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so literally everyone's playing this game this is arm wrestle simulator and every time I click I get one string so we've seen these games before I can also train but my strength goes up much faster when I hit the punching bag wait I want to arm wrestle I mean it's literally in the game what's this hand strength here oh we have grips equip okay successfully equipped grips oh so this is I'm gripping this is building my hamstring so this is different so we got three different strength levels that we need to build let's go back to the dumbbell we gotta build up our bicep power I'm honestly not sure why a C4 number is on my screen I have the strength above my head and we have bicep power hand strength and a knuckle strength what do any of those do oh look I have a free gift let's claim 100 okay so we just got 100 bicep power does that mean I can get a new dumbbell let's see yes so I can get the next level dumbbell it's a little bit bigger it's giving me plus two bicep power every single click we also have some spinny thing in the corner since I have three spins so let's just see what I get give me the mythical pet please that's what we all want and that's not it also I want a luck boost let's spin again mythical pet please that's not a final Spin and you won one win okay well I'm at four wins it's time to fight the bully hello there sir how do we do this ready click Start tapping yeah easy oh I got one win for that so I think this number is your overall strength it says I need 583 for the teacher but I don't care I'm good ready watch this but luckily I have an auto clicker we're gonna set this to um one millisecond all right you stupid teacher let's activate the other clicker ready go oh wait the other clicker's still losing hello how is the auto clicker losing to this four-eyed idiot and I lost with another clicker that's just cringe clearly I need more strength can I even hit this one no I'm gonna hit this for a little bit until I have 400 strength and there we go thank you Auto clicker that's so nice oh I also have another gift let's claim three more wins all right teacher let's see if you can beat the auto clicker this time kicking this nerd's butt I only have 407 strength and I beat him that's right what about the gym rat how good are you all right another clicker oh okay yeah I'm way too weak look at the final boss the champion I need 916 000 strength that's gonna be crazy I have 13 wins let's buy our uh two eggs here give me the mythical that's not it let's open one more that's a scam it can equip three pets at once so let's equip these two a 1.4 X boost okay that's pretty good but I clearly needs some hand strength so let's go come on grip that thing my strength is going up by three every time I click oh actually went up four there I can now equip the last starter grip let's do it and give me my gift whatever this is oh hatching lava oh how good is it 2.6 okay that's really good now with my grip look how much strength that's going up that's really awesome wait why can't I need Foreigner strength but I have one thousand oh it means knuckle strength up here okay so let's hit this for a little bit and now it's 400. so let's move on to the next bag oh wow it's really going up fast how much do I need for this three thousand that's gonna take a while it's actually going up really quickly look at that and I now have 3 000 get off of that I also have another free Spin please give me this Beast 20 chance clearly I should get it right thank you see folks when you ask you shall receive how strong is the flame Beast oh a 4.1 yes we want that where is he oh my gosh he has a shield and a helmet I like that so with my 3000 string let's hit this bag and then look at that my strength is actually going up so fast we really need to get my bicep power up it's really low so let's equip this stupid dumbbell it's time to run the auto clicker for a bit it's going up by about what 15 every click that's not bad wait another free gift 100 whatever that is knuckle strength okay wait I think I'm strong enough for the gym rat let's try it come on auto clicker come on your steroids aren't Gonna Stop Me Yeah 25 wins easy oh I can open this egg up here give me the Slime even though that's uh like a bear what I don't know but give me the Slime that's not it but it is an epic bear how strong is epic 2.6 okay so we got rid of our stupid dumb cats that suck but we need to build up my bicep streak that's actually really bad I'm getting about 30 power every time I click that's really good was this a player PVP join okay hello skinny idiot can you beat my autoclick oh yeah my auto clickers owning him and he has 3 000 more strength than me easy I love being toxic let's get back to the the dumbbell here how far can I get with zero