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so you guys seem to love it whenever we make different types of roblox accounts if you guys haven't seen these videos yet it's kind of crazy we've made Minecraft a roblox account we've made a school trooper fortnight account on roblox I don't even think I just said that correctly heck we even made fort night their own roblox account and it seems to me like you guys and gals that are watching our videos love Slenderman I mean who doesn't love Slenderman he's a great guy in fact if you guys don't even know I did this on my other channel you should definitely go to subscribe TV and our frags I post a ton of Fortnight content on there and also the handsome man who edits the videos for this roblox channel his name is Kevin by the way everybody comment down below saying hi Kevin she also edits the videos on our TV in our frags channel over do tons of cool fort night videos so that brings me to today's pot of today's roblox video we are gonna be recreating this guy so we're gonna be recreating Slenderman in roblox every time we do these videos I always challenge you guys to do the same exact thing and to tweet me pictures or tag me on instagram if you guys don't know my twitter is at Preston and my instagram is at realty be in our franks so you guys can you know obviously tag me show me what your Slenderman is gonna look like and then of course you have to rate my Slenderman afterwards and you got a comment down below which account you guys you like to see me make next and of course in addition to that leave lag down below if you want to see more account creation videos I think the first thing we're gonna be wanting to do is we need to find a suit you know what I mean like a full suit not it not no no not not a chicken suit okay chicken suit is not gonna work we need a suit suit like a handsome man you know I'm saying kind of like the person who's editing this video and of course the person who's filming this video oh and before we find a suit guys if you have not already I know I've plugged this like a million times but we just rich riched reached a quarter million followers on our fire nation group and if you guys would like to support the channel more you can join this roblox group I post them here like whenever I'm filming a video and I need extra players and so you guys can come play with me and if you want to you can support the roblox group by buying the official branded merchandise check it out it looks beautiful in fact give me a second to go change my hoodie does this thing not look beautiful sits it's amazing if you guys want to get this hoodie it's on the Preston Stiles calm web saddle make sure you link it down below in the description but what do you guys think do we she would make this in roblox as well so not only did you have it in real life but you could also have it in roblox it'd be amazing ok guys I'm sorry I've honestly done - I've done too much selling out today guys so we need to go back to the catalog and we need to find ourselves a suit so we're gonna go into the clothing category and look up suit ok there's a decent suit here but we need like a oh wait wait wait wait wait wait Slenderman what happened to be pop oh yeah oh yeah guys this is what we are talking about but we want to make sure that when we get this we also want pants to like what happens if you look up Slender Man and pants do we get Slenderman pants ohh ladies and gentlemen we do get Slenderman pants I mean to be fair I'm looking at his pants right now and he's pretty much just got like black shoes black pants like I think this right here is the ideal pants verse Linderman yeah cuz his shoes are like glossy black and if you guys noticed like the small amount of detail right here which is actually beautiful look his pants have like that little crease right over here near the knees and his shoes are like the glossy black so we're gonna buy it this right here right now and then let's go back to the catalog again and we got a pop in there again man the catalog we do where you get some updating on the catalog let's get some almost typed in Slenderman so now we need Slenderman so his hands I don't have you guys can see but they're like white skeleton looking hands they're kind of creepy actually but the thing is all of these have pocket squares and all of you guys noticed but Slenderman does not have a pocket square okay so Slenderman you know it's not like he's going to a wedding he's kind of haunting you and haunting your dreams it's actually a really creepy Slenderman is a he's kind of a really creepy guy but we need a Slenderman no no pocket square there's gotta be this okay oh okay a little bit different Slenderman thing right I like Heather I look up no pocket square and this pops up Slenderman in the pocket you got a love roblox man you just gotta love it but I'm trying to find I don't want the pocket square see like these right here all have the weird pocket square I mean they're not weird I had this actually on my wedding if you guys and gals out there didn't know but we don't want a pocket square like this is a pocket square but I think it's better you know like it is it uh-huh see we just don't want the pocket square I'm gonna buy this for now maybe we can keep doing a little bit of looking cuz we need to find Slenderman well that how hard is it to find is Linderman without a pocket square you know like we just dealt want the pocket score okay Slender men the slit oh I can't believe all I had if you was look up slender men instead of slender man to find the right thing okay let's see what does this look like so I'm looking back over here to the hole Slenderman and I think this looks pretty pretty good I mean I'll take a look at some of these but they all look very very identical I think there's actually no difference between all of these but this one's a little cheaper so we're gonna buy okay never mind the items not even for sale what about this one is Joe's clothing I'll see Joe doesn't let me down there we go got it from Joe's clothing so let's go back to the old catalog a Rooney over here ladies and gentlemen actually no we don't wanna go there we want to go back to Avatar because what we have to do