Pawn Stars: The Old Man's Top 8 *STONE COLD* Deals | History

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got something special here a banksy buck  oh wow check this out it's pretty neat huh   have you ever heard of banksy  no well he's like an artist   you're telling me this is art absolutely  this is uh i got some swampland i want to say   banksy is a pretty controversial artist  a banksy buck is basically a manipulated   10-pound note i'm looking to get a thousand  dollars the least amount maybe 500 bucks   so tell me what you got here son it is a piece  of artwork directly from banksy he creates street   art that is obviously vandalism you're telling  me this guy's famous because he breaks the law   no he's famous for the political statements that  he makes right he does a lot of political satire   a lot of things about poverty and despair i think  he even went over to iraq and painted while there   was a war going on yeah whilst he's such a hot  artist that when he does a piece of graffiti   on the side of a wall they sell the side of the  wall okay i've seen that before with andy warhol   the old man might not know who banksy is  but for my generation he's one of the more   edgy artists it's hard to convince the old  man that anything new can be worth money   i don't know a damn thing about this banksy  or whatever you're calling someone explained   to me how come this is not counterfeit it's  very close to a 10 pound note well first off   it's got princess dye and not queen elizabeth  second off up here it says banksy of england   instead of bank of england and third off they all  have the same serial number the only way that this   would be considered counterfeit if i was to go and  try and spend it i am here today to sell it as art   and that's exactly what it's considered i've been  dealing in art for many years okay and to me this   is not art this is counterfeit these damn kids  don't know what the hell they're talking about   trying to pass off counterfeit money is art i'm  about to throw chumley out the window sir what   are you trying to get out of it a thousand dollars  hell no to me it looks like a counterfeit 10 pound   note i've never heard of this guy and i probably  don't care if i do again this is a piece of fine   art boss it might be it might not chump i ain't  taking your damn word for it so make the call   let's get somebody down here figure it out  and go from there all right let me go call   him having someone else come in telling me what  it's worth is is definitely welcome i do have   concerns that this could be fake this is a  counterfeit to begin with so anyone can copy   just like he did and counterfeit this piece got  something real special for you today a banksy buck   very cool they actually refer to these as die  faced tenors because obviously it's a 10 pound   note and he painted princess diana's face on in  place of queen elizabeth they're telling me this   is fine art to me it's a counterfeit bill right  that's why i called you in to explain to him   that it still has value as art gotcha so this  banksy guy is a street artist right but he's   really gone mainstream it's an irony he's totally  counterculture but he's become part of the culture   sure and his works are auctioned you know hundreds  of thousands of dollars i'm actually starting to   get calls from people that have banksies  in their homes it's become more of a fine   art than ever i learned something today about  time you learned something oh shut up charmer   my definition of fine art is something that's  original something that's thought provoking   and even when banksy was doing his  graffiti art it was fine art in my opinion   because it was something that had social and  political commentary as well as aesthetic value   it's certainly a counterfeit of a 10-pound note  but as banksy's become more popular now they're   starting to be counterfeits of the counterfeit  floating around so see if i can authenticate   this as a as a genuine counterfeit by all means  upright i'm noticing that there's a pretty tight   dot pattern basically a network of dots and that's  indicative of the offset lithographic process   so it was done on a press it was done thousands  at a time and the paper it's a thicker stock   paper it's not like a cheap copy paper or  anything like that so okay i think you've got a genuine counterfeit wow that's awesome  so what do you think it's worth well   they're not that scarce i mean there's still  quite a bit out there and scarcity really   rules the day in terms of value right now you can  find the authentic ones out there selling between   that three to five hundred dollar range i think  wow now i mean we're looking at banksy's work   here though yeah down the road they might be  more scarce but right now it is it is what it is   well thanks brett appreciate it part of the allure  and part of the reason why people are excited by   him and collect him is because they don't know  who he is because he's a bit of a fugitive   telling you take care of this all right  well you heard what he said what do you   think man what are you looking to get now well  he said three to five so we're gonna get 500   no because that's what i'm gonna get out of  it i