RoboCop - Caravan of Garbage

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welcome back everybody to caravana college where we're going to be going through four robot cop movies that's correct and well look we're doing this for two reasons one because uh RoboCop Rogue City the video game is coming out that's right and two uh at least one of these movies is really good I can't wait to get to it the one where he's got the jet back that's right I always said from day one why doesn't this guy have a jet pack right for jetting about okay I've got a confession to make oh for one I would love everybody to leave a like on this video and I've got another confession to make myself well is this a confession that would cause RoboCop to like apprehend you and or shoot you in the nuts [Music] he's gonna shoot you in the nuts I'll leave a poll below okay uh he doesn't leave a poll below there's that scene also people will probably want us to mention oh yeah we'll talk about that later the Remake but um as a kid I was more of a Terminator person okay like I watched those first two movies again and again so that's how you would introduce yourself at like after school events hi I'm a Terminator person oh something Terminator one is better than Terminator 2. not a lot of people think that oh your brother thinks that yeah well he's wrong or he's right they're both pretty good actually your brothers no no no no no no no no no only one's good I did not say that so I came to this when I was a little bit older like in my teens but what an incredible movie I was gonna say I was first introduced to this via trading cards oh let's play the RoboCop trading cards from tops you'd get the cards and the bubble gum yeah very normal trading cards outlined all the the stuff in the movie Just a man getting his arms and legs shot off well there's also the one where the guy who's been melted waste yes that's a trading card yeah yeah yeah this was in the era and we see this series go in that direction where they would release something like this and they'd also just be a bunch of toys for kids yeah yeah yeah that wasn't really the the kind of G to PG action franchises the way that they're more is kind of now oh absolutely yeah yeah yeah it was really that element of there was a movie and it was violent and grown up but it sort of had that sci-fi aspect to it and like older kids would maybe show it to younger kids or like you know your parents would watch it and then you would see it in my case I saw it at the local video shop and I said Dad I'm nine years old can I can we rent this anyway sure I guess and I watched it and you watched it wrecked my brain this is why I like this did you love the moment where after the guy gets all melted he gets hit by the car and he just sloshes apart absolutely like his skin was barely holding him together his head comes off like a balloon it's incredible and you know what the absolute Restraint of both director Paul verhoven and the actor Kurt Woodsmith he does not turn on the windscreen wipers he could they would now but he didn't then that's great I mean this movie should really be called squibs and stop motion because this is where it's at man oh my goodness just the level of squibbing in this so excessive yeah in the best kind of way now I don't know if you noticed this and not a lot of people do pick up on this let me know in the comments but there's actually a bunch of real world parallels in this Mason what yeah yeah yeah so this isn't Just Pure Fantasy it's actually there's a little bit of there's a tinge of satire running through this is that the term for this yeah cue all the comments saying no there isn't that's a real real Common Thread among Paul verhoven movies just people going not actually no it's just I think that those men wearing all the all black uniforms with the Insignia on them and fighting the bugs I don't think that's I think that's a metaphor for anything that's another just normal it's just killing bugs you never killed a bug it's like that they're bigger the bigger bugs I mean I know it's been talked about that this kind of predicted the future of news but news was kind of like this at the time anyway I mean it's worse now but just the idea of this just scatter shot nightmare of information yeah all delivered with a smile yeah it's actually quite quaint three minutes yeah a lot of this look I love this movie I think most of it is aged really really well and I I think I think the the satire you were calling it is that what this is the satire that's what some say interesting I think it definitely still holds up but I do feel like some elements of it uh a little bit quaint one is that I feel like the new stuff of like give us three minutes we'll give you the world I'm like that's actually quite a lot these days and also my favorite aspect I think that that hasn't aged well is if we can jump right to the end it's the point where uh RoboCop goes to the boardroom the ocp boardroom and he shows the ocp executives the evidence of Dick Jones admitting to killing Bob Morton and Dick Jones immediately grabs a gun and takes a hostage and I feel like in the present day you could show someone irrefutable evidence