2021 Rolls-Royce Phantom vs Maybach S-Class // King Meets Prince

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The Phantom makes the Maybach look like a Civic 😳

👍︎︎ 198 👤︎︎ u/WorldlinessCrazy2324 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

King of depreciation meets the prince of depreciation.

👍︎︎ 128 👤︎︎ u/RadicalTrailFinisher 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Damn that intro got me at the end, "should've worked for doug demuro"

👍︎︎ 83 👤︎︎ u/jbeck24 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

LMFAO at the opening.

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/digistil 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Nailed it with the intro. And didn't know that Maybach responds to Hey Mercedes commands !!

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/yatlvcar 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Both are very impressive. I think the video did a good job of showing the Rolls' old fashioned with a hint of modernism approach vs. the Merc's new age approach to luxury. Both are very impressive in their own ways. The Maybach definitely has more differentiation from the S-class compared to the prior generation so props to them on that.

The Roller is simply a class above though simply due to brand exclusivity and sheer curb appeal. I don't think potential customers are going to care about tech, ambient lighting, etc. type of stuff that the Maybach does better. Rolls Royce is simply in a league of its own.

An analogy would probably be a Tesla vs Ferrari or smart watch vs Rolex. Sure the tech/futuristic thing is objectively better in many ways, but it simply cannot hold a candle to the latter in the eyes of the general public. A Ferrari is a Ferrari.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ab84fan 📅︎︎ Sep 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm sure they are amazing cars (will watch the video later) but why are they so damn ugly!?

The RR looks like a retired Optimus Prime, waaaay past it's prime (pun intended), just sadly sitting in his rocking chair and thinking what could He have done better, and the Maybach looks like a C class in her mom's clothes, with badly applied "makeup". Or like those crap cars that the broke owner tried to make look more expensive with off the shelf cheap aftermarket stuff. Like, those two horrid chrome intakes on the bottom of the front... WTF is that? A pimped Fiesta? Ugh, man they are ugly.

If I'd spend that much on a car, I'd expect something elegant, not a sad old robot with erectile dysfunction and a wanna-be grown-up kid from the council housing block. I mean, just look at the "eyes" of the RR. They even have that signature white eyebrow old-man line.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Eastern-Resort3081 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

the phantom is drop dead gorgeous

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/LAPAOOREEEE 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Competing with Rolls Royce with a super fancy trim named after a defunct brand just ain't gonna work.

Funnily enough, Ford in Europe is trying to compete with Mercedes with the same strategy. They think its possible to compete with actual luxury sedans with their Mondeo Vignale - another "luxury trim" named after a defunct brand.

If Mercedes correctly understands that you cannot compete with an E class by pimping out a Fusion, why do they still (incorrectly) assume that they can compete against a Rolls Royce by pimping out an S class?

