The tastiest DHALPURI ROTI🇹🇹 -easy stepbystep video to a tasty roti-SOFT, THIN, FLAKY, TASTY & SILKY

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hi guys welcome back to my channel today's recipe is a delicious soft and flaky dal puri roti which is roti stuffed with seasoned split peas and cooked over a tower today i managed to get my mother-in-law moon in the kitchen to show us how she makes this delicious roti which she has mastered for many years and by the way seriously guys it is the best dark roti i have ever had i know the video is a bit lengthy but if you are one like me who struggles to make roti then this comprehensive video will give you a step-by-step guide for making a great roti if you follow her instructions and techniques and with a little bit or maybe a lot of practice you may become that professional roti maker you always wanted to be oh and i have divided the video into different steps so you just have to click the blue time stamps below if you need to easily find a section so let's get started boiling the dal when making dalfrey use a yellow split piece wash it a few times under running water until the water runs clear today we are using a little over one pound of split peas and depending on how much roti you're making this will obviously vary just to make mention here in this dalpiri recipe we used 10 cups of flour which yielded 15 rotis okay so now once you have cleaned and washed out your split peas we are now going to add it to some water and bring it to a boil once it comes to a boil lower the heat to about a medium high like 7.0 and cook for about an hour uncovered now you don't want the dial too hard neither too soft to test when it is perfect for grinding and when it's finished take a split be out of the pot place on a flat surface and press down to flatten and spread outward in one direction if there is a small white center that is a consistency that we are looking for once the dial is finished strain and set aside to cool now we are going to make the dough for our gallery okay so to ten cups of flour add one teaspoon of salt one teaspoon of white sugar three and a half teaspoons of baking powder for every three cups of flour use one teaspoon of baking powder don't be afraid to go in there and fill the flour to get an idea of weight and texture and consistency and now she's just adding the baking powder to the flour once you've added the baking powder go in with your fingers again and mix everything thoroughly spend one or two minutes fluffing the flour from the bottom up mona says she likes to do this as she gets to give it a good mix as well as continue to get a feel of the weight and texture of the flour mixture doing this also makes the flour mixture a bit fluffier and easier to work with in the meantime get your warm water ready whether it's from a pot kettle or tap now add about one and a half tablespoon of oil whether it's vegetable oil or olive oil using your hands again try to incorporate all the oil into the flour mixture and take about 30 seconds to a minute to do so now using the same technique fluff the flour mixture from the bottom up because next we are going to add the water and once the water is added we are going to knead it now it's time to add our warm water to know the right temperature you should be able to put your finger or hand in it without getting burned so not too hot but you don't want it to cool either i would advise you add water bit by bit adding some to dry flour mixing and continuing like that if you are kneading or mixing a lot of flour divide it between two bowls as we are doing so that you can properly mix the water with the dry flour continue this process until all the dried flour is mixed with water remember add in the water bit by bit do not add water all at once as this meat turn out too soggy and then you will have to add more and more flour at the end you want the dough to be just moist and manageable and not too wet and sticky if you had separated the dough mixture now you can go ahead and add all the dough back to the bowl and start kneading all together if you start kneading the dough and you feel it needs a bit of flour if it is too wet or a bit of water if it is too dry feel free to adjust so for the next few minutes i'm going to play some music while you watch along or you cook along with us kneading of the dough should take eight minutes in all so we are going to be kneading the dough until it pulls away from the side of the bowl and until it is very smooth when finished we're going to cover with a damp cloth and let rest i am going to leave the rest of this kneading of the dough mostly unedited just so that you can see the timing as well as the techniques the final consistency must be between sada roti and paratha roti that was just a fyi for those of you who are custom making roti so here we go go ahead and knead your dough with us for the next seven to eight minutes or feel free to skip over this spot [Music] sorry to interrupt the lovely music but just to make mention at this point as you can see you can either do any which way that you like if you want to call it pulling and pushing or punching or grab and squeeze you can use any one of these techniques or even all of them this one is the grab and squeeze [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're almost at the end guys almost finished kneading as you can see it's pulling away nicely from the sides of the bowl right that means