Roblox BrookHaven 🏡RP Bakon (Scary Full Movie)

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okay so there's the diner and right behind me is room one in this motel well this motel you would think maybe it's haunted maybe there's a ghost that's why you have your ghost hunter rosie merch on right well not exactly but do go get your rosie ghost hunter merch while it is available um i'm at the motel because of some recent events that have been downright terrifying in a way that i can't even begin to explain you're in for it grab your soda popcorn whatever you may need and make sure you're ready for this one subscribe and don't post application i'll ring the bell i'm gonna go dean if you haven't done so already so you can stay notified of each and every single upload trust me you want to be notified now it's getting 6 p.m meaning it's going to get dark and broken meaning that things can get very terrifying every name's this is showing up in the intro i'm trying to do my intro for my movie here so guys if you want to see the crazy chapter of bacon unfold from start to finish you're in the right spot so enjoy and don't don't don't comment saying i didn't warn you because i'm warning you now bacon is not to be played with in brookhaven oh i'm gonna go hide in the dumpster real quick if you're not in the roblox group simply search it or click the link in the description and you can join the omg group not many members in here yet so be uh one of the many uh that can uh help us start this group up and uh get it going and we also do giveaways you can click out check the rosie merch that i'm always talking about here and all that good stuff all right let's get in with this video it's it's it's one that i'm oh god just just watch okay this is my house in brookhaven it's not the haunted house guys i'm gonna be honest i decided to move out of that haunted house for a while i need a break guys i keep on seeing things on my security cameras i keep on seeing things i don't like if you don't know what i'm talking about don't worry it's probably for the best it's been an issue that we've been having but welcome aboard guys this guy is probably about to go rob my safe let me lock that door real quick before these people go in i cannot have nobody robbing my safe thank you thank you i cannot do that uh okay i've locked myself out of my own house because i have to be cautious of these uh intruders but either way guys uh we're here today to look in brookhaven about something i i gotta i gotta tell you guys something i gotta go in my house actually i gotta go my house i need i need some pizza to calm my nerves from what i seen in the last night that i spent in brookhaven it's not good all right the doors are locked don't you dare try to come in okay give me my pizza all right boom okay wait one second close the door all right i'm gonna eat the pizza stab my face repeatedly with it but it's gonna be delicious because it's pizza now calming my nerves a bit i seen something that guys did i say subscribe so if you haven't subscribed and impossible forget about ring the bell we gonna go dean we're going for two likes on this video guys i think we can get two likes on this one but anyways getting back to my store so normal night brookhaven what did i decide to do i decided to take a nice nightly stroll i drive throughout brookhaven's wonderful town only to find that at the motel i seen something i seen something i seen bacon now guys if you don't know what bacon is it's a roblox game that kind of took off around the same time as piggy and it's a bacon hair that basically wants to kill you that looks terrifying in the process he's tall he's evil looking and it's just downright terrifying so oh my beats is gone darn anyways so i said i thought it was just a normal player at first but as i approached him at the motel i realized it wasn't he whipped out an axe and started trying to kill me so i don't know what's going on with this why is why is bacon in my brookhaven lobby but i'm not really vibing with it so what i figured go ahead and get out the guns okay i got a shotgun here if bacon wants to play we're going to play i'm kidding i don't think i'm going to shoot him or anything hopefully not but he's got an axe he's trying to kill me anyways listen what we're going to do is go back to the motel look around look we're gonna see who's living in the motel maybe we can catch his username right get pick you know yeah we'll expose him so um let's go out of here there's a lot of people outside my house today that's all i'm saying i don't know what's going on there but um all right let's get on our skateboard put our speed to uh 45 that's pretty good speed there all right good to go good to go now like i said guys where's the motel where's the motel it's over here it's over here okay okay okay calm down calm down maybe i should ask some people in the lobby if they know a bacon there was a lot of people outside my house first let me let me let me uh [Music] they all left are you kidding me [Music] guys i literally come back over here and then they all leave the second i want to talk to them hey do any of you know bacon no all right fine very vocal very vocal group you know what that's that's absolutely fantastic okay fine all right um let's go ahead and just look around then i don't really know uh what kind of yeah guys i think they're doing their own thing all right fine failed attempt okay so let's look oh no why is this door cracked why is this door correct guys oh god oh there's a car at the the motel too okay why don't i hear a lot of footsteps