Cinderella (Cenerentola) | Full Drama Romance | Part 1

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[Music] [Music] [Music] thanks everybody see you tomorrow at the same time can you have another look at this passage yes of course i can revise that no problem yeah okay okay oh my darling did you enjoy it you know how much i love watching your papa thanks very very good yeah thank you and the pianist was brilliant wasn't he here happy birthday darling you wrote this for me with a little help from your mother she'd started working on it but never finished so in a way it's from both of us [Music] [Music] you play more and more like her you even lift your wrists the same way that's so strange since i never saw her play do you really think i could be as good as her you've got great talent but it's a very demanding career i don't mind i love music more than anything that's why i set up a trust fund for you you can decide when you're 21 if you want to pursue music in earnest or not oh thank you papa that means the world to me enough of this serious talk let's go home and celebrate i think irene's preparing something special tonight everybody wants to love right now [Music] something in your lips just showed me my sunshine [Music] i'm gonna go play this right away [Music] what are you staring at never saw a suitcase before where on earth are you going we're not supposed to say mr deluca [Music] this whole arrangement has become too embarrassing i was a respected widow before i moved in here my husband died for this country what happened i was at the store today and i heard people whispering behind my back and they were nasty i can't do this to my daughters i have my reputation to defend i don't understand there's nothing wrong or unusual about having a live-in governess except we are both unmarried and living under the same roof i'm about to go on tour irene can you at least stay until i find somebody else i simply cannot i knew i never should have taken this job but then i saw how much you cared about overall run i couldn't help myself i wanted to make her feel safe and more loved please leave i have to change and get ready i really want this to work irene i mean for all of us can we sit down and talk calmly please come fancy fabric feels old though maybe it was her grandmother's didn't jack to the silent movie she had nothing to do with this dress i think your papa's gonna do it again do what get married he would never oh trust me he would do you want to bet we are here today to recognize and witness the decision of irene moretti and valerio de luca to journey forward in their lives as married partners now in the eyes of our lord almighty we ask you to take your vows irene moretti do you take valerio de luca as your husband to love and cherish in sickness [Applause] [Music] i do [Music] okay all right [Music] boom [Music] are you a spy or a thief uh neither i just live next door how do i get out through the maze come on i'll show you [Music] is this your house why is it always empty my mother just inherited it but we live in salzburg in my father's estate i hate this city anyway it's too hot and crowded in the summer [Music] hey where did you go i can't find my way out by myself where are you [Applause] [Music] hello have you been here for long your friend or your brother he left me here i'm not surprised he loves shopping at other people's expense but he's my only brother so i'm stuck with him what were you doing in our garden anyway i fell into it by accident ouch that sounds painful have you read it no should i the tale is actually pretty sad so don't let the title fool you you mean the happy prince isn't happy only for a few moments when he gives the sapphire eyes away i see and what's the moral of the story that you can't see anything important with your eyes only with your heart even if it's broken come on let me show you how to get out of here so use your left hand and always keep going to the left that's the whole secret [Music] i should go now thanks for saving me you're the little penis i've been listening to right do you sometimes hear music without playing all the time good that means you found a way to travel in your head what's yours i write stories they take me anywhere i want to go which is much more exciting than traveling for real but i have to write from the heart otherwise it doesn't work i bet it's the same with your music i don't even know your name and don't tell me yet just read it and come back tomorrow but only if you like this story i already know i will [Music] you've made me a small fortune my boy how about that you don't think it was a fluke don't be modest okay you've got great instincts and you already know how to use them your son is a genius oh isn't he now but how did you know i opened the mail only a moment ago are you talking about the award waterwood for the best short story father was talking about freddie not me did i win only first prize i see very good just don't let it go to your head huh so what is the next show thing oh uh television i think it's gonna happen very fast too don't be sad darling you know he doesn't have a creative bone in his body papa [Music] are you home [Music] papa where have you been sweetie your papa's your papa's had a heart attack what where is he he's in the hospital now but [Music] [Music] aurora [Music] your father is dying and you've been gone for hours we looked for you everywhere are you papa's doctor can i please go in and see him now sorry i'm just his attorney stay there and don't move your father needs to rest first his heart is failing fast i'm afraid [Music] i've been waiting for you my darling give me your hand