Keep Your Box: Problems

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fines of customary thinking but hides the nature of the force required for a jailbreak it highlights any highs I must say a statement or popular metaphor you finish that sentence for me okay I'm going to another so that's the metaphor it highlights the fact that you're going higher but it has the pain that's required to get there sister's knows I can do bad so that's what you tell yourself when somebody dogging you out right so in the relationship bad I don't have to take this why I can do bad all by myself what's the problem with that Pastor Mike it highlights the fact that you can do better but it has the planner walking away from that relationship and if you're anything like your pastor I love hard who am I talking to in here many of y'all y'all don't love Soph you love hard some of y'all love soft you can be with somebody for two years and once you decide it's over it's over for some of us we can be with your two weeks and in two weeks you got our credit card you got a key to our apartment we don't sign for some for you if we break up you and the bushes who is that woman you hugging my mama like don't be hugging her like that like I'm telling you it highlights the fact that you're going to another level but it hides the force required for it to manifest here's something else that I believe it's becoming a modern-day curse I'm an entrepreneur so what highlights the fact that you don't have a boss but it has the fact that you're responsible for your bills so think many of us or let's go here many of us are chasing what if we call couldn't handle I was tripping the other day right because whenever I pull into my driveway my dog runs off the porch directly to my truck so you know what I did yesterday I stopped it asked me what he did set there down there so my question then became why do dogs chase cars I'll never forget I was watching a Batman and Joker is my favorite villain of all time the Joker he's he the ledger as I mean that's my favorite villain of all times you think he said I'm sort of like like a dog chasing a car not really know what I would do if I got it but that line who knows what I'm talking remember that father movie he's like what do you want I don't know I don't know what I'm like a dog chasing the car I don't know what I would do if I actually caught it but but that part always stuck with me cuz I'm actually a question and it's gonna be what you gonna do with it cuz many of you don't even realize you sinking it's gonna be big they're gonna get tired of carrying it preach p.m. day I took my boys the middle school and on the first day of middle school they got their little supply box you gotta get you pay for all their supplies I said well here you go buddy I'm gonna get my binder dad I ordered a mirror to go in my locker all that's gonna come in my box I said cool let's get it we get there he got to the line that's I tell him your night Michael McClure Zachary McClure they got they boxed we went up the first floor and by the time we got to the top of the stairs that's what he did dad you want to carry this for me now I said it got your name on it you picked it you ordered it stop trying to carry what you ain't got the muscles for and many of you don't even realize right now God may not be giving you what you asked for because if he gave it he knew it would crush you who lets go somebody say keep your box as we examine March after fire we find a man who's confined we find a man who's come find a man who's confined and the problem with Mark five is that we get his geography he's situated an incarcerated in a tone we get his pathology he's demon-possessed but mark does not give me his biography I get his geography he's living in a cemetery I get his pathology his sickness he's demon-possessed but Mark does not give me his biography why is that important pmj because many of you are about to be free right here how are you about to be free because there are too many people in your life making making external indictments without internal investigations making external indictments without performing internal investigation can I say something you've been wanting to post all this time oh this could be a good blurred for you you don't know my story stop looking at me thinking you know me and this is the thing that frustrates me the most folks will go on your timeline actually think that's you baby that's what I wanted to show you me want to say this external indictments people will look at you and begin to presuppose or judge you that's one thing I want to prove my church from and don't judge people don't judge people when you don't get a chance to know their story so what do we see nobody tells me nobody tells me his biography yes he's demon-possessed but you want to know the question I got what jumped off in his life what jumped off in his life that drove him to that point can I ask you a question in this room tonight and you'll be honest with me who and he has ever done something you regret all right thank you for your honesty whoever had a crazy moment who I knew even had a premeditated crazy moment cuz everybody got crazy Moniz but summons you some of us have done some stuff what I call in the heat of passion you got upset says some stuff dear some stuff you didn't mean it but she was what man there's something y'all set up all dance I don't know what's going down at 8:15 at 8:15 that's going down no they get off at 7:30 I know that you take 22 minutes to get from the job to the house soon as they get out the car it's going down boo boo it's going down some of y'all already said no with no hands soon as I see him ain't no words on sight see that's how you know you're crazy that's called crazy language how you know it that means on sight but let me free you real quickly have you ever seen somebody saying why you so mean and then the first thing they do is I can't fool with them they mean do you know what drove me to this place I want to say that again it's a sad thing when people judge you without investigating you all my singles give me a wet way don't date nobody else who won't put in the work in the investigation seeing anybody can love your good I need somebody who's gonna love my issues that's critical I saw one post that made me smile and it was a girl who