do you guys hear that why is this cracked okay he could have totally been in here and just killed me right why is there a van a creepy van i want to get a coke real quick guys just don't mind me but yeah he was posted up like on one of these posts here just like relaxing there guys oh god oh god okay i'm in this one alone guys there's no subscribers in the lobby there's nothing i'm just in this one alone okay who's living here what in the world is it is what did we walk in on it's a cat or someone pretending to be a cat what you know what that's more terrifying than bacon guys let's leave that one will be okay um what okay so let's go to the dino let's go to the diner guys we checked that we checked the moto lobby there we checked that everything seems to be fine um i want to give me some coffee i'm going to give me some coffee guys i love me some coffee i always can use me some coffee whoa whoa sorry about that whipped out the shotgun there i should probably throw that thing away guys we're not going to use it right we're not going to use a shotgun come on let's have some coffee here guys and just think about what the heck is going on because let's be honest it's not nighttime or anything so i think if we're gonna run into bacon it's probably gonna be at night right so that should be what we're concerned with uh the diner is pretty dull today but i like this diner it's over 24 7. guys you can never beat this diner uh other than the time the one time that i did try to get a job here uh story time with omg i tried to get a job here and i caught the whole diner on fire bad times bad times put the shirt put it pretty short i'm gonna make a video that's about it right all right um all right so good coffee uh i think we're gonna have to move on and guys don't put my gun away i put my gun away i don't i don't need to put my gun away i want to get the fridge open they just leave the fridge open i can take some to go should we take some to go back to our house okay let's take some to go uh is this the bathroom or something i mean i could probably maybe use the bathroom i go whoa what the heck was that what the heck was that guys hold up hold up guys don't tell me that that was like was that like should i be concerned um is he gonna come out after us or something because like i don't know if i can handle that guys was that [Music] guys he was swinging the axe the second i opened the door he was swinging the axe [Music] oh he is on the toilet why is bacon on the toilet that was a clear view of him and i'm not playing with that i'm not playing that oh okay uh i won't be honest i don't know what the heck okay we opened the door once and he's swinging an axe and comes charging at us and now he's on the toilet why is he on the toilet okay guys i don't know i'm taking my skateboard out here i'm going way out here he is no way bacon's getting us out here no way oh god cute baby girl why you gotta rob my safe like that all right all right all right okay guys first off he we opened the door right he we opened a door and he was there he was ready to slash us i thought he was going to come out charging with us but but he wait maybe he was just taking a poop and he didn't want us inviting his privacy right maybe maybe right all right let me get my truck out again uh come on come on all right let's set the speed to 100 that might be too much i'm not gonna lie to you guys the speed here isn't compromised very well if you put too high you'll start sliding everywhere it's really hard to control these things okay let's uh let's see let's see we'll see i'm just gonna drive through the diner real quick don't worry about me oh my god i think that's him right there never mind gotta go oh whoa okay so yeah guys i i don't know why he's haunting the diner in motel i don't know i don't know i don't like it though i don't like it guys he's going to kill all the people in brook even if we don't want him bacon is literally in the lobby everyone i don't know who cares but maybe you care maybe you don't care but uh you could probably get murdered by him so i would maybe care wait you know what come on all right let's get back here i don't think nobody in brook game is going to care right now guys everybody's been doing their own thing i mean we caught some pretty uh we got some pretty weird stuff going on here um guys i i honestly i'm just going to stay away from the diner i'm gonna stay away from the diner that's what i'm gonna do just stay away from the diner don't worry about it and hopefully the other citizens of brookhaven are safe that's all i'm saying let me get my binoculars okay where's my binoculars there we go get the binoculars take a oh i just threw them away that's 200 iq okay boom all right all right all right why is he just standing at the diner like that guys what what's he doing does he see me or something okay i don't know if he sees me or something but he started coming this way so and uh let's sit down with this person here and say hi she's eating some ice cream hi let's see what ice cream she recommends us i i don't know let's see what ice cream do you recommend what ice cream do you recommend she's i grace i'm in the ice cream shop she's talking to someone i don't know but what ice cream do you recommend maybe she could tell me um coming oh nope she's here hello i just intruded sorry sorry chocolate okay chocolate let me get some chocolate ice cream she recommended some chocolate here boom okay let me let me give her some chocolate ice cream too we'll give her some chocolate ice cream i'll just ate my chocolate ice cream oh my