I Found ALL 174 FAMILY GUY in Roblox

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uh yeah it's time to find the Family Guy we've got some susty music here do I just click this oh it's off I muted the sassy music all right so this is uh find the Family Guy is this one here there we go I found Brian one out of 174 so we've got a lot to do what is this would you like to buy unlock Legendary hint not yet only if I fail so let's just start here oh we got a Brian hiding back here another Brian Griffin so we found two of them so far well the first one was sad Brian okay all right let's head into what is this Peter Griffin's house so oh found the mythical so that okay well we found the family and here is Lois Lois Griffin good hey let's head here into the living room um anything hiding behind the TV no I'm pretty good at these games here's the dining room I'm a that's for sure um hello let me jump over there's a cookie is this something no I want to eat it though and then out the back door okay we don't want to go out yet yeah what's this oh speed oh oh so there's sprinting okay we're gonna need this oh here we go Jasper I don't know who that is let's head uh oh what's under here switch switch oh I got teleport where I'm why there's like nuclear stuff and like a dead TV what's this Griffin family Fallout oh okay oh there's something up here Stewie uh octopus Stewie excellent can I go out of here wait hit the green okay I hit the green button falls down and we have big brain uh what is this big brain Stewie awesome all right well uh get me out of here it's time to go in this room is there something here let's just touch every single tree there might be a secret oh yeah see I clicked that tree and now we have an Obby all right here we go onto the potato and then oh no falling oh wait I have my speed maybe I could just jump to this tomato like a pro I'm so good and up and up and Bam Peter farming excellent all right so as I suspected there was a little secret in there all right let's head up the stairs here and into this first bedroom oh what's back here Kool-Aid man and we uh someone got an A so who's that must be I don't know but anyway oh we have a Stewie in there in the the crib and oh it's up here at it okay yeah let's do the attic what is this he has a TV remote Vinnie what color is the TV downstairs gray wrong okay what's this key okay so let's click the key what's it unlocking the deli okay so the deli is now open we'll go here next but let's go do the uh TV remote really quick how do I get back downstairs I'm confused so here it is okay so the TV is black click this and type black wait what how's that wrong stupid game okay so what color is this then if this isn't black what is it oh purple stupid look I can do like a flip what there's double jumping anyway purple finally correct okay oh so now Peter Griffin is on the couch awesome and let's jump on this fatty sleeping Peter legendary let's go in the pink room here hello Meg any other secrets in here I don't know we'll come back for the hard ones later or any that we miss in the bathroom that is a huge toilet can I go in it no oh as suspected such a silly game oh wait this is a massive toilet Obby I see all right let's uh try not to die oh gosh this is hard my vitamins dragon how we do this oh let's write this double jump I'm stupid okay so double jump and I still failed all right come on let's let's just stop failing so you have to double jump when it goes back all right right it goes back up up there we go okay one more let's not F this up no I effed it up don't F stop don't okay I found the talking toilet thank goodness that was hard anything else in the bathroom to do I don't think so but yeah get me out of here sit back downstairs I think we got everything in this house if I didn't uh we'll come back Oh there's uh Peter on the roof so I gotta jump up there okay it's a double jump hello Peter Peter Griffin on the roof is that everything with the house let's check the backyard see if there's anything hiding in the bushes I don't think so oh look teeter-tot there's a ghost okay and I guess we grab them seesaw ghost all right oh and here is uh Chris hiding in the corner so we got 18 around the house very good we also have this spinner let's uh click it see what happens I got legendary well that's awesome let's follow the yellow arrow oh look it you found treasure chest 104 okay is it taking me to another Treasure Chest I don't know where's oh yeah here it is treasure chest two of four by these Minecraft zombies and now the treasure chest three looks like it's under uh whatever this thing is oh there's someone in the window here it's just kind of uh hello okay we got Doug all right how do we get Underground oh there it is three of four let's grab the chicken while we're here Ernie the giant chicken grab this guy while we're here Jerome grab the teddy bear Rupert and anything else I miss we'll we'll come back later we gotta get these treasure chests we got one more looks like it's on the side of the house here there it is treasure chest four of four okay so now we've unlocked all four oh what's happening oh he's on top of the fountain that's crazy come on sus Army time to grab this guy pirate Peter yay okay all right we could finally go into the deli find the yellow key okay we already opened a hello Cleveland Brown has been found who's this guy Dr Cecil rare and oh there's