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so I thought it'd be pretty funny to wear this face the entire video look how smug I look this game is called type or die die so the point is type the longest answer and you won't die I gotta lose this time hopefully Draco nice faces are a little distracting look forward spelling try to stop distracting us for real medium yes no Luna we're not ready for that okay this is just regular mode name a sport team that is played by teams wait what what um nine letters hockey basketball [Music] how dare you use that what's the biggest word dodgeball name an edible meat uh I want to get the longest word I wonder if this works alligator nope oh chicken oh I put Fried Chicken but I guess Draco has chicken Luna what are you putting I'm gonna put alligator but because you said it um I actually read that okay you know I'm not saying my answer out loud the lava rise with four blocks name a type of snake my and uh Anaconda is there a bigger thing than an anaconda all right feeling kind of small range right now name a Disney princess who has the longest name um oh wait she's gonna copy up oh no no I can't um Cinderella gold hurry up who's broken it was like so many Oh Rapunzel I mean that wasn't actually that long shut up it's creativity Draco okay give us another one name a month in a year which one it is oh I spelled it wrong oh my gosh November February when are you ready September February to October that's too short Draco looks too smug there let's get him name a popular desert oh I mean name a popular dessert dessert ah my favorite what no way oh she spelled crumble cheesecake hey shut up Luna shut up right now you guys I wanted to troll you I wanted you to type in a desert okay but you did it delicious I see draco's being very competitive wait it's gonna rise in 22 blocks name a thing that is cold [Music] um it doesn't work the top I Rise what refrigerator there you go okay 22 blocks hopefully oh wait popsicle I should have put popsicle I don't feel so good wait Luna let's team up let's team up lunar you want to be friends eight blocks just tell me just tell me your longest word oh uh name a fast food restaurant McDonald's I think McDonald's is the longest I think Burger King has Burger King little try Burger King oh my gosh I can't believe this Dairy Queen Rock Kentucky um Kentucky Fried Chicken name a type of flower um uh this one what what happens [Music] okay gold you better start packing name a character from SpongeBob SquarePants pants Oh I got this in the bag the longest one Squidward actually it's got the longest is Sandy Cheeks [Music] you betrayed me name a cardboard you didn't you didn't ask um that Volkswagen was long but I guess not it just sounds long I know Volkswagen it's gonna rise in 11 blocks I think I'm gonna die all right name something in the bathroom um shower bathtub oh wait this has to be long oh yeah toilet paper you can combine two words okay come on come on to the lava it feels hot down here it doesn't look so good name something in a taco okay rainbow I need help uh uh um what's the yummy green sauce but I don't remember so right now I'm just gonna put Casey name something you would find in a kitchen um wait microwave okay go go go go go go go go we better hope that is oh fire extinguisher no no oh cutting board guys let's go let's go wait what no I what no I only got smoothie chocolates what I died name a type of wood oh we got Walnut we have Birch we got it no words no you're gonna get burnt [Laughter] I am the winner you know what I say we pick easy name a popular soda oh oh Coke Cola my favorite Mountain Dew rainbow versus Coca-Cola rainbow I Think You're Gonna Lose because you wanted to put in your face I don't care name a potato chip flavor okay we got ketchup we got my favorite too sour cream hey onion and the best chip flavor out there hmm yes I think barbecue name an ice cream flavor wow really long ice cream my favorite um pineapple pineapple ice cream mmm final ice cream sounds good maple walnut doesn't exist mint chocolate can't complain oh I should put it inside fast enough oh someone should have put cookies and cream oh I forgot about that well it's too late now looks like we're all even here name a day of the week uh no let's go I know this is the longest day wed Nest day that's how you remember stop saying your answers you're giving them free points Wednesday is the longest everyone knows that Vanessa is name a natural disaster that's a really long one I got one we got Earth hurricane earthquake earthquake I wonder if meteor shower would have worked hmm I don't think come on give us a good one name a Disney movie I got it I got one that's super long and I'm not gonna say it Wreck-It Ralph oh Alice in Wonderland yes the longest word huh come on give me another easy one 34 blocks oh you're so dead Drago name something you would bring on a camping trip uh a tent oh wait I got a word a fishing rod even though I don't fish not sleeping bag guys that's a long word uh oh say bye bye everyone no