms coming out behind him three more curses for kurt's stash and when i look down i got punched oh i do you can't see it when it's behind him man ah i'm gonna wait on the curse and i don't wanna i don't wanna farm him right now it's gonna end the boss fight early they should apply they should come up over his his uh sprite not behind him i'm taking so much damage that i can't even see man that was nuts it was not good for me boom gauzers ah barely pulled that one out of my butthole get all our steaks we're gonna steak night we're gonna eat it right steak is such a treat it is the world's best meat back up to half which is like double starting health so look pretty okay about that oh an ambulance but not for me [Music] you ready to go [Music] i prefer my beef in barbecue brisket form that's probably the snootiest thing i've ever heard all night i only like my meat and a barbecue slow roasted brisket that hasn't been slow roasted for 14 hours i will not touch it this is a mind room i'm mine hey flight boots well there goes the need for this float potion [Music] oh wow level three canary's like my favorite he just threw that pilfer that's splatted and then reformed wait till it cooks bro 14 hours [Music] you guys looking for secret rooms i'm not ah okay i'm dying secret room right there [Music] uh three keys to get to a chest to use three keys and another chest to use one key oh there's multiple bomb spots though this rook bomb route will really rip through it because here i go again on my own going down the only road out alone get out of here the service we have one curse to take more damage and we have three more curses to go for kurt [Music] cryos here what's up you can cook chicken so many different ways i had beer can chicken for the first time went to like a fancy restaurant okay that hurt me in the face sir nothing shielding him i might be shielding them and uh we were all ordering things and one of my friends has gotten a stage in his life where he's just trying a bunch of new [ __ ] i'm like dude you got to try that beer can chicken it even said it was like one of their number one items on the in the menu and then he asked the the lady that was waiting on us and she also recommended that and i'm like yeah hell yeah ended up being the best thing that any of us had if there's something that a restaurant says is really good and the wait staff say is really good it's probably really good like even if it's not the the waitress's favorite she knows that a lot of people have said good things about it or you know 150 for that i might just go for more curse receive less damage haha [Music] more swing damage i'm gonna go with less damage taken fortitude fort my tude dude bourbon chicken every new restaurant i go to i get the same thing chicken strips and fries you already know what i'm about to say i don't even have to say it i used to live life like you my friend such a lonely bland part of my life swap your items around so we would have five keys instead of five bombs i can keep that in my back pocket i would like another key for this though let's go to the shop yeah look at that i had like no money and i was spending like i don't know 4 000 per shop and now i've got 40 000 gold bruh i'm scared of new things worst case scenario belle you didn't like your meal but have you ever gone out and you had chicken fingers and fries and you're like i didn't really enjoy my meal because they're not as good as you know let's say i don't know tgi friday's chicken fingers you already have a favorite chicken finger in your mind and you're just setting yourself up for disappointment every time instead of like hey wow i actually i ordered the you know i don't know something else the western burger it was so good [Music] olive garden has the best chicken fingers says feliz sima if i go to like an italian food place or a mexican food place i'll get something special there but like denny's oh well yeah i mean the denny's is denny's no objection to that nothing wrong with that but yeah get your [ __ ] chicken fingers should be going to denny's just give it all to me [Music] [Applause] could be good what am i sitting on right now swap my items around yeah and fireballs nobody cares about fireballs people like will ask me things like hey that's what's your favorite meal or like what's your favorite beer literally every time that i go into a restaurant or a liquor store or whatever the hell place i always buy something new i rarely ever buy the same thing twice i'm just checking for secret rooms so i like i can't even say what my favorite thing is and you know what i don't even like the favorite question anyways [Music] leads me to be like hey i don't know but i did try this one thing and it was really good like oh you know i know you like coffee there's a coffee stout that i had you should try and like oh wow that's really interesting i'm like you always have fun things to talk about i'm like i know right [Music] i miss going to denny's i think i've been to denny's a total time a total of like maybe two times in my life i've been at perkins like 50 plus so what am i doing i'm just bumming around looking for the exit i missed it it's over here coffee is trash this empire coffee beer and wine are all trash until you're like coffee beer and wine of the best thing ever it's it's like one