One Thousand and One Nights | Full Adventure Drama | Part 1

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] brother they god protect you brother can you tell us who lives in that castle for pity's sake keep well away from that cursed place why a bloodthirsty prince lives there and kills anyone who dares to approach him do you know his name no one knows his name even he has forgotten it let's go or this castle will become our tomb but he'll kill you you heard what that man said i have to know if it's him a princess you rub me of what i desired the most wretched princess but my hatred has defeated your love you'll never find your beloved husband again [Music] [Music] uh me so um [Music] who are you don't you recognize me no why did you come here didn't they tell you that i would kill you yes they did kill her wait you suffer greatly allow me to do something for you no one can count my torment all i ask is that you listened to me i knew a truly amazing story all those who hear it are bewitched by it [Music] what is it about allow me to tell it to you and you'll find out and if you don't like it you can have me killed you'll have to finish it tonight tomorrow at sunrise you die begin once long ago in the city of baghdad there lived a boy and a girl that couldn't be more different and distant from each other the boy was called aladdin and he lived in the poorest district of the city [Music] fresh cakes candy candy fruits please can we have some candy fruit please please mom i'd love some candied fruits i'm sorry children maybe next time aladdin belonged to a large and poor family and he worked as a shoemaker like his father what's wrong mother it's nothing aladdin i have a speck of dust in my eye hey don't worry about the deaths i'll sell my boots to the caliph and get 100 reels for them dreaming as usual you think the caliph would sink so low as to buy boots from us a man as rich as he is has his own personal shoemaker i can sell them at the market then all right but get a good price for them the leather's expensive i know that don't worry i'll talk someone into paying a fortune for them leila what's wrong will you tell me the story about the magic land of course i will you two with me bye don't take all day over it come on once upon a time long long ago there was a magic lamp that can make every wish come true how did the lab make the wishes come true well you just had to rub it three times and then ask it for whatever you wanted have i ever told you that the color used to dye fabrics is extracted from a seashell amina told me that aladdin are you coming to the festivities tonight if i don't have the work i will be there okay is it really despite being curious and intelligent aladdin could not afford to study but made the most of every experience can reach his knowledge behind nothingness the umbrella of desires opens from there comes the song of the rain [Music] from the leaves it reaches the roots stretching out to eternity how much is this book albert for you just two reels it's still too much for my empty pockets if you had the lamp you could ask it for the book i'd ask for so many things if i had that lamp but now we have to sell the boots hey you see the snake [Music] good morning aladdin good morning you from the stars envy you who force the sun to vanish when you appear you as full of grace and as pliant as the willow on the hill's side are you a poet a poet among shoemakers madam see for yourself if this isn't poetry caress the softness of the leather breathe in its perfume admire their perfection of the stitching [Music] how much are they for you only 50 reals that's daylight robbery uh wait wait wait 45 come on don't be shy this is a great deal [Applause] hey didn't you see you nearly killed him down bullies you hurt here you're very kind you could do with a pair of shoes but how can i afford them [Applause] [Music] take these you need them more than i do no one should go barefoot in this world thank you even though he was poor aladdin knew how to be generous towards those less fortunate than him hurry up you [ __ ] unlike the passenger in the carriage who despite being rich and fortunate thought only of herself and knew no pity [Music] princess charizard was the daughter of calif sharia and lived in the city's biggest palace thanks to her father's wealth she had everything she desired we made it little strawberry [Music] how about a little water tease your thirst princess your tutor is waiting for you for your astronomy lesson let him wait sharon he's paid to do that too all right [Music] your book my navy thank you shrin have fun princess it wasn't a suit that measured the moon's diameter it was masouf begin and try not to make mistakes this time sorry princess zohan mustari proud of his only daughter's intelligence the caliph hired the best tutors to educate her and he had even given her a library all of her own but privilege and culture instead of improving her had made her arrogant spoiled and proud even though all that wasn't entirely her fault you're not here and nothing moves [Music] you're not here and the secret of life remains hidden [Music] father you have been writing poetry yes for mother i miss her so much i know i miss a two shirin shiren where is she the princess well she's there i'll give that presumptuous little madam a piece of my mind oh you're here my beloved elisa why are you angry prince jafar sent this beautiful necklace for your daughter and she ordered chirin to send