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can I come out yet and then you hear a tap on the window it's me [Music] you want bacon were you thinking mother everyone draw the person on their lap oh I gotta draw Draco don't worry Draco I'll make you beautiful you better make me beautiful I'll make you the most beautiful Draco you have ever seen in your entire life starting with dracos gorgeous head and then he got his floofy Draco can I see your avatar here for a second um so my goal is to draw a fluke a floof swoop I got this a little flu and a little a swoop and a little Dippity Doo what is she drawing and then Draco is also having the widest grin in history so his Avatar really shines when it Smiles so we're gonna do a giant grin and we're gonna color in the white adding some teeth marks to show how happy he is and then these eyes that are grinning and for his outfit we're gonna make it simple Boop little arms done some black pants and some nice shoes oh I also forgot the arms there you go obviously I cannot embarrass myself in front of everyone so I'm gonna put on some detailing to this jacket you know we got the hoodie our hoodie right here we got some pockets and Draco loves dumplings so we got Chopsticks here with I can't even see it okay I might need to highlight it that is dumpling I'm Gonna Fill it in white put some texture and then we press apply wow I truly am the cutest Draco ever look at all of them taking forever to draw I wonder if they're drawing amazing things or is it as beautiful as me Draco dumples gold don't you worry I am making you gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gold don't worry about it go that is one of the scariest drawings I've ever seen in my entire life [Music] don't I look like you it's a splitting image hey hey what look wait what'd you do you look like me I do look like you would you oh um Draco why'd you make rainbow so short this is just how it came this is some slander bro are you ready to see yourself funny oh yes funny reveal wait what [Music] um Luna you didn't color in the pants transparent I hope I can fix it it's easy right through those I can see right through your pants ma'am there you go now she's mixed do it you know I literally I don't even sound like that yeah you do it I don't sound like that what the heck okay I'll see you gonna do this you're mimicking me right now no you know what you don't deserve this dumpling hey guys can I come out yet oh my head hey guys hey guys it's me gold I'm ready now ready rainbow can you hide in the house so we can surprise girls is there a mirror rainbow I don't think you know what you did tickles Avatar oh yeah I'm ready to see this we will hide yourself what oh that's pretty good it's actually pretty good okay girls um stand here gold stand here stand here um gold the only way to introduce you to yourself is with a story lights camera action I love a grand fabulous extra entrance on a lovely day just like this crew was having a grand picnic this is me I'm funny I like to subscribe and like the like Luna I hate your impression wait a minute a minute and go wait really the right rainbow totally not Draco we are missing gold gold are you still getting dressed gold takes forever I know right [Music] oh my goodness I am gold extra glamorous gold how do I look oh wow this has to be one of the best drawings I have seen yet he looks like my sleep demon what's your salon yeah I don't want to go to it oh it's just over at that Lighthouse over there oh that likes um wait sorry that Lighthouse yeah okay well I'm not gonna go to that Lighthouse I don't want to end up like that you guys want to get gold a hug should we leave gold on this island I wanna I wanna play on the Seesaw okay let's go play on the Seesaw guys make sure to leave a like And subscribe okay that's it you know what guys I would like to draw Luna now everyone draw the person on your left okay Lena don't worry I'm gonna draw you now Draco goodbye goodbye Draco so if I want to draw a cute lunar I will draw the most adorable lunar ever okay this is going to be tricky but I'll just start with the hair and we're just gonna cross our fingers that this turns out to be lunar oh my gosh the hair color the hair color is neon and it is burning my eyes but that is okay how I like it you know I had to Google this on the internet I'm just I'm technically tracing not really we're gonna draw lunar's Crown all the KF artists do not laugh at me this is pro skills right here of me drawing Luna the best fan art you know you're gonna love this oh I am so excited and then we gotta do the eyes because Luna made such beautiful eyes for me so I will draw lunar cute demonic eyes like this and then we're gonna fill it in oh my gosh she looks scary and put some red just like that you know what we could color shade it too you know we can add a little bit of add a little bit of spice and Luna doesn't like smiling so I'm gonna put a grumpy face on it like every true artist we need to start with just the plain base because without the base how will I be able to draw clothes on this adding her dress on adding some detailing I'll go with this it kind of looks like a pajama dress but she's gonna be okay with it and lunar needs little shoes there you go last but not least if we're gonna make this a meme Luna needs to hold a gigantic weapon yes no and instead of lunar OS saying murbury and family this time she's gonna say I love poo ah [Music] okay I'm ready [Music] what is happening over here how'd you make yourself 3D with the 3D thickness option wait what the [Music] hmm you look like you did a lazy job Draco that's pretty that's pretty bad I didn't have the most voluminous thick hair all right we're gonna sneak in this house you're sleeping at night and then you hear a tap on the window it's me [Music] would you like to see the amazing rainbow sure [Music] wait what she looks even shorter than Myron Jacob where's rainbow oh why am I so tiny you could fit on my hair Revenge Revenge for making that monstrosity earlier and I also I also thought I would add some you know green highlights you know to make Draco a little more spunky whoa Draco um Miss gold hold up I don't know I look so cute you're welcome okay lunar makes everyone cute taller than everyone even thank you remember this made the most 3D okay you know what if these characters are so cute can they go down slides properly does it look cute like an aesthetic I bet you I bet you Draco would look really cute going down we do a slide go ahead Draco