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i got adopted by three families in roblox brookhaven's what versus army versus spy and to make things even harder at the end of this video i must decide on which family i want to live with i'm going to lay eggs in your and now enjoy the video just right guys we're nearly there just a little bit more at the spicy chips oh us got it it's really saw now i think i broke my tailbone did you get the goods me one spicy spicy yes i got the spicy chips that we weren't supposed to have now guys let's count them out and share them equally this way two for me and half of one for you and two for me you are not going to believe this i don't believe it but yes you're getting adopted again now why do they always choose you out of all people whoa miss him you seem a little stressed out and angry would you like a spicy chip to cool you down why do you have spicy chips oh yeah in the girl we're not supposed to have those ah come with me yes yes decide ladies and gentlemen i am getting adopted again go away bye bye you better not come back here oh i'm getting out of here so all three of you families want to adopt this boy you're joking yes yes i'm special seriously why not cookie she's so nice well he will spend one day with each family one day only and at the end of those three days it's up to him to choose who he wants to live with agreed agreed great any questions yes yes down here to say what kind of bees produce milk anyways the first family up is mr mrs swat stun good luck bye bye welcome to your new home we are the swat family wait that's a really weird thing to do but we running tight schedule around here tight oh okay this sounds a little bit scary don't mind your new mom she does this sometimes yes yes she seems a little bit cuckoo anyways let me show you around and introduce you to the family oh i'm so excited firstly let me introduce myself i am cali and i are boogers i also like spicy chips even though i have none but i can make a really cool hat out of it spicy chip crown we'll call you mini commando okay jump inside yes yes my first day meeting deep family and i just smashed my face in the door this is the worst first impression ever anyways here goes nothing i only get one chance of making a good fast impression hey guys oh don't mind that little backflip thing i just did then i do it all the time wow these guys seriously weren't impressed by that that is like one of my best moves anyways aren't you gonna introduce me to my new family uh no did i guess i'll introduce myself decide hi buddy you must be my new brother nice to meet you do you like spicy chips they're like my favorite food hello okay you come here room oh yes yes i think he's gonna show me to my brag new bedroom i really hope i have duck feather pillows now wait a minute buster something is right here this is your room wait a minute i must check for spiders to say ladies and gentlemen i can just tell that they are trying to put spiders in my bedroom how did he know there was a bomb under his bed wait what a bum but that would have made me go bad and i would have hit the ceiling looks like we won't have to send him back after all wait send me back he passed the test most of them usually explode i thought he would get blown up wait are you guys crazy you really put a bomb under my bed ah breach breach breach wait what what is going on what is wrong with you wait what is it everyone downstairs breach wait what what is that oh my goodness does somebody else's bed explode what is going on guys wait what is by this it is that the two most men have been hostage at gunpoint and require assistance from this one immediately did you guys hear that action stations quick we need to get out gabu gabu let's go guys let's go save the city wait mom mom put me down this is so embarrassing are you really gonna drive me like this all the way to the mission it's way past your bedtime mom we have to go save the bag from the robbers whoa and it looks like the po-po is already on the scene oh my goodness get off me mom look i can see one of them up there right now thank goodness you're his one family get in position we need guns back down now i have a shovel wait what does he really think his shovel is going to stop us my family seems real intense even my little sister has a swat shield ah this is the brookhaven swat team oh my goodness guys it looks like they're taking this woman hostage oh there's two of them freddie linda smart team of rockets oh don't worry baby sister i will protect you oh they're bringing out the hostage right now i suggest we all back up a little bit so that we don't interfere with whatever they're gonna do this guy has two really sharp blades the sight is turning dark which means they're gonna be able to escape really easily freddie get down huh what are you talking about wait where is that wait is that a blood is it a plane no it's one oh wait one of them just disappeared i think you kicked him into the shuttle realm oh get to the ground oh wow he really did punch them