We built a IMPOSSIBLE CART RIDE in Roblox!

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I'm not ready creating our own cart ride see these tracks they're a mess we've played tons of cart rides on this channel but we never created one before and the competition I'm starting off with this we're gonna have to extend the rail track to make it very fun to watch we're gonna add on and I could actually pull this all the way up or all the way down you know if we're gonna make an extreme cart ride like it's never been seen before I'm gonna raise this to the root and place once you hit the tippy top peak you're gonna go all the way straight down this looks horrified all right track Place good testing my ride I don't know if this is safe guys slow down going up going up going up no the momentum I'm always gonna fall off if I want to get zero points I can do this but I don't want zero points yet so we gotta delete this I can also make the track go like this is this humanly possible to go up we're gonna just have to find out placing down the track time to test time to defy all of the physics ever possible so I created some of these little pills so I don't fall off the track and then can we go up like yeah no it doesn't work four cart ride science we're gonna see if this incline works okay here it is guys we pick up speed and oh this is so cool oh my gosh I'm gonna make the sky high roller coaster once you hit the tippy top of this coaster we're gonna drag it out done I'm dropping down this sign and it's gonna say are you ready you know what they're ready for we're gonna keep extending the track and then when they're not looking this track is going all the way down I'm also adding some hammers to the track so people can fall off elegantly I finished decorating my map this is level one it's where you spawn you grab a cart and it says funny Sky High Roller Coaster once you make it past this treacherous path with our swinging hammers a slow downside you meet yourself over here which there is an auto cart spamming bombs the trick is you're not supposed to bring your card all the way till the end you're supposed to jump off your cart jump on this do the simple obvi and then ta-da and then you're greeted with a sign that says winner winner Robux dinner and for the fun of it let's try to make this look like a dinner plate we'll go with a dark green plate and then inside pure green for Robux before inviting everyone in let me do a test just to make sure this is possible we go up whoa whoa I almost fell off the track okay so they don't know the trick but once you get up here you gotta start boosting your speed up more than 50 then once you hit the top where it says are you ready you start slowing down to about zero like when I mean slow you are going down this at an immense Turtle paste look Turtle speed just keep going slow oh oh you see that almost fell off oh there's a bomb this is a dangerous map I created and then the sign says slow down so we're gonna even kick it slower we're at like five speed 30 speed slowing it get it across here oh oh you see that I was so lucky and then once we get up here we gotta take the slope whatever I know it's possible because I created it but then you start getting your cards over here oh my gosh there's a bomb boom you're at level two level two is it possible two do this owl well this parkour pretend that didn't hit me um and winner winner Roblox dinner it's a selfie Place wow amazing Cruise epic cart ride Extravaganza competition begins now now I'll pretend to be care hello gold why should I go to your cart ride welcome to Gold cart ride it's gonna be full of fun and excitement a little bit of butter a little bit of candy everything you've imagined come on Welcome to my car ride sounds like a scam okay rainbow what's up Cartwright or dinner I know right my cart ride is a feast for the eyes I mean oh I'm sorry I'm thinking about hey she just copied me beautiful and you get to find out what's at the end of the rainbow oh that's enticing okay and mine Yuri saw mine you know it's great I am moving on lunar what well I'm one of the few that actually changed my cart ride name that is every paths to choose friends you mean one of two okay Draco what's up mine is just cart right into Draco okay oh that's a really good clickbait well that's good it is guys I think we should check out Luna's first she said she has triple the fun so we have to trust her okay I love triple the fight oh it's the creator of the map Luna whoa It's the Creator I know I'm famous hello does that mean she leads the way um I mean you guys starting off this looks really fun it does look fine okay lunar do we just grab a cart yes just spawn your cards wait what everyone gets our own car oh that's awkward well I was expecting everyone to ride with a spider you know everyone follow the path you must go slow whoa you're going so fast [Music] okay I'm sorry I'm sorry this car ride what's up here it's okay you gotta choose your path but I see the path your customers is that a lie why am I in first person well I said it was meh Draco did you switch the walls on it hey hey I want to go through this I'm going straight you guys go another way okay my car got stuck you go that way rainbows go this way honey I see what's a black wow I see you've chosen the zoom zoom path who's alive oh my gosh you bounce back it's death what kind of cruel joke is that okay Luna the only one is the teacup we literally they're all bad okay I'll go left this time no yeah no there's there's one decent one where there's no this is actually dangerous what okay I'll say every path is a win [Music] um guys that looks dangerous oh I see someone else has Choice has picked the death guys go in the center go in the center she's a troll she's trolling us in the center move you must be wondering why there's so many traps in this and here we go because at the end of it you'll be rewarded I can't even go off yeah you can make it into the pot go go go go go go go oh Slow Down slow down and and at the end of the ride what you'll be rewarded being in a hot tub of matcha tea this isn't matcha tea this is boiled water yeah I don't know occasionally you're supposed