Roblox BrookHaven 🏡RP Slender Man (Scary Full Movie)

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oh boy it's night time and i'm hiding in my tree house here at the ranch because it seems to be the only place that i feel like i'm safe from slenderman what you're about to witness is probably one of the most terrifying scariest full of jump scare experiences that i've had in roblox yet i compiled together for you a full movie of the slenderman chapter in roblox from start to finish grab your popcorn whatever you may need and sit back and enjoy the video make sure you're subscribed enable those post notifications bringing the bell making it a good thing all that good stuff and most importantly make sure you're following us on roblox okay so you can play with us sometimes it's pretty cool and get your rosie merch okay based off my beautiful cat rosie you can see her on instagram if you're curious but go get your rosy merch and well good luck with this one guys you're gonna need it you're gonna need all of it that you can get okay okay i see you i see you later enjoy okay guys it is 5 p.m well 6 p.m now to be exact in brookhaven and this is no joke so people have been saying near the barn they can see slenderman in brookhaven no no no please don't don't tell me we have a whole another investigation on our hands today guys this could be bad very very bad we got someone following me already i don't know why you saying yo but i i'm looking for slenderman right now i can't be talking like this is very very serious right now um first and foremost if you haven't guys subscribe any people post notifications i'll read about my goal ding welcome to slenderman in brookhaven the investigation i don't know if you know me but it's me enzo enzo i think i see you commenting a lot on the videos i guess enzo might be joining us somewhat for this investigation but guys i'm warning you this is no joke get your rosy merch today in roblox if you have it it's my cat rosie right here this hoodie everybody's always complimenting the merch make sure you got it okay make sure you got the merch alright so we are going to have to go now guys we got to go we got to go right now we got the daycare let's uh let's go ahead and teleport uh to the to a house of sort i i don't know no guys it's night time we need to hurry up and get to the um we need to hurry up and get to the uh the farmhouse but where's the farmhouse guys let me go to 45 speed here uh i don't know where the farmhouse is i gotta find the farmhouse guys let's go find the farmhouse let's circle around here actually it's on the other side the farmhouse is always on the other side right okay guys geez farmhouse night uh i don't know how we're gonna do this i don't know how look i do i look confident i look a bit like i know something but i really don't okay so uh let's uh let's just go well geez all right so they say if you go around 3 a.m or so near the barn you can see this entity right okay sure but i doubt it i doubt it the slenderman that he's gonna start haunting brookhaven now i don't know if it's true i don't know if it's true um but slenderman slit him in a brickay even surely not uh let's let's see what this is all about let's see what this is all about guys okay there's the barn looks like a pretty typical barn we got the horse barn here i'm not seeing too much yeah i'm not seeing too much down here yeah i ain't seeing too much guys let's go to the top of the barn here let's go to the top of the barn um okay oh look at this guys it's it's a rather rather peaceful night this gives me a perfect time to explain what's going on so i've been seeing countless rumors about slenderman being around the barn and i was like of course i'm gonna look at this of course i'm gonna look at this um let's see if we can find oh whoa i should have moved my house here guys should i make my house here at the barn i could boot up a house here that way we can kind of watch for my house with binoculars let me get off the binoculars right now that way we could just be like all right let's let's take a look around all right let me get my binoculars up oh this is spooky spooky now slenderman in brookhaven yeah right right like yeah right i mean it's not it's not possible all right what's this huh what no no no no no no no no is that what what okay what huh no no no no no no no no no no guys that's not slenderman right i mean please someone tell me that is not slenderman i can't do i can't do it if it's litterman guys like i can't like it that was clearly slenderman that was clearly cinnamon it ain't even 3am yet so the 3am thing is false guys it is definitely false uh i guess we should go over there it was near a tree i i i guess we could okay that looks like him in the field actually that looks like him in the field he he's he's moved he's relocated he's relocated guys all right let's go in our house let's create a house here let's get a house oh my god all righty uh apparently he is taking this serious slenderman is taking this serious all right let's load up our house i didn't even real is he moving guys do you no no nope nope nope get in the house get in the house get in the house lock the house lock the house lock the house lock the house he's moving he's moving he's moving he's on the move all right all right guys let me get in the security camera okay so if he's moving which of my security cameras would he be in do i have like a backyard or something where's my backyard where oh no no look at him look at him look at him look at him look at it okay he's creeping he's creeping he's creeping guys he's creeping oh my god he is creeping why is he creeping i knew it i knew i should not have done this guys i knew it i knew i should not that is totally