Roof Blocks Are SO Versatile In Enshrouded

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welcome in today's video we're going to take a thing that's used for a specific thing and use that thing to make other things Okay so we've got a basic little box house here nothing special it's not supposed to be don't worry about it don't know why I've built next to the Shroud um I'm just asking for someone to creep up behind me and jump on me without my consent but uh the first thing you can use roof PL for is building roofs so let me show you how I did that what's that oh you you knew that already I see you're quite the experienced builder in that case let's move on so everything I add to the build from here on out is essentially going to be made using the roof blocks just so I can sort of show you exactly how much you can do with it cuz they are incredibly versatile and to be honest um I mean these walls here are just made with refined wood but if you wanted to you could make an entire build just using roof blocks I'm not going to cuz it' be incredibly tedious but you could do so I'm using the roof Tire which uh I'll just kind of build them up a little bit here so you can see so you can see they actually match the uh the refined wood perfectly so that's what I'm going to be using for the build so I'm going to begin by making a bit of a doorway coming out now I didn't actually craft a door so we we're going to have to do without a door for a while but that's fine I suppose now I don't exactly know where I'm going with this but to begin with I'm just going to sort of build around the door and you can see already it um again it matches the wood perfectly and they're not as big or clunky as the regular block so if you just want the sort of accents or like supports going around the build then these going to be perfect Okay so we've got something sticking out there so again with the game being like a a voxal kind of building system um you're going to get all these kind of different shapes coming out depending on where you place the blocks so if we add another one in somewhere there yeah it's going to fill that in but like you could have the the bits kind of hanging down if you wanted to I mean got a basic sort of trim around the doorway now so if we add a few random pieces you can see they kind of come out um I don't like that personally but it it just shows that you have a lot of freedom with what you can do and then we could have you know a bit sort of overhanging over the top there that's kind of cool what if we go up I'm not going to lie I've played around with this a decent amount hence why I'm making a video on it but there is so much you can do I I don't really know how this is going to end up looking so you can see if you delete certain parts you can make triangular shapes and all kinds of things maybe in the middle we have a little bit coming out there oh oh my goodness I didn't know it was going to do that look at that little circular part that's kind of [Music] [Music] cool right so I'm going to make a couple of Windows I think just coming out I'm going to attempt to make them symmetrical uh do like four blocks wide and three blocks tall and then try to repeat that over here I think that's the right distance between them yeah maybe okay it's pretty good so I'm not going to fill those with the in-game windows we're just going to leave them open for now but if I grab the the roof Tire block here um we can do the same kind of thing that we did with the doorway we don't obviously want them coming out as far as they were for the door away but if we just go around them a little bit again it's all about adding extra depth to your builds you know see that looks kind of cool got the bits coming down there the the voxo system is just really fun to play around with man that didn't work there we go uh get rid of that piece yep okay so we got a couple of little windows then we'll make a small ledge down here in fact I may I may use the refined wood blocks here and just see how that looks should I putting these in so that looks decent the issue is um you want to be keeping these parts like on the the the top of the build right over hanging so I don't know if I like those there so we're going to fill these in with the refined wood lovely lovely stuff and then potentially do we want them coming out more let's try that I'm kind of into it let's go one Higher see how that looks see again that just connects it all together really nicely yeah do the same over here there's so much you can do with them man it's so easy to overlook the uh the roof blocks and purely use them for roofs but there's so many uses for them and again with them being like smaller than the regular blocks um for adding little columns and pillars and things like that that's perfect so on this side if we make a little porch sort of section um so I'm going to take the flat roof and just attach it onto the the side of the build here how's that looking that's not bad it is a bit too flat for my liking I think I'm going to go one Higher we add another bit onto the top there that's quite cool um so again here you know if if you just took the regular um let's get the the column here you know you you could do that you could just put the refined wood for example in um first of all the the refined wood columns just don't look great um doesn't look particularly refined to me whereas if we try the roof blocks on this side let's find the go in slightly again just to add a bit more depth to the build you can see already man it adds these like supports to the top of it it looks great looks so good and that in my opinion immediately looks better than using the regular blocks however I did just run out well I have one more roof St what what should we do with our final remaining roof St let's pop you there oh it's good though isn't it okay I've made a bit more and now we can get back to work let me just get rid of this because I don't like it and we're going to replace that again with the little tiles I think that's the correct position there is some guess work involved cuz you can't always get like underneath where you're trying to build the pillars so you have to go from the bottom and try to match them up but I think that's good so then again as we began to do there we can make some supports coming down you know it's very basic stuff but it's it's things that I just feel like a lot of people may Overlook there's a lot of Shadow coming down hopefully you can see that well enough um we could do all sorts we could go around the top here if we want to oh yeah I'm kind of into that [Music] actually so there you go you have these big old support beams coming down um we could join these off if we want to um or even maybe make like a little pattern out of it that's not symmetrical let's try again what if we do that and Skip One do one Skip One there you are um again just sort of cuts into it slightly makes the build look a little more unique and then we could even go around the uh the corners of the build and do the same thing make some supports coming up [Music] so in addition to the porch that we made we could also make a bit of a uh fence coming out like a guard rail sort of thing okay we're going to start from here going to go up by four or three do we think three three might be okay actually that's that's that's fine three's fine I'm going to leave a couple of gaps come out to about there okay and we're just going to repeat the process see that's going to line up perfectly with that column now which is good that's what we want that is indeed what we want to [Music] happen okay there we go so we've got the columns laid down honestly could leave it at that to be honest but I'm going to attempt to join them up a little bit so I'm going to go from the middle column um and then just come out let me makes a sort of like triangular shape I'm just going to go all the way around and do that so it's very important to make sure that you're placing the blocks in the right place otherwise as we mentioned earlier you're can end up getting some really uh interesting looking shapes and there we've made ourself a little fence you could even lower these parts and put like a standing torch or something on them um I don't think I'm going to mock about with that right now and then I did craft myself a little bench to pop down oh my God it's it's on a slant isn't it uh let's try uh pop you against the wall there uh do you do you about there there we go you can barely see him look but he's there we know he's there so just looking at the build now um by the way this was not intended to be a build video as such I just wanted to show you a couple of things that you could do with the the roof blocks it's ended up being basically a full-on build video but that's fine um now I know it does look a little bit uh flat because we essentially have only used one block for this whole house but again it just shows you how much you can actually do with these things and there is a bunch and I'm sure there I'm sure people have figured out way more things you can do with them than I have but um just in case you weren't aware of the kind of things that you could do hopefully this has helps you out a little bit and you can start to get a bit more creative with your builds um so if it helps you out please drop us a like subscribe for more videos like this and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Pratfall
Views: 2,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pratfall, Ragdoll, Physics, Games, Gaming, UK, British, Comedy, Music, Pratman, Funny, memes, gameplay, new, event, video games, prat, win, fail, slapstick, music, original, yellow, purple, enshrouded, build, build showcase, rpg, open world, fantasy, building, duo
Id: ZdeIjFC_tmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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