god let me get the chocolate ice cream come on i'm just sitting here i'm intruding on this i have a song stuck in my head here take the ice cream why didn't you take my ice cream take my ice cream okay guys so recently uh we've been dealing with bacon and uh okay so after that after the encounter at the motel i wonder what bacon's out there doing you know like i wonder if bacon uh is going to be upset at us or what exactly after because remember he was chasing after us and it was quite concerning okay it was very quite concerning so i'm kind of confused at what bacon might have in store if he's still haunting brookhaven and i think we got to be very careful i think we definitely need to be very careful uh about what we do here so uh they obviously are moving on i don't know what they're doing guys uh but while we're thinking about what we're gonna do with bacon let's look at this secret location in the police office i know a lot of you guys might not know about this so you come up here and you swoop in here and you have a secret room hideout you can hang out with your friends pretty cool is it not but anyways um let's go ahead and head out and go back over here i don't need the helicopter i don't need the helicopter i got to be careful guys let me get my uh binoculars out and look around the motel let me look around the motel i've been having a lot of encounters with this who's that who's that okay so we got brooks diner save the motel okay i'm not seeing nothing someone's on the swings now i'm angry huh what what do you mean now you're angry where are you going hey guys i think he's coming this way let's go let's go let's go he said he's angry why is he angry what do we do guys to be fair wait is it because we walked in him on a toilet oh god guys never walking down bacon on the toilet don't do it bacon on a doula ah don't do it don't do it guys um don't walk in on bacon on the toilet um don't do it okay because he's gonna get mad apparently like jeez okay that's the only way that i can think that he might be mad at us i don't know guys let's let's change our home let's move into a house up here or something on the hills we could move into the ranch we could move into the ranch this place is pretty creepy though guys there's some scarecrows and stuff out here hunting okay gold ranch let's uh let's go here um you already own a house i i know i have like the the one place but i want to go here i want to go here um let's just get a nice ranch home ranch home basic simple i like it i could do it okay cool all right let's uh let's go in here guys okay keep an eye out for bacon he's apparently angry which means he might try to come kill us i don't know if i can handle that i don't know if i can handle that okay so as always lock the doors to start the fireplace ah cozy okay so let's think about this let's think about this why is he angry i don't know i don't know why he's angry guys it's a good question for all of us let me get my car out let me get my car out here brook gave us got some nice vehicles okay we got some nice vehicles in brookhaven okay all right let's uh let's drive around guys okay so here's the plan i'm gonna probably drive around brookhaven i'm gonna see like if we see him at the motel again or what exactly but i think he's probably a bit angry and uh he's probably on the pro oh whoa whoa whoa what are you what you doing coming up here so fast like that okay okay let's uh let's go let's go all right just keep calm keep gum it's it's bacon what's he gonna do slash this with an axe most definitely and that's actually kind of terrifying all right so let's go watch out for these people film i'm going fast gotta go fast okay oh god is that him right there oh my god that's bacon he's got an axe guys look at that he's got an axe oh okay i don't know about that i don't know about that guys he's got an axe right now we we need to recruit someone to help us like we gotta do something like we gotta someone needs to kill bacon or something right because like if he's if he's threatening the civilians of brookhaven then he's got he's got to be took care of we're gonna have to take him out real quick guys on a nice dinner date or something right we're gonna have to take him out real quick okay let me pull my car in my garage here guys i don't know he's going to come to my house in here okay i'm going fine i'm buying them come on open all right let's go park this close it okay guys i'm not gonna lie that is the best parking job i've ever done in a house in brookhaven oh my god that's perfect kinda i'm kind of hyping myself up who left my door open what the heck who left the door open did i did i please tell me i did that guys please tell me i did that oh no oh no no what if he's in my bathroom you know how big it is for being in bathrooms he came in my bathroom to take a poop please don't take a poop in my bathroom bacon oh my god this isn't good this isn't good this isn't good okay okay just just watch some tv brookhaven tv brookhaven tv that's that's the that's the sound okay so um let's see hospital 911 uh brook high brickeye is always a good show right okay guys abnormal act normal let's drop my stomach's grumbling okay um let me uh let's see what i got in my fridge um what's that up there top oh a hursty bar hmm i got reese's hmm i already had an ice cream ice cream i had to get some pizza i had to get some pizza i love my pizza okay so let's eat pizza and uh oh my god guys what's a pizza without a coke am i right all right give me that we being super healthy today i don't care what no one says all right get