Rolling Stones' Idiotic Top 250 Guitar Players List

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I've been asked about this Rolling Stone top 250 guitarist list for the past couple weeks everybody wants me to react to this instead of arguing right off the bat about who's on the list that shouldn't be on the list why don't we talk about who's not on the list not some of the absurd things that are on there just to give a little background in Rolling Stone Nirvana was one of their Darlings they were on the cover a million times you guys know I love Nirvana Nirvana was first reviewed on never mind they got three out of five stars a dramatic mix of sizzling power cords manic energy and Sonic restraint Nirvana wrecks sturdy melodic structures sing along hard rock as defined by groups like Replacements Pixies of Sonic Youth but then attacks them with frenzy screaming guitar Havoc too often underground bands squander their spunk on records they're not ready to make then burn out their energy and inspiration with uphill touring what's that have to do with the record never mind finds n Nirvana at a Crossroads Scrappy garageand Warriors setting their sights on a land of giants now that needed to be re-reviewed and they gave it five stars later on they did a second review of it because it's so embarrassingly bad well equally embarrassingly bad is this Rolling Stone guitar list of 250 guitarists I can't even fathom that Annie Summers is at 250 he barely made it on there some of my friends are on there who haven't even been out on the scene for 10 years and this is of all time people have been playing electric guitars for 100 years some of these friends of mine who I who I dearly love and I think they're phenomenal players but they've not been around long enough to be on this list as far as I'm concerned there's a bunch of indie rock on here where the people can barely play even though I love their songs but they can't even play they can hardly form chords here's some of the people that are left off the list George Benson is not on the list one of the groov guitar players that I have ever heard it's not like he's not known he had massive hit songs and is one of the most ridiculously great guitar players feel chops everything you want in a guitar player as a matter of fact I have a video that I have on my phone that I watch at least once every couple months of George Benson improvising just to remind myself how great somebody could be at the guitar it's that astounding check this out [Music] [Applause] [Music] woo he's not on there that's some of the most grooving chord playing soloing melodic playing it's ridiculous El miolo who I interviewed come on one of the greatest Fusion guitar players acoustic guitar players everything inve inve is not on there what how is inve not on there is that possible maybe I read it wrong Peter Frampton Maybe I don't know anything or something but Peter Frampton's not on there come on man Peter Frampton is incredibly influential at least to every guitar player I know that's a great player Neil Shon from Journey oh my God he's like one of the most copied guitar players out there give me a break you can sing every one of his solos they had all these hit songs he's an incredible improviser Tommy Emanuel wait a minute is that possible is is it possible that Tommy Emanuel is not on there Pat maeni is 157 one of the most melodic guitar players one of the greatest improvisers 157 John mlin 72 you mean there's 71 people that are higher than John mlin half the people he was their guitar teacher that are at the top of the list Joe Pass okay not only is Joe Pass the greatest solo guitarist of all time but he also had books that everyone learned from that is my age that learned how to play guitar that learned their first course do you ever hear the cage system that every guitar player is hawking out there every guitar teacher Joe Pass invented the cage system that was his whole way of playing he got a million records out there I guess Rolling Stone never heard any of the records that he did including virtuoso the greatest solo guitar record ever that came out in 1973 they must have missed that Antonio Carlos Jobim I didn't see him on there the father of bosanova one of the most important guitar players stylistically songwriters everything Antonio Carlos xim is not on there everybody copied him some of the people that are on there are so ridiculously mediocre or bad players and these people are not even on it there's no Tom Schultz from Boston on here do you know how many people copied Boston's guitar sound everyone copied their sound de leopard everybody had a Rockman in the early 80s you talking about influential greatest what what what is this Guthrie gin is not on here now I understand this that Guthrie doesn't have that many records out there Guthrie is a monster and if you don't know Guthrie gin go look on YouTube there's a million videos of him on there people are literally terrified of Guthrie they don't even want to get on stage with him he's that good but lastly Alan Holdsworth is not on the list if you ask everyone that's alive that's at the top of the list about Alan holsworth they all say the same thing he's the guy how do you have this list without alen holsworth Neil Young I love Neil Young as a songwriter he's in there as a guitar player he plays one note solos and they're not like BB King one note solos that are groovin he literally plays one note solos this list is terrible it's a joke anyhow I'm going to do a Shameless plug here if you want to know those chords that George Benson's playing they're all part of my bat book interactive now it's not going to show you how to play in groven like George Benson how to improvise like that that you got to do on your own but you can get all my courses for 99 bucks leave a comment love know what you think thanks so much for watching
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 1,202,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, rick, beato, music, music theory, music production, education, Rolling Stone, Top 250 Guitar Players, yngwie malmsteen, neal schon, Joe Pass, George Benson, allan holdsworth, pat metheny, al di meola, tommy emmanuel, Peter Frampton, Guthrie GOvan, tom scholz boston, List Rant
Id: YkjFAcJChXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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