is we have to go ahead and well we gotta unequip this outfit can i unequip this okay we can't unequip this which is really unfortunate I wish it was like a button to just unequip everything because technically I don't even want anything to be equipped you know what I'm saying like let's go ah okay what is the fastest way guys what is the fastest way to unequip everything do we have to like manually go in here I think we actually have to manually go in here like Slenderman also doesn't have a blockhead he's got this and he's got like this kind of like whitish cream he's got really skinny arms you know like he's kind of got skinny arms I kind of like this he's also got really skinny legs so let's just go ahead and give him like the regular looking torso and body I think this looks a lot more like Slenderman although I'm gonna keep looking and making sure that we can find somebody else we're gonna go back over to body we want to go to skin tone and we want to match his skin tone see like he's not really great this looks kind of like he's oh actually I think this might look what about this one Oh oh I like that it looks pretty Slenderman what about this I think that looks a little too like it's really hard to tell so this one is called white this one is called it's what it's called instant what institutional white that's kind of scary and there's mid gray and light stone gray maybe the lights no I feel like lights don't great I think we're looking for we're not really looking for a white necessary necessary necessarily we're kind of looking for more of a cream you know like we want more of a quorum like a crumb but I think this color looks really similar like you see what I'm saying guys I'll go back to our six but I think this looks more it's it's about as close as we could get you know roblox is a great game for customization but there's still like a certain limited amount of stuff that you can do so we're gonna put on the slender hat I mean the slender top hey you looking like Slenderman right now boys oh yeah we bout to get way more crazy up in here let's go over to pants put on the Slenderman pants now we are starting to do a good job like he is looking very very Slenderman now one thing that we need to do is we need to know face is there a no face in the catalog let's look up no face okay no items found let's go to can we go to faces wears faces at body parts okay so it's in body parts and you want to look up no face okay ah blank face hmm what about blank there's nothing for blank are you kidding me um dang it this is a lot more difficult than I thought it was gonna be okay what about just face its the Slenderman pop-up okay nothing pops up for Slenderman that makes sense so let's go back to body parts what is the most you know Slenderman it's kind of scary-looking I mean this beast mode pretty sick if I do say so myself although I don't really feel like that super Slenderman the monster smile kinda Slenderman I just wish that there was one that was no face you know what I'm saying like just empty face completely but there's really not that many faces in roblox if you guys think about it like this game is huge and there's only 13 pages of faces but I think it's because every face that's on the roblox catalog store I think they're all made by roblox so you can't actually make your own faces like this is like exclusive to roblox you can make all different types of gear shirts and stuff like that but you can't make faces so I'm trying to find I'm trying to find something that looks like the most Slenderman II face a lot of these faces look actually super ridiculous come on there's got to be one I'm believing right now I am believing that there is going to be a Slenderman face ladies and gentlemen although it's it's it's looking a little it's looking a little bad here come on come on where's the Slenderman face where and Sam Houston is the Slenderman face cut ball game to Bab baby red fing now I'm not feeling the red thing ah why is there no can we get a petition right now send it over to roblox and say yo where is the Slenderman face hashtag Slenderman has feelings as well okay I think this is about it like I really haven't found a whole lot of faces here that I really like oh my gosh guys this one would be wicked it's 250,000 robux though you did do you guys realize how much money that is that is so much money we can't buy that we just want to buy it because it looks so good but we can't that's so much money like that is actually I mean there's also like yellow glowing eyes green glowing eyes but let's be honest if Slenderman had glowing eyes he would definitely have glowing eyes in my opinion or maybe like purple cuz this character sometimes has like a cool purplish glow but there's nothing that there's no purple glow there's like a purple alien I mean this one could look kind of cool but I still don't think it's very Slenderman but just in case I'm gonna open this up keep the tab open just in case I want to come back to it I gotta say guys I'm struggling like I don't want to choose a bad face the face makes or breaks the skin okay it's a make or break so this is actually 12000 roebucks but I think we've gotta buy it okay I just had to pay myself more roebucks because this is an expensive face but Slenderman you know what he deserves it he works hard every single day haunting my dreams haunting my nightmares so we're gonna put on the evil skeptic face if roblox will let us ladies and gentlemen oh it looks awesome I wish we could just have the glowing eyes but I'm not spending 250,000 roebucks on glowing eyes no matter how awesome is look and how much I really want it it's too much money it's too much money now what we need to do is we need to go back to the data catalog we need to go back to 10 log when you go back to the catalog and we need to look up like tentacles you know we need we Tintin cool am i spilling I spell I misspelled tentacles I am embarrassing what about I misspelled like everything guys I must be nervous I'm getting stage fright okay so research all categories the unfortunate thing is is we're just gonna get a bunch of stuff that we really don't want to see like I'm trying to go to like collectibles gear featured accessories