Romeo and Juliet | Full Drama Romance Movie

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[Music] [Music] hey [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] my love [Music] [Music] [Music] god forgive me romeo juliet is alive she's alive [Music] so please come in you're not well you'll only catch a chill you should be more careful juliet and you should worry less i'm stronger than you think you should have stayed at your uncles in the south until it's spring you insisted so much stubbornness of the capulets oh nice there was a time when winter seemed unending [Music] and the wind of hatred scorched our lands [Music] two families had been fighting since time immemorial the montagues and the cabinets let's burn it no one could remember the origin of this enmity only one thing was certain this feud would never end blood needed to be answered with blood oh lord fire what happened oh nurse come here yeah come here let's just say she's my reward get back [Music] is arriving damn you [Music] now kill me if you have the courage but spare the women your humiliation is enough for me you are a coward you and every montague you hide your faces but i know who you are only a coward would kill an unarmed man [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] i'll make you pay for this you damn montagues [Music] bring the horses to the stables so we destroyed their provisions well done romeo i'm proud of you and they lost one of their men it happens you have to get used to it if you want to lead this family romeo did you give the capulets what they deserved [Music] at the time we couldn't imagine life any differently we had grown up in hatred they had fed it to us in our mother's milk and taught it along with courage honor and lack of mercy [Music] we fell behind when we got there they had already set fire to everything there were a lot more of them you let them get away with that so much as giving them a scratch if you're not able to protect you yet how can you expect me to give you her hand whatever it is everything is ruined thank god you're safe let me see the word i hope my father wasn't too angry with you i also told him what happened he was just afraid for you when i think of the danger you were in i heard one of those bandits speak romeo's name i knew it that montague swine he'll never get that close to you again i promise you stay calm now you need to rest let me see let me see thank you for what you're doing for me why shouldn't i you're like a brother to me we will lose all we have if things carry on like this and i couldn't bear that i didn't marry you to witness your decline well cancel the ball we can't afford it anyway no on the contrary we need to put on the most lavish ball possible even though one of our men has been killed we need allies then we cannot lose face with count paris either usless wedding goes off smoothly or will be finished it's all the montague's fault what are you doing there how many times have i told you not to listen outdoors this your sister is looking for you she's more agitated than the devil himself this way we can make this family's name [Music] where have you been i'm going out of my mind here so this one or this one uh well definitely that one [Music] i'll be seeing him again soon you understand i've thought about him day and night for the last three years and i'm sure he's been thinking of me too so can't paris will be coming to the ball why would i be making all this fuss otherwise but you've only seen him once and more than three years ago you'll understand when you fall in love [Music] besides mother didn't know further when she married him ursula we've decided at the boar we'll announce your engagement account paris i want everyone to admire you we'll spare no expense nice try antonio montagues the prince summons you for an audience [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] rebel subjects montagues and capulets your hatred for one another has stained these lands with blood for years up until now you have ignored all warnings but enough is enough the next one of you to bring havoc upon these lands will meet the same fate as that man my prince you forget that we were the ones attacked and that one of our men was killed who says that it was us no one can accuse us this time yes they can romeo was there someone spoke his name how dare this bastard accuse my silence i have had enough of your petty quarrels just remember the punishment that waits for anyone who breaks the truce and now capulets follow me it's an outrage we've been humiliated as a relative of the prince i can talk to you frankly was you it's acting capulet's convoy is that what you wanted to tell me mercutio no or rather not just that the capulets are holding a ball a ball are you sure because they should be in mourning they have two guests of farmer the prince and gun paris his relative he came all the way from ferrara to marry the capulet's daughter and that explains everything i will be able to tell you more after the fall there's no need i'm going with you have you got mad you want to set foot in the capitalist home now i have my interests a girl no doubt surely she isn't a capulet i don't know i think i was dreaming when i saw her they are never going to let you into the ball my mind's already made up now we just have to find a way gentlemen to ratify the treaty the capulets will indict to their ball or the local nobles without exception you see that they will have to welcome me with open arms [Music] come along now it's time to get ready nurse do you think true love is just a dream how should i know it was long long ago and he wasn't even my husband oh my god forgive him i was young and in love and so and so what i'll tell you some other time the trouble with love is that men are involved you should think about marriage instead now that is a serious matter who knows if i will ever fall in love too one day you're taking a needless risk and whatever for i don't want you to set foot in that home they're just waiting to take revenge for what we did but i want to go mother mercutio must be about to arrive i have to go do it for me you see i'm coming [Music] they're here [Music] i'm surprised by all this pump given what they're going through they're counting on you to save them they can count on me only if it's really worth it my prince paris it's an honor to have you here come let me introduce you to my family [Music] this is my lady wife lady capulet and my daughters ursula my eldest child i'm sure the count will remember of course i remember so do i as if it were yesterday and my younger daughter juliet i didn't know you had another daughter yes you'll get to know us all better tonight now that you've arrived the celebrations can begin mercutio i have the feeling that something is going to happen here tonight really all the local nobles without exception isn't it right [Music] this count is such a hoarding man well but he's tall enough and handsome bearing and good strong teeth no one asked your opinion be quiet your father is speaking ladies and gentlemen my dear friends and enemies i wish to bid you welcome and to thank you for coming here this evening but before leaving you to this evening's festivities i'd like to announce with great pleasure the engagement of my daughter ursula to paris count of modernity lord of ferrara you must be somewhere aren't you going to congratulate me now that we're a family juliet you're beautiful may i have the honor of dancing with you but my sister is entitled to the first dance ladies and gentlemen now let the dancing begin [Music] what did i tell you all men are fickle i know what i'm talking about keep well away from that one i hope ursula didn't notice that it's not your fault i think i should speak to my father uncle romeo montague is here once again sure there he is i'll teach him to laugh behind our backs wait you really think this is the right moment to start a fight here in front of the prince try using your brain once in a while [Music] as you can see i'm not giving up [Music] unfortunately i can't stay very long here we shall surely miss you but i do intend to marry before i leave i'm sure ursula will be pleased [Music] what about you don't you dream of marriage i dream of finding true love first or true love finding me [Music] sorry heaven knows where you got such an idea an idea that cannot write itself to border [Music] hello [Music] i'd give everything i hold dearest to know who i'm dancing with [Music] tell me your name first and i'll tell you mine not everyone likes my name the name makes no difference to me mercutio [Music] with all the women in the world [Music] a lovely evening isn't it [Music] i knew this night would be different from all others i was thinking the same you dream about love found in but that doesn't exist what are you saying i don't like you treading on my property i spared your life once you shouldn't have i can't shed blood here but believe me soon i'll slit your throat [Music] [Music] what did he want to make friends i feel old and tired tired of fighting [Music] the troops and this engagement will change everything [Music] my wait