of an executive admitting to a murder and like oh that wasn't me yeah exactly and if it was me probably you guys probably on my side actually so and it was photoshopped and uh and that guy was an actor but it's not me and uh you'll hear from my lawyers and I'm rich so nothing will happen to me you're actually going to jail that's right yeah you're going to jail for unauthorized use of our audio video system so absolutely I do love though this is a world where it happens twice in this board members are gunned down in front of people and everyone's just like well get in the elevator Miguel Ferreira is just like I think this is my opportunity right this is there's a window here for me yeah not to fall out of no but to take a step up would that be tortured at home but yeah just the ineffective police force corporate decision making just ruining communities the fact that Ed 209 sucks I love it like the fact that there there is no real confrontation between Robocop and head 209 at the end because n209 sucks he's been deliberately made badly yeah he's like a puppy that's been kicked too many times all right or a puppy that's been inbred yeah like for too long so he can't go up and down stairs because they're like well you know what we'll sell this to everybody and it won't work but they're locked into contracts so they'll have to upgrade and we'll figure it out we'll make some extra billions off this yeah just the idea of having one of these out on the street and just doing anything I love that and I wish we could actually see it and I know they Circle back to this in the remake which we'll come back to in a few weeks but yeah just incredible and what an amazing piece of special effect as well piece of special effects wonderful piece of special effect we should give it our coveted piece of special effect award uh but yeah I'm sure I've been critical of stop-motion in the past but it's it's got that Ray harryhausen yeah Vibe I've seen videos where people have smoothed out the stop motion yeah and I think it makes it worse I think there is something about the kind of the mechanical nature of its movements which helped this movie yeah even though you think it's bad is that what you said well you don't get it I'm giving it our coveted worst of special effect award whoa that's right uh anyway RoboCop himself the reveal of that character I love like it's a slow reveal because you kind of you're given time to kind of really sit in the horror and also the joy that people have in putting this monstrosity together absolutely and and the the reveal essentially goes over the entire movie because we never even really see what he looks like until the start of the third act when he's uh you know uh trapped in the industrial district and he finally takes the helmet off and you see what he has become I look and Peter Weller is the he's the perfect Robo incredible many have tried to replicate and they've done the best they can but man he he projects the humanity when he's in the robot form and like when he's just Alex Murphy he's just he's not a Gunk hoe Superman he's just a guy who is there to do a job and I really like that he's an okay cop that's right pretty maybe we don't really we don't really know because we we see him we see him do cops stuff for like 10 minutes yeah and it doesn't go well but he's the thing though because and this is something I only picked up on on this re-watch but I guess it was obvious it's been obvious at the time that uh he gets transferred to Detroit and then Bob Morton points out later that they've been moving people around suitable candidates for the RoboCop program so they moved him there because they knew sooner or later he'd get killed and he'd be the perfect person to put in the in the suit they've got eight or nine people just running about just and they're just rubbing their hands yeah just waiting yeah that guy with the mustache who's always always wants to go on strike he's probably one he was probably number one candidate for robocall definitely but uh but he just he just wouldn't die he probably died the next day well Chuck even a bin I guess so when in full Robocop costume apparently Peter Weller would remain in character between takes and he would only respond to instructions from director Paul verhoven when he was addressed as a robo apparently vohoven though found this too funny and then he just dropped it after a couple of weeks all right okay so I feel like robo as a nickname it doesn't really work yeah it doesn't work do you think yeah wobble is better robo's way better apparently also people know this he was just dying in the suit yeah it was between half a million to a million dollars for the suit to you know to get it from its Inception to where it was I went through like a Judge Dread kind of phase at one point where it just looked like Judge Dredd oh interesting well I was gonna say uh the one thing that I love is is in re-watching this I've also been watching on YouTube a bunch of um interview and Comic-Con stuff with Peter Weller yeah he comes down he's very nice and he answers a lot of questions and then he'll often meet fans many of whom have built their own 3D printed yeah RoboCop suits and I bet