please don't leave me papa i wish it was up to me [Music] can i survive without you who's gonna tell me what to do you are a strong smart girl you have a mind of your own just don't let anyone take it away from you [Music] up [Music] huh [Music] [Music] this is another situation to a certain extent but you have to realize no but i'm telling you what are you doing in here you lost your bed remember i never took your silly bet where did you put all my stuff why didn't you check the attic but this is my room not anymore so you better get used to it can i two please wait no please where are they taking my piano into the storage room please sit down sit down come on as you probably realize we no longer have income on top of that your father's finances are quite a mess what does that mean i'm turning the house into a small hotel to support us all and i expect you to work here full time but i'm only 13. the sooner you learn how to make yourself useful the better you'll do in your adult life naturally there will be no more private school no playing piano either look look look no one's rushed to claim you so whether you like it or not you're in my custody and these are my orders what about my trust fund what about it dear i know that papa set it up for me but may well be but until you're 21 you'll just have to earn your keep by working here [Music] [Music] [Music] just read it and come back to mine do you sometimes hear music with that play all the time good that means you found a way to travel in your head [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] is aurora back from the market yet she should be back any minute now madame no sauce for the wheel not too tight just perfect i love that change of wine did veronica say anything about me would you please put me out of my mission ah where on earth does she find those people i mean the new mate is completely green you know i'll have to teach you the basics i'm that waiter he's got two left hands and he keeps dropping everything you should try ronaldo's new sauce i'll put you in a good mood right away you've become quite a cook [Music] you got everything boys [Music] mama also threw in some fresh parsley it wasn't on the list but don't eat now i'm starving of course let's go ahead bye thanks bye [Music] yes [Music] was this always a hotel no it used to be a family home [Music] may i help you madame probably not excuse me but if you're not interested in booking a room what else can we offer you excuse me what kind of gas do you get here private people that prefer staying off the beaten track our food is quite madam if you need any information please talk to me she's just the kitchen help are you really well i do wear a lot of hats you know you shouldn't be so nice it could cost you your job one day i own this place i own a lot of places that doesn't mean that i'm good at running them the old cow i'm not done with you yet tell romano nine confirmed for dinner maybe one more so please prepare menus for 10 and have them ready for me before i take my nap is that a new skirt yes it is i made it for my mom's tablecloth i'm moving nine for dinner maybe 10. yeah i don't know about this menu yet you know look the veal is pale it says the pasta i need some color just sprinkle some chopped parsley on it bye thank you all right you're welcome bye thank you bye be good bye boys bye same time tomorrow what is it veronica come on what is it come have a look [Music] maybe someone else bought the house why do you always have to be the voice of doom not doom reason it's just that i don't want you to go and get your hopes up please let me hold on to them i've been waiting for this moment for so long ah the new owner [Music] [Music] i'm sure [Music] what is it someone just ordered food from the house next door wait the bread thanks and i'm not so sure it's such a good idea the witch specifically ordered but i deliver it personally don't worry if she catches me i'll tell her i got confused yeah what if i get fired i don't have enough money to open my own space yet you'll never get fired you're too good and she knows that quick quick we're late so you don't have enough money but you keep looking for places to rent just check of the market what's wrong with that nothing unless you enjoy slow torch come on veronica if i thought it that way i would have stopped playing the piano when she locked it up well to be honest i don't see you rushing to check on that school of yours either your birthday is right round the corner well there's something thingy about not knowing it oh really so why don't bother to go next door hmm see ya and those ones going on a trip somewhere no just delivering some food next door who moved there after all these years i don't know try to find out will you a fitting tonight i've done quite a few things for [Music] alteration [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hello [Music] hello i need you can you come here [Music] yes thank you can i help you i'm from the villa next door do you remember oh yes thank you i ordered your food from that small hotel hello why aren't you here look i have a few more offers in front of me so why don't you think about it and call me back in 20 minutes good luck with the baby was it the contractor yes he'll call back in five i'm not so sure there will be quite a cut on the price his wife is having a baby trust me he needs this job how much do i owe you you know what keep the change [Music] i hate the city it's just too hot and crowded during the summer it's too hot in the summer what's wrong you look like you saw a ghost no i just thought never mind this way are they the same owners the asberts from what i know