Roblox BrookHaven RP The Cursed Birthday Girl (Scary Full Movie)

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[Music] yes that's right another full roblox movie about something sort of creepy hit the like button subscribe and it will post notifications for ringing about making all ding if you have not done so already we are going to be looking at the cursed birthday girl from start to finish a weird chapter in roblox but we somewhat made it through you're gonna have to watch it gets weird but either way also to announce look at my look at my hoodie that's right let's go ahead and stand up here guys this is a rosy hoodie now this is based off the emojis that we have for the members on the channel but you now can go get a roblox rosie hoodie uh it's pretty nice i like it um it's i've never made or had a roblox shirt before so guys please bear with me it is a beginner shirt that uh was thrown together but i really like it and i think it gives us something to be able to uh have some type of merch to have uh based around my cat rosie here uh in the emoji that we have uh so yeah if you want a rosy hoodie go get you one and let's get on with the full movie we also had a roblox group all that good stuff but you guys already knew that so let's do it [Music] well here we are back in brookhaven rp well it's just me and my cat rosie and wow was that haunting in the last house a bit much to handle like let's be honest why i look so like happy i look like i'm very happy which brings me to my next stop we got to get some food and stuff in our brand new home honestly this house was such a good decision and i'm about to go into multiple reasons why first off hit the like button show some love below in the comment section below and uh be sure to uh follow me on those socials and all that stuff uh you know follow the follow the roblox group but basically me and rosie are here we're gonna be finding our breakfast soon but uh it is truly such a better upgrade of a home our last house was haunted but we finally solved the haunting a lot of people like what happened to the honey guys we solved it uh and how we solved it was we basically just finished uh we moved out of the house okay like we moved out of the house and that seemed to be the reason the ghost was attached to the house for some reason it was attached to something in the house maybe i i don't know but we took care of the ghost and now while we're moving forward but we might be looking into something a bit skeptical that i'm skeptical about um that i had an experience with once and it's to do with the second floor in the arcade do you guys remember when i mentioned a while back let's get some food while we talk about this let's get banana is always good for breakfast i know it's 1pm and i still haven't had breakfast but guys give me give me a break here okay so who in the world is in my house they're gonna lock they're gonna totally are you kidding me i just wanted to eat my banana you're gonna totally rob my chest my safe where are you where's the is it in the guys i have a secret room in my house no there's someone in my home there is someone in my home hey what do you want what what are you doing guys there's a kid in my house look at that you're gonna try to rob my chest i don't think so no you're robbing my chest where do you think you're taking how did you get how did you just get outside guys i thought i had my doors locked i thought they would like trap them inside but apparently that didn't work whatever they're gonna rob my chest and be honest i guess anyways back to eating my banana in peace i guess ah stabs banana with eye every time we try to eat it listen guys i have a kid running around in my house i can assure you i'm not a father yet so um the fact that this is happening right now is a bit weird do you want hold up [Music] do you want a banana do you want a banana where are you no okay ran off i was gonna give you my banana anyways do you want a banana hey do you want a banana there's a banana right there on the counter help yourself okay if you want a banana help yourself yes okay it's on the counter help yourself it's on the counter help yourself oh my god guys anyways this is taking us away from what we need to be looking at here in today's episode um so we need to look at the second floor of the arcade talk briefly about this if you guys recall um i talked briefly about this and i need to go into more details about it um because everybody was like oh well what do you mean like what are you talking about in regards to it well guys i'm gonna get into all that so the uh what i was talking about is in the second floor of the arcade is the birthday room it's where people celebrate their birthdays and have a wonderful time right well when i was there i happened to get out my camcorder and apparently this upset someone it upset this girl so bad that she started haunting me and i didn't know why what like what was going on right she just started haunting me for no reason it was kind of weird and i couldn't quite figure it out until i like did like i was like no i do not i i'm sorry i stopped recording things seemed to went okay but guys i i don't know is it like a rule not to record birthday parties