Scooby-Doo 2002 - Caravan Of Garbage

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that's incredible about this episode that we're doing scooby-doo 2002 yes we're originally doing goldeneye uh-huh it was pretty much locked in uh-huh we'd watched it it was ready to go then the table's turned on the poles on patreon and scooby-doo broke ahead somehow why'd you even put it on the list I don't know I put it on there cuz some people saying it I didn't think it would actually work so you just heard maybe from like your windows someone say scooby-doo do you think maybe was just a man who named it these dog scooby-doo it's entirely possible anyway here we are yeah this movie I'll leave a like if you can if you can support us on patreon that'd be great obviously you don't have to be asleep one's easier than the other currently yeah sure supporting us on patreon definitely where are you with the history of scooby-doo your fan - absolutely no I mean it was one of those ones that was on TV before school maybe sure and I always found it frustrating it's look it's one of it the classic ones where Carrie literally the same story every time it's the same story every time and the characters on screen is searching for some clues and you're like well obviously it's under the rock that is a different color from the background rocks because that's the animation is so oddly specific in shape that only the drawing of the removable rock is different yes absolutely and you know I'm the same with you I'm aware of all the trope yes you know I like the idea of it yes and I also I like the team and I like a lot of the characters that are in it but it was the thing that I would watch if there was literally nothing else on yeah but then hanna-barbera the creators of scooby-doo had this sort of Renaissance where they did Harvey Birdman and sort of these more no I wouldn't say mature but kind of like self-aware poverty parodies they're all stuff Space Ghost Coast yeah absolutely and I guess this this movie is sort of it's not quite in that era but it sort of included a basket of like hey you remember this we're gonna make fun of it we're all we're all in on the joke and let's kind of have some fun with it it definitely feels more like a throwback and that probably has to do with it was a long time coming this live-action the 90s Jim Carrey was gonna be Shaggy Mike Myers was gonna be in at one point Kevin Smith was gonna direct it all of those things are the most 90s things I could all say this is the most 2002 thing that's ever been said I mean the cast alone yeah it's a terrific cast and every one of them we might as well name them because if we don't people will be like what did you name that little it is in this the SLC punk himself is in a movie called SLC poco saying that although you're gonna say hackers aren't all he's also in hackers sorry he's also in happiness but also in memes now he's right of me Freddie Prinze jr. yeah Sarah Michelle Gellar real-life couples gonna say a Freddie Prinze jr. of Wing Commander fine oh my god and Matthew Lillard Linda Cardellini great terrific Neil Fanning as the voice of scooby-doo and Mike McGraw as himself rise own we rehearse that no we did it everything we do spontaneous jokes how dare you okay so the reason sugar ray is in this is because it was 2002 yeah but also they wanted Weezer no probably should grade and I especially like that what he does now he goes on the Slayer cameo and he does breakups for you if you need them Wow but also too much of a coward have you seen the viral video where somebody calls in sugar gay kid yeah I mean he probably gets that a lot I'd imagine it would add up so I just want to clarify a couple of things one I did enjoy this movie hmm I don't know what how you thought I was gonna feel about this movie sure but secondly I'm sure there are people who are watching this video who were not born when this movie came out yeah so they're not aware of the era that was 2002 mmm this is 2008 if you're looking at it like why are people dressed like this why is their hair like this why are people saying the things they're saying and acting the way they're acting it's just what it's just all we had yeah you forget you don't realize when you read it if yeah except looking back if you if there were haircuts that were just like a really sort of violent center part and then it was long there were haircuts where people made like a hundred little spikes yeah there were people who wore like Argyle sweaters and big cargo shorts together just the way we live it was hand in hand yes I hated this and I know it's a throwback uh-huh and I know there's a lot of love for this yes and it's exactly what's supposed to be yeah you cannot fault this for being scooby-doo down to an absolute tee apparently it's not though it's not how it was originally intended to be was I supposed to be dark it was intended to be darker and sort of not r-rated but more kind of like or an incisive parody yeah and I feel there are touches of that and apparently no no is the answer everybody apparently signed on yes feels like that expecting it to be you know how now we always get grim fan reboots like yeah you know that grim fan reboot of Power Rangers stuff like that it was intended to be more like that okay and you know like that's a bunch of kids solving mysteries but