Explosive Projectile - Hutts Streams Noita Ep17

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start fresh start fresh all that work for what some wizard popped out of nowhere and shoved the teleportation spell up my [ __ ] [ __ ] teleported me into the world's [ __ ] we didn't have a lot of damage what we were doing just fine remember how we made the life potion and it just sucked but that was kind of cool how he accidentally found out about it so any money that was in there roasted fighting chicken out of its head to the left on the overworld to find an egg yeah I know what the egg don't tempt me Frodo it's an egg slash worm that will kill you surprise then chat Wald's much rage quit and everyone's like all why is he so salty putz complains too much all I do is torture him until he wants to quit why does he quit why doesn't he just take the torture like a good little [ __ ] purified [ __ ] surprise Pikachu face don't know what's going on but still enjoying well this guns just or this game it's game as a riot you don't need to know what's going on because I don't even know what's going on it's leaking here oil can I lie it no we're sure you pick up lantern so I wish I could shoot them off take it with me see by the way you guys got the seeds three six three nine five diamonds lava urine yeah not gonna happen soil worm blood teleport adium is the alchemic precursor we could do that but what counts is soil ground or is there a special soil soil soiled it I did see a little soil didn't I where soil the green stuff which part of this is soil I don't even know easiest to find on the surface so we need worm blood and what teleport adium before I leave this surface no way that's not happening unless that happens in which case it'll probably happen [Music] a torch spell decent to bring nucking futs bruh now you can go through the dark cave to get the teleport Adium it's a dark cave here travel deeper that is some god-awful dirty talk you must travel deeper [Music] daddy this will be fun deeper into deez nutz I don't think you know nuts work a P is stored in them it's pretty much all you need to know spelunky meets terraria not getting the spelunky vibes but spunky's like contained reasonable this is [ __ ] chaos go explosive thing can any bra this Oh spicy shot didn't put that in a very good spot for myself today I could just get him in the water yeah ha ha one for a dunker ooh silly flame demon we're made of fire we got fireball pop pop pop that uh pop like a dig with that any questions at least your last death isn't as bad as when you suffocated and boned us I feel like at least then I know why I died at least it was you know I could explain that to my own my parents but-but-but-but up up roasted fighting chicken to herb it's thanks to you I now own this game and love / hate it almost made the Opie bouncy want the green one that I had those were good times next to the bits by the way I appreciate that a lot not a lot I have this thing set up so that it like tells me like my stats after the stream kind of a bummer when it's like yes compared to this time last year you're down by seven thousand percent four bits definitely up and gifted subs though is it because I took the D&B spot off does that affect any of you guys mentally emotionally mad at me I'll box and downs I don't let stay static no but just when it reminds me to my face I'm like oh right no sub gifting last year though that's the point the hell kind of potion was that that he just threw out fire it's so bright and orange must just be a fire potion thrower gave it away that's all the fire didn't even notice the D&B spots missing camping the barrel slide dog still got it really thought that was gonna blow through and drain the water we got another chance at it though don't light on fire no what the hell what's DnB used to be a donation and a bit boss King person top person to donate would be their their name would be on screen that's back in the day when we had like people like fighting for the D and V spot that's really how things got out of hand let's be honest do people want to add it that's a fire demon in the blood I'm not sure I can get that money bit bars are fun ow - ouch ouch I get to the top here we can go through the hole good throw [Music] [Music] get them still draining if I wait till that is done draining time to die a36 health I don't want to be Splore in a cave that I don't know about if yeah you know dig it to the other side can I blow through this no there is more HP in here I can't go through this my knowledge will air pocket half way up big lanterns twisty passages teleport adium I mean I did want teleportation but I don't want to teleport it's too bad I can't drop a flask in there or scoop it up from afar with this spoon or something pheromone buzzer kyun look at this is this cavern just filled with a bunch of random stuff it's only there's one more little cave with full heal little lower oh oh oh [ __ ] oh oh oh it's magic you know