a subscriber or something guys come on stop it stop oh my god stop it stop it stop it stop it guys now we have a whole issue with finding slenderman no no no this is a whole nother issue guys okay you thought that ghosts were bad in roblox brookhaven you've never seen slenderman have you guys okay if slenderman's right outside our house this isn't good okay so we can't leave our house we're moving into our house now we have officially uh uh we're becoming hermits okay we we are not going out we're not going out let's go see if he's moved let's go see if he can move where did he go oh god where did he go where did he go where did he go where did he go where did he go somewhere who's that who's that who is that is that someone is that a sign i don't know i don't know i don't know this is bad this is real bad okay super bad wasn't prepared eat an apple eat an apple eat an apple all right okay okay so let's just assess what's going on here slenderman is haunting me he's outside my okay remain calm remain calm remain calm just remain calm guys there was a subscriber in the lobby he wanted to look for ghost remember there was a subscriber in the lobby he wanted to look for ghost hold up hold up i gotta tell where is he where is he where is he is enzo still here is enzo still here is enzo's still here i don't know if he's here uh oh my clubhouse see what my favorite youtuber that's enzo that's enzo that's yes i'm here enzo i just found found i gotta let him know i gotta let him know guys we just found slenderman oh my god someone someone someone just got the rosie merch too well shout out to them but right now we're getting haunted i wanna promote the rosingbird wait let me get in is he outside okay let's go let's go uh okay be quick be quick be quick come on come on come on come on okay okay okay okay let me let me let me tell him okay guys i've been eating that apple for like ever why am i the slowest apple eater in history i think i just spotted slenderman um he's lurking out there wait what was he scary he was terrifying this is no joke this is no joke this is no joke guys okay um do not enter no okay so he's not seen slenderman are we paranoid but i was looking for you okay enzo's looking he was looking for us obviously but like so does that mean we're just being paranoid and search for your house well welcome to my home well let me let me welcome him properly let's uh let's uh turn the tv on for him uh let's be nice to our guests uh let me go get him uh a banana we'll give him a banana here there we go i might have me one too they're pretty tasty oh no no no no who's that oh my god it's someone that has the rosie merchant a whole cat outfit on in honor of rosie we need we need to let this person in come on in come on in come on in good day come on in all right let's close it close it okay watch out for slenderman though look at this guys representing the rosie merch uh shout out to my cousin give me shout outs in the video here guys please all right uh let me let me give them a banana let me give them a banana i give my guests bananas guys i don't know why i give all my guests bananas this is a good banana it's good thank you thank you all right guys so this good they like bananas um but all right so here's the problem here guys none of no no one else in here seen slenderman so i i'm having this weird moment where i feel like am i paranoid am i weird i i don't know so uh enzo's on pc2 so he can type really fast but yeah guys i don't i know what we saw i was looking around in my binoculars and i just happened to turn around and then boom there he was where do we go from here do we go back to where we spotted slenderman do we try to see if we can find him again to see what is going on i i i guess uh are you recording yes uh i just wanna yeah i'm looking for slenderman um because like we're looking for slenderman um and this is serious guys like i think this is my first time like yeah guys this is all right let me let me i i welcome them in my house we gotta go back up here though all right let's take a look out let's take a look out um why is there a blue car there there's a blue car behind there guys there's a blue car who's that someone's trying to jump in someone's trying to jump in guys someone has a sign that says i love mom a bit weird but i guess what about let's open this all i see is a person there okay so all they see is a person there okay so slenderman slenderman is it's gone because it's daytime now guys it's daytime so i think slenderman finally up and left he said all right there's nothing for me around there i'm just gonna up and go okay who's this who's this who's this i don't know who that is all right good house oh let me let me say thanks thank you okay oh no someone's ringing my doorbell someone's ringing my doorbell this isn't good this is never good never good never good we were at the barn we now live on the farm we got the ranch right now guys we moved into the ranch by the way we moved into the ranch um i'm just gonna go in here i'm just gonna uh should i should i take a nap should i take a nap i i don't know let's get on the computer let's get on the computer so i don't know if we want to open my doors to anybody right now we have some oh oh geez that's a jump scare on its own look at that thing okay so uh let's see i'll just do i'll pay my bills i'll pay my bills right like let's let's not worry about the things that we've spotted in the past okay slenderman looked a bit weird last time i'm not gonna lie he looked a bit weird um perhaps i i'm i'm getting trolled like i did not think this was happening guys because look look i was people were telling me all the time like oh slenderman could be in brookhaven slenderman can easily be in brookhaven