it's getting smoother and that's texture or the consistency that we are looking for just a few more minutes just to get that really smooth and finish too as soon as the sharkiness comes out or if the dough appears much much smoother and you want to take it out of the bowl and knead it on the counter you're free to do so if you're more comfortable doing it this way or if not just continue kneading it in the bowl [Music] by now the dough should be very smooth so we're just gonna knead for about one to two more minutes and then we are going to cover and let rest i know your hands may need a massage after all this needed but don't worry guys we are almost there throw [Music] you know it makes it makes that it have a good texture and when you mix it and it gets smooth like this on top here so it's smooth anything add it good then mix it ready to go and rest the soup because after you have finished kneading cover the dough with a clean damp kitchen towel cloth or paper towel and leave to rest for at least 30 minutes we want to make sure our cloth is damp so our crust is not formed on the surface now we are going to grind the dowel so we use the traditional dowel grinder or cornmeal as it is officially known if you have one great but if not then i suppose a food processor could work and you can blend the seasonings with it if using the food processor then the dal can not be boiled too soft or else it will not grind properly once you have set it up place a wide bowl under it this is so that you'll be able to catch a dial when it's fallen we used a little over a pound of boiled well it'll boil a little softer than usual because for that because it will when it go inside the roti it will keep you routine soft so when it soaks like that is kind of not hard but it's the front of drawing because it can go as fast as it should but it helps [Music] in between when you're going in the dial you need to put some this seasoning to get mixed up as if mine and go about seven and a little a little little piece of celery and um to a safe country pimentos [Applause] yes yes welcome are you saying yes so now i go through all this trouble yeah right if your possessor yeah you can't put too much i put a little bit in the food processor and you have to have a spoon keep turning it in the walls of the container you're pushing it down so always get fine that's small so now we add in some ground zero and you know how much you got right one and a half a tablespoon yeah and salted salt salted teas that's about it that's about less than less than a tablespoon and if it won't adjust then you will adjust it you have to take your hand to turn it because a spoon wouldn't do the job oh the doll is so smooth and soft feel the consistency of the darling it's not too wet and it's not too wet right so it feels actually silk like silky that's yeah you have to burn it down i know if you're not leaving this to use right away you could either um refrigerate for about a week or freeze for about a month once a month are we not going to fry this down oh you don't fry it no when you fried it down it to me it takes already taste but a lot of people do yes but if they want to do it they could eat fried if they want anybody wants the fried egg fried but i don't never i never do it too much of cooking with you don't boil it and now you're going to patch it and then you have to cook it in your roti so much right mhm make sure everywhere you get this season ends and this you'll find it have little lumps here and there if you notice get to those little lumps break them up okay so this is the final product the way we cover it cover it and leave it until i'm ready to make those balls there and then let it all soak for about 15 20 minutes and then i will fold it now let's get back to the dough which has been resting for 30 minutes okay it belongs in that right it's not amongst it back no not really yeah and how long you need to rest for once you need it how long do i take the band did i have a half an hour let's say 45 minutes there's going half an hour to 45 half an hour to 45 minutes again i'm going to make a louie make all the balls and let the balls rest for about 15 20 minutes and then fold it and what's it for let you go cook it you can cook it in 20 minutes but the longer you leave it longer you leave it or rest with the dal in there softer your roti will be and you will get a better roti anyway okay so after the dough rested for about 30 to 45 minutes we are now going to form into smaller balls alloys and depending on the size of the roti that you you're going to make and the size of your tower that's gonna determine the size of your bowl our tower by the way was 23 centimeters or 13 and a half inches wide yeah see that yeah just to mention at this point we got about 15 dough balls from 10 cups of flour so pay special attention to the hand technique guys this is how you get uniform noise okay we get to take out some some you know adjust how many points so we use 10 cups of flour and about 1 pound of split peas to make 15 1 5 dough balls in all this was used in a tower about 13 and a half inches wide if your tower is bigger than this and you want to make your rotis bigger you may end up with less rooties remember even if you make extra rotis you can always freeze them for later use it's as busy as you want to tuck it in yeah and close it up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i think we should get 1580 so when i take