mr. bones 26 months what's up it's all downhill up to 25 Oz Tom you know 25 is just an excellent number but there's good numbers after 25 does AirCam chaotic polymorph Seventeen's unlucky extremely dense rock sounds like a backwoods hard rock radio station extremely dense rock KQ 75 so there's a healing potion in here somewhere sure was a healing potion and not nothing ceremony nothing in this area except for potion puddles no reason to explore other than money so you're a little just a bunch of liars they did update the game though so who's to say it's not something new I've never been here so it's kind of exciting for me he's just such twisty caverns oh that's a [ __ ] it's a chaotic play okay he polymorphed into a robot he's not normally a robot I'm gonna say that's a tough enemy it's got that what's that suck guy oh my goodness nothing shoots anyone's I'm probably dead so dude back there just teleporting around get out of here Ellie's gone run honey they figured out a teleport they've solved the mysteries I'm on fire and I'm a guy that has I don't even know help someone mom I'll wait here twelve health by the way oh there's a little like thing sticking down blocking my path okay won't go that way then boy you play it risky dangers my middle name which is my wife Oprah anything's possible at the zhurqis I'm on your side iam again there's this little gully guy that's just zipping around not understanding any of it snipe brah this is deep and the chaotic polymorph enemies shoot do they know how to use weapons deep you say question mark doesn't even know what it is so much for jumping into the pheromone potion you attacked me it seems like there's got to be something special here right I know you said there's not alike I saw my heart says I could find it uh oh hello I could find a little thing they pay me to the next level - well that's it that's it a DPS your slime how deep is your son it's like the ocean such devotion oh yeah how deep is your smile right now booty hole there's snow up here how is there snow up here that was not intentional wait it off wait it off you don't know where you are don't panic well hell what if I just teleported to that wall that I can't get through what if I jump into the teleport ad and when I point that way panic stop a chat not panicking I'm back still don't understand what the smell is for here it seems like I'm getting somewhere if the super-tough wall is gone nice jump I melt the wall with my torch that's the next area oh my god I didn't see this guy up here not going down like this Punk that's right this is how we do it fireball I do a fireball when I wait for that flaming torch to go away though take shots of fireball right that's a mint this is always casting water oh I'm literally melting the snow with the torch that's cool what if I went up in the snowy wasteland not really torch isn't doing much right now though I don't think fireball is gonna get me very far but this is also just not working anymore I don't know if I'm supposed to cast it or what hold it steady send it just continue melting it's not it's not working what does that flaccid fireball it it's not it's not doing anything well you know we to be tried it's time to leave and they can jump into some teleport ATM and try to go I might end up dying here nice who made it though go fly no is this chaotic teleport Adium it's definitely not working didn't seem like that was I thought I was supposed to go in the direction of which my pointer is in and it just didn't didn't work blow it up turning to something that can destroy snow I just leave to I'm back I'm back to not being back yeah here we go how deep is your love is it like the ocean since devotion oh yeah how deep is your love and we're out well we explored that place cool neato gang we didn't die you know thought I was gonna die and I didn't slurring path splitter bolt with timer or quadruple scatter chaotic path fire arc let's see here do we have any better wand this is recharge is twice as bad on this sucker one-ninety with 51 I'm just I'm not really seeing any reason to get rid of anything here it's all pretty okay two health ups in one full health and the dark cave you missed a health up you missed the heels oh hey man it was through the cave there's more in the dark cave under the water teleport Titus worm to tractor saving grace reroll good drunken some of the water what's this vote thing I triggered Oh Moo BOTS still running is it I can turn that off maybe [Music] off yeah yeah all our bad nettie p35 what's up I don't like any of these I don't even know what teleport Titus is edit wands everywhere extra HP grab the teleport so teleport one or teleport itis ascendant even [ __ ] know what that means wands the sweetie wolf girl ones pretty clutch it's a poco drink dinky dink dink dink dink dink ting damage equals random teleport we would want that teleport seems to kill you a lot push your right front of an enemy with a rat picked up the wand my god honey dogs got