it back to him i'm not wearing a slave chain what are you saying it's a beautiful piece of jewelry and a sign of the prince's great admiration for you well you must be a clairvoyant if you could admire me without knowing me you'll have to meet him then that way he'll get to know you i can't i'm busy i have to study [Music] at your age girls dream of meeting the prince they will fall in love with but you prefer to be alone surrounded by dusty books hmm you're free to join me if you'd like oh i forgot you don't know how to read don't be so important and sharazad you can't force her to meet this prince if she doesn't want to by the way did she tell you that she went to queen today alone and with the carriage you enter quillman your own i needed a plant perhaps you have forgotten how your mother died do you want them to kidnap you too no father you know you mustn't go out alone for any reason promise me you won't do it again i promise and you will write to prince jafar to thank him for the netflix so you're not here and nothing moves you're not here and the secret of life remains hidden [Music] giving away a pair of new boots with leather the price it is these days what on earth were you thinking forgive me i felt sorry for that poor man and not for us don't be angry with him he did a generous thing you're generous when you can afford to be not when you barely have enough to live on [Music] you'll ruin your eyes working in the dark you're not going to the festivities i have made another pair with the leftover leather aren't they beautiful as soon as the market opens i'll sell them and bring you the money the book i wanted how did you pay for it with the money i put by for your father's tobacco come on read me one oh my heart imagine having everything in the world imagine that everything is it delightful and you on this green grass imagine being a drop of dew settling in the night they're playing music there must be a celebration [Music] come beauty let's go hurry kareem go and tell him the girl has gone out the fool couldn't have given us a better opportunity [Music] told me to go [Music] [Applause] wow are you thirsty come come have some water [Music] come a pink water lily [Music] i've picked a rose for my sweet blood it's cold [Music] i've picked a rose to make him fall in love [Music] hello pretty what do you [Music] quickly move it shut up [Music] after them damn it yeah it's another one [Music] come on they have to be around here somewhere there you want hot bread have you seen two young people no i have been where are they speak tell me what you were talking about don't lie to me now oh news you know what will happen if you don't tell me the truth what's up there the grain stole you too go check it out right here he's here come on jump jump are you crazy we're going to kill ourselves after that it's that or they kill us move it are you all right let's go yes there they are hey are we nearly there can you make it [Music] hi over there where are you taking me [Music] [Music] they'll never find us in this crowd are you tired no just sturdy barefoot and take this for now wait here for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] a gift from amina thank you i'm not a dog it's kind of for not to make us pay we are friends i help her out now and then so let's find something to eat do you prefer uh flatbreads or almond sweet meats what's flatbread you don't know what flatbread is no it's unleavened bread yusuf makes the best in the city come on joseph hey aladdin for aladdin and his new friend cheese and cucumber i owe you one that's for you try it you see it's delicious it's spicy yusuf is a great guy he's my best friend you have a lot of friends you seem to have a few enemies though those men in the palm grove were trying to kidnap you a good job you were there you were very brave [Applause] i saved damsels in distress every day this is my favorite song come on let's dance come on wait i can't i've never danced before you were pulling my leg you just close your eyes and let the music carry you along it's [Music] easy [Music] so [Music] you are made for this it's nice you too what you are nice too [Music] [Music] my mother was the one who taught me to recognize the stars for instance that one is altair the brightest star in the milky way it's beautiful and that one over there next to it you have vega in a point that the astronomers call the sack of coal or the swan break can you see it [Music] i can see it perfectly if i had my telescope i could show you the constellation of the peacock its globular mass according to my calculations is more or less the size of [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have told me the name of the stars but not yours sharazad [Music] sure is out [Music] [Applause] they are not dangerous they're kind of sharia's guards i have to go home right away wait wait i'll come with you those men may still be around it's best if i go alone thank you wait hey wait you didn't tell me how to find you again [Music] well that's just not good enough we checked the whole city and we couldn't find it what do you mean you can't find her try again yes sir sheriff we have been looking for you everywhere we are we're getting desperate father where have you been why are your clothes and tatters well my horse was very edgy so i took him for a ride and and uh my clothes got caught on a branch so what did i tell you is that how you obey your father sharon take her inside i'll deal with