romeo you don't know the trouble you're getting into [Music] or maybe you do [Music] uh this is where i always search refuge ever since i was a little girl peace and silence reign here you can forget hatred revenge and all the horrible things in this world so which world do you come from you're brighter than these flames you are the one who makes them burn forgive me i did not want to offend you or to disrespect this place no no i don't believe you have even monks and saints have hands and bodies they have loops too yes but to speak with and pray then pray give me a kiss [Music] with that kiss you took all sins from my lips so the sins that i took from you are mine now you're right to scold me so sweetly give me my sins back [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this goes beyond all my dreams juliet [Music] i have to leave no no no please no no please stay wait wait ah there you go you haven't told me your name your mother is looking for him i'll be back soon i'd like to get to know your daughter better the younger one they've just announced your engagement to ursula i think i've changed my mind i was very impressed by julieta i'm sure we'll have an opportunity to discuss this further nothing is more important to me than my daughters please my lord nothing is more important to me than my family take that into account i'm sorry to see you leave already promise me that you will come back soon i certainly shall come back [Music] lady kepler [Music] goodbye juliet goodbye [Music] ah mercutio tibblet who are those two men over there accusio one of the prince's relatives and romeo montague romeo montague our enemy precisely you even danced with him earlier but i didn't know it i had never seen drew beauty before i don't know her name yet her name is julian she's the capulet's younger daughter shall we [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] not everyone likes my name the name makes no difference to me [Music] where's fryer lawrence from the garden where else would he be [Applause] friar lawrence romeo you're early have you come to pray with us i need to talk to you right now i hope your conscience is torturing you over what you did i already know what happened the senseless war has gone on far too long all right come out with it i've met i've met the most beautiful girl i've ever seen another one you always say the same thing come no no no this time yes come this time it's careful come on it's my head and i don't know what to do i i feel strange if only i had a medicine to cure me but maybe i wouldn't want it there's no cure for these wonderful symptoms who is she her name is juliet and her last name is capulet it can't be it is it makes you feel the same way well perhaps but i am her enemy this changes everything there will be trouble it's not as if i asked for this to happen i'm like i told you i don't know what to do forget her that's my advice i'm telling you for your own good you don't play with your own life nor with that i know that you don't know anything this is not a game impetuous emotions often lead to even more violence [Music] so morning i think count paris was glad that he came to the ball [Music] go away what are you doing it was supposed to be the most wonderful night of my life instead paris prefers you no no that's not true don't you realize i could tell in any case he's engaged to you that's what matters no one can take that away from you there is no use pretending can paris wasn't taken with juliet you're not thinking you're giving it to his whims huh you can't humiliate herself like that she's our oldest child do you know that if she doesn't marry before her sister no other man would want her we can't allow ourselves to refuse the count's proposition he is the only one who can give us back the supremacy we're entitled to and raise up your name again yes you think i don't know that before taking your decision i want to use everything at my disposal to persuade that spoiled child to change his mind we don't have much at our disposal and very little time remember that uncle you promised julia to me the good of the family is more important than yours don't you think count paris is a really lucky man to have found a beautiful and sweet girl like you who already loves him and i'm sure he knows that too i wish i could believe you you must dreams can't come true even if they seem impossible forgive me forgive me if i took all this out on you it's just that you're so radiant i've never seen you this way it's as if you've fallen in love really [Music] foreign you have nothing to say to me what could i say it's all so clear look at yourself like a ghost i didn't sleep a wink last night but i don't think you did either i didn't do anything what did i do that's perverse you fall in love my friend with the worst person possible perhaps it will stay the dream of just one night but at least let me dream you're deluding yourself wake up my friend if you don't it could be tonight and you will end up in even worse [Music] trouble one word with one of you why just one word and why just with one verse mercutio this has nothing to do with you he's right just go it does have something to do with me it is my duty and right to make you comply with the truth [Music] you thought you were something at the ball huh but i'll make sure you'll never approach our house and my cousin juliet again your threats are meaningless [Music] mercutio what is happening here i believe they just wanted to establish the conditions of the truth nice come on julian everything is so beautiful today no get up oh everything is so beautiful get up you'll catch a chill and i'm freezing my bones off to you i feel so happy nurse i think i'm in love oh my god i knew it what is that so bad what can i say i should be happy for you yet the news pierces my heart oh nurse don't react like that i feel bad too let's not talk about it again all right nurse huh [Music] don't you even want to know who it is him what on earth's come over you that's scoundrel who attacked our convoy he should be your worst enemy but i didn't know who he was but now you do and knowing you i don't want you getting yourself hurt had to happen sooner or later but not like this it is worse than in my worst nightmares but besides romeo defended us from his own men remember and spare table's life all the same he's still a montague promise me you will forget him as quickly as possible i'm trying to but but every little thing reminds me of him i can't stop thinking about him there we are the idiocy of those in love just like me same words it must be the milk i gave you when i was nursing you juliet i don't want you to make the same mistakes as me besides what's special about this romeo he's he's handsome and proud and courageous [Music] and then there are the beautiful and passionate words he speaks they are like poetry yes they are where are you going i'm going to look at the stars i so understand you but at least wrap up [Music] [Music] watch no one in the world is more sincere than juliet if she says she's not in love then i believe her i heard her say the exact opposite i'd keep my eye on her if i were you i'm me romeo my god she's so beautiful why does it have to be you romeo your name is that of my enemy you are you and you will still be you even if you weren't a montague [Music] and what's in a name [Music] even a rose if it were called by any other name would smell as sweet if it's called a rose it's a rose some things cannot be changed so easily now come inside yes but romeo is still so beautiful and and brave and perfect as he is [Music] if only he gave up his name i could be his fine choose a name and i will be baptized in you who is there is someone there i have just given up my name so how can i tell you i recognize your voice is that you romeo montague no more considering you don't like my first name or my family name you were listening to my secrets hidden there in the dark how did you manage to get here nothing could keep me away no castle walls no relatives no dogs no swords [Music] juliet you have to go now they'll kill you if they find you here i know it's madness but i could do nothing but think of you while i was trying to forget you i was the same but i don't want anything to happen to you death doesn't scare me as much as being parted from you go go i'll wait for you [Music] it's your sister uh why are you here so late i thought about what you said you were so sweet and i wanted to return the favor is there anything you want to tell me what would i have to tell you well i don't know maybe you have a secret something you didn't have the courage to tell anyone else if she didn't tell anyone there has to be a reason i'm so tired i would like to go to bed now good night i thought there was no secrets between us don't don't tell me he's out there oh [Music] oh i should be ashamed for what you heard me say earlier why you didn't really mean it oh no no no on the contrary but i certainly don't think i would have said those things if i had known that you were listening to me but at least i was sincere you're magnificent just the way you are juliet that window is the east and