like is that a thing i'm not sure if it is i've never had an issue with it but um let's get us some um let's get us uh is there a coke or something oh look at that and they robbed my safe i knew it it wasn't the it wasn't the kid it was someone else they're always robbing my safe anyways guys i'm gonna give me a coke right now uh before we go too far into this i gotta be so careful with leaving my doors unlocked people are always robbing me it's just it's a lot to handle here in brookhaven sometimes the criminal the crime rate's going up so high yeah so we understand get off there i was drinking my coke all right so anyways so what i wanted to do was i wanted to go see if we can capture this creepy girl again see what happens or maybe anger her uh for recording her birthday room or whatever i mean guys i thought we could all have birthdays there and have a glorious time right but apparently it's not that apparently we can get ourselves in a lot of trouble so we need to be very careful anyways let's walk on down the street someone left their jeep here that's a bit weird um i don't know why someone left their jeep but we're gonna keep on going there's ice cream shop here uh let's play some of our favorite games let's play some of our favorite games guys uh okay no where's tetris tetris is pretty fun we're gonna play tetris for now but anyways yeah so birthdays right second floor you think it's all fun right well that's what i thought but oh we're gonna need our camcorder guys we're gonna need our camcorder so let's play let's play the game there's so many out of order games here in the arcade that they need to fix like please arcade owners fix your games okay it would help out a lot if you fix your game so uh we're gonna play a little bit of tetris here i really like these uh uh like um motorcycle games like i forget what they are they're like really cool um but they're they're very fun to play but anyways okay so let me uh throw away my coke and throw away my banana pill and now let's go to our backpack here and get this thing now guys this is a trusty camcorder a good one at that right so if we're careful we'll be able to record with this thing and yeah it might make her a bit angry if she's even here anymore i don't know so here we go okay so this is the the second floor okay it looks great right it looks like a fun place that you can go to and hang out for your birthday right but it's not for some reason the second i lift this camcorder something could go wrong hopefully not it may be it may be a dot it may be like a dead end guys i want to investigate the hospital too you guys are telling me that the hospital is full of creepiness alongside the cemetery and i need to get to looking at that me and rosie definitely do um so i'm gonna i'm gonna start recording everything okay let's just record the happy birthday here this happy birthday and i'm just gonna yeah guys record as much as i can and see if that does anything see if we record a lot it does anything because it may or may not but we're going to see right so let's uh record all this all right i'm recording okay if you're gonna get angry at me if there's some like birthday creepy ghost girl here better watch yourself okay okay maybe maybe it's not gonna do nothing at all guys maybe well i messed up guys i don't think nothing's gonna happen so hold on i guess we can go back home sleep and see if anything occurs from there there's not really much we can do oh guys oh that's her that's her that's her that's her oh my god oh my god enter back speed 35 check go go go go guys that was her no i told you i told you i told you i told you ah no that was the girl that i seen a while back oh my god she actually is kind of like a ghost or something it it it looks like okay where's my house where's my house where's my house uh this is it this is it this is the go and lock the door lock the door oh god guys that's what oh who's this who's this you're gonna hover guys that's who i was talking about that was who i was talking about that kid is still in my house is the ghost girl or like i don't know is it a creepy girl like she's just following us like she's like the creepy birthday girl guys that's what i call her the creepy birthday girl because i have no clue what she is like if you take your camcorder and act like you're recording around in the second floor of the arcade she starts haunting you who the heck who just launched a nuke or something jesus anyways guys that's what i'm talking about someone's in my house right now pardon me guys while i figure out who is riding there who who who is this who is the sources is he in my ch jesus you're robbing my safe oh my god guys this happens at least 20 times a day when you have a nice house i don't know why look where are you gonna go are you really gonna be able to get out is there a way out do you have a way out yes silly yes silly get over here oh this is this is just crazy guys these kids oh come here come here where did you go okay my whole house is sealed up so i don't oh god they got guns they got the guns they got the guns hold up hold up hold up [Music] get out of my house where are you oh my god they're gonna shoot me as if dealing with this creepy like