to be great I don't know if this is a board or you're cooking robloxian players guys I think lunar click baited us into playing our Obby I had three choices was I wrong I can't even get into the wall rate my Mac um I give it very creative 10 000 scofields hot I give it matcha knife needs more matcha ten minutes eight out of ten because it looks like it's done but at this actually it made me giggle nine thank you thank you I humbly invite you to the end of the rainbow whoa wow very pretty nice um is that a toilet at the end yeah what is that excuse you it's funny going that's not wait what am I going backwards oh two double card let's go Dragon to my destination hey move your despacito you're so bad I like it it's very fun it is transparent though why is it transparent oh it was the despacito spider okay so I wanted to make it feel like you were in the sky you know Limitless transparent I feel like I'm on Rainbow Road I mean I like the swirls [Applause] it's exploding what all right there was a mine in there okay so Rainbow's End was quite this explosive rainbow I rate this it was cute [Music] 7 out of ten Vibes because there's no decoration it needs more decorations there's no rainbow I'll give it a six that's the rainbow the rainbow's right there and at the end of the rainbow where where's the rainbow right there the rainbow is the track can you not see the rainbow okay then rainbow I will give you an imaginary rainbow yeah I give it to you eight imaginary rainbows because she thinks that's a rainbow [Music] get ready to be thrilled hey my coloring didn't save it was supposed to be Butter Land with butter candy yeah see she's going she's going with is that a car guys please I actually decorated it okay okay we totally believe you girls let's go we even have a theme okay slow down you gotta listen to science here okay okay water oh yeah it's a hybrid oh [Applause] look guys it's a water park get out of your car there's no track oh exactly that's why I said it's gonna be a thrill because it's not not a normal cart ride it's a hybrid it's an Obby cart ride now get out of here oh so we're supposed to go really fast and then yep you jump into the pool and then we swim up jumping in the pool all right we're going up we go up oh then outside thinking gold this is kind of quirky I think those are like Smarties how did you know no moon are even better Reese's Reese is smart Reese's Pieces yeah her coloring didn't finish um right here uh oh there was a destruction Zone look now what are you gonna do you're in trouble we're gonna have to run from missiles quick is this a cart ride or is it I don't think this is a chaotic you forgot to add save points gold yeah gold where's the same place oh my gosh everyone because it's a wild ride it's chaotic go despacito I know you're having a lot of fun you have to be patient or else you'll never pass gold your Park is s-u-e worthy I am yeah oh my gosh it's dangerous well this park is actually dangerous it's walking I'm just walking and I'm not saying despacito spiders no no [Music] everyone guys to the Creator duck cart I don't like this I don't like this car ride anymore I don't need to cast this gold I did I did and I beat it everybody you beat have to be patient Draco how do you beat this I don't know this part seems impossible you have to time it you have to time it you have to go run run yeah [Music] you're such a liar okay wait we're gonna wait for it to spawn two one spawn and oh it's too late it's too late nope whatever's at the end of this better be worth it [Music] you know I literally see the ending I'm rushing out of here okay I don't think it's gold wait we got this cart ride this is a scab impossible okay we're gonna wait wait are you scared but it takes like five seconds to get in ready move no move it's about timing everybody go just start PC Draco how'd you get over there oh my gosh funny look I made it you cheater always the end I really hope rainbow doesn't deduct points because I made it okay hybrid we wait we spawn one second Go funny go go oh my gosh it's too late it's too late it's too late it's too late oh my see you have to spawn it right after you're really proving that it's okay I got it I just I paid for response just run into me I paid for a respawn where now swim oh wow I cheated I rate this how Pro you swap through the buttermilk you weigh three out of ten sues everyone Let's Race three out of ten out of ten because it's not butter not butter and it's like the hazards of lunar but less fun don't Less Fun my butt you guys were giving me too would sue again cart ride into Draco with a title like that how can you not click oh my gosh why are you playing hardcore loud rock music out the ambience of the cart ride sets the mood of the cart ride is this what's going on in drackle's head I think so look at this car ride it kind of looks fine my cart ride is the only one that connects so it's a solid to be car ride into Draco it's simple you just have to pass the obstacles I think you're safe because it all has guide rails yeah look at lunar this is not safe come on kind of sick round two let's go okay we ride a car into Draco just because it has rails on it doesn't mean it's not safe okay once we go down yeah yeah whatever who's that someone's stuck on the track hello no it's just me rainbow I'm going backwards rainbow you gotta move wow and then you drive down here to the underground city oh you have an underground okay Jack is actually this is crazy exactly what happens if you're stuck in the underground city I see and you live there now it doesn't make sense now all right uh that's pretty cool this is pretty cool Fun roller coaster yeah and that is car ride into Draco okay I rate car ride into Draco pretty creative I mean the cart attaches smiley faces gold stocks but my duck is not happy it's stuck oh she's I guess she's stuck in the underground I don't want to be in the undercity can the duck make it too no now she's never making it okay no I made it wow and lunar's despacito spider's still spidering is vibing they always say Save The Best For Last that's why this map is called very fun math with no custom picture Press Play I'm expecting a lot