a guy back here Ollie Williams my gut tells me one of these fruits is gonna hold a secret so yeah see this one up here it's shiny bam I'm really good at these games anyway who's this Jack Ryan we have some weights here I can click I think yeah I don't know but let's go on the treadmill it's probably some some a secret here or maybe there isn't this is a massive barbell all right see you later Jack Ryan let's look for more fruit here see if there's any more secrets I don't see any so uh we'll come back later if I missed it it's now going to Joe Swanson's house here we go I see a shiny book I click it here we have uh Peter Griffin hurt there's also a knife with blood on the ground but I think that's it in here let's get out let's grab him Joe Swanson let's get this guy back here Kevin Swanson Lukey grabbing it I've unlocked the police station Oh yay so we'll go there next oh actually you know what maybe just checking for Secrets over here I don't see any what about the fire place is this a secret I guess not let's head upstairs oh hello Bobby Briggs there's uh guns on the ground can I click them I don't think so oh who's this Max the dog epic and then a chimney wait double jump you double jump out of the chimney there's a trampoline outside but let's finish up in the house let's go in here can I squeeze in come on I don't think I can squeeze through there yeah I don't think there's anything there all right let's head out and jump on the trampoline hello trampoline Joe Swanson so I think that's everything in the house here oh nope there's a guy on the roof we got to grab him Al Harrington and now let's head to the police station let's get on the roof of this building let's grab him really quick Jason it's also someone on the roof of the police station here can I double jump up come on all right let's get him out of the way bank robber we got some more stuff on the roof here okay I almost fell we found the Grinch I don't know why he's blue and then we have a dog death dog legendary yay I see something on this roof too spooderman okay legendary Spider-Man all right we've just found two legendaries in a row there's also an old lady on this roof so we're just gonna grab her Betty White rest in peace now we're ready to head in to the police station hello ma'am we found the receptionist up I see red button I click it wait hello hello I'm clicking okay I don't know what that does uh giant trash can can I go in okay I can't go in the trash can uh we got a prisoner here Steve The Prisoner another legendary and we got the Grinch up there so we skipped the Obby and then we have officer Joe Swanson all right well I'm not sure what the red button did maybe the red button opened this cell or something I don't know let's go to the graveyard see if there's anything interesting out here oh here's a ghost a ghost Peter Griffin what about this no but oh another ghost out here Francis Griffin and can I go on any of these Graves so we've got the Minecraft guys here hello let me in I feel like one of these Graves is gonna be a secret or maybe I'm just completely wrong okay yep I'm completely wrong what about this nope all right then let's head back here we have uh do I have to die to get it no I don't Pawtucket pets you just fall off and then jump all right it's time to go in this building actually before we do let's climb up the back here we got this like hobby thing and we also have someone back here that is Big Bird excellent all right what do we have here is double jump failing hello am I just too much of a hello we had this guy do it oh it's sussy okay you know I'm just gonna go on the roof and fall onto it I don't care so let's climb the ladder and jump here and then we're gonna double jump up here dude okay I could climb up there we go Stewie Griffin playing okay now we gotta get on the roof here come on stupid game let's check the truck up yep definitely a child back here Birch Rim um okay so now we're gonna do the Obby here we're gonna keep it really uh simple and there we go spy Lois let's continue wait can I just double jump yes easy game any hiding up here no okay there is one over here we're at 50 of 174 so almost oh we can I walk on this okay good watch this folks double jump across double jump again and Bam set Stewie all right let's just uh run across here thanks for the double jump developer that's very nice of you and let's exit oh you found death I miss ethical and now we're going to go into the actual building so here we go happy go lucky toys first we found this guy Jonathan wed and then are these uh little things to find no no oh there's one in here see mom's Levine I have no idea who that is Let's uh go through here hello anyone in here let me in come on it's Doge oh Dodge haven't seen you in so long Dutch okay come on Dutch I don't think I can actually go in there it's like an invisible wall maybe I'm just dumb anyway that's a screwdriver up here it's nothing just ignore it forever there's definitely someone on top of this stuff here so come on ah double jump is hacking construction worker awesome I think that's everything in this building we got all this uh really cringe like Obby stuff up in the sky we'll do that in a minute let's let's just go grab some stuff over here we got this dumb kid um we got this uh school bus here so if I step on these no that's nothing okay is there anything in this school bus I don't oh yeah there's