Roblox BrookHaven 🏡RP The Demon (Scary Full Movie)

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oh hello guys i'm just working at the motel now i figured this was a much more calm job that might well clear my mind of some of the crazy events recently i mean you guys know we always have the rosie ghost hunter merch that means we're hunting ghosts and sometimes when hunting ghosts you encounter demons poltergeists things that uh will haunt you to your dying doom and i'm telling you it is not to be played with lightly this stuff is no joke if you are a fellow ghost hunter out there please be careful when hunting for these ghosts they can get pretty terrifying and i'm i mean that i really do so with this movie here especially today it involves our encounter with what we thought to be a a stalker of some sort or maybe what transferred from being a stalker to an all-out potential demon haunting us then if we look further into that possession occurred and that's why we're titling this one like something to do with that because i'm telling you it's not a joke the only way that i can gather peace in my mind now is being a motel worker and not worrying about it i don't know guys this one's getting a bit too dark for my taste so i might have to just calm down for a while so hit the like button subscribe never post it forget it bring it back and enjoy this movie grab your absolute popcorn whatever you may need and i hope you enjoy the film [Music] okay okay okay guys it is brookhaven time um let's go ahead and go to a house let's get our own house going here what house can we get those thirteen okay welcome guys have you got your rosie mercy yet go do that go join our roblox group all that good stuff welcome to the new video hit the like button how many likes can we get 200 300 two i'll take two likes i'll take two likes welcome guys subscribe now post notification or ring the bell minnie go dean you know how i do i figured i would go back to you know one of my houses one of my houses one of the good houses guys this is a good house right let's let's hope that this is a good house here now apparently this house has more hunting connected to it who would have thought right who would have actually thought guys this house has more haunting connected to it so i don't know if that's the case but hopefully we can be safe uh i don't know guys okay with this stuff when it comes to hauntings and everything creepy like i'm always on edge guys you guys know with this house here specifically i had some really really scary running so i figured what what was that what was that oh that's a i don't remember that flower being there that's creepy i don't know maybe they fixed the haunting in this i don't know guys it's 4 a.m i like to sleep in late i'm going to sleep in late guys i don't want to worry about anything i just want to sleep in late uh catch some snoozes you know not worry about it too much because it could get kind of creepy did i just hear footsteps again guys i'm hearing footsteps i don't like it i don't like it guys i'm i'm kicking this off right here guys let's get my cameras here let's look at my house camera house cams that's not the house cam that's the camps okay security's looking good there security's looking good there guys the front is looking good the front is looking good now remember guys the last time we kept on hearing footsteps and we would hear uh not just footsteps but other stuff going on uh like some some ghost sounds and things like that so that's why i don't like this house guys that's why i don't like this house 100 hallways look it's safe okay that's one of the bathrooms i don't like the mirrors in the bathrooms you can't blame me for that you can't blame me for that nobody can blame me for that okay um that's the other bedroom here that's the uh what guys oh oh he's gone he's gone now what the heck was that what dick was that what the heck was that where did he go where did he go i'm about to cry i'm about to cry where did he go oh okay okay no that's that's fine did he go in the closet that's that's that that's really fine that's really fine i'm just different in the corner of my home okay oh my god oh my god what in the world was that [Music] this is why i do not do brookhaven scary videos this is exactly why you know oh my god dude do not sleep in this house guys do not do it look the last time we were in this house we had a ghost problem now dude someone was watching me sleep what entity was that okay okay okay guys come on come down come down [Music] okay i i think the only place there's not a camera is right there in the closet okay in the closet uh guys i don't know what that thing was i have a gun though i have a gun is that going to do nothing probably not probably not would would what about ghost the vacuum a vacuum i i don't know i don't i don't know but i'm really afraid to go in there i'm really afraid to go in there right now i'm not gonna lie um i don't like it he could be hiding in the closet oh guys i can't do it i can't do it i can't do it i can't do it i cannot go in there oh my god it's all i see in brookhaven it's cold like nobody's gonna be out in this type of cold like nobody and guys let's cut this shout out here's a bunch of people people talking i i'm going oh my god why did my game glitch hold up i'm going