i'm like no you're kidding right then as we get the binoculars we look around we see him off in the distance and for all i know that could be slenderman ringing my doorbell right now guys if that's slenderman ringing my doorbell i'm going to lose it i'm going to lose it guys i'm not going to be able to do it let's see what else is on our computer here uh shopping shopping let's let's buy something you know whenever we go shopping boom let's say let's buy a uh let's buy a um what do we want to buy what do we want to buy we don't buy something let's buy um i'm going to buy a guitar i just bought a guitar instant delivery same day delivery this is better than amazon right here all right look at this boom all right so we don't need the guitar throw it away okay waste the money um all right so all right guys let's just uh let's just brush our teeth um honestly i'm just to go about my normal day in brookhaven like i would it's already 6 p.m i'm brushing my teeth at 6 00 p.m i'm a bit late on that one guys make sure you're brushing your teeth a lot earlier than 6 p.m all right so let's uh let's go ahead all right there we go simple comb my hair you guys know this hair doesn't comb itself anyways all right so let's uh let's comb my hair there boom i don't know who i'm combing i'm i'm pulling myself in the mirror too i i don't know okay i have i have issues anyways all right let's uh let's go guys it is getting nighttime so we could consider going to bed now i know subscribe [Music] hi let me in who are you who are you wait what's going on here whoever's in the house don't ever open it slenderman's joined roblox slenderman outside oh heck no guys the subscribers already seen that slenderman might be outside whoa i might ruin a big fan you're a big fan i'm sorry i'm sorry but i think slenderman is outside right now like i'm sorry wait where's slenderman where's slenderman [Music] he's evolved he's evolved he looks different he looks different and he's evolved he's evolved and looks different oh open the door open the door oh oh my god how did he get in my house how did he get in my house geez that was the scariest thing i've ever witnessed in brookhaven that was the scariest jump scare i've ever had in brookhaven i'm still being watched guys i'm still being watched by slenderman get out of the house quick benzo i did not expect him to actually be there i did not expect him to actually be there okay let's go in here i don't know whose house this is but maybe i'm safe if he doesn't know my location guys so stay here okay oh my god that did not look like the slender man we seen last episode is that just me or that did not look like the slenderman we've seen last episode that [Music] do you guys hear some footsteps guys there's someone don't move there's someone in this house don't move okay okay hope this is not going to be a slenderman day all right um why do i hear a sound footstep sound okay i'm going to be honest this is the most scared i've ever been in brookhaven guys i slenderman house creaking i think he meant creaking okay he's not here he's not in here okay that was a different guys the slenderman we seen last time did not have like the tentacles and everything like i don't know if you guys noticed that but like that looked like a whole like slenderman just evolved on us like don't tell me slenderman is working with the ghost i don't know i don't know slenderman's attention you would think like if we picked up some notes or something guys you think if we get some like notes he's gonna get mad at us i got his notes oh was it on the ground i mean i just spawned it in to be honest but uh hello this might be her house she might be mad that we're like let me change my face because of slenderman i don't know if she's mad because we're in our house right now but uh we don't really got no other options he's a bit scared too let's both go to that face huh because uh we're both scared out of our mind the heebie-jeebies um she left no he's coming let's go let's go guys i think we've hit in this house long enough let's see if we can go back to my house okay let me check my house from top to bottom okay okay i think the house is safe again oh i got here kind of fast right you really did though that was fast okay oh okay okay guys this this just turned into a horror game this just turned into a horror game guys like i'm i'm sorry i'm being quiet right now but i'm very spooked like lock the door now why my god everyone just barged in locked the door all right i think we're good i think we're good guys that was the most scariest encounter yet what what the heck is that over there no no did you guys see that back there he's still watching us he's still watching us guys i keep on looking where in the world did he go he's over there then he was right here no no no no no this is terrifying i see him wait what i think we're safe i think we are safe i think we might be safe we don't have to be washed i think we're safe guys all right so luckily for us i think we're safe even though i got his notes um i don't think we have nothing to worry about anymore i think that we can move on oh let me i should probably turn my thing off but yeah i got his notes here guys i think we're totally good i think we're totally good guys um is somewhere on the window what do you mean window guys our door is locked he's not getting in even if he's heck was that noise i heard like some was that static was that static guys i don't know if that was static or not oh my gosh he's at the door oh heck no dude i am not it's daytime now i don't think we're gonna have any issues with slenderman i don't think we're gonna have any guys slenderman a sign he says he's coming it's daytime he is probably sleeping okay guys i