a driver come on let me in yeah bus driver and there's a kid hiding in the back here school kid I'm just too smart let's head towards uh whatever is over here yeah there's lots of stuff over here um you must obtain a weapon to enter okay well we're gonna get the chicken fighting Peter right here and there's this like Runner wait come back okay we'll get that later where do I get the weapon to fight uh Lois in here yeah I don't have a weapon maybe we uh get it in this Dojo oh okay we have a red thing find the red key in the Quagmire house we have not been to the Quagmire house what's the Quagmire house look like I think it's way over here yeah I don't know oh that says here we go Glenn Quagmire's house hello sir let's find the red key um we're going over here oh here we go Jonathan Herbert gonna open the fridge that's a giant refrigerator oh my goodness he's got the rock up above the fireplace let's grab a crystal Quagmire and I don't see a key so let's head up the stairs wait check the painting you never know nope nothing there and oh here's the key so it's on the bed but we've unlocked the dojo and also this guy okay Roman Stewie Griffin excellent let's head out of here come on vitamin sus Army and come on Doge we're almost halfway done just kidding we're not even close but we can now enter the dojo okay I did find the red key hello sir Bruce Lee all right we gotta find the weapon here weapon well give me a weapon I mean that sword I want a stab Lois oh look the nunchuck you found nunchucks yay okay so now we can fight Lois oh oh it's been unlocked and let's see what else is in here there's uh definitely someone down here ninja Peter good and we have a ladder so let's climb it and um what's up here we have a meme oh here we go Sensei and come on this is I guess it's nothing all right let's head out of here I think we got it it's time to head in all right so we can walk in and we get Lois the Menace legendary awesome okay let's go this way oh yeah up here there's probably something um up around here yep on the roof we have Dojo Peter anything around uh the outside no I think that's everything okay let's head to this Mansion this is epic oh here's the runner yeah run it run into me yeah Usain bull all right uh there's someone on the fountain here there we go statue of Cleveland and someone on the balcony will get him later but here we go we are now in the Mansion it's probably gonna be a lot of like little secrets in here and stuff so we have this uh bookcase piano something to click anything special anything hiding in Corners Let's uh jump up oh here we go yeah let me down anything secretive down here okay guys seriously help that was getting a really claustrophobic so nothing in there yeah what's this um I don't know but anything in the couch no behind the couch this is a giant TV oh my goodness kitchen trash can Dude Where's the secrets here microwave no wait wait yes you can click it I'm dying in 10 seconds okay uh wait wait hello hello let me in oh I have to click this huh okay so just click that and I got microwave Chris all right I think that's it for the kitchen let's head into the backyard we got this giant pool um yeah there's definitely someone in the pool dolphin Dave and I'm trying to climb this ladder but there's a million people oh vitamin so sorry okay who's this fatty diving Peter yay let's head into the pool house we have a dog I now put a dog in my pocket Sea Breeze and back to the mansion we have to get on the roof somehow so up we go oh hello Rock oh I clicked the book and something's gonna happen oh my gosh it's reading Peter well that's not Peter whatever I forgot his name Brian oh guy in a chair okay Bill Gates let's go jump into the Rock just to make sure oh retired Carter as suspected all right let's head down the stairs to the bookcase here and in we go Ryan reading look at none of these kids unlocked it oh Doge did though good job we're all alone finally we'll get some peace and quiet all right anyway let's uh head out of here we gotta get on that balcony look the guy's out there but it's it's closed the only time we get out we gotta find a way to climb up onto the roof maybe uh up this tree oh yes those just did it good job dead bam all right let's go into the roof might be some uh Secrets up here hope there's a guy over here and Bam mayor Adam West and okay so I think we found everything at the Mansion it's time to go to the school let's see what we can find we got someone playing basketball Ant-Man Boston Celtics I just saw uh the baby up here Stewie cycling anyone in the playground here there's uh oh no that's nothing about in the slide that might be a good little secret come on let me in nope is there anything to click around here yeah you know I don't see anything all right come on dad just go inside we have this guy he's playing soccer footballer Chris Griffin very good here we go into the high school a blue locker we open it and I can't see uh-oh make it to the end of the maze start oh boy here we go a stupid maze I don't know which way to go oh oh wait lost Peter K good all right let's keep going this way nothing dead end what is in here anything special um okay that's good hallowed Brian another mythical and okay now I'm lost I don't remember which way we came okay here's the finish in there but let's check back here nothing all right so there's at least three in the Maze hopefully I didn't