he's like damn that looks light that looks light and Airy probably just in and out of that I reckon yeah yeah yeah yeah almost certainly has a like a zip off to pee you know absolutely yeah well he was losing three pounds a day in water weight and the first fitting took 11 hours and you can see that especially when the mask comes off and the way it just looks like his head is sewn into that thing they make it look like there's negative space where they've chipped Parts out of him and all this mime work that he did beforehand he based it more on kind of snake-like movements he's like I can't do this so that he had to learn to move again and I mean talking about things that I don't think anybody's really nailed since the movement that he does and it's not even over the top robot is it no like little head turns the way he'll take a corner just little things really subtle he'll drink some oil he'll drink some oil you know he'll Kiss an electrical socket I just think the way it all comes together uh Rob boat team designed this but you know his performance every reaction he has the sound design the leg hole stuff incredible the the data Spike yeah as soon as that comes out in the movie that's chekhov's data Spike you know somebody's going to cop that right in the neck by the end and they do yeah yeah I also like that he's not really built for good and sometimes he's just not doing good there's a moment where he wrecks a convenience store the money those criminals would have taken is not worth what you did to the store that's true yeah I mean amazing oh also did you know this fun fact the RoboCop gun and the Judge Dread gun from Judge Dredd same gun same gun different attachments that's correct which judge Dred Judge Dredd Judge Dread Stallone judged still on Judge we've looked at both of those movies and not only that we did videos on them okay there's one thing I think we are in agreement on this movie okay something that doesn't hold up it's the one thing it's stop motion or it's it's a it's something it's puppet work yeah it is really what it is it's when RoboCop finally uh sorry when the old man fires dick Jones and then it cancels out RoboCop's directive four that he can't arrest or or otherwise uh riddle with bullets and ocp employee uh and he shoots big Jones a whole bunch of times and then he pulls out a window uh and that's all great that's all that's all great up until that point oh my God there's the point where Bob Morton's Buddy's like yeah get him RoboCop yeah I love that guy I do not have the actor's name in front of me but uh what incredible performance from that guy just it's on the screen just being a great buddy and I love that yeah but yeah but when when uh when Dick Jones falls out he just becomes this he's got Kermit arms is what happens with that guy and I feel like you know we we often get you know people like Corridor crew you know amazing VFX guys will add some visual effects to some scenes or like you said smooth out the movement of Ed 209 yeah but all I'm saying is like shave off six inches from each of that arm each of those arms you know and it's the perfect movie it that being said it's great it's a great moment yeah because it looks so weird yeah yeah yeah yeah uh also great Nancy Allen is great yeah as Lewis at least in part because it's not a romantic relationship yeah like they're just work buddies yep for that 15 minutes before Murphy gets riddled with bullets but there but you know she's confident she's cool yeah I love that she recognizes who he is kurtwood Smith of course says it's Clarence botica with his little Heinrich Himmler little glasses just a perfect does that mean anything no I wouldn't think so just a weird future 1980s psycho with big slacks on boy does it ah those slacks are so big just just complete disregard for everybody around him and his crew just great faces and just great reacts you know we've talked about this before and you might see it in a car chase in say like a Marvel movie where it's all black SUVs and all the villains henchmen are just kind of like guys that vaguely look the same tactical-ish and you sort of lose track of how many there are and what happens where is this yeah they all have their personalities and their big hair their big hair they're big slacks one of them melts yep he melts it gets melted melts that's memorable there's effort in the little details as I understand it uh Paul verhoven passed on this script originally yeah he's like I don't get this no I don't get that I don't even think he read it I think his wife read it all right and then was like actually there might be something going on here yeah it might be something just under the surface I don't know if that's true Paul you could use some of your famous satire and he's like I won't be doing that I do not believe in satire I will not do you know what it's time for what's the temple it's time for this section of the show where we do a little bit of trivia this time it's called trivia cop thank you what about atab what do you call it a tab atab all trivia are bastards okay Peter well so related though no related Ultra me is this is a bastard to put together yeah I bet I've watched a bunch of behind the