you in the morning that girl has overstepped every limit you have to take measure sharia he told me that i was made for dancing and then on a rooftop we looked at the stars and then he came close to me and i closed my eyes and you kissed how do you know [Laughter] i went up to a rooftop too when i was your age you should see how handsome you're shirin and brave kind funny he has friends everywhere and people are so fond of him so are you if that sparkle in your eyes is anything to go by do you think this is love only you can know this no one had ever made me feel this way before but you have to tell your father the truth if somebody is trying to hurt you he has to protect you [Music] who could have made them an exceptional shoemaker in any case look at the stitching there's a hallmark here it looks like a crown with three points that's the mark of the caliph's shoemaker so the person who wears them belongs to the royal family you kiss the princess the girl from the festivities [Music] maybe you need more light what are you doing in my greenhouse i was looking for you i'm busy your father sent me he wants to see you right away [Music] father i'm worried about you sharazat all you ever do is disobey me and you finally went too far last night you know how much your safety matters to me you are my only child if anything were to happen to you it would be the death of me but you don't care about the way i feel i care very much but i'm an adult now you can't keep me locked up in a cage like a canary that's exactly what i said at her age she has a right to a life of her own but you can't leave home and be alone so you will get married but i don't want to i'm not giving up my library and my studies to become a slave to a stranger i don't need a husband and i'm not getting married do you want to spend your whole life alone who will protect you after i'm gone but you'll always be here you will receive the princes who aspire to your hand and get acquainted with them you will be free to pick the one you prefer but by the end of the year you will [Music] marry [Music] [Applause] where are you going you can't come in i have to see princess charizard the princess doesn't see beggars get out i'm not a beggar i have to give her something back that belongs to her we know each other sure you are close friends i bet she even invited you to her wedding waiting she's getting married when soon [Music] princess where would you like us to put the plants from comb maybe it's wiser to send them back [Music] before i kill them too [Music] sweet [Music] did you see the princess aladdin what's the matter with him don't worry she'll get married the prince or a sultan will carry her off shower her with jewels i'll never see her again have you fallen in love with her what's wrong with that she's special there is no other girl like her i know i know i'm not worthy of her i'm not a prince i'm not assaulting i'm not learned i'm not what are you saying aladdin you're everything you're generous you're intelligent you can see the beauty in a poem how many sultans can do that you think love can be bought with jewels [Music] not true love true love is one through merit and with the truth of one's own feelings if you love her nothing can stand in your way but you have to be proud of what you are [Music] aladdin is so courageous and full of life while these princes are stupid and boring i'm not marrying any of them but you promised your father what am i some sheep that has to be blindly where are we going to go look for something i read princess tarando was very intelligent and very cultured having learned all sciences that in general are studied only by men like you ah here it is her father the king of china told her that he wanted her to marry against her will tarando started weeping in anger your spitting image but since she was forced to obey him she came up with a stratagem to reject her suitors really what was it a simple question [Music] amina brought the cloth for the dress but we don't have enough for the turban i can find it perfect and we need a horse he can't turn up at the calf's palace on foot i'll take care of that i'll have a customer lend me one then we'll give it back it will just be for one day yes thank you get the hammer okay you'll have to take her a gift too have you thought of something i'm working on it what are you two doing the diamonds for your gift look how they shine do you like them sure they're perfect like a host of tiny stars a full sprints with the false diamonds no good is going to come of this why do you say that because the caliph's daughter will never marry a shoemaker [Music] stand still do you want some feathers would i look like a rooster with all these plumes when you're in front of the princess what will you say to her your majesty it's beautiful he looks just like a prince here put this one where are the pages with a gift children behave youtube not a word let aladdin do the talking yes thanks to all the help from the local people aladdin was now ready to go and ask for the hand of the princess [Applause] while charizard unaware of his arrival was getting ready to surprise the caliph and his court with the trick she had thought of princess charizard let the reception begin she's as beautiful as her mother i hear she's even more cultured than her tutors but how hotty she looks from distant katai his vulnerable highness prince li zay ming [Music] the mandarin sends you this gift as a sign of his great respect