Becoming 100% BUFF BABY in Roblox!

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[Laughter] you're probably wondering why we're crying it's because we're baby noobs but no longer shall we be baby noobs we're gonna become the strongest i look like my favorite food hickory sticks we will become the strongest roblox players in the world [Music] our trainer today is going to teach us how to get back and don't [Music] you're not strong enough look i'm one of the most beautiful wait that's too much feathers gold are you all are you having a problem over there i don't know if you can drag them let me grab a bunch of feathers it works let's go look at draco okay i want that many feathers my truck was so strong okay this is amazing wait a minute hey there's a duck over here i'm stuck anybody without going without the let me pull these feathers across what is the workout station is this where we lift weights and gets very very strong don't forget your legs look a little draco go wait jackal's becoming look at me look at my legs chocolate pizza draco you're missing leg days about okay you gotta go to like skipping like days white okay okay let me try it one three two what one two they're really good at it three how are you guys doing what to work out i need more energy which requires rope take turns please [Music] okay this are you nothing i'm gonna become the strongest in roblox you've ever seen oh i'm weakness look at the amount of snacks we can pull down hold up you guys work out your little tiny noobs i'm buff funny now and i'm going to go see what's up whoa luna's drinking much look at how many ducks i can walk with okay can you grab this many ducks and pull like me look at this i could drag it straight across see that i am all my wow um gold hawaii gold what luna's actually flexing on you gold you can't the strong weightlifting center strong you oh i see her she's right there she's blending with the building baby hello baby noob excuse me who are you calling for your eyes she's no longer a baby noob yeah whoa i feel like my bones are going to break soon watching rainbow becoming so bad am i the strongest no rainbow i'm the strongest i will be the more powerful you think you can beat me the weak noob you ready see this power squat squat something exercise people things look at that form inspirational quick platform other things resting do it what now i'm a noob i need to spend more robux i don't feel strong enough you've been little bending robux maybe little baby gold you got this you lift those marshmallow weights yeah let me lift this look my hips are growing okay that's really great i will be strong one day i will grow i'll be your what is that thing called not tormentor spotter spotter mentor no the other thing the other thing where like you help people lead the way come on guys no trainer the other word for tormentor you know what it is someone has i don't know what you're talking about why are you tormented [Music] is phenomenal oh my gosh look at us look at us no no you're thinking about the poor in you yeah rainbow so tiny but powerful is it your pets that you bought perhaps where are you going yes it is he's going to the trash can pets come on i'm going to the next world jack why do you even do it there you go okay there we go we're good can we go to the next world we have i think we can enough strength we have like more grab the dumpster why am i small and buff and you're tall watch this you see this i'm moving it oh can i get here what i feel powerful okay it does nothing well i'm gonna drop it here cuz that's how a buff i am come on little tiny people go into the next world who are you calling tiny um what's in there you rainbow you think don't go you're bigger than me you're so strong yeah i'm really strong um well there's no way i'm not getting stronger from this i have to you know just throw some robux at the game because i haven't been throwing robux at games lately you know i've been playing with you yeah i miss throwing robux so let me buy a couple of stuff double the energy and times okay i already have that i don't need walk speed i never need walk speed i don't need to walk that fast let me grab this medicine ball balls aren't as heavy as toilets let's go i mean it looks like a beach ball where's the place where we work out this is the biggest taxi over here hello gold hi excuse me what rainbow's a strong noob hello strong noob i am now a massive noob well massive noob i'm gonna reverse you into squatting oh i'm gonna out two squats are you sure look how strong rainbow's getting seven squat eight [Music] what is a strong noodle can we go and eat a big great dish it's a strong noodle yes yes you can wait i agree let me get some protein strength so i can become powerful i'll treat you some barbecue oh no i don't need barbecue i need protein what yes a protein barbecue i shouldn't have worn sleeves because they're gone now what happened to your sleeves rainbow powerful this place is too tiny for me hello tiny girls let me grab a tire why are you guys so big i want to be big like you well girls you will never become humongous and strong as us fine i'll train you do you see this so first you're gonna pick up this tire gold yes i thank you now drag it good job i am the hulk she's tiny but mighty oh yes once you become strong you can just become powerful like me like get so big why are you stupid oh my god skinny ripped i'm skinny don't