just had braids and her head was ridden a pea then next to a picture with fluff flawless weave she said if you ain't never seen this you can't possibly tell me you love me yet I know in other words if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best and I'm trying to get us to a place now when we understand this brother had a problem but what do we realize here's your first note of the day problems create boxes problems create boxes problems create boxes that's far as I want to go tonight I want to sit in problems is it alright cuz the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said Mike if you learn how to conquer your problems it will shift your life where am i told you Sunday what I say it don't miss Tootie cuz we don't talk about when problems how to handle these problems first note of the night y'all ready here it is life is a series of problem-solving opportunities life if you watch it on Facebook if you watching online share right now there's a button right there at the left I want you to share this with everybody because I want to suggest that the murder rate will go down if we learn how to solve problems kids without fathers was shift if we learn how to solve problems divorces would be stopped if we learn how to solve problems the problem with life is that you actually thought you were in heaven that's the problem many of us actually think we're in heaven now when I'm trying to show you life is nothing more than a series of problems I want you to put this in your notes it's not on the screen I'm gonna say it slow enough God's ultimate purpose for your life is for you to be christ-like imma said again God's ultimate purpose for your life is for you to be christ-like that's heavy right there God's number one plan for your life is for you to be like Jesus and the problem with so many of my Millennials please listen to me is that you feel lost in life because you don't know your purpose when the problem is you trying to discover your secondary purpose not your primary purpose God called you to be saved first successful second who and too many people trying to be successful before they saved and the problem now becomes you see people who appear successful who don't look like they love God when you don't realize what you see maybe public success but private failure which is why it's rich people could be in suicide which with which is why I'm trying to get you to stop chasing people's pictures and get in line with God's purpose let's see what she wants you on bagels you won't you won't family goals you want career goals so can I suggest to you this do don't do nothing for his family don't do nothing for his kids he woke up one day and said I wanted to see my son alright he goes over there with her picks up little man man and says y'all want to take a picture and because he there for the first time they both snap a selfie and post family goes you go in the comments see that's what I want for my life then your fountain your life get so up and you don't know where that hell came from it's because she was claiming a life you missed what I just said so let me help you can you put this in your nose please are you listening to your pastor can you put this in your nose stop comparing stop comparing see you love me please I want to be just like pastor Michael a DJ how do you know we in custody chose out every night how you don't know we live in different places how are you how do you HOT on how y'all know she got her room I got my room and we faking it because the church need to grow stop ask if the stuff you'll know about what if your relationship better than mine but I've learned how to be fake better than you preach p.m. Jane so I don't mess that god bless you baby go and say something uh oh can we praise God for lady we certainly thank God oh my god we thank God for a girl going on great as soon as we get to the bank I'm saying that's in me know you got yo mama who died here - yo mama recently that took you back didn't it no yo mama yo mama yo mama yo mama well I see you Tuesday that's crazy ain't it it's crazy ain't it you claiming what you don't even know who you claim in what you don't even know so they pulled up to work in a Mercedes and first thing you say this man they get me and can't even pay for it so here it is you got an old monster but it's paid for you don't know 215 a month but you're making it but then you're looking at de Mercedes like I got to step my game up it's on the verge of repossession anything is shine if you wash it long enough and what I'm trying to get you to realize is there's the difference between success and stun many of y'all trying to shine when if you would just be the light he called you you would shine by default priests pmj I don't know who I'm preaching to in here but my number one person's purpose is to be saved and the best way for God to get me into purpose is to give me a problem if you run from the problem you default the purpose if you default the purpose now you are a wonderer you are searching for something to replace what God intended for you to be and the problem is many of us are lost in the pew so past might how do I become lost in church because for you church ain't about the relationship with Christ it's about motivation so if you only come to church for me to motivate you you're gonna be almost like an addict you gonna have to come get a fix every week but if you come to church so I can point you in the direction of Jesus being you'll be able to say when my mother and father forsake me then the lower hit me now problems create boxes life is a series of problem-solving opportunities problems this is good right here ain't it the problems you face will either develop you or defeat you all right didn't girl I got there I thought I was gonna get like a good [Music] cousin cuz I got a second part of that I was gonna say that ain't hang on the screen so in my head it was gonna be like they didn't gonna defeat you or develop you mm-hmm they're not gonna say the same I don't like oh all right so I'm gonna try one more time cuz forget y'all I worked hard on this out but that was good to me all right I typed this in mmm so I'm sitting in the problems you face will either defeat you or develop you depending on how you respond to her did you catch that then that feel better depending on how you