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Uptons_BJs 📅︎︎ Sep 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
i i just i simply don't believe you yeah james trust me these are really really really high-tech cars cutting edge best in the world i promise it will work but what does it prove i don't understand if this is our job we test cars you have to do it and it will stop it will stop i promise you it will right it's like just the head no shoulder just the head watch okay trust me oh my god oh oh oh i'm sorry you said you said that i thought it would stop i really did oh you know what it's not the rolls it's the new eibach because it has the doors that open and closed it is let's just go check let's let's do that one okay trust me it's gonna work okay got this thing here you're just gonna hey there's a gang helmet oh my god i'll just tell you not to bring this you don't need the get in helmet as you trust me it's gonna work okay very very very high-tech cars just kneel right about there and it's gonna it's gonna open and it will work okay you ready it's cool tech if it works i just wish the rolls-royce had it yeah all right ready to save me an injury it's gonna stop as soon as it gets close to you oh my god oh man you knew that was gonna happen i knew that was gonna happen a hundred percent yeah that was so worth it should have worked for doug de mirror [Music] you're watching throttle house i'm thomas and i'm james wow that was the quietest and i'm james i've ever heard and this is the rolls-royce phantom it's pretty much the best motor car in the world and we're trying to answer a question today what is luxury luxury is this i think the luxury is defined by space quietness supreme comfort and the knowledge that you are surrounded by the absolute best materials that money can buy that is the phantom the absolute pinnacle of rolls royce's lineup and therefore the pinnacle of the motor car and it doesn't come cheap when it was originally commissioned it cost over 700 thousand dollars canadian and if you feel so inclined you can be the next caretaker of this car as it now awaits your presence on the lot of mercedes-benz peterborough who are not only nice enough to let us test the phantom but also the brand new mybach so sink back into your velvet cushion pour yourself a glass of dom tell your live-in chef to prepare your dinner and enjoy the ultimate luxury comparison we do car reviews track tests and quite a lot of messing around so subscribe and hit the bell okay james rolls royces are not about gimmicks at all i know you've got your mybach and you're very excited about it yes it's the new based on the new s-class and all that stuff right it's full of technology get ready yeah i'm good i am ready but the point is is that the rolls royce is not about that as i said it is about simplicity and quality they actually say themselves what's it called post opulence yeah post post opulence which kind of just means minimalism but to them it means the rejection of superficial expressions of wealth are you saying that my back is a superficial expression of wealth i'm saying it absolutely is because this is just it's it's about knowledge not knowledge knowledge the knowledge that you are in the best the best of the best okay but that remains to be seen because the my bug is brand new and let's keep in mind the price difference here because obviously the the ghost is kind of the my back size but this is the ultimate expression of roles and my back right now is the ultimate expression of my back and i'm wondering if the little david my buck for 200 and something grand can take on the goliath that is the phantom which you've constantly said is the ultimate it is because as i said rolls-royce doesn't bother themselves with trying to wow you with technology there's technology in here don't get me wrong this has the flag bearer system that reads the road ahead and adjusts the suspension in a microsecond and it's on the architecture of luxury i mean in the magic carpet ride these are not just things i'm making up by the way this is rolls royce basically that means it's on a really good platform that isn't a seven series and the ride is absolutely beyond belief good it is phenomenal right you can't argue with it because i don't think there's anything better we're going to test the mybach and i'm very excited to try it but this is we are gliding we're floating over the road and these are 22-inch rims and these are 22 trips yeah they're huge but still there's this there's this sense of what's the word have you ever been in a kayak or a canoe on a calm lake have you ever done that yeah i have yes and you know what i mean by that kind of this is when you cut through the water it's this smooth like it's like glass water that you're just cutting through that's what the road feels like no it does do that it does do that and i'm loving the speck in here because yes this one's really really nice got the wood paneling everywhere yep the the light blue trim yeah and there's like this teal piping which is really i first i didn't like it but the more i kind of looked at it i was just blown away and yeah like like every single thing that you touch every single thing that you can find to touch is either leather or some sort of an alloy or wood right lacquered wood there's not enough to play with oh is it i take it back there's cup holders oh wow yes there's cup holders yes i know they don't i said don't get too wrapped up in all the the the gimmicky chintzy stuff yeah you are just are you comfortable i'm very very comfortable that's it i've got the lambswool carpet mats here yeah you can sink your foot completely lost in them right like the seats are just big and wide and soft and it's just that the feeling that you're surrounded by things that are high quality like yeah everything's leather you can't find a low quality material in here and like from where i'm sitting too obviously the phantom is about being driven so you're in the hot seat yes right but i'm also enjoying myself because the engine is a v12 it's