out from a few here i will get one more roti okay so that's 15 and all yeah yeah so we did in fact gets 15 smaller dough balls once we roll it into balls how long we have to leave it for like 15 to 20 minutes and then i will fold it [Music] that's it so we cover cover cover back with your damn clothes anytime a flower soap it is easier to whoop it in whatever you're doing with it cool routine anything okay fill in the dough bars okay so we open in this [Music] bowl in your hand the palm of your hand have it like this and you take some dry flour on the center you say a little habit our little body a little thicker you put dry flour in here and the reason for this dry flour and here most people don't do it if you don't want to do it idea problems but when you put this down with this flower in here is when you're putting this piece in here it will move around in the roti when you're bailing it and then you hold on this is the fallen okay so the underneath will stick here when you're pulling like this it will come up and it won't break the edges [Music] and give it a rule you roll it in your hand so you move around the dab okay okay we'll watch one more time flower radio flower so it should be about the palm of your hand yeah i don't know it depends on the size of the one holy sites are within here sometimes it can a bigger roti a bit of a bigger tower so this root is the the commodity tower we have the slope and then you come and you do like this bring together everything together have it like this and then you pinch it just pinch your pincher you go down with that tuck that in and give it a rule and do and then once you're all done with this how long you leave it to rest you could leave it for a half an hour you could leave it for less 20 minutes but the longer you you leave it the night the quicker it will it's when you're rolling it out it just rolled up a lot better but no fuss and it's softer and it's soft okay fill it in the stuffed bars dry flour there you take your hand you press it in the center to move the doll around and do roti right that's helping it out up all over the place so start on the center you go yes yes and then you keep doing it like this so it could be easier for you to bail you know good luck yeah so you don't want to stick to the suitcase so otherwise if it's thick it will break [Music] me [Music] so very importantly once you've bailed or ruled out your roti place on a hot towel make sure before you start cooking you have a bowl of vegetable oil and a towel brush or paper towel to sap oil onto the surface of the roti so that's just oil this is just particularly anywhere you want to put butter anything they feel they want to put on the root is good for them so after what five ten seconds is slippery yeah and then oil again really good yeah [Music] so when you put it in this do you um keep you could leave it open you should cover it if you leave it open when you're finished with covering it if you want to cover it and you can cover your choice this is so funny so this is the routine you just made it soft and you want to break it we're going to break it now and show you the inside nice see it silly layers yeah so that is it so we just fall in it so what um so if you want to freeze it you can yes how long do you keep any freezer this will stay in the freezer for about a month one month to defrost a frozen roti wrap in a clean damp kitchen towel and microwave for about two minutes just a little tip for you guys when freezing roots when it's hot it is full but unmanageable and get cold till it might break yeah and it will be a little hard and even when you're serving yeah it's still so soft you think i'm all good right yep you guys this roti is so soft and tasty you have to try it you guys i just need to take another moment to show you how indeed soft thin and flaky this roti is follow this recipe to the tea and you'll get the same results her roti has never filled and it's extremely delicious seriously guys it's the best i've ever had and i've tried a lot of rotis out there everyone who tries this roti always says the same thing too so now go ahead and enjoy with some curry aloo and whatever tile curry or meat that you like and some nice pepper salt well hope this video was helpful and please do try it and let me know how it was also if you want to see how i cook my other tile curries like pumpkin body okra etc and meats like curry chicken or curry goat curry shrimp to pair with this roti check out the links at the end or see the description box down below and if this video was helpful and you want to join the trini concoct family hit that subscribe button and turn on the bell so you are notified at once when i post new videos so until next time take care and see you soon bye guys [Music]
Channel: Trini Can Cook
Views: 213,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trini Can Cook, Trinidad cooking, Trini cooking, caribbean cooking, trinidad food, trini foodie, true trini cooking, trinidad and tobago dishes, trinidadian cooking, trinidad and tobago food, best trini food, dhalpuri, trinidaddhalpuri, dhalpuri roti, trini dhalpurie, trini dhalpuri, trinidad dhalpuri, dhalpuri roti recipe, how to make dhalpuri, how to make trinidad dhalpuri roti, dhalpurie, dhalpuri roti recipe trinidad, dhalpurie roti recipe, how to make dhalpuri roti
Id: OSnvvr23L98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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