think it's daytime he's probably sleeping by the way you got your rosie merchant i don't know i figured i'd plug it for the thousandth time but yeah uh i think it's daytime he's probably okay he's gonna call the the brookhaven police so thank you for that plug thank you for that plug people might not be subscribed yet okay she's got the camcorder out no he's outside what hold up hold up let me get my camcorder too should i give him my notes should i give him these notes i have oh no guys is it raining or else slenderman will be under your bed oh god guys subscribe or else i'm gonna be on your bed okay okay okay let's go let's go he's not out there right we'll get you [Music] oh no oh no no no no no no no no because we got to run away from slenderman we gotta run away all right unlock the doors go out here wait for him to come in jump over they're walking in we're going this way we're going this way go this way this way i think he just found me guys i think he just found me no he's inside he's inside go around go around go around grow around we may have missed thank you maybe we made a mistake we made a mistake we made a mistake we made a mistake we made a mistake where did he go that's slenderman right there guys no we got to get a clear look at this guys put on creator kevin look at him oh my god he's so scary oh okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go okay guys outside outside there's another looking slenderman he's he's recruiting people to work for him okay let's go let's go let's go okay okay okay okay okay okay okay it's raining in brookhaven guys this is insane there's other people recording this too look at him oh that is terrifying that is terrifying that's terrifying okay we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go all right let's get in our let's get on our uh let's get in the i don't know what that's called but that's what we're calling it oh my god guys okay okay um my biggest thing right now i'm just gonna run from him i'm just gonna run for him guys we gotta get we need some speed right now let's go to this hop in this hop in this hop in this quick quick uh turn to 200 200 all right let's go guys the only way to get away from this is to just run like run as fast as we can i love this because all the subscribers are experiencing this with me guys all you guys in here right now are experiencing the scariness that is slenderman okay yeah don't worry about my expert driving okay top driver here all right let's go in here i keep i wanted to get like a clear look at him you know guys i just wanted to get a clear stare and look at him while i could we're going to the secret location secret location okay okay okay [Music] i think we might be safe here oh my god guys it's like slenderman i i get it now you guys remember in the first episode where we seen that one slenderman no there's multiple slenderman's working with each other yeah don't know count on it don't count on it oh my god okay so here's the thing guys i think there's multiple slendermen that are like working together or like the main slenderman that we see was hiring other slenderman to come after us this is bad this is bad oh my god i am like freaking out right now this isn't good oh god oh god oh god oh god okay so how are we gonna beat him like what are we gonna do hey shout out to her for rocking the rosie merch though guys real quick she's she's number one for doing that um i'm not sure okay uh jeez uh okay so um this isn't good this is good where is omg i can't let nobody know my location cause slenderman will know we need to look around let's look around here let's go let's go oh no okay we need to secure the area anyways who's that who's that who's that who's that who is that whoa that's a cool skin he's got a bunch of roblox characters okay i trust you okay is this some kind of joke i that's what i'm saying like is it some kind of joke there's like multiple slenderman like this is weird i never expected to be someone parked a car outside wait outside here wait a second what what do they mean they parked the car outside here my life depends on you i i i look i don't know what we're gonna do i think we're safe here everybody's trying to ask where i am but if i give my location slenderman is going to know now so far we've done a good job hiding from slenderman but every time we go back to our house we get annihilated from him okay let's go peek out let's go at least see what's going on wait that is slenderman the shack guys should we go hide in the shack let's run are you making a youtube vid someone asked in the chat over there yes i am i am in fact doing that whoever you are oh we messed up that's the wrong place to go [Music] okay okay uh sneak everyone sneak okay i think we're safe okay okay okay okay i saw what appeared to be slenderman is there someone let me get uh let me get my binoculars slenderman's helper no escape i knew it guys i knew it i knew it someone's at the old shack and it's slenderman's helper oh jesus that's more terrifying this little man okay uh okay let's just yeah look inside the shack are you kidding me there's slenderman's helper inside the shack wait is that slenderman no escape i think we're safe out here guys i don't think they can spot us from out here okay let's go over here who's that out there let's check all of brookhaven here we gotta be very careful guys apparently he has multiple people that can help him okay omg is that the shack someone just gave away my location what is this thing what is this what the heck is this birthday cake doing out here who put a birthday cake out in the field okay let's go let's go that's still slenderman's helper okay i think they're coming over here guys i don't know if slenderman's here i'm just