thought i was gonna handle this oh shut   up charming look i really want to buy this from  you but you heard what brett says how about 300 being 80 said three to five can we do 400. yeah we could do 400 that's the deal  sweet let's go write you up over here   yeah 400 bucks is a lot for this but how  often can you say you owned a banksy bill   hey how's it going how you doing today doing  fine what do we got this is a united states navy   sextant from the uss hector in 1941 back in the  day they're a great precision instrument that's   how you knew where you were at in the middle of  the ocean i use it to find my way home every day i came to the pawn shop today to sell  my navy sexton a sexton is a tool that   they use to navigate the ships with i'm  here today to sell because i need money   so how'd you get it man i came across it from an  old sailor that had bought it it's the only one in   existence from the uss hector tell me about the  uss hector the history is there with the vulcan   the hector and the ajax i was on the uss ajax i  was in the navy okay and these were three repair   ships that were in the second world war korea and  also in vietnam they were all highly decorated   i've heard of them i was in the navy so you were  in a navy too huh 21 years you know i've seen   them a million times i still don't exactly know  how they work and pretty much why would i have   never been on a ship well they would go out on  debt and they looked through this at the stars   and then they would set the latitude and longitude  with these numbers on here the people had to know   what they were doing this is not something  that a layman can use and make work it took   real skill to be a navigator put someone like  chumway in charge one of these he might set off   for hawaii and end up in the north pole so what'd  you want to do with it my man i need to sell it   any idea of how much you're looking to get out  of it well because we were both in the navy   and we're both good looking i'll give you a deal  on it today uh you can have it for 390 dollars   thanks for the compliment sir you have people  to collect precision instruments collect them   but at 390 i'm not comfortable i would be  comfortable at 200 for this that way i can ask   three take the first 275 and walk through the door  i would negotiate with you i'd come down some uh   what's to split the difference between 200 and 390  what is that oh i can't do that 250 how about that   and you go 260 265 and i'd  be comfortable with 265.   corey give them the 265. let's end it up all  right deal thank you this is a very nice piece   not like that gps crap that people use to get  around what do we got here this is a world war   ii uh original panoramic photo of the las vegas  army airfield in 1944. it took so many people to   make those pines fly this is probably a squadron  of 10 planes look how many people's involved   wow i've always been fascinated by world war ii  i believe the people who fought in our heroes   we really needed some work done at our house so i  had to sell some of my collection i was hoping to   get 500 but i'd probably take 200. so where'd you  get this i believe i bought it at an antique shop   i'm a teacher and this is the kind of thing i  would bring into my classroom if i was talking   about world war ii and the sacrifice that  the men made the guys had to fly at least   25 combat missions over germany and in some  cases over half the guys never came back   i remember my father walking up to the front door  when he came home from the war i was a kid it   felt great this was a great time in american  history i mean this was a war that literally   every single person did something united states  to contribute these men went through hell and back   to make our country what it is today that's why  they're called the greatest generation these days   i can't even get these kids to go to the store  and back unless there's something in it for them   these look like b-17s to me i'm almost certain  that's what they are didn't you and chumley   just fly in one of those not too long ago yeah  we flew one out at north carls vegas airport   it was a little shake rattle and roll but it  was comfortable enough i got to take a nap cory   that's cause you can sleep anywhere it's  always cool to see photos from world war ii   and the fact that this one was actually taken  in las vegas makes it perfect for our shop   but unfortunately just because it's a part of  history doesn't really make it worth big bucks   so um how much were you looking to  get out of it i'd like to get 500   for it i'd like to have it but i ain't going to  pay no 500 you rode in one of these yeah and i   can get on a computer right now and print  him out a picture if he wants one that bad   i mean to be realistic with you my man i mean  we're talking maybe 40 50 here well you know   you've got world war ii las vegas doesn't look  like this anymore so you've got you know your   las vegas people are gonna want it i could go  400. it would be a hard sell i would like to   have it just to hang in the store i'm gonna push  it up to 75 but that's the top of the mark cory how about 300 you're never gonna find one like  this look i'll push it up to a hundred dollar   