birthday girl was not enough oh my god okay okay okay remain calm remain calm [Music] did they get out somehow [Music] where hear guys i'm so scared right now this ain't even the creepy unless [Music] trying to get all up in my house rob my safe guys there's my vacuum by the way remember i don't know if i was like looking for that vacuum in the last episode or something but i found it do you think they went in my secret room oh get out of here so be it did you put the money back i unlocked the door ah guys this is a mess anyways we're getting robbed over here while we're dealing with enough of stuff all right look at that you're gonna go rob my chest again you're this is out of hand guys i gotta brush my teeth anyways so let's brush our teeth real quick dental hygiene is always important i always preach this it is very important so we're going to brush our teeth spit out there we go and all right i'm literally you're taking a bath you're going around this is this is crazy guys anyways um so we might have alerted her i i could i knew we were gonna run into the creepy birthday girl i just didn't know how uh i wonder if we can talk to her or something guys like i don't know if that's a good thing to do uh is she gonna like come to my house like that's the last thing we want is like her coming to our house okay guys because our last house got haunted and the last thing we need is this house to get like stalked or something you know like that's the last thing we need so and i have kids running around my house but um yeah so i i don't know where we go from here uh unless we go back to the arcade see what's in my fridge okay so i got some coca-cola some milk about a week old pizza that i've left in here that i haven't decided to eat yet hey it's still a good piece of pizza i might eat that maybe in another week or so um we have gatorade irisi oh this is one of those reese's actual like reese's chocolate bars oh yeah those are kind of hard to find all right let's go ahead and eat this up real quick get out of the first person there and hi how's everyone doing it's a new day we get out of creator cam here it's six a.m in the morning starting our day off with a very nutritional uh just high like full of nutrition breakfast here reecey not really guys have you liked the video yet be sure to do that let's get that two million subscribers uh this year is it possible i don't know i don't know if it's possible we we always do unimaginable goals here um so basically we're eating we're gonna finish up our reese's bar throw that away and well so have you guys see if you guys have been following along what's happening if you haven't then you need to you gotta pay close attention because we did something we shouldn't have done in the last episode we may have triggered another ghost or something that appears to be a ghost a creepy girl that is haunting us for no reason and you might be like hey why do you and rosie have a gun it's for her own protection okay the reason why we have a gun is because people keep on rubbing my safe in my house and it has been quite the issue here moving into this brookhaven uh thing speaking of which i should probably lock my doors okay i've learned that leaving your doors unlocked is just a recipe for disaster in brookhaven so yeah but anyways everybody was really interested because they were like wait you have a secret room yeah guys i have a secret room back here see you can come back here you can kind of do whatever you want to do you can sit and relax and i love this room in my house because nobody never knows i'm here right if i have guests over or whatever i can just come hide they're like where did he go i don't understand i'm gone okay you are banished transparent invisibility enabled uh so i really love my little secret hideout here if you guys got a brookhaven house do you also have a secret hideout uh in your house or something it's really nice now you just gotta be careful it's hard to get in and out sometimes but yeah that's really amazing so if you guys move into this house and brookhaven use that little secret there it's a nice place to go um but that aside uh we had our breakfast we didn't really have nothing to drink and i think i'm gonna go to the town to give me something to drink guys i think that's what we're gonna do we're gonna go to the town to get something to drink let's actually open this and uh why is there a blue car over here whose blue car is that the license plate says creepy girl what surely that's a cool winter dance right that's coming hold up guys that's kind of weird surely that's a coincidence right all right let me uh change my speed to 70. we like to go fast let's change my color to a bit of a dark yellow kind of like a gold like it's kind of like a goat right all right let's go all right um let's go to the city get us something to drink some coffee maybe is there a coffee shop in brookhaven um i don't know i mean there's the diner we might be able to get us a coffee at the diner so let's just pull in there come on guys good parking skills is always a necessity in brookhaven oh that's a pretty good job that's not too bad it's not perfect i've done better but it's going to do his work um all right so uh do you