a nice energy or but with three Gera instead of this guy better capacity on this thing though what does the trigger do what does trigger mean place bombs generally need that of the wand either though did I this one might even be fine for damage love and damage triggers the next spell of which there is none gold dangerous over there easy money pop the quickest digger but digs can you dig it what is this bouncing burst triple spell fire trail what you got um oh yeah okay cool no that's that's cool I like the bouncing as well maybe immunity to fire would be a an appropriate next step bouncy balls slime ball energy sphere great cast delay why is it casting up always casts up boo I guess I could wait us I can cancel that grab the stop off of it first and make your wands everywhere everywhere this nope this one just blows the bomb wand take fire trail off you can edit anywhere I mean yeah but it's I'm just not gonna use it probably it's very very low damage at the bouncy balls not bad shoo stinks hmm I'm still just better you put that on here is that better is it even doing the triple I can't tell if it's tripling or not seems like some of the shots maybe tripling no shuffle as well there's gonna be such a low damage though it seems awful I hate it I hate it little [ __ ] how far up have you gone to the sky thing health [Music] good dig to it I think I will not even to the sky hell I don't know what the sky hell is seen but the energy sphere the orb does not destroy gold which is nice easy money so much lava he said he'll hide out but always forgets to sky hell I've never even heard of sky Hill so that's a lie never even heard of it oh you lie in chat trying to make me look bad all the time can't wait till no it is out of alpha he properly breaks the game there's a lot of stuff that's a lot of stuff happening having fun in the game so far yeah that's like you playing it showing your hives suckas but the hell charges me that's some ABBA I'm so close to killing the hive though go underneath covert ops one of those things takes it out right right stop making everything poison your pieces of [ __ ] my water just doesn't cure poison anymore or what thank you xxx health sweet guess it's time to go I'm on the road again the [ __ ] was that Oh through that I just can't wait to get on the road again what the [ __ ] sorry to health blondie by the light trip to the black douching and shoot me in the face well this has been fun Thanks let's do it again please I don't know who shot that either that guy he's a sheep he's a sheep kill the Sheep fungal caverns alright instead that's like a lot of stuff right there and I'd like to go for it if I can get in there please that rat could probably kill me a lot of stuff going on I like a piece nope now as a wizard guarding it a couple wizards I don't think I'm probably strong enough to get him but maybe if he jumps down into the polymorph again I could just take him out pretty easily titanium turtle 32 what's up breath welcome back oh my god Lots stuff going on over here don't you dare mess with me I got oil in it get the stuff all the Wizards busy I don't know that was like a [ __ ] demon robot okay bubble spark I like the idea of bubble spark bifurcate fire trail burning burning burning burning burning nothing else about this thing is really that impressive though a lot of nothing could take it for the bubble spark and then and then come back for it I wanna mess of that if I can do it though don't want to mess with the dude [ __ ] it was that shooting at me or get in there it's gotta be an amazing wand if it's guarded so ah nope gotta be able to melt steel can maybe try to get this acid this toxic snow acid is not toxic sludge right I said [ __ ] I've nothing to melt through acid well slimeball no that's still toxic sludge I think I just need to leave bubble spark is the best spell ever when you have homing that's toxic sludge I always you just go I should just life I think I thought this is the way to go to get out let's mistaken terrible recharge time triple shots probably this one here capacity eight it's worse than almost every measure though is this snow it's better in almost everything yeah okay great T's bet there is a sponge just try the bubble just to see what happens that's fun but like you said with that homing it's not worth much so I think we just stick with the pew pew what if I just like triple like is that gonna work that's kind of cool I don't see three of them's on that Charlotte's a triple scatter but always cast fire again if you can become fireproof Hey look explosion immunity that's maybe even better stainless armor I donno what that means sorry I don't ever get stuff why does he hold the wand so [ __ ] weird you know repelling capes bad I think explosion immunity I'm still a fireproof though for my knowledge needs three spells - triple shot you need three spells for it to shoot three two time right so I wouldn't matter if I just took this off throw it though explosion