miss any but yeah we're out oh look a green a locker what's in here absolutely nothing okay we got scammed all right this is a Auditorium Mary lamb anything uh behind the auditorium of course there is golden Peter Griffin you just gotta check everywhere folks even one of these chairs could be a secret you never know but we saved the hard ones for later here we have a fatty head teacher John Shepherd oh we got Peter cooking chef Peter Griffin any secrets in the kitchen I just gotta click everything and nothing I can find okay let's continue down the hallway we have this okay we gotta find a key so let's check this purple locker and nothing in there let's go in here we gotta find an orange key oh hello Marcy Miller has been found um anything on the bookshelf I don't see anything doge is climbing very good uh anything around here there's just so many books everywhere I do not see an orange key we're more than halfway done making good progress let's go into this room here there he is the coach all right so let's click on the books the coffee the laptop yep clicking the laptop Mr Smith's laptop what's the password I don't know oh there's someone behind the door Jake Tucker okay so we gotta find the password I'm typing math it's wrong okay where is the password it's gonna be written down somewhere I am not sure okay let's head to the roof here there's someone top of the rainbow bam Bob's stalling and I see someone out here like an old crippled man this is the guy that uh yeah John Herbert he loves Chris all right let's head up this like hobby thing okay there's just too many idiots bumping me off ah guys please just let me have okay good I made it safe and sound what the heck is this circle Peter okay well let's grab the star one of five found I see another one over here okay so we gotta go grab okay that's not it yeah we gotta get all the stars there's two let me over please let's grab this big buff guy bam Cleveland the Giga Chad just like me we have like uh smaller ones oh okay we made Bros so they disappear when people uh jump on them oh my gosh it's gonna be so hard because everyone just said let's just get the star okay we've got the star now now we just worry about getting across and then jump okay good made it get whatever this guy is slick Peter we got a star over here and then one to the left so let's grab this star bam 405 okay so now we got the last one over here there's a police car outside okay get Doge 5 5 yay we've unlocked something oh wait there's a guy here Quagmire the Giga Chad get all the stars to save Princess Meg yay let's go check behind the building see if there's anything uh special yet it uh hurt Peter I believe it's okay yeah Fallen Peter let's head inside whatever the heck this massive structure's way I just saw this out of the corner of my eye what's happening I click it nothing's happening yeah I don't know what that switch does but I do see a pigeon or whatever the heck this is oh Peter the astronaut okay can I click this button uh-oh yay and Abby oh Chris Skywalker up there in the rocket all right let's head across with my sussy fans this says do not enter all right we're gonna go left see what we find over here I think we're on the moon oh alien baby alien what's all this stuff here just uh clicking everything back up oxygen tank can I go in there no I think this is all it is oh hey Doge now let's go this way this uh Mars Rover or whatever it is we got R2D2 yay is that all there is anything to press no all right then let's head back to the middle actually we gotta go this way it says do not enter which means I have to okay come on guys oh no the platforms are getting smaller turn back last chance well before I go in let's just check back here make sure we're not missing anything special and I do not see anything okay so let's go in residents of the Predator hello take out the trash take shower eat people I mean food visit the Mars rover okay well I'm just gonna grab them easy and I think we're good here so let me out yay launch site there's got got to be something up here oh yeah there's definitely something here we got it and uh oh wait there's someone in here an alien okay good there's a green button here can I press it is this clickable I don't think so stop bullying me ow it's obviously so hard with all these people I gotta get ahead of them okay go just go just go go go go just go I got it yes the star legendary what's in here nothing guys move excuse me okay stop give me that zarden the astronaut okay all right I think we're done here with the Rockets Let's uh go inside this big building see what we could find oh it's bright and yellow there's royalty here so we got Stewie hanging um from the chandelier let's just grab everything that's easy so we'll grab hippie Peter we got some tic-tac-toe can I click it yes select X you are X okay um okay we gotta get this one and then that one okay I lose wait I'm Circle K in the middle in the middle yeah wait what Circle dude let me place it stupid are so cringe all right let's try this again X all right here we go we went you gotta trick him all right we tricked him wait dude guys go away okay X then you hit them in the middle like that and now I win okay I just won easy yeah give me the stupid Peter right here bam smart Peter oh those sassy fans get me out of here all right what is this on the table a little paper it's nothing let's head into here it's really