both into the shadow realm thank you so much for saving me but i was in on it the whole time wait you don't skip on the punch punch and now she is out cold officer rex arrest this woman thank you again swat family for saving once again you are welcome here's your award lots of money now we can buy spicy chips for days and for you little lad some spicy chips oh my favorite thank you kylie right kids room time we have more training to do right guys let's go wait my family left me behind did they forget they adopted me you lonely uh no galaxy pads creepy man don't talk to people she don't know need any spicy chips oh i do like spicy chips but i'm sorry not from strangers did she really just come alive again i think i need to get out of here ah run wake up soldier what was that why did you do that that wasn't very cash money of you gets out of bed but sir it is still bedtime that's right it's 5 55 a.m we had a long day out of us intense training for the next week wow that doesn't sound very pogus maybe instead we could do some intense eating for the week yes yes spicy chips oh and we could swap some milkshake too no we have a strict diet now get outside you're sure oh guys i have a really bad feeling about this family that's right 6 a.m these guys are doing jumping stars ah oh i guess i should join in otherwise i'm gonna get a bit of trouble and to think i haven't even got to meet these guys properly foster wait what was that i get a swore i just saw a flying spider that's like something in my nightmares you look like a bunch of noodles foster oh you said i'm doing it as fast as i can this guy does loads of things he's in such good shape i can't go fast alan can i stop no no get in line wow even mom is getting told what to do by him oh guys i'm really starting to sweat i'll try that but i'm hunting on how do i fall divorce papers we need to be ready yes yes i agree what if a giant spider crawls into your room and bites you i can't keep going alan no such thing as killer spiders wait where did that ball just come from what is that what the hell was oh that looks like a cat spider in position oh wait what is happening wow these guys go ready real quick that gun is as big as a head oh my goodness these guys are literally shooting they got him wow you guys are insane target neutralized just our daily work you know what to do son this right we must check for spiders wait what that is a really pogrous looking little vehicle my guy everybody let's get in and roll out to finally take down the spiders okay guys it looks like we're about to go inside to see if there's any more killer spiders inside of town oh my goodness they're learning to jump really high oh this one right there quick somebody do something oh my do they really just run him over that is a really flat looking spider oh my goodness there's more why a killer spiders coming to roblox brookhaven more importantly why do they have cat heads should i get him yes we managed to take them all out is there any more oh there's one there quick please somebody do something i don't like splitters they're really scary and they could do something bad i'm going to lay eggs in your brain ah get him up get him up oh my goodness thank you so much brother for cutting it with the axe and i'm going to sign these papers alan wait what are you okay yes i'm good thank you we're getting divorced but i just joined this family and you guys seem so cool son you are not right for this family you are a chicken listen blood i'm not scared of anything oh my goodness where did you go from you pick who you want to stay with well unfortunately it looks like my day is up this right which means now it's time for me to try out my third and final family i can just open that way more cash money than these guys hello there welcome to our family we don't have much time let's go wait what what what do you mean we don't have much time what is happening this is really that's the weird time i've bashed my face today wait for me guys i need to find out what is happening here huh that's right someone is hacking into our database oh no i'm retrieving top classified information wait neutralize the virus flavor swings for spoilers huh and it is up to us the spy family to block that information wait what the spy family oh yes introductions i have felicia spy or mother spy i'm cohen well you look like a fight head to me that's a big head i am brother spy quick and have insane agility whoa where does she go from i assist the spy mijos is smart well yes yes you seem really smart little sister spy i'm kr the most advanced spy in the world and together we are [Music] i don't see a spider did i really just get pranked on my first day we don't have time to mess around we need to go see the expert wait the expert oh you don't know the expert no he sounds really scary just come with us and you see who he is oh geez guys i'm a little scared what if the expert is a spider he tries to wake my brain anyways guys this family seems really intense just like the lawsuit wait a minute buster where