mmunity is top fork and tier top fork and tailor I can also has English so what if I just bought this for more pupae use then it's cheap cheap cheap for the pew pew got yourself a deal [Music] spoiler immunity is better than nothing well re-rolling I mean if it came down to nothing it would be the obvious choice now it's an on shuffle right yeah so I did that right all right feels better already tight spread I like it oh it's my butt why is there a red down your head snipe the sniper there's two of them bring it was hots triplicate bolts that's then another shotgun thing another bouncing burst would be nice another energy orb could be okay rabbit to pilfer shall be pilfered okay Wow okay my mistake those guys were just [ __ ] ready let's guys have seen some [ __ ] they were in some sort of war [ __ ] experts double spell triple spell could be maybe fun hexagon formation maybe with homing grab it please fire bomb water trail could totally come in handy later didn't improve that much still not impressive teleport magic arrow and trail teleport teleport spell why trail if I just use this to teleport around maybe just teleport then cool am I really gonna use that that effectively cuz it's got to have sight I don't know oh hello who's there who did that the sky and after the boss yeah can I even get back up to the sky at this point in time look you guys just rambling things off like well yeah for this place you'll never go is great so duh you need it hashtag must have oh my god that rat exploded worm used to be a worm this gas left ocean can swim up that sounds like fun I think I was dead good shot mate one of these all sudden get a bounce to it tomahawk do you unsub thank you so much to set my friend welcome to Stremme life giant fireball energy orb again double spell magic bolt to quadruple scatter spell TNT triple scatter this is what I'm thinking second we giant fireball sounds like it could be good but I'm not so sure about that what if we did a quadruple scatter spell on our I think I don't understand the quadruple scatter casts for spells okay that's the one that I needed for spells for it but bifurcating no right to spells nevermind they all need multiple spells it doesn't just split the one gotcha cast delay is 0.05 shouldn't that just like start so now just start ripping these then with 0.05 go one one two one two one two one two must not understand it still magic bolt could maybe be nice so off the teleport with the energy orb and foot for spells yeah I could totally tell apart with this thing put four spells after the quadruple scatter on the one four more slots shotgun shotgun shotgun Mashhadi yeah yeah yeah what happened to the other shot II we had the triple scatter did I just not pick that one up what happened to it no way good wand really know how much spit that other wand up now good good good good that's yeah that's pretty good one just shot a just shot a yeah yeah yeah just capacities this thing's got a beat so somebody's someone's peeping on me go away honestly alright now we just need homing I think you just tossed it could be in this masts I don't really [ __ ] know um well that's what crew people scatter spell the brother wouldn't be very different if I just did a double spell on that then huh I can't even cast it fast enough Oh what if what if what if what if what if what if Castille a plus that's what's the problem is okay ah no wrong wrong one [ __ ] me panicking this one is still not even that bad stack both like : nothing more was said after that shout auuu double double toil and trouble with drupal scanner double spell or bulb bubbles or bubbles yeah but I don't want to do the plus Castille a [ __ ] I wanna mess with that alright okay alright okay I see your point soon a bubble bath I just need some more bubbles in order to really spice that wand up and homing or made me more bouncy balls would also do the trick I think it's just such a short-range [ __ ] she shot a shudder yeah death my bubbles minus 0.03 Castille a eat through iron wand yeah okay iron dig [Music] worse than ever in every way than this one concentrated light you guys were trying to say that it was like really really good reduce spread could actually be good for bubbles use that get to a safer place to [ __ ] with this once what if I swap to these now Oh got to rip mmm gonna bounce back is it done for good hello hmm let me let me investigate I'll let you look at some cool stuff in the meantime see if that fixes it yep I got it must have been loose or something okay swapping these spells around to more effectively use the lasers what if we put the lasers here right it just burns up my my mana so fast never mind nope Jesus Christ can I just stand on something without dying you pieces [ __ ] burns on my mana just too quickly I feel like take some of these with me and that's about it reduce spread we get to try that on this I like that information Pentagon I don't really need that I was just wet this man freeze charge I don't know