silent and effortless maybe better as an ev different conversation but the throttle is easy to drive smoothly the brakes are easy to drive smooth the steering is so light it's almost funny i can drive the car this gazillion pound car with one finger around the city and the turning radius is actually very impressive there's a bit of lean in the corners though of course just leaving the corners because this is not a sports car rolls royce scoffs at the idea of cornering dynamics this is a rear-wheel drive car but my back with curve mode yeah yeah yeah does your my back have curved mode no no it doesn't admit it that's right so to sum up yeah we've driven the phantom before we have and it blew this way then it blew me away now because it is absolutely the best car in the world it's so calm in here it's just so so so so good everything about it and just for you i've got the starry night headliner you see that you do yeah it's very nice james this car unequivocally is the definition of luxury yeah so it's interesting to say that because i've looked up the definition of luxury on google and it says it is the state of great comfort and extravagant living extravagant which i don't associate with simplicity but with excess so yeah i agree this has got some tricks but then so does that because if i hold down this button that door opens all the way which means i can just hop right in just well done i'll go i'm gonna go right you have to go around yeah okay this is cool i will give you that that makes me think i'm in a rolls-royce yeah this is this is not common in cars it's really what are you doing i just i think it looks uncomfortable this pillow is a bit yeah it's a bit gimmicky i think i need i have a bad back i need lumbar support also i need this for my little show puppy just to circle into the competition yeah um okay so this is very nice i'm very very nice but it is full of gimmicks james bring back to re full of gimmicks no it's not it is it's full of luxurious things look at that look at that what is that damn it that's cool right ah okay it spoils you so this is actually a fully done yes look at the fingerprints on it though i can count them already that's because there's only seven of them and that's as high as you can count okay so this has a boss button i mean i think i'm in the captain's chair whatever it's called and so if i press this and push that i'm not gonna do it or show it but yeah it puts the seat in front down and you got a whole foot rest get a whole foot rest this all goes down super comfortable yeah yeah it's very very nice but what's in here probably nothing damn it tables ah yeah these are really cool very even match they even match the leather of the thing speaking of which the leather this has the extended leather package and it can extend as far as it likes it can't extend as far as a rolls royce because it's not at the same level it's covering everything i would argue that it is the same level oh god it's a really cool speaker on the ceiling yes oh well that's because the my butt comes standard with the 4d upgraded surround sound burnister okay no wanna talk gimmicks i'm sorry so this this particular it blasts into the fourth dimension it yes okay cool the most what the marketing department says right exactly so i think it does like vibrate the seat and do some funky stuff and then the little rats run across your feet when right there's a honey i shrunk the kids so yes we've got tables okay there we go yeah that is we have this cool electric thing we have 15 000 leather package covering everything whoa that's a lot of money we have the lights coming back here yeah the ambient lighting and it does the same thing as the s-class with the okay hold on back up s-class this is there's lots of m's everywhere yes because it's in my box but this is just the same as yes class right if you if you fully spec out an s class this is well this is seven inches longer oh you actually get more wheelbase so you get more room okay fair enough for how much more money well they suspect quite well how much more money is that 100 000 100 000 for how many inches of wheelbase fridge but you can get a fridge in an s-class not this one this one is only in a my and then you this is the place for your champagne flutes right which are actually packaged up already and haven't even been opened yeah it hasn't been opened and it does have these which is very cool where you open this and there's a little spot to hold the champagne flute it holds like the feet of it right just kind of that's pretty neat and this has got the poplar wood trim which i said in the in the s-class it looks just a bit like this i'm sorry is it the same as an s-class it it features in the s-class but then it but then it really comes alive i think yes we've got the blinds that are otherwise hidden there's a lot about the luxury that this does perfectly well they see i think i would even say these seats are more comfortable than the rolls i just sat in the back of that i don't think they are i don't think they are the the rolls-royce prioritizes seat quality comfort in a single seating position it's not it's not trying to give you too many options so what you're saying is gimmicks for adjustability quality no it corners you into having to do it their way no it's all infinitely customizable if you want them to be yellow they can be yellow but you have to that's at the factory yes i get to infinite i get those those are adjustable they are adjustable they're not okay they're fine they're not as adjustable as this i've got an under foot rest and everything here which which i don't know how how it works but i mean look it's got tweeters that spin out in some glorious fashion it has seat belts that get handed to you and they're airbags in the seat belt yes the seats are massaging yes james listen it's got a lot of funky stuff okay i get it but but the the extravagance belies the luxury okay it subverts the actual concept of wealth rather than being a construct of it right okay which means that it's a solution to post-modernism instead