i'm going i'm going okay it's fine no one in the closet it's okay okay okay okay where did he go guys where the heck did he go okay my my door was unlocked to be fair i did leave my door unlocked what are the chances what if he was just like in the neighbor's house now like watching what looking at it oh i don't like it i don't even know what that thing was guys i don't even know what that thing was maybe if we turn the lights off it will welcome him or maybe that's just gonna creep us out creepy monster look how dark it is in here i don't know what you want from me or why you're haunting me but um i don't think you're welcome to who's that who is that who is that i don't know let's go back out i don't think you're too much welcomed here i hate to tell you that i'm just turning all my lights off guys to see if he will show up then oh god this is rightfully so just terrifying did you guys hear something okay okay let me see if there's any subscribers in the lobby i don't see no none of you okay usually you guys help lighten up the mood a bit you know if there's a subscriber in the lobby yanking i could feel a bit more comfortable when i'm pretty much alone in this one i'm not gonna lie guys i'm pretty much alone in this one okay it's still snowing but it's daytime all right let's get a vehicle let's go into brookhaven and ask anybody if they've seen a creepy entity because [Music] i won't be honest with you guys that does not seem normal who's that someone jump wait who are you uh hello hi what i just jumped in my car okay anyways let's go let's go let's go oh my god the roads are so icy um someone just randomly jumped in my car guys i don't know let's go to the diner um i'm really creeped out right now not gonna lie i'm pretty creeped out all right i'm gonna go in the diner here and sit down uh first off guys i gotta give me some coffee is syria here what can i not get coffee i need coffee uh who wait is that what that entity is called surely not never i don't know i never hurt that person well the one the one when he was on brookhaven before oh are you is she talking about siren head guys i can't pick up coffee for some reason or nothing yeah she's talking about siren here guys oh yeah guys we didn't see siren in today i mean if you haven't seen our encounter with siren head i urge you all to go look at that guys i urge you all to go look um like seriously like definitely go watch that that's super scary meet me at the farm sonic boom said meet him at the farm oh god there's gonna be siren head again guys not only are we dealing with siren head we got like a creepy entity um watching us sleep like guys the chapter is unfolding here i don't know if that entity works for siren head in some way but um you know quite honestly i'm not trying to risk any of that stuff like it's getting honestly scary so she must have been in here when we were looking for siren head guys a while back uh that's just scary that you know on top of scott's siren ed we we're dealing with this okay let's go to the farm this is where we saw siren head okay siren head was here too guys so we got to be careful i want to tell you something okay was he gonna tell us something about what we just seen or is he gonna tell us something like creepy that's going on slenderman oh he's talking about slenderman guys there's too much inside brook even the siren end of slenderman like i'm i'm terrified i'm legitimately terrified at this point i don't think nothing's gonna top what we just seen i saw slenderman looking at me here yeah guys we we we had some crazy encounters with slenderman back in the day like well back in the day what like how long ago is it like have you seen uh let's see if he's seen uh i don't know where he's taking us now i did he's also seen siren hit he also seen siren head guys i'm telling you that siren head we've seen was really weird it was weird i'm not gonna lie to you guys it was weird okay let's let's let's my doors right now i'm closing my windows so nobody can see inside maybe just maybe we can be safe i don't know it's it's looking very dangerous out here these days guys in brookhaven now i wanted to do something different today i wanted to see what would happen if i just washed my security cameras very closely because the last time i did i was trying to go to sleep peacefully and well you all know what happened some creepy entities started creeping over me while i was trying to sleep and then up and disappeared in the creepy ghost room never good never good at all so so i can uh so i can go you know out here on the the balcony guys i think i should be okay right i should be okay i'm gonna i'm gonna light my door now though i think as long as i keep my doors locked and i can come out here we're good we're good there's nothing honey it's brookhaven there's not i i don't think nobody's gonna do some crazy jump over inside out and get inside my house but i'm paranoid oh uh uh before we go any further guys i know you guys won't be like make sure you check your house make sure you check your house check your okay okay i'm checking my clothes okay i want to check my house from top to bottom now i literally just spawned this house back in oh god this is already creeping me out okay i just spawned this house back in as i started right so a hot tub day you just it let's just