of the other potions though bro oh that's right the curse boy i'm probably gonna do it but yikes i tried escargot once it was okay i resist that temptation i go for soda i resist the temptation of soda dope what is this find a small box in big boxes and throwing pickaxe summons lightning on hit [Music] mjolnir oh dark pilfer hey look at that though we got uh talismans we still have dark pilfer purge potion dark pill for gum baby what's this other one decrease the amount of gold received well i already have buffed that by one so uh swap your item potion drop gold continuously what if i just pop that now there are pilfers in here that's dumb okay me owner is if i throw it because i'm just i'm not we didn't do a throw build but that's super cool so like you know temporarily increase throw damage yeah bar throw damage and swing damage all right all right we did well there we did well there we only have one curse left kurt stash done we honestly we could go either way now we can swing and we can throw as we please and i might actually keep whoa 16 bombs bro um i'm not using my doppelbach throw damage and ambush key bump infused key bomb it might even be the right thing to do to swap things right now and i'll get that sexy boost from the key ring um yeah let's do it 16 keys i really like the bombs and i'd like to use them on the boss fight but just get a 32 bonus damage thing right now it's like plus 50 damage okay good and i'll take the fireball thing in case there's the room where you can light the torch for secrets it's 3am i'm going to bed it's 3am i must be lonely i cannot help but be scared to be alone sometimes and the rain's gonna wash away i believe in yeah thanks to the pets ouch [ __ ] this rum all of my health right there just all of it the whole thing all kitten caboodle just gone and then back again a story by bilbo baggins it's 3 am i must be lonely it must be lonely what happens she says baby bro this caramel popcorn is working out very nicely in this floor i cannot help but be scared to be alone sometimes and the rain's you guys name that uh song more damage in your crit strike we kind of have like half of a crit build going to um moons mcsparkle what's up 23. appreciate that dad guess who is streaming it's one of those awkward moments where you tell me somebody else is streaming are you trying to say that i'm streaming there's heaven she says baby okay let's keep it moving 3am matchbox 20. i'm making shields having the thing making shields baby it's so 90s it's like the most 90s thing that's ever 90s and i did just say 90s did get rid of this curse [Music] 750 let's see if we get this money back if we hit four four four three five something like that it doesn't seem like we get more gold though per floor maybe we do i'm seeing a lot okay i'm seeing some large chunks in there okay okay what happens she says baby [Music] 650 there cigar i'm off the secret what do you think i don't want to waste my bombs any flash games you will miss after flash is retired this month i played some old flash games on my channel before probably those [Music] go to the small room first not the with the spikes though well maybe the spikes would deter the pilfers that worked out pretty well did i get my money back it seemed like i just got my money back [Music] [Applause] worth it gold rock gold rock where speedrum not that one there's a gold rock in the secret room okay look at those shaders man look at that ray tracing bro [Music] [Music] oh no that's the same thing [Music] the same no [Music] also no it's boss fight already [Music] no it's not kiddo how do i do that oh i have to pull the nut okay chris's experience came from a familiar which is completely wasted on a level three dude sweet good stuff i don't even want more curses at this point in time i think i'm just ready to go give health to maybe get health back what a deal one more secret room somewhere did we miss it hold the lever cronk hit him on the head i feel like we blitzed through so i don't know i don't understand how we missed it secret in the secret yeah it's probably worth a try [Music] there's a golden spot here to get both those walls golden spot to miss both of them too no nothing [Applause] i would say there's like an 85 chance it's right there but it would have shown in the other room too though maybe there i'm leaving [Music] two secrets per floor circumstance might spawn secret in secrets 100 there is one more no i know bull carp six months we back from bct boys cannot help but be scared to be alone sometimes snow's gonna wash away i believe in what do we want take less damage swing speed down secret emboss rumble secret in secret 3am i must be lonely [ __ ] lonely right that is bull crap not bull carp sorry well [Music] oh nothing if i didn't find that room first we could have gotten the double duty oh secret room right there i could have gotten triple duty i'll pay attention man [Music] there's a heaven perfect timing on the talisman very nice that's just the key kia yeah look at the golden fish i've got the golden tickets i'm walking through the guy's laser i'm not even seeing the laser so much going on i tuned out to the laser frequency [Music] got the golden chance to something something dang think about picking up dead by daylight again i i really just don't enjoy that kind of pvp high