back and watch brookhai there's a new episode it's a new episode guys this new episode if you're not watching new episodes of brookhair what are you doing just like if you're not watching the new videos on owings channel what are you doing anyways pizzas up stab space repeatedly all right so this is good guys i like this house a lot and the reason why is i feel like this house it's small compact it's not really going to be haunted we don't got to worry about none of that chaos like that you know like we can kind of be pretty safe and content now yes i'm i i'm not gonna lie to you guys i am trying to make sure that uh i remain calm in the situation that i'm in right now cause if bacon was to show up outside my house i don't know what i'm gonna do other than keep my let's check this security camera so i'm getting paranoid security cameras [Music] oh well look who it is subscribe to my channel okay um let's see i don't see much going on here um okay the bathroom seems to be safe i'm not gonna lie i was kind of hesitant on going in the bathroom because i left the door open and i was like might not go too good just saying okay so this looks pretty safe i have a huge backyard which is kind of terrifying actually something could be creeping like he could be creepy what is that guys what is that right there what the heck is that i'm scared hold up what is that like i i don't i don't know um let's see let's um let's keep looking okay guys i think the security cameras are safe i think we're safe i'm gonna run a check outside i'll walk around my house let's uh let's uh walk around okay everything good out here everything good out here pretty good right pretty good right oh i got a shed okay if he would have been in the shed not gonna lie would have been terrified that would have been terrifying okay so glad he wasn't in the shed i don't think i could have handled that right now i'm gonna be honest i 100 couldn't have handled that going to my treehouse go to the treehouse to the treehouse and beyond okay guys i love this house because you do get the treehouse now these fields are just creepy i don't even want to really look at those either to be honest um let me get my camcorder out that way i can capture any evidence of him if he shows up but listen okay bright new day safety i feel is finally at our doorstep because if bacon was gonna attack us it was gonna be at night right of course i mean why would bacon come and attack us in broad day right he wouldn't right hopefully not um anyways we know we have angered bacon and i think there's either one or two things we could do try to go kill him and end it wow because he's harassing the people of brookhaven which is not good oh we got someone here we got someone hi hi [Music] come on come to my house um it's the ranch [Music] okay so uh we got a subscriber we got a subscriber um he's usually in here a lot this is cool this is cool okay cool we're kicking this off with a subscriber uh instantly starting the day with us so maybe he can uh help us look for bacon maybe he can help us figure out what is going on with bacon uh i mean i'm i'm actually kind of glad we're not staying at the motel at the moment and we're kind of like away from the motel uh because that seems to be bacon's terrain and it gets a bit concerned i'm not gonna lie it's gets a bit concerning all right let's go in here let's go in here let's go up here um let's go take a shower real quick guys let's go take a shower all right so when i shower my clothes on don't judge i'm showering with the rosy ghost onto merch what do you mean all right okay cool make sure you use the shampoo all right so i'm gonna use this shower here all right don't mind me guess all right i can't take it like a one like one second shower come on that'd be weird all right that's pretty good i don't know that's pretty good shower let me uh brush my teeth real quick nope dad's not brushing my teeth i'm gonna be honest that's not brushing my teeth i need the toothbrush thank you jesus all right do a little uh a little brushing brush here we gotta do some brushing brush okay all right it's pretty good spit it out bada-boom all right now give me the comb now we gotta do some combing of this amazing luscious hair please it doesn't comb itself you guys know this you know this okay so go ahead and uh do all this bada boom we're good we're good guys okay my my morning routine is done it's great i'm feeling good maybe i should reply to some comments on the youtube channel real quick hold up guys i'm gonna reply to some comments on the youtube channel whoops sorry about that um let's see where where's my social media at i done forgotten messages yeah this is fine i'll reply to some comments guys make sure you drop any comments below so i can reply to you it's all good it's all good all right boom let's turn that off now i'm gonna go back down and hope for some safety let's see what's going on here oh well hello hello hello let me say hello hello who just walked in my house someone's walking to my house come here come in come in let me uh yes yes yes that's right all right let me let me uh let me get you uh some drinks let's get you some coke some cokes there you go let me give you a coke if you want to take one you guys love it take the go oh who who's this who's this hello hello guys i got a lot of gas right now that's a lot of you do you remember me oh yeah aaron [Music] okay oh jeez guys i mean a lot of you guys just showed up out of nowhere guys we're looking for bacon here we're looking for bacon all right so uh hopefully we find bacon well actually