chill in the hot tub right here on the hot tub look at it look at the view i have a brookhaven guys i can see all of the town it is beautiful it is really beautiful to be able to see all the town and not have to worry about nothing um do i even have neighbors oh i do i got some neighbors over there look at that i got neighbors all in this this all right i'm hearing gunshots maybe my neighbors are not too friendly oh jesus who's shooting okay guys maybe maybe we should go back inside i don't know about all that what's it say is there any subscribers in here abc for police um i have the money request nothing happened here okay guys i'm gonna i'm gonna just show take a nap should i take a nap during the day i i don't know if taking a nap's really uh okay guys i just heard a doorbell so why did i just hear a doorbell does anybody does anybody know why i heard a doorbell i don't i don't know if i want to hear a doorbell right now guys i'm going to be honest who's at my door who's out my door um that is not good that second yeah it's probably a subscriber it's probably a subscriber okay let's go see let's go see who is it uh hello hello i'm i'm scared so my tour is locked sorry i'm deeply scared so my door is locked okay i'm going i'm sorry i'm sorry i know you're gonna be like no it's fine let me hit but look um i'm really terrified because if i unlock my door again this is the only part that's open which is actually pretty dangerous too but now i can't unlock my door the subscribers are gonna come in which i don't mind you guys being in my house it's just you guys can let something else in my house right so that's what i'm a bit concerned with i'm a bit concerned with who's who's all down there first off let me just see who's all down there someone said meh i don't know is he upset because i wouldn't let him in i know you're probably upset i'm so sorry but like i'm st i'm deeply concerned right now okay if i let you in it could be the end of me you understand that so um all right let's see here guys can i can i get a book can i get a book please no a book uh let's let's get a book let's just read a book mind our own business and move on carry on okay all right sorry pop the cat just no i'm filming a ghost hunting video right now and i i'm wondering if that one entity that we spotted was a ghost or not he watched he was watching me sleep and then he up and disappeared so ideally what i want to do guys i want to wait till it gets nighttime which is going to be any minute now so we're going to flip through our book here have a nice read and then we're just going to look at the cameras very consistently see if anything happens we've checked our house from top to bottom it seems to be pretty clean right now there's nothing here other than this uh opening that we have here oh someone's jumping they're gonna jump in okay guys okay [Music] i'm a fan i'm a fan okay guys i got a lot of fans outside the house right now which a lot of times you guys be pulling pranks are you shooting hey i call you shooting you the wood shooting in the neighborhood pop the cat you're shooting nah see this is why we didn't let you in you're shooting okay this is safe oh look at that he tried to get in my house so i'm trying to get in my house through a ladder is that a note did someone put a note on my hold up guys did someone put a note i how did you you got it my how did you get in what i'm a big fan where are you how did you get in how did you get in how did we i i didn't i locked the door okay guys somehow you guys still got in oh my god everybody's getting in i i knew this was i this was bad close it closer to where close the door locked the door can we do ghost house again uh well we we doing that uh i'm actually i'm actually scared to be honest uh we doing that i'm actually scared so i you know what let's it's nighttime let me go to sleep let me continue looking at the cameras let me take any it's just what the heck is that thing oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay guys that is exactly why i do not that's why i don't somehow that could have been a subscriber where did he go he he he he so scared that doesn't make any sense so scary what what was that [Music] where uh please tell me that was one of you guys why the heck would somebody be looking like that you guys ah he saw the siren head video guys this is this isn't good i might as well unlock my doors now i mean all right let's look at him again was that was that was that one of you i guys this is it's really hard to pinpoint because there's so many people in my house right now but i'm trying i'm trying to get through this guys i'm trying to look um that's how they got in which it could have been how that one creepy guy got in too i i don't know like it it could have been how the creepy guy got in as well uh someone put a ladder in my house guys the door is unlocked you guys can come in now can i be in your channel well you you are in the channel uh oddly enough i i guess it's quite fitting i okay i need i need to take a drive i need to take a drive guys away from this house all right let's uh let's uh take a drive here everybody's gonna follow me um let me uh let me let me let me get uh let me get some uh fast wheels here look what do we got here um i'll take uh i'll take this thing okay let's let's go come