and admiration and he asks you to grant him the honor of becoming your husband [Music] tell prince lisa ming that i appreciate his special gift very much in that i would be honored to accept his proposal that didn't take long on one condition to prove himself worthy of me he will have to answer the question that i ask him correctly what's all this about a question i have no idea the mandarin asks if a question means a riddle exactly please go ahead [Music] can you tell me what father after bringing his children into the world devours them once they're grown well that's impossible to answer what kind of question is that a father doesn't devour his own child the mentor is asked how much time does he have to come up with the answer all the time he wants i'm in no hurry you have to do something next [Music] [Music] majesty his majesty aladin ii prince of the lamb you may enter majesty stop here you cannot go further [Music] jaffa [Music] [Music] what luxury let's hope the princess marries you so we can all come and live here i know i know an ogre i'm sorry wrong answer enough charizard this joke has gone on long enough no father after bringing his own children into the world devours them once they are grown you have made up a question without an answer to humiliate your guests and to make a fool of me i'm sorry to contradict you sire but there is an answer who just spoke i did your majesty and you are his majesty aladin ii prince of the lamb i didn't invite him so what is the answer if you know it it's simple majesty the father who devours his own children once they have grown after bringing them into the world is the sea in fact the waters of the sea evaporate and form clouds which then disperse as rain and feed the rivers then once they have grown return to the father that gave them their origin i wouldn't have known that i'm impressed by your learning prince aladin and happy to make your acquaintance the honor is mine princess sharazad have you not bought me a gift apart from your own presence i certainly have i know you study the stars and i wanted to give you some setting them on my gift in such a way that you may always carry them with you and remember the thing you love the most they're beautiful and i have the honor of putting them on your feet they look spectacular i think i've never seen anything like them do these diamonds come from your kingdom no my lady they're pieces of glass but he made the shoes with his own hands in her workshop down in the city you have a workshop my father's princess you're not the prince of the lamp no princess i'm a shoemaker [Music] i lied to you about my name but my feelings are sincere i've loved you since the very first moment i saw you that's the truth are you talking as a false prince wear this on a shoemaker which one should i believe the one who's ashamed of what he is or the one who passes himself off as something that he'll never be i told you he was an imposter only an idiot wouldn't have realized that [Music] go and never come back are you all right yes father did i say something wrong no leila you told the truth he's back well how did it go what happened [Music] what happened don't feel so bad about it at least you tried they were saying she's hearty it's a shame though [Music] from the city of damascus prince jafar [Music] your stepmother doesn't do you justice princess you're much more beautiful than she said that doesn't surprise me you're the one who sent me that slave necklace what have you brought me this time chains you're very witty too actually i have decided not to bring you anything at all what could you possibly desire that you don't already have true then i found out you're interested in botany and since i too own a greenhouse be careful it's very delicate a strawberry i had one two you know but it died perhaps you gave it too much water that's probably what it was i'll follow your advice there's something in here a ring you lied to me then you brought me a gift even though i have everything already to be honest there's one thing you don't have yet a husband but he cannot be imposed on you by force you must be the one to desire it when you ask me to i shall return to put that ring on your finger and if your father agrees [Music] i shall make you my wife in the meantime i shall stay in baghdad so that we may get better acquainted [Music] are you talking as a false prince or a dishonest shoemaker aladdin you're drunk you foresaw everything hmm we should drink to your wisdom come on i'm taking you inside i feel so bad i could die are you feeling a little better come on have some more you'll see after a good sleep you'll feel as right as rain i'm leaving what i'm leaving baghdad why i don't want to spend my life mending holes in shoes for a crust of bread surrounded by people that pity me like me no one pisses you i pity myself i'm leaving tonight with a caravan of merchants what about your brother and sisters what'll they do without you i can't forget her if i stay here [Music] [Music] you're going away [Music] i'm going to look for the magic lamp and when i find it i'll come back to you so it's time then forgive me for what i said [Music] ugh be safe and remember we'll always be here for you [Music] [Music] did he say anything did he mention me yes he was very impressed how can we see each other let's just take it one step at a time we have to be careful my love someone might see us so i was good wasn't that no you were perfect sure was that felt like