gonna keep minding my own business all right let's let's just be quiet let's be quiet and watch what's happening let's see if they have a meeting how can he still see me all right let's uh let's do this maybe this is a bit better sneak in wasn't working there's a way someone's spotting me i thought i was like completely undetected here guys i don't think i am evil top hat man here is here too guys all right we gotta go we gotta go all right let's go let's go let's go we gotta keep uh a distance here we gotta keep a distance come on they might be having a meeting or something i need to figure out what's going on here okay let's let's look do you guys see slenderman at all or do you think slenderman's gone okay evil top hat man's here he's he's got something on his sign he's leaving he's leaving okay i think slenderman's gone i think slenderman mighta up and disappeared guys i'm gonna park my car in my garage here now after the recent events of slenderman things are getting out of hand and what i wanted to do today is a brand new day in brookhaven i wanted to ensure our safety somewhat i wanted to see if we can let me close this real quick we don't need slenderman coming right into my home okay i don't want that i definitely don't let's put the pool though i want to see what a pool is like all right so i wanted to go through my normal day and see if slenderman truly has left us alone because after the recent events guys it has been no joke but one thing's for sure i think slenderman has definitely definitely took an in like we don't have to worry about him haunting us anymore we don't have to worry about escaping from him and um yeah guys you know i'm starting my day with some uh my uh i'm starting my day with some awesome uh waffles here all right waffles and milk will do the trick i think uh let's go ahead and give waffles some milk so i i'm hoping that this means slenderman has officially left me alone like i don't have to worry about it no more you know uh which he could knock at my door at any given moment which i'm not really looking forward to and i hope not but i i just want to i just want to go over everything that's happened i mean this has been no joke guys all right so let me throw this away let me shut my door here um go wash my hands real quick oh look at that pool that pole is looking nice guys i think we made a nice decision putting the pool there i might want to actually go take a swim soon should i put on a bathing suit guys uh this is gonna get weird don't don't look all right let me go put on a bathing suit and let's go outside let's just enjoy ourselves a bit right um where's a nice bathing suit this will work this will work it's a lifeguard suit but like no i'm not putting on the mate suit guys don't even ask if this video gets 10 000 likes i'll put on the maid suit but guess what it's never going to get 10 000 likes so joke's on you guys um all right so yeah a lifeguard why not i'll put my lifeguard suit on um all right let's open this and let's go swim oh my god i don't know how many of you guys like swim in brookhaven but uh having your own private pool is definitely the way to go like this is this is the life till slenderman shows up out of nowhere then it suddenly doesn't get any good you know i almost thought like if slenderman's gonna harness i'm gonna hop in the airplane and fly out of brookhaven for real this time you know i know i almost said i would leave because of the ghost but yeah guys i don't know i don't know it's just been crazy all right i think i can uh dry off a little bit here what i got in my shed by the way got my lawnmower uh stuff i don't think my lawn needs any mowing i don't even have much lawn back here let's see what's in the front uh i don't think i need to do any mowing or yeah i mean when you live on a ranch it's mainly just dirt so like i don't think we got to worry about that all right guys i'm gonna go in and shed the change real quick don't look don't look uh let's see let's go back to this oh no uh it's not what it looks like guys okay boom all right so the rosy merch is back on as it should be about dipped myself in water again oh a grill we should cook something sometimes but the guys that's not what this is about okay this is about slenderman what i want to do is i want to retrace my steps back to where we seen slenderman and see if he's there or going to be watching us to any degree so let's hop on our atv and let's put this thing to 200 speed hopefully that doesn't get a bit too much but okay guys so when we first spotted him we were at the top of the barn looking around with binoculars because it had been rumored that you could find slenderman doing that so sure enough we were looking around binoculars and accidentally looked around here to a slender like man that fit the resemblance of slenderman only to see him get closer and closer and we spotted him even outside my house okay so after we did that we came back another day and guess what slenderman had evolved or recruited more helpers it seemed like they're like a slenderman like the the ultimate form of slenderman with like his his limbs like i don't know if you guys have seen the photo of slenderman but his limbs are coming out like just ready to eat you as if it's a spider ready to consume you for his first meal like it was terrifying and on top of that he has started recruiting helpers so it allowed me to understand that that one solomon that we spotted was probably his helper and we sing the ultimate slenderman after that and oh god like okay so we i'm so glad we're looking around at daytime because like or else like people could just like he could be storming around at any time like and i i'm taking all the precautions with this episode here