Rogan "J.K. Rowling received death threats for saying this" | Joe Rogan & Colin Quinn

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I wrote first two Potters by hand wow and typed them on a 10-year-old typewriter all the writer needs is talent and ink that's insane she created a whole world she really did a whole world of wizards and lost kids and you know magic spells and great [ __ ] amazing yeah and now she's in trouble oh God she thinks men are men and women are women I mean it's just insane that she she can actually have that kind of insane opinion how dare how dare she how dare it's psychotic because she's in real trouble everybody's like oh she's not cancelled yeah I mean she's making her money because of her books but don't act like she's not canceled you know well people there she gets death threats I mean it's like she's sick sick it's weird it's a weird time it's weird the weirdest that that's a big part of it like people like that can all get together people that think that's okay you get together and act as a gang and everyone's so terrified of them they just kind of let them do it and nobody nobody like stands up and says what the [ __ ] are you doing everybody just kind of quiet even even people that are on the they'll they will support the people that are cancelling her so that they don't get cancelled yeah you see it happen all the time yep instead of saying hey you know she's a wonderful person and she has a a right to her opinion and you know it's very reasonable opinion in fact yeah what are you saying crazy what are you saying it's terrible yeah and they that's why they're so adamant about getting you to comply there can't be any debate on it because they know it's ridiculous so they have to like fight you with tooth and nail trans women are women you're like okay all of them are you sure are you sure all of them maybe you got a few psychos in there that are pretending yeah no no okay it's crazy yeah and those are the ones that go after JK rowy the psychos yeah yeah and you know at least she stands up that lady's got courage she's got a lot of Courage yeah she's won't stop talking about it I think she probably probably took her forever to realize like this isn't going away so this is just what it is [ __ ] you TR [ __ ] you truth of the truth [ __ ] off [ __ ] off they I had Riley gains on the podcast do you know who she is oh yeah the swiming yeah that's that's a crazy case yeah you just let a guy start swimming with girls cuz he says he's a girl and when he wins you go well I guess she's the best you're like excuse me I got to clean my goggles for a second I think I saw something you imagine when we were kids this being a legitimate issue that's like National it but it's just everybody in the sidelines is watching the pool gone yeah they should all be able to vote like everyone should vote like at every one of these things like how many of you think think that a biological male should be and if you say yes and if it wins then the biological males can comp that's abs abely right but if everybody says no no you can't do it but that's the thing instead of just saying look we all understand trans people deserve rights they get abused we all agree but you can't be on the swim you can't bewi with girls you can't fight girls you can't you just can't all the play rugby against girls you can't no you can't even play basketball against girls you're too big stop but saying that is really considered hate speech I that's what's nuts despite but that's where it's anti-science because if you just want to look at it objectively if you didn't think of it as a man and a woman if you just to took it took it like an equation if you just looked at the numbers that are on one side of this equation if you're trying to pretend that these two numbers are equivalent and you look at one of them and it has uh much greater lung capacity much stronger heart denser bones different hip structure less susceptibility to ACL tears different reaction times if you just looked at this just the the system just a system of what it means to be a male human being and compared it to like the elite of elite female human beings you'd go oh this is not an equal it's not equal it's just not equal yeah and I guarantee here's here's sad part also is I guarantee most trans people feel the same way and they can't say it right because they're not trying to they'll be considered sellouts if they say it in their Community they'll be considered sellouts and they're not allowed to say their opinion well there's a RI now between a lot of gay people and people gay people are like look I'm not a girl I just like guys they're like you don't don't say I'm CH and you're encouraging young boys to change their gender yeah and they're not going to be able to come anymore like if you're encouraging them to get the operation which is crazy cuz they're doing thousands of them you'll never have an orgasm again you they remove your penis it's gone they create a vagina you have to keep it dilated with a thingy stuff up there are you sure are you sure you know yeah wait till you you know 35 at least you make those decisions yeah if you want if you're a 35y old guy and you want to become a girl God bless you God bless you but that's the thing I think a lot of trans people agree with all of this I do I think they do too and they just they know that they're not allowed because they don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water and it's like there's a lot of things going on where they're like why would I sacrifice against my community when I'm just going to get screwed by both sides on it that's that's the other thing goes on with the internet hysteria is that suddenly if you deviate at all you're out in bad sanding with everybody yeah well that's a problem with d transitioners the people that transition and have deep regret they get attacked they get attacked it's crazy yeah and then gay people who say that they wanted to be trans when they were younger but then they realize they're just gay when they're older and thank God I didn't do anything those people get attacked yeah but that is that's a large number there's there was a study about that about how a lot of the the people that thought that they were trans when they were younger if in time they're just gay yeah but when there's a thing that you're told like Oh no you're this then they give you hormones which adjusts everything literally changes the way you feel sure and for uh girls to boys it alleviates anxiety which is a a problem because then you think this is what I've always been now cuz you're you're taking testosterone like of course you're going to feel different and now you're saying oh this is how I always was if it how you always always were you wouldn't have to take this exogenous hormone that's not it wouldn't be necessary if you think you're a boy just be a boy you know you might just be a gay girl and if you think you're a boy and you're you're a girl just live your life the way you want to live your life Absolut but if you start injecting things into your body when you're 14 or 15 years old you'll never be the same again look at this whoom look how they're SL in all over the place I mean that is [ __ ] ice that guy can't stop his car look
Channel: University Of JRE
Views: 50,927
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Keywords: JRE, Clips, Podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience
Id: QvJs13AjqYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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