Committing Career Suicide With Two Words

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this is an absurd story that I've never told on my channel before part of it is because it's embarrassing but I think that you'll find it funny because in retrospect it's pretty funny my band billionaire that I've talked about on this channel a number of times started in 1997. during that first year we made an independent record called the good night sky this is before our major label record so we finished that record in April of 1998 and we were doing showcases for record labels we were playing this festival called the Atlantis Music Festival that my friend Rich Levy put on so rich who's one of my dear dear friends put us on the final night the Saturday night in the headlining spot at this place called the point we go up there at midnight or whatever last band of the conference we play and we killed it it's about 250 people there well one of the people that was there was Jake ottman who was our manager another person that was there was this guy Jeff Hansen he was the manager of creed now Creed was huge with their first record then massively big and getting bigger so he loved our band and he talked to Jake maybe co-manage our band or something like that he just wanted to help us however he could so he said send me four of your Indie records okay I want to give them to the guys and Creed I'm like okay so I send him out and get them to him so six months goes by I get a call from Jeff and he says listen Creed had their opener canceled they were playing like the LA Forum okay headlining and they want to know if you guys want to open I was like what and here we are in Atlanta we had no money we couldn't get out to LA to open for them but this was an incredible opportunity to play in front of what 20 000 people for an unsigned band and I was like well I said hey man listen we can't there's no way we can get out there we cannot do the gig I really appreciate it it's a very great offer okay so he's like well when Creed comes down in the South again we'll hook it up we'll get you to open over one of the shows Okay cool so a couple months go by and we have this show at this Club in Augusta Georgia called the Red Lion now Mark our singer and Walter our bass player are from Augusta that's two and a half hours from here in Atlanta and this is a club that we've played many times before so all of their friends are gonna come out it's like a 300 not a 300 seat venue it's not a seat I mean it's a bar so Creed happened to be playing in town that night in Augusta at the enormous Dome or whatever it was called the big arena that that was in Augusta you know 20 000 people or whatever and they ran a special because my friend Rich was the Promoter on the show he promoted that concert for creed so he ran a thing anybody with a Creed ticket could get in free to our show which and we started at 12 30 at night that's when the headlining band would go on at the red light it's at 12 30. well Mark and Walter and Darren were there and they started drinking with all their friends and everything and by the time we got up on stage these guys were trash I didn't drink but they were completely trashed especially our singer Mark Mark gets up on the mic first thing he says how many people wasted your money at that Creed show today Creed sucks go into our first song we start playing everything well every few songs marks makes some snide comments about Creed so we play our set people go crazy we get done playing and uh and these guys walk off stage and they're kind of putting my cables together and stuff I mean the stage is about this high off the floor all of a sudden Rich comes walking up to me I was like what are you doing here he goes I promoted the show in town I came over I knew you guys were playing I said really and he goes take a look in the back of the room and I look way back and I say is that Mark Tremonti he goes oh yeah I said is that the other guys in Creed he said yeah and I said how long have they been here yes oh since about five minutes before you started and I said how bad is it oh it's bad he said you see the guy with them I said yeah he goes that's their agent and let me quote him he says Creed will never help billionaire again so Mark Tremonti and our singer Mark exchange words Mark was so our singer Mark was so trashed nothing happened all his friends were there and everything week back up we go back to Atlanta the next day Jake our manager calls me he says tell me what I heard happened didn't happen and I said you mean the Creed thing and he goes yeah I said how do you know about that oh their agent called me today I said how bad is it oh it's bad he said to quote Creed will never help billionaire okay is there anything we can do no Jake says you guys have done some bonehead things but this takes the cake so we end up getting a record deal we make our record it was a disastrous record I've talked about that on the channel before our record comes out and it was out for only a few weeks before our label got bought out by Universal we got dropped but before the record came out uh we had to we tried to get ads on radio stations at in the active Rock format that was like heavy Rock format well Creed was the top band in the act of Rock World then and there were stations that we could not get on because they because basically they we couldn't get on the stations for whatever reason I'm not going to say that it was because of them but I don't know but we could not get on these stations and then sign ban and stuff and and that summer we got offered a bunch of big dates playing festivals playing in Raleigh North Carolina playing in Atlanta playing in Birmingham wherever all through the South every time before the concert would come up like the day before Jake would call us up he says I got bad news I said what he goes uh well you're playing second stage why because Creed had you bumped off or their agent had your mother the guys in the band didn't know but their agent had us bumped off the main stage and this happened every single time so we end up getting uh dropped three weeks after our record came out and I went and became a producer come 2008 so nine years later I get a call from a guy at wind up records this was Creed's label I want you to go down to Scott stapp's house and write some songs with him I said okay and then I told him the story and he's like well I still want you to go okay so I get down there and I meet Scott hey man I didn't say I was in the billion I didn't say anything I'm eating nicest guy in the world so we start working on songs on the first day and we hit it off and uh he had songs that he had written I was basically just helping him produce them I wasn't writing writing with him and he's like he had a daughter that was two and my son Dylan was a year and a half and my wife Nina was pregnant with Lenin so he's like why don't you have your wife and your son come down to to hang out they hang out hang out with his wife and his and his daughter and his his son was it was 10 at the time I think he's like okay so my wife lies down and um he gets they get there and they're playing really hit it off Scott's out there playing basketball with Dylan and shooting baskets in on his basketball court and and it was great it was very fun and then that first day or second day there Dylan trips in his kitchen and chips his front tooth breaks it right in half and Scott was horrified he said you're going to think about this every time you look at him until that new tooth comes in and he was right we had to have Dylan's tooth taken out and he was without his front tooth until he was six years old now the guys in the band are all nice guys and Scott was incredibly nice this was just a dumb thing that Mark did our Mark did from drinking with his friends before the show but it teaches you a lesson don't trash bands when they're standing five feet from the stage that's all for now leave a comment love to see what you think about this and don't forget to hit the Subscribe button thanks so much for watching
Channel: Rick Beato
Views: 1,173,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rick beato, everything music, rick, beato, music, music theory, music production, education, embarrassing moments, embarrassing stories, top 10, Creed, Scott Stapp, mark tremonti, Higher Creed, arms wide open creed, Billionaire
Id: eKH0GoVj9d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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