Guyanese Soft And Fluffy Oil Roti / Paratha Step By Step Instructions #guyaneserecipe #paratha

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welcome back to cooking with Ash today is all about technique and preparing some flaky soft oil Roti or some say Paratha Roti or Roti skin whatever you call it in your neck of the woods we're going to go ahead and prepare these fat boys but look at all these layers this is what you want all these beautiful layers in your Roti soft look at it soft flaky and delicious all we need now is little Curry for sap up all this goodness so join me in the kitchen and let me show you step by step on how to achieve these beautiful oil Roti guyani style pick up by yourself here I have my flower duvet in mine everything I'm using will be listed in the description box below my royalty is very simple quick and easy to do and because we're breaking it down you know I know a lot of people have a difficult time preparing Roti so this is why I'm doing this in-depth recipe for you for the brand of flour that I'm using that I love to use when I'm baking making Roti and stuff like that is the five rows brand you know that's my favorite um baking powder this is the brand of baking powder it's the Argo brand you can use any kind baking powder you want here but for me this baking powder is amazing it does a great job okay so I'm gonna go in now with my baking powder and I'm using one teaspoon here so a lot of people have this misconception about Roti making is that you have to um you know add a lot of baking powder no less is more less baking powder you use it's better for your Roti it's gonna come out flaky soft and nice and I do not add a lot of stuff to the flour so basically this is it we're doing the flour we're gonna add our baking powder here mix it in and now I'm gonna go in with my water no I don't add salt I don't add sugar occasionally sometimes I can add a little bit of oil to it butter or gear it's optional you don't have to but I'm showing you a simple way and you're gonna get beautiful Roti another thing is when I mix my flour I go in with hot water from the the pipe hot water for me that makes a difference in the dough I tried before with lukewarm and cold but this does the trick so go in with hot water I'm going to grab our water and we're gonna put this together so I grabbed my water here what I'm gonna go ahead and do I'm gonna go ahead and gradually add this water and bring this to the consistency I'm looking for gradually because remember everyone flower texture is different so you're not going to find the amount of water in the description box box below and that I use for this recipe because again everyone flower texture is different and the climate you live in might affect the way this dough come together with the water so I will just put in the description box water but you have to be mindful when you're adding it so what I usually do I bring add some water bring the dough together you know this is the consistency you're looking for nice and soft and I usually take it out of the bowl and set it to the side and then I proceed to work with the set another set of dry flour so in that way I do not get overwhelmed with everything so I gradually add and incorporate and then I would set it to the side until I work all the dry flour out of the dough then I'll bring this dough back into the bowl and knead everything together [Music] now that I have all my dough combined together with the water I'm going to add it back to my bowl and I'm gonna proceed to knead this into a nice smooth dough ball so now if your dough is sticking too much to your finger you can gradually add sprinkle a little bit of flour I am going to also add a little bit of oil to this dough but I'm not going to add it as yet I am going to add it you know until I achieve the consistency that I'm looking for in this dough so I'm going to keep kneading this dough until it becomes less sticky and I'm gonna transfer it to my Surface too and knead it further to get a nice soft Roti you want to knead your dough well and you want the dough to rest you know what I'm running all people so when you clean up a bowl side you know you shine shine you know they don't need good right but a natural banana shine of the bowl so I'm gonna proceed to knead this and then I'm going to come back and show you I went ahead and transferred this to my Surface here and I sprinkle a little bit of dry flour and I'm gonna put my muscle in to work you know give this flower a good kneading anyway from two to three minutes you want to give this a good kneading and as you can see as I'm kneading this flower it's becoming less sticky and that's what you're looking for by the time you don't need this flour you shouldn't be sticking too much to your hand okay look at that you see that in it massage a flower good guys I'm so hilarious you want to give this a good kneading so I'm gonna knead it for a little bit more off camera then I'm gonna come back show you the next step to this recipe do you see how nice and smooth this flower become after kneading it and as you can see it's not sticking at all so right there tells me I have the perfect consistency the next step is I am going to drizzle a little bit of oil and this is regular canola oil and I'm gonna just massage this into our flour work it in and this as you can see the flower is now sticking period the flour is just gliding over here and that's what you want you're gonna get a nice soft flaky roti simple and easy The Next Step look how smooth this is guys look at this the flower shine how we smooth it the next step is we're going to go ahead and put this back into our bowl and I'm gonna cover it with a damp piece of paper towel and secure this bowl have a lid and secure it into it and let it rest you can let it rest anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes if you have longer time go ahead and leave it to rest nothing is going to wrong with the flour the longer you let it rest the nicer Roti you will get okay nice and wrong and smooth up into the bowl we go it's all nice and needed damp piece of paper towel I wet it squeeze it dry put it over your Roti dough and black she don't type so that you know no air or draft is going to go in here and make our Roti turn crusty or anything of the sword so see you guys back in about 15 minutes so it's been about 15 minutes time to start roll out of a roti and I'm gonna laugh my Bella this vanilla come with history this is over 20 years okay when I married Mr jingri he already get vanilla so what I tell you even a little fun girl what can put protein so we inherit the Bella from here so after resting for 15 minutes this is what our Roti is looking like our dough it's nice and soft look at that so nice and soft so I do my Roti different I don't you know roll it out individually I just roll this whole thing out and then you know I let them cut it out for me it's less work to you know they'll be be rolling this thing one by one it's less work you just roll the whole dough out and I have oil Roti recipe already here on the channel but I don't think I break it down like the way I break I'm breaking this one down for you guys so I have one a gear Roti gear Roti my mommy used to make that with no baking powder that is on the channel I am