in fact the prince and his wife are coming here pretty soon which prince sebastian's father oh i see they've only stayed here once before and what about his brother do you know his name by any chance unfortunately how could i have been so wrong well you were just hoping no it's more than that i mean he smiled at me and i could swear i felt that same connection i'm not surprised i mean he may not be your happy prince but he's still a very handsome young man he is but it's not just about his appearance i had no doubt in my mind it was him that's why it's so confusing well seems like they're going to be staying here for a while and you know your prince might even come and visit soon good afternoon prince allsport i hope you had a good trip thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] hello darling hello oh nothing suits me more than the water you know no pills no therapy not even shopping madam thank you i spend a couple of hours here all by myself and i almost feel normal thank you well you do look better mother don't worry i came on the train as promised i don't want to be such a pain but it's a long drive you know i wouldn't be able to sleep i still have nightmares oh i couldn't help reading it again i missed you john that's why i'm here no i just missed the boy who wrote those stories oh please mother i wasn't the only one who praised your talent and you know it it was just a phase trust me i got it out of my system and i'm into different things now i'm not sure what we would have done without your strength during all this i didn't do anything you did plenty you just don't realize that please start thinking about yourself for a change will you good morning father ah sebastian very thoughtful of you to ship it over here photos will never have done it full justice fresh off the assembly line i don't even think my tony has one at home yet we've already looked at the specifications and you were right beautiful design and poor electronics and very pricey too so would you like me to make him an offer when i get back to rome i already did i called him yesterday i see you didn't think i could handle it this market is too crucial to us i can't risk any mistakes at this point freddie was so immersed in this business it's all my father you can see the results go back to rome and gain martinez trust and if you need some inspiration just think what freddie will do hello it's henry hi we'll tell him to keep digging what is it seems like there's another player who may step up to the table for god's sake who we don't know yet only that it's an american millionaire who's been aggressively researching the deal hello again i want a suite or whatever you've got that's close to that size well we do have a spacious two-room apartment but i'm afraid it's on the third floor why would that be a problem i was always told to mention it to um to old people that idiot woman told you to do that never mind i'll take it indefinitely yes of course may i have your name please mrs cooper ernesto it's irene i need your advice no no not for me for an old friend of mine would you say he's in trouble if he hasn't paid any taxes oh pass to me child no not just recently more like for several years yes thank you so who converted this house into our towel the previous owner no this one are you short on staff that you put the kitchen help in charge here on second thoughts she's probably better at it than you you know i've had enough of your impertinence mrs cooper has just taken a sweet on the third flurry indefinitely i see well in that case i just have to request a large deposit what's large to you 200 or 2 000. depends which currency you have in mind just name your price lady i have no time to stand here and speculate shall we go put the big one on the bed excuse me sir do you have any luggage he's my lawyer not my lover besides he never stayed this dumb he likes to wallow in luxury up my money that's true i'd never hide away like humble you don't stand there like a roman statue i want these awful sheets taken off you'll find a set in that larger suitcase and soaps and towels too i'm allergic to everything so be prepared so what do you want to do about martini do nothing until you can confirm how much ausperk has offered him but since when have mere numbers ever stopped you outbidding the competition it's a temporary measure i just want to throw enough at martoni to block the other offer money talks you know i'd be careful about that attitude here europeans have a very different mentality i've noticed they're overly sentimental and too attached to things slows down progress and it makes it hard to make red money don't do things like that they wait to be invited am i right mama have you looked into the dining room lately you said there were not enough tables for us to eat there there still aren't do you at least have any idea who's been eating there over the past few weeks someone famous no silly full single man all well to do and not so bad looking speaking of here you go doctor thank you [Music] every now and a pediatrician from siena he just moved here and is looking for a house bushy eyebrows like stalin's you can pluck them out once you're married who's stalin oh so what do you want us to do mother hang out in the lobby i want you here charming the pants of this man but they're all gonna think that we're just stupid servants not if you wear all these expensive clothes you've been buying speaking of which no more shopping without my approval end of discussion i want you both here at this desk every day dressed up then but i want to have an elegant plaque with my name engraved on it me too and i want to add owner to