I'm not going anywhere I'm still here yeah I'm sorry I'm not gonna swim in the lava today um 11 11. name a school subject oh no my most hated subject what's your most hated subject mathematics social studies language arts also language I don't like math I'm not sure which is longest name something you would bring to the beach sunscreen me too yes you don't want to get Sunny are you kidding me uh surfboard a bucket volleyball wait no volleyball game rainbow yeah but you would bring a volleyball oh yeah technically it is a volleyball uh name a Skittle color what's the longest color this better word my favorite color I agree purple I also agree rainbow knots wow because rainbow was in a color no please scary can you get a 10 block word name a musical instrument I got this saxophone I also wrote saxophone it's too easy not to write clarinet um and then he blocks this Rising I tried to write didgeridoo but I don't remember name a popular Roblox game I hope this game is popular I think it is let's go Aya a royal High yeah 14 blocks me too gold what jailbreak oh you guys should have chosen yeah I tried to type Royal High School but it didn't work and then the time all right 12 blocks combined name a popular breakfast food ooh I don't know I said eggs benedict okay and the villain is down and then it was three of us this is the end name a farmyard animal um oh come on help me help me out guys do this help me out I don't got anything a pig again yay see the smartest one drop here [Music] whoa guys we just like you guys need to go on hard okay finale because I won I beat all of you for once we tried the real challenge is here name a country in Asia oh what's the longest country [Music] you don't know any country in Asia anything oh okay South Korea okay okay this is actually challenging I have to concentrate name one of the seven dwarfs from Snow White dummy I don't know you always say dummy is it down don't tell me I think so don't be grumpy thank you name a Pokemon oh my God no Pokemon yes I got it the best Pokemon Pikachu Pikachu I wrote magic I put Snorlax funny wrote magic I should wrote Psyduck or something name a character from Super Mario oh um this better work please yes yes boo sorry Luna so that doesn't exist apparently name a country in North America um the one that funny cannot say and I can't spell message no you guys country country oh oh oh my gosh United States of America Canada I should have put cannibal you fool um because I never watched it I think it's Phineas oh wait Perry the Platypus I hate you I'm surprised it worked and it didn't cut me off at Perry name a character from Amazing World of Gumball I also don't watch that I don't remember Gumball Gumball it is but we've seen funny clips but I just know Gumball [Music] is there a princess guys I think draco's gonna beat us because he won the Phineas and Ferb section and the United States of America it's getting hot name a country in Europe uh okay oh wow this works good at geography uh yeah guys it's all just geography uh darn it I didn't know it was a country I thought Luigi Lester the third Lord I put Louisiana oh I'm panicking ten blocks is it getting hot I messed up I messed up name a character from The Simpsons I wonder if you can say their last name much Mr Burns you can listen hey buddy is that 10 letters is that 10 letters 12 it's 12. I don't think it is you should have spelled Krusty the Clown but I forgot he existed okay okay we got this we got this next question name a photo oh my gosh I got this aprophobia if I know how to spell it yeah let's go right I forgot all the phobias I'm gonna die oh trypophobia no that's actually phobia I tried to try to work oh no she lies I'm still in the running I can't believe we're still here the country in South America um oh it's too short it's too short oh yeah [Music] Brazil well stop lying to me stop lying to them Brazil I got I got nothing goodbye funny you should study more on your geography not like I copy Jack or anything I did Venezuela oh no name a U.S state Massachusetts oh my gosh I spelled it I did too I did too yeah Massachusetts is that longer is Mississippi wait they survived how are they selling three blocks I think I'm done name a god from Green mythology please give me a long one huh Aphrodite [Music] we're both Poseidon Aphrodite everybody Aphrodite's longer okay chocolate just copied actually no Greek gods I don't wait you can get out of the volcano oh I can't get out I win victory for me winner of the not typing typing to not typing to die spelling bee I win I'm Victorious [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,605,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, roblox obby, story, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox longest answer wins, longest answer wins, roblox trivia, roblox game, roblox game trivia, roblox longest answer wins itsfunneh, roblox longest answer wins funneh, roblox type
Id: GIxcG5olZNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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