but now they feel the real repercussions or whatever exactly but any I think the tone was changed and a lot of rewrites were happening so it became sanitized that falls in line with the person who wrote the screenplay I'm scarred James Gunn so again aside from the fact that there are real monsters in this yes which is not really a thing in scooby-doo I know it has been a thing in some different versions of but at the end you know it's always a man in a mask which is which is how it opens at the start yes is that the start they're doing the thing that happens in the cartoon yes and again it's exactly like it's supposed to be and I'm like this is exactly how I remember it except it's people running around like a weird haunted house yes I'm like it was like you know they're like no no when like when they they solve that mystery they take the mask off and then it's kind of like we always do this and I'm the smart girl and I'm you know and I'm the dumb on who always gets captured and I'm just moving the bags and then I when they all quit it you didn't like that at all and again I think everybody's really good in this full credit to Matthew Lillard for acting across from nothing for this into I think right there's no man in a ping-pong suit in 2002 for this movie that's right it's just him going nothing and we'll look and in the spirit of hanna-barbera cartoons of old yes the CGI is very noticeable and very it's it's very out of place like it's all sort of fade yeah like it feels very kind of you settle into scooby-doo himself you do because it works you do very good the performance and all I think works but the real monsters that appear not good and spoiler alert for when scrappy-doo turns up which is apparently a big point of contention for this movie because people like he's not the villanies puppy power or whatever and obviously the halt does a heel turn yeah like that's an arrest firstly when you kind of look inside the monsters scrappy-doo let's do it cuz that's interesting because that's a character that I'm sure people hated when because it was a later introduction exactly it was like a Great Gazoo coochy coochy coochy so good the perfect example yeah and but then of course nostalgia scores people to go how do you change this guy into the villain yeah come on come on it's characters you everyone hated this with it came in I'd everyone hated the cartoon to be feared the one joke I kind of liked in this when they were like he's not even a puppy he's just got a glass so no hit disorder worry this is stayed small and main that's that's pretty funny but he's a question for you I'm ready does it depress you that if scooby-doo was real he would be long dead by now yeah he would be in his you know late 40s 50 sure and he's had he's had a long dead dog does that make me said an old man with a long dead dog a little bit now that you mentioned it hadn't even thought about it at all but now you've brought it up yeah thanks Carl thanks a bunch but also he's died guess he's a magic dog doesn't it yeah I just feel like this movie and please don't ask me specifics on this because I don't have any doesn't make any sense like none of the show Civic no none of the character motivations like the interactions between people the plot the villains hell there's real monsters and it's like a diamond in a dog's chest that turns him into a Hulk dog magic whatever but to me this movie is just screaming and running and dancing and farting in whatever order the length of it and then it finishes and there's also different variations on the scooby-doo song for well as several like I can't tell if they're like is it the same long song series of covers I think it's covers but I also didn't recognize any of the bands specifically and I wonder if they were just like session musicians or it was like the 2002 equivalent of like Sean Paul and pitbulls got in the hottest artists of 2002 to do those also we should have mentioned this before but scrappy-doo wasn't originally supposed to be the villain it was gonna be old man Smithers the luna ghost was gonna be revealed but I don't think that would have been I wanna get better cuz it's like remember that guy from earlier you did that exactly except this dubby bill for some reason yeah so you also mentioned now there was that kind of that version a little bit edgier yeah it's supposed to be pg-13 I got some more things that were supposed to be in it okay I'm gonna get a lot of flack to saying I don't like this crap well GUI I didn't love it and I certainly I doubt I would have gone and watched this on my own for me there was enough in it to warrant the watch I think okay fair enough but I also feel like it could have been much greater especially if they'd gone with this angle the people who've never seen it you should probably track down mystery team yes it's sort of an original take of kid mystery solvers who grew up and never quite outgrew yeah whereas the rest of their world did yeah it's got Derek comedy which includes donald glover and two other people it's also great names escape me right now but also great yes so the pg-13 version was gonna be a shaggy was gonna be a stoner which is always kind of my god but in this one instead he just falls for a woman named Mary Jane that's right i Australia's own isla Fisher so she's got a ghost in her or something or