respond to him that's rich so the problems you face will either defeat you or develop you depending on how you respond - I am NOT are y'all listening to me I am NOT in charge of everything that happens to me but I am in charge of how I respond to them Tristan did you catch that no so let me be very clear let me very clear brother you can walk up here right now and punch me in the face I ain't got no control over that I can't say ideas I don't know what your reason for hurt me is but did if I jump off this stage it hit you back who who was in charge of that and you want northing what facebook gonna say Pastor Mike got to fight they never gonna say your name many of y'all don't even realize the problems you face was the devil's attempt to put your name in place this shouldn't it be him hear me when I say this I need you to catch this I need you to catch this the problems you face we need to defeat you or develop you then we pause right there for a minute I want you to answer this question in your spirit who got some real problems throw your hands up who got some small problems that's irritating ain't nothing wrong with that it's the small word foxes that would spoil the vine see that's the problem that's the problem I'm always to be balanced I'm probably gonna be the only pastor who argues himself I'm out here in the whole world singing when I say the whole world the whole world singing and it's gonna be big not he out come tell me some but it's the small stuff no you're looking at one scripture saying you focus on the beam and don't even realize you got a splinter in your eye now last time I checked a splint in sweat put this in your nose put this in your nose oh oh I'm going against everything I just saw I'm believing for big but I'm gonna look out small the splinters the Foxes tell me Holly goes the week that try to go with my Terry y'all don't like me tonight it's cool in the game I want you to know I want you to think about this now whatever size problem you have is it defeating you or developing you that's good i know i wanna i want to suggest the some of you and on is this may be a hard word but I'm gonna give it to you like I feel God giving it to me some of you will never be happy in any relationship you get in but because you actually believe your relationship should be problem free so let me go ahead and tell you this right now I'm a speaking and if you receive it you got to receive I'm always give you truth here's the truth I need to give you right here okay you could be married to Jesus and still be unhappy while pmj because if you were basing the success of your relationship or not having a problem that in a real relationship race relationships are problematic what am i showing you put that on the screen the problems you face will either defeat you or develop you depending on how you respond to them so can I ask you a question can I ask you a question who got a financial problem and stressing about it is defeating you let's be very clear I ain't come to play y'all know how I do summertime we gonna kick it once the fall come up in the Diplo and we finna get real serious so let's keep it 100 you lose it don't make it cute don't make a Q if you stressing over this financial stuff after you saying I'm trusting God you are losing no and we're not gonna play the game ain't no time there is no neutrality and spirituality ain't no neutral ain't no equal you either win or you lost so let me free you real quickly who in a relationship right now don't raise your hand they got time for y'all to be fighting and they getting on your nerves yeah you two mothers over you lose it you lose it who who love God then some jump off and you feel a new to stay home you lost stop trying to get a diploma when you're flunking your class some of y'all keeps showing up to the graduation salty when you didn't do the work priests vmj priests pmj now who in here just like me played through high school then you're singing again you start seeing everybody get these awards and he was like we ain't getting no award oh so I'm the Holy One on a walls day who didn't get nothing huh don't lie in church raise your bank your brother I'm the only one thank you I'm sitting in there I've been class clown at Mauna high school from 10th through 12th we get to sing you did it like Scholastica trees achievement receiving 7,000 in scholarships from Alabama State Nelson good and I'm like dang god someone so so inane Andre Rudolph then I'm gonna be like hey am I gonna get something nice they said it's your father uh-huh did you ever go by the counselor's office alone did you take a CT I'm like what's a CT so now I'm in I'm in graduation salty when the truth of the matter was being passed none of the tests i'ma say this you ain't got to say Amen three y'all gonna say Amen we gonna have Church and we gonna laugh at the other fallen and folk who don't say Amen all right here it is right here don't hate on my degree when you wouldn't wake up and take the test here be when I say this so stop saying stop saying so this blindness stop saying you got goals number one you'll know the truth but what you can't say is I know what I'm going to be let's go deeper in this unfortunately most people fail to see what God wants to use problems for good in their life they react foolishly and resent their problems rather than pursuing pausing to consider what benefit it may bring that's a strong statement what benefit can you put that in your notes problems bring benefits I think of in a shower rod I think I may have a praise break right here Terrell what's the phrase break pmj okay here it is woman with the issue of had a problem blonde bartemaeus had a way problems Lazarus was dead he had a way problem the brother and Mark thought was demon-possessed he had a way how can i free you real quickly if they don't have a problem they probably don't meet Jesus what's the difference between Bartimaeus and everybody in the crowd telling Bartimaeus to be quiet he had a problem but not only I'm sure everybody in the circle had a problem here it is right here but bottom Meir said I ain't got pride I don't care if you know my problem I don't care if you're looking at me crazy I know I'm connected to the one who can fix the problem hear me hear me hear me and many of us cuz I could shout right there but we're not gonna do