you are the sun that makes even the moon to impale with envy the moon changes every night what if you change your mind tomorrow never even though i'm afraid it being night all this is but a dream it's too wonderful to be real [Music] then let us never wake [Music] oh juliet is everything all right yes why is the dog barking i don't know but he seems to be barking at your balcony juliet uh nurse i'm coming the moon must be driving him crazy tie him up before he wakes everyone wouldn't you be happier if i came to take a look i can do that myself there's just me and my nurse and no one else here but thank you all the same cousin and good night good night juliet good night [Music] now leave before tibble changes his mind promise we'll see each other again soon i promise i promise you good night good night a thousand times good night [Music] [Music] romeo wake up come on wake up wake up i'm sorry to wake you but a messenger from the capulets brought this for you has challenged you to a jewel you need to decide where how and when i think he's just trying to provoke me father and now that the capulets of the prince's favor because of the marriage they want us to trip up we shouldn't fall prey to their wiles romeo is right it could be a trap we shouldn't trust any of them particularly tibbled but they will think we are cowards no they are the cowards they want to settle a score but they don't have the courage to attack there's no avoiding the fact that when you are challenged there's only one thing to do respond and you cannot avoid that romeo unless you wish to shame yourself you said that i possess the qualities of a leader so please listen to me it would be stupid to lose the advantage we have attained trust me trust me and you will not regret it what you're letting him do this he seems to be afraid of fighting romeo was changing he was like a stranger to us distant as if he'd already abandoned us but no one else seemed to realize apart from me i've thought long and hard but i haven't changed my mind julia is the one i want well i have to tell you that i won't be able to give my younger daughter the same diary as the eldest i don't care about the dowry julia's beauty is worth its weight in gold their insistence doesn't seem to take into account the word already given not to mention the publicly announced engagement it's julia or nothing needless to say juliet can be sure of my deepest love hmm are you sure of hers it's your task to convince her and i'm sure you're extremely motivated it'll take time i want to reply by christmas that's just a week away you are the ones who need me and not the [Music] opposite [Music] no one's the married juliet [Music] then we'll give her to him and what if she doesn't agree she'll have to marry him all the same you're forgetting the same thing happened to me [Music] you both seem preoccupied things aren't going well for us are they i'm just concentrating this design is very complex so did you like dancing with cam paris i can't really say i liked it he is a handsome man and you are not a young girl anymore many girls even younger than you were already mothers myself included when i was your age i don't understand what you're getting at if the count happened to be more interested in you than in your sister what would you say no i would say no your father would be happy if you married paris and you'd have everything you could possibly desire have you thought about ursula the humiliation for her would be terrible but you won't listen to me you don't care about ursula nor about me or what i really want what you want the whims of a talkative and spoiled child and don't you dare breathe a word of this to your sister you're right this design is too complex it baffles me [Music] nurse nurse you must go to the city right now oh good lord why that errand that you needed to run i really don't remember do you want me to fall ill you are the one who's going to make me fall ill so it's not true you don't remember please you're the only one who can help me i need that medicine it will only hurt you there is nothing else i can do my mother is saying some strange things and i need to see him as soon as possible nurse please go quickly thank you [Music] where did you run off to last night i had lost something and i found it again i don't dare to imagine what it was it was myself a fine reply very original yet it is true [Music] i found something too a beautiful lady giving me fiery logs excuse me i have to go but i saw her [Music] first what's that friend of yours staring at what cheek forget about him she sent you didn't she tell me everything first i want to warn you if you hurt her you will be sorry what do you say if you cheat on her or delude her with those sweet words of yours that i know so well but i haven't said anything i swear there we are you men are good at making promises but you shouldn't be believed i tried telling my julia thank you enough please just give me the message she sent you with this afternoon at the play on the square may god forgive me tell her that i won't move from there even if i should dry out in the rain or get soaked by the sun well did you see him what did he say you shouldn't have become involved in this madness why what happened come sit sit my nurse sit and tell me everything and my head hurts too yes or no well he's a handsome boy too but because i'm so fond of you i'll tell you [Music] yes he said yes thank you thank you thank you thank you i have to get ready now oh no no no no no going to see a play it's not right no no i refuse well then i'll go on my own and what will you tell your parents i'll do it in secret oh oh no now i'm aching all over [Music] where are you going i'm going into town to see the players but don't tell anyone i'll come with you no you can't why not because you'll get me discovered some other time mercedes fair look gold order [Music] shall serve as now for us both if you think it good and terry for the comfort of the day find you out of bed for i upon this bank will rest my head one turf shall serve as pillow [Music] for my sake of my dear life yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're even more beautiful by day than by night by the light of day i can finally see the color of your hair [Music] i am simply sorry that i cannot kiss you and embrace you here here in front of everyone [Music] but if these feelings are real then they must not be kept secret it hurts me to lie and deceive my family it won't be for long trust me so far be distant and good night sweet friend thy love near alter till thy sweet life love takes the meaning in god's conference i mean that my heart unto yours is lit so that what one heart we can make of it [Music] no not him he's seen me i must hide paris i thought i saw your sister yes maybe bad stroke of luck it's a shame i can't see you anymore but i can stay with you if you like no no thank you doesn't it for us i want to tell you the truth even if it may seem cool ever since i met julia i keep thinking about her [Music] you and i are bound by a promise an engagement can be broken and i don't think that ours will be any different amen amen [Music] i am your enemy and now i have you in my clutches i'm not afraid of you and which enemy are you anyway perhaps a capulet perfidious endisonist and you must be a montague greedy and arrogant well capulet don't trust anyone who tries to buy everything with money and you montague don't ever give in to those who think they are better than you they conceal their own envy is that what you think no not anymore my love before i hated your name but now i love it even more than mine [Music] if our love was born within all this hate then maybe it can be its cure in what way we should speak to our parents and tell them everything and ask for their consent and do you think that they would give it i don't think it will be that easy well so what should we do carry on seeing each other in secret as if we're doing something wrong and what if they're going to choose someone else for us to marry julian it's just that you know we cannot be too hasty or too ingenuous if this is just a game for you it's better not to see each other again i'd rather suffer than be fooled don't say that but if on the other hand you want this to last forever as i do we have to find the courage to defy our parents hold me now hold me [Music] but don't come to see me again until you've made up your mind [Music] juliet where have you been on the square on the square doing what why this interrogation you know you shouldn't go out alone or were you with someone what on earth are you thinking liar treatress ursula can you tell me what's wrong i followed you and i saw who you were waiting for do you want to read these perhaps he'll write the same things to you and i don't even have those but just his words he was mine and you stole him from me he told me to my face he wants to break off the engagement i wasn't talking about paris it wasn't him that i was meeting on the square so who was it then [Music] it was romeo of the montague family are you mad no i'm in love in a way i never thought possible he seduced you he must have used