a monster yes there's a bit where you see kind of under her face yes yes so when this soul gets pulled out of them and the monster gets in this monster wearing it like a skin or what what what what what what yep well this isla fishes first maybe major Hollywood coming off the back of home and away in Australia and so this was for me oh yeah I didn't recognize many other Australian actors except for Michala Banas from clouds daughters of course the place Carol the woman who lifts up a man appear or something terrific Velma and Daphne also had a side relationship yeah and James Gunn also confirmed the original cut got an r-rating and their to use CGI to cover cleavage okay which I did not notice in this film but uh Ben do a quick scan but again look I can't fault this I say I hate it yes it's just not for me yeah and then and I think that's and that's okay because you don't have to not everything is for you but that's what I thought also while watching it who is it for because I guess it's for people who remember the cartoon yeah but are okay watching kind of a middling movie that pokes a little bit of fun at it but not lots okay sure like if it laid heavier into it like it was a Brady Bunch like I think it maybe it would have worked a little better if they lived in a world where there was a relatively normal world and they're still unmasking villains and people like why why are you doing this why do you all drive around in a van see that's what I think that is more interesting because the idea that it's just like that it's just real monsters at the end and it's like a gem more curse or whatever it's supposed to be it's like okay sure I just don't think that's interesting are you gonna do that go all out on being real monsters and they're all just completely baffled by it yeah and people being murdered people being murdered yeah but I think again I think this is a case of instructions were sent from above making a movie like this yeah once you started in motion and sets are being built and see to our monsters are being created that's it I'm sure it's hard to make a left turn in the middle of production and go yeah let's make this darker or you could very well be right I've got one more thing to mention before I've got some some alternate titles which I think everybody who's gonna enjoy if you invented these alternate titles we'll find out won't we oh my goodness Freddie Prinze jr. shaved his head because of the blade it was like this is ruined and I can't feel less that's absolute commitment to that's look uh-huh apparently he hated the Ascot and quite frankly I think everybody looks great in their little outfits I also had a budget of 84 million dollars but it made turnitin 5 million warranting the sequel which we'll come back to next week you know what I say Mason I feel like Scooby poo more like Scooby boo more like Scooby don't more like Scooby loo as in toilet well like Scooby shoe but a shoe that I don't like I don't like it okay I think this is an alternate title Scooby Doo a movie I quite enjoyed to be honest having gone into this yes I'd like to know if people would watch it now what they think of it if they've never seen it yeah and the other thing is I think I might actually enjoy the second one more because I know exactly what this is yeah it's true yeah also you get a double shot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer alone Seth Green is in the next one oh my goodness that's right that's all I want in my life anyways it's been caravan of garbage believe it or not but believe it we do this every week and the topics are decided by you some of them I'm literally scooby-doo for now all the spin-offs Daphne and Velma spinoff yeah will do Scoob I don't want to do it though it's some prequels apparently well we can talk let's talk about that now so I think the prequel films exist because the second one didn't do as well and also if they did them following on that dog would eventually die so they're gonna go back your dead dog hypothesis exactly brought that to the end of the video as well just in case people had forgotten like what if a sad old man had a dog that he was his best friend and maybe his only friend and then the dog died yeah also of course you have a podcast called the weekly planet where we talk movies and comics and TV shows that comes out every Monday morning it's like this for good oil no this is what I see is kind of like this isn't it yeah exactly often there's less focus though yeah definitely yeah but that's that's the video and we'll see you next week I guess rap dad um you guys we'll see you next week at Wikipedia Brown Nick Mason Twitter that's my mr. son and movies Twitter Twitter's nice
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 743,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, matthew lillard, scooby-doo full episodes, scooby-doo trailer, family adventures, scooby-doo movie, scooby-doo song, scooby-doo theme song, scooby-doo scooby-doo, scooby-doo where are you, scooby-doo full movie, scooby-doo 2 monsters unleashed, scooby-doo 2 full movie, scooby-doo 2020, scoob, sarah michelle gellar, scooby doo, scooby doo 2002, matthew lillard shaggy, matthew lillard scream, matthew lillard interview
Id: CmHPVU913pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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