scenes it's a lot of it's pointless a lot of them just feel like promo it's just promo being like I love working on this movie and I'm like I don't believe you I don't get that this took me 11 hours to get in this suit and then I had to act Peter Weller only wore the top half of the RoboCop outfit and underwear in the car otherwise he wouldn't fit there are no complete shots of him getting out of the car similar to Batman 89 actually in Sacramento California a robbery suspect it's a true story fled into a darkened movie theater to escape pursuing police sounds like the movie Robocop oh yeah he became so engrossed in the movie Robocop which was playing on the screen that he failed to notice that the police had evacuated all the other patrons from the theater when the lights flipped on the stunned man was taken into custody when the lights flipped on do you mean at the end of the movie all I was gonna say did he get to finish the movie it did he stay till the end of the credits the cops were like no no let him yeah there might be something after the credits let him have this before we take him out of the car park and beat him up because of the hands of the RoboCop suit were made from foam rubber the car keys in that scene where it catches the keys would bounce off Peter Weller's hand every time he attempted to catch them the production took up to 50 takes and an entire day's worth of filming before finally getting that shot right that's like that uh Spider-Man yeah Toby Maguire took a million 156. other movies we've both watched and done videos on had they considered just have putting the keys in his hands and then reversing the shot no okay they didn't obviously they obviously didn't consider that yeah well if you you know if you're Paul if you're ever in that situation again Paul and Peter if you're ever in that situation again what I recommend putting the keys in his hand and reversing the shot I'm just saying also like Ted McGuire cordon and Thai try food that's true it's more impressive catching a set of keys a dog could do that last bit of uh trivia I would love to do that yeah I know last bit of trivia former president Richard Nixon was hired to promote the home video release for 25 000 he donated the money to the American boys club also you're not gonna believe what the American boys club have recently been in trouble for Mason is it using 25 000 for too much good no it was no they no it's bad oh they do bad they do bad stuff that's a shame the suggested VHS sale price for the movie was 89.98 wow they were expensive weren't they that's a wow that's talk about a dystopian future my goodness wrong wow my goodness you could build my own RoboCop for that are you good at the box office for this on a budget of 13.7 million dollars brought in 53.4 million okay which is exceptionally good considering that it's obviously for a very specific audience right yes you know of a certain age but the biggest movies of that year were things like three men and a baby and Fatal Attraction which had similar budgets that they brought in one of them 240 million and the other 320 million but I guess the thing about those movies compared to this one was but this one has franchise and merchandise all potential very true yeah because next week of course we're going to be coming back to RoboCop number two have you seen it yeah interesting Irvin kirschner directed he did the guy who directed Empire Strikes Back for people who don't know he did wild wild yeah that's a good movie I've been in the meantime if you do want to say that earlier you can actually head over to well guess what you say what well oh what okay didn't have to think no you say you just don't have to think you say what what you don't have to say anything funny or interesting what unless you want to no okay you've given me an out and I'm taking it what the videos always get done early and they go up there by at least a day often too and in addition to that those bonus movie commentaries there's video game Let's Plays there's bonus podcasts right our podcast the weekly planet where we're talking movies and comics and TV shows that comes out there Sunday as opposed to Monday we talk the big movie news of the week don't we mates I love big new movie news and you can love it too with us or just be infuriated by it though just be like oh why is this happening are they making this yeah why and I'll algorithm an algorithm probably yeah or a lunar ticket the head of something yeah and that's very on brand for something but I just can't I know I can't see it either yeah I wish movies meant something anyways well too bad anyways thanks everyone thanks uh very much grab that gem you guys oh and also um now you finished here just go up to that search bar and type in uh RoboCop fatal farm and you'll see the video of Robocop shooting like 100 guys in the deck yeah and it's it's very explicit oh yeah you should know that going it is not safe for work or anywhere foreign yeah
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 373,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet
Id: f6X3kJhGOVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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