about that take the acid one back Elgato is cutting in and out now still because now that I'm looking at snot doing [ __ ] lying to me did Josh and me I think this is funny loan rat just waiting for me just camping [ __ ] camper squeak dozing off gotta go to bed see you guys here I think maybe we just leave we've done enough probably easy digs though Dargis though that's the edge Zamani is the advance the end the edge the edge of sniper tin Ville where all the cool snipers hang out Zam on the edge it's not gonna mess up when you're watching just rile watched pot never boils I'm out okay Oh could have more money but see of alcohol gun powder arc summon disks circle of unstable metamorphosis and tight Castle one I don't know what tyka soba means but it sounds [ __ ] badass [Music] someone want is great what the heck is that I don't know but I can only use it once it's a spell is it summon spell and I don't want that's completely new to me says doctor Hawk well should we try it spawns a wand when it runs out you can pick up the wand gives you a free wand I'm spot squeak squeaker squeakin [Music] squeaky squeak squeakin Wan flies around and helps you for a bit still just a spell though so what would I really want to replace it with you know like I don't really someone's a possessed one to aid you I'm not sure I'm not sure that's even worth it Oh God tell what the hell is your problem you said Oh [ __ ] I [Music] don't know what the hell it's deal is it's just gonna come in and out then Oh what if I didn't do a teleport spell you guys and I instead did a Thai cassava can i grab it thank you that's what she said revenge tentacle extra perk breathless re-roll will keep teleport end and it wants anywhere it doesn't matter tentacle I thought people send tentacles were somehow like that could they could hit me reroll a place teleport with it later reroll re-roll reroll tentacle sounds interesting sounds like for the wrong reasons more hatred breathless extra perk bunch of poop a lot of money now what the hell I don't even know what more hatred means extra perk this the stupid base Issy base your a hissy pheromone blast no one cares bombs away and somebody acid one go as it eat away it's your snippy snaps out of here more hatred makes the monsters fight each other I would have been nice potentially what was on that pedestal [Music] all I got me oh dear oh dear oh holy flank ursins flanked me nuts this might just be my better damage dealer especially for anybody that's trying to come in fly in see what happens dying miserably that's what's happening yeah like really bad can I kick the missile use the summon I think it's done already okay really nice guys that was a lot of fun for me I think we all enjoyed it a lot exactly my thoughts exactly what do you have digging bolt could be useful but we can already dig chainsaw yeah for the delay thunder charge don't know what that is explosive projectile cast delay projectile speed explosion radius earthquake reduce spread explosion you have explosion immunity right yeah not sure I we really want to [ __ ] with the explosion thing now because my delay will be so bad now our main catch small drift what would I take out though just replace it with something and then go back for it chainsaws with a castle a reduced spread potentially on started light impression I can use it or that a hexagon thing missus blow super eject I'll what was that good is this a good thing in general it's pretty good it's pretty good on its own right here yeah pretty good if I put this stuff on it look at two I could put two stuff on this instead with a chainsaw on the end of it that could be pretty spicery No it's got shuffle maybe another reduce spread and that it that explosive projectile chainsaw Oh and voicing myself I can get down with that I can get down with that maybe potentially ice on that um yeah what are we doing what if I took off the energy orb just had a shoddy it's acting really weirdly I don't know somebody's firing as fast as it should be I'm wondering if some of the stuff is kind of just not the best double spell definitely made it better it's just shuffling let's just feel I can load it up with some triple and [ __ ] I so like random man what explosion the frontal shouldn't matter if it's shuffling right if I just want to focus on just one thing now like this get rid of what it's just like randomly we just try the lasers on it I just dumped off a bunch of lasers god dammit I like the idea of laser explosions the idea of laser explosion wowsers unless I miss it's not really it's not really Aimable is it spread on this thing is to replay better man if only I had a reduce spread thing a uses up the the mana like almost instantly but remove split this quadruple scatter spell like I need more quadruple yup I get more shots out of it but I don't get the like bursty bursts I'd only have to worry about the whatever splits now if I am reducing the spread so right light beams catch stuff on fire - do I