going to go ahead and drop the link below for anyone who wants to you know see how to make it and I have a regular Paratha oil Roti too there so you want to roll the thing out you know roll it out a lot of more say big and nice and let me tell you if you got to roll your Roti dough and put a lot of effort into it that tells you right there the texture is not right it should roll out very easy but I'll let you know I forgot to get one little butter bowl without the island side okay and I have a piece of paper towel inside that's how I I oil my Roti I don't use them any fancy Gadget or any um brush and thing like that my money used to do the same thing so you wanna go ahead to distribute to oil and I've been boiling Roti like this for years for years spread it out distribute to oil make sure all the ends have pressed it in good voila now you're gonna go in with some dry flour what this does this helps the layers to separate nicely and that's how you get a nice flaky roti the drizzle up your flower nice all over and then start roll so you start from one side and You're Gonna Roll and You're Gonna Roll and You're Gonna Roll the whole thing I'm Gonna Roll this up and then I'm gonna come back and show you the next step keep rolling all the way so now that you have a nice long log that is top tight and nice we're going to go ahead and start cutting it and you know form your dough or your low yeah and what I'm doing here is I'm rolling and pushing in the ends and I usually grab a little bit of oil and do that so this is number one you can make this as big or little as how you like or pour it in the ends and pushing it in Mr cameraman never see they're good okay I have Justin behind the camera a little bit of oil and you're setting it to the side okay you can go as big or small as you like so I'm gonna finish this off and we're gonna come back and try the next step I got five nice big Roti out to this you can make six you know your preference me I bake me like plenty Roti I'm gonna go in again with dumb piece of paper towel cover this and then I'm gonna take a tea towel and cover it as well so you know no air going I'm gonna let this sit for about 10 minutes and then we're gonna start clap up some Roti kind of Truth okay so I'm gonna start off you just grab it and I still keep my paper towel on the rest that I'm not rolling out because I don't want it to you know any drops of air or anything of dessert go in it and make my Roti start turn stiff and dry so you want to sprinkle some flour you know so nothing don't stick and start roll out your Roti and when you're rolling your Roti it should be effortless as you can see I'm barely putting any sort of pressure on this thing and this thing just a rule right that tells you it rests nicely and um you know it's gonna cook really good but anytime you feel like it's sticking go ahead and gradually add a little bit of dry flour and you don't want the rolly rolly out two two two two two tin because when you roll it through too thin I feel like you're not getting that nice fluffiness and that nice layer so this is perfect here over to the tower we go we're going and put the Roti onto the tower and make sure your towel is on medium to low heat you don't want your Tower to be scorching hot I'm gonna do Roti okay medium to low heat dry oh God let me get flour and misto I have major ocg just and tell them tell them your mama oh CD so you know as soon as you see bubbles start to form on the Roti go ahead and flip it so it start to have like little bubbles can they see you want to bring them in oh yeah yeah bring them in so they could see as soon as all these bubbles start to happen go ahead and flip the Roti commercial with a nice brownness and as I seem again um with my aisle and I'm using a piece of paper towel to oil it up it that does the job perfect for me honestly I don't like the brush and Allen thing now go ahead and flip it when you oil it oil the other side by now while I know for oil Roti but if you're new to the channel here and you don't know how to make Roti well this is how you're doing it so we're gonna you know be generous with the oil all it's nice you know do halfway walk with it you oil it up nice and you see it starts swell off nice that's what you're looking for and I like mines to have that nice Brown bits to it so you know I gave it a little bit on one side and then I'm gonna flip it see I like them wrong wrong thing now when we were growing up when my mom would cook roti we would fight when she clapped the Roti would fight for our limb then please please this my brother and I we used to fight for it we'll take it and eat it when a Scarlet see the cripsy from the Roti Justin you like Roti say better watch out for cooking because if you're not married one yeah I want to know cocoa protein is sorry for your picnic you have a fan called my Mommy how's your cockroach it feels but achieve that beautiful color so we're gonna you know we're gonna set a pill line with paper towel we're gonna go ahead and clap this Roti I know some people um you know usually put it in a mug clap it with um towel but for me if you're gonna make Roti do it properly but when you clap it you release all the layers look at these layers on the Roti oh God yeah so um this is all the layers and all that you want that's what you want in your Roti so I'm gonna finish the rest up and then I'm going so I have a paper towel here as you can see I'm covering that so it keeps warm and nice and then I'm gonna tear into the curry and then adjusting it around fight it taste test but somebody got taste that's fine so see you in the next clip we have the man of the hour y'all favorite taste tester the mekati here it is so he's digging in with some potato with um no Aloo and Chana and egg but look how can you tear all the thing already I was supposed to do this and of course our soft Roti and you're gonna dip it in and duck it in okay when I go for another piece of Roti then you can uh I noticed by hungry just taste the thing I Gotta Have It All Together look at your sunny by styler wait let's let's show them how soft no effort wait tell them about the routine soft they're really soft it's nice uh nice and Flaky show them the layers see it's nice and Flaky yeah it's not hard at all card Roti no no okay beat you when I go over to other people's houses they rotate's hard oh my God nataku so there you have it guys thank you so much for joining us I hope you enjoy this recipe and I hope you try it if you do try it leave us a comment below and let us know your thoughts on this beautiful flaky Roti soft and delicious okay and this Roti has been sitting now for probably about two hours because Justin went out and he went to get a haircut they buy shine up and he come back and do the taste test for me so this right here just shows that you know it don't have to be hot to be flaky and soft and nice two hours later and it's still perfect no because no one sent me any food so thank you guys see another delicious recipe to be love you all take care
Channel: Cooking with Ash
Views: 407,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roti skin, Paratha, Oil roti, Clap hand roti, Guyanese recipes
Id: z2SnlkDU3eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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