of actually constructing it yes yeah yeah do you know what i mean do you know what you know not at all um i just smashed a bunch of words together quick look at the outside that rolls royce is getting to yeah yeah okay okay these how do you close oh they're automatic still okay james look at this all right look at it it is twice the car that literally yes it is literally look at how it is as long as a yacht it's as tall as an suv and it's insane the whole point of these cars is not only subtlety and luxury and whatever blah blah blah it is showing everyone just how much money you spent yeah i thought i'd have you on the two-tone but you have the saturn the saturn which is almost nine thousand dollars okay there's the whole thing about these rolls races is that everything is bespoke right for example i have a uplit spirit of ecstasy that's five thousand dollars i have chrome exhaust tips that's five thousand dollars as far as i can tell it's it's free i think because we can't find it in the spec sheet so yeah so that's how you go saving some money yeah well so interestingly the two-tone yeah if you go for a normal my buck and you don't do the two-tone it's free for most of the colors yes the two-tone is twenty thousand dollars for what really but that's what makes it the moment you don't need it otherwise it's an s-class this is a hand-drawn line right here that's very rolls-royce very rolls-royce yeah and we got the 21 inch upgraded wheels they're 5 grand 21 inches yeah yeah so what happened what what can't you get james when you get 21-inch wheels on a mai box uh the revolutionary new technology that is the 10 degree rear here right so you can only get 4.5 so so what we've done is we've replaced the amazing potential turning circle with a bunch of champagne flutes glued to an axle hey those champagne flutes look really really cool yeah also you thought the 4.5 degree was so good it was the 10 degree it is very yeah it's still already fantastic it's still very very i really wanted to test that okay listen listen fancy stuff aside i see all of your fancy prices and i raise you yeah a 17 000 piece of artwork embedded into my gallery on my dashboard i think we're in the wrong job that is how you do opulence it's called metropolitan skype it's called the metropolitan skyline and it is beautiful 70 it's not like you know normal art where you can sell it on as a because it's an art piece that has to come with the car yeah yeah it's it's part of your car you sell it with the car whatever all right well this has got a silver streak down the middle okay okay it's got handles that go in and now listen those are very cool but in the end in the end nothing matters except for a serene location to sit so that you don't mess up that 50 million dollar merger phone call while you're in new york city traffic that is what the rolls-royce does it gives you this quiet absolutely insulated location from the world to make your fancy business phone calls and i and i don't disagree with that yeah but i think you're selling the my back sure and i'm tired of you making the claim that that out does this on silence it's quieter it's a rolls royce we're gonna do a little test what do you mean i've brought along a sound level meter and we're gonna beep outside the car and see if it's actually because they've done all new stuff with this reinforced the glass and the pillars so you actually have a sound meter go sound meter i want to see if the 50 million 50 million 50 million 50 is more silent than this when someone's honking a horn okay okay starting with the rolls-royce that is my audi s4 outside and thomas is just going to honk the horn at me for two seconds so me talking right now on this sound level meter is putting it in the mid 70s every time i talk so let's see what happens when an audi beeps at you from the outside [Music] 61. time for the my bug okay in the my buck now me talking same sound in fact the ambient number is actually under 41. that might be a good sign all right so i'm going to hit max very gently not a child called max just not gently enough 60 64.7 that's more that's more than well i think we should just go for a drive how was i how many decimals was it 64. so that means that the 50 million dollar deal doesn't get done in here son getting the driver's seat you save 200 something grand by getting this car anyway that's not 50 million will they take a discount who needs 50 million dollar deals anyway when you're practically stealing a new my buck for less than 300 grand and i was excited to show thomas just how luxurious the my buck could be when driving but alas he couldn't seem to shake his rolls-royce superiority complex and felt the need for some reason to dress down for the occasion oh wow that's good okay is it pretty cool isn't it yeah it's pretty good what what's the look on your face in the scorpio t-shirt i don't understand everything's got me a t-shirt with you oh this oh i totally forgot it's uh this is just some new merch that's for sale right now on the throttle house i really hope it's not for sale it's literally for sale no one is gonna buy that i don't think you realize how many people want anyway let's just drive the maybach hey my seat belts light up you seen that let's figure it yo check out check out the trademark check out the trademark by the way look at you you see check out the trademark oh there's a th throttle house okay this was a bit big they'll fit better i promise when you buy them anyway mybach very excited for this car because there's no way it's better than a rolls royce and i'm about to prove that there's just no way i'm no one's saying it's better but for the price for the price oh yeah it's such a bargain at 100 000 more than an s-class all right so real quick oh whoa whoa whoa whoa the four-liter twin-turbo v8 and there is even a v12 of this coming so north america that's 2022 we're gonna get the s680 which is the v12 yep and also coming for 2022 is the e-active body control which we still don't have in this no and if you don't know what that is that is the system