was the cutest one sliding down 10 out of 10 cutes thank you thank you I am the real Draco aren't I help I'm stuck in this bag funny doodle reveal from gold I'm coming down with an award for you guys look at my award don't mind my like you spent the most time on the Block see it's pretty cute my lips my eyes my ward is not um okay gold I would rate you more points but like you always make your characters transparent I can see myself through your face I actually love your hair gold funny but I yeah I hate that dress what is going on I don't like it it looks like toilet wearing a towel it looks like a toilet you know Funny's hoodie you guys it has three colors blue white no that's it blue white blue you made a towel that is not the funny outfit the story of why you should never leave family it was a beautiful day at the playground I want to go higher there's never anything fun to do around here go shopping don't swing too high or else you'll escape the playground and yes yes my family is having fun aren't they at the playground my family you gotta stop swinging around You're Gonna Hurt yourselves that is yes yes my family is having fun and even when it turned nighttime the family still played in the park no matter what because little luna didn't let them stop playing and I go home my head hurts my hair is too heavy Luna I don't want to play anymore I'm going back in the house yeah I don't care I'm out of here I gotta go make videos they left little lunar all by herself in the park but what about family um and see you you're hitting me with your hair gold okay now let's actually draw something better so if we want a better storyline we're gonna need a better map welcome to the neighborhoods okay there's some people you want a real story we're gonna need a car and a main character oh okay what um gold you shall be the main character what me Draco you are great at drawing cars you're in charge of the card for the main character Luna you will be the evil character oh fun I can't wait for my rainbow rainbow you have the best one you ready you ready rainbow listen up little Draco you're gonna be the breakfast I love that good good and I hmm I don't know I'm the scene director I will be a back prop I'm gonna be the background prop so I would like to be you know a pot something that doesn't seem like it's too out of the ordinary but people shouldn't be able to notice it we're gonna go for just a green planted Leaf it will look like it's straight out of a paper cut game and probably wondering what type of fern tree this is this is um just a regular Old Fern tree that is made out of paper [Music] um this kind of looks bad yeah I'm floating this is not gonna work I'm going to try starting more simple and making the flower pot our flower pot it's going to touch the ground or else our prop is going to look super out of place coloring it in if I want to make this flower pot stand out we're going to add some shading filling the pot with some dirt I have to add a little Rim around the pot I'm going to add a face first face I'm going to draw on needs to look like me funny my goal is to attempt to draw the woman meme face on Roblox but I feel like I might have some trouble so I might just try we got the eyes we got them black like this and then we got the eyeliner like so with the eyes filling this part with some whites and then it looks like we need to make like a small outline here with a white Dot I mean not bad this kind of looks like the woman face and then we gotta add the eyebrows oh gosh it looks like my sunflower is smoldering it is kind of cute lastly who can forget about the iconic mouth with the lipstick we could draw over and I'm gonna color this in and plop it down boom KF if you're up for the challenge I would love to see this iconic flower as fan art with the woman face of course this this masterpiece is called the funny flower it's one of a kind and it's rare coloring in the petals adding a couple of details to make this flower really Pop I don't even see any green on it but it looks good it's gonna be quite hard to put some green on this pot you know what this looks decent enough this is like the best I got petal here and one petal right here boom a leaf pattern that is decent enough [Music] apply the most beautiful back prop the one that wants to steal all the attention hello everyone beautiful flower pot here gold lunar let's see what you have created oh Tuesday what oh um Tuesday you have some competition gold who's our main character don't worry she's right here [Music] oh oh okay is hurrying oh let's actually forget about breakfast all right we got ourselves a scene guys good job hey friends no more [Music] I'm flower I love the sun I'm a flower I like to have fun I wonder what Mom made us for breakfast Olive I don't know Palm but I hope it's greasy food and since we didn't try enough characters I will be playing the flower Mom oh children I have obviously made you breakfast because I obviously love both of you twins very much this is what I have made for you breakfast two eggs two toast one bacon and my misery I do like myself some misery only one bacon what were you thinking mother oh you two oh is fighting over things to be the same you know I don't want to cook double things every day exactly the same for you do you not love us mother is that a complaint mother you know we don't like complaining you know what I don't deserve this treatment breakfast we're leaving that boom we need Draco get your butt here open this let's go we don't deserve that um as I was saying I bought myself a draco kini and I'm leaving both of you twins you are annoying all right let's go you lost your plant you lost your plant mother that wasn't even assigned for this role anyway breakfast and that was the story that didn't make sense how you guys like it you like it Seven Stars comment Down Below on what story you like the most and like And subscribe like And subscribe because like And subscribe like yes web crew thanks for watching let's go out of here Draco Guinea foreign
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 10,891,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, roblox obby, story, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox game, roblox doodle, roblox be a drawing, roblox be your drawing, roblox drawing, roblox draw, roblox drawing itsfunneh, roblox drawing krew, draw, roblox doodle transform, drawing
Id: a81dWxQhA94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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