Wedding-Style Paratha/Buss-up Shut Roti | Silky & Flaky

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silky rich and Flaky boss of shot operator Rudy don't you wish you were indulgent in some right now let me show you how to make this wedding and praise style Roti this is not your everyday Paratha it's buttery amazingly rich and so melt in your mouth good join me in the kitchen today although we make some roti [Music] I was gifted this Rooty helper step from saki cook so I'll try it out today it comes with a silicone pastry mat a pair of heat resistant gloves for clapping the Roti and a glass and silicone oil dispenser [Music] thank you [Music] step one involves kneading the Dew all the exact measurements are in the description box below sift four cups of all-purpose flour and add some full cream milk powder in this gives that rich wedding Roti flavor add salt [Music] some brown sugar and some baking powder now your typical everyday Paratha doesn't have the milk or sugar so you can omit those if you want add some ghee or you can add any other fat of your choice [Music] and add two and a quarter cups of hot water this water is about 140 degrees Fahrenheit or 60 degrees Celsius knead just until the dough pulls together you do have to knead this very long once it pulls together it should be sticky and not tacky sticky means that it sticks to your hand and tacky means that it sticks but then it pulls away clean to my sticky dough I'm rubbing in one tablespoon of ghee on the surface and this is going to smoothen it out a little bit rest for 5 minutes and move on to step two [Music] foreign foreign [Music] the dough into small or large lawyers or dough balls my recipe makes 5 16 inch rotis or 10 smaller rotis about 8 to 10 inches rest for 5 minutes more and move on to step three [Music] now I'll create the layers that Paratha is known for so we're basically laminating the dough similar to how French pastry is made I'll use the pastry mat some flour and some ghee and you can use any type of fat you have just please don't use margarine try to use the best quality butter or oil I actually came across a video on Facebook one day and someone was saying that the trick to getting soft Paratha Roti is margarine and I'm here to show you in this video that you don't need margarine to make it soft follow my tips and tricks and you'll have the most amazingly soft Roti and no clogged arteries [Music] thank you foreign [Music] and the dough should be soft enough so that no flour or bail now rolling pin is needed the bigger you open it is the biggest surface area you'll have which means more layers and a silkier flakier end product [Music] add one tablespoon of ghee and spread it into a thin layer on top foreign sprinkle some flour all around make a slit roll and Tuck all the exposed layers at the base of the Loya creating a cone shape foreign [Music] then press in the top and set it aside look at the softness of the dough that's how you want to do it to be [Music] thank you [Music] the longer this door sets before cooking is the batter I always put mine in the fridge and I cook it the next day check out my in-depth Paratha video for more tips I shared this a few years ago on my channel let the dough get its beauty sleep in the fridge and we'll cook it tomorrow so I've turned on my griddle and I'm letting it heat up and now I'm filling the oil dispenser from saki Cooks to get ready for cooking Alexa play roulette gal by Alison Hines time to roll out and cook the rotis I stopped using flour to roll out some lightly oiling the silicone mat and I'm rolling towards the ends you don't want to pull it back towards you because the dough will just stick and it's not going to rule out properly so only roll it outwards and you want to ensure that it's thin throughout with no Tech areas of dough [Music] you want the dough to be very evenly thin and make sure the dough is not too cold or too warm it just has to be cool so take it out about half an hour or an hour before you start cooking [Music] oil your towel griddle and place the flattened Loya brush or drizzle a light layer of oil and flip when bubbles appear that takes about 30 seconds foreign [Music] and you want to rotate it to help it cook evenly when you think the ends and the entire Roti is cooked then you're going to take your dabblers and lightly smash it together it's so soft and silky that you don't really need to use a lot of force or pressure to separate the layers this takes between 70 to 90 seconds to cook on medium Heat make sure you let the tower heat for about 10 minutes before you start to cook if the heat is too high it's not going to cook evenly and it's going to be stiff and hard if it's too low it's going to fall apart and pieces of the dough will be raw so we don't want that hey I'm testing are the gloves to Club the Roti so my mom used to do this when I was younger and I always thought it looks so cool but it is very hot and it can be in your hands so these gloves are actually making it easier my mom stopped clapping her tea and now she just uses dabblas [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you want to put it into a cooler on airtight container to stay soft and warm I'm wrapping mine in some butcher paper but parchment paper also works enjoy your Roti with curries chews and takaris or even by itself it's that buttery and Rich I'm having mine with baigan Joker and some jeera chicken breast and then I'll probably have to do about 30 minutes of cardio on my bike when I'm done I hope you enjoyed watching and I hope you learned something new check out for your Roti helper products to make Roti making easier keep well until next time happy Roti making [Music] foreign
Channel: Taste of Trini
Views: 51,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buss up shot, buss up shut, buss up shut roti, caribbean roti, clap roti, easy roti, flatbread, guyanese oil roti, guyanese roti, guyanese roti recipe, how to make guyanese roti, how to make paratha roti, how to make roti, indian food, indian roti, oil roti, paratha, paratha roti, roti, roti recipe, roti skin, silky buss up shut, suriname roti, taste of trini, trini food, trini paratha roti, trini roti, trinidad and Tobago, trinidad buss up shot, trinidad roti
Id: qtUIpTTmTrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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