Robux that is the question well I can now use the medium dumbbell I'm getting like 60 every time I lift it's going up really quick but remember I need like 900 000 strength to beat the champion oh and then 15 000 wins just to leave school so I'm trapped in school forever what am I uh looking at right now got a monkey in his pouch and then like an alien monkey head here and then a kangaroo head okay yeah you keep lifting I'm gonna get as far away from you as possible oh I almost have six thousand bicep hour already okay we gotta work on my hand strength that's clearly lacking so let's equip the medium grip wait 15 000 wins that's actually so much I only get 25 from the gym rat how much does this guy give me I don't have enough but come on auto clicker oh yeah the mafia boss is just way too buff another gift whatever that is and then the spinny thing again oh point zero one percent yeah that's what we want and I'm gonna get it right I got three wins my knuckle strength is lacking so I'm gonna be down this punching bag for a bit for 2 000 Robux you get all potions forever I guarantee you Russo bought that I'm at 25 000 knuckle strength already that's pretty awesome I have another gift oh wait that's a pet let's get it a toxic Hydra 2.5 I don't even think he's that good yeah he's weaker than the stupid epic bear so that was a waste let's get my bicep power up 10 kilogram dumbbell a 10 kilogram dumbbell is much smaller than this I now have 59 000 strength let's try the mafia boss Auto clicker will take us to victory yeah go oh yeah we're beating him stupid mafia boss uh yeah 125 wins not bad I can open this uh spiky egg here so let's do it the lava egg here we go I got a Parrot I think it's stronger than the bear uh no it's not the bear is actually 2.6 wait so is the parrot gonna arm wrestle the mafia boss again thank you for my wins I think it's opening the a just doesn't have the animation okay there's a tiger that's the Epic one and it's got a 4X boost so definitely equipping it let's arm wrestle once again let's open another egg give me the tiger that's not it it's a 3.1 X we also have another gift 30 wins yay so I could Farm them mafia boss up to 15 000 wins and then escape the school finally because school sucks but that would take a really long time but farming up to 900 000 strength will also take a long time let's see how fast he beats me come on Champion okay he's so big my hand wasn't even grabbing his wait what is this excuse me who do you think you are just because you have 978 000 strength doesn't make you uh better than me alright my hamstring this week let's use a 20 kilogram grip and let's start squeezing there's this Auto fight option let's click it and let's fight the mafia boss so I can turn on my auto clicker and auto fight this guy what all day yeah look at that it's going so quick all right I'm just gonna let this run for a while this guy's arm is about to fall off I have been kicking his butt I'm at 20 000 wins so I can uh finally Escape school but before I do I want to open whatever this egg is I can get these Mages so let's see what I get again the uh egg animation is gone we've got a water Mage it's got 7.5 boost good I really want to get this spooky cat it's really cute and a grass Mage this one only has a 3.5 boost wait that's gonna be a scam the tiger is better somehow okay you know what we're gonna open one more give me the spooky cat that's not it and open one again come on that's not it stupid freaking grassmates we don't want the grass maze okay that's good give me the spooky cat that's not it okay let's open one more and that's a scam can I make them gold or something craft into big where is it oh here it is Big grass Mage 5.25 wait if I get another water Mage then I can make it big oh a magic maid that's the Mythic oh my gosh 9.5 I really want a big water Mage come on please don't scam me thank you see folks just ask and believe big water makes 11.25 okay now it's my strongest pet oh look get them they're actually pretty big but now I'm under 15 000 wins so I need to arm wrestle again hello mafia boss it's time for you to get your butt kicked what about the final boss I don't even reach his hand oh my gosh I'm actually beating him I don't know how oh wait oh okay he was just faking sorry I also have two more gifts so let's go like this and that I could grind the mafia boss but I actually want to beat the champion oh look in order to escape I have to defeat the champion so I gotta get like a million strength so it's time to be on this bag for a while my strength is going up so quick with these pets I think I can hit this bag now yeah I'm gonna get my knuckle strength to 100 000 and then we'll fight the champion and 100 000 okay all right Champion time for yeah that didn't Works work on my hand strength it's time