avatar animations nothing pops up so we need something that's gear bay or not gear based but we need accessories and we want it to go on the back like what is scary like the bat wings and the black wings would look kind of scary but they're still not very like oh wait enormous spider legs these look oh okay you know what I'm gonna keep these open in a new tab because I think these might be perfect also one thing we need to do if we can we need like skeleton hands you know like maybe there's a skeleton outfit our body set that we can find I think it's gonna make it look really really cool although I'm not only finding anything in the air that I like more than the spider legs so far everybody got one page left guys uh okay so thankfully there was something that's gonna look really awesome on his back so let's go back over to here boom to the thousand of roebucks on this guy man oh my gosh so expensive this is turning out to be a very expensive skin episode guys are like account creation I should say but check about he's gonna look so cool oh yeah that is looking very very slender man if I do say so myself so now what we can do we're gonna go back to the catalog and then let's go back over here to the gear section I'm not actually wait what are we gonna go ahh wait no we want to go to we want to find like skeleton right like skeleton okay so if we buy this it's a skeleton package hmm-hmm-hmm okay and that's in package so maybe what we do is we go to body parts all body parts and we search up skeleton okay so that's gonna be the thing that pops up obviously if you search up skeleton there's not a whole lot of results but I really don't want to go through that mini like that's a lot I feel like skeleton is gonna look probably the most like Slenderman cuz he's kind of got like skeleton e looking fingers you know he kind of got them scaly being fingers so let's get let's go and all we got to do is put on his arms and then I think it's all it was uh oh that looks bad okay that's not what I expected I thought it was gonna give him like skeleton like I thought it was gonna go through his shirtsleeves oh no what have I done guys oh no no no no no no no no okay what happens if we put this on this is probably gonna ruin everything we just did yeah okay that terrible nun in an Internet no we're gonna just go back can we go back to roblox boy or something because that made it look awful oh actually you know what I want to say the roblox boy looks better because at least he's got like spooky looking hands and he's kind of like you know he's a really skinny dude so like I feel like this actually makes him look a lot better and he's already bald you know no offense Slenderman but you all bought you all bought okay you are bald man and right now I actually think we've made it look perfect I'm looking at I don't think there's anything else we could do that's the biggest thing I thought we could do was add something but I think we look amazing like let's go check Oh actually before we check this out in-game let's do create new outfit and let's call it obviously Slenderman and boom Shakalaka now we got the Slenderman okay I think we got the Slenderman outfit saved okay for some reason it's just not oh there it is hahahaha it looks so good guys I kind of want to load up a game and then like see what people think about my skin oh yeah look at this Slenderman the cop guys I look amazing I've even got a sheriff badge let's see what people think about my new skin oh I found a guy over here in the courtyard what's going on little man hey hey you're a cop can you do you need to stop running for a I want to see what you think about my skin please please you need to come check out my new skin please I spent all this time making it and you're not even telling me hello people of jailbreak what do you think about my account he's like why do you have a star because I'm a youtuber bro I got that you duper start I want somebody to see my skin do you like my my skin do you like my skip please tell me you like it does it look like Slenderman does it look like Slenderman I don't think they're typing anything out there literally that's a she's just asking why do you have a star why do you have a star this is great guys I'm really glad that everybody is just asking me why I have a star and I want to say what they think about my account I'm gonna start arresting people if they don't like my skin 80 plays do you like my skin what do you think why is nobody and you think about Mike out I'm good at sad right now he says yeah okay what do you rate it out of 10 I am hacker I'm asking somebody to rate my account and they just go I'm a hacker like what what does that mean what does that even mean I don't know and I don't even want to know now he's just saying Preston well report and well I'm getting reported wait wait why are you reporting me what what I'm okay I'm a youtuber I'm not doing anything wrong I'm just asking people to rape my skin I'm just seeing what people think of Vice my new outfit do this is brutal I come in here I start getting reported like you just said you were ad what does that even mean okay you know what guys do me a solid can you guys rape my Slenderman skin down below I'm gonna give it a solid 9 out of 10 I think it looks amazing don't forget I want to see you guys make your own version of the Slenderman skin send me pictures on Instagram on Twitter all that good stuff like that of course have an amazing day until next time guys I'll see you in our next video thank you so much for watching recess [Music]
Channel: PrestonGamez
Views: 8,414,782
Rating: 4.8313756 out of 5
Keywords: preston, prestonroblox, prestonplayz, prestonplayz roblox, roblox, roblox game, slenderman, slender man, roblox slenderman, slenderman roblox, slender man roblox, roblox slender man, horror, horror move, horror game, scary game, playz, roblox account, make roblox account, preston slenderman, preston slender man, scary, make slenderman, make slender man, make slenderman in roblox, making slenderman, making slender man, roblox 2018, for kids, roblox funny, funny, funny video
Id: XSW5GK6Sjbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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