Fatima Sydow's flaky roti

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Hello everyone. Today I'm making flaky roti okay. Without further ado here is three cups of just ordinary flour, cake flour about a three quarter teaspoon of salt and this is 300ml of tepid water. You can use cold water. I'm going to add a tablespoon of oil to the water. This is optional. This will make a softer dough and now stir and then we just work the water in the dough. So now I'm gonna see if the water is enough too much or too little that's why i do a slow pour. Also remember you can double the ingredients for more rotis. I'm making a small batch today okay so it's always best to start off with a sticky dough in it dry tough dough you can always still work in more flour so and always when you make any dough please make sure you have extra flour on the side for whatever reason that may come up. Okay I like the look of this so remember guys 300 mls of tepid water a tablespoon of oil about a three-quarter teaspoon of salt and three cups of flour. Okay and a bit of extra flour now for when we work it in okay, put this one side. Keep this here. It's still a bit sticky so I will work in a bit more flour just about a couple of tablespoons at a time until it comes to the way you want it. So now it's not quite soft and I'm working another about half a cup of flour okay I can feel with my hands. That's why its important to do this feeling the dough. Making sure you know okay that's sticky. I can see the little wet spots so now I know okay I'm gonna add a bit more flour. Okay so I'm working in the extra half a cup of flour until i get the consistency i want Take excess dough from your fingers. With my hand I can feel it's a little bit sticky okay it's too sticky for me. You can see I have half a cup left from the extra fourth cup I'll add a bit more that was all in all, three-quarter cup extra flour. I always prefer doing it this way and I can control the dough. If you put in just the exact amounts yeah that's a different story so feel your dough, get to know your dough okay okay nothing is sticking I like that so let's recap again. We started off with three cups of flour about 3/4 teaspoon of salt tablespoon of oil and 300 ml of tepid water and then we worked in 3/4 of a cup of flour and now there's your dough and I'm just going to have some oil over it doesn't dry and stick and we're just going to rest it a bit okay - so for five minutes just want to relax the dough and clean my hands and we'll be right back. Okay so I've now stretched out the dough. Just shape it like this now remember the size of your roti should be the size of your hand so don't make it too big this is one kind of pan I use and I also use this pan. So I'll probably use both if need be. okay now at this stage you can flour your surface or you can oil it. It's entirely up to you okay and now we're gonna make just little ball size see there palm of your hand and we continue like that. The dough is not stiff and it's not too sticky. So it's in between. Okay so we have two, four, six eight, ten rotis. So now we can just it's up to you to shape it into a nice round. See and I will just place it nicely we continue with the rest. You can roll it out as is. I'm gonna make some nice round shapes and then I'm gonna let the balls itself just sit a bit for the dough to relax so we can roll it out better. okay okay and we'll be right back. You guys I've already done most and I'm just gonna show you how. You just lightly oil your surface. You can spread it out. This just makes it easy for me and then just roll it out it doesn't matter what shape it is, just roll it out nice and thinly and then you take butter is a bit hard so what I do is I just work it through my hand. so my hand is warm and then you spread your butter it's about a tablespoon butter on each roti and a drizzle of oil with my fingertips and now we fold over and I want you to relax just enjoy the process okay Now you're gonna fold it and now we're gonna roll it both on the opposite side like a coiled snake. That's like the S-shape or 8 shape and then you fold it over. It's very difficult for me to do this slowly so forgive me. There you go and now I'm gonna do another one just to show you again. I press it out it's easy to do butter. Its its bigger rotis you can add maybe a little bit more butter okay don't be stingy on the butter you don't mind the dry rotis then you can add less butter but if you want a real good flaky roti, add enough butter okay and with these rotis, you do not oil your pan. Non-stick pan. Look here. This is the other version. Let me just do the one you can do. You can do watch the See there and over. Easy. okay now I'm just gonna finish it off and then after it's done when the cling wrap it and put it in the fridge for about half an hour to an hour and then we are going to fry it. ok guys i started frying so it's a nice hot non-stick pan and that one is going nicely and while the roti is in the pan you roll out another and please don't worry about if it's round, or square. Just roll it out . And if there is bits of butter, then it's also fine and the smoke normally it's a sign that you use a pure butter okay and of course you can't use margarine 70% fat margarine. okay and then you won't get the smoke but it's always best to have a buttery roti and you can see just about not even a minute on each side. Take it out and immediately take it out you clap it I will show you quickly. You take these parts and you just do that. And there you have your flaky roti.
Channel: Fatima Sydow Cooks
Views: 500,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cooking, Food, Meal Prep, Baking
Id: 8Nk8xIB66vA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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