Restoring BMW's most bizarre and hated car

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Only Rich and turn 15 minutes of content into a 40 minute video.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Aintnodonkeyman 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
this video is sponsored by squarespace are you a bmw fan good or you're not well if not you might be after the story if you were unfortunate enough to miss the first episode a while back i was browsing tinder and came across a girl that had an interesting car we agreed to go on a date but she hit me with the stephen so as i saw the date going less and less in my favor i gained more and more interest in her recently dead uncle's car and he left her in his will now the date ended with me you know what no i'm not going to give it away if you didn't watch that video there's a link to it on your screen right now so you can watch it later but here we are a couple months later and amber still seems to be asking for steve on and this little clown shoe is now in my garage why do i call it the clown shoe well i can't take credit for that name but if you look really close at it i mean isn't it kind of obvious the real name of the car is the z3 m coupe it has a funny story it's actually built in secret now right after the mazda miata came out the world's most favorite front engine rear wheel drive sports car bmw said we can do that too and bam comes the bmw z3 and the bmw z3 was basically the german miata but the bmw engineer mr garshal said you know what no convertibles aren't known for their structural rigidity it's far better to have something with the hard top so in secret he designed the z3m coupe pieced together in his basement with tin foil and foam he effectively added a roof to the standard z3 he went to bmw and said what do you think about this and they said what everyone says when they see an m coupe this is the ugliest thing i've ever seen but corporate said you could make it for cheap then we'll give it a green light so to keep the price down it shares the majority of the body with the standard z3 and there it was one of the ugliest cards to be put into production well the carbs released and guess what no one cared because it looked like it hit every tree on the way down a mountain but i love this car as you know i have a thing for weird cars that you don't see every day and also a thing for weird bmws but this thing is awesome i was looking for a daily driver that i wouldn't have to be spotted in every day and my frequent trips to burger king and what better car to be anonymous in than a rare bmw that looks like it was pieced together from two totally different cars but this bmw says something it's a driver's car there's no traction control five speed inline six manual everything everything is analog and it brings me back to how driving a car used to be no touch screens no nannies no navigation no autopilot it's kind of like my mini cooper but with 150 more horsepower or the z06 with 400 less horsepower and it's so ugly that when people see me in the car they say wow look how confident that man is in his own skin that he's driving that hideous thing let's give him a thumbs down to remind him he's not cool or hip people aren't easy but you know what is easy make a website with squarespace one can simply claim a domain or url like www dot clown shoe hard tops or underrated cars purpose built for or www.this was the weirdest thing i've ever done to get myself a so then you can create a custom site that matches your style and enthusiasm check out these page templates because they'll make your web page look better than the thought of me and steve on double dating a mother-daughter duo head to rebuilds to save 10 of your first purchase of a website or domain using the code in the description box below shout out to squarespace for making platforms people's passions regardless of what it is they're actually passionate about in which case i'm passionate about this coupe you'll see that this car was pretty neglected but it's so rare i want to bring it back to its former glory and take care of any mechanical issues so it's certain to run for a long time let's get this show on the road great uncle hollis's clown shoe we got it home baby may he ever rest in peace rest god rest his soul it doesn't seem like much maintenance was done to it that means a lot of brake dust we don't know how long amber even had it i have no idea i don't think she did anything you should call [Music] i should call her i should call her call it needs obviously not about that yeah yeah other stuff the other business stuff to handle with her um but yeah it needs i mean initial glance it needs new pads and rotors these wheels got to go man these i mean not get rid of the wheels but at least pull them off give them a nice painted black look as we do with everything uh it needs some paint work maybe we'll wash it and we'll go from there man the check engine light's on so okay it's a bmw yeah we got to check that out we should probably go to lees for that let's go to lee's for the bmw stuff we haven't seen him in a minute it's been a long time you go there i'm gonna go uh oh yeah that thing you got some stuff to do yeah yeah so why don't you do that i'll go to lee's and then we'll regroup back here okay all right you broke it rich that north bmw uh yeah 100 all right so he broke it little christmas tree action going on here you have some problems yeah there's some issues all right rich what have you done i don't know dude all right lee has to cool the car down manually for me because this is uh yeah it was a bit hot look at that whoa jeez how does it feel good there's only