stress i don't like it the game is hot right now which one chat left middle right middle right middle middle left down we got a comedian hollywood we got him best comedian right here see a lot of middle okay all meds are banned and left our superband ban them all saying the same thing he'd been saying for hours ban them all chatty lannister ninety percent of chess band sucks to suck wet blanket put out fires immediately but requires water charge hey summon kit keep all your gold and you die that's assuming i'm going to die [Music] it might be a good well with this much max health i feel like we should be able to pull it out but just in case we don't there is a whole new area i don't know if it's like after the final boss is another final boss or if there's like a choice between different areas if it's a random thing i have no idea how to proc it dark nine total butt baby welcome back let me get a reroll action on that [Music] we have spike stomp boots yes i'll take some of that drop some protein we might get the gold back just from the caramel popcorn let's say you i'll i'll hold on to it i'll hold on to it thanks for the pats [Music] duplicate all the food in the room that would go well with this but it would also just go well right now [Music] yo not that much money that you get from the caramel popcorn but you know what still pretty good the damage up to buy the keys so why not look at me at full health wish this game had more synergies deal more swing damage at high health i've got very high health we got high hopes for a living we got all the secret rooms and we're ready to go new area with new boss beyond shadow boss beyond thunder dome shadow boss you mean hydra [Music] dodge that would have on the secret might have been there blitz faster go go don't come near me swings are popping right now i'm not seeing anything immunity to fire i think no salamander tail is just i light things on fire i don't think i'm immune to fire though with salamander tail i gotta add the fire boots for that not seeing any secret rums bowse from here no how many levels are there all all of them there's a lot well maybe 10 seconds left on the secret room finder could be off the shop probably out the shop it's probably off the other room up there chet show me something there we go [Applause] [Music] increase bomb size i mean i'm not worried about my bomb size but i guess i wouldn't mind it being a little bit bigger what is that bombs kill bomb kills permanently increased bomb damage man if there was ever a time to use them offensively we just need to get more well yeah well we can go ahead and swap it out again thinking we might do that then i'll buy keys back [Music] head pad who's pat why is he on my head [Music] [Applause] [Music] rip keyblade damage totally but uh bomb damage but the bomb damage though really thought that was going to be a singer about that exactly exactly chat you're correct maybe we did cross a cigar earlier and i just didn't see it fast enough like on this room or something hey hot it's my five month anniversary is rabid awesome if you're wondering like if you if you try to say that it should have shown up but it didn't maybe you missed the share button maybe we'd announce that no one complimented my parody i like big bombs and i cannot lie yes excellent comedy exquisite look at these guys ow jerks you shall not see okay there is a choice of which way to go down we want to go to pilferville i didn't mean to eat that for one health this is the normal way we don't want to go there we want to go to pilferville hill village do we have to fight this boss still i don't think they said anything to me you speak no i don't want to punch him because sometimes you punch the guards and they go into super mode pilfer i hardly know her all right this used to be the final boss right unless there's another one after this even hail hydra okay ow oh oh yep that was pain easy i've got flight boots so we can do that thing where we stand behind them but i'm pretty sure that uh they stop people from just cheesing it remember last time i went back there i got real ham sauced but it's just worried it's nice not to have to worry about falling down the holes oh gosh they'd stand in the middle they don't move the the stupid guys ah jeez they don't even have my range what is this nonsense jumps though well that was like the the dumbest thing i think i've seen absolute waste why am i dying got him i got him is this learning hydra's rest i don't think he was resting he she they it oh you're right salamander boss i forgot that one so it wants me to go to the salamander boss what happens if i try to go to the pilfer boss there might have been some sort of like activation that i needed to know some way to get in there or maybe they'll be like holy [ __ ] you killed the hydra let's let you in this dude's crazy what do i gotta do who's dick do i gotta suck the pilfer doesn't speak but strongly indicates that you should stop as you stare into the pill for his eyes you get the impression it is trying to tell you something it indicates towards its head and its mouth seems to form the word more it could be referring to gold i need more gold to get in is that it i need to have are you that's not working okay i can't fight them i i have a ton of gold there's local pilfs in your area [Music] need