on get in the car get in the car all right how did you beat my horn i didn't do that okay so let's uh put speed 150 we're going oh my god i just okay we're going fast all right so all right i ordered a dozen donuts i don't know what they're talking about donuts but it's not nope we're not going to the creepy shack either oh my god guys okay so we're going to go over here and try to just process what happened i think i think it might have been one of you guys pulling a prank on me i mean oh my god this is tokyo drift okay so um don't guys i don't know they put the speed to 200 on these vehicles but like you can't you can't even like it's hard to it's hard to maneuver is what i'm saying i'm not going to the farm either because that's where the scarecrow looks and apparently cartoon cat has clay oh my god whose house is this i don't know this is where we stand right now we're parking here okay so what if we fast forward we got some bikes now so we're gonna spawn it by um so you guys remember that house that i got haunted by a ghost in like there was like a ghost or something something just odd haunted me in the house you guys remember that well in that house we also started getting haunted by some like demon or like this weird entity that kept on looking over me as i was sleeping and stuff now already you can probably tell that sounds a bit terrifying and what do you mean what do you what do you mean well we're gonna go be going back to that house today and we are going to be trying our best to remain calm and hope that we don't see that creepy entity of course it would rain of course it would rain oh boy all right well we're gonna have to get some shelter anyways i guess so this house here guys let me get back to okay do i even remember what house it was i think it's this one oh god once you guys see the house you're gonna know exactly what i'm talking about i mean hey yeah yeah yeah okay okay it's a new day in brookhaven that's why i'm warming back up to guys it's a new day i know we've been messing around with this house and it's a new day i thought i wasn't going to move in i'm going to be honest i thought who's this who who are you who are you who who who are you who are you is he actually the one that's been watching me sleep i mean guys think about it if we look from behind jesus storming bad oh someone just moved out okay why is he just standing in my house what's going on hello friend not fo okay do i know you do i know you he's a friend he's not a foe wait you haven't watched me sleep before right because i'm telling you he's looking kind of like the suspect right now guys turns out it wasn't like some demon or anything it was just this random guy that just comes into this house at this time and i he's probably has no clue what i'm talking about if he's some random person he's probably nope why are you having a winky face though hmm that's a bit that's a bit sucks i ain't gonna lie that's that's a bit sus that's a big sus i don't know about that um okay cool well let's just look over the footage guys since he's here this weird guy let's actually look over some of the footage um of this creepy like guy that was watching me sleep or demon whatever we don't really know what to call him exactly let's just quickly review some of the footage so we have like this first clip um i'm hoping i could show these to you guys right um to people that like okay look at this he just watching me sleep like are you mad okay the downtown is flooded guys this isn't good it's flooding and broken okay anyways he was just watching me sleep i was there peacefully and guess what made it creepier i was looking at my security cameras right i was looking at my security cameras he's watching me see why did his eyes just turn red were your eyes always red uh i know i'm not the only one that's seen that right maybe maybe maybe he just got possessed or something why is he not saying nothing guys nope a hundred percent he said he's a friend not holding my quote-unquote friend just get possessed where he going [Music] no he's got a demon in him or something we need to i in the world guys hold on i don't like it you good okay um i'm not good where did he go wait what what's he got in his hand what what are you don't do it i'm locking the doors where are you going now huh lock the doors on you i locked the doors on you okay you ain't watching me sleep no more ugh he wants to give me my money back thank you very much let me go put that back in my safe real quick put the money back in the safe where'd he go thank you for giving my money back all right guys this is weird this is such a weird interaction right now like he kind of fits the description of the guy that has been watching me sleep he got possessed did you see his eyes yep just playing so you're not evil so you're not evil or like possessed or anything right cool okay okay then let's have some pizza what let me just give them a slice of pizza that's strange all right here here have some pizza let me give him some pizza all right that's good that's good let's eat our pizza it's uh this is the best pizza on brookgame and i ain't gonna lie to you okay um geez what a weird interaction why is he still in my house guys i i don't know but i seen his eyes turn red name in roblox what what you mean naming roblox the pizza place is like