some illicit means he just looked at me and talked to and me me i don't know what will happen but the only thing that i'm sure of is that i can never be anybody else's [Music] [Music] father i i've been thinking about this and perhaps we should stop all this what did you say because together the the montagues and the capulets would be mightier than the prince wouldn't it be better to make peace on our terms now that we can what are you thinking peace won't come until i vanish from the face of the earth but in the meantime whole generations have gone by in this feud no one wins we all lose good time and human lives and why can anyone even remember how it all began the fault of the capulets they've always been evil and false they plot against us what's come over you romeo do you want to cross to their side even think such a thing father i'm just asking you to listen to me and to look a little further you're talking nonsense the words of weaklings and cowards go now i'll pretend i didn't hear a word of this [Music] do [Music] do you were right peace will never come if nothing is done why don't you speak of peace now when you were the first to wage war because i love juliet capulet and i want you to marry us [Music] and you think they will allow that they'll have to accept it once it is done no because you're married in secret now i know you're patient but you know don't even think about it it's the only way fryer do you think i haven't tried to talk to my parents the mere mention of peace goes as an uproar i can't do it i will not allow myself to be swayed by your your recklessness it's not recklessness it's love [Music] do you want me to be sad tormented without any other gold than to hurt my enemies like i was before don't force my hand romeo if the change in you your love your life is pure and true time will prove it and we'll speak about this again is that all you can say it takes time let some time go by that's not how things will change it's been two days since i've had any news from him what do you think it means what does it mean i don't know perhaps something prevented him but one thing is sure all men are alike liars and talkers i have to see him as soon as possible to find out if he still loves me perhaps he will say that he loves you but if he doesn't marry you produces that you get into trouble he can't be like the others but that's what i said to but then why don't you try to forget him never ask him to come to the little church where we kissed for the first time juliet remember when you were a little girl and you fell down and you hurt your face you had a pump on your forehead here the size of a walnut you were three years old i picked you up and i said to you one day you learned to learn to fall down without hurting your face you stopped crying and gravely promised that you would and i promise you again i won't fall on my face anymore and now please take this letter to my love and tell him that i'll wait for him there at sunset no i can't ugh i tried talking to my father but the mere mention of the capulet name drives you mad sleeves i'll never have the courage to tell him about me and juliet yes i'm afraid your love was born under the wrong style welcome to the brotherhood of broken hearts and i will show you the way out what's that a magic potion in a way yes it can make you forget everything love suffering melancholy the horrible feeling of having lusty life by making you lose it for real in a word it's arsenic you expect me to believe that you will believe it when i use it one day shut up mercutio you have no reason to that's what you think what everyone thinks because that's what i want you to think hey calm down [Music] i was once but our pleasures of love vanished like snowflakes in the sun my friend if i could ease your suffering i'd do it but there is no sense of dying to heal a wound [Music] i need to go out behave yourself [Music] don't say i didn't warn you [Music] remember the day after tomorrow is already christmas eve yes i'm well aware of it thank you but you don't seem to talk julia around have you that doesn't matter the count is expecting her answer and we'll give it to him anyway all a waste of time juliet will never marry paris ursula you are listening juliet has fallen in love with someone else oh the montague's son romeo that's not possible that's the last thing we need she told me herself and even said she will never marry any other man but him you'll realize what that would mean i find it hard to believe that juliet would be capable of such a thing so you don't believe ursula your patience your wisdom while everything is going to the dogs don't touch me can't you see we're in this state because of your indecisiveness all you have ever done is make me unhappy enough sent for juliet i want to hear the truth from her [Music] so did you see him what did he say he wanted to run straight here i had to persuade him to wait until sunset at least juliette your father wants to talk to you right now be quiet you remain standing is it true that you've fallen in love with the air of that vile family whose name i do not care to mention answer me is it true or not i have to warn you that if it is true you'll no longer be considered my daughter but a stranger that i'll keep in my home only so she doesn't starve to death and to keep her from the dogs that would tear her apart give juliet a chance to answer i want to hear what she has to say [Music] it's not true i don't even know him i just saw him at the ball [Music] so which one of you lied i did i made the story up so ursula's feelings wouldn't be heard you liar you've always taken me for a fool that's enough this house has had enough crying and scheming from you women leave this room and you'll regret it we'll all sit down at this table now and eat together and no one will speak another word of this matter and i never ever want to hear the name montague mentioned in this house again [Music] hmm so over here momentarily oh [Music] i don't feel well you may go to your room juliet juliet wait wait tonight we shall act undercover but finally we'll give the montagues what they deserve about time juliet he's gone he's gone he's gone nurse he's gone or maybe he never came i've betrayed my only love i've forsaken the holiest thing on this earth devil would have been better [Music] what is he up to i must find him i have to find him no it's dangerous no your father is already fueled let me go nurse romeo romeo [Music] romeo yes do you mean juliet of course open the door nurse no no i can't she's she's very tired and she said she would prefer to wait until tomorrow well it can't wait i say it can you have already upset her enough for one evening at least let her have a peaceful night [Music] so [Music] [Music] um [Music] my huh oh fire they sent fire to the stores [Music] no little face what are you doing here alone don't don't try again calm down do as i said romeo come come [Music] romeo are you hurt no what did that wretch do to you nothing all that matters is that you're here now don't leave me again i tried to get you julia but i couldn't sorry i will never leave you again you're the only thing worth living for my love [Music] i want to make a promise to you tonight you and i will be bound forever are you asking me to marry you yes yes the light of day will no longer destroy our dreams and our families will not be able to divide us [Music] yes a thousand times [Music] so [Music] [Music] there's this entry hmm you're safe now and what time shall i send you my nurse at midday and if ry lawrence refuses again then i will take you away until we find someone ready to marry us it feels like 20 years will pass before that time i know but go now before they see us a oh [Music] water bring more water [Music] maybe we can salvage songs thank heavens you're safe are you all right romeo something is still smoldering over here bring water back where the hell were you last night answer me i'm sorry i wasn't here is that all you can say father what happened it was then the truce is over whatever the prince says no no it can't be over father he will have to punish them for what they did what are you saying as you see who's on that side what are you going to open your eyes they were already open i think you are keeping them closed on purpose and so does your brother just when you should be getting out weapons to make them pay get rid of everything bring the god over here you can load up the rest of this mess killed in cold blood no one is going to be punished for this tell me what i have to do i beseech you romeo enough revenge in return you have to do something for me and you know what i'm talking about i won't stand by and let the only beautiful thing in my life be destroyed and don't you think that what you want to do will make things seem more difficult if i have changed others can change too and if love can't bring peace to rain between us i don't know what else we can place our hopes in all right then i shall marry you tomorrow morning at dawn and we'll announce it on christmas day during mass in front of the bishop and the prince romeo perhaps you're right this may be the last