it many of us are sinking myself included I probably could reach out to people and get them to help me finance the school and do certain things but people told me they were gonna do it they don't even someone call now so I'm handling that problem I just convicted me I'm handling it wrong you know what I should do go try to find another sponsor but because so many people said they would have my back gone now you know what I do we got us Rock City gonna take care of us waiting worried about so so so and so but that's a problem that's a problem ain't nobody else gonna hurt me like that that's a problem how do you diagnosing your issue and still got it you know see the reason I'll deal with focus folks fickle so you mean to tell me you sick no it's a cold and too proper to get some medicine some of y'all problems are becoming addictive which is why you self-sabotage everything which is why you never dealt with the problem of being rejected as a child you never dealt with the problem being hurt by loved one you never dealt with the problem of somebody breaking your heart so now you develop this box you're in that the first sign you see that somebody's gonna hurt you I will hurt you before you hurt me let me get in my box and you don't even realize how the devil works that dumb foolish ignorant selfish manipulative devil you don't even realize how he works you don't even know how that nefarious nemesis trapped with all his might so what you're thinking he put stuff in the culture that you think cute that you only realize you pronounce that curse is over I'm in my bag let me get in my bag and you don't even realize that translates specifically nah I found out money PMG I'm talking about a song no that ain't nothing but a declaration of being in a box being in a box and I'm trying to get you to realize that this culture ain't set up for you to win but through God I'm trying to get you to realize that everything that jumps off in this culture is nothing more than the devil the devil is the Prince of the air so anything that flows through the airwaves he gets to touch which means social media trends which means the music you like which means the TV shows you see it always shows us from a failing posture y'all don't like me in a day and I came to tell the devil he can keep his box look at me when I say this here it is so here's the thing that I've discovered about problems am I helping anybody I said am i helping anybody number one put this thing in those God uses problems to direct you tell me Holy Ghost sometimes God must light a fire under you to get you moving problems often point us in a new direction and motivate us to change a question of the night it's God trying to get your attention that's heavy ain't it problems direct whoo they direct you my little dog I got an English Bulldog right he's super stubborn all right but I'm never home so I got to do a better job I'm trying to get him so what I did was I did what my neighbors do they got this little invisible fence right you put the little wires in the ground and it tells him he can't go outside a certain radius okay so booyah I go to the mailbox he called himself being stubborn he gets to walking the waddle and right next to me I love a certain cuz problems always make noise okay it says BBB and I heard I heard too because it baby baby I'll turn around and summon me was like I think something happened he keeps walking he jumped back they didn't kind of looked and he sniffed he went a little closer BBB and he went back now no no that problem directed him y'all don't like me cuz six a guy looking at me now saying Pastor Mike that's inhumane you just shot your dog but let me tell you what God told me to tell you which is why you got to get these immature worldly non wisdom having people out your life it's because you sitting there saying that's dirty how you shocked that dog says I'm his owner I rather shock him than a car hit him and you don't realize that there are certain times in your life God had to zap you cuz here ever hurts you then the devil get his hand don't do this I'm talking to somebody in here problems direct somebody say direct so what what problems do is prob sometimes this is not all the time I'm gonna give you four or five different things problems do okay sometimes problems direct you or in other words whenever God needs to get your attention or light a fire under you he lets the problem jump off that's rich I want to actually a really really really good question right now have you been outside God's will what if that problem ain't the devil what a best God sends you better get back to church let's put scripture on your proverbs 2030 look at what it says proverbs 2030 physical punishment cleanse away evil such discipline purifies the heart so let me give you context first in this proverb right here they're talking about corporal punishment I don't want to talk about corporal punishment I see a principle that we can make applicable to our life do you see what I'm saying so I'm not telling you physical punishment is needed for you to be cleansed what I'm saying is I see a principle in this text that we can use what's the principle we can use that whenever there has to be a purification of your heart a problem will be used a problem will be used that's critical while Pastor Mike and I love what the Bible knowledge commentary exposition scripture of Dallas seminary faculty says and I want to quote this verbatim and give them credit for the purpose of this is not to inflict pain but to veer one's conduct from sin such punishment however is not merely a change of a person's conduct out of fear of physical pain but to help them mature in other words God says I don't want you to be afraid of me but how else imma teach you you want to know why people think living in the world so much better than being save it don't come with problems or and let me take that back by the time the problems show up you too deep in so what's the difference between God and the devil God gives you problems on the frontier the devil gives you problems on the backend so so God hurts you before you get into it the devil lets you get into it while out then let you pay for it later and what is sin I hope I said the way my father pastor Michael D McClure senior said this when I was 13 years old I never forget it I set up on