guys got coffee there's no one working here today i mean i could take some food out if i want um there's coca-cola diet coke sprite and dr pepper which oh coffee guys nice they do have coffee i knew i could count on the diner okay so let's sit down drink our coffee and kind of go over what the heck happened um so we know that we may be alerting that did someone just steal my lambo jesus brookhaven where anything is possible if you're not careful give me back my car ah guys let me go get my car hey where did you hey my car [Music] my car my car hey don't just vent off at the the airport oh my god i okay i'm trying to type wait come back you get that that's my car hey this give me are you serious right now this person is taking my car oh fine we'll fix this [Music] stop taking my car stop taking my car jeez i was trying to have a nice coffee okay fine you can come back to we're going to the arcade all right sorry oh my god they took my thing okay guys so this is where it started um i was trying to take my car okay they need to oh all right see did you see her though she was trying to like either find a way to catch a fly out of the country or literally steal my car and leave the whole brookhaven like what anyways guys you gotta be careful where's the police office we need some police officers over here um i'm gonna protect my car i need to put a lock does my car have a lock on it yeah it does actually hold up i can lock it by doing that that's much better all right guys remember to lock your cars in brookhaven it's a pretty dangerous place like i said the crime rate's going up constantly in brookhaven so we need more police officers so if you play brookhaven do us a favor become a police officer serve you serve your country and yeah yes city but anyways gonna play some super mario here i think this is like super mario so we're gonna play this a little bit but basically we were here we went up there we started recording apparently it may have actually worked i have to admit guys when i was recruiting i didn't think we were going to see anything i didn't think nothing was going to happen but it looked like we definitely caught the attention of this creepy girl did you see your face like she she has like this creepy look on her face guys i don't know that's why uh whoa can we just deny the fact guys think about this think about this it outside of oh why did i just like i know i was going to get my coffee but guys creepy girl there was a card that said creepy girl on the license plate outside of my house is my house locked oh no i just made a mistake lock the house lock the house right now lock the house that means she could be in my house guys guys that literally means she could be in my house she could literally be in my house right now this is not good this is not good guys let's go let's go me and rosie gotta get back there quick okay okay oh that's not good guys she's still there all right all right all right all right um let's uh park oh let's park my car you know how this is people will still at the first chance to get okay close uh lock the car okay it's locked all right let's uh let's go hold up let's listen for first step so you can always tell if someone's in your house if you listen to footsteps [Music] i do hear a few footsteps not gonna lie okay i think we're good [Music] okay be quiet be quiet guys we gotta listen we gotta listen we gotta make sure [Music] why did she park there maybe it's just someone that's just in the lobby like not doing nothing maybe it's a coincidence right why would someone get mad because we were filming in the birthday room i told you this is weird someone's robbing every safe around here though probably gonna be next aren't i okay let's um we're keeping the camcorder guys we're keeping the camcorder let's just go like wash your hands okay things seem to be good guys things seem to be good all right nothing to worry about nothing to worry about guys i think we are totally okay all right now people are asking like why don't you sleep in this room anymore because look guys i mean i know i can actually close my windows and people can't see inside but i don't like doing that but i also don't like the fact that i could close my windows and someone could be right there and i couldn't see them right that's why i always prefer to sleep like on the up upper part of the bedroom now because someone robbed my safe and look who's standing outside my window right now look super creepy every time i get a look okay someone's back robbing my safe and they got a gun you're not how do people leave when my door is locked i don't understand that that's clearly a convict look at the outfit the uniform guys oh that doesn't go the robbers oh every episode guys i think it's it's literally i'm gonna have to start doing something i'm gonna have to put up more defenses because like people are let's check the security look at that no they are stuck this one this person can't get out they can't get out good let's leave the what wow they like fell over and stuck out of my house guys okay let's see if we can see the creepy girl on the cameras she was in oh she's still there look at that that is so creepy why is she just standing there guys she's literally