The Sorcerer's Tower - Enshrouded Build Showcase

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hello and welcome back to prall so today I wanted to show off uh a build I've been working on for quite some time um in terms of like total hours I've spent on it it isn't that great um but it's taken me a long time because I uh I've only done sort of bit by bit here and there so it's taken me a little while and it is still very unfinished but I thought I'd just take this opportunity to just show it off anyway um like I say it's far from finished I've got bigger plans for it uh this whole section behind me uh I've got plans to extend it as you can see I've got load of paths and stuff down there uh which are unfinished so I've got lots of plans for it um but for the most part the tower itself is finished and that's what we're going to focus on today so starting at the bottom uh we have these awesome copper struts going up with the uh blue glowing block on the inside you'll notice the blue luminescent blocks being used a lot through this build um and you'll see later that the idea is that the sorcerer that's me is using uh this sort of blue energy that he's you know transferring up through the tower to power his magic N I suppose but yeah so we have these copper struts and one thing that I sort of realized as I was building this is copper has such a gorgeous way of blending into other blocks as you can see here it forms this awesome little trim that genuinely makes it look like it's been sort of welded to the floor uh so that's just one little detail if you haven't used copper blocks much uh it's definitely worth doing cuz it can add a a beautiful look to your builds uh over on the side you can see now that we've got this beautiful roughly cut uh Stone trim around the outside um again you've got the copper struts uh around the back it's nice circular window uh piece uh large window that I've made um it's really nice being able to place the window shapes into each other as well uh just to form even more interesting shapes uh again just the same around the other side nothing too unique or special around here so if we head inside the build itself now I built this uh Tower to be my main base of operations across multiple saves so no matter what um world I've been playing on the main bulk of my gear and my resources and my blocks I wanted to store here so because of that I wanted it to be both aesthetic and functional uh so each crafter uh other than the collector I actually haven't unlocked the collector on this world yet but all the Crafters have their own sort of section and floor of the tower um with my personal section being right at the top being the sorcerer so at the bottom here we have the carpenter now the reason I placed him on the bottom is it makes sense he's he's a he's a Hardy Working Man uh he wants to be close to the ground uh pun unintended there cuz he is very close to the ground isn't he um so I also wanted him on the bottom because he's probably the crafter that I use the most um him and the blacksmith are probably the two main ones I obviously do a lot of building in the game so I wanted him easily accessible from the bottom um you know you've got all his stuff here it still all needs decorating like I want to um fill these sort of little shelf pieces that I've made uh with books and and little knickknacks and trinkets um because there's plenty of space for all that sort of stuff uh here I keep all my blocks and stuff so that makes sense um so as I mentioned earlier the blue energy just constantly channels its way all the way through the entirety of the build so you'll notice on the corners here we always have these struts going up all the way through and then we have this Central structure which again channels the the blue luminescent blocks all the way to the top so let's continue on upwards to the next floor you can see the inside of the window that I showed off just a moment ago and again this beautiful long um sort of strip of of the blue luminescent blocks mixing at the top there with the uh more orangey red lighting on the next floor up um again you can see that structure continuing up still showcasing the blue sticking out in certain parts uh the second floor up here is the hunters area again I think I will rejig a lot of this um in terms of decoration and where the crafting things sit and add a lot more Pizzaz to the actual um decorating uh the main thing I finished and the main reason I wanted to make this video is cu I recently finished the actual structure itself so this is subject to change and I may end up doing a follow-up video uh on that eventually especially if I end up extending the actual build itself and making it more of a city than just a tower uh so you've got the hunter there she's got a a mug and a bowl there ready to cook some tasty tasty broth again the corner uh struts also continuing on through the different floors um also you'll notice as we go up the resources or the block types I should say improve in sort of quality the idea is that as you get higher up uh you're coming across the Crafters or me at the top uh who are more likely to use the more extravagant blocks uh we come to the next floor up which is the sort of central Hub of the build as you can see here's the flame alter and again this structure sort of consumes the flame alter almost as if the flame alter is being powered by the entire Tower um again you'll notice that the blacksmith is on this floor uh that's again because he's the one of the more prominent Crafters that I use so I wanted him to be easily accessible uh when I teleport to this base um nothing much more to say there's a little sort of dining area over there um again I'll I'll probably improve all of this but you know it it does the job for now you come outside this door which I haven't placed yet I'll have to do that at some point onto the uh first balcony and here you see the tops of the uh copper struts here with a little balcony going around again the luminescent blocks inside there uh these lovely little cutouts of these pillars with candles placed inside I really like that um it sort of gives me a slightly Elden ring Dark Souls Vibe uh the outside of this walkway uh so you come around it's the same on either side it's symmetrical you take the stairs up as you can see this copper strut on the rear um both of the sides on the rear the copper strut goes higher CU it's uh designed to match up with where the balcony is at that point so we go up the stairs up some more stairs again you've got the handles matching on the rear as well coming up the stairs to this Central Point here we go we've reached the upper tower now so you've got this just no more corner pieces of the luminescent blocks you've just got one long stroke going all the way up here you can see a few floors higher we've got a couple of things that sort of stretch out uh I did toy around with having an actual stone support for these sections um there probably is a way to make it work and make it look good I couldn't figure it out and thought it was more in keeping with uh a sort of magic Sorcerer And the sort of concept of the build to