mine so no one will have any doubts [Music] look it's here he passed with others [Music] excuse me ma'am yes dear are you lost no i'm actually here to find out about the enrolling yes here's the information and the admission form put your name down on the list if you want to be part of the fall we're just about to close it which music school did you go to the santa mandelena but that was a few years ago after that um i started on my own same thing with the piano i used to have a teacher but not for the past eight years and you seriously thought you'd be part of this program i i hoped i could at least have a chance but why now i just couldn't afford it before look don't feel bad we all sometimes imagine impossible things don't we so so it's impossible for me to even apply i'm sorry we have very strict entry requirements you just don't qualify there what are you all right you shouldn't be driving so fast on our street it's very dangerous you know you're absolutely right that was very reckless of me thought i know you from somewhere the hotel next door oh you sure you don't need a doctor i'll be fine please i can do it on my own well let me compensate you for the injuries and the damage you know throwing money at a problem doesn't always solve it sometimes it's just plain rude [Music] what happened the evil brother almost ran me over and that was after my musical dreams have been crushed for good they said no now i can finally relax right now more pressure to practice or to be good well now i just have to find a way how to live without it [Music] that'll be the hardest part [Music] [Music] wherever you are you always be my first true love out here before i walk you through my plan i want to be sure that our conversation will be kept absolutely confidential would it make you more comfortable if perhaps i signed something before no just take off your glasses mr martoni follow me sir mr martoni it's a pleasure to meet you sir nice to meet you too take a seat and i thought i was 10 minutes early if you want to upstage father try at least half an hour my daughter tina the apple of my eye what a lovely surprise my wife is under the weather and couldn't join us another time pat how come i never ran into you anywhere before i mean in london or paris or on the coast i just haven't traveled that much first i was in boarding school then at oxford not all the spare time when you're there even less when you work for my father are you at least enjoying rome i'm such a hopeless workaholic i haven't seen much of it yet besides i don't know a soul here perhaps your daughter could give me the tour with your permission of course my permission carries no weight with tina so you're on your own here i can connect you with my travel agent if you need a guide look i'm not a tourist i'm just looking for someone who'd pushed me to explore things but i understand if you're not that person you can challenge me all you want mr osberg i'm not gonna take the bait not to be rude but all this personal won't make much difference in our deal i was just living up to a very important point i wanted to make we do run our companies in a very similar way sir i hope you were able to ask around and confirm that i suspect there's more to you than meets the eye and that bothers me it's a compliment usually he's got people figured out in the first three minutes can we order now [Music] prince osborne why are you in town well why not it's a beautiful city isn't it uh mr martinez is it true your company's going under is that why you two are talking is this a marriage supposed to be made in heaven austrian precision and italian beauty gentleman please back off we're just having a private dinner that's all you need to know she looks rather happy to be photographed with him does it bother you of course not i just can't believe i confused them from my happy prince sweetie you met your happy prince only once what sometimes once is enough i know sweetheart but you you were you were never in love before so how can you be so sure did you forget to breathe yeah lost track of time and place yeah wanted to know everything about him in the first two seconds yes all of that true love no doubt i didn't know you were such an expert there's a lot you don't know about me aurora mrs cooper needs here if i take in more fabric the seam is gonna burst again i don't care just fix it the material is old and thin one wrong move and the sleeve will come apart stop complaining and do your job did you just prick me you know he lives next door to us of course i'm addicted to those mind games but he still doesn't know that i'm his rival so say a word to anyone and i'll get you fired i know you overheard my conversation with jack the other day so don't give me those innocent eyes careful why don't you buy a new jacket i'm sure you can afford one i'm very fond of it in a non-sentimental sort of way nothing wrong with being sentimental i look at my mother's wedding dress every day that's rather odd why would you do that it reminds me of her she died in my birth you know i'm sorry was this a gift from someone special no i bought it myself at a little store in dovie i went shopping with my daughter and she might even have picked it out for me is that why you're so fond of it nonsense i just think it's flattering that it still fits me after 40 years yes oh bobby stein yes send him up it's so lovely outside go and tell him to meet me on the terrace instead and don't let him smoke his awful cigars i don't want to find a hint of ash on my table okay you haven't changed one bit lore and you always knew how to flatter me bobby it's chilly let's walk how's your film going good would you