just standing oh heck no oh no no no no oh no she just moved she just moved she just moved [Music] what does she want is she saying anything in the chat what does she want guys oh my god this is weird this is like a different type of scare right it's like it's not a ghost but she's coming after us just because we decided to record i don't know guys i don't know okay fine let's uh keep locked up let's not unlock our house for any somehow people are still getting in my house there must be a secret entry or something that i'm not aware of but let's keep calm let's hope that she leaves fingers crossed and let's hope that she doesn't decide to come inside my house because if that happens then we're really really done for her so um let's add a bit of a darker tone to some of my house that's cool i like adding color we can change the color but um yeah so i don't know if she's still in my back 7 p.m and i kid you not brookhaven is in a lockdown apparently c-man is over here saying citizens of brookhaven a president of brookhaven i have made a mandatory lockdown for one week we've been getting threats from bloxburg and we need to stay safe if you need protection coming to the school okay so i don't know what that is but apparently the president of brookhaven is saying that we need to have a lockdown for a week which i'm actually not against because there's this creepy girl stalking us right now look at look at my character i'm looking around i'm like rosie's been paranoid like let me tell you i'm a little bit concerned uh because the last episode outside of my house was this creepy girl that apparently apparently if we we go into detail with this uh i would say that we decided to go to the second floor in the arcade and the reason is because guys let's let's let's face it i thought like okay did i ever explain why or how it first happened i was i was at a birthday party in the second arcade with a friend and we started recording the birthday party we had camcorders out you know i'm having a good time right and then out of nowhere up the staircase came this creepy girl and just looked at us and then she like well i guess logged out or just disappeared so ever since then i was like okay i've had a weird experience there so i want to go back and see if i start recording if something's going to happen sure enough we added we recorded nothing happened except right before we were about to leave then when we were about to leave out of nowhere she was standing outside of the arcade just looking at us sure enough the same exact girl so i don't know why she's following us why she was standing outside of my house lifeless just not even moving well she did move actually she she ran away and that was concerning too that was concerning guys have you liked the video yet please like the video um we need to we need to get uh some uh 10 10 20 million on this one likes um but anyways guys it's night time i need a snack you remember that two week old pizza i was talking about i'm gonna eat it now because it's delicious and we need some pizza okay pizza doesn't get oh you just put it on the skillet boom it's good to go again it's fresh as new um that's how i live with pizza anyways come on i can't be the only one that keeps pizza in the fridge forever um all right so let's eat up on our pizza here all right it's delicious rosie you can't have no it's too greasy for you okay i'm sorry i've got to keep you healthy all right um all right boom let's eat this now it's nighttime club brookhaven's probably up even though it's apparently a quarantine uh with this said um so someone's you're talking about poop now i i i don't know okay apparently we don't need to uh wait could it be that he's not actually the president of brookhaven see man are you are you being you know are you saying that you're actually not the president of brookhaven that could be a problem that could definitely be a problem anyways um so maybe not so we could go to club brookhaven uh which is always something to do at night uh but uh more importantly we could just roam around at night and see what happens around the arcade at like 3 a.m which could be the case we could see what happens at 3 a.m in brookhaven so let's unlock our door let's go get in our car delete do you mean delete what do you mean delete i'm out i'm out you can have the car you can have the car i'll take the hoverboard what she's in my house she broke into my house she literally broke into my house and said delete why why did why did she say delete guys why did she say delete i don't guess going to the arcade at 3am is gonna matter now because she is literally in my house at 3am she was in my garage oh where's the safe spot where's the safe plot the teacher is there what's the teacher gonna do a teacher is not gonna do anything there's this creepy girl following me do you think the teacher can help us hold up hold up hey hey are you there who's who is this is this teacher gonna help us can someone help us here because i i don't know this teacher's not responding or moving so i don't know who this is actually but i i don't know how do we get this girl out of my house there's someone in my house and i need help to get her out she's creepy i don't know what