just have again the same blue luminescent blocks almost implying that there's some kind of magic that's allowing them to stay up there um so we can go all the way around here you see The Alchemist just poking his head through there just a simple walk all the way around we've got a bench on the side in case you wants to have a little sit down um probably makes The Alchemist a little bit uncomfortable cuz someone can just sit here and watch him work but I think I think he's fine with it I think he's absolutely fine with it so if we run back around to the door we can pop inside here we've got a nice spiral staircase going all the way up throughout the rest of the build again just The Alchemist with all his little things uh this area needs a lot of work I think if there's anywhere that should look cluttered with lots of books and crystal balls and little things like that is definitely this room um but we keep heading up so as we head up the spiral staircase you'll notice there's a lot of these floors that uh that just lack anything there's a couple of Windows um but ultimately this will end up being storage I imagine as the game is updated and more items are added that I will end up with a lot of things that I want to keep hold of I do want a copy of every single Arma set and things like that so that's what these floors are for just you know somewhere to store all my stuff once I have a lot of stuff to to separate and organize uh you keep heading up and you reach this floor this is the floor of the two strutting out bits uh it's also the home of the farmer uh that doesn't make sense at first you'd sort of think well surely she'd be close to the ground where there's an actual Farm but that's the sneaky thing we actually have a small crop plot uh ready for planting over on this side um I didn't want to have to go all the way down to the bottom of the tower in order to plant and get crops so I thought hey let's just have a little strut uh sticking out and have it have it up here uh so if we go to the other side we we will find the sorcerers living quarters um so we open this little door here small balcony again sort of feels quite Elden ring to me um another door there into the living Chambers now when it comes to making beds in in shrouded I'm obsessed with this sort of look making this really sort of I don't know is it Edwardian Victorian uh just a typical sort of medieval rich person or King bed uh with these big struts coming up and the uh the Palm wood as well uh so we've got my main storage chest for my main gear um I do litter the workbenches around the base a lot uh that's mainly because again I build a lot and I want to be able to craft blocks whether I'm at the top of the tower middle of the tower bottom of the tower um you can never have too many workbenches I think so you got the lovely bed with the trim nice little ladder going up here uh onto this little sort of uh sort of almost ceiling bit at the top of the bed uh I'm unsure whether I want a fireplace here it doesn't make a lot of sense to me but it also you know it would keep you warm in bed I suppose potentially um nice little wooden Beam at the top so a big thing that I do when I'm building in this game is I try and think at least somewhat realistically in terms of structure I think a lot of people probably do this so I sort of think well could this roof be held up without any support or would it need some kind of beam and if if I think it need a beam then you'll never guess what I do I build a bloody beam don't I uh so that's the living quarters so if we head back out into the main tower we can keep heading up the stairs again we have another just sort of empty floor ready for storage and I believe the next floor up yep is yet another balcony um so if we head out here nothing special on this balcony is literally just a little area to walk around again I think I may decorate it somewhat a bit more add add a few little things here and there got some nice Stone brazers it's always lovely uh the build does look really really sweet from the bottom at night time uh I made sure there's lots of lighting with the blue luminescent blocks and then a lot of different candles and lighting fixtures and things to really make the build pop from the outside especially at nighttime uh and then if we head back inside we can head up to the final floor uh the very tippity tippity top of the tower so just a few more steps and we arrive uh and again in keeping with the whole concept of the build in terms of channeling energy up uh the blue luminescent uh sort of strut comes all the way up and is encapsulated by this copper structure um almost as if it's you know the maybe the sorcerer harnessing power of lightning and it's channeling down and that's what the blue is that's the sort of thing I was thinking anyway I like to I like to try and think as in-depth as I can about the reasoning for um my decisions in my builds and almost create my own little law around I don't think that's that weird I think I think most people probably do that in games like this I think that's why they connect with people so much so we've got this nice strange copper structure I may end up making the copper structure taller um it's not quite as visible from the bridge at the bottom there as I would like so I may end up building that up a little bit more um but that's basically it I wanted to show this off I know like I say it's not finished um but I've had a really good time building it and uh and I just wanted to to see what you guys think so if you enjoyed it do let me know if you didn't enjoy it let me know why uh if there were any building tips or tricks that you've learned from this um fantastic if there are any building tips or tricks that you think I don't know that I could do with KN please do let me know as well um so that's the tower I'm just going to hop down quickly and get a nice view of the outside from the bottom here see look at that the blue the blue colored luminescent blocks mix so well with the sort of warm orange light of the rest of the lighting in the game um yeah I just I love the look of That So yeah thank you so much for watching and uh give us a cheeky subscribe if you enjoyed it uh we'll have plenty more building content on the way very soon uh as well as some little mini games and things we've got planned within in shrouded uh We've start start streaming as well so uh catch us on on one of those days we're hoping to start streaming um maybe once a week if we have the time but yeah thank you so much for watching and we'll catch you next time
Channel: Pratfall
Views: 723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pratfall, Ragdoll, Physics, Games, Gaming, UK, British, Comedy, Music, Pratman, Funny, memes, gameplay, new, event, video games, prat, win, fail, slapstick, music, original, yellow, purple, enshrouded, build, build showcase, rpg, open world, fantasy, building, duo, sorcerer's tower, sorcerer, showcase, blue, luminescent blocks, voxel, roughly cut stone, copper, copper block, tutorial, how to
Id: M_A1Xvon0_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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