one fan in the front but nothing in the back but nothing in the back so there's no mechanical fan that's supposed to be right here nothing in the back all in the front nothing in the back and that's a big problem for me i use like the reverse all in the back and nothing in the front well i mean whatever but but i'll say lee even the interior isn't that bad i mean we're missing a trim ring here aftermarket radio that's fine it's kind of old and then there's the typical sagging glove box a lot of the z3s have uh sagging oh also the headliner sagging yep a little bit of a headliner saggage but other than that man door panels are in good shape minus this i think this got too hot at one point all right elise what's gonna happen here so i see there is a nice puddle of uh of coolant on the ground thank you you scared it i didn't come on yeah it doesn't like you hey at least there's something in it right am i right look how big [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] all right let's get under the belly of the beast i guess rightly oh do you really want to rich sorry one cross member bolt missing yeah that's probably the rattling that i hear yeah that explains that uh aftermarket sway bar new bushings h r coilovers yep see tie rods new looks like inner and outer tie rods with boots yes i see them yeah brand new new hardware too hey caliper is newer doesn't look bad it's pretty dry on that side yeah it's dry so new calipers are about a year or less if this thing's been just a track car those could be two-year-old calipers right new no up and down play no front and back there you go it's just like swipe boots ripped okay they get a new boot maybe a new axle depending on how much crap's got in there it has its quirks the thing right now the most important i would say the killing fan yeah i agree yeah and let's look at the computer and see what any funky codes and stuff like that it sounds like a fan there's an ecu fan in there yeah it should be oh wow yeah it's loud isn't it geez secondary air system misfire secondary air vanos catalytic converters and misfire we are going to print that okay erasing the call code so you can actually see what everything and then see what comes back you know what he is one relentless no fall code is detected for the airbag i just erased them all and no fault codes yeah it didn't come back yet yet yes it's a bmw yeah lee am i officially a bmw owner yet what do you think lee no why you don't fall into that category what do i have to do to be an actual bmw owner you have to be a dude whoop did i say that right yeah uh no you're in between a bmw an audi owner and a ford mustang owner why ford mustang owner yeah [Music] i mean it's clean right it's clean power i like it whoever uh shows the cam whatever cam it is it's a decent it's almost like a stock cam it's almost like stop but you could barely tell it's in there unless you sit there and you feel the car kind of idle funny it's like wait a second something's in this yeah it's a mildly hot cam yeah and anything after four grand it really starts opening up yeah it does if there's software in this thing i'd like to know what software's in it because it's nice yeah no i i i have no idea but hopefully i'll figure out at some point no are these 19s yeah 19s baby yeah i'm dying to see what's underneath these wheels man corrosion yeah probably and sadness the speed oh no wrong size jerks oh we knew that look at that there's like four different keys to this dude don't don't tell me that's an actual yeah that's 16. your princess is in another castle what the heck man look at this baby wheel man oh good tread not bad a little dirty stuff it's been places what do we got here the scene thing the same places how the brakes look seem better wow pads are not bad but not a terrible idea to replace them anyways no they're really not that bad these studs have to be longer there's no way those are oem maybe they are but the fact that they stuck out so far past the face of the wheel not bad zip tie just hang in there oh wow you weren't even here yet it's not my work huh nope i haven't even started yet can uncle hollis yeah what's the meaning of this what are you doing whatever speed shop you brought it to okay cool man or did it himself it's yvonne it's time baby hmm you know what's weird this doesn't look as wide as i thought it was you know why because what'd they do oh a little spacer action huh damn damn boy clown for a clown i've been i've been bamboozled feels like they changed the pads in the front but not the rear either way this whole thing's getting replaced that's how it goes uh by the rotors that we got from bema world it's only 25 your stopping power yeah right whatever whatever we'll ignore that no big deal so we're going to replace these with i don't like slotted and drilled rotors i'm more i just don't either slotted or drilled i don't like do one or the other it looks like it was too like boy eraser ish i guess where are you really going in this thing i don't know so we're going to place these with the solid rotors we have to be in the world as well as the uh the rotors and the pads in the rear so it's going to get all cleaned up nicely but let's see if these are truly square yeah i think the wide ones are a little bit wider but still it's very odd how you know how they did that i think that they've got to be wired yeah what are those that what's the these are 265 35 18 245 245 all right put them up there you go you can tell there's some alignment issues going on here too on the inside of the tire oh yeah [Music] [Music] how's it going you tell me a little bit more there oh yes see it's coming out a little bit sure is we noticed we