that allows the suspension to go into curve mode and predict bumps and and it it basically makes the ride more supple it makes it lean into the corner as well yeah yeah that's the curve mode that's the curve mode yeah so and this is on the 21 inch wheels so basically it's it's starting off on the wrongest foot the longest foot of our my butt yeah so it might not have the right but what it does have over the rolls royce is technology and i know rolls royce is all about post opulence but this is about being futuristic okay because it knows that people who are spending this level of money want a couple ipads glued to their dashboard and also other things like okay so this has active noise compensation for the first time so if you're wondering why if someone's compensating with a my buck they are they're commentating using active noise compensation which which you know gets rid of unwanted frequencies using the 4d burmester sound system which as tested by our sound engineer harrison is superior to the sound system in the rolls-royce subjective all right also subject i've got augmented reality right now my head up display which is phenomenal yeah it's actually massive it's showing the arrows pointing left that's really cool i just put something in the nav so it would show it that's pretty cool actually i will say that this is coming off the road yeah and oh some more getting some more rain okay rain's been off and on all day yeah um okay so first of all i agree the technology is very cool you know there's there's five friggin screens in front of me right now like they're the screens are everywhere right and this these are very nice very high quality everything's very good but we're going over the same road that we drove in the rolls and it's not as quiet and it's not as smooth but it's it's not far off and if it had the active body control which i wish it had but listen i don't think that yeah the e-active body control would help with maybe some undulations but it wouldn't help with noise and vibrations and that's where the roles went i think it would i think it would subjective well we'll have to wait and see still yes well that's a delay uh i've got a 3d gauge cluster and this is the my buck specific gauge cluster with like the bronze dials well there's still all the options but right now it's set on the mybox settings which is pretty cool and like i mean for those of you that haven't watched our s-class review we this is so much bumpier than the rolls i have to say it it's so much bumpier than the rolls james it is it is it is yes it it is yeah okay so the ride doesn't quite match up to the rolls that's very nice i guarantee you your seating position does i think the seats in this are superior to the rear passenger and we found the same thing with the cullen and the maybach gls the the seats in here are more adjustable and i like the fact that you can like fully recline in these like listen it's an occasion also even though it is like kind of cloudy but it's still daytime out here the ambient lighting in here it's freaking ridiculous it's wonderful it is really cool and i know that i was making fun of car this car for having a lot of gimmicks but i am such a sucker for ambient lighting yeah i really am so just like it's glowing around the burmester like speaker up here the seats it says the mood it says it's just and you can change the colors obviously this also has pedals that show that my buck care about their driver and despite the roads being damp yep i can floor it yep oh that's quick because we're all-wheel drive yeah yeah and like the rear wheel drive in the phantom hey hey the rolls is stuck to their traditions yep that's what we learned traditions keep us moving forward so that's that's the philosophy here the my bike are futuristic they're focusing on the future stuff and sometimes that means that they go a bit too far one way and the first one through the gate always gets bloody so you know things like the 3d gauge cluster who cares but you can turn it off yeah and the screens okay so maybe with time they'll date like i don't i don't disagree rolls royce is a more timeless piece yes but in a way my back's being more courageous they're trying new things mercedes is because this is just an s-class hey listen if it was a mercedes it would respond to hey mercedes but obviously because [Laughter] i'm sorry can you say that again please you must have thought i said you must have thought i said hey my back you're not a mercedes you are a my marker okay oh in order to use online functions of the voice system please check your mercedes me settings yep she means my back mood yeah okay it's a little bit my buck a lot a bit mercedes up front at least but in the back with its extra seven inches of wheelbase and fancy throw pillows it's all my buck the rolls on the other hand from any angle and from any seat is all rolls rolls-royce except for the infotainment transmission and engine that's bmw but it's the image and experience that counts and the phantom delivers in a way that only a rolls-royce can so sure save your money get the maybach while it is a little gadgety for my taste it's also a supremely luxurious experience and like james said they are being a lot more adventurous with tech that pampers you but in this battle of david vs goliath and in our goal to find out which one achieves ultimate luxury david never had a chance thanks for watching you
Channel: Throttle House
Views: 1,114,317
Rating: 4.906744 out of 5
Keywords: Rolls phantom, rolls royce phantom, phantom vs maybach, phantom vs s class, mercedes maybach, maybach s class, rolls royce review, maybach review, 2021 rolls royce, 2021 phantom, 2021 maybach, 2022 maybach, maybach wheels, rolls royce wheels, phantom interior, phantom coupe, rolls royce pov, rolls royce 0-60, maybach vs rolls royce, best luxury car, s class mercedes, s580 maybach, s580 vs rolls, s580 vs phantom, maybach vs ghost, new maybach, new s class
Id: 2fAv4kWLp8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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