guys like i'm doing everything i can to make sure slenderman is not in the lobby he's not gonna show himself because like i can't handle that right now guys it's been too much terrifying this slenderman chapter is truly a chapter that terrifies me and i lose sleepovers so yeah and then we went and hit at the the shack guys we were trying to oh my god i'm drifting i'm drifting guys i got too fast on the the four wheeler here so we went to the shack only to find slenderman was there i mean you guys probably just watched all this and you you know what just happened like we were just at the shack and then we seen his helper there but turns out slenderman is allegedly dead that's the last bit of information we got on slenderman being alive but is he really dead i i don't know guys i mean i know a lot of you guys tuned into the daily live streams and i know a lot of you guys uh are seeing slenderman appear from time to time on those streams too i don't know when the haunting's truly going to end of slenderman but i do know one thing we are going to continue whoa whoa oh ice cream guys hold up let me back up right there all right someone's someone left a comment on one of my previous videos and said don't hate on the vanilla ice cream this one's for you the person that left the comment because i was overlooking the vanilla ice cream last time i went and got ice cream they said don't hate on the vanilla so i'm gonna get you i'm gonna get some vanilla in honor of the person that commented that okay so we're eating some vanilla ice cream uh we're taking a short pit stop at the ice cream shop here guys because i love ice cream uh it's just delicious so um this was one of the craziest chapters we had in roblox by far and the spookiest i don't think i ever got jump scared as much as when i ran into slenderman and i know he's probably still gonna be creeping i don't know if we can just take on what was said like slenderman's dead like i just don't know if i believe that uh because i feel like until i see it with my own eyes i can't confirm it and it is just scary to think about what could be lurking guys but where do we go from here is what you're all asking well i think we put the slenderman thing behind us i think we put it behind us continue living our life in brookhaven until further notice we try not to worry about it we try not to think about it not give it any more dark energy oh my ice cream's gone darn all right i guess it's time to what did i did i hear is there someone else in here with me it's a pretty lonely day in brookhaven guys i i'm making sure that uh we don't have a lot of people in here today that way i can kind of correctly go over all this but um so i'm thinking that let's go back home i wonder if i can park my atv in my garage dude oh i lost my car because i got an atv darn all right when are they going to put motorcycles in here guys for some reason i see someone with a motorcycle and uh brookhaven i don't know if you guys seen that but it was strange someone was riding around with a motorcycle okay so i think we're safe and like i said we're not gonna give any more energy to slenderman we're gonna try to put it behind us and be safe once and for all uh we recapped we didn't find him we went over all the locations that we've seen did we see him over here too guys over behind this tree i think we might have i don't know but anyways it is a chapter to leave behind us so if you guys enjoyed today's video it was a unique one we went over what happened to us in the slenderman chapter and we just kind of took a deep dive into it and as concerning as it is and as terrifying as it is i'm glad that this chapter might be behind while i stay there and watch me tomorrow upload a video like swimming still after me it's game over but uh hopefully hopefully not guys and uh hopefully you guys enjoyed this little um mini series it turned into in brookhaven rp and i can guarantee we're gonna make sure wait is there a tree house here all right i gotta climb down this tree somewhere how are you guys back already i just did okay whatever time travel is a beautiful thing but welcome guys to the end of this movie uh look at my character he's looking around he's still paranoid to this day that slenderman could be watching him around any corner we tried to do a full security check there at the end i i hope we're safe fingers crossed i i don't know but either way if you guys enjoyed today's video thank you so much and if you made it to the end comment below saying rosie just comment below saying rosie based off my cow rosie right there okay did you get the merch here i know you did i know you did you guys are on top of your game all right well thank you for buying the merch and uh yeah enjoy it guys i hope you enjoyed one of the craziest chapters in roblox here we have daily content here we're uploading fast as possible and we're doing the most each and every day so be a part of the movement if you're not subscribed to it are you gonna go harder job yeah you see okay thank you enjoy it have a nice fade-out music we always have that good music that you can vibe out to at the end we can dance [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 877,111
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox BrookHaven RP, BrookHaven RP, BrookHaven, BrookHaven RP Roblox, BrookHaven RP Roblox Roleplay, Roblox Roleplay, Roblox Movie, Full Roblox Movie, Scary Full Movie, Scary Roblox, Roblox Scary, Slender Man, Slender Man Movie, Full Slender Man Movie, Roblox Slender Man, Slender Man Roblox, Gameplay, O1G
Id: AMNascuZCG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 25sec (2605 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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