the edge of my seat he says saying and problems will take you further than you want to go keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you're willing to pay one problem one problem and what I'm trying to get you to realize there's problems sometime God uses problems to direct us I want to suggest to somebody in this room right now that the current problem you're facing its direction it's God trying to get your attention these kids just out of control maybe God saying you need to slow down how you view it Pastor Mike I don't know what's going on with these kids maybe you've gone too much you take me to your mama house too much they need a mama yo mama ain't de mama you a mama so maybe no you forfeited having a life when you had them so stop go home and get them right nobody say meh right then it's the truth it's the truth that's my kinda devil messing with me always tell my beetles behind so on so on so maybe that's try God trying to get your attention number one you don't I think you need to stop shopping you want know the problem with church folk we cause problems and then say he is a miracle worker problems number two God uses problems to inspect us inspect us people my favorite quote I learned in college people are like tea bags you don't know what's in them till you put them in hot water that's my favorite College quote right there asked when I learned that asked me Theological Seminary he said people are like tea bags you don't know what's in them until you put them in hot water i'ma say this and I pray three people can't respect it if God wants to discover if you're faking it or not he gives you a problem uh all that good talk you guys all that worship you just did what we was just singing and praising worship he won't leave you what we were saying it Sorrell said again you even remember either we gonna be making this stuff up on the spot I don't remember either what was we saying he won't leave what we're seeking it sounds stupid not interview the game-planning y'all was saying it soon he will leave me I don't know what we would Center y'all remember when we was saying I remember we said either do it he won't give up on you alright so blue and in the moment he'll pay one bill it's like I try god I tried Church I got to go get it myself say this with me the devil is defeated God is exhausted sometimes you're the devil Jesus have hid it to purpose and I told you the number one purpose for God's God's number one purpose for your life is for you to be christ-like it's not for you to be successful it's for you to be saved being successful is secondary to being saved him he wanted his number one purpose for your life playing for you to sing to him it's for you to be saved no that's why he said in the Bible at that on that day people gonna be like look I did all this stuff he don't say depart from me I never knew you I worked for you but I didn't know you know I was a elder but I don't know you know no you did that for the church which is why if you don't get credit you don't want to show up which is why if you don't have a stage you came preach which is why I don't nobody tell you good job all of a sudden you need to pray and find another church home you'll realize I'm trying to get to heaven and what I'm trying to get you to realize is Jesus rolling and Peter said something to Jesus and Jesus says Satan get thee behind me now here's the argument is Peter demon-possessed no but this but Satan can't influence us so in other words Jesus looks at Peter who woke up somebody formants they saying get behind me many of y'all are running from a devil that's in your mirror and when you are obsessed with a spirit of pride with a spirit of love when a spirit of fear a spirit of infirmity when all this stuff overtakes you what do they do they nam your discernment one of my favorite movies is um Talladega Nights all right I love Ricky Bobby like that Ricky Ricky Bobby especially when they prayed at the dinner table and said sweet little baby Jesus like that was a good brother me it touched me feels like he said I like my Jesus in a manger you know the another dude was like I kind of like my Jesus with like a tuxedo shirt which means he's like he came to party but he's also here for business it made me think about what type of G's is not like you got me and I thought about it so all of a sudden I was thinking about Ricky Bobby and he's in the hospital he's been in a wreck and in his mind he's paralyzed and they walk in the room he's in a wheelchair and the doctor comes out and says no his legs work I was like what she means like no is it's he's put himself in a box that says what is working won't work when does he realize he's wrong when he stabs himself many of you are facing problems in your life that are self-inflicted wounds helped me so the reason you feel like God isn't fixing it because you're telling God to fix it but won't let him fix you preach mike McClure if I could do it and we don't try to shoot this video Dre we're gonna try to shoot this video either this week or next week I'm gonna do a scene and somebody gonna show up with bruises all over their face and we're gonna do a mock police station and we're gonna get them like who did it to you who jacked up your life who jacked up your credit who jacked up your heart who jacked up your mind who got you stuck in this box and then gonna go to the lineup and a my talent right and it's gonna be they self cuz truth of the matter is even if they broke your heart you picked them truth of the matter is even if you broke you spent it truth of the matter is even if you unhappy that's your decision and for many of you you fin have to fight through it y'all don't like me to date Sorrell y'all don't like me to be him and me and lady if me and lady were miserable we don't have a choice we got to fight through it we got to fight through it we got a look at this problem now and say what Pastor Mike I got too many people on the line for me to be selfish so no either we finna let God work through us or we ain't qualified for what God is telling us to do and many of you are running for your problems how you you so focused on this boss who getting on your nerves you don't even realize you telling God you can't handle the next level you mean to tell me you can't answer to a supervisor but you asking to be a