still have it dig no I don't have a big thing anymore acid balls can [ __ ] that later that's painfully slow isn't it try putting it on you're now on shuffle wand yeah this one was just better though all around no one's gonna use it up even faster it's gonna be done it's definitely gonna be on this one does not go through water dies in water ik at extra mana from reduce what do you mean reduce scatter doesn't use anything I don't think mana drain one mentss minor just leave those guys in there it's like I hit him head-on he didn't die though you think that he would just disintegrate with one blow he had three dig balls I think at one point yeah and I got to go back and try to find it I'm not sure it's worth though feels like it should do more damage than that am I wrong am I wrong there I've done a lot of damage definitely enjoying the reduced spread don't blame the laser stormtrooper Eames there I said I hit him directly Oh [ __ ] mimic you kidding me son of a [ __ ] a little bunchy guy little munchy piece of [ __ ] chomp it was a good tiny little like autovoice I get an extra one when you recharge your spells to stop camp in the ends whoo hair cut body cut the air cut I'll trade I'll trim your arms off didn't need those did you guys still down there camping it out what sunscreen this is amazing yeah yeah oh oh Jesus the fish scared me I should have gone for more money nuke with explosion to me watch me run into glass cannon Oh blood revenge explosion explosion sounds nice but repulsion feel did lengthen my run last time be rich 42 total with the sexy tier 2 sub good god man spent 42 months I'm still going revenge explosion it's kind of garbage I don't really know anything about it ask loud at this point in time we're kind of just looking for a high recharge speed lightning bolt guy could Plus can't afford it I can't afford it so I need to change anything right now it seems like this just doesn't do as much damage as I really thought it was going to do just for shits and giggles let's say I did this mmm really not the same on the shuffle [Music] I'm out of here garbage both I don't know what magic bolt does not impressed really [Music] [Music] it's not a bad wand on its own but it does see more chainsaws you know more chainsaws make the world go round or homing use this choice pop it now because that was so [ __ ] lame doesn't matter papa when I get in there [Music] don't be stupid blow up immediately a big dumb head a big stupid doesn't this seem like it should be one shouting everything but it's like six shouting everything I just don't know man it still fires when it's empty though which is alright but it's just should be doing more right this is only doing life 1/3 crit now [ __ ] nope spiders kill it they're fine they're just giant spiders now they deal in giant Hornets [ __ ] off sky is this raining fire it's not that big of a deal okay you're overreacting scone this is normal scone what a wuss can't even handle fire raining giant spiders and Hornets come on what do we got here increased mana with a mana drain mana drain - hmm cast a light up that drop deep deep deep deep deep deep deep I'll try it I'll try that with a shotgun oh boy that's a thing oh hi sir smells like someone editing Wallace direct hit who's got the [ __ ] aim now Oh mouths closed whoa I'm on fire to burn [ __ ] ring shits sis I need to be able to like be able to one-shot things at this point in time in my life and I'm just not the money will help them he's the pain when downtown [Laughter] well I can continually fire it now so there's that I'm also still on fire where's the free ones I don't know it freed itself it's just a good want better better better better better - the capacity of the one I'm currently using with a no shuffle with a no shuffle a no shuffle not even sure like what this is gonna do on this one what can I use this one for it's amazing this one's got a better cast tool an adult fill your bottle yeah six slots I know I just made was thinking maybe we could bypass house it's shooting slower how is it shooting slower than this guy when it's superior and every one of the stats - the capacity it should be firing the same amount just because I put took a one concentrated light off of it does not mean the whole thing should just be acting differently I don't understand how it'd be like that significant you know well this isn't bad saves my increased mana to time for order let's got no shuffle on it it seems like it should you know everything explodes well that one got away but it seems like everything explodes it reduces the spread the chainsaw increases its fire rate it's more consistent at least I don't know man chainsaw me too cleared if it definitely yeah definitely did find that free one that probably fell off somewhere back here it was with me unless it do you think it took off after an enemy or something I haven't gone anywhere else it should just be here don't forget your teleport ones like I've ever used it on anything ever