chance we have left to put an end to this to this war so is it good or bad news both i've never seen a day so beautiful and so frightful at once sometimes the beauty is in the frightfulness and the frightfulness that he sees you you have to ask for permission to go to confession romeo will be waiting for you there to make you his wife [Music] father [Music] juliet i'm sorry for the things i said to you yesterday it's just the mere idea well i was furious can i go to fry lawrence to confess and ask for his advice very well there's no doubt they love each other but if you have the meat it must be part of your plan nor this not to think i dreamt of sewing a beautiful wedding dress for you but who cares about the dress i'm so happy that i could get married in rags you're right tomorrow you'll marry the man you love yes so please don't be so sad my child i've known you since the day you were born i nursed you i watched over you night and day i helped you through all the bad times praying all the while i know you've always been my real mother you are the only joy in my life and i pray to god that he wouldn't take you from me too that you might live grow up that one day you would have had a beautiful wedding you would have had children little ones that i would have raised then all your prayers are about to be answered what are you talking about you're marrying in secret like a thief if only i could come with you i know and i'm sorry too but it's wiser if i go alone may god protect you my child [Music] you sent for me juliet has gone to confession to fry lawrence something bothers me [Music] he's ready [Music] um [Music] your excellency how difficult it is to write this message from lawrence yes is juliet already here no she isn't you're so impatient you think you're late when you're actually early come come up he's getting married and he's acting like a child oh the blessed youth i can't wait but at the same time i'm afraid it will never happen father finally here she is good morning my spiritual father i'm ready no no no no no we'll do this quickly i may even smile upon this celebration this way the both of you come all right lock the door yes [Music] montagues follow me oh lord bless and sanctify love these newlyweds share i made these rings be a symbol of faith [Music] reminding them constantly of their love and now let us invoke the lord trusting he will bestow his blessings and grace upon them and with the powers bestowed to me i pronounce you man and wife [Music] romeo [Music] what are we going to do now [Music] [Music] hey open up open the door [Music] you can't hide them anymore open up damn you coward i know you're in there open this church who are you looking for there is no one here open the door i already told you there is no one here out of my way romeo you coward you can't hide anymore i know you're here come out come quickly oh my god coward i know you're in people in this there how about you wretch tibbles what are you doing here where is romeo hiding he isn't here as you can plainly see and why should he be julian tell me the truth it's just as fry lawrence says your anger makes you imagine things that don't exist wait outside and we'll go home together don't try to mock me i saw a horse with the montague's colors hidden outside listen here young man two of them lie dead in the crypt below and others are holding awake i wouldn't go down there if i were you you think you can scare me if you don't fear the punishment of men at least fear that of the lord and show respect for this dwelling and now i'll finish listening to juliet's confession don't take too long over it out i can drag him out of the church and confront him no promise me as a wedding gift that you won't do it now or ever i promise after all tablet is a relative of mine now wait here [Music] so [Music] you come with me [Music] before he finds you we can't part like this we just married one another no wait not far from our castle there is an abandoned guard tower yes i know the place i could join you there my love as soon as i get rid of tibbled please be careful there's something evil in the air i'll be counting the minutes that part me from you for me there can be no sweeter weight than this you can no longer wait here and don't do anything rash you have your entire life ahead of you [Music] there was someone else with you wasn't there juliet i want you to be honest with me i'd like you to be too do you know anything about the montagues you were killed why don't you ask your father tibblet you know how much i care about you we grew up together i don't want anything to happen to you or for you to lose your life in this meaningless feud what's wrong with you your father promised you to me but now he seems to have forgotten that i can't compete with the mighty paris nor with a handsome romeo do you like a brother to me go ahead say it do you often cousin more like i really hope that all of this will end one day and the montagues and the capulets can live in peace you live in a dream well juliet loving your enemies is greater than hating them love your enemies and you will be hated by your family can our paths part here [Music] go [Music] so [Music] did anyone follow you now now that you're here this place seems magical i'm so happy that i that i fear there may not be room in this world for so much joy then we'll make room for it and we will find new words to express what cannot be said in words like what i love you juliet capulet i love you too and now my family name is the same as yours [Music] [Applause] um [Music] i was i was just trying to imagine how beautiful it will be sleeping next to you that will happen soon you will see hmm yes but when are we going to tell our parents juliet i think we should do it tomorrow tomorrow yes we should do it at the end of christmas mass that's what friar lawrence suggested and their families will be there too along with the bishop and the prince so they won't dare to tear each other apart in front of them they will have to accept our marriage and no one will be able to part us again oh we should hide the rings too hide the rings you're right it will be the most beautiful christmas of my life i'll think of you tonight and you will be with me in my dreams [Music] so [Music] [Music] bye [Music] put that trunk on the back what are you doing can't you see i'm leaving i don't want to be here when you marry paris no ursula that will never happen i'm just an embarrassment now for you and the whole family please listen to me things won't go the way you think you'll see just trust me but you've always lied to me all of you have always lied to me maybe i'll never marry now but at least i won't be here humiliated in front of everyone no ursula please wait things will work out tomorrow you're fooling me and you're fooling yourself don't you realize that neither one of us has a choice [Music] [Music] ursula wait [Music] listen to me [Music] it's an upset for all of us but i have some good news that may comfort you the prince has invited us to the christmas mass count paris will be there too [Music] [Applause] enough enough enough the entertainment is over you want to no no i think i prefer to stay alive besides i have to tell you something first juliet and i are married you dice with death too much [Applause] i knew you would do it i just hope you realize the consequence we will announce it tomorrow at christmas mass in front of the prince they will all side against you both inner knives will fly then thank you mikushio you're my friend you know you should be happy for me friendship what a fine word like love the errors of youth what's wrong with you you're even more pessimistic than usual [Music] you see my friend this was my big error now she belongs to another man and the winner is always closed is she the woman you loved i'm sorry because is that all you can say me off you know then try to be happy i envy you even though i will never admit it off you go [Music] what do you want now i don't want you doing anything stupid you already stepped too close to the fire give me the poison give me the poison mercutio why i'm never going to use it i'm the i'd rather be sure christmas was here at last and everyone hoped it would bring us a little warmth in this cold winter on that holy day weapons and armor were traditionally set aside whatever war was waging and the glow of peace warmed the hardened souls of the fighters i am willing to proceed with the new arrangement and i need your answer i want it now yes or no yes juliet will marry your cousin paris and nothing will prevent that marriage then it is decided the capulets with the prince they're going too far and we're here just looking on [Music] um [Music] you are more beautiful than ever junior and that's only natural since we are celebrating our engagement today i shall only be my lawful spouses calling the time paris first we celebrate christmas then saint stephen's day then who knows smile julian you can't be sad on a day like this i'm your husband's best friend are you real husband i know who you are in a short while at the end of the mass we'll make the announcement that will be a nice surprise