she's doing what she wants she's literally just standing okay guys i think we just got some let's get out of here let's get out of here before the copyright music takes over someone's playing music here wait are you the police off please police police police police police i need help i need i i need assistance someone is in my house can the police help someone's at my house can the police help the police is like on night duty night guard in the security card but like i need i need some assistance this pulley maybe she's going there maybe she's going there maybe not she's got the sirens and everything though oh here here's the here's the police maybe i doubt they're gonna respond to my call there's literally someone in my house over here guys they're they're going in this house oh my god they're shooting someone apparently there's some other crime going on over there do you guys think the creepy girl went over there oh that could be it for her if she did okay i don't know those police look like they mean business so yeah we got to be extremely careful all right let's go up in here um she literally broke into my house wait okay guys can we talk about why she said delete why did she say delete like does anybody know because no wait a second guys wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a second does she want us to delete like the quote-unquote footage we got from the arcade i'm not going to do that just because she wants me to like it's nothing there's no harm in the footage come on like that doesn't make any sense [Music] do you guys think she's still in the garage maybe we should open the garage open the garage for her right if she's still in there maybe she will leave we hope i i don't know if that's gonna be what happens but at this point that's kind of what i hope happens you know because wait guys you remember a few episodes back we um we had in uh beside the garage was her car i don't know if you guys remember but that was something that we noticed and it said creepy girl do you guys think that the car still is there and it says creepy girl which i i don't know if that's a possibility but we can look um let's go okay she's not in the garage no more guys she's not in the garage we're safe we're safe i'm happy i'm happy her car is not there i'm happy i'm also happy all right there's no one behind here right good good good good good okay just my grill all right i think we might be good let's put a pool look at the pool guys this is nice let's take a swim i have not i've not done this yet i love this having a pool in your house is literally required okay so let's uh let's go back out she doesn't seem to be parked out she's not in her garage no more unless she's in some no what if she's in the secret room i showed you guys oh god surely she wouldn't know of that room right that's the creepiest thing ever she's just in that room sitting there no no no no no no no no no no no no i don't even want to imagine it i'm taking my gun out i don't want to imagine it please please please please don't be in there please okay i think we're good i think we're good she's not in there put the gun up throw the gun out guys so what are we gonna do we're not gonna shoot her i mean come on like there's no need in that so we'll brush the teeth let's brush the teeth a little bit guys just get some teeth brushing going on there boom probably should brush my teeth for longer than like 10 seconds it's probably not gonna do much but let's brush my hair all right look at this amazing hair here it doesn't just do itself guys okay gotta make sure it's looking good looking real good for us all right while we're literally being stalked right now doing our hair as if like we're not being stalked by some somebody okay so the police once more not helping us out but at least there's police officers guys remember when i said that i was having trouble with police in brookhaven and the crime rate just going absolutely bonkers well at least we have police officers now and at least they're somewhat doing something um okay let's hop back on our hoverboard and let's go back into brookhaven and let's see it is 5am i mean we didn't see nothing at the um and where's she going creepy girl's car no that's the same car and what does she do who's this person doing why is she talking to the creepy girl who are you who are you why is she we just gonna not ask the question why she was at the creepy girl card wait was that actually creepy girl oh okay guys maybe that was actually creepy girl maybe and maybe like that's it maybe it was just coincidence guys maybe it was just pure coincidence that her name was creepy girl and we're dealing with a creepy girl outside and around the arcade coincidence i don't know i i i want to say it is what do you guys think let me know if you think that's coincidence in the comments guys but all i know is our house did get broken into the cops went to the wrong house and now it's pouring down rain get out the rain oh my god now we're stuck in the arcade away from the rain at 7 00 a.m in the morning okay guys how do we get this girl to leave us alone she said delete that's the only thing she said to us at all delete so i think that we delete the footage like do we