even know at this point but look how buffalo okay ready look our kids just dragged this across excuse me may i ask what you're eating because like oh my goodness you're growing at like oh what i'm eating i'm eating the most nutritious things the secret is i downloaded crew eats and i became this powerful oh no she just did not i thought you heard i thought you were gonna say protein oh yeah and tons in tons of protein do not trust me i only eat strong man simulator protein bars are you gonna lift it i lifted it for everyone i want to eat this i mean look how gigantic it is it's the same size can you guys make it to the next world i'm like i got to become so tall this is rainbow's world you have to see this this is ice cream no it's food this world looks delicious wait can you all go through because i moved it is that how it works no it's not it's different okay cool all right so all right what should we live we gotta eat because like to grow big and strong you gotta eat it looks like we have to grow we have to grab soda this is so cool look i'm just dragging soda across to the next line draco are you sure you want to hold that too much no it's too much hello gold i made it in they like you guys what's our motto here we exercise so we can eat let's go we exercise so we can become the most powerful person and then use our strength to punch the like button and subscribe what you thought i was gonna say something violent huh tiny little human yeah okay you are not strong enough yet funny look look i can grab all the sushi and run across the ability to grow amazes me you know the big burger the big burger okay but these are french fries my favorite [Music] whoa i have to move a deep fryer i wonder if i can move this wait what she can oh okay help wait there's also a pie you can only gold needs help i thought you were training me to become you but you just left me it was squishy i'm sorry okay [Music] i'm trying to train her but she wants to rush it through life you can't rush it through life goals yes you know what and you can do anything you rush and you become strong you're ready to see how powerful i am when i can move this entire turkey three turkeys to be exact look at that those aren't regular-sized turkeys those are turkeys for giant yes fit for me the strongest roblox player gold is the cutest i root for her to be the strongest look at her that's true she has perseverance i do you want to see me pull a big turkey oh yeah actually i would go ahead and even ready inspirational quote you could do what you believed [Music] this is the most inspirational moment of my life look at this yes oh oh leave a quote fold more if you believe more you can more but if it breaks off your hips you can if you break off your hips stop it my problem hey what do you mean it's your problem because it's your head draco and lunar are just over your holy shirt holy it's not worth it just work a little bit like that i can do it without my wiggle look no dragon it's baby steps always been baby steps man no no baby steps only big steps i mean you weak man you should look at rainbow hey this is rainbow is very gigantic but draco i'm not a weakness become the strongest rainbow are you using robux no rainbow's just naturally a tall person i think she's using her she's lying sounds like you're using robots no well the next place it looks like we're just carrying arcade machines so i might as well grab everything because that's how strong i am even a basketball hoop wow look at me drag all this stuff flawlessly well guys see you later this is too easy for me no don't leave us look at her she's almost done she's she's going by herself i actually almost done the game next world you are wait how fast am i speeding through i see arcade you're going so fast through life you're not even noticing how strong you're getting that's true sometimes you gotta go fast in order to beat everyone i gotta carry these vegetables across oh wait you're jinxing me i became strongest but pulling this stuff is getting more challenging what is this all right let's grab an eggplant a bay of hail and why not attract it because in life and you're not two tractors i'm weak charcoal jinx to me no i can't pull the tractor i pull it so slowly i'm i'm giving up you're getting weak no oh oh my gosh i could only pull this across you know what i think i'm getting yeah you're right i am getting weak but what is this blocking the entire map what is this do i just like push it now that i'm a big chunker i could carry this distracted across that's right i am strong enough now to finally leave everyone please meet at the drawbridge this is where we will wait up for us what you're strong enough wait up for me i'm a spicy noodle spicy noodle okay i'm gonna try pulling down this drawbridge while you guys get your butt here but i'm actually struggling i'm getting it's getting pulled back uh oh this is a problem i'm not strong enough that you go drop please don't go back up thank you i'm not ready for the next level it looks like we're in a castle now i'm finally here gold chunker hey yeah gold i don't think you can carry that how do you know i'm a conqueror funny anything is possible you're too weak watch i've i struggle to even grab this hydra look whoa whoa whoa do you see this teamwork we push it for you it's i'm two week olds i have to go work out my muscles wait there's some new weights over here ah it looks like we turned