supervisor which means you ain't gonna be able to handle getting information from management yeah I don't like me today it's cool ain't gonna play with you go to James one two and eight and I got another strong 17 minutes in me dear brothers and sisters when troubles come your way I like King James kill it all joy for you know that when your faith can we read this slow is tested your endurance has the chance to grow leave that right there you can put this in your notes like this when my faith test its my endurance grows that's a strong statement can I say something to my church to my family that I wish somebody would have told me all right let's see if you didn't identify who to see his first who is this you same boat what does you same boat run track he's what is he slow is he fast all right so you same boat gets to the start line you do that then he go like this then he get down I don't take your mark it's that and he'd go it takes him this can preach nine seconds so go 100 yards nine seconds to run 100 meters did you catch that can i free you real quickly and his name is what who's the guy who runs the marathon like this now don't talk about don't like to New York the Boston Marathon they have to run for almost seven hours you wanna know what's funny don't none of y'all know their name cuz it ain't sexy they don't show both but you all know what I discovered I got too many friends who can go fans quick who can go in a short distance quick when I needed some marathon runners and see the problem when many of you is I don't think you realize life isn't a sprint it's a marathon so when stuff don't happen like this you get depressed when you don't realize this is cute but this ain't gonna in life lightning bolt how often does lightning strike what I'm trying to get you to realize he says when your faith is tested you get endurance that's happy tears endurance I can't tell you how many times my faith has been tested but I've got to a place now where I can endure it now I'm gonna say this and I pray three of y'all can catch what I'm about to say I hope you catch this let God work on your faith and your faith will outlive your problems if you don't let God work on your faith your problems gonna outlive your faith look at the men's version consider it a sheer gift friends when tests and challenges come at you from all sides you know that under pressure your faith life is forced into the and shows its true colors so don't try the Bible be whipping me to get out of anything prematurely let it do D am I talking to anybody it's work many of you keep trying to come out of your problem prematurely which is why you dear come out but it feels like you're still in it because you want to proverbial Incubator priests pmj it made me think about a premature baby who came out of the womb but still didn't get to start life in a sense of it didn't get to go home with Mama because it's out of the womb but it's placed in another box did you catch that out of the womb only to be placed in a box and many of you right now keep asking God to take you out prematurely now I must say this is not pray thread you can't receive this I'm oh my god y'all blessing me tonight it's just a test it's just the test I know it hurts I know it's uncomfortable but a test is given to see if a student can pass not pass out it's given when I when I when I went back to West olive mi played college football right so when I went to West Alabama I was a wide receiver there so when I went back to West Alabama as soon as we got back for two of days the first thing they made us do was these hundreds we had to do eight hundreds it was called like to see if you did the summer conditioning program okay so I never forget they sent us this long packet in the summertime to say hey every day here's what we want you doing that way you come into camp on shape don't nobody do what's in the packet all right we get there and then like I received us running back teepees on the line yeah you get down first 100 I'm in the front of that third one it's like something hit my stomach I never finished I thought maybe got to like number six then I'm on the ground cream couch cream coach they had to put me on a truck and drive me back to the locker room I'm there to give me a whole I'm about to die my coach helped me coach like any protein coach I'm trying to show out I'm trying to make sure them that I came in ready and I never forget this cat by the name of Tony badger play with the Giants for a year he out there running his prints doing this and we get back in the locker room and I'm in there with the with the train I'm like hey cuz it's time you got the show bone ain't it cuz I came to the packet I do that stupid he was like me I told you first two days we had to do three 40s 650 700 second day he thought you had to do with the perimeter field and just scratch it out as you go he made it to the league I made it to the house somebody say why ain't want to do the word stop asking for a level you ain't willing to work on you might not need to be nobody wife you don't want to put in the work no this thing's gonna be on honey but this ain't gonna be TV and you comin home you got your little nice lingerie on and it's and it's all happy all the time and you walking out with you look cupcakes and then he walking in the house honey I'm home and you got the beautiful house with the two-car garage it might not be no y'all might like past that first lady has to be at an extended stay no you you might you might marry your brother who got a big vision but ain't got nothing and you have to carry him for two years I didn't putting up with no sorry man when she did it for me I carry her know put the work in passing like I want to Prince Charming but you don't want to kiss a frog [Applause] now if you want the prints you might have to kiss a frog and kissing no frog can stay them in the house with your three ugly sisters do you feel me let's go fast I'm finished stop number three number three God uses problems to correct you did you catch that some lessons we only learn through pain and failure that's a retaining can I can you wanna know the thing I love most about my church how honest we are so I'm gonna ask this question who in this room right now it's like you always have to learn the hard way it's how the truth don't lie to me thank you so