i don't know if i want to find bacon now i think about it guys because uh last time we found bacon that was pretty scary i was the guy with the dark wings oh okay okay yeah yeah i know it okay okay that's the who's this who's this guys there's someone outside who is that no no no no no who is that over there no no no oh no no no oh no that definitely looks like bacon [Music] no this isn't good this isn't good is he there oh jeez jesus go in go in we gotta lock the door uh house control lock the doors is the doors locked i'm keeping that i'm keeping the door locked that looks like bacon that's definitely baking guys oh my god i knew it now my house isn't even safe my house is not even safe what do i do what i do what i do what do i do okay guys just remain calm remain calm remain calm he's probably left already ah i don't think he's left actually alongside all my subscribers out there bacon is just standing there this is not good oh no no no oh no he's going to kill me did you try to kill people what dick no no no no no no no no no no go in the corner and cry go in the corner and cry he's trying to slash my subscriber guys this is not good this is not good this isn't good okay so let's go let's go let's go outside let's see mulligan the door and i'm going oh he's not here he's not here he's gone where did he go where did he go where did bacon go where did bacon go where did he go where did he go i bet you he is around he's around here somewhere he's definitely around here somewhere oh my god this is bad news this is bad news this is bad news okay just calm down calm down calm down hi hi okay so first off we know bacon is angry he he had a sign that said he was angry now my house isn't even safe from bacon this isn't good this isn't good should we search we should we we should we should we should guys the shed no the shed the shed oh my god okay it's safe in here okay everything seems to be safe here okay okay okay which is k every name's this you got bacon hair you're terrifying me do you live stream how i do sometimes i do do you live stream can do sometimes okay guys honestly i kinda wanna stay in the shack i'm not gonna lie guys i kinda wanna stay in the shack here can you do it i'm looking for bacon right now take a gun just in case true true true true i don't know if we're gonna be able to shoot bacon though okay okay okay okay okay i ain't playing around i'm not playing around where's bacon at get away from my house bacon all right let's go get a top view let's go up here where is he warning shots i'm sending out warning shots right now okay bacon if you're around you better back up does it look like i'm playing right now oh my god jeez okay guys i don't know i don't chill okay snooping around the motel looking for bacon again is probably the worst idea that we could possibly have but i think and you know what's gonna make bacon more mad probably trying to move into his motel right he's claimed the brookhaven motel well guess what i'm gonna come in here to the diner which this is all bacon's terrain as you all know we shouldn't be trying to anger this guy but you know we're gonna do it anyways anyways let me go get my coffee i always need my coffee before starting videos if you ain't drinking coffee what are you doing am i right come on all right so let's go ahead and take a seat to hear a little bit of a come on how in the world okay that's never doesn't it never works i don't know why i thought it was going to work today all right so here's the game plan a room at the hotel motel okay we're going to rent a room there we're going to spend the night it's 3 a.m now let me throw this coffee to the side boom i'm sick of it and let's go see if we can go get a room now now this could turn out pretty bad ain't going to you you could do but uh the brookhaven airport's right there we gotta escape drive through the hot chocolate sorry um let's go ahead and go to this one here vacant room one and let's claim this one for our own oh look at it you know these for this to look like the motel from the outside like it does it looks pretty done good inside okay so uh let's go ahead and use our computer here and boot it on up ghost hunters have to have their electronic oh my god sorry about that guys i was looking at something earlier um okay so we have friends work bills bam um got some spam um all right so let's do some shopping real quick guys let's just kind of calm down assess what's going on here with this whole bacon situation now i just realized we was in the dino diner we didn't check the bathroom now if you've seen what happened recently uh the bathroom is not looking too good for us it's uh for some reason bacon likes to poop a lot uh i guess i don't know that's he's probably gonna get mad be saying that but look we ran into a bit of an issue last time uh when we opened up the bathroom to him he came out and towards the end he started chasing after us luckily we're safe all right that's enough online shopping turn it off turn it off i don't want it no more all right so let's go wash our hands after using our computer uh because who knows what germs are on that thing and um let's kind of head out to the diner again just to check okay we we we were in our hotel i don't see nothing going on here so let's go to our diner let's go into the room of our diner let's see if any uh the room of our diner okay sorry guys um all right so this is where we spotted him first time guys okay every calmer may come become bacon are you in here oh i thought he was gonna be behind the door see in the trash did he flush i think bacon flushed