for these fine people hmm don't make us come with us move oh where did he go [Music] i'll see what's going on stay here where's your brother here is my man at last you can see i don't have my sword i cannot defend myself [Music] that won't be enough to save you give him a sword i don't want to fight with you tibblet i have a good reason to no longer consider you an enemy that reason is your account even if your pose is a braggart in front of others forgive me if i ever offended you but i must go oh my what a gentle lamb he's become enough of this act now hit me if you want but i am not fighting back i've made a vow a vow [Music] here romeo [Music] you don't want to shed blood on christmas day now you'll fight if you're a man romeo fight back take my sword and defend yourself or he's going to slaughter you mercutio have you seen how brave your friend is he shows more courage in letting himself be beaten like this than you do in beating a man who doesn't defend himself you always talk too much get up you fool i'm fine doubled believe me i no longer hate the capulets but i hate you wait romeo no no no mercutio come on mercutio put your sword away i don't want to fight with you [Music] that's enough leave him alone let's go bye leave him alone i'm enjoying this he's not the one you're after get away go just go leave him alone stop it youtube come on let's go get sure that's away hey listen to me stop the fight [Music] no what did you do why did you give it my way [Music] oh it doesn't seem too [Music] it's steep deep to make me a dead man [Music] come on [Music] can't view that [Music] spray your breath i'm not gonna let you down like this come quickly help us help [Music] i have played with this but that has tricked me i'm not gonna let you die like this come [Music] [Music] on [Music] who did this who did this i saw him it was three men there were three men they rode off that way [Music] go after them [Music] so i didn't mean to do it but montague stepped in and i couldn't stop myself uncle believe me i'm sick of your stupidity and this time you'll not have my protection i always defended this my family shows that will lead us to disaster and it's your fault to kill you in my own hands if you're still here at first light [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] where have you been we were worried about you antonio told us everything so did you find tibbled mercutio was your best friend and he died defending you so what are you waiting for now to avenge him romeo what's happened to you you used to be so brave loyal and intrepid what is it you want mother do you want me to stain my hands with blood do you want me to become a murderer [Music] it should have been the most beautiful christmas ever but instead it was the saddest juliet it's late go to bed now after all you know romeo's not going to come tonight then i'll go to him i need to know how he is mercutio was his best friend my child you're forgetting it was your cousin who killed him but that hurts me even more i can't just stay here i need to see him at all no no no i'm not that easy ursula has gone tablet will leave this house all we need now is for something to happen to you besides besides what are you sure romeo wants to see you tablet why did you do it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] romeo i'm sorry about mercutio i'm sorry juliet get back inside this doesn't concern you no i won't let you do what you have in mind what you don't want me to avenge the death of my best friend i don't want you to kill tibblet both of you are blood of my blood now didn't we want our families to make peace [Music] our love has made me a weakling a coward i don't believe yes your beauty has taken away my strength and my courage but enough now no one will call me a coward again [Music] prepare to pay for mercutio's death with your life you're talking like a man at last juliet you've betrayed us and to think i dreamed of marrying you of making you mine but you preferred to sell yourself to our enemy [Music] romeo let's fight elsewhere we can spare her this pain at least as you want no no please romeo [Music] please [Music] so it was you i wanted to kill not him now you have to pay for what you did i have nothing more to lose save your breath and fight [Music] hmm [Music] hmm oh it hurts pick up your sword [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] if [Music] peace friar lawrence brian lawrence romeo what's wrong we were praying pray for me too that i've just killed tibbles i prayed so hard you wouldn't do it my god forgive you come come run we have no one we'll be able to harm you as long as you stay here come here your words were clear and now romeo montague must pay for my nephew tibble's murder with his life and whom should i consider responsible for mercutio's death it was tibbled i saw everything and i can tell you how it happened tibbles lured romeo into an empty street and then challenged him to a duel but my brother refused to fight so mercutio stepped in to defend him romeo tried to stop them but by doing that he allowed tibble to wound makushio that's absurd antonio is romeo's brother how can we believe his story i am sick of you and your infighting tibblet has paid for mercutio's death with his life and romeo must pay too but since he simply responded to an attack under the foul murder of my cousin akusho shall spare him [Music] by commuting the death sentence into excel for life but i warn you if he remains on these lands one more day my sword will be the one covered with blood [Music] who is the man i married where have his his promises sweetness his love gone men have no loyalty or fidelity they're all false evil and cruel how could he do that how [Music] kill the man who's like a brother to me without mercy in front of my eyes [Music] you can't beat the same person a malicious scoundrel a demon with the face of an angel it's a good job you found out [Music] please don't cry please don't cry don't cry he can't be the same person he can't be the same person he can't since you sincerely repent god will grant you his forgiveness god has forgiven your sins now you must face the justice of men i'm not afraid of that friar the only thing that i'm really afraid of is living without juliet i said hateful words to her i threw my ring away she won't ever want to see me again if she doesn't forgive me i've nothing left tibble will be buried here in the cemetery tomorrow i i shall try to bring you and juliet together somehow [Applause] [Music] this is where my son is hiding isn't it yes your father set me here alone to avoid attracting attention what happened is the prince already made his decision yes he spurred your life romeo but you have to go into exile for how long for the rest of your life you must leave immediately we've sent a message to your uncle bernardo you can stay with him no [Music] no i i i can't leave i can't leave my whole mother mother everything that i have and that i cherish is here i know how it's heart-wrenching but we have no choice if they find you here they'll sentence you today no no i'll stay here i'll stay in this monastery no one can do anything to me here isn't that right friar lawrence it's much safer to leave please romeo please that's what you want that's what you want to send me away after urging me to kill there's no difference between you and father you are the ones who condemn me you are the ones who destroyed my life that repudiate you romeo you have just been forgiven you must learn to forgive as well never bear the name of monty again mother and if ever i have to use it i'll do it with shame be gone i don't ever ever want to see you again any of you [Music] [Music] so what has the prince decided he's angry with us let's just hope he doesn't call off your wedding to paris and what will happen to romeo montague he's been sentenced to life in exile the prince spared him why so pale i would love to look him in the face and avenge tibble's death has he already left they say he sought refuge in fryer lawrence's monastery tibbled we'll all weep for him tomorrow but let's face it he's the one who put us in this terrible situation would you spare us your cynical remarks on a day like this mother someone has to face the facts here sit down and eat my dear let's not have count paris find you looking skinny that's what i'm hoping for so you'll stop tormenting me with this marriage [Music] [Music] let us entrust tibble's remains to his grave so that he may return to the dust from which he rose [Music] oh lord bless this grave it may rest in peace while waiting to rise on judgment day [Music] count paris says and come what now he sent word that he'll come to the castle later [Music] in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit amen my condolences he's waiting for you in the garden [Music] what are you doing juliet let's go thank you for your visit [Music] but i'm afraid juliet doesn't feel up to being here she's done nothing but weep since her cousin's death in any case i came here to tell you that for me our agreement still stands well we were counting on it well all we need to do now is wait for the period of morning