bill because i'd like to have it but i ain't  going no damn higher you either take the hunter   or you walk home with it how about you meet me  halfway i said i met you as far as i can meet   all right i guess i'm gonna have to walk out with  it hey thanks a lot all right thank you have a   good day there's just no way i would have taken  a hundred dollars i really think they could have   got 500 bucks for it but that's okay i'm just  gonna have to sell some other things to get the   money to remodel my home now hello hey you're back  back let me guess you have a gun you want to sell   you're right rob's a gun guy he comes in the shop  a lot and he always has some sort of interesting   firearm to sell all right what do we got this time  what i've got is a savage navy 36 caliber okay um   savage navy that is one ugly gun no that's not an  ugly gun rick that's a navy gun and it's pretty   to me this is cause it has something  to do with the damn navy that'll work i came to the pawn shop today to try to sell  my savage navy revolver from the civil war it's   extremely unusual design i keep coming back here  because hey they keep buying my guns what am i   to do yeah this is really cool i've never actually  seen one of these things in person i've never even   had one in the store they started making these  in like 1862 1861 they're making right the height   of the war as long as they can make it different  they could make it and sell it and the government   would buy it because the government would buy any  gun at this point well like any entrepreneur if   there's money to be made they found a way to make  it yeah that's the gun that resulted so basically   [ __ ] it with your middle finger and then fire  with your index finger the thought was that was   a good mechanism because you could fire them a  little quicker i really don't see the advantage   more of a pain in the ass than it's worth i  mean it's it's heavy it's awkward feeling it   just wants to tilt down one of the goofiest  designs that's why i love it these two fools   don't know what they're talking about anything  to do with the u.s navy is high class so i'm   assuming you want to sell this like the rest of  them that's what i'm looking to do that's right i don't know how important this screw is right  here there's just too much too many questions   i have about this thing let me call someone in  let them look at it um and get an idea what i   can pay for it that's that's all right you bet all  right i'll be right back you bet i can understand   him bringing in an expert he doesn't know how  much i know and how much of mine is just smoke   so he needs to bring someone in to make sure  he knows what he's getting greg how's it going   man greetings pawn shop brokers how are you  today yeah the guys call me down when they get   an antique firearm that they want to know more  about they want me to evaluate its condition a   value estimation that sort of thing this is what  i would call a proto-double action it's one of the   first double action revolvers and the concept  was that you could shoot a lot more quickly   in reality not so much the gun was very complex  so there was plenty of room for mechanical error   and failure not very popular they sold about  11 000 out of the 20 000 made to the government   the rest went to the civilian market why  because the gun sucked so this is civilian   it's definitely not a government-issued weapon  the interesting follow on though is that the   civilians often transported them south uh and they  became used by the confederacy as well and for   that reason it's a neat collectible the savage  navy is an interesting firearm because it's a   technology that while it led to the double action  revolver the idea did not work very well it looks   all there i mean um there isn't any major damage  to it besides the finish more or less being gone   there's a screw missing on the bottom yep  you're right i know what your next question is   yeah how much is it worth yeah um you know the  good news is it's not restored in any way shape   or form uh you know usually when you get a gun  that's in this type of condition someone will   have made an attempt to restore it you know it's  going to be a civilian model and that's going to   be the primary driving force behind its price of  course condition being the other driving force so   i would say in its condition as it  sits the gun's probably worth retail   1800 to 2 000 okay thanks man thank you take  care a bad idea means they don't make very   many and that's one of the ingredients  for something being very collectible   if you've got a civil war collection  you have to have one of these guns   eight hundred dollars rick uh no no that's not  gonna happen no i'm thinking more like 12.50   though i really am uh uh what uh you know i was  hoping to get about 1800 for the gun okay i think   i think you do a little better they're really  hard to find i i know they're a hard gun to   find but they sit around a long time it's  a weird gun so 16.50 i'll go 1300 bucks   15.75 i go 1300 bucks 15.50 1300 bucks i mean  i can't do 1300 sure you can't no i can't 14   and a half that's really the best i can do i'll  go 1350. 