to let pilfers take enough gold and that could be it maybe they need to steal enough gold throughout the run i can't give them my gold blow them up see now that is the kind of thing like chat needs to do more of right there with the good timing maybe they need 100k i don't know [Music] like 100k gold like maybe a lot to wait for a different run then i don't know man rip the new contents hey guys just some new content that you won't be able to view good test the bomb theory we have wikis this is on uh this is brand new stuff it's on beta branch it's not even on the normal thing so i doubt it would even be on the wiki that pilfers tastes like lime jelly maybe i'm jello [ __ ] is lime jelly [Music] that one again decrease the amount of gold received oh probably tastes good these gold chunks are very satisfying looking very clean and confirm not on the wiki we're blazing new trails you guys okay i guess i'll die oh yep one good one good one try to juke him he juked me if those guys would have let me in depending on how much gold i spent in their shop you know they should have let me in for sure shrapnel friendly bomb blast fire projectiles um oh we i totally forgot about using bombs offensively derpader i don't know if this is a bomb upgrade i think it tells you if it's a bomb upgrade does it not unique bomb relic so this is not a unique bomb relico so it won't take the place of my rook bombs [Music] [ __ ] of all these mopes ain't gonna know what hit him blood chalice don't mind if i do that's so much health that it takes away from me and it's that it's gone already and it's gone milk absolution if you have exactly five curses removes five curses that's pretty good pretty expensive though okay sweet that's real good that's the spiciest bomb i've ever seen that is made of pure spice get out of here pilfer hey nice we got the stuff back plus steak plus secret room only had bond this side okay more one and done did though this is perfect bro key blade coming back baby 16 extra damage per hit when i'm doing it like normally 125 is not bad it's not nothing definitely a lot when i'm talking about doing like 50 60 damage on my throw very significant my mu owner [Music] [Music] oh you're immune to bombs huts my bombs i'm still going to walk away from them and not get like i said get in the habit you know i've said that so many times habits are important i just pretend like i am still uh going to take damage good habit oh the lava my bad increase health good because it was really low my max health glad to have it probably some good [ __ ] food [Music] you son of a [ __ ] kaboom perfectly timed chat perfectly timed nova drift or noida next uh sleep next probably or uh working on my house next probably we're done here this music though [Music] kill with bombs maybe i'll save them for the boss though canary just rips it from them love it jumping dodging dip duck and diving remember them secret rooms i think that those bombs might hurt me still i it specifically says my bombs i'm immune to like another secret on the right left is probably not but i suppose i could just drop in the middle just in case now you're trying hard to time a chat rapid phoenix the pillars probably need something around 100k gold which you can get probably let them collect over multiple runs so not all at once just my guess [Music] yeah it was not a secret i'm up there durability i thought that's a disability serum i'm like that sounds horrible another one bro are you looking at this damage right now demon beware i'll cook my meat more gosh she almost overcooked it i would have raw meat then overcooked did i say dark for nine i think i did i don't think that we have the ability to find secret rooms anymore show us how do home be doing it's it's going so slow that it's just not even worth until i get to like a significant point and i also need the energy and the time to do a vlog so just like no it takes so much time to edit i'm already behind should have been editing today instead of streaming but here i am you get youtube comment content and streams or you get vlogs it's not like i can do everything i'm guessing that 145 000 of people would say youtube content bomb blasts attract enemies well i get it now i gotta know how ridiculous the bombs can get it sounds pretty lame but [Music] we'll see boobs and strums over blogs their own pickaxes duplicate themselves dope [Music] multiple myowners is that supposed to do something what hurt me there don't eat my key him just move deceivingly fast didn't even notice yeah i don't think it really worked on those guys let's say we're missing one secret i'm here whoops didn't think that one through their plug bomb damage i think is underwhelming honestly [Music] it looked super cool on when we're fighting those like flying things probably just because of those flying things [Music] really i'm expecting to one shot everything and that will go hello how's how are you this is hooper man feeling pretty good [Music] [Music] got float boots i almost forgot i dropped firebombs [Music] what do you got in here swing damage i'm in remove the curse i'm in captain blue tier one sub thanks cap appreciate that discover a bomb in every chest pretty good worth having uh spike boots i might have the spike boots i think yeah no i did i picked them up i just kind of forgot