had a whopping wheel here oh yeah a pothole i'm gonna make sure we balance this properly right uh yeah no of course always well scuffed we could fix that a little bit better i'm gonna pound that a little bit more in make it nice and flat want to clean this up it'll be a nice black color anyways but it's getting there it's looking great some more smacking this is the getaway of rim repair safety i'll get there don't bake yourself i gonna be all know i think i'll be all right go to frosty wendy's or something let's do it make it feel better feel better having a delicious uh very healthy meal looks like six stars michelin rated man love it should have never taught you that term is that a metal straw what do you do yes it is i'm drinking with it i have a ton of metal straws you know that you didn't know that i mean it's still in a plastic cup stephen you're only halfway out ah little legs look at this little little girth sizes in there little cleaners in there too this isn't an ad it's just good for the environment are you trying to green wash you being environmentally pretentious no oh i mean i'd never do that no way no of course not i mean nonetheless i mean you should have a canteen too but they're the canteen but the thing is the canteens like i can't handle the canteen at mcdonald's we're like we're not we're not gonna touch that we can't touch it oh so like i'm like i to fill this with battery acid they'll be like no we can't we have to have it in the plastic cup only well i'm getting there i reuse this cup this is this i use a cup i think nine times i have a mark every time i use it there's a mark right there at the bottom that's weird it's not important look at this work smarter big brain energy wow like i know i should be helping but this is helping too because the people need to see our struggles day to day you think this is easy it's not easy stephen what do you think of uncle rich's paint booth um it's pretty impressive it's not bad right i like to listen to the crickets yeah you're a nature guy yeah yeah there you go this looks better already look at this this is not even like a not even a fraction of a can man this is looking way better already one of your neighbors was like you're not going to keep him or silver chrome i wanted to i wanted to harm him i did see look stephen you can't even tell which one of these was dented yeah you did a pretty good job you can't even tell you see they laughed at the wood they laughed at me they did they laughed at me how's your thumb they laughed at me yeah boy i love the primitive tools that we're using so this is all we have [Music] yeah boy man yeah yeah that's yay that was on there you did it you did it [Music] was on there good [Music] yeah this thing was on there good must've been there it's whole life and then yeah we have all the corrosion on there that's where it was yeah you're right it was just physically bound to it so good luck getting this thing out now that's not coming out this is a much longer break job than anticipated all right just look on this let's go on facebook marketplace and buy another one that's not that's just not coming out take off your glasses you've seen them where did we go to get the parts beamer world so they were super nice to us they gave us you know we talked about this before steven talk about the rotors that we have it's in my opinion you gotta pick one it's either slotted or drilled yeah they sent us this this is the ones that you want to use and the hubs are already black we would have done this anyways you would have painted them that's fresh this is fresh man that's that's nice right nice and slotted oh they gave us the swag and everything so beamer world i mean you you guys are the best you're gonna see more stuff uh installed actually wait a minute the most important part come on i know you love snacks what else what else am i going to have you got two of those or uh no just one man [Music] [Laughter] but no we're pumped uh as the bill goes on we're going to show you more and more props you got from them but literally every single part when it used to restore this car is from beamer world not only that but we also have the headlight restoration kit in here too so those like yellow lights hopefully it'll be a nice clear color when we're done so do the thing all right new road is going to go on now this is the right side which i'm kind of surprised because i didn't think the fins actually went this way i guess your results may vary depending on what kind of car you have but that's the uh the new rotor from the world and this one is the old one all beat up has a lot of wear on it there's a lot of grooves on that side you could probably see them from the top look at that you can see some groove action in there but these rotors are nice and new let me get those on okay so the new rotor is on and no one really likes to watch long detailed brake pad change videos but i got the old pads out and look at this on the rear on the rear that is all corroded there's actually not really much life in this left probably about over 50 but the way that's corroding i don't think it would last another like winter and a half or so so i'm glad i'm swapping it out with these which are uh brand new also i have to swap in a new brake pad wear sensor which i'm not used to these on german cars you figured i would be by now considering the rs7 and everything but i'm going to change that sensor out and uh put the new pads on all right so the first things first popping the hood on this old clown shoe is interesting itself a very common issue is the hood latch release on these older bmws become a little bit corroded and unfortunately you can't open the