a baby the strawberry plant was a stroke of genius you'll see within a week she'll fall into your arms the caliph will give his blessing you'll marry and then we'll get rid of them both shhh [Music] what are you trying to do to your cowards [Music] [Applause] get away princess [Music] princess oh my dear lord majesty he's dead it was a shoemaker who sure is that rejected [Music] [Applause] [Music] aladdin [Music] [Applause] [Music] go faster come on that one is altair the brightest star in the milky way you can see it only on summer nights it's right there can you see it [Music] come on go go faster wow and then what happened why did you stop carry on the night that you have granted me is over it's dawn sire i want to know how the story ends i'll grant you one last night but tomorrow you die [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] trend my lady you're alive yes [Music] i'll try [Music] what else can i do what else can i do [Music] what else can i do to make him fall [Music] good job sharon [Music] [Music] come your guest is waiting for you sire what have you done i wanted to brighten up your night with light and color i hate colors they remind me of the joy that i ever lost then you remember it no continue your story from where you left off charizard was lying motionless at the foot of the precipice [Music] she's dead it's better that way let's return to baghdad let's go [Music] uh [Music] um with her being dead everything is in my hands but we have to eliminate the shoemaker if he claims innocence the people will believe him you have to find him and kill him consider it already done here have something to eat [Music] dance with me i don't feel like it [Music] oh my dearest love imagine having everything in the world imagine that everything is a delightful green garden and you on this green grass imagine being a drop of dew settling in the night [Music] look everywhere what do you want where is your sun apf last night where did he go he didn't say stop it why are you looking for him you killed the caliph in the princess my son is not a killer the caliph wipe recognized him it's not possible it's where is your friend hiding talk you better tell me old man for your own sake even if i knew i wouldn't tell you burn that place down [Applause] unaware of what had happened in baghdad aladdin was traveling with the merchants trying to forget his share azad but his wounded heart made him vulnerable easy pray for those who would take advantage of it [Music] hmm some precious goods have just arrived in town very interesting shall i have your carriage made ready madam yes i want to go and take a closer look at this magnificent specimen come over here everybody everybody come over here come over here everybody now i want to talk to you about this magnificent tapestry the story when i learned it astounded me too to a legend it was woven by princess heart of stone a poor peasant who had seen her walking in a palm grove fell in love with her when he went to her palace to declare his love for her heart of stone rejected him and condemned him to death what did he do why didn't you show respect to him right let him finish the story a genie who had seen everything decided to save the peasant and punish the cruel princess by turning her into a spider regretting that she had rejected true love princess spider made this tapestry that is why its weave is as delicate and fine as a spider's web incredible what an amazing story and the peasant did another beauty comfort him he was too hurt to give his heart to another woman but he used his suffering to write verses and became a famous poet come on don't be shy don't be shaving that's a great deal stupid what do you think it's a once in a lifetime opportunity his heart is broken and tender shy where you came from come on it's a great deal don't be shy please come on after i have a word a gift please it's a magnificent tapestry come over here please i'm sorry i did my best but it was no use you must be joking the lady who just left bought all the goods she wants you to deliver everything personally she lives up there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] who are you how did you get here uh i saw the smoke i was hungry and you care to steal not the steel what's your name shirazad you're injured uh i fell the only precipice a man wanted to kill me who my stepmother's her they killed my father and they were chasing me and i and i didn't know where to go and i was just what was that the signal that they're on their way back you have to hide why this is the layer of a rubber band if omar finds you here he'll kill us both [Music] okay everything all right here nice and quiet a good hole better than expected it took all day to cook these slops cook it washed you stink like an animal get the coffers into the cave come on move those covers come on quickly we should have killed that bastard never leave any witnesses alive that's what i said don't worry about it with a beating we gave him the coward won't talk that's for sure that showed them yeah are you hungry boys food's ready good i'm starving about time come on plato i hope it's edible this time i could do with some wine as well [Music] that was close here's some fruit jasmine coming put on the clothes and once it's dark i'll have you flee what were you doing i need the picture for the wine where the hell is it [Music] where is it [Applause] never seen a bush that moved before so [Music] these strawberries are as