powerful enough to lift a giant sword with two shields attached that's how powerful we've become look oh wait a minute i'm strong wait i'm a baby bear and i'm a weak bear what the heck no i'm a bear now i'm very powerful can i move this hydra wait i have to go check up on the other mini people hello oh one two three four four deroco i am down the door how are you so big i finally got to the castle 2001 where is i think i'm getting too strong you know what baby gigantic everyone's big yeah but i think this is enough for me i think i'm strong enough rainbow you're not strong until you can see over this fence that's how you know you're the strongest god i'll never be strong with you it's okay i can share my strongness with you look at me i'm funny the strongest oh cool i get it i'm the almighty let me just grab this i just got here do not leave yeah you just got here please don't move on don't leave us oh no she can't move at all see ya this next i think this is the last level it looks like it's a steampunk level and is this the last level i can't really see there's so much fog you want let me just get that too big let me move this butt i'm too weak i can't okay fine let's see what this level has for us for us to carry little baby robots i'm just gonna start with the last robot because as a bear bears are like super strong they should be able to carry anything this is gonna get quite impossible should i roll a pet i feel like i need a pet what let's roll yeah let me roll for a pet let me use some energy on it roll foot pet i have a planter how's the planter gonna help pets it's already clipped it gives me some energy it's like super tiny beside me let me carry this planter what i can't even carry a planter a robot i forgot in my tiny human brain as a big bear i forgot that robots are heavy and made out of entirely metal up this is gonna be a problem guys don't make it to this level it's not worth it i'll i'll just go to the disco level i'll tell you what it is thank goodness wait you're telling me at the end we can dance yeah i think so this little robot ever gets across my hardest to finish all right let me do some squats come on i need to get real buff so your strength right now to get to the level i'm at you have to be at like 7k strength are you guys there yet oh halfway i'm only at two i'm at three that's nearly impossible okay should we retire no time no guys i want to dance i have been reinvigorated going to dance i see gold pulling stuff back there everyone is here but this is an actual struggle except for the lord here i can we're strong buff carry three robots buddy no no you can't carry three like by the time i get here i probably waste more points pulling it you should talk in slow motion i'm a tank but i still can't pull these robots okay i got it slow motion lunar are you still alive i don't care i am weak and what's wrong with that you must come join in your family we are all here jordan's family is retiring don't be able to go to the dance club don't give up the dance club is tired okay diver bot look i'm a strong tank and i can barely pull the little robot across draco what are you pulling what the i want to dance now it's not worth it you're gonna break triangles come back let me we could just crawl under it let me just that's so true let me just pull this let me just just let it stay remember the good old days when we were tiny we were i have reached 10 000 strength and i am still weak i cannot even carry a robot luna are you tired [Music] no draco i this macho man will become stronger what you're macho man no no you're still tinier than me what's your strength right now dracco huh okay now i'm at the same level 10k 10k well you're way too close okay you know what that's not even enough energy for this squat squat squat squat squat squat squat squat squat i'm a savage they carry this you know what carry the spider bot wait you're not even gonna what the heck it's working it's moving you just need to be a savage no it's not even moving no it's not you're literally staying in a spot it is working okay bye-bye fire fire no way no way no way what let me drop this get out of here yeah you guys just need 10k come on push you see this i'm only at four lunar i'm sorry you can't dance with dominator today please let let's cringey funny in because of that horrible joke please be there deal emanator oh my god ew i want to run to atlantic ocean apparently we've been in here for too long okay i'm good all right see you guys later this is the last stop for me whoa oh this is it dracco the disco this is the day dj is here here dj let me get you across there is the dominator yeah it's me i'm the dog and this exit just leads us to another way which i'm pretty sure you have to become the most powerful person to open this door well if you made it to the end of this super strong video make sure to leave a comment down below of a dancing emoji so you can dance with us we made it to the disco i need more space yes party forever i'm gonna devour this place no no you do not devour [Music] [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,796,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox family, roblox funny, roblox itsfunneh, roblox funneh, funny roblox, roblox strongman simulator, roblox strong simulator, roblox power simulator
Id: slQ6YNw3M7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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