okay um what this is weird guys i don't where is bacon you know last time he he he got pretty angry at us and now he's just acting like everything's fine like he's got nothing to worry about oh why is the swing swinging we see bacon swinging on the swing well guys i mean we got our motel here i mean we can oh oh oh oh oh oh did you see that did you see that hold up hold up hold up hold up this is not a [Music] leave or help oh my god guys oh my god oh my god bacon leave or else oh okay he just pulled out the axe and started swinging it i think he might be coming for us okay hold up we're gonna have to go 45 on this well i just beat that up a little bit i'm sorry about that we're going to speed that up is he following it he told me to leave why i i i just wanted to stay at the hotel man it ain't that serious okay guys i don't know what's going on i don't know what's going on why is he being like that why is he being like that all right let's uh is there anybody here is there anybody home hello are you home is anybody home i i have an issue i have an issue i need some help i need help i need help right now someone's got to be home someone's got to be home please this is what happens when there's a complete crisis in brookhaven and nobody's home to help are you serious oh my god oh wait wait wait wait wait someone's shooting someone's shooting oh no don't come over here this is another issue we got to worry about who who is going to shoot oh my god come the red army oh my god what is this oh no no no no no no i need help i need help i need help oh my god she's shooting us stop shooting stop shooting look i need help i need help i need help okay guys i need help katie i need help maybe you can help me with that gun okay i i see bacon at the motel follow me she's following she's following okay good good katie's gonna shoot him katie can just shoot it okay okay they're shooting at everybody okay but we got katie on our team okay katie's got the gun bacon doesn't stand a chance bacon doesn't stand a chance guys bacon is not gonna be able to do it bacon big is still there look look look look bacon bacon he's right there he's right there he's right there oh he he ran in the back room he ran in the back room go get him go get him go get him go get em [Music] oh my god okay [Applause] hold up [Music] did you get him [Music] oh my god this is this really just happened guys oh he's dead he's dead you got him you got him oh my god oh my god she got him she actually went in and got him i cannot believe that guys oh my god bacon's dead bacon is dead guys [Music] oh my god [Music] i i cannot believe it guys i i i i cannot believe it she look at that like we randomly just found this girl named katie and was like hey clear world of comedy what is this guy talking about no oh my god and we asked her to go kill bacon she he bacon ran in the back room she followed and shot and killed him oh my god oh my god guys okay so what does that mean no problem guys i need some coffee after that i'm not gonna lie guys i thought the bacon chapter was not over i thought we were gonna have to continue looking for bacon uh and having issues but like it's crazy let me uh let me let me buy you some coffee um let me okay let me let me go get her some coffee real quick okay she's got money she just what's she just whipping up the money for what darn all right i tried to give her a coffee i don't know she might be wanting a coke or something but jeez can you believe that she's got a coke oh all right so this is insane guys i i would have never expected this um bacon is dead in the motel now i don't think we have to worry about bacon no more i think it's official like he he is totally done for guys um i hope at least i hope i mean he can come back from the dead right does is bacon like immortal or so hopefully not hopefully not i mean i'm just drinking all my coffee here thinking about what just happened it's been tough it's been tough but um that was a nice nap what do you mean it was only a two minute night what are you doing back already anyways welcome to the end of this movie uh the the the outro if you guys enjoyed this bacon movie let me know by dropping a comment below if you made it to the end comment below i made it just so i know you made it and uh well there's no telling what journey we're getting ourselves into next what i can say these entities these mysteries that phil brookhaven still to this day surprise me and each encounter we have is unlike anything i've ever experienced so anyways thank you guys for watching and thank you for making it to the end of this movie i'm gonna go to the brookhaven school because i'm a teacher now a lot of people don't know that but i'm actually a teacher so i gotta go teach some math two plus two is eighty-five uh and uh in english uh that is not spelled right it's actually homework is actually spelled work home work at home quarantine anyways that was pretty close sorry but i will see you guys in the next one um have a nice day oh we got more people following me now [Music] run [Music] [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 530,386
Rating: 4.8689308 out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox Roleplay, Roblox BrookHaven RP, BrookHaven RP, BrookHaven, BrookHaven RP Roleplay, BrookHaven RP Roblox, Roblox BrookHaven RP Bakon, Brookhaven RP Bakon, Roblox Bakon, Bakon Roblox, Scary Full Movie, Full Movie, Scary Movie, Roblox Videos, Videos Roblox, Gameplay, O1G
Id: FlW1EgrmY4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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