are we going are we going into the tv station place you mean to tell me the xbox somewhere inside of here wait guys wait for me i want to see this expert too experts huh i don't see anyone around here there he is wait are you talking about this guy the one who's doing ballet hello there spy family yes yes i am also part of the new spy family hi hello expert i was practicing my balance professor egghead we need gadgets gadgets you say yes our firewall was breached i see we need to maintain our secret information on the spicy chip recipe is it him wait this spicy chip recipe yes then you are going to need the boom boom wait what what is the boo boom a giant basketball what is that going to do oh i think that might be the boom boom guys okay good luck with your mission yes yes thank you kindly strange egg headed man i recommend you check out the cleaning place got it eched thank you okay let's go spy family yes yes let's boat let's go check out this cleaning place and see if we need to clean our clothes that's right even though my merchandise is beautiful and spicy i think he might need a little cleaning after these three days okay well spy family listen up bud it sounds like we need to go to the cleaning place and i don't know why the xbox would say that but there must be something inside of there that's really important wait a minute i think there's somebody inside of there guys what the heck what i thought this place had been out of business for like a really long time why would there be somebody inside right listen up yes yes we need to work as a team first things first we need a distraction this is where boom boom comes in handy wait boom boom but that's just a basketball check this out huh wait that what are you gonna do with that stupid ball that literally makes no sense wait what what just happened it's a henchman medal one done wait what but you just blew him up bud wait a minute but could've never been an easy way like maybe jump through that gap up there no oh oh wait wait what where did you come from spy sister that door are you kidding me whoa wait guys everyone night vision wait and it looks like he's got the night vision google's on who tied up my monkey lights what just happened oh my goodness i think he shot him next step yes my sister what is it spy brother use your agility sure thing wait what is agility what is this guy all about is he some sort of cook oh look at my agility ability wait what's this i found something oh you didn't you dumb dumb it's just a couple of old boxes there's nothing inside of here you flipping righty something isn't right here this lamp this lamp is four degrees off center and all buildings are normally zero degrees no it's not you dum-dum look wait what oh my goodness put your hands up buddy don't spy hack the system all righty alex wait what she's big enough to hack the system she must have big brain before i do anything let me say something oh what is it bud want to be want to know the best thing about being the main villain uh yes what is it i better see your biggest scary i always see the recipe is mine and now i will escape wait but that's impossible we have the area surrounded what's that wait what is it oh it's just a giant block of c4 silly wait guys it's a giant block of sifa no what happened to my brother quick i'mma take him back wait you're gonna take my brother back oh my goodness i guess she's taking him back for medical okay take him we're going after the watermelon yes yes let's go take that punk down the strike guys let's go take out that flipping watermelon the flipping randy the big bully the big meaty the right buster that spicy chip recipe is mine no the spicy chip recipe is mine wait what what happens when you can't look down you look up wait what and it's the expert taking him away it was good to be kidding me the iceberg was working on his side the whole time wait a minute that's how he knew he was hiding in the cleaning place oh my goodness spy dad it looks like they're getting away what are we gonna do now oh my god oh oh my goodness did we really both just see that it looks like the spicy chip recipe will once again be ours destroy book you better give it back or else ah so yeah adoption lady i've made my decision despite i know which family i want to join it's definitely the spy family why the spy family oh well for some reason i don't think i have a choice yup
Channel: Calixo - Roblox Adventures
Views: 4,229,559
Rating: 4.7998176 out of 5
Keywords: calixo, roblox, roblox pranks, how to, robloxian highschool, no swearing, no cursing, brookhaven roblox, brookhaven rp roblox, brookhaven rp, SWAT FAMILY vs ARMY FAMILY vs SPY FAMILY in Roblox BROOKHAVEN RP!!, roblox brookhaven ropleplay, roleplay, tory, love, sad, swat family, army family, spy family, roblox brookhaven family, roblox brookhaven adopted, adoption, adoption dayoleplay story, brookhaven roleplay, brookhaven family, family roleplay
Id: E97_qFHopkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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