moe's pizza i think it's a pretty good place you can get it in the mall so i can friend you he he wants to frame me right now guys i thought we were already friends i thought we were already friends i don't know i don't know guys oh yeah yeah that's a bit sus all right i'm getting out of here guys i think he is a bit weird let's get back on our bike oh he did just send us an actual frame request okay guys i'm gonna be honest there's some weird stuff going on at brookhaven he fit the description as of like [Music] oh hey no no wait why if that wasn't if that was it okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait whoa if that wasn't the person in my house wasn't the then who was that at the bus stop who was that at the bus stop who was that at the bus stop oh no no no no no no no no no okay hold up hold on hold on so wait j giovani was actually my friend he was actually really my friend did he get possessed first okay guys there's so many questions going in the air right now who was that at the bus stop that was the dude that was watching the sleep the guy at the bus stop was a hundred percent the creepy guy he looked like that devil or something i don't i'm not playing i'm not playing it i'm not playing it it's too creepy it's too creepy um it's too creepy i don't know okay he robbing my safe again he said we were friends and he's robbing myself again are you kidding me think about this thing about this thing with this okay do you guys think if i go to sleep that creepy guy at the bus stop is gonna show up at my house and try to watch me sleep again so my time apart i decided to change the color of my bike i thought let's get my mind off some of the creepiness that's just kind of circulating through brookhaven right now let me go ahead and customize my bike with a brand new color of course my friend happened to get possessed in the last episode which that looked like him right there actually he's going around robin banks including my safe quite often but let me go ahead and open up my garage here so i can park my bike in and hopefully sleep peacefully i know it's 1pm but i'm thinking about taking a nap and looking at my cameras to see if possibly we catch this weird demon like character that's slowly haunting all the houses in brookhaven so it seems um i mean where do we actually go from here guys i'm i'm concerned i'm worried i don't think that i'm safe can i can i sit here can i say that i don't think i'm safe guys because i really don't feel safe i really don't feel safe so what are we gonna do today well we are probably all right we're probably gonna go get us a uh this we're gonna get this a little mirror oh not a mirror a a flashlight and what i want to do is i want to actually close this why is this open i want to turn off all the lights in my house [Music] and i just want to go to sleep look at the cameras [Music] and see if anything appears again all right because i know demons don't like the light they probably hate it okay so we gonna let him feel right at home so we can lure him out this is the only way i see it working okay this creeps me out this was the house that we also ran into bloody marion oh my god dude okay we can go to sleep in this one we can go to sleep in this bed but it's daytime right now so i just kind of want to go through the house take a scan through that is my flashlight working okay i had i've had times where my flashlight just doesn't work okay i'm not gonna lie i'm kind of scared right now guys oh my god i'm gonna scared [Music] who's that what the heck was that there's someone moving let me lock my doors i don't want nobody coming in i don't want nobody coming in why are there people outside my house i don't like it i don't like it why are you outside my house you can go now guys okay let's let's just act like we're taking a nap [Music] look at the cameras wait did i just [Music] did you guys just no he has a sign that's him that damn that damn guys guys he has a sign what did his sign say did you guys see what the sign said i didn't see what the sign said guys oh my god no no no check the cameras ah daddy get that in get that ain't get that in good he's gone he's gone he's gone oh my god that's me that's me that's me oh my god how scary if like you see yourself and he's like just standing there beside what's that what's that movement is that a ghost what is that what the heck is that guys you see that moving all across the floor okay keep going wait is that him right there [Music] what to say i was the one that possessed him no no no no no no no go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep no no no no no no no no no no no please don't do this right now to me please don't do this right now to me oh my god okay [Music] oh my god please make sure the doors are locked the doors are locked please go away oh my god oh my god go away please please go away i can't even drink water right now guys give me a second give me a second oh i don't like all these lights off i don't actually like this at all turn them on oh this one turn them onto them oh my god it's a night time go go go go go go go oh my god my my bike let's get it and get out quick he could be already in my house right now he could already be in my house right now let's go come on we're gonna pick her up can we pick her up we picked her up