1400 and i'll do that and we'll shake   hands and i'll walk away and you know i'm  going to come back with some more cool stuff yeah i'll do 1400 all right i'll do 1400.  touchdown okay you got to us again now that i got   400 i'm just gonna find another gun and do it all  over again what you got there guys how you doing   i'm doing fine got a 1951 yankees team signed  baseball we've got about 22 signatures on the ball   joe dimaggio yogi berra mickey mantle  since the 51 year they won the world series my grandfather went to a game in 1951 with my  mother and uh received the autograph from a   friend of his that was involved with the team  the baseball doesn't really mean a lot to me   it's got some family heritage but it's a baseball   it's very interesting piece what can you tell me  about this 51 that was mandel's rookie year joe   dimaggio's last so you got a critical intersection  of history right here on that ball can i see it this would be perfect for the  company softball game charlie   i'm fixing a hitchie it looks like it's been run  over by a truck the condition of this ball is fair   to good signatures have faded but you can read  them and i would be suspicious of any other ball   that was a mint condition ball what you're trying  to do sell it on it donate it i'd like to sell it i think the ball's well worth three thousand  dollars do you have any paperwork on it   none whatsoever the way you sell this stuff is  with authentication because there's a tremendous   amount of people with a ballpoint out there i'm  definitely interested okay but i just want to   have somebody that knows more than me look at  this thing it's not that i don't trust this guy   i don't trust nobody especially when  they're trying to sell me something   if they want to bring in an expert i'm fine with  it i'd like to learn more about the ball as well hey old man how are you doing  good to see you again chumbly   i'm a forensic handwriting expert and the owner  of expert handwriting analysis in las vegas   do you mind if i take a look at it that's why  you're here that is why i'm here okay i have   obtained genuine signatures of all the players  on the team that year okay so what i will do is   use those as examples and compare them to the  signatures on the ball when i first looked at   the ball it didn't have any obvious signs of  not being authentic certain things that can   be done to age a baseball would be abrasion to  make those signatures look older than they are   or exposing it to unnatural elements such as  lemon juice and sunlight right now i'm looking   at mickey mantle's signature and i like what i'm  seeing because mickey mantle had two different   signatures the first signature that he used  in the 50s matches the signature on the ball   okay that's good which is good uh later throughout  the years mickey mantle added um a billowing   shape uh i'm almost his m's start to look like  sailboats do you see that that tells me that   the signature was from the right time frame  from 1951. that's good news good news for you what's the life for so i can see the handwriting on the ball oh the signature that's in the best condition i  would say would be the joe dimaggio signature   joe dimaggio had a real heavy writing  style okay in your opinion this ball is   you can classify this as a real 1951 yankees ball i do believe that this is a  genuine 1951 yankees baseball   thank you very very much you're welcome the  value of the ball is really subjective it just   comes down to what a buyer is willing to pay for  it and what the seller is willing to get for it   so what are you trying to get out of it quinn  i think three thousand dollars is a reasonable   amount for the ball if the signatures was better  shape i'd say the ball's worth well over three   thousand and the shape is in it's not worth  three thousand i'll be glad to negotiate with you   but you're gonna have to come down a whole lot  if we cut a deal what could you guys offer me on   this i'm gonna shoot you a price if you don't like  it don't hit me but i'd be a buyer at about eight   hundred dollars this is a historical piece above  and beyond the the signature factor of the ball   which i will grant you the signatures are faded i  couldn't pay 3 000. you got to understand too that   i'm tying my money up and i have to make a profit  well i would respectfully decline the offer will   send you welcome back anytime i appreciate it when  the price is not right it's not right and three   thousand dollars was too much for that basement  hey what's up man the uh ants are in the back ants   you're not the exterminator no this  is the ghostbusters proton pack i believe at one point i had the full  on ghostbusters jumpsuit i have one too i'm a big fan of the movie ghostbusters ever since  i was a little kid i fell in love with all the   props and since you couldn't buy them anywhere i  decided to just build it myself i want to sell my   proton pack today because if i want to build more  of these props from some of the other movies i'm   going to need the cash what the hell is this corey  it's from ghostbusters this is the proton pack   oh okay was it made for the movie or did this is a  replica that i built myself all right so what was   the plot behind it again it was