hood so i have to pop these nostrils out to get access to the cable to pop it open once i do pop it open there comes the pizza but i have to do a little bit of repair here that's kind of rusty i have to make sure those are well lubricated and here the holes that they go into what was happening is when you pull that lever you can see how that's kind of going in and out to release the hood but on the other side it's completely frozen so i was going to open this up remove it and do some repair in there to make sure that the hood actually released because it was only releasing on one side which is that side right there the first time working on a older bmw it looks like they're already some uh beaming world parts in here which is kind of cool looks like this car was kind of well maintained not really sure this is uh the intake some carbon fiber starting to peel off on there due to the heat maybe what i could do is just sand this down and make it look a little bit better this is the beginning step i have to take off the strut tower bar to get access to everything i have to replace i'm replacing the fuel injectors the spark plugs the spark plugs the spark plugs the valve cover gasket we're doing an oil change there's a lot to be done in this older bmw we'll see how easy slash hard these things are to work on when working on the rs7 that was a complete and utter nightmare the engine bay is probably you know the same size as this one but they're shoving a v8 and twin turbos under the hood so it seems like there's a lot more room to work under this one i know these engines are relatively reliable but hopefully after you replace some components the engine will run a lot smoother and get rid of some of the error lights you'll also see the headlights are kind of faded yellow and pitted on both sides not really a huge fan of these headlights that have the halos in them but beggars can't be choosers i don't really feel like buying a new pair of headlights for this car what i'm going to do is i'm going to remove them i'm going to use the headlight restoration kit to bring them back to life thankfully the headlights on this are pretty easy to remove this 2 8 on top and there's a couple at the side right here too and then the headlights just pop right out and because this headlight has the halos in it this is super annoying because there's a lot of different random connectors that keep this whole thing together so that one's out oh look at this wiring guys come on who does that i'll show you in a second that oh boy that would have caused a little short i think what do you think all right strike tower bar is off but i forgot one thing got a little bit excited removed these bolts and the shocks have fallen through so next time what i'm gonna do is this next time i'll just disconnect from there oopsie all right now i'm going to remove the electrical connectors for the ignition coils these hacks say a different company on them but i'm going to replace them with the oem bosch ones again someone's gonna tell me if these are good or not i'm not really sure but when you're starting off with a new project like this you're better off just starting from scratch knowing with a known good system see you know what's crazy what is that this car is ridiculously easy to work on it's probably the easiest car compared to the rs7 this is the inline six everything's on on one side pretty much you have you know the coil packs on one side you have the intake manifold on the other side you could take off the intake manifold and do work under there on the rs-7 it's a complete nightmare you see the rsi that's the narnia on r7 there's like there's like two banks of four there's like turbos on top of that there's an intake there's a manifold in the front there's intercoolers it's absolutely insane but this one's way way way easier to work on so and like all the parts we took off like this is this is super easy stuff man super easy stuff love it what are you gonna do with them i'll probably sell them are you gonna do that you know ship station you know i love saving my workshop station this person is gonna love all this stuff all the old bmws man they're gonna appreciate it over a hundred thousand sellers use ship station in their business stephen 100 000 people it's amazing right it's a lot of sense all right it works with all the major carriers and it gives you exclusive discounts on ups and usps so you compare carriers and choose what's best for you and your customers and shipstation can now access the same rates as fortune 500 companies steven it's never too early to start prepping for the holiday seasons might be a little present that you want to get that special someone in your life it's a very tiny violin yeah you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna keep that yeah i'm gonna sum it up i'm not gonna get that nope i'm telling you anyway go to that's rich rebuilds for a 60-day trial just in time for the holidays that's three months stress-free holiday shipping for free go to victory builds for a 60-day trial and make shift happen make it happen this car remember it has over 150 000 miles on it and quite frankly i'm not sure how this car was maintained before so it's very important when you get a high mileage car to kind of go through a lot of the consumables a lot of potential areas where things could go wrong and i'm really hoping after i swap these things out that the car runs a lot smoother i have the the coils i have a new fuel injectors i have new spark plugs i have let's see what else do i have a secondary air valve solenoid switches for the vano system secondary air pumps i have the idle control valve the crank case vent cam