much hue here be knowing is wrong you get the stuttering and convincing yourself no we couldn't know because I I figured out I figure I just we're gonna do no no listen to me listen this is what I'm gonna do I'm I'm up and you got to learn the hard way can i free you real quickly why you gotta give whoop to win why not just do it right pastor here he says something to me to guess that I we were at a conference and talking pastor Henry said there is no substitute for just doing it the right way might not get there as fast it may not be flashing but ain't no substitute for getting on the right way I had goals man and God was so good to me I met every goal I wanted to meet I'm in this unique place now to where I'm having and some time towards the end of the year I'm gonna take a couple days and I'm gonna kind of just go away and think I don't have any more goals to me that's a blessing to stay in it every goal I put in my dream book that I wanted to accomplish by 35 I've accomplished every goal it wasn't a lot of them it weren't a lot of them I wanted to see people get a life to Christ I wanted to leave a mark in this city that God could be pleased with I wanted to sing songs they would give people say it was simple I want to have a great family like something I'm doing now to help my prayer life and I try to pray more now especially the place God has me in pastoring pastors that the size of our church should demand more than my prayer life so one thing I'm doing now is every day I find something to be grateful for I was watching one show on fire one story on five six about this kid who was born blind and I said god that's my prayer today I spent probably 30 minutes thanking God that my kids were born with saying actually a question whoo child getting on your nerves at least they can see you so you're gonna focus on a grade being bad what if that's the problem God is trying to you what's the benefit of it what's the benefit what's the benefit tell me right now what's the benefit what's the benefit I go and I get making an iPhone right so the rule of my heels house is once you turn ten you can get a phone all right that's my room that's the Daddy room once you turn ten you get a phone they don't know they'd be refurbished tonight I put them in a case for they see them I see putting an otterbox you look nude they can't tell they opened that jointer probably scratched up in the back of everything so I get Mason phone I put his iCloud in all his videos download I should have played it Mase that's what I always tell you football style got pray for he land in a bed videotaping himself saying he knows every worldly song there is the thoughts miss thing he thought he was thinking being didn't he said oh no no he and he kidding it I don't got no life bad only thing that I like I ain't even got no time I mean I hear you saying none of the words but I'm sitting there I'm going this is true is in my phone right now I say airdrop them to me so I've been watching I'm just sitting there looking like look at my dangers are you go to another song he know every song so then I start doing my investigation I go too late I said watch I'll be listening to in the car we got time for it I wish how we listen to an economy what look look at me no child that right there told me instantly what time it was so then you're I fixed I said hey I'm taking out a school in the morning we get in later consoles we crank in a window you five silver chair and I'm looking so her save preset mine is heaven 16 the other rate the FM version of it then I got ninety five seven like number six I'm saved lady got 95 98 107 a satellite station if he'll popping them I'm like bro you ain't saying like what's so look at me so I got the mace room I go to the mess room I said it makes you like your phone like yeah that's a sing a song for me today what you want to hear I said sing that ain't got no time he just look hey a fear came over you my kid explained only daddies know what I'm talking about first word it was like Adam God said Adam where art thou he said I hid myself cuz I was naked I never actually what you did I asked you where you were that's how you know you in a box when you're even answer questions correctly he was in a box of saying God says Adam where art thou I hear myself because I was naked no no no no no I know that I asked where are you I said I said may sing that song dad I'm sorry I'm sinking fund me cuz this thing is I got a I took a room downstairs and kind of put my speakers and stuff and that's my studio where I recorded all right stop took them down I said let's go we went downstairs in the studio right I opened up my my iTunes all them songs he was saying was in it cuz I'm like music - he's gonna be the clean version but I like music I said well she like he's like dad I kind of like Drake I said which one and we cut it all and we downstairs kidney so what does he like he's I like saw saw saw song hi this guy ever dad like why be in my much my kids corny like why be in I was like no I said I said no and I don't listen to that I said we you even have no guns they got yadda but then I got to tell us that we know dad you know damn well he had to issue a set of porn high school you know daddy was on the phone trying to make that happen trying to get them graduate said yeah daddy knows somebody's people okay so what else you like we just are listening to music we listen to music robably two and a half hours and I started letting listen to the cuss words I'm gonna play this one for you bull all these cuss words I said I'm gonna be clear I said now somebody called mom and dad what you gonna feel like not good I said so a lot of times even though it sound good how does it make people feel see cuz Holy Spirit told me had I beat him put number three on the screen and not corrected him he would have got old didn't listen to it and hid it from me so now you know what he do dad I heard another song can you listen to it and tell me if I can listen to it did you catch that because how you respond to the problem can defeat you or last one number four that's gone I don't like me today was that alright God uses problems to protect us I'm a write a book one day entitled the note that saved my life throughout my whole life are you sure this is good I got about five knows that kept me alive and you