big as lemons would you follow me please my lady namona is waiting for you in the rose garden please [Music] [Music] i was sent by the merchant with the furniture you bought do you have a name aladdin i'm nimuna [Music] i liked your story very much about princess spider but i need some advice on where to hang the tapestry will you grant me a few minutes certainly you look more like a poet than a merchant indeed i'm not a merchant but it's a trade that allows me to travel and enrich my knowledge hmm that's admirable and are you interested in something in particular everything poetry art the science that studies the stars how curious come [Music] i share the passion too the stars are so magical it's amazing altair the white star hmm you're an expert you've studied astronomy a girl showed that star to me once i have never had the chance to study destiny can change [Music] so tell me what else do you like hmm i don't know many things get him get him quick what is going on one of the pigs got away take it back inside right away grab it come on grab it grab it he's terrified poor thing i'll take care of it later hmm i'm sorry but i'll have to go soon i'll show you one more thing and then i'll let you go come grab it grab it you fools grab it that's incredible [Music] they have to be at least a million books here asap's fables the voyages of sinbad have you read them all oh not yet but this is where i spend all my time i read i study i write poetry you're truly lucky i give anything to have a library like this actually i could do with someone to catalogue them but it's so hard to find the right person motivated reliable i'll pay him very well and he could read everything he wants the sole sacrifice is that he would have to live here it doesn't sound like sacrifice living in a dreamlike place like this would you do it let that be a lesson to you get over there if just one of you tries to get away again i'll send every one of you to the slaughterhouse did you hear what she said is that clear who are you talking to no one the animals were agitated but now everything's okay i've ordered them to serve us dinner in the terrace that way we'll be able to look at the stars do you raise them for food no i couldn't ever even if they deserve it look what aladdin was seeing wasn't what he thought he was seeing and he couldn't even begin to imagine the danger he was in my dearest parents you don't have to worry about me any longer after all the bitter hardship destiny has finally brought me some luck i now have a job cataloging a library in the house of a sophisticated and cultured lady [Music] finally i can realize my dream to study and forget who made me suffer i am sending you in advance on my pay give everyone a hug from me you're aladdin [Music] [Music] you were supposed to bring me that man's head a month ago if he talks and it comes out that he's not the killer of caliph and his daughter the people will believe him i've searched every neighborhood with a fine-toothed comb tortured his friends perhaps he really has left baghdad then you need to find a way to get him back how do i have to tell you everything arrest his family have his father hanged if this aladdin fellow has that many friends someone will warn him and when he comes out into the open you'll catch him [Music] the maid's coming where are you going the mistress has asked me to buy some dates for her go straight back of course open the gate [Music] who is it i'm looking for aladdin's parents come in what do you want i've come to warn you that you're in grave danger they will arrest you they plan to kill you to capture your son but who are you that doesn't matter get away save yourselves don't waste any time what are we going to do gather together everything we need i'm going to yusuf's to get a cart children come here salima yes mama come and help me let's go let's go [Music] my [Music] meanwhile aladdin dreaming of a new life unaware that he was a prisoner in the mysterious nimunes palace shahzad was waiting for a chance to escape from the robber's lair [Music] give me more here yeah who do you think we are he is a gang of thieves how many soldiers [Music] maybe there's more in the tent thirsty there's only brandy as long as it's strong oh watch out it was an accidental stupid [Music] where do you think you're going a woman a spy i'm not a spy what are you doing here she's lying i don't trust her it's the truth i swear she talks we will all go to jail i will not say anything we have to kill her who wants to free her death to the spine [Applause] [Music] that settles it [Applause] my story can't end like that you're right sire many more extraordinary still have to happen and if you grab me one more night you'll learn about them [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 516,141
Rating: 4.7895136 out of 5
Keywords: watch, free, movies, online, Turner, TCM, youtube, download, full, movie, films, classic, 70s, 80s, 60s, sci-fi, horror, drama, latest, retro, b-grade, funny, comedy, hollywood, worst, ever, popcornflix, bigtime, goldmines, Free movies on Youtube, Hollywood movies, Classic, Movies, free full movies, Classic Movies Channel, CMC, CMC YouTube, One Thousand and One Nights, 1001 Nacht, Vanessa Hessler, Marco Bocci, Paz Vega, mini series, lux vide, Adventure Drama
Id: 7IZ0AGrAeaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 37sec (6037 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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