about some guys  that started a business in new york running around   catching ghosts and this was one of the primary  tools that they used i know the big deal was that   you can't cross the streams no full proton  reversal the end of life as you know it   ghostbusters was a big budget movie for its day  because it had a ton of expensive visual effects   like the stay puft marshmallow man remember that  guy the part where he exploded at the end was   done with over 50 gallons of shaving cream  this was really a labor of love i actually   made trips out to hollywood to the studio where  they have some of the screen use packs on display   and i took detailed photos and measurements it's  all made of fiberglass and plastic and electronics   some car parts this is like a  thermostat off of a 1958 corvair   there's all sorts of brass fittings pneumatic  fittings this cable was almost impossible to find   it went out of production in the early 80s even  replicated all these labels i took photos of them   had them printed at a sign shop you have  to be able to find all these parts and then   also have the technical ability to wire it all  up how does this damn thing work well this is   a unlicensed nuclear accelerator that shoots a  proton beam so when you press this button it fires you want to try it out or not  just press that button there see how much fun that is yes it's neat   so what are you looking to get out of it i'd  like to get at least two thousand dollars for it   it ain't no damn way i think here you are to be  able to sell it for three four five thousand bucks   i think i could probably sell it man i just don't  know when all you have to do is find another nerdy   fan like me who has too much money in his pocket  the problem is a lot of nerdy fans spend all   their money building stuff like this instead of  buying it i can see doing like 800 bucks on it man i'd have to have a little bit more than that  could you do like 15 i'll go a thousand dollars   that's as far as i'm going koi the other  reason why they look good in the store   come on you can do 1200 bucks 1000 bucks  man that's the most i can pay for it   this is one of the more ridiculous  items i've even heard him agree to buy   a thousand fifty if i give you a thousand  fifty are you gonna feel like you won   yeah all right dude thousand fifty all  right meet me over there all right chef   take the pack with you i think the old dude would  make a good ghostbuster he was trying to pretend   like he wasn't into it but i could tell he was  having fun you want to go watch ghostbusters   hell no you get your ass back to work i wish i  could have got a little bit more money than a   thousand fifty i had probably that much in it  but now i've got some money and i'm in vegas got something here for you hey boss why come  check this out you didn't notice a six-foot   indian run through the door john mayer's  looking for somebody to replace you anyhow   probably get more work out  of him that's stone cold i decided to go into the pawn shop today and  sell this old indian statue my grandfather   owned a tobacco shop he had the indians sitting  out front and i used to play there when i was a   kid but i have no need for it so somebody told  me that might be worth some money so i thought   i'd check out and take it to the pawn shop so tell  us a little bit about a bunch about six foot tall   it's hand carved and it's about 150 pounds it  weighs a lot the cigar wooden indian came to be   the symbol for a tobacco shop back in the late  1800s so the people that couldn't speak english   and couldn't read english would know where to go  so i'd look for the indian holding the hamburger   yeah you would charlie native americans  are commonly associated with tobacco   because they introduced it to the europeans  these statues are less common today   but you still find them in cigar shops  from time to time i'll be honest with   you it's quite nice the paint's not faded it  hadn't been out in the weather or anything   and they did a pretty nice job on it yeah it's  nice artwork on here what are you trying to do   guys sell it pun it donate it i'm trying to  sell it what are you trying to get out of it   i'm looking maybe i think it might be worth  around nine that might be worth nine retail   but i'm not in the retail business what do you  think is a fair price i'll give you 400 for it how about six i'm not trying to beat you up if  you want to sell it i'll give you 400 for it   and you're going to pay over that somebody walks   in wants to give me six it's going to  find a new home that's what i can do   400 sounds fair i'll take it someone go  write this up and put it in the buy room these things are not as collectible  as they were back in the day   but they're neat and i'm sure i can find a buyer you
Channel: Pawn Stars
Views: 1,953,881
Rating: 4.8581238 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, las vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, gold and silver, rick harrison, corey harrison, pawn stars show, history pawn stars, watch pawn stars, Old Man's Top 7 Deals, STONE COLD Deals, Old Man
Id: yxllYB04hjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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