earn it the fire spiders handle it plants hell naw ok fire bombs not that impressive swab before this just for the one but who cares at that point there it is there she blows this feels like a better one except for that little fizzle there except for the fact that I'm dying besides the dying part we were to just ignore that spiral shots 267 spiral shot his mystical whirlwind of magical sparks could dying then what a neat idea I'm gonna try that oh my gosh thank you come get sparked on [ __ ] I just repelled your [ __ ] ah hey sweet it's worthless that gold go you're a plant you can't hop around [ __ ] the hell is the shaky bush Oh okay scorched-earth where is that worm get let's you're dead drink its blood for me shakey Boosh mighty boosh pheromones no one wanted pheromones are pee pheromones you're not scaring me spider no one cares about you except for scone I mean you do pee pheromones thanks doc this should be killing them faster Hey look I'm not scarier it's crawling into my holes I'm on fire isn't that like the biggest nightmare though spiders crawling in your holes at night that's cringe spell above that's a lot of fiery rain the Josh isn't here to witness it that's his like gamertag when he was like 12 fiery rain so badass what's the spell above why are you saying these things to where is this spell huh could fall and see where this rabbit hole goes oh it's a flask next next world if I want to go there or I can come back later see worms are good worms are helpful creatures while should we just move forward we got plenty of help to keep exploring but I'm not sure if we're really gonna get anything with the ability to go backwards whatever to the worm corpse it's made it just like slowly work my way down by it jetting off and my own ones oh hi sir sorry sorry blew it right at Hal skimming the bottom is not a bad way to try to look for more stuff that's my don't have a dig spell any more we got rid of it dude I've never used teleport ever in my life and I never will let's just be honest it's not gonna happen bone dust this is the thing looks fancy is this where I get to that like special dragon egg chainsaw eggs not to rock dough don't fight it I could take it dragon cave hell yeah let me add it because the boss said that egg yeah I am well aware now guess more max HP last time I didn't know what was in there so or a severe advantage knowing it exists at all for you who are you are these guys coming from in my thing I'm buying myself on fire with my own wand [ __ ] me man you should heal up first thank you there we go definitely lighting myself on fire with my own wands [Music] Jiji so heal up and then come back you think see if we could pull that off recoil circle of thunder projectile gravity filled circle of stillness fireball faster movement all-seeing eye bouncing spells fast swimming bouncing does not seem to be good because it wouldn't probably explode then on contact explosions do light on fire since the chainsaw is exploding as well you burn yourself why the eye stop letting yourself on fire sage advice I feel like the eye is there any dark place I can't see though movement or reroll I just don't understand why they would like like I don't remember ever seeing a place where I could not see last time before I beat the game there's a place where you can't normally see I is an advantage cave yeah but am I really gonna use it guys spiral shot could have been sweet that blows coal mines are fully black you won't be ambushed eyes honestly best one here you can now see everywhere movement for dodges rear all still a you guys one-person ruin it for everyone what I'm gonna do it this thing spiral shits were balls critical on burning trifer cated what about a mega shaadi absolute [ __ ] I hate it free one time I [Music] think we might know the I yeah here we go Wow let me get stuck in here great good thing I got a teleport you suck its valves trifer cated bifurcated smile cated not shirt that really even did anything but perma firing how do we feel about that everyone nope doubt I think it's trying to get to my cursor maybe I don't know with explosions it's using too much mana now take away one of these maybe and then slip in the mana why why am i dying how was i dying I was getting hurt bicep wait a second is that thing shocking me it was shocking meme in the blood oh no no no no free wand [ __ ] dude free one my ass oh I'm speaking my ass I don't know buddy okay all right then shout eh yeah yeah yeah I need homing so bad right now it's unbelievable how much I need homing dude manner reduce top [ __ ] top any more damage though I'm pretty sure the water is evaporating holy hell dioxin what's up five minutes always a blast to watch the stream man keep with the great work makes the sport oh my goodness don't know how what when or where but I am dying okay Oh slipping around though go search for the hole look for your wand where did my wand to go good did it come with me no it just died up there I'm not sure I've