delete the footage do we go back up there delete the footage and then move on i don't know i i honestly think that might be what we have to do um yeah that's probably what we're gonna have to do okay it's very very rainy today and back where we started on this couch we are going to try to solve this once and for all guys we we really need to figure out what the issue is with this creepy girl why she's trying to break in my house why is she secretly just standing around me uh the one message we got was delete uh yeah guys hit the like button let's go for 200 likes or not two likes two two likes is fine um and let's see uh what can i like i said guys one like from one person out there helps out so much and it means so much just that one like um but me and rosie are here make sure you follow the socials below we got a roblox group a community growing at a fast great so be a part of it now where we started a rainy day we have been seeing traces of the creepy girl around and today we're gonna try to solve all of it look at people got their umbrellas out which surprisingly we might need to get our umbrella out too i'm gonna be honest we might need to get our umbrella out because it might be the only thing that keeps us from this rain right now but i'm probably gonna whip out the new car again hopefully as long as someone's not in my garage this time i know the message said delete what does that mean well everybody say it just delete the camcorder it's not worth this person stalking you just get rid of it and you're probably right you're probably 100 right and i think that might be what we end up doing but then again let's see if we can anger her you know make her a little bit mad in some way and as per usual i think today i'm going to go with an apple so i'm going to eat me up an apple real quick and my facial expression slightly changed because i'm slightly worried about what we're dealing with here and how we're going to get out of this predicament we got ourselves and we're always getting ourselves in predicaments and it's a problem it's it's a big problem here okay uh someone's son ran away as well so we have a lost child that needs found somewhere in brookhaven uh which is pretty dangerous please brookhaven is so i hope that person finds their son uh pretty quickly because that could be bad now we did spot the creepy girls which we we think may be a connection to the creepy girl that we're seeing we we spotted her vehicle down here which it doesn't look there no more but we want to go check anyways um and i guess we could just take a stroll we could take a nice walk but i'm gonna need an umbrella so is this there he is let's take our umbrella out and let's head out so i want to check my garage again real quick let me let me get all this out off the screen okay there's no one in our garage good good good uh i don't think there's no one in our house i think she finally left our house online so let's take the footage and let's go record again guys let's go record again now this could be a very bad idea right but oh it stopped raining perfect all right um let me uh go here and get my car actually um because why not um okay as long as we don't have to worry about someone stealing it again that seemed to be quite someone is breaking into stuff again here in brookhaven it always happening all right so let's check here okay that car is not there anymore so there's a lot of people moved into the motels here though that's uh nice to see the motels at work okay guys so this is the arcade that we're dealing with here let's see what we're doing oh no guys oh no her car is here that car is here now it could be coincidence but this says creepy girl oh god please that means she's definitely here guys all right well if she's here best believe i'm recording it i don't care who's this what happened what's going on here yes yes my my car is locked right yeah all right we know how these people take their cars away all right i think uh i think they're just doing their thing look at that i'm making sure i'm just watching my car not that i don't trust the people of brookhaven but i've had i've had some issues in the past so we want to make sure that uh we're safe okay now let's get off the camcorder go on all right i'm gonna record every side of the wall that i possibly oh whoa okay hello hi say hello to the camera come [Music] delete the footage no oh my god someone's playing copyright music i'm not deleting the footage i think she's gonna get mad okay guys she asked us please she said please okay let's throw away the camcorder guys let's throw away the footage we throwed away the footage okay we completely thrown it away now what she left guys she left oh my god someone keeps on playing copyright music guys we gotta get out of here we gotta get out of here people keep playing copyright music she left though oh my god oh my god oh my god okay go go go go go go go go go go go go it's our way to disable music guys i really need to look into that or else my videos are going to get disabled okay so guys we talked to her i mean while all the chaos was going on outside like massive amounts of chaos um so look at this our chat lock was literally um hi oh no no that was talking to no no