coming to kick it with us and Pratt ah what time y'all going we're gonna be there eight all right my mom come why are you coming in even a search for Sunday fellowship yesterday my complaint of drums hey man ain't gonna be able to come that night somebody gets shot hey you rollin with us to the club this weekend that day a car got totaled sometimes the problem is for protection I told y'all suddenly I had a middle who got fired and was complaining end up getting a better job and didn't realize the boss is a true story her boss was asking her she worked at a hotel her boss was least the her boss was asking her I want you to do this put them in at this rate charged him $89.99 put him in at the 49.99 rate we're gonna keep that $40 just put it in on the yoke oh I'll show you how to do it at the end of the night we'll exit out yada yada yada yada yada say pass that I've never said write with me I said so you need to tell her you're not gonna do it that's a yo name you gonna go to jail for that well ask me what the boss did says some stuff about a star cut in the house to the point to where they fired her I said look at me she crying I got three I said listen to me I said God won't give you something better she wouldn't got another job that person now has been indicted I say hear me that problem was for protection give me when I say this let's go home stand to your feet with me they're not an elective they're required course if you're in the back do me a favor go to James chapter one verse that's all I need to read do you did say if it's a twin trouble come I feel God here you can't live yourself right out of problems I don't want that true you can pay your tithes pray pre off while pmj because we are fighting a real devil y'all don't hear me I want you to be perfectly honest with your pastor tonight who woke up this morning excited about a flat tire who woke up two days ago and said you know what what does that mean they're what unpredictable you can walk out of here today months you've been coming to church you've been living right you've been praying you've been fasting you've been given look at me don't go wrong be prepared when it comes being saved doesn't exempt you it should equip you two days later they can't find a heartbeat we plan for that now here it is I'm praying for people who have been babies they could sometimes the life fins number three problems come in very crazy ain't it it means it's gonna cut it's gonna be unpredictable big or small but $2,500 short on tuition I said we're gonna figure that out I said if I got this sale firstly I got somebody in the room right now who just can't sleep at night so well what do you mean what's going on man just tell him engine's time my boss get on my nerve there ain't no real problem right some of my females you can't gain what's the problem to him and fellas you came Dave what's the problem to her I'll work through this problem together [Music] problems aren't predictable you don't know when they gonna jump off number three problems come in all shapes and sizes I'll go won't last forever grandmama son I'm so glad trouble don't last always I want to do this as we prepare to leave tonight I need can you clear your father god I touch and agree from this stage that you are giving them they'll do is is it strenuous god it's difficult god how do i be a better father how do I be a better mother how do I pay this but how do I pass at this church how do I start this business how do I raise these kids we all help I'm doing it myself God I'm not above them I'm walking through life with them god I pray right now that they really but a tour guide we'll go through the Safari with you and point out the dangerous things that are happening God I'm watching on the livestream I did them to post the hands up emoji that literally says my hands are lifted because God you're giving me what the patient right now god I pray for the spiritual gifts the fruits of the spirit to begin to manifest need patience give them patience God for some of them they need long-suffering God for some of them god they're gonna tap into PE ourselves as a church in a very different season to where God we're used to Dillard so God give us that understanding that peace that surpasses all understanding God give us that South I decree and declare you will not give up the devil will not win I decree and declare that God has equipped you for this season I know it's difficult and I'm not gonna get peace about your situation devil you are a liar I come against anxiety I come against this self sabotaging spirit that builds paint furmity i decree and declare right now that God you have not given me a spirit of you have not given me a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound you are directing me God I don't complain never again about my problem but like Paul I rejoice in it I thank you for the late bill whatever it is it been held the name it has to bow to your name so I claim Jesus on my marriage I claim Jesus over my he'll soon elevator I'll be see how many Lucia no weapon this and colorama Marcia Kelly Lucia no weapon won't be able to prosper [Music] Yamanashi I'm Nana no Xie got the spirit of suicide the spirit of infirmity accompanies this week my instead that feels people's the Salish the voice he wants to break your confidence but God says you're walking in freedom God says you're welcome [Music] yeah I just worship God [Music] yes god yes god yes gun well [Music] yes god yes Scott [Music] I bind the spirit of fear i decree and declare in the name of jesus i come against fears i come against phobias I've come to go failure I come against anxiety and stress I come against the fear of death I come against of you over your life i decree in this land that the works of the flesh have no authority over your life for liberty and a spirit of adoption according to romans chapter 8 verse 15 I come against the spirit of slavery yeah a captivity the same the spirit of corruption compulsive sin and a bundage of sin Oh so I declare right now it has no authority over her life tempo [Music]
Channel: Rock City TV
Views: 15,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Xfh4pdU_Nuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 9sec (3549 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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