like to visit the set i could give you a tour of the studio i was never crazy about that business to begin with i hear it's even worse now but if you had stayed you could have been a star you had plenty of talent not to mention the most photogenic profile on scene it's all gone now but at least got me a husband every girl in town one his fortune came in very handy too you know i'm sure that he would turn in his grave he knew that i doubled it after his death don't you feel lonely sometimes i have no idea what that word means yes mother no no i've just moved in there's still plenty to do yes all right do you like it it's beautiful it looks like something from outer space listen i'm thinking about having a dinner here on wednesday i want to watch the first national broadcast with some people do you think a chef could come and cook for us it'd be just four of us well of course what did you have in mind nothing really fancy i don't want to give the impression that i'm trying too hard are they italian well then just maybe some simple italian food would be best maybe with some edge and character that's one of those forts anyway he makes this good scallopini with lime sauce and and um it's fantastic sounds perfect tell the owner to bill me okay do you mind if i bring a couple of young helping hands absolutely not okay thank you bye bye get him on the phone for me [Music] hello mr osberg please [Music] the owner of the hotel de la pione is calling are you his assistant by any chance uh the one with the with the this is mrs deluca i'll hold hello mr rosberg yes i'm confirming it all is well except for aurora she won't be able to help i understand but she's not trained i have a professional who pardon me how much did you say [Music] i see [Music] hey boys here's the list 5 30 sharp at the hotel okay okay i almost don't know if you need to dress up well of course this is real job you have to look neat and professional fine great ma'am [Music] let's hope romeo doesn't burn anything hey i'm gonna say that b-word in my kitchen you're so childish what's wrong with being a child at heart thank you perfect since my husband has taken quite a liking to you please which validates you as man of quality so should i be flattered if you wish when i find them all boring and then you marry one right mother it's almost time please do me the honor you want to take a pastor at the broadcast that's good the whole officially is going to watch the same picture yes for the first time come on veronica you can't miss that come on come on let's go wait for me well i'm going as well [Music] aurora can you please give us your definition of television in a few words i mean from everything i know about it yeah um probably a window onto the world that's pretty good are you going to give her a grade or something just bear with me romelo please come would you watch it every day if you had free time of course if i could afford one definitely don't they cost a fortune though you see my point sir if you talked to more people in the street you mean common people the mass appeal would become obvious to you but first this product needs to be affordable to everyone not just a few did you notice how he was making up to her was he really yeah maybe but he sounded quite smart too i mean how he explained his point well done thank you i'd hire you again in heartbeat so can we stay for dessert no it's almost dark but i've saved some for you just follow around i got to the gate and be careful on those bikes will you bye boys bye boys yes it went really well i think by the time you come here he'll be ready to sign and just in case i'm planning something for tina she's my secret weapon okay good night where was this taken near salzburg my brother and i went fishing he had some great catches and i had none so obviously i was pretty jealous is your brother ever coming here to visit you no he died in a car accident three years ago oh my god i'm so sorry [Music] it still feels pretty unreal to me it's beyond me i mean i i thought that if you love someone somehow you should know if something awful happened well done it was exactly what i had in mind where did you learn how to cook oh from the best chef in rome my father chichilo grudele unfortunately he was the lousiest businessman too look i'm too drunk to to talk about money or food but i sure do hope you do better than him oh thank you look i know better than to offer you watch out oh my god sebastian oh my god oh my god romelo what happened he tried to save me let's bring him inside oh gosh [Applause] come on put him on the couch oh i'll go with some water okay why are you crying i'm not crying the eyes of the happy prince were filled with tears and tears were falling down his golden chicks it's you hi go to the hotel go call doctor he's in room number four [Music] sebastian what were you saying about the prince please open your eyes you can't see with your eyes what's really important you can only see it with your heart [Applause] [Music] it's you isn't it you're alive i'm not so sure about that god my head hurts [Music] here drink some water i know you're an angel what happened to all those stories in your head nobody cared about them how do you know about it you told me a long time ago yeah i remember i could hear your piano my dreams please upstairs did something happen mr rossberg's had an accident i'm afraid it's serious he just passed out again god i get my first night off in weeks and look what happens did he have much to drink just a couple glasses of champagne and some whiskey i see is someone going to look after him i will i'm staying at the house good he needs to be watched closely for a couple