position sensors we're gonna do an oil change on it we're gonna actually refresh the headlights too i got new center caps from them as well because these are the old center caps of the wheels shout out to beamer world for sending me all this great stuff this is uh very necessary for your high mileage bmw even low mileage bmws just to make sure that they're running in their best shape stevonn what are we doing right now well as you can see we've got some haze a little overcast going on yeah i like it i like it well we're on 2000 grit sandpaper so now we've got this uh clarifying compound ooh clarify that yeah apparently that's what that's gonna do all right so i'm nervous hopefully it clarifies it let's see let's see how you wrote the technique i said use a dab oh you know what thing kids do the dab i don't know we're not cool enough we're told no what's your tool for that silly what are you dad what are you doing what are you doing ted please stop right you're embarrassing me it's very awkward okay it is clear it is clarifying it i am getting clarification you know we should do like you know you know those remember back in the day when you used to like work for a corporation you you get a response saying please clarify now you can just take a screenshot of this and just say oh i'm going to add some clarifying compound to this statement that's all we have to do that's all you got to do now the fact that the yellow is gone is a big plus yeah nobody likes that yeah no no one likes yellow headlights unless there's some kids the jdm kids that they have the yellow film the yellow tint over headlights and stuff so it's like constantly it's like oh look i have four sets of fog lights yeah right this doesn't i don't know how that does visibility wise all the time i don't know what people in front of you think either but okay i think much of you steve on a little update that's looking good boy oh put a hand called hand condom all right cool you have another one um stefan the final step baby let's see how this the thing looks like well here's an a and a b i mean translate on camera it does translate very well you can tell that's the hazy one this is the good one try that out tells you on every step in the instructions don't panic right this is normal hazing is normal until you get to the final scene now we're at the final scene let's do it oh man that's cleaning up real nice yeah it is yeah it is look at it you're literally wiping the age away yeah yep yep all right yep a little condensation and then we'll get rid of that look at that dude this is like it's crystal clear yeah the seal was busted on this one it's crystal clear yeah we could we could warm that up and redo the seal but that looks that looks good check this out this had already had a leaking valve cover gasket oh it's crazy look there's some oil on the headers there when it was just sitting here see it's tripping past that point so i'm gonna take the valve cover off see what's underneath and uh there you go there is the valve train i wonder if uncle hollis ever did this i don't think he ever did if you look at it there's some uh i could use some replacing how's that gasket yeah yeah it looks a little turned on so it's a lot smoother around the corner so we're gonna replace that along with the boots and holes for the uh the spark plugs we're also going to take the spark plugs out too and replace those with our uh so we get new ones from bimmer world we sure did hey all right let's do the thing let's look at this new gasket shall we look at this nice and rigged for her protection so look that's that's all smooth here and oil is leaking right past that but this look at that still going strong all right stefan this is kind of what i got you know see what you mind let me do i've got some oil in my hand just change the gasket and i'll keep doing the thing we're the gloves we're out of gloves that was the only thing we only had that one glove i mean doesn't anybody come on man i don't like protections come on man come on man what i mean that's not bad man that's not bad those look pretty darn yeah i i'm gonna have to endorse this product yeah we're gonna close this hatch now for safety oh yeah yeah yeah safety third but yeah that's that's that man i'm impr i'm i'm actually very impressed i i i'll give him that that's not a promotion for that company company but it's it does work you can get it at fema world so try them out okay so we have the valve cover off and steven's working on replacing the valve cover gasket it was leaking in that area right there as you can see along the bottom so i'm gonna go through this and kind of scrape off some of the old residual gunk that's on there to clean that up before it goes back on and now i have to do the injectors uh the spark plugs are out the spark plugs didn't look too bad it looks like these were done relatively recently but again just for safe measure i'm going to put the new spark plugs in that i got so i'm going to pop these off take the injectors out and start replacing some of the components underneath the intake manifold [Music] check it baby after who is right now look at this so satisfying do you really think you're going to restore these what i did think so i thought we were going to individually paint each one but yeah you can do that yeah nope maybe maybe with your free time there you go oh yeah see this baby you just wanted to try to put one on her i do i really do know what bmw stands for yeah of course the very black man's wheels how's it going on this side of the car dude yeah the uh the crankcase vent valve an oil separator right here right it's a little messy oh it's a little crack right there oh that's nice