bright and okay nothing all right nothing let's get out of here gotta check each of these uh really bright rooms anything in the Blue Room the answer is no and now the white room oh yep someone in here hippie Joe all right now we can gotta get this guy hanging down Stewie hanging oh look there's someone on the back of the pillar here look at that monkey Chris oh I just caught that out of the corner of my eye all right let's check back here and then we're done with this building I don't think there's anything here so let's get out come on sus Army 113 out of 174. what is this here uh like a new station let's grab these here TV reporters and caution do not enter okay well let's just all right I missed completely somehow that's a scam how close is she to the edge she's pretty close so let's just go like this all right we got falling Lois is that everything here though anyway let's go to this house here we've got a slide and golden Stewie Griffin we have a shovel can I click it yes I can I found Hudson playing all right let's head into this house what is this the Quahog preschool hello lady miss Emily uh is that a switch here hold on test paper answer nine two one six okay so let's remember nine two one six sitting Doug we can open these drawers anything uh special oh here we go oh no maybe Lois yay is that all that's here no there's someone back here Velma Griffin what about on this tree let's climb up oh yep evil monkey legendary good job dead I'm guessing that's all of them here so let's get out and let's again just open every single one okay so I think that was the only one what about this the math nothing to solve about back here oh there's a pen 9216 easy so what did that unlock oh Brian the intellectual I think we're done with the the school here let's go to whatever this camel is Chucky okay and anything in this house did we already do this house yes that's Quagmire's house let's go to the Mini Mart 124 out of 174 we need 50 more Carl the cashier probably something to click in here like this stuff is all sealed what about this here is there anything up here no anything to click around here I don't oh yep that car okay so this is just chicken try not to die and easy first try Peter driving good I don't think there's anything all right well that was a small room what about behind it we got some stuff here clicky clicky no anything in the dumpster no okay let's go on the roof anything up here oh look wait is that the button no that's just the trash bag poking through all right we still need 50 more let's go on the uh mcburger town and we have this guy oh we got two a burger and Horus the bartender okay got a knife on the ground I click it and I get uh oh these things are just evil you just have to press W and hope that you never get knocked off yeah I got really lucky all right first try Captain Stewie oh good job dadge okay what do we have back here we have employee Peter Griffin we have a circle is this anything no okay and I'm leaving I can't find anything else let's go on the Roof oh yeah we found Spider-Man earlier oh that sign was something that to grab okay so now we have many to go all right here's the index we got a couple comments still the town statue at the heart of the map now let's go do that oh actually we have all these hobbies to do so let's actually do these is this sign maybe the sign is one let's check no oh there was one hidden Brian Griffin silly but here we go this is gonna be hard with all these uh assessors everywhere more Cuban guys stop bumping me please oh my gosh no it's just gonna be so dangerous okay come on give me a checkpoint because we're gonna get knocked off one of these sausages gonna do it and Bam okay oh let's not die okay just nice and easy I'm a professional at Arby's one of the best in the world bam we got jump on these sassy balls okay just nice and easy and I think I'm alone everyone that has fallen so far it shows how good I am okay I'm just gonna double jump across this because I don't even want to guess look at that bam fancy Peter okay up the rainbow steps and what do we do here I'm just gonna double jump I don't care just go bam I'm Stewie walking Brian okay good double jump double jump and Superman okay so I did all of them first try pretty easy I'm at 141 out of 174. all right let's go do the town statue where is that oh right here so apparently yeah okay so we're just gonna scroll down and see which ones I missed we have Harry Potter Under the Stairs which stairs could those be you'd have to check every single place guys please trying to click it's not working so probably not these stairs let's go to uh yeah I'm gonna have to check each house this is gonna be annoying I can probably get this one in the meantime live at the crime scene where was the crime scene I already forgot well I don't remember so let's go here Harry Potter anyone yeah I don't okay Opie claws that's a bunch of cool toys to give to the kids okay so that's gotta be like in in this building here the toy factory so let's head in where are you Opie claws maybe it's like in one of the windows I just didn't see them oh I click that screw what we got you guys know how it is squid game come on Friends okay good we'll just let them go we go to the red one here good job don't you can do it oh don't you know but thank you Dougs for sacrificing yourself Chad engineer doge is now Dead Forever permanent death in this