oh yes you are in for a treat um welcome everybody to Funny's Sky High coaster the only coaster that exists where the drop is deadly I want to explain to you this is level one I got two levels don't teleport to the other though okay okay so first you're gonna go here quack quack I'm ready go ahead enjoy the costumes spiders swimming it's women you go out of the water um so I didn't know that you could put guardrails on so yeah gold it just keeps going higher and higher it's like I can almost see the light whoa yeah and then you get pulled up come on guys hurry up you're so slow I don't feel well there's no guard Bales okay gold and then gold you gotta go straight down for the job I'm not ready this is the unsafest right oh my God okay how dare you put slow signs yeah I put it when you see it I will sue you funny that's super dangerous how dare let's go despacito gotta listen to the signs again thank you lunar see I told you there's a bomb Luna there's a bomb I don't know why what I'm supposed to do wait for funny to pass it's just a scare YouTube though calm down and there's a Tailgater behind us I don't care what she gonna do whoosh slow down guys float me whoa whoa whoa whoa and then you wait don't well you get a cry I know what I'm doing and then you gotta slow down I'm the creator of this map I know how it works you see you go up this slope where is everybody [Music] slow and down there it's like a tiny bug who is that tell us that's how deep of a dip funny me come on gold hurry up oh no go let's go down now ducky don't do this go just go down the slope it's safe Slow Down slow down slow down no it is my wheels are oh this map sucks gold stop trying to sue the NPC funny here get on the track I'll show you why were you thinking hey get on your goals come on nine as a Creator we should successfully pass this map because I'm pretty sure you talk right Creator yes I tested it without it totally with no jetpack you don't sound like YouTube I tested it so it was possible Right you go up are you ready four slowing down watch this gold you gotta kick it down very slow very insanely slow are you a pro perhaps see I told you see and there's a bomb there and you're like oh my gosh the bomb but it does nothing it's a trick bomb and then you keep slowing down you could say your ride is off the wheels funny is someone hey no walk in the trash I am the creator of this map I know how it works and you let go of your mouse you slow down I told you it's possible you go up oh and then you are met at the hobby level oh an Abby but you just need to what kind of turn is this [Music] you guys teleported didn't you no look at this no jacket oh God you almost fell off okay I don't know what's happening over there it looks like a green orange you know what are those two giggling on what is that way incoming is that a warm I'm trying to figure out I'm coming they're on a train okay [Music] to survive go follow me follow me as they they're gonna fall off cart get a train wait funny funny the Train's gonna fall look what the it's gonna make it this train has magnificent handling okay Luna this is the stop is it and that didn't continue you gotta crawl up here okay and you want to met at the deadly Steep Hill deadly ridges once you get where's the cards um those two you guys could teleport to the second part you ain't going nowhere no I'm coming okay and then you are met over here come on come on hurry up you gotta get past this it's the deadly slope even your mine carts look like they're struggling down it's a diabolical teeth how do we not touch that um funny what is this Donkey Kong yeah you just gotta you gotta get to the top you ready now just go go go go and I'm going on going it's the timing it's the timing to make it don't touch me don't touch me don't touch me no uh you guys so simple I'll show you how to play this your spawn's broken no it's just not you just go to the edge like this honey the bus is still trying no oh did I just see someone fail okay everyone since you are all bad at this all aboard the city tram everyone wow get on you're safe here is this free am I yes it's a free ride and you just have to give 10 at the end 10 Stars once again we gotta go oh [Music] who's the owner of this who has Creator on top of their head me we gotta slow down we gotta kick it down a notch okay we got play very slow because if we go too fast it's game over you guys can trust me I'm the owner of this man if we're successful I will invest in the money thank you no really okay we gotta be careful oh no you see that no way no everybody please buckle your seat belts the next one is gonna be a fast step we're gonna have to speed up and drop ready three two one go go go go go go go oh look at this it's okay you guys are gonna have to make it to the end without me obviously once you make it past the deadly Steep Hill of exploding bombs you make it over here to The Abbey uh this is easy oh what kind of jump is that that's not a real jump um I possibly might have not tested it this is flawed but which way is that the way you take the path or do you take no the railroad because that's my trip oh yeah you guys got trolls exactly I'm gonna make it yeah and at the end you're greeted with the sign that says winner winner Robux dinner see Roblox it's right here it's in this green Bowl this looks like acid now it's it's dinner okay readings please give you exhilarating okay because it's impossible funny and you didn't test it I'll take one microwave six out of ten for improper testing fine whatever guys leave a comment down below whose cart ride do you think was the coolest or the most fun other than that leave a like and don't forget to subscribe if you're new we're crew and bye-bye [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,778,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox funneh, roblox cart ride, roblox cart ride simulator, roblox cart ride itsfunneh, roblox cart ride funneh, roblox cart ride krew, roblox create, roblox create cart ride
Id: dw4maMIOSo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 36sec (1656 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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