of days just to make sure he doesn't have concussion okay my god that's quite incredible i know isn't it why do you think he changed so much he did lose his brother of course but there's something besides that why don't you ask him next time maybe i will at least it's good to know i'm not insane i kept blaming myself for having all those strange feelings for the wrong guy how are you feeling now [Music] happy relieved confused and quite shaken that's true love no doubt [Music] is come in [Music] how did the dinner go who told you oh that idiot owner was bragging about it to every guest in sight was it with bartoni i'm sorry i can fix your clothes but i'm not gonna be your spy fair enough but i need your advice so which one of these should i wear i may have a photo taken today and i want to look alive i'd go with the dress it brings out your features you look a little different today like you've been kissed or something please mrs cooper what's wrong with that you think i don't remember what it felt like at your age oddly enough these silly things are more vivid in my mind than last week's stock market numbers well i haven't kissed him or not yet anyway ah the plot thickens go on sometimes it's easier to confide in a stranger than someone you know so who is he the problem is that you're biased against him oh don't tell me you're in love with that augsburg boy it's a long story so make it shorter i never suspect you being so domesticated tina i'm not i just know how to delegate so i've brought her old cook with me you can't live on that hotel food forever thank you i was very thoughtful of you listen i'd love to celebrate our friendship with something special how about a masked ball here with you as a guest of honor what do you think what a charming idea let's do it then you pick the theme i'll take care of everything else around 200 people that should be enough so who do you want to invite i'd rather have a young crowd than all those stiff business suits how about film and media people if you know anyone nor if there's excuse me the front door was open i just stopped by to pick up my things how are you feeling i it was just a slight concussion and i'm so glad you weren't hurt henry told me what happened i just feel awful for what happened it was all my fault look i don't remember a thing but if anyone should feel awful it's me for allowing some of that scaffolding to still be around what about black and white the theme for the bowl elegant don't you think and you look wonderful in both goodbye now so shall we look at the dates why bother you look ridiculous [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] so oh please keep playing [Music] you play very well just watch your wrists you lift them a bit too high that's funny my father used to tell me the same thing [Music] how do you know i just love music it's been my lifeline frankly but i only plan out loud when irene and my stepsisters are away that idiot woman is your stepmother it's another long story that i don't particularly like telling for the kitchen help you've got quite a colorful past how did you start playing my father taught me he always hoped i'd be as good as my mother but no chance she was an amazing pianist you seem pretty good yourself not good enough i didn't get to the conservatory they rejected me because i wasn't formally trained [Music] [Music] this piece do you like it my mother started writing it for me before she died and my father finished it [Music] every time i play it it feels like i'm talking to her wasn't she beautiful she must have been my age here my father was pretty handsome too though [Music] what happened to your father he joined her several years ago but you have no one else left a couple distant aunts on my father's side but no one on my mother's side she was from boston you know [Music] her family was pretty mean anyways especially my grandmother she had cut all ties with her before her death pretty unforgivable if you ask me [Music] oh you're right i'm feeling a little lighter but i think i i think i should probably lie down i'll help you back to your room here you go your hands are so cold always do you want to come and check on you later please okay so it's her i've checked the records that goddamn valerio he hated me so much he didn't want me to know sounds like the feeling was mutual so why are you so surprised make up your mind laura either you're happy or you're upset how can i not be upset all those wasted years when she could have been in my life just try and look at the upside at least now you're ready believe me you've been given a second chance but you've got to tell her the truth see i was right all along i could tell right away that she was of that class but that's the game you play with those money people they respect you more if you don't kiss up to them well since i'm not the owner i have no choice but to kiss up [Music] that's right hello mrs cooper how are you feeling today mrs cooper i had a rough night but i'm much better now thank you hang it in the closet yes oh you're an official rival now just playing another game that's all speaking of which any new developments in your romantic life he didn't even remember our conversation i don't know how that's possible don't even go there but he's throwing a ball for his new girlfriend well seems like your love is being tested my dear he's so changed i'm on the verge of giving up frankly then it's not true love after all please don't burst my bubble look if you really believe that the boy you love is somewhere inside that shell it should be your mission to save him but you need to do it before it's too late but i don't even know how to