about that too i'm just gracious god damn these guys tank all the hits too i'm shocking myself what's happening the throwing is really good with the duplication not really against one one dude but uh what else is there chimpow with two months captain blue giving us up to streamed cat egg thank you guys appreciate that hell yeah whoa does it attract did i read that wrong it trucks gold bombs do attracts a bomb blast attracts items um not not enemies that was kind of dope i think there's lava underneath the smoke i can't even see it because of how much i bombed the area would i miss everything don't have lava walkers we were passed over again says dark wolf well dark wolven [Music] i'm gonna drive through christmas light thing and they've been here almost two hours thanks for the content to enjoy in the meantime nathan drive-thru christmas thing three keys for more secret rooms i mean i'm tempted sometimes drop a new key when using an old key for three bombs let's do it and then let's do this [Music] and then let's do this and this and then let's leave break that through here ha ha suck on that i'm smart three keys that's all my three keys go edward was supposed to take effect he doubler did not did not comment tent the starting room to heal point of armor bomb bag [Music] i'll beg you bombs sonic boom i'm in for that [Music] return projectiles with an attack [Music] cry i'll get to the sub the dark woven angel i've had to go pee for like 45 minutes now i'm back with pizza rolls who wants some i'm going to head down leaving a talisman behind feels a little bad don't forget i've got a protein potion [Music] buddy [Music] i've held my pee for so long now i just have to keep holding it it's like a rule over this room i could have centered that to get more stuff should have yeah tent i didn't get the tent and they're throwing up more tents at me tent [ __ ] throwing yourself at me bullets for the explosion [Music] babushka bombs could be fun but would take replacement by rook bomb honestly i just kind of want to bomb again in here who did stuff cry get there to sub devoidian acolyte cryo being generous what's new i've never heard that before that's tim thanks kyle oh my key i kind of want to go get it can i grab it with this though bruh the amount of brains on this guy wait did i just light on fire by walking in the room walking in the room lights me on fire that you wanna what you're gonna go with sticking with that story huh look at my sonic boom shot that just destroys worlds greg thank that's a good one that's good i'll take my free bomb and go [Music] maybe i'll use my free bomb in here for a secret i'm finding nice very nice last time which means i can pee bombs to get there i can do that with one secret room to the north king of the north excuse me buddy i can squeeze that in there ah that's a good one indiana jones the blam zaire 16 total what's up zar let's grab the food on the floor and then uh fight the boss i guess forgot about the salamander pretty seamless transition you guys from slobs to obs huh [Music] melisandre yes it is i don't have a stream as ending screen though should i just go back to the intro kyle's at it again i get to stop the happy fox i have your tail sir he's mad about that oh gosh oh jesus oh all of your health is now gone great excellent fire damage fire damage ticks for 114 of your health every four seconds [Music] let's do the disability serum you know what and the whiplash ah mind slammo i can't break the balls he's steaming whoa oh he got me he saw me halfway hit him with the booms i knocked my own bomb away blame away a rock rockaway and the bomb damage is just not that good not the best i've ever seen not even worth using practically much much crunch crunch ah huh stop it you [ __ ] i mean dang okay that was a pretty good bomb there okay yeah i'm able to do some decent damage when i cut him off with it i don't think i can even damage him when he's in the smoke mode no i can i can damage him in smoke mode all right okay the bombs are fine oh what the [ __ ] what the heck game come on man oh it's over you're safe now and i'm like ooh the chest and like wow you hack imagine if i would have died there imagine i was like one hp right one hit left and i'm like oh i win an awesome asteroid hits me in the ass droid i don't like how they made moth into chad chad moth it used to just be a moth it's a martha and it's my thing and now it's like super chad giffmoth the job will done human unzips pants all the ancients have been quelled which means they can once again be restored when you lift the summoned stone they will be revived and granted additional strength [Music] yay [Music] can i keep my stuff look at that over a hundred thousand gold cool great run we are rich wasted all that money though in that sewing kit all right cool stuff [Music] good run
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 13,932
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Undermine, under mine, mining, rogue-like, rogue-lite, roguelite, roguelike, pixel graphics, dungeon crawler, rpg, indie, action, top down, secret, boss, bomb, curse, blessing, upgrade, unlocks
Id: b3EQiIamYWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 22sec (9802 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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