to be over too long it must be done before thursday at the latest that's in four days time i know [Music] we'll do it just enough time to make her dress and arrange a banquet something simple we'll do after all we're in mourning aren't we julian there's nothing of this let me see to it i'll find a way to tell her but for now i'll make her understand that it's not worth resisting juliet i'm sorry but it would be wiser if you didn't leave the castle for now or even your room but why it's for your own good my dear that's not right you're incapable of keeping an eye on her can't you see her nerves are too fragile and she's behaving strangely no that's not we can no longer trust her i'm fine the centuries tell me that when romeo montague came to look for tibbles you went out to meet him and you spoke together for some time lock the door when you enter and when you leave and make sure she doesn't escape no i can't keep my child locked up as if she were in prison i'd rather be a prisoner myself too don't you dare talk back to me again unless you want me to have you shut up in the dungeons do you want my daughter to meet the same fate as you and take care if juliet disobeys i'll hold you responsible [Music] knock it i'm waiting [Music] what are you doing in the dark it's all it's already the middle of the day no [Music] day night there's no difference anymore you should be happy things went the way they did i'll never see juliet again there's no sense in them having spared my life if i have to live without her will you please listen friar if you had lost the woman you loved and that you had just married you two would curse life and god himself you have no idea how fortunate you are you're alive you have strength youth love you have juliet and now you spit on all this only because things are not going exactly the way you want don't blame god for the failings of men or your own this is merely a test if your love is true it will overcome difficulties and distances to know that i would have to go to him yes sir then go you will leave the monastery tomorrow so you want me to leave too it's no longer safe here if you stay it will only anger the prince if you leave we will find the proper moment to announce the marriage and ask him to pardon you and that day your happiness will be a thousand times greater than the despair you no feel i wish i was as certain as you in any case you leave me no choice oh i want to go out they can't keep me prisoner don't act like this don't get so agitated or you'll get sick i'm already sick can't you see it what if roman was already left what will i do he'll never come back how can you speak well of him after he killed your cousin but he did that because tibbled wanted to kill him oh you just needed to see him for a second to lose your head again have i lost my head or has everyone else lost theirs give me the key no i don't want you to get into trouble again give me the club doing i want to go look for him wherever he's gone i'm going into exile with enough of this nonsense you better not lift this room you'll go for me then your mother is right about one thing you mustn't end up like me please don't abandon me too let's open the door open the door open [Music] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm sorry julia please forgive me [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] i will build a huge castle for you on the highest peak why not in a valley in the middle of the countryside wherever it is it will be made of marble and there will have to be reception rooms for feasts and plenty of bedrooms for children how many will we have oh well four two boys and two girls and they will be raised in peace and their grandparents will come often to see them and then at christmas we'll have to be together i can see my father on yours playing chess and quarrelling all the time and the children laughing at them that's the lock announcing the new day no you're wrong it's a nightingale i can hear him singing every night it's still a while till dawn juliet if you want me to stay i will i don't care about dying if you ask it of me no don't say such a thing my love no you're right it's the lark singing you have to go go come on you have to let me come with you no i can't they will think i have kidnapped you and they will all turn against us i have to tell you something my parents want me to marry count paris juliet unless i'm coming just one second you have to go now you have to go listen listen i've tried to gain some time but if ever they should force you tell them everything and speak to friar lawrence he'll advise you and keep me informed this difficult moment will pass your mother is awake she'll be here soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] the lighter the day gets the darker what awaits us becomes [Music] so antonio what are you doing here has something happened i just wanted to say goodbye goodbye antonio you're the firstborn son now the heir you should be pleased i didn't want it to happen like this i'm not concerned about that i just hope that something will change sooner or later you've already changed romeo even i can't understand you anymore and you've no idea how sad that makes me but maybe if you told me what has happened to you i could help i love a capulet she's now my wife we married in secret antonio love is the most beautiful thing that can happen to a man compared to it honor glory and war count for nothing please you have to do something for me listen tell our parents everything perhaps they'll understand and then ask them to talk to the capulets i don't think it will be that easy i know but just tell them and tell them that if they do it i'll be their son again will you do that for me i'll try thank you antonio [Music] come here i knew everything now but the truth cast me into a new much crueler form of anxiety romeo had betrayed us and i was too young to understand someone who has never felt loves wounds cannot understand its scars [Music] he was the son of a great lord and you have no idea how handsome he was he swore that he would make me his wife in spite of the difference in our social rank but then when i got pregnant he forgot about me the baby died soon after birth perhaps because she had already known nothing but bitterness and despair in her mother's womb [Music] [Music] juliet look what i have here for you oh it's your wedding dress it will be yours too since we don't have time to make you a new one we'll alter this one try it on well thank you but i don't think i need it how are you going to manage thursday's just a few days away thursday what that's the day set for your wedding no one told us anything you took this decision behind my back without even bothering about what i think you can't back out now juliet oh yes i can and i have a very good reason to juliet juliet i am already married to romeo montague [Music] and you thought that would be enough to make us change our minds [Music] i can't marry twice i say you can what kind of mother are you mind your own business get out get out all of you [Music] romeo montague has gone into exile and will never come back so please give me the permission to join him if your father ever found out such a thing or even worse if paris or the prince did i'm sure they would have been killed and where is he now alone and in exile it wouldn't be difficult i cannot believe what you are saying the choice is yours but one way or another consider him dead paris will be our only lawful spouse i too was forced by my parents to marry man i didn't love i suffered but then i realized it was the right thing a girl can't know what is best for her well but i do and i'll never wear that dress we have no choice and you don't either you want to just frighten me father would never do what you said he's the one that i need to talk to [Music] oh my god oh my god what can i do now what can i do now father father put that dress on don't you hear me oh no please be quiet juliet you'll do as i tell you or you'll regret it now put that dress on up please listen to me i've listened to you for far too long who had enough of you in your whims put it on it doesn't need to be altered [Music] it's our fault we should have listened to him and now romeo's life is ruined what more is there to hope for once a little time has passed the prince will pardon romeo in the meantime antonio will take his place as the montague heir what is it don't tell me you're getting scruples too now i saw romeo this morning up at the pass how was he what did he say well [Music] nothing nothing that he hadn't told you both already he's angry that's understandable but he'll get over it sooner or later [Music] [Music] [Music] the parents told me everything you can stay here in peace with me as long as you want thank you uncle come on why will no one listen to me i already belong to romeo i won't marry paris for the love of god i can't see you suffer like this so tell me what to do you're the only person that i still trust the only family that i have well you want to know what i really think i think that you should forget this montague and everything that happened between you you as