see him again he's hired a new cook don't worry we'll figure something out no no absolutely no one knew she kept a very low profile look there's no need to shout at me father i can hear you perfectly i'll deal with it the best i can good day gentlemen today is not a good day i know i need only a minute did you know that mrs cooper is staying at my hotel well i doubt she picked it for its charm well it's quite special you should stop by one day we'll take care of it later oh a masked ball how lovely well if you need any assistance henry [Music] oh dear oh hello alzberg residents thank you hi well if you're calling to check out the invitations they look spectacular could you see yes this should be out for tomorrow what time do you want me to pick you up yes darling i i can't wait prince would you like us to cover the ball too that might be a bit much well now you've started it once you're in the front page for a couple of times you become newsworthy you might as well just keep the fire going let me think about it do you have connections in america well depends on what you need anything incriminating on her i'll pay you extra if you deliver it fast i think i'll go white i think i'll go black me too but what's more slimming i can't wait you're invited why are you so surprised because you're not aurora i need your help can you check what it is i don't know what i did with my glasses you're invited it's for you but but how my friend bobby is making a movie in town these people have connections i i don't know what to say just just enjoy it you'll have a great time but how can i enjoy it i mean look at me that world is totally out of my league nonsense you can belong to any world you want besides it's a math ball you can be whoever you want but only until midnight then all the masks come off that's the fun part of course if you're brave enough look just go and make him fall in love with you that's your goal for the night it's a pretty tall order go now and try to sneak out tomorrow yeah i assume you'll need to go uh no i actually have something in mind [Music] so [Music] [Music] what time is it your mother would really love it [Music] you don't like it i can tell you don't no quite the opposite i think it's exquisite lift the hem will you don't laugh at me it's hard not to you're such a tomboy i have to be practical when i buy things she barely gives me any money pick a pair and try them on [Music] you have very tiny feet i know let me just have some paper [Music] now across the room back and forth [Music] be careful dear if you knock your teeth out you can forget about the ball i told you i was hopeless not hopeless charming you did a terrific job here sebastian i like the ball idea too it was very clever of you i'm glad you both approve just don't allow anyone in here okay i don't want herds of people running upstairs keep it down to the pavilion what was the last thing martona said to you well he never rejected our offer i think he's just playing the game too cooper must have offered him much more money probably but no one knows how much i have another suspicion though why he's suddenly stalling it's his daughter isn't it you think she may have some hopes well with all that publicity i wouldn't be surprised what's your take on it do you think if i took another step it would help the deal you're asking me well if that's what it takes i'll propose to tina at the ball don't be so flippant about it darling this is your personal life claudia i generally love your input but please stay out of this when you're you're too emotional and you're too driven that's why we're such a perfect match aren't we you always know how to keep me in check take the ladies up to number five please this way thank you may i help you mrs deluca i presume you don't call you don't write we actually thought you were dead i beg your pardon i'm an inspector from the tax office very pleased to find you in good health madam thank you it feels like when i mean i trust or something let's hope you will after the ball i came here so many times with my father but it seems like a different lifetime now thank you goodbye hello good morning good morning ah this is what i'm looking for it's too small [Music] i swear it's just too tight not if it takes an inch off your waist my mother must have had a smaller frame but she was just as tall as you unless you've shortened the dress don't you have anything else no i'm sorry this is all that we have i can't believe this they're all too big seems like not many rich women are your size my dear good morning morning can i help you a thing for the ball elegant don't you think indeed madam would you like to see oh i don't know oh you're working here now no i'm just picking up some shoes for hotel guests what a surprise i see quite a shopping spree actually it's all mine showing mr osberg my room the best place in the world going goodbye i need your honest opinion i put a pair of stilettos on hold but you know if he's honest it's over did you see your feet big and meaty no stilettos could ever fix that just do it for pete's sake [Music] why are you doing this because i can i'm enjoying it too take these up to my room and get me some strong tea oh this is so beautiful but there's no way she could ever fit into this neither could you so dream on maybe she's going on a date at her age did you see that spa bag mama the most expensive place in the whole of rome could we go there before the ball absolutely not [Music] she had pink nails did you see that yes something's definitely up madam here's the record so how should we do this right then we'll use him as a stand-in gino no she sent me now close your eyes and