got enough light juice to get back up I don't don't have enough light juice hey recoil they got trapped in you guys what an itch you got for me magic bolts fire ball thrower electric arc toxic sludge de acid not really seeing much then I need it for besides the mana recharge but six spells man good spells magic bolts are good fire ball throwers are good I don't need the teleport thing right [Music] behind my back nice try trying to kill me Yeah right yeah [ __ ] right whoa much damage is that thing gonna do what about chainsaw that is that better is that better than my shotgun I don't know what if we doubled up on that explosions on its just gonna explode it's not really gonna do much maybe maybe not shotgun 2.0 it just doesn't feel better impressive it to me just not feeling it Mike we'll try off electric arcs gonna kill me not feeling that either personal fireball thrower career triple the projectile to cast fireballs in RAM Direction concentrated do I have reduced spreaded another one small concentrated fire rate is just hot sexy garbage though needs a lot more chainsaws if that's gonna make a difference it's more of a sniper at this point in time I'm not feeling it not feeling it better than being able to just fire off a bunch of [ __ ] and just close my eyes that's a nuke I never know where I am well my mom mama and just killed a man you're such a [ __ ] how do you bounce your missile it's a joke like I'm pretty sure that every single thing that I have is just absolutely [ __ ] I don't like any of it I don't like any of it I'm gonna be honest and we're [ __ ] dead for sure we're 100% dead Z's I can't even shoot that thing I literally can't even take that thing out only bouncing [ __ ] I can't I can't kill that thing [ __ ] hey I'm just lighting myself on fire literally doing [ __ ] nothing I hate all of it it's all [ __ ] worthless and we're dead fire immunity was a necessity with this wand go out with style and Dragon I can't even get back up to the dragon right now I think I have a choice in this mana mone stay wet stay alive [ __ ] Rambo oh yeah it's not bad Oh hurry up miss this rock boom bop Boop bop Oh buddy do I've got some energy autor you Oompa Loompa doom buddy D this [ __ ] fire it's gonna make me lose my [ __ ] yeah nope nope nope nope nope ah could we add something with you no not really it worth let's put water trail on you boom ba-doom ba-doom buddy d yeah I like the bus that's poison let the ability to kind of douse myself in water so I don't light myself on fire hey you know it's good you know what up hots up lovely less love last guy that loveless guy got it figured out words of reading it's coming up from that thing now when in doubt nuke nuke first ask questions later I'll show that missile isn't exploding or that tank let's wait here until it does hey there's another one can't go through steel though cannot go through steel Alton you tell me a bedtime story yeah Oompa Loompa do buddy Edie someone's trying to [ __ ] with you nuke them in the face hello railgun are you [ __ ] kidding me surprise railgun with a missile spider yeah I get that guy get that guy kill him Oh jump in the poison yeah you idiot you dumbass that thing was just the I what 70 health left and it was like missile miss missiles good so don't trust the chest spiders they one shot you just like the electric Boy cool and such is this game you work for like three hours the hardest you've ever worked in your entire life for anything ever ever ever ever and it's just like a gun how did you die I looked away for half a second that's how I died doesn't show me my health fell yeah I had 70 health and it was 25 25 25 for missiles it looked like it shot them and they went away from me and then back to me yeah that's what happened look they fired him they went to my body and I repelled them and then they decided to bounce off of that drone and back to me unless he fired three more yeah sure sure sure I have explosion immunity I blocked the first one rightfully so the game was like hmm he's got explosion immunity so let's let him block but these other two ones [ __ ] it Matt he'll never know it's not like he's gonna watch the replay back hundred times they do some fire some fire 25 damage is some fire hmm interesting it's a little it's like a smackle fire a little bit of fire in there you know inside the explosive missile and see [ __ ] for fire by the way laba no Lava came out you're telling me a missile does lava damage alright hmm cool
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 13,744
Rating: 4.9189191 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, noita, roguelike, roguelite, rogue-like, rogue-lite, pixel graphics, physics, indie, adventure, action, 2d, rpg, difficult, magic, simulation, spell, secret, gameplay, footage, walkthrough
Id: tuaDNvcXnoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 44sec (6764 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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