to get this up to a hundred thousand I'm now at a hundred thousand all right Champion here we go again come on now go clicker dude what he's he's still destroying me oh my gosh he's really strong now it's time to work on the biceps 100 kilograms oh my gosh this thing is massive curls is how you get the girls oh wow that went up really quickly so come on Champion I'm feeling ripped but uh clearly not ripped enough okay you know what I need a protein shake that's the only way I'm gonna win all right let's take this up to 150 000 and then we'll go arm wrestle again I have 150 000 I'm back Champion I had my protein here we go okay he's still uh way too strong oh wait I'm coming back yeah whoa no no he regained strength okay come on come on come on come on we can do this no no no no yeah please please please he's just way too strong it's because my grip strength sucks I know that's why I need to get this up all right I think I'm ready oh it's vitamins axle you have 153 million strength how do you do that I'm at 500 000 okay Champion it's finally time to defeat you okay this is an epic battle it's close but but I'm inching ahead come on come on yeah get owned idiot and with that Victory I have 15 000 wins it's time to finally leave school because school sucks you need 15 000 wins and have been the champion I did beat him oh this broken game Let's claim my gift I want my potions I'm mad oh there we go okay so now we're in the gym I need 20 million wins to leave the stupid gym oh my gosh all right well let's buy this egg here costs 7.5 000 again no animation but we get the rare wolf and let's buy one more please give me the penguin they're cute thank you ask and ye shall receive but they're not nearly as strong as my magical Mages so I got scammed this stupid egg the other one cost like 700 ooh make your pets gold okay here we go penguin 20 chance and fail I have two parrots 40 chance two cats how about the wolf how about the flame Beast how about the toxic Hydra how about the bear about the tiger how about the monkey okay every single pet failed oh so lame okay so dumbbell's giving me about a thousand power every single lift that's good final boss is a rogue AI oh my gosh it's huge and robotic how do you get 157 million strength you're crazy so I'm gonna get my bicepower up to 500 000 but before I do let's see if I can beat this scrap Trader it says I need 10 million strength I've got my auto clicker yeah good okay he beat me so bad the game actually lagged so I got a lot of work to do with this dumbbell it's been like an hour of playing without any bobuck but I think it's time I'm gonna go with the VIP pass because it's really cheap and you get times three training earnings so here we go the first bow Buck has been spent and let's just stick to that no more spending and let's see how far we can get with just the VIP pass going up by almost 1 000 every single curl wait why am I still a noob oh there's rebirth thing oh my gosh okay no wonder if I rebirth it's gonna cost me 25 wins let's do it uh oh I just lost all my Straight wait let's rebirth again so we just rebirth three times I'm no longer a noob I'm a novice and I can still lift this dumbbell so I'm gonna build my strength up really quickly I'm getting 4 000 power every single curl so this is pretty awesome I can also hit the VIP bag yeah yeah I'm already at one million strength that was fast so now let's try the hand strength equip this one's also giving me 4 000 every single rep time to squeeze this for a while and just like that I'm at 660 000 hand strength that's really impressive if there's any girls watching I'm sure you're like really impressed with me oh my gosh this guy is 41 billion strength he's a noob which means he's never rebirthed okay well that's just insane I have four gifts oh I get the claim again well thank you do I get the next grip yes I do this one's giving me even more every single rep let's go work on my bicep it's really weak you can see how small my arms are I definitely need to change that I'm at half a million bicep hour I'm gonna take it up to one million and then we're gonna arm wrestle the scrap Trader and see how I do yeah I know I'll lose but I'm not as strong as this Noob yet but it's time to spend more bow Buck the everything you need bundle is gonna double everything so let's get it my gosh the developers are making me poor now my bicep power is going up by almost 8 000 every single rep this is how we get the wins oh wait I can rebirth again but do I really want to I just hit 1 million bicep power yeah let's wait let's see if I can defeat this guy you ready scrap Trader time for you to lose just kidding he's really strong oh wait the comeback come on yeah 2100 win Auto clicker is awesome but still not enough to open this crappy egg this egg is actually a scam