pretend he's sebastian [Music] remember straight back head high light feet [Music] one two one one two one i say close your eyes you're a musician feel the music inside and it'll guide you [Music] where did you learn to dance like this oh i had a few jobs here and there you want to try that's how it's supposed to look for that you need either technique or chemistry oh mrs cooper i actually came to discuss something with you and you had to break into my room for that that's why i'm here frankly one of the mates must have done it or aurora i know this girl very well she just can't be trusted why is she a liar what else a thief did you mention it yes i've got quite a few complaints you know if it was aurora i wouldn't blame her she's probably trying to retrieve what you stole from her a long time ago i make your pardon why do you hate that poor girl so much you have no right to speak to me like that i stood by her and raised her like my own child just get out of here change the chairs you put a candle here here and here you go sir i know this is an important night for you my boy but remember that i've put our entire fortune on the line to make this deal happen i know that very well look i really don't want to push you to do anything that you don't want to do but she's a nice enough girl and you like her so why not get it over with unless of course your heart is elsewhere no there's no one else so what time do you think they'll leave i don't know i still have to get my hair done and i have no shoes the menus almost done i want you to iron a few more things from me i still don't know which god i'm going to wear and the girls will need some help with the hair but first replace the candles or napkins in the dining room thank you aren't you the princess in that dress in those rollers yeah actually i am white rollers would be cute what are you doing here oh this might need a bit of alteration take that off are you planning to elope or something are you planning something with that old cow and who would that be dear what what were you thinking you're twice that size teresina help me here please help me here look what you've done you just earned my mother's dress oops i hope i didn't ruin your plans just get out get out [Music] i looked after it for all those years [Music] it's the same dress you can't wear it but it still holds the same memories maybe this is a sign i shouldn't be going nonsense that's exactly what they want so don't give them the satisfaction besides i'm not going there alone you're going to the ball too of course i would never miss your grand entrance please don't make fun of me it's just cruel let's figure out how we're going to get out of here [Music] [Music] i have someone in each department standing by so you're in good health what about my special order i went straight to the master himself i missed your toes lord every single one i still remember all your measurements you're a true marvel ignacio my toes missed you too era where's the girl oh it shouldn't be too difficult to make her look like a star [Music] come on [Music] hello [Music] [Music] do [Music] it should be perfect just remember to be mysterious it always drives men crazy and show as much self-confidence as you can but i'm too nervous though but i'll try my best i better get ready now too oh i almost forgot one last thing i hope it's finally the right size oh my gosh they're gorgeous well you're on your own now my dear let's hope it won't be too awkward here they are thank you for coming earlier ah at least i don't have to wait until midnight to put the face to the voice frankly i'm not sure i can even last that long ah unless there's a good reason to stay well my own son keeps me in suspense so i guess we'll have to play by his rules to find out it's my father everything looks quite fabulous [Music] funny that we have to drive next door would you rather walk [Music] it doesn't look too good so sorry madam but the car is a problem a serious one we should try and find a taxi [Music] [Music] you see i told you it was an enchanted rod excuse me i was wondering if i could hire one of those carriages ah madam of course of course i think i have exactly what you need right here it's beautiful is it not yes there is one a warning miss okay i need it back at the stable before closing so the driver has to leave at midnight no matter what okay oh all right [Music] is it looks like a really classy affair thank you for getting us invited mama just do your job and socialize you both have a perfect chance to meet the right man here come on [Music] i didn't imagine it would look so romantic thank you darling you're so brilliant darling are you still sure about your midnight speech yes mother everything's fine please stop worrying and enjoy yourself [Music] [Music] excuse me could you take off my jacket thank you excuse me miss remember the time i have to leave no later than midnight very well [Music] known so who's the designer someone famous i'm sorry i can't review anything before [Music] midnight yes it's true this was meant to be [Music] you and me [Music] no there's no help we lost the way [Music] i made a wish and watched it fade but soon you're changing in your eyes i'll be the one cause you're singing with your heart [Music]
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 1,236,816
Rating: 4.8196983 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, Cinderella, cinderella story full movie, Cenerentola, Vanessa Hessler, Flavio Parenti
Id: 8VNV43XTB5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 54sec (6114 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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