we talked to her we said hi and she said delete the footage and i was like huh yeah all right i'm gonna say no and see what you do and then instead of like getting angry or anything she just said please so i was like okay i kind of feel bad actually i kind of feel bad right like this footage doesn't really mean nothing to us right so okay i deleted it and then she just left so she was like some creepy player that's so weird guys i don't know i've never had that type of interaction in brookhaven never because like guys my first bit of brookhaven was just like okay look um i have a ghost in my house or what i think to be a god oh my god it's the copyright guy again jeez anyways um oh miller's here someone said omg is here um but yeah guys so i i don't know uh i guess we just deleted it so be it that let's go see where miller is let's let's see where miller is actually let's go pick up miller i need to ask miller if he's seen the creepy girl too or had any experience let me see where miller is let's see where are you miller i can't even i can't even say his name why all right fine um roblox is blocking out all the names for some reason i'm asking him where he is but either way guys so we deleted it because i felt bad now she left does that mean that like she is not gonna be uh like mad at us anymore because we deleted it i mean that is a that's a possibility but i don't know if that means we're totally in the clear and totally good but either way guys let's head back home i don't know where miller is though i was gonna pick him up and ask him if he had seen the creepy girl because we've been having issues with it um i mean we could ask everyone here in the lobby um and that could like maybe help us but oh here's i think someone that says owen g fan hold up let me say hi let me say hi hi i just pulled up in a lambo oh look at this guy he's got all kinds of supreme on that's miller have you seen this creepy girl i've been running into have you been have you seen this creepy girl i've been hold up i put running no strange i think she left strange i think she left all right well what does she look like she was scary she was scary like literally guys like her face it was like the scary like uh face or whatever like i didn't know what was really going on uh yes actually yes actually i was investigating yes actually i was investigating hold up let me tell them i'll hop in hop in we're gonna go for a little ride guys and um kind of figure out uh where we want to go from here all right so let's kind of take a turn here guys and he wants to tell you all something i don't know if we're going to let him do that or not we may or may not but uh guys be sure to you know subscribe thank you guys for watching another weird chapter in brookhaven who knows uh what's next uh but we will we will find out you know so guys if you made it all the way to the end comment below saying i made it and thank you guys so much for the support uh i really do appreciate it we're just taking a nice cruise in our car here and ending uh summarizing up the video so thank you guys for the support let's see uh if he has anything to say we may cut him off we may cut him off and nobody will know what he wants to say but we might not let's see is he gonna say something but yeah so if you make sure to see this hit the subscribe button okay okay i like that miller i like that miller subscribe button i like that that's that's definitely sure i agree with that 100 huh oh oh you you watched the whole movie already jeez i was i was in bed okay sorry sorry i wasn't a little bit unprepared for that one but yeah you made it all the way through the movie i hope you enjoyed it uh we're always looking at something weird in roblox so like who knows what's gonna be happening next i'm not gonna give out any hints right away but i can imagine it's gonna be kind of scary so either way scary or not please be safe while you're out there in brookhaven there's crime rate it's going up everything it's getting crazy but me and rosie uh will continue providing you amazing content so without aside if you guys made it to the end of this movie comment below saying hey you i made it and um yeah we look forward to many more adventures and everything i'm like we'll bid you a cheer some good stuff right there i'm telling him so either way thank you guys for watching be sure to join the roblox group below and uh yeah i think i might have a new neighbor in brookhaven let's see if she gets her house is she gonna get a house she's thinking about it she did oh looks like i got a new neighbor guys hopefully that's not gonna be creepy right okay [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 103,674
Rating: 4.9001088 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox Roleplay, Roblox Full Movie, Full Movie Roblox, Full Movie Roblox Horror, Roblox Full Movie BrookHaven, BrookHaven RP, BrookHaven RP Movie, BrookHaven RP Movie Scary, Scary BrookHaven RP, Scary BrookHaven RP Movie, Full Roblox Movie, Scary Full Movie, Brookhaven RP Roblox, Roblox BrookHaven RP, brookhaven 🏡rp, roblox brookhaven 🏡rp, Gameplay, O1G
Id: ksaFFqTcVfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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