unless you get the Orca I guess we got the Penguin and it was way weaker than the pets I currently have which we paid 700 wins for these yeah so that egg sucks just go open the egg back in the school but actually don't go back to the school because school sucks now it's time to get my hand strength to 1 million okay that took like 30 seconds it's time to hit the bag for a while oh my gosh it's going up so quickly already at one million okay let's just AFK here for a while so I've been bidding on this bag for a while and um yeah I'm at 214 million strength so I think I can easily beat the scrap Trader here we go I'm not gonna even auto click I'm just gonna tap with my finger oh yeah wow that's so hard easy give me uh wins please thank you and now let's fight the Cyber cop I'm kind of lazy so I'm gonna let the auto clicker do its thing yeah he stood no chance at all now the Cyber assassin 1.2 billion oh my goodness okay other clicker it's your turn yeah that's just not happening I'll sit in the back for like an hour and I needed 1.2 billion oh my God of exactly 22.5 000 wins so I can buy one of these eggs before I do I'm gonna use my luck boost and a chance of hitting a gold pet and chance of hatching void pet alright let's get a void pad here's the void that's not it a legendary Astra wait how good is that oh that's the 26 percenter so uh yeah I think we got scammed how strong is it 16.4 boots that's actually really strong okay we need to get more of those so I think I need to farm this cyber cop for a little bit forgot how much he gives me when I beat him oh 15 000 wins okay wait that's actually a lot so let's turn on auto fight we're gonna fight the Cyber cop and I'm just gonna beat him a few times we want to take advantage of the potions that I just drank I now have 225 000 wins I can actually open this egg here but no I want to get like a gold or a void pet so let's see if we get lucky that's not one come on uh give me the void that's not it that's not it that's not it that's not it that's not it that's not ooh the quaser come on give me the mythical that's a scam and somebody scams I didn't get a golden or a void but this is just trash Oh wait look maybe I did it's got a purple name baby Astra it's void and the unicorn's got a gold letter oh my gosh it's a baby unicorn it's gold okay let's equip the best and then we can make these three Astros into a big so now we have a big ass you can also make the unicorns big let's equip the best but still not good enough to be in my team all right here's my team I'm looking really strong I've been arm wrestling this idiot for a while got 2.1 million wins and we have nine minutes left on our potions so we're gonna spend these wins opening this egg here and hopefully we get some gold or void pets so here we go don't scare me we don't have an opening animation got the moon bat Omega oh my gosh we got the six percenter oh my gosh this is amazing okay let's spend all our wins opening this another Moon bat Omega okay we're getting really lucky right now give me more Moon bat omegas that's not it that's the moon owl so that's the middle one I hope some of these are avoid another Moon owl come on give me another Moon bat that's not it next up is a moon owl okay so we can make a big moon owl because we have three so far another Moon owl another Moon owl and here's the last one give me a moon bat that's not it all right we just spent all our wins all right did we get any void pets uh the answer is yeah we got a void Moon spider it's got a 94.2 boost and then we got a golden Moon bat which has a 97 so this is now my best pet so let's equip the best oh my goodness look at my team I'm so very strong I can make a big moon owl so let's craft it oh my gosh where is it 82.5 so it's still not oh it is strong enough to be on my team okay so this is my team it's looking awesome so now when I lift a dumbbell how much am I getting yeah I'm getting like a hundred thousand every single lift so these pets are definitely making me a lot stronger kind of feel like I should rebirth a bunch yeah let's just start rebirthing I'm talking to her I'm just gonna keep clicking it until I can't rebirth anymore and there we go I've rebirth 10 times actually and I am now proficient with a baby emoji that doesn't really make sense but I'm getting about 150 000 power every single rep so yeah my strength is going to go up really quickly how much would I hit the bag oh yeah that's going up super fast way faster than me for I still need 20 million wins to escape the gym I think we'll do that next time [Music]
Channel: VitaminDelicious2
Views: 449,005
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox arm wrestling simulator
Id: WOBtijVNVn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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