okay we're going she's a maid oh my god guys we almost took off with the maid all right oh geez um keep going keep calm keep calm keep calm we are gonna just go and get some ice cream get some ice cream bubble gum ice cream oh no no someone's got copyright music playing geez i'm eating my ice cream in the in here okay i started some copyright music guys we cannot even risk that for a split of a second i'm eating my i'm eating my ice cream in the back alley which is kind of creepy what's in the back alley i don't know okay guys the the town is not safe not even safe for youtube videos so let's actually go we got to get far out of here i got my ice cream in one hand i'm eating it as i'm driving in the other oh heck no i'm not going to the brookhaven cemetery right now that's a place we definitely not going to go okay someone's playing a guitar randomly brookhaven's is creepy tonight guys it's just 100 creepy okay well um cool news my friend got possessed we found out who possessed him and now we don't really know what to do and we feel rather clueless that's a great way to close things out knowing that your friend or anybody you could talk to could be getting possessed great i'm just great having a wonderful day have a feeling great feeling very sad you feeling very blessed got all the robux coming right oh my god okay so here's what we're gonna do guys we gotta go back to the house we have to we turned up all the lights after we left we have to go back and give it a final inspection he might be there waiting on us this might be a boss battle right this might be the grand boss battle that we've ever seen having to figure out how we're gonna kill him i don't know guys i don't know but let's go back hope for the best we got our trusty bike here that we've had since the beginning of our endeavor in this okay let's uh let's go let's go oh geez this is roblox possession that is fine as it is not fun and games guys okay where's my house let me just actually teleport to my house okay i like this too because i can see if he's outside look at that i can see a lot okay let's go dude i am actually terrified right now guys dad just locked myself in with i am actually terrified probably should close that why don't i feel like i just sealed the gate like i just sealed the only way that i was going to live right now like i just closed i was like what happened to my one friend that got possessed why did he leave is he even still in the lobby uh he is giovanni what are you doing man get over here giovanni you there huh oh my god yeah so what he he was not the most trustworthy friend and he did rob us multiple times but he kind of gave us more answers i'm asking if he's there i don't know where you ran off to like oh my god guys okay is that giovanni right there that's totally giovanni right there guys that's totally giovanni right oh darn it i'm gonna not catch him in time where'd he go oh this is his house hey oh my god never mind jeez he put out the shotgun eyes guys i don't know about him i don't know about him he he bit uh you bit everywhere i'm gonna be honest he'll be everywhere why are we even open i i don't know oh you guys are back well nothing's changed here i'm still working hard at the motel we don't have many many people join in our room ever since the bacon incident bacon died in the back room and for some reason it gave our motel a bad reputation and now nobody wants to stay at this motel i don't know maybe some of you guys know exactly what i'm talking about but it's it's been an issue but either way you guys seen what we were dealing with i don't know if that was a possession i don't know what it was or someone just pulling a big prank on me i didn't like it though and i didn't like him one bit but all of you got to experience it and it was probably one of the more scary ones we've ever done we've never went this length of scary okay we've been s we've been did some scary stuff but this one tops the line um being the scariest no doubt never want to go through this again jeez anyways guys i think i'm just going to stick to looking for sonic.exe and stuff you know i don't want to i don't want to deal with all that geez but if you guys made it to the end of the video i imagine you probably have your rosy ghost hunter merch so shout out to you i think after this one we're going to be um saying goodbye to the ghost on emerge really so uh it was fun but that's why i always say copy while you can who's ringing the bell oh yes it's one of our as you guys can tell business is kind of booming but not as it usually is anyways see you guys in the next one have a nice day comment below ghost if you made it to the end geez brookhaven is so chaotic sometimes what i'm not actually doing nothing on my computer [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 191,805
Rating: 4.8939795 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox Roleplay, Roblox Full Movie, Roblox BrookHaven RP, BrookHaven RP, BrookHaven, BrookHaven RP Movie, BrookHaven RP Roblox, BrookHaven RP Roblox Roleplay, BrookHaven RP Full Movie, Scary Full Movie, Full Movie, Roblox Full Movie BrookHaven RP, Scary, Creepy, Scary Roblox Videos, Roblox Videos, The Demon, Gameplay, O1G
Id: j0qrHMbVdXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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