game Let's climb up this and go on to the second floor maybe I just missed an easy one yep there he is I have not been up here Opie claws oh and there's one in here clown Stewie so I think that's everything in the factory need 30 more new Brian behind a certain TV at Griffin house okay well let's go back to the Griffin house and where's our TV here it is I don't seem to see it it did say a certain TV alright so let's head upstairs well here's a TV but I'm not seeing it oh baby Peter okay we just found one in the picture there good good job doja's what about up here no no TV here okay oh where is it oh I just clicked the piano Okay click to start we do okay well I play music I guess okay oh I hit the wrong one I have to start all over oh my gosh this is Korean dude get on my way wait so I can touch the white I just discovered so I just gotta just run around like this okay I don't have to jump as long as I don't touch the wrong key then it counts and jumping's bad because you bump into other saucers and you fail all right last one come on done now we get Lois playing the piano legendary and then there's this beat up kid back here piano kid all right let's get out of here I still don't know what this switch is for oh we've been down here before it said behind a certain TV which one behind a certain TV at Griffin house oh it's not this TV oh I can't find it Cookie Monster cookie in the kitchen we did see a house that had a giant cookie oh yeah there's a cookie okay we clicked the cookie so what do we do and all right we just do the green that's it we just only do green and we get Cookie Monster all right well that was easy still can't find the new Brian let's continue down reading Meg in a quiet place wait I don't I don't know where that is Elmer the doctor working on the missiles would that be the the Rockets over here see if we can find them hiding back here God I'm Elmer the doctor Stewie driving look at my cool new whip so maybe one of the cars has him so here's a car can I go in no here's another car this one's looking pretty cool oh okay well yeah he wasn't here sniper God a shooting from the heavens how did I miss him because we did all that Obby where are you sniper God I do not see him anywhere Army Lois says stop shooting at me where the heck would she be at well there's guns in here can I click on this gun I can I'm forced in first person I'm short I can't see bam bam bam yeah we're just gonna stand here dude move you stupid toast I wonder what my score has to be it's really sensitive I'm only getting headshots because I'm a professional gamer score of 25 second enough you found Stewie shooting okay get score of 15. okay oh there look sniper Gods up there so come on oh man and then now it's Lois back here wait yes yeah we found three in here that's amazing all right let's get out bam wait I'm still stuck in first person mode uh let's reset let me out first person please dude I'm still stuck okay I'm gonna rejoin all right we're back we got sustain music let's mute it 154 out of 174 we need 20 more Brewing Brian drinking with the boys okay we gotta go to the bar that's right here the delicious clam there's gotta be something to click in here about this mug interact okay so we click each one of these mugs I found 13 of 15 hello oh there's this 14 and then 15. dude let me click it stupid game all right here he is brewing Brian evil Cookie Monster there's an evil Cookie a moga oh there's someone here reading okay reading Meg Griffin so we missed that one we're at the point where we have to start looking a lot uh carefully oh yeah we still have this to find but to find a key hidden at the school okay it's not in any of these lockers so where is this key not in the cafeteria it's probably in here there's just so many books and stuff where is that key oh am I being sus okay I guess that's not anything where's the stupid key we also need a password well let's just try 69. no uh cannot find the password what fits in here yeah I don't know I don't even want to waste my time in here I really want to find the stupid Harry Potter so under Under the Stairs what about under here oh okay well we found Harry Potter that was anticlimactic so we have found all the commons then we have reporter live at the crime scene oh yeah we gotta go uh to a crime scene so let's head back here and let's see if there's something to click without the remote oh okay oh there she is got her anything else in here we got a ladder hey guys keep looking behind the TV behind the TV new Brian so there we go nice we just found two in here awesome 159 at the 174 only 15 left we're gonna get all of them next up Ida Davis the deli looks nice from up here okay so let's head to the deli oh wait the deli's over here that's the burger shop and I don't think we ever checked the roof so let's uh jump on oh okay I did if there she is anything else what's this anything I do here do I go inside of it hello wait that's all the rare so we got all the rares so now we have the epics we have toilet Stewie dirty kid lots of dust for the dirty kid someone said chimney I'm assuming they're talking about these massive chimneys so let's try to find him all right do we just like get on top of it and go in below let me in stupid chimneys hello that looks like a door look oh yeah that's a there we go dirty kid remember how we went into that uh big toilet maybe that's where all the toilet