well i'm sorry i know you're in love with him but he's far away now and perhaps you will never see him again you're still young and you have your life ahead of you so you are saying i could marry again as if the first marriage didn't exist if you don't do it romeo will pay after all the count isn't that bad and you could finally marry in front of everyone as god and the lord demand [Music] yes you're right i need to speak to fry lawrence as soon as possible about it run and tell my parents [Music] thursday why such haste that's only two days away that's what we've decided and we shall not postpone it and what does julia think it's hard to say since she spends all her time weeping for her late cousin well you cannot marry without a consent i hope you realize that her father has vouched for her and that's enough for me i don't think this wedding is possible no one asked your opinion you just have to perform the ceremony and if you refuse we will find someone else here we are my future wife you can call me that only when we in other words in two days i need to confess fry do you have time for me now yes of course comparison will excuse us we will see each other on thursday my bride when i come to wake you a dawn come you know everything don't you tell me at least that you don't agree with them course not not calm down i'll tell you right away father i'd rather kill myself than marry that man i don't say that even in jess now listen to me how only if you find a way to prevent this marriage i am the wife of romeo montague and no one else you were the one who performed the ceremony have you forgotten that no i have not forgotten that the time has come to tell the truth i already tried i tried but my parents have threatened to kill romeo and even my father who is supposed to love me more than anything else we need to speak to the prince and ask for his help do you think he cares about romeo paris is his cousin fry ransom me what am i supposed to do now if even you cannot help me with this marriage i will have no choice perhaps there is a solution but a drastic one and very dangerous i wouldn't suggest it if i wasn't afraid you'd do something worse by yourself i'm ready to try anything when you get home pretend that you're a happy and calm that's why no one will suspect anything tomorrow's wednesday before you go to bed dismiss everyone in your nurse and when you are sure that you are you're all alone [Music] drink the contents of this file and what will happen to me we'll fall into a deep sleep for 48 hours your blood will turn cold your body will become rigid everyone will think you're dead your parents even count paris then you will be taken to the capulet crypt whereas tradition requires you'll be watched upon for two days and then what i definitely wake up oh yes yes in the meantime i will have told romero everything this way when you wake we'll find him by your side and this way you'll be able to escape to a place where no one will find you [Music] thank you are you sure you can do this my love for romeo will give me courage [Music] i'm ready [Music] brian john furrier john fray john go as fast as you can to san martino but that's a journey unfortunately as soon as you arrive deliver this to romeo be off [Music] yes [Music] nurse yes i would like to go to bed now can you just go i'm tired please go don't worry no i think i'll stay here and watch over you the way i've always done i know but i just need to be alone you won't be easy there for me you know that of course i know and forgive me if i've been too harsh as well but you need to make sacrifices now and then that doesn't mean you won't be happy again with time i believe that in fact i'm sure of it oh nurse i don't know if i will be able to take you with me but i need to say thank you to you for everything oh and i want you to know i've always loved you and i will always love oh come along let's be serious now i'm coming with you even if your lord and husband doesn't want me to nurse yes [Music] the truth is what [Music] nothing just good night lock the door thank god this will be the last time [Music] and if it doesn't work [Music] oh romeo my love i'm drinking this for you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] wake up treasure did you sleep a little i didn't sleep a wink i'm so nervous let's hope it all goes well you really don't want to wake up this morning do you come on open your eyes and give me a pretty smile after everything we've been through together we'll get over this too and if your heart is too fragile for such a harsh ordeal just tell me and juliet juliet oh oh my god what have you done my child what have you done juliette oh lord i especially knows she's with the lord now and she rest in peace [Music] you know the father the son of the holy [Music] spirit [Music] her heart was broken she was too pure to live in this world and to put up with everything they did to her but it's too late now no it's not too late but she's dead what does the rest matter she was my only joy god knows how much i loved her [Music] she she died herself what a tragedy she was supposed to get married today they say that's why she did it let's go poor girl who's dead what you do not know juliet the capulet's daughter juliet yes [Music] a sharp pain was gripping my chest all of a sudden i realized what romeo was feeling i was feeling the same pain and the same heartache but it was too late though death was on the march but i was its unwitting instrument she killed herself but that friar seems to know something about it doctor are you sure yes juliet forgive me [Music] [Music] [Music] it's great what does he want hasn't he realized it's all his fault he wanted her at any cost but she didn't she couldn't even stand the sight of him have the decency to leave her alone no she's dead you blame me for the force that are all around requiem bring that barrel over here romeo antonio what are you doing here something has happened she's dead they say she kills herself shut up [Music] what do you mean she killed herself i have to go to her right away i take your horse wait wait you know what you risk i don't care about all that anymore where was he going alright john what are you doing here i have a letter for him it's a matter of the utmost importance he already knows everything i've ordered the news everything he can possibly know everything oh find a horse you have to go after him believe me i'll tell you his depend on [Music] it [Music] [Music] it won't be long now you'll wake up soon and be free so [Music] what are you doing here you and that friar planned this i don't know what you're talking about i'm not allowing you in there i don't need your permission juliet is my wife i don't believe you you're an impostor [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my love you're still so beautiful death doesn't seem to have touched you i left you alone i didn't know what you were going through forgive me my love was too great for this earth and i could not live without it my boundless love has now turned into despair [Music] now all i can do is join you [Music] eyes [Music] look at her one last time [Music] arms give her one last embrace lips tell her again how much i love her [Music] [Music] so god forgive me [Music] [ __ ] [Music] with a kiss i died [Music] romeo [Music] oh what have you done didn't they tell you i wanted to live with you but i can't do it without you two girls is [Music] you didn't even leave a drop for me huh ah [Music] okay [Music] ah [Music] ugh [Music] romeo [Music] we are now all equal montague capulet we have all sinned and we have all been punished i more than any we deemed we had the right to determine life and death we persevered in hatred and violence i knew it would lead us to our downfall we knew it would never end unless we ended it but we did not want it to end [Music] romeo and juliet loved each other and hoped their love would bring an end to this war but we pretended not to see [Music] or hear their desperate plea for help we abandon them to their own despair [Music] and they used the violence we always taught them against themselves [Music] romeo and juliet chose death because they believed there was nothing else to live for and we as friends teachers if parents were not able to help them [Music] to leave love [Music] something that no one could ever have imagined was taking place montague and capulet united by the same guilt the same suffering we're now brothers heaven has punished hatred with love [Music] i don't know if there has ever been grief comparable to this [Music] winter is coming to an end and spring will soon replace it even though romeo and juliet will never be able to taste its fruit for never was a story of more world than this with juliet and her romeo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 2,787,898
Rating: 4.8698287 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Romeo and Juliet, romeo and juliet movie, romeo and juliet mini series
Id: SDNK8lT0lxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 30sec (12090 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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