that's probably not great looks like there's multiple hoses that are attached to this let's pee but then if you look oh shoots peeing but then look right here completely blocked see it that's dummy that's blocked and then you look in here that is also blocked huh it's just complete sludge in there you know you know it's oh hold on there we go you know richard this this resembles your arteries from uh all that bk and mcdonald's but i'm sure you already knew that i've replaced a couple things already the last two things to replace on this are uh vanos vanos vanos whatever you call it depending what region in the united states you're from or wherever else in the world uh the solenoid switch right here and the the vano sorvano system it uh i think this adjusts the timing it helps the timing adjust in the in the bmw so that you get both low-end torque and top end power so this is the switch for that uh there's a little button here for the solenoid to push in and out when it wants to activate and then also this is the camshaft position sensor and i'm going to take this out and replace that as well so a lot of the the major components of this car sensor-wise are being replaced so you want to make sure you know any older bmw you want to make sure you replace those parts just so it runs a little bit better and you know get rid of some check engine lights and you know just don't know you just don't know you just don't know can you ever pronounce this for me too sure i'm sure everybody's wondering what that is that'd be great look at all your tools all right you know what that stands for already uh cos cosmo shorts metallic cosmos shorts kaufman schwartz all right guys show us some talent shorts cosmic shorts are telling somebody says it twice yeah that's so damn good man yeah all right whatever the american language is more stupid it really is when you think about it who are we to judge no i'm not going to judge you you can't look at the way i pronounce her i think stroopwafels is the dope yeah no nothing yeah saying that no you're not nope what what all right step on is officially look at them buffing look at that making the car look nice and pretty and stuff um he's working his butt off uh i am in the process of putting the uh valve cover back on so i replaced the action though steve on replace the valve cover gasket as well as the boots for the spark plugs i put the spark plugs back in the new ones valve cover gas is going back on uh the new injectors gonna be going back on as well and the intake manifold is back on i'm just verifying a few connectors underneath the manifold but other than that this thing is ready to go back together uh so far the uh cam position sensor has been chased the vanos solenoid switch has been replaced uh and i had two other parts with me but i realized the secondary air pump they actually removed it from this vehicle so a lot of yeah lame a lot of bmws actually they they keep it on there well this is a track car they remove the secondary air pump from it so there you go so that's one less thing to install [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] right here look at this actually from this side what angle do you want right here over here look at this angle boom look at that mirror finish i think it came out great man for a car from 1999 that's some pretty damn good looking i think it looks fantastic man i think it's great i mean the stance is perfect i lowered it just the cch right in the front and i think it looks awesome man yeah you did good work [Music] that is a proper clown that's you know what that that is that's a clown shoe going to a wedding it really is or it's a clown shoe going to a gala it's it's a tuxedo now it really is man it looks awesome very formal that headlight i mean it kind of turned out any better than that looks awesome there you have it there she is man it's a fine automobile fine automobile now now what something else all right on the next one to the next thing now what a beautiful car it's ugly as sin but it definitely grows on you one thing we forgot to mention is the matte black trim we put on the c pillar of the car to give it a more subtle two-tone look and it takes a pretty clever eye to see that but we changed the oil replaced the axle boot the radiator cap had a bad seal so you replaced that as well and after that and the coolant flush the car was back to running cool again we replaced the spark plugs brake pads and rotors coils injectors and headlights were refreshed wheels blacked out and the rear subframe was actually already addressed stevonn spent hours waxing the car to bring it back to its former lustre and it looks great let me know what you guys think about the clown shoe in the comments section let us know is it a good addition to the stable make more content out of it or should i let it go bye-bye shout out to the vendors that help make this happen bimmer world and ship station if you're looking for your own clown shoe for cheap there are two on iaa right now at auction i really think these are collectibles so if you want to get your hands on one too and not pay the insane prices people are asking for them check them out and use code safe50 for half off registration and i will of course see you guys next week with more v8 tesla content you
Channel: Rich Rebuilds
Views: 407,395
Rating: 4.9341555 out of 5
Keywords: tesla, cars, teardown, mechanical, salvage, rebuild, how, to, fix, whats, inside, ev, repair, electric, vehicle, how to fix a tesla, salvage repair, bmw, clownshoe, bmw clownshoe, rare bmw, m coupe, mcoupe
Id: _TTR2jN5H1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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