characters are and we just missed them but where the heck is the toilet I totally forgot let's go to the Griffin house I think it's in here yeah okay so let's go into the toilet so we just did the one and we found them but maybe I can just yeah see I can actually walk on the toilet bowl I think it's just the yellow that kills you yeah so let's go on the toilet can I go down here no the water kills you as well okay let's run around any more toilets oh here we go toilets dude okay so we got toilet Stewie there's also toilet Quagmire where the heck is he at hello toilet anywhere well let's uh try to go back on top of this thing yeah this is gonna be pain um I'm already failing so we got this guy uh what about back here yeah see that so stuff back here and toy like Chris where does this take me please don't kill me okay it made me leave let's go back in well it's gonna be around here let me in please I just failed miserably oh well okay that works toilet Quagmire okay I think we got all the toilets let's try this one Bruce these cops will never find me probably at the police station so let's go here find the blue key wait what because I reloaded so we got the key let's go to the police station and let's find Bruce maybe he's in one one of these cabinets no gotta be extra uh investigative like let's go under the desk here anything out of the uh you shall see okay so we have this color difference here that means it's a hidden wall everything else yeah see oh and here we go Bruce so you just gotta look for all these different like color things usually means it's a hidden door hacker Brian that has to do with a computer somewhere but someone said there's a key in the playground so where is the key uh in one of these things oh I just saw it under this bam wait what's this unlocking oh the locker I thought that would be like an orange key and then I guess I clicked that or step into that all right well let's head on in and do I click it Okay click it 685-2907 so let's head to the computer here 685-2907 and then we got hacker Brian interesting I did not expect that at all golden Brian Griffin hidden in plain sight there's got to be a plane somewhere I'm wrong it's actually in the Griffin house you have to walk through a wall from what I'm being told in the Attic how do we get there oh we go this way and then we go up here so apparently there's like a hole somewhere maybe I'm wrong where is it oh it's right here okay yeah hidden in a plain sight I don't get that but whatever thanks to my sassy fans georgetownson plotting on the school so this is probably at the school as well so let's head to the high school and I'm being told to go onto the roof so let's head on up and where the heck could this be he's plotting is there like a hidden wall in one of these no let's follow the dragon the dragon might know no dragon doesn't know oh hey guys oh okay so see fans are always right for this do we reading I'm being told it's in the Mansion it's probably in the same area as this bookcase we gotta go open it up again so we click the book look I'm moving while it's doing the cut scene hey hello below and I go okay so he's got to be in here then wall hello I'm being told you have to go outside so let's go outside let's look for like a hidden compartment or something oh I see it do you see it look at the discoloration up here that's where it's gonna be or something's in here and yeah there we go so just gotta keep looking for things like that or just have an army of sussy fans that know where things are and the painting I've been watching over this building for years apparently it's in the Mansion here I just missed it so let's head on in and it's probably one of these paintings I just gotta yeah not that one what about this one not that one is it this one there it is okay Mike Wazowski I'm not going to scare anyone from this closet so we gotta find a closet if I remember each of these rooms has a closet so not that one is it in this one that's not it is it in here oh yep you just click it and it opens there we go so we got three more to find maybe Quagmire I sure hope this older fellow is a good person so maybe with the old people let's go to Quagmire's house because the old guy I'm also being told that it's in here so there it is that hint is actually pretty good anyway we got like two more I think yeah evil Cookie Monster a mogus apparently I missed it when we did that uh cookie Obby so let's head back in and let's go look for it oh yeah see that cookie looked different and here he is all right we got one more the last one is space dinosaur I think we have to go back up to space so let's go to the rocket and I think I pressed the red button yeah okay and we want to go to the Moon which is uh over here that's the Moon is that Doge up there so here we are at the Moon let's go inside let's look yeah hello where is it look for uh any discolored walls I don't see any I do see something on the roof let's go on the roof low and oh look at that that's a door okay and space dinosaur we did it ladies and gentlemen 174 out of 174 with my sassy fans helping me just another game that I dominated oh hey I got them all Mr Dragon are you really surprised thank you
Channel: VitaminDeliciousTV
Views: 1,945,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2tIFPeZv24Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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